Acconci, Vito 88
Action française 135,139
Addison, Joseph ni
Ader, Bas Jan 88
Aertsen, Pieter s
Butcher's Stall s, 6 Figure 2
Egg Dance 6
Market Scene s
Peasant Feast 6
aestheticism 11,12,14,71
AK-47, as revolutionary icon 290
Alberti, Cherubino 155
Alexander, Sally 262
Alpers, Svetlana 8,166,174
Art of Describing 8
Altdorfer, Albrecht 324
Triumph of Alexander 325
Althusser, Louis 262,264,265
Angel, Philips 170
Annenkov, Yuri 311
Antal, Frederick
Florentine Painting 3,331
Antonioni, Michelangelo 232-243
Blow-Up 232-243,235 Figure 80,238 Figure Si,
239 Figure 82,239 Figure 83,240 Figure 84,
240 Figure 8$, 242 Figure 86
II Deserto Rosso 232
La Notte 232
L'Avventura 232
L'Eclisse 232
The Passenger 232
Zabriskie Point 232,306
Antwerp 5,7
Aristotle 331
Armstrong, Carol 25,27
Arnatt, Keith 88
Arnold, Matthew 71-72,85
Art Institute of Chicago 101,109
art-writing 324,3^5, ЗЗО, 333
Astair, Fred 236
Auerbach, Erich 11
and Marxism 181155
Mimesis 1-2,11
Auschwitz 328
avant-gardism 313-314
Avedon, Richard 236
Azoulay, Ariella 251
Baader, Johannes 313
Bach, Johann Sebastian 325
Goldberg Variations 324
Baijuyi ns-117,121,124
New Folksongs 115-116
Bailey, David 233,235
Box of Pin-Ups 235
Balzac, Honoré de 2,172,174,330
La duchesse de Langlais 332
Báoknh Vi ^t Nam 292
Barbier, Gilles 96
Barrés, Maurice 129-131,133
L'Appel au Soldat 130
Les Déracinés 130
Barthes, Roland 26,153,159,238,331
Camera Lucida 238
S/Z 331
Bastien-Lepage, Jules
foan of Arc 187,188
Batchelor, Robert 122
Baudelaire, Charles 137
Baudrillard, Jean 251
Baudry, Jean-Louis 331
Bauhaus 14
Bavarian State Institute for Photography 225
Baxandall, Michael 62,100,332
Bayle, Pierre 122
Beard, Peter 43
Becher, Bernd and Becher, Hilla 206-209
Gas Tanks 206-207,207 Figure 68,209
Water Tower 208,208 Figure 69,209
Beeldenstorm 5
Beethoven, Ludwig van 34
Belinsky, Vissarion 312,330
Bell, John
Eagle Slayer 74-75« 75 Figure 25,76,82
Bellori, Giovanni Pietro 59
Veterum illustrium ... imagines 57
Bellour, Raymond 237
Benjamin, Walter 24,204, 250,260,317
'The Author as Producer' 250,257,263
Bensai'd, Daniel 317
Berger Jean 253,254
Bergson, Henri 133-134,166
L'Évolution créatrice 133-134
L'Introduction à la métaphysique 133
Berkeley, Bishop George 331
Bernard, Jean-Marc 134
Bernini, Gian Lorenzo 53, 65
Bernstein, Jay M. 174-175
Bernsteinjulius 80
Bertaux Jacques 103
Berwick Street Film Collective 261,262
BeuckelaerJoachim 5
Bismarck, Otto von 199
Blair, Tony 325
Bloch, Ernst 317
Bloom, Harold
The Anxiety of Influence 94
Blunt, Anthony 322
Boai, Augusto 253,316
Boffrand, Germain 194
Boilly, Louis-Léopold 10
Bonnat, Léon 182,184,185
Bossuetjacques-Benigne 132
Bouchardon, Edmé
Cupid 61
Boucheron, Patrick
L'entretemps 325
bourgeois society 2-3,7,8,11,12,13,14,15, 35,
Bragg, Melvyn 236
Bravard, Alice 135
Brecht, Bertolt 13,249-250,252,260-261, 262,
Messingkauf Dialogues 250
Brett John
The Stonebreaker 330
Brown, Don 96
Bruegeljan 150
Bruegel, Pieter, the Elder 6-7
Battle Between Carnival and Lent 7
Charity 7
Peasant Dance 7
Burden, Chris 94-98
Deadman 95, 96
Shoot 88-89,94,96, 97
Trans-fixed 94,97
Bürgin, Victor 248,255, 257
UK76 248,248 Figure 87
Burne-Jones, Edward 71
Burroughs, Allie Mae 262
Burtynsky, Edward
Deda Chicken Processing Plant 202-205,202
Figure 66,209
Bush, George W. 325
Byrds, The 330
Bystrov, Petr 316
byt 310-311
CaesarJulius 97
Caillard, Charles-Francis 133
California Institute of Technology 32,34,37-43
gallery of 34,34 Figure 8
California Institute of the Arts 278
