Note: Page numbers in italics indicate illustrations
abjection 305, 349, 392, 395-407
abortion see anti-abortion . . .
Abstract Expressionism 294-8
abstraction 280, 293, 296
academic model of art teaching 8, 18-31
Acconci, Vito 52 n30, 105, 109
Ace Gallery, Los Angeles 41-2
ACT UP 120, 144-7, Plate 8
activist art 37, 120; AIDS 141-9; architecture
and homelessness in New York City
150-65; social change as artistic goal 9,
Adeniran Kane, Toro (Mama 'Toro) 85-6,
88 nl4
Adorno, Theodor 27, 219, 381
advertising 80, 242-3, 382-3
aesthetic attitude 27
aestheticism 380-1
aesthetics 14, 27, 220, 233, 279-82; and
administration 44-5; dialogical model 80-4;
difference between traditional and dialogical
81-2; radical 385; urban development 153,
155; video projection 10, 111-12; Western
ideal of beauty 367-8; "yBa" 89
Africanity 216, 222, 223-4, 226-32
Ahtila, Eija Liisa 106
AIDS 120, 126, 141-9, 366, 368-9, 370
"AIDS in the Arts" 142, 148
Aikin, Susana 133
Aitken, Doug 105, 109, 112, 114 nl7, Plate 6
Ala Plastica 78, 86
Albers, Josef 21
alienation 47, 48, 296
alienation effect 79
Allen, Paula 133
Althusser, Louis 27, 29, 166-7, 374, 379
American Civil Liberties Union 139 nl4
American Family Association 124
American Film Institute Video Festival 148
American Liberty Upside Down (M. C. Carroll)
American postmodernism 2, 349, 388-9
L'Amour fou 79
Analytic Cubism 380
anatomy 19
Andre, Carl 41-2
Angelus Novtts (P. Klee) 254-5 nl6
Anthology Film Archives 113 nl3
anthropology 3, 27, 90, 216, 219, 228
anti-abortion art 383-5
anti-abortion campaign 125, 126-7, 128
Anzaldúa, Gloria 169
Aparicio, Carlos 133
Appiah, Anthony 230
Arabesque (J. Whitney) 420
Arabs 229, 230
architecture 30, 46, 49, 150; dialectic between
art and 281, 318-30; see also urban
Archuleta, Margaret 62
Aristotle 14
Armajani, Siah 318
Armey, Dick 124
Arnheim, Rudolph 21
Arnold, Matthew 380
"Art Against AIDS" 142, 143
art collectives 9, 76-88
art exhibitions see institutions; international art
art history 57, 216, 229, 230, 233-41, 306
Art in America 41, 191
Art Institute of Chicago, 73rd American
Exhibition 36
art magazines 109
art market 15, 40, 41, 90
art models 7-10
Art Monthly 96
art photography see Mapplethorpe, Robert
art practice 7-10; in art teaching 28-9, 31
art standards 126, 379
art teaching 8, 18-31
art theory 1-3; encouraging lightness and
experimentation 348-9, 388-94
"ArtBarns: After Kurt Schwitters" exhibition 85
Arte Joven en Nueva York exhibition 51 nl4
Artforum 191, 395
artistic field 7-8, 11-18
artists 15, 17-18; relationship with curators 9,
57, 58, 67; role 7, 9; service provision 9,
69-75; and site-specificity 8, 40-9
Arts International 55
artworks; integrity 58; relationship to site see
Asher, Michael 8, 33, 36, 37
Asia-Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art 62,
67, 257 n44
Asian culture 216, 242-58
attitude 8, 26-8, 31
Auge, M. 97-8
auteur theory 382
authenticity 40, 42, 45-6, 48, 215, 221, 279,
292; African 230-1; cross-cultural practices
233, 236; New Asia 247-9
author, authority 40, 41-2, 45, 339-40, 342,
364-5, 367
autonomy, cultural service provision 9, 71-2,
Autumn Rhythm (J. Pollock) 297
avant-garde and neo-avant-garde 33, 79-80, 84,
107, 348, 380-1, 382, 397; art teaching 20,
29; Chinese art 312; cultural production 13,
18; films 422-5; "yBa" 91-2, 96, 97
Avgikos, Jan 191
"Awards in the Visual Arts 7" show 123-4
Baader-Meinhof group, Richter's paintings
280, 283-91
Bacher, Lutz 109, 111-12
Bad Attitude 138
Bakhtin, Mikhail 79, 200
Bakker, Jim and Tammy 130 n23
Bal, Mieke 414
Barbato, Randy 133
Barber, Bruce 87 n5
Baridon, Michel 317 n2
Baring, Amulf 289
Barney, Matthew 109, 114 nl8
Barry, Robert 8, 33
Barthes, Roland 40, 211, 268, 366, 416
Bartlett, Scott 107
Bataille, Georges 349, 396-7, 399, 401-6
Baudelaire, Charles Pierre 205
Baudrillard, Jean 93, 275 nn7, 17
Bauhaus model of art teaching 8, 21-31
Baumgarten, Lothar 38
Becher, Bernd and Hilla 418
Becquer, Marcos 216, 237
Bedia, José 221
Beijing Review 262
Belenky, Mary Field 82-3
Belsőn, Jordan 107
Benjamin, Walter 108, 161-2, 206, 208-9, 211,
243, 244, 245, 253, 378
Benning, James 113 nlO
Berger, Laura 133, 138 n2
Bemal, Martin 370
A Better Life for Rural Women project 85-6, 85
Beuys, Joseph 26, 288
Beveridge, Karl 83
Bhabha, Homi 49, 79, 200-1, 202 n2, 215, 216,
237, 362
Bharucha, Rustom 247-8, 249
Bible, and television 210
biennials see international art exhibitions
Biko, Stephen 287
Birnbaum, Daniel 114 nl7, 115 n29, 376
black identity 182-6; see also racial. . .
