Director's Letter
4 David Raizman
In This Issue
5 Jordana Moore Saggese
Infinite Returns
Artist's Project: linn meyers
Jordan Amirkhani
6 As Nature and As Bodies Do: linn heyers's Graph Paper Drawings
linn meyers
16 Exquisite Corpse
Tiffany E. Barber •
18 Narcissister, a Truly Kinky Artist
Faye Gleisser •
34 Thresholds of Address: Sensorial Returns to Slavery in Jacqueline Tarry and
Bradley McCalluln's Topsy Tury
Daniel Hackbarth
56 Raoul Hauslnann's Infrared Photography: Energy and
Perceptual Education after Dada
Andrew Wasserman
74 A Pretty Good Idea: Bernard Lown's Nuclear Test Thermometers
Michelle Maydanchik
90 The Performative Stils of Early Moscow Actionish
Object Lessons
Nathan Friedman
110 The US-Mexico Border Fence
Cesar Lopez
112 The US-Mexico Border River
114 Hannah le Roux Bon Lucia Allais, Designs of Destruction:The Making of Monuments in the
Twentieth Century and Sahia Henni, Architecture of Counterrevolution:The French Army in
Northern Aleria; Pahela N. Corey Bon T. K. Sabapathy, Writin the Modern: Selected Texts
an Art and Art History in Singapore, Malaysia, Band Southeast Asia, 1973-2015; Katalin Cseh-
Varga Bon Klara Kemp-Welch, Networking the Bloc: Experimental Art in Eastern Europe,
1965-1981; and Michael Corris Bon the exhibition MayYou Live in Interesting Times
Director's Letter
4 David Raizman
In This Issue
5 Jordana Moore Saggese
Infinite Returns
Artist's Project: linn meyers
Jordan Amirkhani
6 As Nature and As Bodies Do: linn heyers's Graph Paper Drawings
linn meyers
16 Exquisite Corpse
Tiffany E. Barber •
18 Narcissister, a Truly Kinky Artist
Faye Gleisser •
34 Thresholds of Address: Sensorial Returns to Slavery in Jacqueline Tarry and
Bradley McCalluln's Topsy Tury
Daniel Hackbarth
56 Raoul Hauslnann's Infrared Photography: Energy and
Perceptual Education after Dada
Andrew Wasserman
74 A Pretty Good Idea: Bernard Lown's Nuclear Test Thermometers
Michelle Maydanchik
90 The Performative Stils of Early Moscow Actionish
Object Lessons
Nathan Friedman
110 The US-Mexico Border Fence
Cesar Lopez
112 The US-Mexico Border River
114 Hannah le Roux Bon Lucia Allais, Designs of Destruction:The Making of Monuments in the
Twentieth Century and Sahia Henni, Architecture of Counterrevolution:The French Army in
Northern Aleria; Pahela N. Corey Bon T. K. Sabapathy, Writin the Modern: Selected Texts
an Art and Art History in Singapore, Malaysia, Band Southeast Asia, 1973-2015; Katalin Cseh-
Varga Bon Klara Kemp-Welch, Networking the Bloc: Experimental Art in Eastern Europe,
1965-1981; and Michael Corris Bon the exhibition MayYou Live in Interesting Times