Calvin, John 6,330
Cambridge, Richard Owen 121
Camerawork 249
Capa, Robert 226
capitalism 3,7,9,37,198-209
Caro, Anthony 329
Early One Morning 324
Prairie 324
Carpaccio, Vittore
Dream of Saint Ursula 332
Carpenter, Edward 188
Carroll, Lewis (Charles Dodgson) 282
Carroll, Margaret D. 5
Cartier-Bresson, Robert 226
Castellane, Boni de 135
Castiglíone, Baldassare 323
Castoriadis, Cornelius 202,206,209
'Modern Capitalism and Revolution
Castro, Fidel 289
Caylus, Comte de 329
Ceauçescu, Elena 326-327
Ceauçescu, Nicolae 326-327
body of 326,326 Figure 109
Cézanne, Paul 137,177,178
Chambers, Sir William 123-124
A Dissertation on Oriental Gardening 124
Chantrey, Francis
Queen Victoria 77
Chantry, Art 277
Chaplin, Charlie
Modern Times 317
Chernyshevsky, Nikolay 329, 330
Cheseiden, William 62
Chesterfield, Philip Stanhope, 4th Earl of 59
Cicero 59
De Senectute 59
Claesz, Pieter
Still Life with a Turkey Pie 150-151,150 Figure
Clark, TJ. 322,330
classicism 129,131,132,134,139,140
Clough, Arthur Hugh 72
Cocchi, Antonio 53,57,59
Cole, Michael 104
Cole, Thomas
Voyage of Life 33
Collective Actions 315
Group-3 309
Slogan-1977 309
The Exit 309
Trip to the Countryside 309
338 Index
collective production 257,160,262
communism 287,289,290,291
Communist Workers' Party of Germany
(Kommunistische Arbeiter-Partei
Deutschlands) 313
Comte, Auguste 132
Condillac, Étienne Bonnot de 62,329
constructivism 13-14,309
Coorte, Adriáén 26
Corneille, Pierre 132
Corot, Jean-Baptiste-Camille
House and Factory of M. Henry at Soissons
205-206,205 Figure 67
Corpechot, Lucien 131,133,134,135,136,141
Les Jardins de l'intelligence 131,132
Cortázar, Julio
'Las Babas del Diabo' 233,245 ni2
Cottington, David 141
Courbet, Gustave 11,124,271-273,277,330
Après diner à Omans 11
Enterrement à Omans 11,272
Courtney, William 80
Cowan, John 235
Coward, Noel 331
Cox, Agatha 71
Сох, Sarah 258-259
Coysevox, André
André Le Nôtre 128,128 Figure 43
Cravan, Arthur 88
Craven, David 289-290
Critical Review 53
cubism 140-141
Cultural Revolution 331
dAlembert, Jean-Baptiste le Rond 60
Darwin, Charles 133,187
Dassier, Jacques-Antione 57
Davies, Christie and Russell Lewis
The Reactionary Joke Book 263,
263 Figure 93
Davis, R. G. (Ronald) 293
Davis, Stuart 13
Day, R Holland 181,187-195
Beauty is Truth, Truth Beauty 188-189
The Entombment or Dead Christ With Halo,
189,189 Figure 61
Orpheus series 192
Study for Endymion 192-193,192 Figure 63
The Resurrection 190
The Seven Words 190-191,190 Figure 61
Day-Lewis, Cecil
The Mind in Chains 322
De Andrea, John 96
de Caus, Isaac
Wilton Garden 122,122 Figure 42
Degas, Edgar 175
de Fouquières, André 129
de Hooch, Pieter 166-175,177,178,179
Card Players in a Sunlit Room 166-175,
167 Figure 57
Woman with a Child in a Pantry 171,172,
172 Figure 58,174
Deineka, Aleksandr 12
de Jongh, Eddy 8
de Kooning, Willem 14
de la Salle, Saint Jean Baptiste 27
Deneuve, Catherine 235
Dennett, Terry 249-250,253
'Print that Neg.' 260,260 Figure 92
Derrida, Jacques 331
Descartes, René 132,134,137,330,33a
Destroy All Monsters 275,276
Diderot, Denis 60,61,66,103
Diogenes 272
Dix, Otto 13
Dobrolyubov, Nikolay 329,330
Donen, Stanley
Funny Face 236
Dong You 117
Donovan, Terence 233
Doran, Robert 2
Dou, Gerrit 171
Doyle, Jennifer 184
Drum 223
Dubuffet, Jean 14
Duchéne, Achile 134-135,138
Duchêne, Armand
Château de Voisins and its gardens 135,135
Figure 46
Duchêne, Henri 134-135,138
Duffy, Brian 233
Dunn, Peter 254
Dupont, Pierre 328