Black Mountain College 25-6
Blacker, Irwin R. 274 n3
Blair, David 414
blasphemy 129, 130 n20
Bloch, Emst 15
Boas, Franz 219
Bochner, Mel 34
body, centrality of 349, 395-407
Bolivia 377-8
Bollinger, Lee 136, 140 nl9
Boltanski, Christian 53 n42
books, database and narrative 419; negation of
knowledge in China 313
Boomerang (R. Serra) 341-2
Bordwell, David 424, 425 n7
Borges, Jorge Luis 222, 413
Botero, Femando 222
Bourdieu, Pierre 7-8, 9, 73, 74, 94
Bourgeois, Louise 396
Bourriaud, Nicolas 79
Bowland Initiative 88 nl4
Boyer, M. Christine 164 n5
Boys at Bat (E. Fischl) 125
Brancusi, Constantin 334, 365
Brecht, Bertolt 373, 375
Brecht, George 113 nlO
Breerette, Geneviève 114 n20
Brenson, Michael 8-9
Breton, André 296, 403
bricolage 93
British Council 97
Britpop 97
Bronx Museum 42
Broodthaers, Marcel 33
Brook, Peter 248
Buchanan, Patrick 126
Buchloh, Benjamin 44, 51 nl7, 279-80, 331
Buck, Louisa 96
Buckley, William F. 145
Bunseki, Fu-Kiau 223
Burden, Chris 201
Buren, Daniel 29, 33, 34, 37
Bürger, Peter 13, 377, 380-1, 383
Burr, Tom 38
Bush, Kate 327
Bush administration 121
Butler, Judith 120-1
Butler obscenity decision (1992) 137
Cabrai, Amílcar 219
Cage, John 111, 113 nlO
Cal Arts 27
California, socially-engaged art 77, 83-4
Campus, Peter 105
Canada, obscenity law 137-8
Candle (G. Richter) 287, 288
capitalism 40, 47, 120, 219, 296, 378, 389;
New Asia 244, 245, 246, 247, 249; "yBa"
94-6, 99
Сарр Street Project, San Francisco 320
Carbeck, Robert 139 nl4
Carnegie International exhibition 61, 64, 65
Carroll, Mary Cate 383-5
Carson, Juli 281-2
Casebere, James 318
Catalog (J. Whitney) 420, 424
catastrophe 244-5, 250
Cather, Willa 168, 179, 180
Cats and Watermelons (G. Orozco) Plate 9
censorship 120, 124, 126, 127, 132-40, 370,
371, 384
Centre Georges Pompidou 395, 396
centre/periphery binarism 221-2, 347-8,
centrism 216, 224, 227-8; see also Eurocentrism
Cervantes, Miguel de 419
Cézanne, Paul 66
Chadwick, Helen 396
Chakrabarty, Dipesh 245, 246, 253
Channel NewsAsia 216, 242-3
Chicago Public Library Cultural Center
129 nl2
China; art 280-1, 309-17; meaning of color
259, 261, 265, 266, 274
Church, Judson 107
cinema see film
Civil Rights Movement 121, 189
430 Index
Claire Copley Gallery, Los Angeles 36
class 15-16, 163, 270-1, 305, 348, 367-8, 375,
379-80, 383, 385-6, 389
classical Greece: narrative and database 419;
sculpture 367, 368, 369—70; see also Plato
collage 93, 294
collectivity, socially-engaged art 80-6
College Art Association 139 nl4
Colombia 377-8
colonialism 38, 219, 220, 222, 228, 310; and
cultural reproduction in Latin America
347, 352-4; fantasy in Mapplethorpe's
photography 348, 362-70; Vietnam 271-3
color: cultural meanings 217, 259-75; people
of, and socially-engaged art 77, 83-4
commodification 7, 91, 99, 120, 383; Asia 216;
site-specificity 33, 37, 39, 40, 43-4; spectacle
and spectatorship 267, 268, 274, 378-9
commodity fetishism 291 n5, 377-8
communication 80
communicative interaction 80-1
community 9, 84-5, 189, 200
community-based art 50-1 nl3
community policing, socially-engaged art 77,
computer games 411, 412
concept 236
conceptual architecture 281, 318-30
conceptual art 7, 27, 28, 33, 44, 109, 110, 233,
318, 322-3; relationship to conceptual
architecture 281, 318-30
Condé, Carole 83
connected knowing 82-3
Conrad, Tony 107
conservatism and neo-conservatism: attack on
artistic and sexual expression 57, 67, 119-20,
123-31, 134-5, 136, 137-8, 281, 360, 370-1;
and identity politics 122, 187, 193
consumerism, consumption 90, 95, 247, 268,
context 33, 391
conversational art 79
Conwill, Kinshasha Holman 55
Cooke, Lynne 91
Coppola, Francis Ford 263
Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington, DC
124-5, 370
Corman, Roger 382
Cornered (A. Piper) 121, 182-6, 183
counter-cultures 108; "yBa" 9-10, 90, 91-2, 95,
97; see also subversion
Courbet, Gustave 290 n4
COYOTE 139 nl4
Craft Morphology Flow Chart (M. Kelley) 404,
creativity 20-1, 22-3, 24, 25, 26-8
Creed, Martin 113 nlO
Crewdson, Gregory 104
Crimp, Douglas 49 nl, 51 nl7, 120, 331
crisis 244-5, 250
Critical Art Ensemble 84
critical attitude 27
Critical Regionalism 47, 48
