I n d e x o f P e r s o n ' s N a m e s ,
A r t W o r k s , E x h i b i t i o n s ,
O r g a n i s a t i o n s
8i 75
55 Days at Peking 226
ABL Centre 9
Abma, Тгпеке II4
About Looking 29
Academia Vitae, Deventer NL 24
Actual Minds, Possible Worlds 159
Adolescence in fiction: Caravaggio's portrayal
of adolescence 28,257
Adolescent Brain: Changes in Learning,
Decision-Making and Social Relations,
The 149
"Adolescent Novel, The" 26, 179
Adriaanse, Hans 24
Al Buco 39, 40
Alice in Wonderland 150
Alphaville 137
Alphen, Ernst ran 15, 25, 87, 103, 151,
200, 255, 256, 259, 261, 287
Ankersmit, Frank 22
Antonioni, Michelangelo 81
Après-midi d'un faune, L' 167
Aquinas, Thomas 65
Aragon, Louis 76
Aristotle 60, 63, 100, 105, 14I, 263, 289
Armando (Herman Dirk ran
Dodeiueerd) 25, 103
Armando: Shaping Memory 103
Art in Mind 25
ArtEZ Press, Arnhem NL 10
ArtEZ University of the Arts, Zvuolle NL
9, 10
Arts and the Creation of Mind, The 256
As You like It 137, 139, I40, Ц2, 145, 146,
148, 150, 159, 289
"At the Other's Play: To Dream" 176
Audio-Vision: Sound on Screen 106
Auerbach, Erich 213
Autoritratto iramaginario 35, 36, 38, 4I,
43, 44, 46, 69, 91, 131, 289
Bachelard, Gaston 89, 90, 101
Bacon, Francis 25, 86
Bakhtin, Mikhail 207, 216, 222, 238, 239,
Bal, Mieke 10, 15, 17, 25, 29, 40, 50, 51,
66, 74, 131, 132, 139, 162, 182, 200, 247
255, 261, 287
Balzac, Honoré de 139, I40
Banjàeld, Ann 17, 158, 171
Barrett, Terry 22
Barthes, Roland 22, 109, II4, 139, I40,
164, 169, 259, 287
Baudrillard, Jean 107, 131, 199
BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation),
UK 74, 138, 142
Beauty of Youth, The 132, 137, 189, 191
Being a Character: Psychoanalysis and Self
Experience 16, 258
Beljon, J.J. 84
Bell, Jamie 139
Bell, Vanesea 164
Bellori, Giovanni 91
Berger, John 30, 75
Bergson, Henri 28, 127, 150, 158
Besson, Luc 117
Biographia Literaria 19
Birmingham University, UK 27
Birth of the Cool 221
Blanchot, Maurice 87
Blandford, Steve 76
Bloom, Harold 66, 148-150, 261, 289
Bios, Peter 27, 70, 155, 162, 164, 169
"Blue Moon" 244, 245
Boer, Inge 182
Bollas, Christopher 16-19, 21, 22, 29, 36,
47, 52, 73, 94, 95, 114, 131, 132, 138,
142, 150, 172, 176-179, 184, 213, 256,
258, 259, 262,288
Bologna, Ferdinando 67
Boomkens, René 114» 197
Borghese, Cardinal Scipione 50
Botnie, David 192, 207
Boyer, G. Bruce 249
Boyle, Danny 116
Boyz in the Hood 116
Branagh, Kenneth 137, 139
Brando, Marlon 225, 249
Breton, André 76
Brooks, Peter 1Д.0, 195, 198
Bruckner, Anton 19
Bruner, Jerome S. 159, 160
Bryson, Norman 25
Buck-Morss, Susan, 123
Bull, Duncan 105
Burne-Jones, Eduard 164
Burnin' & Lootin' 116
Burton, Tirn 150
Butler, Judith 24, 26, 27, 1Ц, 191
Byron, Lord (George Gordon) 19, 196
Calling of St. Matthew, The 50, 91
Camus, Albert 211, 212, 234
Caravaggio 68, 97, 98, 104
Caravaggio (Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio)
12, 32, 35-37, 40, 46, 49, 50, 51,
