Abraham, Max: 20
abstract art: 129-131, 144
abstraction: 6, 15, 88, 125-135, 136,
143, 164
action-at-a-distance: 107, 109
Adorno, Theodor: 70
aether: 19
Aichelburg, Peter C.: 126(n)
Alberti, Leone Battista. De Pittura: 25
Allard, Roger: 130, 131
"The Signs of Renewal in Painting":
Alter, Robert: 38 (n)
Altieri, Charles: 16; 16(n)
Annalen der Physik: 21, 66, 79
anthropology: 150(n), 161
Apollinaire, Guillaume: 133(n), 145(n)
Les Peintres cubistes: 145(n)
Argan, G. C. and M. Calvesi. Umberto
Boccioni: 118(n)
Auerbach, Eric: 38(n)
Austen, Jane: 38, 43(n)
Baila, Giocomo: 116(n)
Balzac, Honoré de: 38
Barr, Alfred H: 146
Cubism and Abstract Art: 129(n),
131 (n), 146(n)
Barthes, Roland: 12
The Pleasure of the Text: 81 (n)
Baudelaire, Charles: 62
Beethoven, Ludwig van: 133
Bentley, Richard: 107, 108
Bernstein, Jeremy: 78(n), 128(n)
Bertaux, Félix: 71
"big bang": 111
Boas, Mary D.: 105(n)
Boccioni, Umberto: 33(n), 116(n), 117,
Development of a Bottle in Space: 118,
PI. 11
The Dynamism of a Soccer Player:
117, PL 10
Pittura, scultura, futuriste: 119(n)
Technical Manifesto of Futurist
Sculpture: 117
Borges, Jorges Luis: 125
Ficciones: 125(n), 134 (n)
"Funes, the Memorious": 134
"The Garden of Forking Paths": 124,
Born, Max: 125
Bradbury, Malcolm, and James
McFarlane, eds. Modernism:
¡890-1930: l(n), 36(n), 52(n), 54(n)
Bradley, F. H.: 7(n)
Braque, Georges: 15, 32, 33(n), 36, 42,
60, 62-64, 71, 81, 84, 85, 87, 112,
129, 131, 142, 144, 145
Le Billard: 66, 115, Pl. 6
Le Portugais: 113
"Thoughts and Reflections on Art":
Violin and Pitcher: 87
Bronowski, Jacob: 147
Brontë, Charlotte: 38, 42
]ane Eyre: 40
Brontë, Emily: 38
Wuthering Fleights: 40
Brownian motion: 21
Browning: 44
Brunelleschi, Filippo: 25
180 Index
Callendar, Hugh: 55(n)
Calm, Eric: 54 (n)
Cameron, J. M.: 23 (n)
Camus, Albert: 48, 71, 94, 95, 155
The Myth of Sisyphus: 48(n), 71(n),
94 (n)
The Stranger: 154, 155
Carra, Carlo: 116(n)
causal linkages (between diagnostics): 4-5
Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de. Don
Quixote: 38
Cézanne, Paul: 10, 30-32, 42, 46,
61-64, 84, 112, 130, 143
The Big Trees: 85, PI. 8
Fruits, serviette et boite à lait: 31, Pl. 2
Nature morte au panier: 31, Pl. 3
Chipp, Herschel: 33
Theories of Modem Art: 33(n), 61(n),
63(n), 64(n), 84,(n) 117(n),
118(n), 143(n), 144(n)
Chomsky, Noam: 12
Cimabue, Giovanni: 27(n)
Clark, Ronald W.: 21(n), 125(n)
Coen, Ester: 116(n), 118(n)
Cohen, I. Bernard: 22(n), 55(n)
Conrad, Joseph: 9, 71, 72, 99
"Heart of Darkness": 72
The Secret Agent: 37, 72, 97, 98, 99,
"The Secret Sharer": 71, 72(n), 148,
Victory: 120(n)
consensus (cultural): 26—27, 36, 39
Cooper, Douglas: 131, 145 (n)
The Cubist Epoch: 129(n), 131 (n)
Corot, Camille: 28, 39
Cortázar, Julio. "Letter to a Young Lady
in Paris": 163
Courbet, Gustave: 28, 33, 41, 83
The Painter's Studio: 39
crystal cubism: 88
Culler, Jonathan: 37(n)
cultural diagnostic: 3-6 (defined), 10-12,
76, 125, 161-163
Dada: 54
Darwin, Charles: 15,16, 76
Origin of Species: 22
Darwinian theory (natural selection,
evolution): 16
David, Jacques-Louis: 34(n), 83
Davis, Robert Con and Ronald Schleifer,
eds. Contemporary Literary Criticism:
Degas, Edgar: 30, 39
Le Tub: 30, Pl. 1
Delacroix, Eugène: 28(n), 34(n)