Critical Symbolism 314
critical theory 1-3, 349; art teaching 8, 27-31
Crocheted Environment (F. Wilding) 42
cross-cultural dialogue 9, 76-88
cross-cultural identification 200-1
cross-cultural practices 216, 233-41
Cubism 21, 93, 223-4
Culler, Jonathan 342 n5
cultural activism 120, 141-9
cultural capital 15, 94-5, 281
cultural critique, site-specificity as 37-8
cultural identity 230, 233-41; Latin America
347-8, 351-9; New Asia 216, 242-58; see abo
identity politics
cultural legitimation 41, 42, 281
cultural marginality 233-5
cultural meaning 216-17, 259-75
cultural pluralism 216, 218, 223, 227, 228, 230
cultural power 62
cultural production 45; fields 7, 8, 11-18, 73
cultural relativism 98, 219, 222
cultural reproduction 352-4
Cultural Revolution 262, 280, 311-14
cultural service provision 9, 53 n34, 69-75
cultural studies 3, 215, 236, 348, 376, 389
cultural theory 215
culture 119-22; Africa 216, 226-32; and built
environment 150; China 280—1, 309—17;
New Asia 216, 242-58; war on 123-40
curators 8-9, 55-68, 291 n5; future issues for
66-8; heroic/non-heroic elements 61-6;
self-censorship 127; transparency 58-61;
Whitney Biennial (1993) 187-203
Currah, M. 89
Cynical Realism 314
Dadaism 91-2, 233, 313, 380
Dakar Biennial 61, 64
D'Amato, Alfonse 123, 126, 130 n23
"Dancing for Life" 142
Danto, Arthur C. 202 nl, 244, 390
database 349-50, 408-27
database cinema 421-5
David, Catherine 56
David Zwirner Gallery, New York 102-4
Davies, Miranda 273
Davis, Lucy 248, 249, 256 n29
DaZiBaos (Group Material) Plate 1
de Duve, Thierry 8, 47
de Lauretis, Teresa 274
de Man, Paul 30
death, representation of 285-7
Debord, Guy 216, 242, 246-7, 248, 249,
253 n3, 264, 378-9
decentralization 215
deconstruction 29-30, 31, 245, 313-14
Delaporte, François 141
Deleuze, Gilles 30, 48
democracy 22, 393
Denneny, Michael 142
dependence: artistic service provision 74-5;
socially-engaged art 81
depth 292-308
Dercon, Chris 108
Derrick Cross (R. Mapplethorpe) 365, 366
Derrida, Jacques 30, 208, 211, 244-5, 253,
332-4, 340, 341, 401
Desai, Vishakha N. 59, 61
desire 38, 305, 348, 362
The Destruction of "Tilted Arc": Documents 331-2,
334, 341, 343 nnl3, 14, 16-20
deterritorialization 47-8, 159-60
Deutsche, Rosalyn 50 n3, 120, 343 nl5
Devan, Janadas 255 n29
Dewhurst, Colleen 142
Dia Center for the Arts, New York
dialogue 9, 76-88, 218
Diamond, William 331, 339
"Diamonds Are Forever" exhibition
129-30 nl2
Dias, Mauricio 60
Diderot, Denis 419
Didi-Hubermann, Georges 407 n36
Dienst, Richard 111, 112
difference 30, 46, 49, 215, 218, 356; mythology
of 121-2, 187-203; sensitivity to 80, 85;
social relations 370-1
Dion, Mark 38
discipline 280, 296, 298, 299, 300, 301, 306,
discursive sites 37-9, 43, 45, 46, 48, 332
Documenta exhibitions 65, 107; X (1997) 56,
57, 59; XI (2002) 86 nl, 109
Dogon cosmology 265-6, 273
Douglas, Mary 406 n9
Douglas, Stan 10, 102-4, 103, 105, 114 nl8
drag, ambivalence of 169-78
The Draughtsman's Contract (P. Greenaway)
Draxler, Helmut 53 n34, 69, 71
drugs 211; socially-engaged art 77, 81
Duchamp, Marcel 17, 27, 28, 90-1, 93, 94, 99,
233, 375, 380, 392, 396
Dunn, Peter 76
Durham, Jimmie 38, 238-9, 239
Dürkheim, Émile 396
Dworkin, Andrea 120, 133
E. T. (Exchanging Thought) 78
Eastern Europe, Eurocentrism 220
economic factors 36, 269, 272; see abo
capitalism; commodification; market, the
economic field 7-8, 15
egalitarianism 22, 99
Eight Student Nurses (G. Richter) 283
Eisenman, Peter 281, 318-19, 322, 323,
Electric Earth installation (D. Aitken) Plate 6
Eliot, T. S. 384
elitism 263-4
Ellison, Ralph 368
empathy 243; socially-connected art 83, 84
encyclopedias 419, 421
End of Art thesis 244
End of History thesis 226, 244, 245, 246, 390
Enlightenment aesthetics 82, 187, 367
Ensslin, Gudrun 289
environmental crisis 38
Enwezor, Okwui 59, 61, 62, 63, 86 nl
Erdmeci, N. Fulya 64
Ericson, Kate 53 n42
Emst, Julia 140 n20
Esąuire magazine 382-3
432 Index
essentialism 236, 237, 326; Asian culture 216,
244, 248; black cultural politics 369; critique
of 121-2, 215; Latin American identity
354-5; literary analysis 16
ethnicity 215, 218-25; see also racial . . .