: 55, 57-60, 62-70, 73-88, 91, 93, 94,
96-100, 102-110, 113, 116, 118, 119, 121,
; 129-131, 146, 149, 159, 166, 169, 180,
190, 192, 200, 205, 206, 209, 215, 221,
228, 232, 237, 263, 289
Cassani, Silvia 49
Cassavetes, John 117, 118
Cassel, Vincent 119, 125
Catcher in the Rye, The 233
Chion, Michel 106, 160
Chronos 133
Cinema 1 27, 28
Cinema 2 28, 81
Citizen Kane 304
Claudio 38
Clift, Montgomery 249
Clowns 209
- Cold Lazarus 74
Coldness and Cruelty 44
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor 19, 20, 159
Comenius, Jan Amos 24, 262
Copernicus, Nicolaos 97
Correggio, Antonio da 74
Couper, William 159
Crisp, Quentin 154
Critique of Everyday Life 199
Croce, Benedetto 25
Crone, Eveline 149
Culler, Jonathan 255
Cut Killer, DJ (Anouar Hajoui) 124
Cy Twombly's Quattro Stagioni: Studies in
Art-Based Learning 10
Daldry, Stephen 139
Damisch, Hubert 15, 25, 75, 151, 200, 255,
* 256
Dante, Alighieri 208, 217
* Dark at the End of the Tunnel 16, 19
. David with the Head of Goliath 49, 50, 55,
58, 60, 64, 66, 69, 73, 78, 80, 82, 88-90,
93-96, 100-102, 104, 106, 107, 119, 131,
Davide e Golia Д1, 42, 62
Davis, Miles 221
De Martelaere, Patricia 138
Dean, James 28, 206, 208, 215, 216, 220,
227, 228, 239, 249
Dear Wendy 137, 139, 195, 196, 198, 199,
DeatA of a Discipline 23, 24
Death of Comedy, The 143
Debord, Guy 198, 199
Debussy, Claude 167
Deleuze, Gilles 27, 28, 44, 45, 57, 78, 81,
87, 131, 150, 100
Dernière Mode, La 167
Derrida, Jacques 85
Dialectics of Seeing, The 123
Dijk, Yra van 165
Dino Pedriali 37
"Dino Pedriali: Rappresentazione di anima
e di corpo" 37
Divina Commedia 208, 217
Dolci, Carlo 50
Doleźel, LubomiT 20, 21, 35, 98, 243
Dostoyevsky, Fyodor 207, 212, 217, 238,
Douland, John 164
Drempelwereld: Moderne ervartng en
stedelijke openbaarheid, Een 114
Driel, Hans van 57
Duchamp, Marcel 247
Dunk, Hermann von der 252
East of Eden 220
Eco, Umberto 64, 65
"Edvard Munch" 18
Eight Symphony 19
Einstein on the Beach 162
Eisner, Elliot 23, 256
Éluard, Paul 76
Ema: Nude on a Staircase 10
Emin, Tracey 207
Erasmus, Desiderius 24
Ethica Nicomachea 60
European Commission 24
Evans, Dylan 221
Evocative Object World, The 132
Experiment in Criticism, An I4I, 259
Fassbinder, Rainer Werner 118
Fellini, Federico 75, 76
Film Studies Dictionary, The 76
Ein-de-Siècle Culture of Adolescence 27
Fisherboy from Nice 18
Flame of a Candle, The 90
Foucault, Michel 22, 69, 98, 99, 109, 114,
121, 132, 244, 262, 263
Freud, Sigmund 18, 22, 44, 51, 62, 63, 69,
81, 85, 95, 101, 109, 177, 196, 220, 221
Freud en fictie: Literaire genres vanuit
psychoanalytisch perspectief 63
FTiedlander, Walter 105
Fry, Roger 158, 167, 171
Fuseli, Henry 255
Game of Youth, The 205, 215
Garant Uitgevers, BE 9
Gender Trouble 27, 191
Genet, Jean 250
Genette, Gérard 255
Gentileschi, Orazio 50
Giant 208, 220
Gingell, John 26
Glass, Philip 162
Godard, Jean-Luc 28, 37, 118, 123, 137,
