Aborigines 16, 72-86, 90-2,123,133-5
accommodation 33, 73, 77-84,91,215
Adelaide 16, 74, 78-80, 82, 84,120,122,
Admiralty, British 11
Aesthetic Movement 146-9,152
Afghan war 35, 37
Agra 33,38,41,45,179
Albert, Prince 167-8,175,177,186
albums 3, 6,11 17,120-36, 233
Allahabad 32-3,181
Amateur 6-7, 11, 14, 73, 77,121,125,
128-9,132,136, 200, 227, 230
American War of Independence 51
animals 2, 8, 44, 57, 63, 88, 103,155-7,
179-80,203, 209
Antigua 51, 53-5, 58-60,64,66
Australia 3, 7,12,16, 72-92,120-4,
Bahadur Shah II, Mughal Emperor 45,
Bangalore 34
Barrackpore 44
Beatrice, Princess 14
Belnos, Sophia 12
Berkeley, Martha 74, 77-81,83-4, 91-2
В ethnal Green Museum 181-2
Bihar 32
Blythe Hall 193,195,198,200-1,207
Bologna 43
Bombay 14, 32-4, 39-40,42-3, 45,100,
106, 111
Bonaparte, Napoleon 109
botanical painting. See flower painting
botany and botanical specimens 9-10,
40,104, 120-1, 123-7,129-31,136,
Brassey, Anna ('Annie') 9,17,143-4,
Brassey, Thomas 143,145,148-9, 157
Brazil 32,100
Britain 9-11,15-16,18-19, 36, 40-1,
43-6, 54, 62-3, 67, 124-5, 132, 144,
147-9, 151, 156,158, 169, 173, 175-8,
179,185, 193-204, 206-7, 209-11, 219,
226, 233
building practices 32,42, 78,103-4,
bungalow 33
Calcutta 1-2,8,14,33,40
calotype 45. See also photography
Cambridge Museum of Archaeology and
Ethnology 221
Campbell, Sophia 73
Cameron, Julia Margaret 12-4
Canada 3, 18, 100,193-6,198,199-200,
202-4, 206-11. See also Upper Canada
Carnegie United Kingdom Trust 219,
caste 13,77
cemeteries 40
Ceylon. See Sri Lanka
children 40-1, 52, 58, 72, 75, 77-9,
81, 89-92,100-2,106-8, 115,145,
149,169,195,200, 230-1. See also
education and family
Chile 32,105
China 142, 150
Christianity 37,45, 77
class 4,12-13,17, 40, 58, 62, 67,120-1,
124,126,131,143,147-8, 150,155,
157,178, 184, 195, 200, 203, 208, 210,
216, 221
Clive, Henrietta 1-2, 10, 32, 34, 44
collecting and collections 3, 6, 9,15,
17-19, 32, 44, 99-111, 113-16,120-1,
124, 142-54, 156-8, 170-1, 174, 176,
180-1,186,196-7, 208, 233
concubines 5
Constantinople (Istanbul) 39
270 Index
contad zone 72, 84, 134
convicts 32,73,75,80
Cooch liehar, Maharani of (Suniti
Devi) 179
craft 7,44, 122, 128, 146-7, 151, 169,
171-2, 176, 178-9, 181, 184, 186
curating 8, 17-18, 102,215,217,219-21,
Daguerreotype 45, See also photography
Danieli,'Ihomas 2,41
Danieli, William 2,41
Deane, Ann 32-3
Delany, Mary 120
Delhi 33,41,45, 167, 169, 174-5, 177,
179, 185
Delhi Coronation Durbar (1877) 167,
169, 177, 179, 185
Devi, Suniti. See Cooch Behar,
Maharani of
diaries. See journals
display 6,9, 17-18, 106, 112-14, 120-2,
124, 132, 134-6, 143, 145-7, 149,
152-3. 156, 158, 170-4, 176, 179-82,
184-5. 208,228-9,231
domesticity 120, 126, 130, 201-10
Downey, William 167, 170, 173, 176-8
drawing 10-12, 31. 42, 44-6, 73-4,
81-2, 120, 122-5. 127, 131-5, 147, 169,
dress 12,42,44,62,65-7,81-3,105,
130, 154, 167, 170, 174, 177, 179,215,
Dulierin, Hariot 33
Dumfriesshire 17,99-101,112
Durbar 167, 169, 173, 177, 179, 182,
184-5. Seen/so Delhi Coronation
East India Company (EIC) 1 - 2 , 8 - 1 1 ,
32,37,101, 170, 175-6