ethnocentrism 219, 370
ethnography 38
Etiemble, René 220
Eurocentrism 215, 216, 218-25, 233, 235;
postmodernism and 219, 220, 221, 222,
347-8, 351-9
Europe, construction of 229
Evans, Robin 325
Evening (S. Douglas) 103-4
exotic 220, 221-2, 233, 235, 269
expanded cinema 107-8
experientiality 98
experimentation 349, 393-5
FACT (Feminist Anti-Censorship Task Force)
139 nl4
Falwell, Jerry 145
Fani-Fayode, Rotimi 369
Fanon, Franz 215, 348, 363, 365
fascism 267, 288; culture of 209
Fautrier, Jean 396
femininmasculin exhibition 396
feminism, feminist theory 3, 27, 82-3, 120,
127, 170-1, 274, 348, 361, 373, 383
feminist art 42
feminist art history 379
feminist fundamentalism 120, 127, 132-40,
370-1; critique by other feminists 137
Fernandez, Christian 358 n3
Fernandez, José Gabriel 51 nl4
fetish, fetishism: commodity 291 n5, 377-8;
visual fetishism of Mapplethorpe's
photography 348, 362-5, 369; woman as
Feyerabend, Paul 158-9
field 318-30
Fields, Barbara Jeanne 197-8
Figaro-Magazine 271
film 124, 217, 259-75, 288; database and
narrative 349-50, 408, 409, 417, 418-19, 420,
421-5; gender performance 121, 168-78; and
popular culture 381-3; and video projection
102, 105, 106-8, 110-11
Film-Makers Cinematheque 107
film studies 3
Fineman, Joel 256 n40, 257 n41
Finkelpearl, Tom 79
Fischl, Eric 125
Fisher, Jean 216
Fisher, Scott 414
Fist of Light (C. Burden) 201
Fistrunk, Ziff 129-30 nl2
Flanagan, Barry 28
flatness 280, 292-308
The Flying Circus Project (TheatreWorks) 247-9
folk art 125
Ford, John 107
Ford, Simon 96
Forest (S. Gill) 251
form 279, 334-8, 391; Chinese art 280-1,
309-17; modem and postmodem
approaches to flatness and depth 280,
formalism and neo-formalism 24, 28, 90, 91,
236, 391
"Formless: A User's Guide" exhibition 395, 396
formlessness 349; see abo informe concept
Forster, Kurt W. 309
Forti, Simone 113 nlO
Foster, Hal 1, 51 nl7, 359 n7, 388-9,
407 nn34, 35
Foucault, Michel 150, 191, 267, 269, 280, 296,
298, 300, 404, 405
Fountain (M. Duchamp) 90-1
4166 Sea View Lane (J. Pardo) 321-2, 327,
Plate 14
48 Portraits (G. Richter) 283, 285
Fourteen Drawings and One Ideology (S. Quesada)
Fox Talbot, William Henry 418
fragmentation 47, 48; Chinese art 280, 309-17
Frampton, Kenneth 47, 48, 49
Frankenthaler, Helen 131 n25
Frankfurt School 15, 209, 348, 381
Fraser, Andrea 9, 52-3 n34
free expression 128-9, 132-40, 370
freedom: of choice 49; illusion of 96
"Freeze" shows 89-90, 92
French postmodernism 349, 388; see abo
Lyotard, Jean-François
French theory 27, 28-9
Freud, Sigmund 179, 300, 364, 377, 397
Fried, Michael 28, 33, 343 n9
Friedrich Petzel, New York 322
From the Bowels to the Bosom (К. Walker) 304
Frye, Marilyn 170
Fukuoka Triennial 257 n44
Fukuyama, Francis 226-7, 244, 245, 390
function, functionalism 13, 154-5, 281, 318-30
functional sites 39
fundamentalism 120, 123-31, 136, 137; feminist
120, 127, 132-40, 370-1
furniture objects 321, 328
Fusco, Coco 202 n2
Gabiik, Suzi 87 n3
Gagosian Gallery, Beverly Hills 107, 320
galleries see institutions
Galton, Francis 405
Gandhi, Mahatma 263
García Canclini, Nestor 225 nl3
Garciandia, Flavio 218
Gatti, José 216, 237
Gaywood, James 9-10
Gaze, the 399-400
Gehlen, Arnold 226-7
Gelzis, Kristaps 57
gender 265-6, 273-4, 392; subversion and
resignification of norms 121, 166-81;
Whitney Biennial and 188-201
gender performance 121, 166-81
genres 14, 16
gentrification 152, 153, 156, 163
Gestalt, Gestalt theory 20, 399-400
Gette, Paul-Armond 396
Giacometti, Alberto 396
Gilbert Si George 395-6
Gill, Simryn 216, 251-3, Plate 11
Gillick, Liam 99
Gintz, Claude 406 nl
Giobbe, Evelina 133
globalization 3, 47, 55, 215, 249
Gober, Robert 192, 396
God, death of 206
Golden, Thelma 194, 196-7, 198, 199, 201,
202 n2
Goldsmiths' College Fine Art department 27, 90
Goldstein, Richard 143
Goldsworthy, Andy 57
Gombrich, E. H. 21
Gonzalez, Rodrigo 225 n20
Gonzalez-Torres, Felix 66
Gordon, Douglas 105, 106, 107, 113 nlO
Gore, Tipper 125
Graham, Dan 105, 109
Gramsci, Antonio 175, 263
Gran Fury 120, 146, 147
Graw, Isabelle 44
Green, Renée 38, 45
Greenaway, Peter 421-2
Greenberg, Clement 25, 28, 29, 79, 280, 281,
293-8, 306, 334, 335, 336, 338, 341, 342, 348,
380, 391
Greyson, John 148
Group Material 38, Plate 1
Grundberg, Andy 387 nl
Grynsztein, Madeleine 64
Guattari, Félix 48
"Guerrilla Girls Review the Whitney"
exhibition 188-9, 191, 193