Grant, Duncan 164
Groot, Sam de 10, 11
Guattari, Félix 78, 199
Günther, Ignaz 133
Hajjner, Enrico 50
Haine, La 83, 110, 113-116, 118-120, 122-
124, 126, 128-131, 198, 289
Hall, Stuart 27, 109
Halpem, Richard 151
Index of Person's Names, Art Works, Exhibitions, Organisations
Harrison, George B. I48
Hazekamp, Risk 202, 205-211, 219, 228,
263, 289
Hebdige, Dick 27, 190-192, 250, 252, 257,
Heretical Empiricism 37
Hertzberg, Ludvig 245, 249
Heusden, Barend van 17
Hibbard, Howard 97, 98
Hiding in the Light 27, 39, 190, 250
Higbee, Will 116,117,129
History of Beauty 64, 65
Hitchcock, Alfred 217
Hoffmann, E.T.A. 101
Hogarth Press, UK 161
"Home" 262
Howard, Bryce Dallas 139
Hughes, Ted 145, 146
Huizinga, Johan 252
Humboldt, Wilhelm von 23
"Hume over smaak" 138
Hume, David 138, 150, 158, 187
Huppert, Isabelle 162
Huyssen, Andreas 77
In de schaduw van het kunstwerk: art-based
learning in de praktijk 9
In hemelsnaam! 24
Interpretation of Dreams, The 18, 120
Introducing Shakespeare 1Д8
Jack off Jimmy 205, 206, 208, 210, 289
Jacobs, Timothy 216
Jakobson, Roman 161, 162
James, William 157
Jan Cunen Museum, Oss NL 9
Jarman, Derek 68, 105, 167
Jarmusch, Jim II4, 202, 206, 243,
245-250, 263, 289
Johnny Guitar 226, 245
Johnson, Mark 52, 65, 129
Jonson, Ben 159
Jonson, Milton 159
Judith Beheading Holofernes 50, 70
Kandinsky, Wassily 96, 245
Kassovitz, Mathieu 32, 36, 83, 110,
113-118, I2O-I24, 126-128, 131, 190,
263, 289
Kate, Laurens ten 69
Kazan, Elia 217
Keats, John 19, 159
Kill Bill 246
King Lear 143
Klamer, Arjo 24
Knightley, Keira 150
Kripke, Saul 35
Kristeva, Julia 26, 119, I4I, 179
Kubrick, Stanley 123
Kundera, Milan 223, 239
Kunsthal, Rotterdam NL 18
Lacan, Jacques 164, 221, 258
Lady Gaga (Stefani Joanne Angelina
Germanotta) 192
Lakoff, George 52, 65, 129
Lavin, Irving 67
Leegte, leegte die ademt 165
Lefebvre, Henri 199
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm 21, 28, 35,
36, 90
Léon 117
Leonardo da Vinci 25
Leoni, Ottavio 91
Lewis, C.S. 141, 150, 257, 259
Lewis, Jerry Lee 244
Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, The
Lighthouse, To the 139, 153, 166, 213
Literature and the Right to Death 87
Little Prince, The 227
Logic of Sense, The 87
Lorenz, Chris 118, 252
Lost paradise of the adolescent, The 28, 257
Louise Bourgeois' Spider: The Architecture of
Art-Writing 25
Lover's Discourse: Fragments, A I40, 169
Lumière, Auguste and Louis 49
Lutters, Jeroen 182
Lynch, David 246
Lyotard, Jean-François 69, 191, 199
Macbeth 143
Madness and Civilization 99
Maguire, Laurie E. I48
Malcolm 225
Mallarmé, Stéphane 167
Manguel, Alberto 75
Manschot, Henk 69
Marin, Louis 105, 108
Marini, Maurizio 37, 40
Marley, Bob 116
Martyrdom of Saint Ursula, The 67
Mastroianni, Marcello 75
Matt, Peter von 63
Mathieu Kassovitz 117
McGuigan, Cathleen 245
Mediated: How the Media Shapes Your World
and the Way you Live in It 243