Delaunay, Robert: 86
Denis, Maurice: 62-63
Derrida, Jacques. "Structure, Sign and
Play in the Discourse of the Human
Sciences": 12
Dickens, Charles: ix-x, 22, 38, 40, 42,
49, 96
David Copperfield: 40
Great Expectations: 93
The Old Curiosity Shop: 50(n)
The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick
Club: X
distortion: 51, 52, 54-58, 60, 62-66, 68,
74-76, 79, 80
Doesburg, Theo van: 130(n)
Dostoevsky, Feodor Mikhailovich: 38,
39, 42, 96
Notes from the Underground: 44
Eddington, Arthur Stanley: 57, 58, 78,
The Mathematical Theory of Relativity:
58 (n)
The Nature of the Physical World:
Report on the Relativity Theory of
Gravitation: 78 (n)
The Theory of Relativity and its
Influence on Scientific Thought: 58(n)
Einstein, Albert and Leopold Infeld. The
Evolution of Physics: 15 (n), 138, 139 (n)
Einstein, Albert, et al. The Principle of
Relativity: A Collection of Original
Memoirs on the Special and General
Theory of Relativity: 37(n)
Einstein, Albert: xi-xii, 2, 5(n), 7(n), 8,
10-12, 15, 16, 19-24, 28, 37, 42, 43,
48, 53, 56, 60, 63, 66, 76, 77, 79, 84,
86, 89, 92, 100, 106(n), 108(n),
109-111, 124-127, 130, 139-142, 144,
146, 153, 163
"Autobiographical Notes": 11 (n),
"Clerk Maxwell's Influence on the
Evolution of the Idea of Physical
Reality": 106(n)
The Meaning of Relativity: 91(n)
"On the Electrodynamics of Moving
Bodies": 37
"On the Method of Theoretical
Physics": 128(n)
Index 181
El Greco (Domenicos Theotocopoulos):
electric field: see electromagnetic field
electric force: see electromagnetic force
electrodynamics: 17, 19-20
electromagnetic field: 16, 18-19, 109,
122, 127, 128
electromagnetic force: 16, 17, 19, 59
electromagnetic radiation: 112(n)
electromagnetic theory: 106
electromagnetic wave: see light,
electromagnetism: 106, 109, 127, 140
Eliot, George: 38, 39, 41, 42, 43, 76
Middlemarch: 90, 127
Eliot, T. S: 15
"The Waste Land": 37(n)
Enlightenment: 137
epistemic trauma: 6, chapter 2, 14
(defined), 19, 20, 22, 24, 25, 33, 34,
36, 50-52, 58, 64, 76, 85, 98, 110,
119, 125, 136, 162, 163
Ermarth, Elizabeth Deeds: 27, 39
Realism and Consensus in the English
Novel: 25(n), 27(n), 35(n), 38(n),
40, 43(n), 82(n), 126(n)
Sequel to History: Postmodernism and
the Crisis of Representational Time:
81(n), 163 (n)
ether physics: 19, 20
ether: 15, 19, 20, 23, 37, 115(n), 126,
Euclidean geometry (space): 25-27, 52,
56, 57, 64-66, 89, 114, 115
Existentialism: 162
the absurd in: 94
Expressionism: 54, 60, 63, 150(n)
Eysteinsson, Astradur: 1 (n), 5(n), 16,
37(n), 54 (n), 70, 163(n)
Faraday, Michael: 59, 105-107, 127, 128
Faraday's Diary: 106(n)
Faulkner, William: 9, 15, 99, 101
Absalom, Absalom!: 100(n), 122, 123,
132, 148, 157-160
"Delta Autumn": 123, 124
The Sound and the Fury: 99, 101—103,
132, 157
Fauves: 61
Fauvism: 54, 60
field: 6, 66, 88, 104, 105 (definition),
106, 107, 109-113, 115, 117-124,
129-132, 136-138, 146
Fjellestad, Danuta: 163 (n)
Flaubert, Gustave: 38, 39, 41-43
Fokkema, Douwe: 5(n)
Forster, E. M.: 99
A Passage to India: 8, 73, 74
Fra Filippo Lippi: 41
Frank, Philipp G.: 11 (n), 52(n)
Freud, Sigmund: 9, 24(n), 45
"The Aetiology of Hysteria": 45 (n)
The Future of an Illusion: 24 (n)
Early Psychoanalytic Writings: 81(n)
Friedman, Alan J. and Carol C. Donley.