Eden, Emily 32-3,35
Edinburgh 32,52,60
education 15, 46, 79, 84, 106, 108, 114,
124-5, 146, 181, 198-200, 215, 219-21,
228, 230-3
Egypt 33, 109, 114-15
Elephanta Island 37
Elwood, Anne 33, 36-7, 43-4
emigration 53, 59. 193-4
exploration 45, 132-5
Falkland, Lady 32-4, 37-8, 41-2, 45
family 2,4-5,34-6,52,59-60,80,
100-1, 106-9, 112-13, 115, 122, 143,
149, 169, 178, 181, 198-208, 210
Florence 44
flower painting 10,73, 121-14, 126-7,
129, 131-2, 136
flowers 17,37,122-30,136
food 6,59
frontier 16, 72-5, 77-80, 84-5, 89-92,
123, 134-5
furnishings 206-8
Gardner, Nora Beatrice 9,143-4,153-8
GefFrye Museum 200
gender 2-5,7-11,13-14,18,53-4,62,
66-7, 72-5,77,91,99-100,102,106,108,
122, 125,136,144, 170-1,193, 195-6,
198, 202, 204, 206, 209-10, 216,220
Germany 45
Gibraltar 146
gifts 2, 5, 6, 9, 101, 105, 109, 114, 115,
127, 136, 146, 153, 167-86
Goldborne, Sophia 1-2
Government House (Calcutta) 8, 78-80
Graham, Maria 32-3, 35, 37, 39-44
Gray, Charles 87-9
Gray, Lucy 74, 84-92
Great Exhibition (1851) 101-2,115,171,
174, 176-7, 184
Gujarat 34,44
hair 56-7,109,112-14,154,226
Haylett, Helen. See Wilson, Helen
Heber, Bishop Reginald 38
Himalayas 33, 38, 42, 45, 105
Hindu 37,40,182
Hodges, William 11
home 1,7-9,12,14-17,18,32,34,36,
38-9, 41, 43-4, 53, 60-1, 72, 84, 87,
100-1, 106-9, 115, 120,122-4, 126,
129,131, 136,145, 147-50, 152-3,
156-8, 181, 184, 186,197, 200-10, 224,
230. See also accommodation
Index 271
hunting 111,144,155-7
Hyderabad 14
Impey, Lady Mary 10
India 1-2,7,10,16,31-46,99-101,
107-8, 142-3,151, 153-7,168-70,
175-9, 185, 220,226
ivory 44, 146, 151, 167, 171-2, 176, 179
Japan 142-4,146-7,150-3,158
Johor, Sultan of 148-9,186
journals 18, 34, 74, 85, 125, 196-7, 200,
Jubilee, Golden (Queen Victorias) 169,
179-86, 226
Kandy Throne 176
Kaurna people 78-80,84
Kutch 34,39,42-4, 179
Kutch, Rao of 39,179
Kyoto 151,153
landscape 1, 11-12, 15-17, 31-44, 46,
67, 73-4, 78-9, 85-6, 105,120-3,
125-6, 128-9, 131-3, 135-6, 144,156,
Langholm 17,100,109
Langton, Anne 18, 195-203, 205-11
Lawrence, Honoria 32-3, 37, 40-1, 66-7
Leeward Islands 59
letters 2, 16,31-43, 46, 53-6,60-1,63,
67,75,85,88, 101,103,108-9,114,
145, 173, 195-7, 200, 205, 209-10,
216-17,227 '
Lewis, Frederick Christian 173
Liberalism 146-9
Lisbon 51, 54, 60, 63, 67
looting 9,170,174-5
Mackenzie, Mrs Colin 32-3,35-7,39,
42, 45-6
Madras 2,32-4,36,40-2,106,142,
Mahal, Zinat 45
Maitland, Julia .33-/. 40
Malcolm, Agnes 108,113
Malcolm, Wilhelmina 17,99-115
Marathas 32
Mediterranean 33,112,148
memoirs 74, 79, 87, 149-50, 22,
Meredith, Louisa Anne 124, 127-9
métropole 2,6-7,10,17,19,131,
miniatures 73,78,83,131,179
modelling 16,73,157
monarchy 169-70,173,186
Monson, Lady Anne 10
Montagu, Lady Mary Wortley 39
Morvi, Thakur of 179-82
mothers 2,5,58,178
Mughal 45,170,174-5
museums 6,8,17-8,52,100-3,105-8,
110-16, 144-5, 147-8, 152-3, 170, 176,
Museums Association 219,230,232
Mysore 34, 174
Naser al-Din 177-8. See Persia, Shah of
nation 4, 102, 149, 170
natives 35, 42, 65, 75, 79, 82, 126,
172, 177
natural history 10, 73, 75,100, 102,
103-5, 120-22, 133, 145-147, 153.