Guggenheim organization 114 nl9
Guilbaut, Serge 190
Gulf War 122, 208, 210, 212
Gursky, Andreas 105
Haacke, Hans 9, 33, 34, 36, 37, 52 n32, 149 n9,
Habana Biennial 61, 62-3, 64, 218, 257 n44
Habermas, Jürgen 80-1, 82, 83, 283, 290 n5, 383
habitus 92, 94-6
Hall, Stuart 215, 369
Hamberg, Jill 164 пб
Hamilton, Ann 53 n42
Hammons, David 53 n42, 280, 301-3, 302
Hanhardt, John 194, 202 n2
Hapgood, Susan 41
Hartford Wash: Washing Tracks, Maintenance
Outside (M. L. Ukeles) ЗУ
Harvey, David 47, 97
Harwood, Graham 414
Haussmann, Eugène-Georges, Baron 162-3
Havana Bienal 61, 62-3, 64, 218, 257 n44
"Healthy Farms and Healthy Foods"
marketing and cultural exchange program
88 nl4
Heartney, Eleanor 191
Hegel, G. W. F. 367, 390, 397
hegemony 191, 306; counter-hegemonic
function of socially-engaged art 83; gender
performativity 174-8; and popular culture
385-6; see also counter-cultures; power
Heidegger, Martin 207, 208, 210
Heins, Maijorie 139 nl4
434 Index
Heizer, Michael 336
Hellman, Peter 164 nl4
Helms, Jesse 123, 125, 145, 360, 367, 371
Heng, Amanda 216, 250-1
Hentoff, Nat 384
Herkenhoff, Paulo 60, 62
hermeneutics 16
Hess, Elizabeth 139 nl2
Hesse, Eva 396
heterosexuality 169-70, 171-2, 175
high culture: conservative and fundamentalist
attacks 57, 119-20, 123-40, 281, 360, 370-1;
division from low culture 348, 375-87
Hill, Anita 210
Hill, Gary 114 nl9
Hiller, Susan 94
hippie drug culture 107
Hirakawa, Noritoshi 396
Hirst, Damien 92, 93, 97, Plate 3
history 226-8, 229, 253; of art see art history;
and urban redevelopment 150-64
"A History of Chinese Painting" and "A Concise
History of Modem Painting" Washed in a
Washing Machine for Two Minutes (Huang
Yong Ping) 313, Plate 12
history painting 279-80, 283-91
Hofmann, Hans 21
Holliday, George 122, 190, 202 nl, 211
Hollier, Denis 396, 402-3, 404
Holquist, Michael 200
Holt, Nancy 342
Holzer, Jenny 149 n9
The Homeless Projection (K. Wodiczko) 152-4,
156-7, IS7
Homeless Vehicle Project (K. Wodiczko) 152-3,
158, 161, 162, 163
homelessness: New York 120, 150-65; socially-engaged
art 77, 81
Homer 419
homoeroticism 348, 360-71
homogenization, and redevelopment 158-9,
160, 161
homosexuality 38, 142, 368, 370; resistance to
gender norms 168-80; see also
hooks, bell 170, 175-8
Hopper, Kim 164 n6
Horizon 142
Horkheimer, Max 219
Horrigan, Bill 148
Hors-champs (S. Douglas) 102-4, 103
Hou Hanru 315
Huang Yong Ping 280, 313, Plate 12
Hughes, Langston 369
Hughes, Robert 191
Huillet, Danielle 288
Huit Facettes 78, 86 nl
humanitarianism 269
Hunter, Ian 79
Huyssen, Andreas 219
hybridity 58-9, 216, 237-8
hypemarrative 414
hypertext 51 nl8
identity, identification 48, 49, 119-22,
290-1 n5; African 230; black 182-6; curators
61; dialogic method and socially-engaged art
77, 82, 84-6; and flatness 301; and gender
performance 170-1, 174; Mapplethorpe's art
photography 366-7; in the periphery 348,
354-5, 357-8
identity politics 121, 236, 370, 389; flatness and
depth 280, 293, 301-6; site-specificity 38, 44,
51 nl3; Whitney Biennial (1993) 121-2,
ideology 20, 96, 188
Illegal Border Crossing Between Austria and
Principality of Liechtenstein (C. P. Müller)
Plate 2
imagination 20, 26
imitation 24-6, 29-30
imperialism 219, 271-3; see also colonialism
impurity 265-6, 273-4, 396
industrialization 20, 375, 377-8
inflection (D. Aitken) 115 n29
information architecture 111
information superhighway 51 nl8
informe concept 349, 395-407
Injustice Case (D. Hammons) 302
installations 58
institutional critique 7, 33-7, 44, 51 nl3,
52 n32, 319-20, 391, 392; artistic service
provision 9, 69, 73
institutional racism 193
institutions 7; and cultural marginality 234-5;
function 281; identity and difference 121,
187-203; provision of artistic services 9,
69-75; site-specificity 40-2, 43-4, 46-7;
video projection 108-9; see abo international
art exhibitions
intellectual field 7-8, 11-18
interactivity 198-9, 414-15, 417-18, 421
intercultural communication, problems of 215,
interdisciplinarity 3, 7, 234, 348; art teaching
28, 29
interior furnishing, China 315-16
international art exhibitions 8-9, 55-68
Internet 410, 412-13, 419
interpellation 166-8, 175, 374
intertextuality 16-17; Mapplethorpe's art
photography 367
Introduction to Arnold Schönberg's Accompaniment
to a Cinematographic Scene 288
invention 24-6, 29-30
Ionesco, Eugène 382
Irigaray, Luce 168