Duras, Marguerite
Hiroshima mon amour 226
Dutch Republic 7-9,178
Dylan, Bob 330,331
Eakins, Thomas 181-195
Arcadia 193-195,194 Figure 64
The Crucifixion 182,183,183 Figure 60,184-188,
Ihe Gross Clinic 184,186
Swimming 192
William Rush Carving 191,194
early Netherlandish painting 3,5,8
Eck, Caroline van
Art, Agency and Living Presence 65
Eichenbaum, Boris 28
Eisenstein, Sergei
Battleship Potemkin 311
October 311
ekphrasis 65,332,333
Empson, William 272-273
Encyclopédie 6z, 103
Engels, Friedrich 330
Enwezor, Okwui
Documenta 11251
Ephrussi, Charles 23,25
Epicurus 122
Evans, David 253
Evans, Jessica 252
Evans, Walker 262
everyday 310
Eyck,janvan 151
Arnolfini Portrait 3-5,4 Figure 1, 6,
Ghent Altarpiece 151
factory 198-209
Falconet, Etienne-Maurice
Pygmalion and Galatea 66
Fahlström, Öyvind 15
Farmer, Henry George 333
Fejfer, Jane 53
Fellini, Federico
La Dolce Vita 236
Fels, Edmond de 135
Fels, Jean Lebaudy, comtesse de 129
feminism 255-256, 264
Fernandez, Dominique 321-323
Dans le main de l'ange 322
Nous avons sauvé le monde 321
Fichte, Johann Gottlieb 330
film 15,232-243
Film and Poster Collective 253,254
Flaubert, Gustave 2,330
Folkes, Martin 57,58,59
Ford, Edward Onslow 84
Queen Victoria 77, 83-84,83 Figure 28
formalism 28
Fortnightly Review 80
Foucault, Michel 26-27, i74
Fountaine, Sir Andrew 57,59
Fouquier, Marcel
De l'art des jardins du XVe etXVIe siècles 13s,
13s Figure 45
Frampton, Hollis
Nostalgia 332
Frankenhausen, Battle of 325,328
Freedberg, David 65
Freie Straße, Die 313
Freire, Paulo 253
French Revolution, 1789 327
Fresnaye, Roger de la 140-141
Freud, Sigmund 238,282,284
Fried, Michael 11,184
Friedman, John R.
David Baltimore 39-41,40 Figure 12
Fromentin, Eugène
Masters of Past Time 179
Gabriel, Ange-Jacques 135
Galli, Henri 129
garden design
Chinese 115-126
English 121-124,132-1ЗЗ, 135,138
French 128-141
imagination as value in 115,119,121,123,124,
Garner, Philippe 236
Gazette illustrée des amateurs de jardins 136,137,
Gehry, Frank 283
Gell, Alfred 65-66
genre s, 8-10,11,35,147,150,178
German United Communist Party (Vereinigte
Kommunistische Partei Deutschlands) 313
Gérôme, Jean-Léon 182
Getsy, David 76
Giancola, Nicola 192
Gibson, Walter 7
Gilbert, Alfred 84
Saint George 82-83,82 Figure 27
Ginsberg, Allen 236
Ginzburg, Moisei
Narkomfin Apartments 314
Giorgione 325
Giotto 331
Gippius, Zinaida 310
Girardon, François
Louis XIV 103-104
Giuliani, Lucia 53
Godard, Jean-Luc 264
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von 161,166
Goetz, Adrien 329
Göhl, Sylvia 253
Golden, Robert 253,254
Carworker 257,25S-259 Figure 91
Goltzius, Hendrik 101
Gombrich, Sir Ernst 2,15,64,329
Art and Illusion 2,64
Goodman, Dena 61
Goodman, Nelson 64
Gorky, Maxim 12
Gramsci, Antonio 265
Gray, Thomas 121
Great Exhibition of 185174-75,76
Grimm, Baron Friedrich Melchior von 59
Grimm, Brothers (Jacob and Wilhelm) 199
Guêpes, Les 132,137
guerrilla, artist as 287
Guevara, Ernesto 'Che' 290,293,305
La Guerra de Guerrillas 290
Guo Xi (attributed to)
Clearing Autumn Skies, detail 118 Figure 38
Clearing Autumn Skies, detail 118 Figure 39
Gursky, Andreas 203
Stock Exchange in Kuwait 203
340 Index
Gutiérrez, Alberto Díaz (Korda)
Guerrillero Heroico 290
Gutov, Dmitry 305-306,308,309
Demonstration 305-306,306 Figure 103,
306 Figure 104,308
Guzmán, Martín Luis 287
Haacke, Hans 101-103,106,280
Gift Horse 101,102 Figure 34,106-108
Gift Horse in casting 107 Figure 36
Hackney Flashers Collective 249,254,257,261