Einstein as Myth and Muse: 105(n),
120, 121 .
Fry, Edward F: 27, 28, 32, 34, 67,
133 (n), 143, 144
Cubism: 28(n), 29(n), 32(n), 64(n),
84(n), 86(n), 87(n), 128(n),
^ 130(n), 133 (n), 144 (n), 145(n)
"Picasso, Cubism, and Reflexivity":
27(n), 34(n), 66, 82(n), 85, 143(n),
Futurism: 60, 84(n), 86, 87, 115-119
Garcia Marquez, Gabriel. One Hundred
Years of Solitude: 163
Gauguin, Paul: 30 (n), 60, 62
Gell-Mann, Murray: 163(n)
geodesic: 108, 115
German expressionism: 84 (n)
Gide, André: 99
Giotto (di Bondone): 27 (n)
Gleizes, Albert: 33, 36
and Jean Metzinger. Du Cubisme: 33,
143, 144
Gödel, Kurt: 162
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von: 130(n)
Gogh, Vincent van: 30(n), 60
Gogol, Nikolai Vasilyevich: 38
Goldberg, Stanley: 22(n), 58(n)
Golding, John: 62(n), 63(n), 87(n),
129(n), 146(n)
Gould, Stephen Jay: 6(n)
gravitation: 59, 107, 128, 141
Gray, Ronald: 49(n), 71(n)
Green, Christopher: 88, 130, 131, 146,
Greenberg, Clement: 54, 84, 114, 129,
Art and Culture: Critical Essays:
28(n), 31 (n), 55(n), 85(n), 129,
"Cézanne": 31 (n), 84 (n)
"Collage": 145(n)
"Master Léger": 85, 112(n), 114(n)
182 Index
"On the Role of Nature in Modern
Painting": 114(n), I44(n)
Gris, Juan: 33(n), 36, 60, 81, 88, 131,
The Painter's Window: 146, 147, PI. 15
Hals, Frans: 28(n)
Hamilton, George Heard: 29, 29(n)
Hamilton, William: 48(n)
Harris, Paul André: 99(n)
Hassan, Ihab: 163
Havel, Vaclav: 137, 139, 139(n)
Hawthorne, Nathaniel: 38
Hayles, N. Katherine: 5(n), 105,(n),
Heidegger, Martin: 162
Heisenberg, Werner: 78, 80, 142 (n), 156
The Physicist's Conception of Nature:
78 (n), 80(n)
Helmholtz, Hermann. On the
Interactions of Natural Forces": 55(n)
Hemingway, Ernest. "A Clean
Well-Lighted Place": 88
Henderson, Linda Dalrymple: 4, 4 (n),
84, 115(n)
Hogarth, William: 83
Holton, Gerald: 58, 58(n)
homology: 6, 6(n)
Hugo, Victor: 38
Hume, David: 23
Husserl, Edmund: 9, 86(n), 162
Imagism: 36(n)
Impressionism: 28, 29, 30(n), 41, 60, 81,
85, 113, 114, 130
Infeld, Leopold: 139, 142
Ingres, J. A. D.: 131
interval (in relativity theory): 73
James, Henry: 43, 44, 71, 89, 150
The Golden Bowl: 150, 151-154
The Turn of the Screw: 44—47, 71, 89
What Maisie Knew: 45
Janis, Harriet: 146
Johnson, Julie M. The Sound and the
Fury: 100(n)
Joyce, James: 48, 71, 93, 94, 99
Dubliners: 37, 47, 49, 92-94
Finnegans Wake: 148
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young
Man: 48(n), 94, 150
Ulysses: 37(n)
Kafka, Franz: xi, 1, 15, 48-50, 66, 68,
72, 76, 94, 95, 97, 99, 120, 139, 155,
The Castle: 154-156
"A Common Confusion": 68, 69
A Country Doctor": 69
The Great Wall of China: 69(n), 97,