Medusa 70
Meer, Joris van der 161
Meeuse, Piet 89
Melancholy 103
Meninas Las 99, 262
Metahistory 196, 257
Metaphors We Live By 52, 65
Michelangelo (Michelangelo di Lodovico
Buonarroti Simoni) 39, 75
Mikhail Bakhtin: The Dialogical
Principle 238
Mimesis: The Representation of Reality in
Western Literature 213
Mirren, Helen I42
Mitchell, Joni 51
Moir, Alfred 64
Mooij, Antoine I64
Moore, G.E. 158
Mottled Screen: Reading Proust Visually,
The 17
Mrs. Dalloway 161
Muhammad Ali (Cassius Marcellus
Clay) 124
Mukarovsky, Jan 162
Mul, Jos de 27, 28
Mulholland Drive 246
Munch, Edvard 18, 87
Museum Arnhem, NL 38
Mystery of Things, The 184
Mystery Train 206, 243-246, 248, 250, 289
Myth of Sisyphus, The 234
Nabokov, Vladimir 171
Narrative Discourse 255
Neubauer, John 27
New Maladies of the Soul 26
Newman, John Henry 23
Index oj Person's Names, Art Works, Exhibitions, Organisations
Newman, Paul 249
Nexus Instituât, Tilburg NL 24
Nicholson, Nigel 161
Nietzsche, Friedrich 114i 150
Nijinsky, Vaslav 167
Nikita 117
Niro, Robert de 124
"No-Man's Land? Deserts and the Politics of
Space" 182
Novalis (Georg Friedrich Philipp Freiherr
von Hardenberg) 196
Nuijten, Kees 63
Nussbaum, Martha 23
"OJ Other Spaces" 98
О/ the Standard oj Taste 138
Ogen open 84
On Adolescence: A Psychoanalytic Interpreta-
: tion 27, 70, 155
"On Narcissism: An Introduction" 220
• On the Aesthetic Education of Man in a
Series of Letters I4I
On the Spiritual in Art 96
Oostpool theatre, Arnhem NL 161
Op poetische wijze: Handleiding voor het lezen
van po'èzxe 25
Orbison, Rag 248
Order of Things, The 99, 262
' Orlando 137, 139, 153, 155, 157, 159,
•- 161-164, 167, 171, 178, 180-182, 188,
192, 289
Orlando as a Boy 161
Os, Ben van 164
Os-Thompson, Wendy van 10
Pasolini Requiem 4I
Pasolini, Pier Paolo 36-38, 40-43, 45, 65,
66, 130
Pater, Walter 149
Pavel, Thomas G. 35, 73, 89
Pedriali, Dino 32, 35-47, 49-51, 56, 62,
64, 69, 91, 113, 118, 131, 190, 263, 289
Peeren, Esther 249
Peirce, Charles Sanders 57, 262
- Pensky, Max 108
Perkins, Carl 248, 250
Personal Camera; Subjective Cinema and the
Essay Film 37
Philosophy in the Flesh 52
Philosophy of Education 26
PiaJ, Édith I24
Picture of Dorian Gray, The 197
Piero della Francesco 25
Pierrot le fou 123
Pilar Blanco, Maria del 249
Pinckney, Darryl 182
Pirates of the Caribbean 150
Plato HI, 150
Playing and Reality 20
Poetic language of the adolescent: On the
beauty of otherness, The 28
Poetics 63, 106
Poetics of Plot: The Case of English
Renaissance Drama, The 73
Poetics of Space, The 89
Pomorska, Krystyna 132
Potter, Dennis 59, 74
Potter, Sally 153, 164, 165, 167
Poutain, Dick 220, 223
Powell, Sandy 164, 167
Powers of Horror: An Essay on
.^Abjection 119
Presley, Elvis 244, 248
Prometheus 255
Proust, Marcel 17, 159, 182
Puglisi, Catherine IO4, 105
Purcell, Henry 144, 164
Purdy, James 225
Quinn, Anthony 226
Quoting Caravaggio: Contemporay Art,