Haden-Guest, Anthony 234
'Photography: General Notes on Metier' 234
Hall, Stuart 254
"Ihe Social Eye of Picture Post' 253
Hanoi College of Fine Ars 291
Hanson, Duane 96
Hapaska, Siobhan 96
Harbison, Craig 5
Hardy, Thomas 73
Hariman, Robert 251
Harrison, Carey 236
Harrison, Charles 241
Harrison, Margaret 254
Harriet, Robert 117
Harvey, Sylvia 262,264
Hatt, Michael 19 s
Hausmann, Raoul 313
Heartfield, John 253,254
Hedges, Nick 254
Heere, Lucas de 151
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich 174,178,179,
Helmholtz, Hermann von
'On the Conservation of Force' 79
Popular Lectures on Scientific Subjects 77-78
Hemmings, David 235,237
Henry, Philibert 206
Henry VIII, of England 160
Hepburn, Audrey 236
Heron, Liz 257
Herzen, Aleksandr 319
Hesiod 101
Hesse, Eva 25
Heyer, Georgette 322
historicism 2,16 П7
historism 1-2,16 П7
Hitchcock, Alfred
Rear Window 235
Hitler, Adolf 222,226
Mein Kampf 226
Hobbes, Thomas 116
Hobbs, May 262
Hoch, Hannah
Cut with a Kitchen Knife 313
Hofrnann, Hans 38,276,277,283
Hogarth, William 10
Holbein, Hans, the Younger 160
Holland, Patricia 254
Homer 1
Iliad 76,103
Hoogstraten, Samuel van 147,170
Hoover, J. Edgar 276
Hopkins, Gerard Manley 73
Hosmer, Harriet
Zenobia in Chains 80-82,81 Figure 26
Houasse, René-Antoine 103
Houbraken, Arnold 148
Huebler, Douglas 278
Hunt, Kay 254,257
Huntingdon, Francis Hastings, 10th Earl of 53,
Hum, David 236
ideology 249,250,253,262,265
I§gy Pop 275
images d'Epinal 273
imperialism 289
impressionism 12,24,33,129,138,166,179
Ingersoll, Robert 188
Ingres, Jean-Auguste-Dominique 324,329,332
International Marxist Group 262
International Socialists 262
Isaacs, John 96
Jagger, Mick 235
Jakobson, Roman 28,29, 311
Jameson, Fredric 14,27-28
Antinomies of Realism 27
Janeo, Marcel 313
Jasper, Jacqueline
Jean-Lou Chameau 41-42,42 Figure 13
Johnson, Claire 262
Johnson, Samuel 123,272
Joyce, James 2
Ulysses 2
Judd, Donald 33,279
Jung Hao
Essay on Brushwork 117
Kalf, Willem 148-149,153-161
Still Life with a Gold Ewer, Porcelain Bowl and
Comestibles 153-156,154 Figure 51
Still Life with Holbein Bowl, Nautilus Cup,
Glass Goblet and Porcelain Bowl 159,159
Figure ss
Still Life with Holbein Bowl, detail 160 Figure 56
Still Life with a Sil ver Jug and Porcelain Bowl
148-149,148 Figure 49,152,156-159
technique 158-159
Kant, Immanuel 330
Karakulov, Maxim 309,316
Karlin, Marc 261
Kasmin Gallery 324,329
Keats, John 188,189,193
Endymion 193
Keller, Jean-Balthazar 103-104
Keller, Jean-Jacques 104
Kelley, Michael ('Mike') 271, 274-285
Catholic Birdhouse 279,279 Figure 95
class trajectory 274-275,278,285
The Educational Complex 283,283 Figure 97,
284 Figure 98,284 Figure 99
Missing Time 277
More Love Flours Than Can Ever Be Repaid
281,281 Figure 96
Poodle Profile 277,277 Figure 94
studies at University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Kelly, Mary 254,261,262
Kennedy, Mary Ann 255
Kennington, Jill 234,235
Khaled, Cheb 334
Kinstler, Everett Raymond
Harold Brown 37-39,38 Figure 10
Kline, Franz 38
Knausgaard, Karl Ove
My Struggle 45
Knorr, Karen 255
Kobell, Wilhelm von 10
Kobke, Christen 10
Kohl, Jeanette 65
Kollontai, Alexandra 310
Kömer, Hans 61
KozlofF, Max 236
Kray Brothers 235
Kristeva, Juha 331
Kun, Béla 313
labour 9,14, 35,198-209,252
Lacan, Jacques 263, 331
La Fontaine, Jean de 132
'Map of Versailles' 132,132 Figure 44
Lairesse, Gerard de 147,148,161
Lane, Abigail 96
Lavedan, Henri 129
LeDufF, Charlie 274
Detroit; Autopsy of a City 274
Lee, Nikki S. 36