Istanbul Biennial 64
Italy 289
Itten, Johannes 21, 275 nlO
Jacob, Mary Jane 46, 57
Jacobs, Ken 106, 107
Jacobs, Margot 337
Jacobs, Robert Allen 337
Jacobsen, Carol 133, 134
Jacoby, Annice 77
James, C. L. R. 215
James, David 108
Jameson, Fredric 110, 293, 307 n8, 314, 389,
391, 416
Japan Foundation Asia Center 247
Jappe, Anselm 246
Johannesburg Biennale 61
Johns, Jasper 280, 298-301, 299
Johnson, Chris 77
Jones, Bill T. 142
Jones, Lisa 197
Jones, Ronald 53 n42
Joselit, David 280
Judd, Donald 41-2
Julien, Isaac 369
Kalin, Tom 148
Kandinsky, Vasili 21, 25, 296
Kant, Immanuel 26, 74, 329 n3, 367
Kantor, István 87 n5
Kapur, Geeta 219
Karosas, Gintaras 65
Kato, Shuichi 224 n8
Kaufman, David 142
Kaufman, Mikhail 423
Kelley, Mike 192, 349, 396, 403-4, 405, Plate 16
Kelly, Mary 381-2, 383
Kent, Sarah 96
Kester, Grant 9
Kiefer, Anselm 290-1 n5
Kim, Byron 192
King, Rodney: television event 204, 205,
208-9, 210-12; video of his beating included
in 1993 Whitney Biennial 122, 190, 202 nl
"kino-eye" (D. Vertov) 425
kinship, rearticulation 168-80
Kipnis, Laura 348
Kishida, Rio 247
kitsch 79, 84, 92-3, 94, 95, 218, 380
Klee, Paul 21, 254-5 nl6
Kluge, Alexander 160, 288
Koh, Jay 78
Kolbowski, Silvia 38, 53 n40, 340
Kongo culture 221
Kostabi, Mark 378
Kotz, Liz 9, 10
Kozloif, Max 298-9, 300, 301
Krauss, Rosalind 51 nl 7, 110, 331, 334-6, 339,
349, 419
Kristeva, Julia 29, 396-7, 398, 400
Kruger, Barbara 149 n9
Kubełka, Peter 113 nl3
Kwon, Miwon 8, 84-5
Lacan, Jacques 122, 167, 173, 179- 80, 207, 210,
379, 383, 392, 393, 397, 399-400, 401
Laclau, Ernesto 305-6, 374-5, 385-6
Lacy, Suzanne 77, 79, 83-4, 87 n2
Lagoudakis, Stathis 148
Langenbach, Ray 244, 253 n4
language; cultural identity 238-9;
fragmentation 313-14
Lamer, Celia 79
Larsen, Nella 168
Last, Nana 281
Last Real Net Art Museum (O. Lialina) 414
The Last Temptation of Christ 124, 125
Late and Soon, Occident Trotting (D. Thater)
Latham, John 28
436 Index
Latin America: commodity fetishism 377-8;
and Eurocentrism 221-2, 347-8, 352-8
Lawler, Louise 9
Le Corbusier 320, 328
Le Va, Barry 51-2 n22
Lear (TheatreWorks) 247-9, Plate 10
Lee, Pam 407 n27
Lee Hsien Loong 253 ni
Lee Kuan Yew 245-6
Lee Weng Choy 216, 257-8 n46
Lefalle-Collins, Lizzetta 303
Lefebvre, Henri 48, 158-9, 161, 163
Lefort, Claude 161
left popular culture 348, 385-7
legitimation: curatorial work 63-4; see abo
cultural legitimation
Legrady, George 410
Leigh, Carol 133
Leipzig New Trade Fair 321
Leo, John 191
Lesage, Julia 270
Lesbian and Gay Media Group 148
lesbianism 171-2, 176-7
Let the Record Show (ACT UP) 144-7, Plate 8
Lévi-Strauss, Claude 91, 93, 94
Levine, Sherrie 340
LeWitt, Sol 52 n26, 420
Lialina, Olga 410, 414
liberalism and neo-liberalism: identity politics
at the 1993 Whitney Biennial 187, 193, 194;
individualism 90, 95
The Lights Going On and Off (M. Creed) 113 nlO
Lindell, John 38
linguistics 27, 426 nl9
literary criticism 3, 16-17, 30, 216
literary field 11-18
Littoral 78, 79, 85, 86, 88 nl4
Livingston, Jennie 121, 169-78
Lianes Godoy, Llilian 62, 64-5, 67
local, postmodernism and 48, 356
local art and cultures 63-4, 125
Lodin, Lisa 133
logical positivism 323-4, 325, 328
Lonidier, Fred 83
Looking for Langston (I. Julien) 369
Los Angeles: Claire Copley Gallery 36; County
Museum of Art (LA MOCA) 321; Museum
of Contemporary Art 42, 113 nlO, 321,
330 n7
Lii Peng 313
Lucas, Sarah Plate 4
Lukács, Georg 27, 224 n9, 296
Lumpenprol (M. Kelley) 404
Lyon, Lady Lisa 362
Lyotard, Jean-François 2, 79-80, 356, 388, 409
MacCabe, Colin 383
MacKinnon, Catharine 120, 133, 134, 136, 137
McQueen, Steve 107, 109
"Magiciens de la terre" exhibition 63, 223, 235
Maharaj, Sarat 237
Malevich, Kasimir 21
Mamber, Stephen 410
Май in a Polyester Suit (R. Mapplethorpe)
362-4, 363
Man with a Movie Camera (D. Vertov) 349-50,
Mandel, Ernest 389
Manet, Edouard 18, 290 n4, 380
Manglano Ovalle, Iñigo 78
Manovich, Lev 111, 349
Mao Zedong 313, 314, 315
Mao Zedong No. 1 (Wang Guangyi) 315
Mapplethorpe, Robert 120, 124-5, 126, 128,
129, 348, 360-71, 363, 366
marginality 217, 233-5, 268-74
Marker, Chris 410
market, the 15, 40, 41, 76, 90
Marshall, Stuart 148
Martí, José 219
Martin, Jean-Hubert 63
Martinez, Daniel 198-9, 201
Marx, Karl 273 , 401, 402, 404
Marxism 27, 29, 224 n9, 245, 305, 314
Maryland Historical Society 44
mass culture see popular culture
materialism 92