Preposterous History 25, 50
Rabelais and his World 132, 222
Rabelais, François 222, 223
Rajchman, John 150
RascaToli, Laura 37
Ray, Nicholas 12, 200, 202, 206, 215, 217,
219, 220-228, 231-234, 237-239, 241,
24З, 245, 248, 263, 289
Reading Pictures: What We Think About
When We Look at Art 75
Rebel, The 211
Rebel Without a Cause 206, 215, 217, 219,
220, 224, 226, 231-233, 237, 238, 245,
Rembrandt van Rijn 105
Renaissance: Studies in Art and Poetry,
The 149
Reni, Guido 35, 50
Representation: Cultural Representation and
Signifying Practices 109
Révolution du language poétique, La 179
Riemen, Rob 24
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam NL 105
Rimbaud, Arthur 199
Rtnasciía 37
Robins, David 220, 223
Rodriguez, Robert 246
Room of One's Own, A 159
Roosevelt College, Middelburg NL 24
Rorty, Richard 22, 209, 223, 240, 244, 259
Ruff, Thomas 97
Russell, Bertrand 17, 158, 162, 175
S/Z 22, 139, 140
Sacher-Masoch, Leopold von 44, 46
Sackville-West, Vita 161
Sade, Donatien Alphonse François, Marquis
De 44
Saïd, Edward 213
Saint-Exupéry, Antoine de 227
Salinger, J.D. 233
Sanders, René 199
Santé, Luc 245, 249
Savage Innocents, The 226
Scheulderman, Paul 11
Schiller, Friedrich 141, 170, 172, 289
Schmidt, Daniel 118
Schwartz, Barth David 35, 4I
Scream, The 87
Segal, Erich 14З, 144
Self Portrait 226
Semiosis: De semiotiek van С.S. Peirce
in verband gebracht met het verschijnsel
film, De 57
Shadow of the Object: Psychoanalysis of the
Unknown Thought, The 16, 22, 177
Shakespeare, William 66, 108, 132, 137,
139, I42-I46, 148-151, 153, 154, 159,
164, 167, 168, 188, 190, 197, 201, 263
Shakespeare Among the Moderns 151
Shakespeare: The Invention of the
Human 66, 148
"Shakespeare's Sister" 159
Shelley, Percy Byssche 19, 159
Index о/ Person's Names, Art Works, Exhibitions, Organisations
Sherman, Cindy 209
Simulacra and Simulation 107
Sin City 24.6
Singleton, John 116
Slaujenski, Kenneth 233
Society of the Spectacle 198
"Some Consequences of Four
Incapacities" 262
Son and Father 27
Sontag, Susan 225
Speak, Memory 171
Spinoza, Baruch 90, 103
Spivak, Gauatri Chakrauorty 23, 24, 261,
262, 290
Stars 97
Stein, Gertrude 188, 234
Steiner, George 78, 83
Sterne, Laurence 157, 159
Stone Gods, The 83
Strand, Paul 30
Street Kids, The 41, 66
Strozzi, Bernardo 50
Study after Velazquez's Portrait of Pope
Inncocent X 86, 87
Subculture: The Meaning of Style 27, 250
Subway 117
Suinton, Tilda 139, 154, 165, 167
Tarantino, Quentin 246, 247
Taxi Driver 124
Taylor, John Russell 76
Teaching Objects: Studies in Art-Based
Learning 10
Testamento del corpo 38
To the Lighthouse 139,153,166,213
Todorov, Tzvetan 238, 239
Totem and Taboo 62, 63
Trade of the Teacher: Visual Thinking with
Mieke Bal, The 10
Trainspotting 116
Travelling Concepts in the Humanities 261
Travelogue 51
Treffers, Bert 67
Twelfth Night or What You Will I40
Twilight Memories: Marking Time in a