Leeson, Lorrain 254
Lefebvre, Henri 310,317
Léger, Fernand 13
Leibi, Wilhelm 330
Leibniz, Gottfried 27
Lemée, François
Traité des statues 65
Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich 289,313, 315
Le Nôtre, André 128-129,131,131, U4; 135J
Leonardo da Vinci 178
Le Parc, Julio 290
Lesage, Julia 264
Lévi-Strauss, Claude 331
Lewes, George Henry 236
Lewis, Mark 255
LeWitt, Sol 91
Li Ang 115
Libertas 213-228
Libertas vol. 1, no. 8 222-223,223 Figure 79
see also Stuart, Constance
Life 236
Li Gonglin 117
Tao Yuanming Returning to Seclusion, detail
120 Figure 40, detail 120 Figure 41
Lissitsky, El 14
Liu Zongyuan 115
Locke, John 62
London Women's Film Group 257
Long, Geoffrey 224
Lovejoy, Arthur 0.121-124
Löwy, Michael 317
Lucas, Sarah 96
Luciates, John Louis 251
Lukács, Georg 11-12,13,328-329, 332-333
and modern painting 18 П57
Writer and Critic 328-329
Luther, Martin 6,330
Lutman, Johannes, I
saltcellar 158,158 Figure 5 4
Luynes, Honoré Albert, due dei29
Macdowell, Susan 194
Madame Tussaud's Wax Museum 92,94,95,
Mad magazine 277
Magazine of Art 76
Mallarmé, Stéphane 166,177,178-179
Mander, Karel van 156
Het Schilder-boek 150,151-152
see also reflexykonst
Manet, Edouard 23-30,166,175-179
LAsperge 24-25,24 Figure 6,28-30
Bar at the Folies-Bergère 25,204
Le linge 175,176 Figure 59,177
Olympia 241,272
Self-portrait with a Palette 28-29,29 Figure 7
The Railway 177
Une botte d'asperges 23-27,23 Figure 5,28-30
Mannings, David 59
Mao Zedong (Mao Tse Tung) 291,331
Little Red Book 331
Mare, André 141
Martin, Rosie 254
Marx, Karl 261, 309, 313
Capital 201,208
Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Right 204
Marxism 200,256,289
342 Index
The Tribute Money 3
Mason, William 121
Massis, Henri and Alfred de Tarde
Les Jeunes Gens d'aujourd'hui 130
Maupassant, Guy de 228
Maurras, Charles 131-132,133,134
Anthinêa 134
L'Avenir de l'intelligence 131
Mayakovsky, Vladimir 310,311
Maxwell, James Clerk 79
Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism 84
MCs 275
McCarthy, Paul
Deadman 96
McLean, Bruce 96
McMartin preschool trial 282,283
Mehring, Franz 12,330
Meinecke, Friedrich 1
Menzel, Adolph 198-206
Iron RollingMill 198-200,199 Figure 65,
202-203, 204,205
Merleau-Ponty, Maurice 177-178
Metsu, Gabriel
Interior of a Smithy 9,9 Figure 3
Meunier, Constantin 12
Meyerhold, Vsevolod 312,316
Michelangelo 124
Miles, Geoff 255
Miller, John 96,276
Miller, Karl 235
Miller, Lee 226
Millet, Jean-François 187
Milroy, Elizabeth 186
minimalism 279-280
Mitchell, W. J. T. 64
modernism 13-14,24-25,33,35,42,262,263-264,
Modern Quarterly 287
Mohr, Jean 253,254
Molière (Jean-Baptiste Paquelin) 132
Molyneux, William 62
Monastyrski, Andrey 309
Moncrieff, Scott 26
Monet Claude
Water Lilies 34
Monier, Raoul 132
Monk, Jonathan 88-98
Deadman 88-89,88 Figure 29,92,94-98
Just What Happens Between These Two
Drawings 90,95
Location Pieces 90
My Father Standing... 91
Second Hand Daily Exchange 92-93,93 Figure 32
The Space Above Bruce Naumanns Head 90
Waiting for Famous People 90-91,91 Figure 30
Work in Progress 98
Montgomery, David 234,235
Montjoie! 140,141
Moore, Albert 71
Moore, Henry 91
Henry Moore with Waxwork of Picasso 92
Figure 31
Morisot, Berthe 27
Morris, Robert 279
Mueck, Ron
Dead Dad 96
Mukerji, Chandra 129
Müller-Schönhausen, Rudolf 225
Mulvey, Laura 238-242
Death 24X a Second 238-240
'Magnificent Obsession 255-256
'Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema' 241
Münzenberg, Willi 253