"The Hunter Gracchus": 69
"In the Penal Colony": 50, 94(n),
119-120, 120(n)
"Meditation": 94
"The Metamorphosis": 37, 49, 69-71,
"The Trees": 94
The Trial: 37, 94-97
Kahnweiler, Daniel-Henry: 64
The Rise of Cubism: 63, 84
Kandinsky, Wassily: 130
Keats, John: 158
Keller, Alex: 29(n)
Kern, Stephen: 3(n), 31(n), 43(n), 86(n)
Kierkegaard, Soren: 155
Klee, Paul: 130, 131
Homage to Picasso: 131
The Notebooks of Paul Klee: 131 (n)
Krauss, Rosiland: 145(n)
Kubier, George: 52(n)
Kuhn, Thomas S.: 22(n), 55(n)
Kupka, Frank: 130(n)
Laporte, Paul: 4, 27, 61(n), 65, 86, 89
"Cubism and Relativity with a Letter
of Albert Einstein": 4(n)
"Cubism and Science": 4(n), 28(n),
51 (n), 61 (n), 65(n), 86(n), 89(n),
, , 9 1 ( n ) "The Space-Time Concept in the
Work of Picasso": 4(n), 31(n),
62(n), 86(n)
Laurens, Henri: 88
Lawson, Hilary: 136(n)
Léger, Fernand: 28, 29, 33(n), 36, 60,
64, 131, 144(n)
La Femme en bleu: 113
"The Origins of Painting and its
Representational Value": 29 (n),
65 (n)
Lenard, Philip: 21 (n)
Leonardo (da Vinci): 41
Levi-Strauss: 9, 12, 161
Levine, George: 38(n)
Leymarie, Jean: 66(n)
light (speed): 18, 23
wavelike nature: 17, 19, 109
Index 183
linear perspective: see perspective
linguistics: 161
Lipchitz, Jacques: 88
Lorentz, H. A: 20, 21, 139
Lorentz transformation: 96(n), 101, 102,
139, HO
Lukács, Georg: 38(n)
luminiferous ether: see ether
Mach, Ernst. The Science of Mechanics:
43 (n), 78 (n)
Magie, William F.: 20-22, 53, 57
"The Primary Concepts of Physics":
21 (n), 53(n)
magnetic field: see electromagnetic field
magnetic force: see electromagnetic force
magnetism: 16
Malevich, Kasimir: 129, 130
Manet, Edouard: 34 (n)
Olympia: 82
Mann, Thomas: 99
Doctor Faustus: 132-134
Marinetti, F. T: 116, 117(n)
Martin, Marianne W.: 116(n)
Masaccio: 25, 41
mass (and energy): 109, 114
Matisse, Henri: 34(n), 52(n), 61, 115,
130, 132, 147
"Notes of a Painter": 6I(n)
The Painter and His Model: 147
"Testimonial": 115(n)
Maxwell, James Clerk: 15, 18-19, 28,
106, 109, 126, 127
Maxwell's equations: 17(n), 19, 20, 127,
128, 140
McCormmach, Russell: Night Thoughts of
a Classical Physicist: 59
medium (for waves): 17-19
Melville, Herman: 38
"Bartleby": 44
Mermoz, Gérard: 4, 5(n), 78(n)
Metzinger, Jean: 33, 36, 64, 88
"Cubism and Tradition": 64(n)
Michelangelo Buonarrotti: 32
Last Judgment: 127
Michelson-Morley experiment: 2
Miller, Arthur I: 20
Millet, Jean François: 28
Minkowski diagram: 96(n), 101, 102
Minkowski, Herman: 20, 139
Mondrian, Piet: 129, 130
Monet, Claude: 29, 76
Mook, Delo, and Thomas Vargish. Inside
Relativity: xii, 10, 11, 15, 17(n), 23(n).