See also botany
Netsuke 151-2
New Zealand 7-8,149,153
Nixon, Anna Maria 73-7, 83-4, 91-2
North Carolina 51-4,56,61,63-7
North, Marianne 12-13,147-8
North Queensland 16,74,84-5,90
nurses 5
Ogilvie, Thomas 106
oil painting 104,132
okimono 151-2
Osborne House 169, 182-4,186
Painting. See oil painting and
Parkes, Fanny 9, 32-4, 38-9, 42
Persia, Shah of (Naser al-Din) 177-8
photography and photographs 6, 11-14,
19,42,46, 76, 112,146, 150, 152-3,
156-8, 167-9, 176-7, 179, 185, 217,
272 Index
picturesque 16,38,41-5,73,85,
121,123,125,130-2,136, 156,
poetry 107,110,123-4
porcelain 99-100,143,146,158
portraiture 18, 83-84,112-3,
Portugal 51,55-6,60-1,63
Postans, Marianne 34, 39,42, 44
preserving 124,203
Pringle, Robert 106-7
prison 40,114
professional 7-8,10-1,14,18-19,46,
59, 73-4, 77, 84,142,145,155, 215-25,
227, 229, 231,233
publications 2,12,16, 31-46, 75-7,
Punjab 33
race 4-5, 37, 40, 53-4,61-5,67, 77, 79,
102,135-6, 178,216,218
Rajahmundry 34
Red Sea 33
River Hooghly 44
Roberts, Emma 32-4, 36-8,42, 44,
Roberts, Jean 106
Russell Cotes, Annie 9,17,143-4,
, 149-54,158
Russell Cotes, Merton 149-53,157
Russell-Cotes Art Gallery and
Museum 152-3,156-8
St, Kitts 52-3, 59-60,62, 65-6
St. James's Palace 180-1
Schaw, Janet 16, 51 -67
Scotland 51-2,58-60,62,64,
99-101, 105, 107, 109-12,114-5,
147, 193-4
Seringapatam, Siege of 9,170
servants 8, 32, 36, 39, 85, 89, 92,142,
settlers 15,17, 72-3, 75, 77-84, 86,
200-3,206,210. See also
sewing 204,208
sexuality 4-5,10,127
Sikh 35,169,182
Simla 37
Singh, Duleep 169
Singh, Ranjit 169,176
sketches (literary) 11,31, 34, 43,
sketching. See drawing
skin colour 57,61,84
slavery 53-5,80
Smith, Ailsa Nicol 18,215,217-21,
South Kensington Museum 181
Souvenirs 144,157-8
spectacle 135,169,173,177,185
Sri Lanka 12-13,176
Steel, Flora Annie 8
Stewart, Charlotte 107-8,111
Sturgeon Lake 195,197, 200, 204,208
Suez Canal 142-3,170
Sunbeam (yacht) 17, 144-50, 152-3
Swift, Jonathan 55-7,65
Sydney 73,85
Tasmania 16,74-7,79-80,84,129
textiles 1-2,44,122,152,207
Thomas Cook 142
Tipu Sultan 170, 174
Townsville 85-6,89-91
transport 32, 39, 60, 76,126,133, 135-6,
170,193, 206
Travancore, Maharajas of 167,171,
Travancore, Throne 167,171-4,
176-7, 185
travel 1-3, 9,11-12,15-7,19, 31-46,
52-7, 60,63,65-7, 77, 87, 91,105,135,
travelogues 31,34
travel writing 33, 37, 55
Tytler, Robert 174
Upper Canada 18,193-6,198,200-4,
206, 208-11
Van Diemens Land (Tasmania) 74
Victoria, Queen 18,127, 149,167-79,
184-6, 207
violence 16, 39, 72-4, 77, 87-92,134,
Index 273
Wales 44,194
Walker, Theresa 74, 77-80, 83-4,
watercolour 12, 78,134,156,158, 179
weapons 55,82
Wilson, Helen 18,215,217-9,221-7,
Windsor Castle 167, 174,177-9,
181-2, 184-5
Yokohama 145,150-1,153
Younghusband, Eliza 17,120, 123,
Zanzibar 3, 18, 215-29, 231-3
Zanzibar Museum 18, 215, 219-21,
227-9, 232
zenana 2, 14, 38-41, 45, 221
Zoffany, Johann 11