Mussolini, Benito 323
Muybridge, Eadweard 191
Napoleon 127
naturalism 2,12,13,15,25,53,57, 60,61, 63, 64,66,
anti-naturalism 129-130,141
in Chinese landscape painting 117,119,121,
in garden design 115
scientific 174-175
Neckar, Mme (Suzanne) 60
neo-liberalism 15,201, 251,252,257,305,312
neue Sachlichkeit, die 13
neue Sehen, das 14
Newton, Sir Isaac
Optics 6 2,166
Nexo, Martin Andersen 12
Nguyen Toan Thi 291-292
Night Cleaners, Parti 261
Nixon, President Richard 276
Noailles, Adrian Maurice, duc de 129
Noailles, Yolanda Louise, duchesse de
Nolhac, Pierre de 133
Norman, Jessye 327
Osmolovsky, Anatoly 304,312
Ostade, Adriaen van 9
Ovid 104
Metamorphoses 101
Panofsky, Erwin 3,5
Paris Commune 324-326,328
carte de visite photographs of dead Communards
327,327 Figure 111
Pascali, Pino 90
Pasolini, Pier Paolo 322
pastoral 272,273,275,279,281,282
Pater, Walter 85
'Diaphaneitè' 73-74
Paul, Frédéric 97
Pausanius 332
Peeters, Clara 150
Pembroke, Henry Herbert, 9th Earl of 57
Pembroke, Thomas Herbert, 8th Earl of 58
phenomenology 64-65,165-166
Philip II, of France 331
Philip II, of Spain 7
Photogram 190
photography 14,15,32,36,43
digital 203,204
documentary 248-264
photographic documentation 95
Photography/Politics: One 249,253-254, 255,
Photography/Politics: Two 254,255 Figure 90
Photography Workshop 249,253,254, 255,261
Do Not Adjust Your Mind, postcard 251-252,
252 Figure 89
Jo Spence and Terry Dennett 230,250 Figure
photomontage 14, 222
photorealism 33,39-41,42
Picasso, Pablo 91,92
Pigalle, Jean-Baptiste 65
Monument to Louis XV61
Voltaire 60-62, 60 Figure 21
Pimenov, Yuri 12
Pink Floyd 306
Pissarro, Camille 177
Plekhanov, Georgi 315
Pluvier, Cornelia 148
Poincare, Henri 133
Poix, Anne Murat, princesse de 129
Polidoro da Caravaggio 155-156
Antique Vases, Plate 8155-156,155 Figure 52
Pollock, Griselda 261-262
Polysnappers 255
Ponti, Carlo 233
pop art 43,276
Pope, Alexander 56,121
Popper, Sir Karl R. 16 n7
portrait 32-46
sculptural 53-66,77, 83-84,89, 94-95,96,98
postmodernism 15,25,90,314
poststructuralism 256
Potts, Alex 61,124-125,237
Experiments in Modern Realism 14,15
on conceptually orientated' realism 19 П73
Sculptural Imagination 65
Poussin, Nicolas 322, 323
Powell, Michael
Peeping Tom 235-236
Princess Margaret 236
Proust, Marcel 23-25,26,27-29
Ala recherche du temps perdu 23-24,26
The Guermantes Way 23
psychoanalysis 256,262,264,282
Puchner, Martin 316
Quinn, Marc 96
Quinton, René 134
Racine, Jean 132
Radek, Karl 312-313
Radek Community 303-317
Demonstration 305-306,306 Figure 103,306
Figure 104,308, 314
Manifestations 303-317,303 Figure 102 (6.00
p.m. Krasnoslskaya), 308 Figure 105
(8.30 a.m. Baumanskaya), 314 Figure 106
Ramko Manufacturing 108
Ranci ère, Jacques 251
Raphael 175
Rauschenberg, Robert 14, 237,276
Ray, Charles 96,101
Horse and Rider 101-104,102 Figure 33,106,
108-109,108 Figure 37
Reagan, Ronald 292
reflexykonst 151-153,161
realism 1-3,8,11-15,25, 27-28, 32-ЗЗ, 35,43,45,
46,124,130,181,222, 236-237,271-274,280,
184, 304, 312., 32-9, ЗЗО, ЗЗ1, 334
and disorder 130
documentary 250-251,252-253, 254,255,
in Dutch painting 7-10,147,153
in film 232,234,243 n2
in garden design 138,141
in the novel 2,11-12,233,237
neo-realist cinema 232,244 П4,244 ns
and ontology in Victorian sculpture 70-85
photographic 46 ni, 250
Redgrave, Vanessa 233
Red Presnya 315
Regent Street Polytechnic 225
Rembrandt van Rijn 11
Remitti, Cheikha 334
Renais, Alain
Hiroshima mon amour 226-227
Renan, Ernest 185,186