28(n), 37(n), 40(n), 41 (n), 42(n),
55(n), 56(n), 65(n), 77(n), 78(n),
79(n), 101(n), 106(n), 107 (n), 108 (n),
110(n), 126(n), 139(n), 142(n)
More, Louis: 59
"The Theory of Relativity": 60(n)
Nazi propaganda (and relativity theory):
Neoclassicism: 28, 34(n)
New York Times, The: 21
Newton, Isaac: 15-16, 19, 40, 42, 78,
106, 107, 108, 125, 127
Principia Mathematical 5(n), 22, 40,
41(n), 57
Newtonian theory (gravity, laws of
motion, mechanics): 15, 19, 20, 22-24,
26, 29, 30, 33, 38, 40, 41, 46, 55-58,
65, 66, 68, 70, 77, 78, 82, 87, 91, 97,
98, 107, 109, 110, 117, 125-128,
Nicholson, Marjorie Hope: 77(n)
Ortega Y Gassett, Jose: 3, 11-12, 89(n)
The Dehumanization of Art and Other
Writings on Art and Culture: 3(n),
The Modem Theme: 10
particle field: 109(n)
Pascal, Blaise: 97
Perioff, Marjorie: 116(n).
permeability: 18
permittivity: 18
perspective (in painting): 15, 25-27,
29-37, 42, 43, 62, 64, 65, 84, 89, 90,
92, 95, 118, 129, 133, 143
phenomenology: 86, 150(n), 162
Piaget, Jean: 12
Picasso, Pablo: xi, 15, 32-34, 36, 42, 51,
60, 63, 64(n), 65, 66, 71, 76, 81-88,
112, 115, 128, 129, 131, 133, 143,
144(n), 146, 147, 163
The Aficionado: 35, 36, 66, 85, 92,
113, 146, PI. 5
Les Demoiselles d'Avignon: xi, 7(n),
32, 49(n), 51, 64, 97, PI. 4
Girl with a Mandolin: 145, Pi. 13
Painter and Model: 146, 154, PI- 14
Portrait d'Olga dans un fauteuil: 147,
Pl. 16
Portrait of Ambroise Vollard: 82, 85,
113, PI. 7
184 Index
Still Life with Chair Caning: 87, 88,
145, Pl. 9
The Studio: 146, 154
Piero delia Francesca: 25
Planck, Max: 112(n)
Poe, Edgar Allan: 44
Poincare, Henri: 20, 21
point of view: 89, 90, 92, 101, 102
Polkinghorne, J. C.: 142(n)
Pope, Alexander.: 77(n)
Positivism: 12
Post-Impressionism: 30, 131
Postmodernism: 2, 55(n), 81, 137, 147,
principle of equivalence (in relativity):
principle of relativity: 11, 20
Ptoust, Marcel: 10, 91, 92, 99
Swann's Way: 37, 90, 91(n)
Providence: 46, 96, 156
psychoanalysis: 161
psychology: 150(n), 151
Purdy, Strother В.: 24(n)
quantum theory: 55, 107(n), 112,
125(n), 142(n), 156
field theory: 109(n), 150(n)
Raphael (Sanzio): 41, 83
Raynal, Maurice: 86, 87
"Conception and Vision": 87(n)
Read, Herbert: 34(n), 35, 35(n), 60,
61 (n), 62(n), 86(n), 116, 116(n)
Realism: ix, 2, 12, 25, 27, 30, 34, 35,
36, 38-40, 42, 44, 46, 48, 49, 61, 63,
66, 71, 75, 77, 83, 85, 87, 97, 101,
102, 107, 117, 118, 125, 126, 129-135,
137, 144, 147, 162, 163
reflexivity: 6, 10, 27, 54, 81, 88, 123,
136 (definition), 137-140, 142-148,
150, 151, 153-157, 159, 161, 162, 164
relativism (distinguished from relativity):
8, 73, 74
Rembrandt (Harmenszoon van Rijn): 83,
Renaissance: 28, 29, 32, 33, 38, 39, 41,
83, 129, 137, 147