meaning 279; production of 45, 264; see aho
cultural meaning
media 80, 209; and art institutions 63, 191;
"yBa" 9, 96-8, 99
media culture 10
media theory 349-50, 408-27
Mediamatic 412
medium 105, 421; art teaching 8, 22, 23—4, 25,
26, 28-9
Meese Commission 125, 371
Meinhof, Ulrike 289
Index 43
Meins, Holger 288, 289
Mekas, Jonas 107
Mercer, Kobena 181 n6, 348
metatext 423
métier 8, 22, 23-4, 26, 28-9
Metropolitan Health Association 147
Meyer, Hannes 330 n9
Meyer, James 39, 53 n38
Meyer, Russ 382
Michelson, Annette 331, 424
Michigan Journal of Gender and Law 133
Mies van der Rohe, Ludwig 284
Mill, John Stuart 246
minimalism 109, 110, 378, 380, 420; site-specificity
8, 32, 33-4, 35, 42, 331-43
Mining the Museum (F. Wilson) 44
minority sexualities: attack on 120, 141-9;
see also homosexuality
Mis manos son mi corazón (G. Orozco) 239-40
mixed media 28
mobility, site-specific art 40-3, 45, 47, 49
modernism 279; African 216, 226-32; Chinese
art 280-1, 309-17; critiques 2, see also
postmodernism; diversity 233; flatness and
depth 280, 293-8, 306; and international art
exhibitions 65-6; model of art teaching 8,
20-31; and the periphery 347, 351-7;
popular culture 348, 372-87; site-specificity
32, 40, 47, 281-2, 332, 334-42; theory and
ideology 79, 91, 151; video projection 105,
106; see also universalism
Moholy-Nagy, Laszlo (Ladislaus) 21
Mohr, Manfred 420
Mondrian, Piet 287
Monkey Island (M. Kelley) 403-4
montage 415-16, 424
moral panics 124, 128, 133, 137, 370
Morande, Pedro 358 n4, 359 n5
Morris, Robert 336, 396
Morse, Margaret 207
Mosquera, Gerardo 215
Moufle, Chantal 305-6
MuF 78
Müller, Christian Philipp 38, Plate Z
multiculturalism 233-41; and postmodernism
388-90, 391; "yBa" and 97
multimedia work 107-8, 409
Mulvey, Laura 398, 400
Munster Sculpture Project 321
Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris 40,
406 ni
Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles
42, 113 nlO, 321, 330 n7
Museum of Modern Art 27, 320
Museum Tags: Second Movement (Overture) . . .
(D. Martinez) 198-9
Museum Van Beuningen, Rotterdam 321, 326
museums see institutions
"Music for Life" 142
Musser, Charles 102, 110
naive artists/writers 17
Nake, Frieder 420
narcissism, relation to video 110, 419
narrative: relation to database 349-50, 408-27;
and video 106-7
National Association of Artists Organization
139 nl4
National Campaign for Freedom of Expression
139 nl4
National Coalition Against Censorship 139 nl4
National Council on the Arts 126
National Endowment for the Arts 67, 119, 120,
123-31, 134, 135, 136, 137, 360, 370
nationalism 59, 200-1
nature 38-9
Nauman, Bruce 51 n22, 66, 105, 109
Navarro, Desiderio 220
Nazism 126, 205, 267
Ne Pas Plier 78
Necessary Stage, Let's Walk series 250-1
negation 335, 336, 397
neo-avant-garde see avant-garde
neo-classical architecture 156
neo-conservatism see conservatism
neo-formalism see formalism
neo-liberalism see liberalism
neo-primitivism see primitivism
neo-Romanticism see Romanticism
Neshat, Shirin 106
New American Cinema 113 nl3
New Asia 216, 242-58
New Criterion 375
new media 3; see also database; video
New Museum/Astor Building Projection
(K. Wodiczko) 152-4, 155
New Museum of Contemporary Art, New
York 144-7, 153
New Order (Xu Dan) 314-15
New Right see conservatism
New York City: drag balls 121, 172-8; public
space and homelessness 120, 150-65
New York school 296
New York Times 133, 134, 245, 372, 375, 376
Newfield, Christopher 193, 194
Newman, Barnett 287, 336
Ngugi, wa Thiong'o 227
Nguyen Van Linh 272
Nietzsche, Friedrich 166, 210, 334, 388, 393,
nomadism 8, 40, 43-9
nominalism 392
non-naive artists 17
Noriega, Ernesto 86
nostalgia, "yBa" 96
Not Lothar Baumgarten's Cherokee (J. Durham)
Nova Scotia College of Art and Design 27
Novelty Art 380
nude, in art photography 348, 360-71
Nuevo mundo (film) 237
Nuremberg Trials 144, 147
objectification 348, 361, 365
O'Connell, Maurice 78
O'Connor, John J. 147
October 120, 148
October 18, 1977 (G. Richter) 279-80, 283-91,
284, 286, 287, 290
O'Dougherty, Vickie 339
Oguibe, Olu 216
Oiticica, Helio 233-4, 236, 241
Olander, Bill 144
Oldenburg, Claes 331, 396
Olympiad (L. Bacher) 111-12
On Loan from the Museum of the American Indian
(J. Durham) 238
On Tropical Nature project (M. Dion) 38
Onabolu, Aina 230
"100 Objects to Represent the World"
(P. Greenaway) 422
Ong Keng Sen 216, 247-9, Plate 10