Renoir, Auguste 25
Reynolds, Sir Joshua 59
William Murray, ist Earl of Mansfield 59-60
Ribalta, Jorge 253
Richard I, of England 331
Richardson, Jonathan 61
Account of Some of the Statues 57
Richon, Olivier 255
Richter, Gerhard 25
Detail, is
Richter, Gisela 53
Riegl, Alois 179
344 Index
Riemenschneider, Tilman
Saint Matthias íoo
Riff, David 314
Rigaud, Hyacinthe
Jean-Balthazar Keller 103-104,105 Figure 35
Rivera, Diego 187-289,290
Detroit Industry 287
and the Mexican Communist Party 287,289
'The Revolutionary Spirit in Modern Art'
Zapata 288 Figure 100, 289
Zapatista Landscape: The Guerrilla 287
Rivette, Jacques
Ne touchez pas la hache 332
Robbe-Grillet, Alain 237
Roberts, John 257
Rodchenko, Aleksandr 14,260, 308
Rolling Stones 236
Roman sculptural portraits 53-57, 59; 63-64
Bust of a Man 53-54; 54 Figure 17
Rondeau, James 109
Rosenau, Helen 329
Rosenquist, James 14
Rosier, Martha 262
Rossi, Mark 108
Rothko, Mark 33,34
Roubiliac, Louis-François 57,58,62,65
Dr. Richard Frewin 55-56,55 Figure 18,59
Dr. Richard Mead ss> 56,56 Figure 29,59
Martin Folkes 57-59,58 Figure 20
Philip Stanhope, 4th Earl of Chesterfield 63,63
Figure 22
Rousseau, Jean Jacques 62,133,330
Rowbotham, Sheila 262
Rubin, Jerry 292-293
Do It! 293
Ruscha, Edward 261
Fors Clavigera 332
Russell, Ken
Watch the Birdie 235
Russian Revolution of 1905 315, 326
Russian Revolution of 1917 315,326
Rysbrack, Michael 56
Said, Edward 325
Salgado, Sebastiäo
Serra Pelada 199
Salvador-Daniel, Francisco 333
Chansons Arabes, Mauresques et Kabyles 334,
334 Figure 113
Sandino, Augusto César 289
San Francisco Mime Troupe 293
Guerilla Theater Essays 294,294 Figure 101
Santesso, Walter 236
Schapiro, Meyer 2
Scheemaker, Peter 56
Schefer, Jean-Louis
Scénographie d'un tableau 331
Schjeldahl, Peter 176
Schmidt, Paul 316
Schopenhauer, Arthur 134
Schulkind, Eugene 326
Scott, James 261
Scott, Walter 330
The Talisman 325
sculpture and technology 100-109
Sears, Alan 249
Secchiaroli, Tazio 236
secularization 2-3,5-7
Sekuła, Allan 254
'Dismantling Modernism, Reinventing
Documentary' 253-254
Seneca 61
Sergent, René 135
Seth, Vikram
A Suitable Boy 325
Seurat, Georges 28
Shaw, Jim 275
Shen Kuo X19,125
Sherman, Cindy 36
Siepman, Eckhard 253
Sima Guang 121
Simpson, Lorna
Guarded Conditions 36-37,36 Figure 9
Sinclair, John 275
Sluijter, Eric 170
Smith, Adam 330
Smith, Crosbie 79, 84
Smith, Robert 62
Smith, Roland R. R. 55
Smithson, Robert 261
Smollett, Tobias 53,66
Smuts, Jan 223
Snowdon, Lord (Anthony Armstrong-Jones)
Socialist Realism 1,13,14,308, 329
Solomon, Simeon 71
Somerville, С John 3
Soviet Writers' Congress 313
Spence, Jo 249-250, 253,254; 257,261,263
Stalin, Joseph 310
Steen, Jan 9,171,174
Steinberg, Leo 97
Stendhal (Marie-Henri Beyle) 2
Stewart, James 235
still-life painting 147-150
Stone, Richard
Robert A. Millakan 38-39,39 Figure 11
Stooges, The 275, 286 nio
Stratton Sculpture Studios 106
Stratton, Julia 106
Stratton, Shane 106
Strumiłło, Andrzej 292
Index 34
Stuart (Larrabee), Constance 213-228
Libertas 4, no. 10 213,214 Figure 70,217
and Nazism 225-226, 231П46, П47, П48, П49
photographic education 225
Untitled 213,215,215 Figure 71,227
Untitled 216-217,2/6 Figure 72
Untitled 217,218 Figure 73
Untitled 218 Figure 74, 219
Untitled 219,219 Figure 75
Untitled 220 Figure 76
Untitled 220 Figure 77
Untitled 221,221 Figure 78
Stubbs, George
The Anatomy of the Horse 106
Suard, Jean Baptiste
'Eloge for Pigalle' 61
subject, critique of the 33-37,42~43,43,46,9°;
Sue, Louis 140