Renoir, Jean: 29
Reverdy, Pierre: 144
"Some Advantages of Being Alone":
Richardson, J. A: 4(n), 42, 62, 62(n)
Rivière, Jacques: 84
"Present Tendencies in Painting":
Robbe-Grillet, Alain. Last Year at
Marienbad: 163
Roemer, Olaf: 18
Rorty, Richard: 13 (n)
Rosenthal-Schneider, Ilse: 79(n)
Rubin, William: 87
Pablo Picasso: A Retrospective: 146 (n)
Picasso and Braque: Pioneering Cubism:
87(n), 89(n), 113(n), 131, 145(n)
Picasso in the Collection of the Museum
of Modem Art: 89(n)
Russell, Bertrand: 135, 139
The ABC of Relativity: 79 (n)
Russolo, Luigi: 116(n)
Salmon, André: 128
Sartre, Jean-Paul: 99, 155, 162
Saussure, Ferdinand de: 5(n), 9, 12, 161
Course in General Linguistics: 150
Schapiro, Meyer. "The Nature of
Abstract Art": 30(n)
Schilpp, Paul Arthur: 43(n), 78(n),
126(n), 138(n)
Schönberg, Arnold: 9, 15, 133, 134
Schopenhauer, Arthur: 125, 130(n)
Schweber, Silvan: 22(n)
seismic waves: 18
semiology: 150(n)
Severini, Gino: 116(n)
Shakespeare, William: 100(n), 140
Sheppard, Richard: 54 (n)
Short, Robert: 54(n)
simultaneity: 89
single-point perspective: see perspective
space and time: 3, 11, 15, 22-24, 27,
42-45, 51, 53, 56, 59, 60, 68, 74, 77,
79, 89, 96, 102, 119, 124-127, 137
spacetime: 22, 27, 56-58, 68, 89-91,
100, 106, 107, 109-112, 115, 127, 140
Stalin, Josef: 52(n)
Stein, Gertrude: 58, 133(n)
Stein, Leo: 133 (n)
Stendhal (Marie Henri Beyle): 38, 42
Scarlet and Black: 38 (n), 40
Stern, J. P.: 38(n)
Sterne, Laurence: 38
Stevenson, Randall: 97
Stravinsky, Igor: 15
Sacre du Printemps: 56
streamline, streamlining: 126(n)
Structuralism: 5(n), 12, 150(n), 161
supralunary region: 19
Surrealism: 147
Symbolism: 131
Index 185
Symbolists: 63
synthetic cubism: 88, 115, 144, 145
Sypher, Wylie: 7(n)
tensor calculus: 59
theosophy: 130(n)
Tolstoy, Leo: 38, 42, 49
Anna Karenina: 39, 93
The Death of Ivan llych: 50 (n)
War and Peace: 40, 90
Turgenev, Ivan Sergeyevich: 38, 43 (n)
Twain, Mark: 38
uncertainty (principle in quantum
theory): 142, 156
value: ix, 2—5, 6—7 (definition), 9-13,
66, 75-77, 81, 87, 104, 105, 115, 122,
125, 136, 137, 161-163,
Vargish, Thomas. The Providential
Aesthetic in Victorian Fiction: 38 (n), 41,
96 (n)
Vauxcelles, Louis: 52 (n)
Velázquez, Diego Rodriguez de Silva y:
28 (n)
Vollard, Ambroise: 83
Vorticism: 36 (n)
Watt, Ian: 38(n), 41(n)
wave, longitudinal: 17—18,
wave, transverse: 17-18,
Weaver, Jefferson Hare: 55(n)
Weinberg, Stephen: 53, 53(n)
Weizsäcker, Carl Friedrich von: 126(n)
Whitehead, Alfred North: 5(n), 7(n)
Whittaker, Sir Edmund. A History of the
Theories of Aether and Electricity: 17 (n),
Wien, Wilhelm: 58
Will, Clifford M.: 22 (n)
Woolf, Virginia: 99,
Yeats, W. В.: 15
Young, Thomas: 17