Culture of Amnesia 77
"Tuo Aspects of Language" 161
Umberto 38, Ą2
Unbearable Lightness of Being, The 223,239
University College, Utrecht NL 24
Valiz, Amsterdam NL 10
Venus im Pelz 44
Verf en Verderf: Lezen in Rembrandt 25
Verna Galerie, Annemarie, Zürich CH 182
Verstraten, Peter 246, 247
Vinterberg, Thomas 108, 114, 132, 134,
137, 139, 190, 195-201, 263, 289
Visser, Ad de 75
Voice in Cinema, The 160
Vorstermans, Astrid 10
Vos, Joeri 161
Vries, Hent de 165
Waves, The 139, 153, 166, 167
Weiermair, Peter 37, 46
Welles, Orson 77
Weststeijn, Willem 162
"What is English Literature?" 188
Where Shall Wisdom Be Found? 149
White, Hayden 196, 257
Whitehead, Alfred North 165
Widdershoven, Guy 114
Wild One, The 225
Wilde, Oscar 197
Wilson, Robert 162, 181, 182
Winch, Christopher 26
Winnicott, Donald 16, 20, 28, 213
Winterson, Jeanette 83
Wittgenstein, Luduig 195
Wood, Nathalie 234
Woolf, Leonard 153
Woolf, Virginia 12, 108, 132, 134, 137-139
151, 153, 155, 157-159, 161, 163, 164,
166-172, 176. 180-184, 187-192, 196,
197, 200, 201, 206, 208, 213, 215, 217,
228, 237, 255, 263, 289
Wordsuorth, William 19, 159
Zengotita, Thomas de 243
Zombies, The 139, 195
A-thinking 160, 184, 211
ABL, see Art-Based, Learning
Adolescence/adolescent 15, 26-29, 35,
38-41, 43, 45-47, 49, 52, 57, 60, 63-67,
69, 70, 73, 74, 76-80, 83, 85, 87-90, 93,
95, 98, 99, 101-105, 107-109, 113, 114,
116, 118, 120, 122, 123, 126, 128-131,
137, 139, 140, 14£, 144-150, 153, 155,
157-160, 162-165, 168-172, 175, 177,
179, 181-183, 187, 189-193, 195, 197-
199, 205-209, 212, 213, 215-217, 221,
223, 225-228, 233, 237, 239, 240, 243,
246, 247, 249-251, 256, 257, 259, 263,
288, 289
Androgyny/androgynous 159, 177, 208
Anthropomorphic empiricism 37, 4O
Ars moriendi 123-126
Art-Based Education 16
Art-Based Learning 9, 10, 11, 15-17,
19-29, 36, 37, 46, 47, 51, 52, 63, 65, 68,
69, 75, 76, 89, 91, 105, 108, 109, II4,
131, 132, 138-140, I48, 150, 179, 184,
199, 205, 239, 244, 256, 259, 260-263,
Baroque 25, 35, 36, 41, 49-51, 64-66, 69,
74-76, 95-97, 104, 121, 123, I44, 148,
192, 209
Bildung 23, 24, 225
Biography/(auto)biographical 10, 27, 75,
IO4, 139, 153, 161, 196
Chaos 63, 74, 93, 97, 120, 121, I44, 197,
Chiaroscuro 37, 40, 50, 63, 67, 68, 74, 82,
88, 103, 105, 106, 108, 109, 113, 116,
121, 132, 144, 159, 166, 169, 205, 209
Chronos 50, 73, 75, 79, 81, 91, 93, 160,
Close reading 18, 19, I40, 290
Consciousness 66, 150, 184, 196* 213
Core Curriculum 23
Cultural analysis 263, 287
Cyberspace 28
Dandy 196, 198, 200
Darkness 36, 37, 41-43, 45, 46, 50, 56,
59, 64, 67, 70, 85, 87, 93, 95, 98-105,
107, 116, 121, 127, 128, 130, 137, I46,
149, 212
Death of the author 22
Didactic(s) 15, 24, 29, 223, 256, 262, 287
Doubt 63, 104, 105, 146, 152, 169, 174,
176, 177, 180, 209, 212, 217, 219, 244,
Dream 16, 18, 25, 38, 40, 68, 69, 75, 76,
89, 94, 95, 127, 129, Ц7, 155, 157, 159,
171, 175-178, 181, 182, 184, 187-189,