Sun-Ra 275,276
Su Shi 119,121
Sutton, Peter 172-173
Tabrizian, Mitra 255
Tagg, John 253
Tait, Peter Guthrie and William Thomson
Treatise on Natural Philosophy 79
Tanner, Henry Ossawa
The Annunciation 188
Tanner, Jeremy 55
Tao Yuanming 119,120
Tarchanow, Ivan 80
Tarde, Alfred de and Henri Massis
Les Jeunes Gens d'aujourd'hui 139
Taylor, Frederic Winslow 201
Télémaque, Hervé 14
Tel Quel 331
Temple, Sir William 121-123
Garden of Epicurus 115,121
ter Borch, Gerard 170
Ter-Organian, Avdei 304
Thatcher, Margaret 256
Thomson, Richard 11
Thomson, William 79,80
Thoré, Théophile 172,174
Thornycroft, Hamo 84
Teucer 74,74 Figure 24,7 6
The Mower 70-73, 70 Figure 23,76
Venus ofUrbino 272
Tolstoy, Count Leo 27-28, 330
Townsend, Group Captain Peter 236
Trafalgar Square 101,106
Trans-Love Energies 275
Tretyakov, Sergei 260
Trevelyan, Humphry 261
Troeltsch, Ernst 1
Trotsky, Leon 289, 310
Turk, Gavin 96
Tyndall, John
'Belfast Address' 73
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
counterculture at 275-276, 278
USSR 13-14,15,305
Valéry, Paul 178
van den Vondel, Joost 148
Van Dyck, Anthony 187
van Gogh, Vincent
Sunflowers 237
Vanity Fair 76
Van Rensselaer, Mariana Griswold 187
Vasari, Giorgio 156,332
Velásquez, Diego 184
Vera, André 137-141
'An Aviator's Garden', 140140 Figure 48
Le Nouveau Jardin 137
'Le Nouveau Style' 137
'A Small Rose Garden' 139,139 Figure 47
Vera, Paul 140,141
veristic 53,55,56,57,58-59; 61, 64,65,66
Vermeer, Johannes 170,175
Veruschka (von Lehndorff) 235
Vianen, Adam van 156-157
lidded ewer 156-157,157 Figure 53
Vianen, Christian van 156-157
Vianen, Paulus 156,158
Vibert, Jehan Georges 24
Victoria, Queen, sculptures of 77
Viet Cong (National Liberation Front of South
Vietnam) 291, 292
Vietnam War 291-292
Villa, Francisco Pancho 287-289
Eclogues 272
Vitti, Monica 234, 242
Vkhutemas 14
Volmar, Alex 80
Vo Nguyen Giáp 292
Vorster, J. P. 222
Waagen, Gustav Friedrich 10
Wagner, Richard 199
Wall, Jeff 257
Wallace, John Laurie 185,193
Wanderers, The 330
Wang Wei 119
Warburg, Aby 333
Warhol, Andy 43-45,91
Jamie Wyeth 43-44,44 Figure 14
Watney, Simon 254
wax sculpture 94, 96
Whistler, James McNeill 25
346 Index
Whitehead, Peter 236
Charlie b My Darling 236
Tonite Lets All Make Love in London 236
Wholly Communion 236
White Panther Party 276
Whitman, Walt 187-188,192
Wilde, Oscar 188
Wilkie, David 10
Distraining for Rent 10,10 Figure 4
Wilkins, Reg 23s
Williams, Raymond 304
Wilson, Carl 278
Wilson, Siona 250
Wilton, Joseph S3,57,65
Dr Antonio Cocchi 53-55; 54 Figure 16,56,59,
Monument to General Wolfe 61
Wilton House 57-59
Winckelmann, Johann Joachim 324,329
Wind, Edgar 329,332
Wittgenstein, Ludwig
Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus 330
Wolfe, Bertram 289
Wollheim, Richard 66
critique of Gombrich 64-65
Wolverton, Basil 276
Women and Work exhibition 257,
258-259 Figure 91
Women's Liberation Movement 262
Women's Workshop of the Artists' Union 254
Wood, Ellen Meiksins 251
Wood, Grant 38
Woolf, Virginia 1,2,11
Worker Photographer, The 253
World, The 123
World Social Forum 312
Wyeth, Jamie 43-45
Portrait of Andy Warhol 43-45,44 Figure is
Wyndham, Francis 234
"Ihe Modelmakers' 233
Wyon, Edward William 76
Xiaoshan Yang 116
Young, Marnin 12
Yuan Zhen 117
Zap Comix 276
Zapata, Emiliano 287-289
Zapatista Rebellion 312
Zapruder film 236
Żeromski, Stefan 313
Zhuangzi 121
Ziff, Trisha 253
Zinoviev, Grigory 313
Zola, Émile 2,12,330
Rougon-Macquart novels 11
Zurburán, Francisco de 11