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TABLE OF CONTENTS III. LITERARY Genres 1 1. General Aspects 1 1.1. Ancient Models I 1.2. Mediaeval Survivals 10 1.3. New Inventions 15 2. Poetry 21 2.1. Heroic and Didactic Poetry 24 2.2. Descriptive and Epideictic Poetry (Laudes, Encomia, Silvae etc.) 46 2.2.1. Praise of Towns, Gardens etc 46 2.2.2. Ruin Poems 51 2.2.3. Games and Hunting 52 2.2.4. Travel Poems: Hodoeporica, Navigationes etc 54 2.2.5. Pageants, Calamities etc 59 2.2.6. "Fasti" 61 2.3. Bucolic Poetry 62 2.4. Satires and Metrical Epistles 67 2.4.1. "Satirae" and "Sermones" 68 2.4.2. Menippean Satires 74 2.4.3. Metrical Letters & "Heroides" 76 2.5. Lyrical Poetry 79 2.5.1. Elegiac Poetry 80 2.5.2. Horatian Odes 86 2.5.3. Pindaric Odes 92 2.5.4. Hendecasyllables, Anacreontics 95 2.5.5. Galliambics 98 2.5.6. Rhyming Verse 99 2.6. Occasional Poetry: Epithalamia, Epicedia, Gratula- tiones etc 100 2.7. Hymns 104 2.8. Psalms and Other Biblical Paraphrases 108 2.9. Epigrammatic Poetry Ill 2.9.1. Satirical and Humorous Epigrams 112 2.9.2. Descriptive Epigrams: "Instrumenta" etc ... 117
Titel | Humanistica Lovaniensia : Supplementa / 14 |
Übergeordneter Titel | Humanistica Lovaniensia : Supplementa |
Bandangabe | 14 |
Signatur | 12A8463-2 |
Typ | Text |
Dateiformat | image/tiff |
Katkey | 753933 Druckausgabe bestellen |
Rechteinformation | gemeinfrei |
Quellenangabe | Namensnennung "Universitäts- und Stadtbibliothek Köln" bei Nachnutzung erwünscht |
Titel | Seite 1 |
Volltext | TABLE OF CONTENTS III. LITERARY Genres 1 1. General Aspects 1 1.1. Ancient Models I 1.2. Mediaeval Survivals 10 1.3. New Inventions 15 2. Poetry 21 2.1. Heroic and Didactic Poetry 24 2.2. Descriptive and Epideictic Poetry (Laudes, Encomia, Silvae etc.) 46 2.2.1. Praise of Towns, Gardens etc 46 2.2.2. Ruin Poems 51 2.2.3. Games and Hunting 52 2.2.4. Travel Poems: Hodoeporica, Navigationes etc 54 2.2.5. Pageants, Calamities etc 59 2.2.6. "Fasti" 61 2.3. Bucolic Poetry 62 2.4. Satires and Metrical Epistles 67 2.4.1. "Satirae" and "Sermones" 68 2.4.2. Menippean Satires 74 2.4.3. Metrical Letters & "Heroides" 76 2.5. Lyrical Poetry 79 2.5.1. Elegiac Poetry 80 2.5.2. Horatian Odes 86 2.5.3. Pindaric Odes 92 2.5.4. Hendecasyllables, Anacreontics 95 2.5.5. Galliambics 98 2.5.6. Rhyming Verse 99 2.6. Occasional Poetry: Epithalamia, Epicedia, Gratula- tiones etc 100 2.7. Hymns 104 2.8. Psalms and Other Biblical Paraphrases 108 2.9. Epigrammatic Poetry Ill 2.9.1. Satirical and Humorous Epigrams 112 2.9.2. Descriptive Epigrams: "Instrumenta" etc ... 117 |
Rechteinformation | gemeinfrei |
Quellenangabe | Namensnennung "Universitäts- und Stadtbibliothek Köln" bei Nachnutzung erwünscht |