196, 199, 212, 225, 247, 251, 258, 263
Dream-thought 69
Duration 127, 165
Einstein Generation (Generation Y) 247
Elysium 201
Epiphany 144, 196
Eros 45, 50, 55, 57, 63, 69, 73, 80, 81, 93,
144, 205
Friendship 24, 130, 169, 261, 290
Gender 27, I48, 155, 176, 177, 180, 191
Great Works 23, 26
Hades 130,196
Homo faber 189
Homo poeticus 171
Homo sapiens 171
Hypnos 93, 159-161, 173, 175, 187, 201
Identity 16, 26-28, 63, 87, 109, Ц2, 159,
162, 163, 167, 177, 181, 183, 187, 189,
191, 197, 215, 221, 261
Inferno 127
Irony 29, 36, 46, 91, 122, 209, 212, 217,
219, 223, 249, 252, 257, 289
Liberal Arts 11, 23, 24
Libertarian 222, 240, 241
Light 18, 36-41, 45, 46, 50, 51, 59, 61,
64-70, 74, 77, 80, 83, 89, 97, 102, 103,
105, 107, 108, 121, 122, 124, 130, 137,
145, 150, 151, 158, 181, 182, 209, 232
Literature 17, 23, 24, 36, 131, 159, 160,
179, 190, 206, 213
Lire Theory 23
Mathematical time 127
Mathetics 24, 262, 290
Mimesis 17, 63, 80, 105
Modernism(Post) 69, 90, 167, 199, 206
Monologue intérieur 76, 165, 217
Morpheus 159, 175, 183, 187, 206
Narcissism/narcissist 211, 221, 225, 227,
228, 231, 234, 238, 248
Narcissus 210, 211, 219-221, 227, 237
Oedipal 61,63,120
Organic(In-) 84, 85, 123, 130, 159, 169,
192, 196
Orpheus 196
Pandora's box 212
Perspective 17, 25, 51, 69, 75, 79, 88, 95,
122, 146, 161, 176, 190, 197, 211, 215,
217, 239, 240, 244, 247, 256
Phantasos 187, 206
Poetic language 167, 179
Possible worlds 11, 21, 22, 35, 36, 52, 69,
77, 93, 99, 100, 131, 132, 150, 158, 196,
Prometheus 210, 211, 237, 240
Psyche 16, 89, IO4, 158, 159, 171, 181, 182,
Quoted speech 132
R-thmking 160 :
Reader 21, 22, 29. 109. 113, 114,'140, I48,
• 150,1163, 165, 166. 169. 179, 183, 189,
190, 198, 208. 259, 288 ¿ :
.. Risparmio 67
Satire 180, 207, 209, 212
Self-experience 17.20.73,94,108
Semiotic(s) 22,27,57,65,109,140
Silence * 68, 86, 87, 96, 106, 107, 165, 166,
190 -,
Simulacrum 105, 107, 130
Sisyphus 210,211,234,237
Speaking object 17, 21, 29, 52, 89, 93, 95,
99, 131, 132, 138, 148, 150, 153, 189,
260, 288 ;. ".
- Spectator 18-22, 29, 40-43/47, 51, 56, 60,
i1 ' 63, 67-69, 75, 83, 87, 89, 91, 95, 96, 103,-
105, 118-120, 126, 127, 138, 143,
198, 208, 209, 211, 222, 224, 231-234,
; 247, 259, 288 . <
Stream of conciousness 139, Ц8/157-159,
' -'166, 169, 172, 178, 196, 206 > *
Styx 125 - v
Surrealism/surrealist 75, 76; 89, 177
Suspension of disbelief 19, 20, 99
Syncopation 175, 178, 179
Thanatos 45, 50, 81, 93, 94, 130, 146, 160
' 205 - .-.
Tragedy 29, 36, 37, 62, 63, 98, 100, 106
115, 117, 127, 129, 130, 132,'l44,157,'
167, 170, 179, 180, 188, 192, 193,495,,
. ¿ 201, 209, 212, 217, 221, 223, 226-228,
233, 239, 241, 250, 257
Transformation 19, 79, 123, 147, 176, 178,
Visual arts 9, 28, 36, 131, 160, 200
Vitality 41, 44, 55, 85, 178, 220
Youth and Beauty 27, 29, 198
Youth and Death 27, 29, 50, 69, 79, 83, 90,
108, 109, 113, 114, 116, 131, 141