Oo-Fifi: Five Days in Claude Monet's Garden
(D. Thater) 104, Plate 5
openness: curatorial issues 58-61; dialogic
method and socially-engaged art 80, 81, 85
oral tradition 234
Orientalism 216, 310
originality 40, 45-6, 47, 279
Orozco, Gabriel 222, 238, 239-40, Plate 9
Orr-Cahall, Christina 124
Oswald, Lee Harvey 210
Other and otherness 216, 220, 222, 224,
226-32, 236; New Asia 243, 248-52
Othoniel, Jean-Michel 396
Oursler, Tony 101, 104, 105
Owen, Stephen 313
Owens, Craig 47, 51 nl7, 358 nl
painting 20, 23, 29, 292-308; historical 279-80,
283-91; and video projection 10, 105, 106,
palo monte 221
Pan-Africanism 230
Panofsky, Ervin 409
paradigm, and database 349, 415-18, 424
Pardo, Jorge 281, 318, 320-2, 326-9, Plate 14
Paris, redevelopment 162-3
Paris, Shirley 339
Paris is Burning (J. Livingston) 121, 168-78
Peirce, Charles Sanders 393
Pérez-Ratton, Virginia 59, 62, 64
"The Perfect Moment" exhibition 370
performance: dialogic method 76, 83-4, 85-6;
of gender 121, 166-81; New Asian art
250-1; site-specificity 8, 35, 40, 44
periphery 347-8, 351-9
Permutations (J. Whitney) 420
Phaedrus (Plato) 332
Pham Van Dong 271
phenomenological models 33, 105
Phillips, Lisa 194, 195-6, 200, 202 n2
philosophy 3, 30, 120; of aesthetics 81; of
biography 16; and conceptual practices
323-4, 325, 328, 329-30 n3
photography 2, 211, 251-3; China 309-12, 311,
312; database 418, 419; and paintings by
Gerhard Richter 280; war on culture 123-4,
132-40; see also Mapplethorpe, Robert
photopaintings 283, 285
The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of
Someone Living (D. Hirst) Plate 3
Picasso, Pablo 223-4
Pierson, Jack 191
Pindell, Howardina 303
Piper, Adrian 121, 182-6, 183
Index 4
Pirandello, Luigi 382
Piss Christ (A. Serrano) 123-4, 129, 130 n20
Pittman, Lari 192
place 48-9
Places with a Past exhibition 46, 47
Plato 168, 332, 340, 341, 406, 419
pluralism 393; cultural 216, 218, 223, 227, 228,
230; of meaning 261
poetry 13-14
policing: Rodney King incident 122, 204-5,
208-9, 210-12; socially-engaged art 77, 83-4
polit-kitsch painting 287, 288, 291 n5
political field 2, 7-8, 12-13, 15, 119-22,
268-74; see also identity politics
Political Pop 314
politics: China 309-17; Right see conservatism;
site-specific art as critique 36, 39, 57; "yBa"
as critique 89-100
Polke, Sigmar 112
Pollock, Jackson 66, 280, 294-8, 297, 299, 301,
PONY (Prostitutes of New York) 139 nl4
Pop Art 375, 380
popular culture 25, 97, 125, 348, 372-87
"Porn'im'age'ry: Picturing Prostitutes"
exhibition 132-40
pornography, war on 125-7; feminist
opposition 127, 132-40, 370
Portrait of a Sexual Evolutionary (V. Vera) 135
positivism 14
postcolonialism 64, 67, 220-1; theory and
critique 3, 215-17, 348
post-history 226, 244
Postman, Neil 98
post-minimalism 104, 109
postmodernism 2, 9, 48, 79, 119, 121, 215, 279,
348-9; Chinese art 280-1, 309-17; and
Eurocentrism 219, 220, 221, 222, 347-8,
351-9; flatness and depth 280, 293, 301-6;
limits to 347-50, 388-94; and periphery
347-8, 351-9; photography 106; and popular
culture 372-87; site-specificity 281, 332, 334;
"yBa" 89-100
post-structuralism 27, 48, 120, 192, 328, 340, 364
poverty 269-70
power 47, 49, 96, 219, 267; curatorial issues
60, 62; and gender 121, 166-81; identity
politics 191; intellectual field 12, 13, 14-16;
redevelopment and 163-4
practice 7-10; art teaching 28-9, 31
presence 8, 33, 43, 281, 331-43
preservation of built environment 150-64
primitivism and neo-primitivism 215, 227, 238,
"Primitivism" in 20th Century Art exhibition 223
Prince, Richard 106-7, 113 n7
process, art as 37, 57, 76, 234
progress 243, 244, 252, 269, 352, 355
project work 9, 69-75
Projects Environment 85
Prospero's Books (P. Greenaway) 421
Proust, Marcel 393
psychoanalysis 27, 108, 383, 386; gender/sex
120, 173, 179-80, 181 n5, 393
psychological depth 293, 294-8, 306
psychology 20
public: curator and 57-8, 67-8; and nature of
art 384; values and standards 126-7
public art 33, 37-8, 39, 57, 150, 337; socially-engaged
art as new genre of 79, 87 n2
public funding 67, 123-31, 132, 281-2, 348,
360, 370-1
public/private distinction 127-9
public space 111, 120, 150-65
purity 215, 221, 237
queer theory 3, 120
Quesada, Santi 238, 240-1, 240
racial difference, representation of 348, 360-71
racial politics 121, 182-203, 236, 348
racial stereotypes 301-5
racism 38, 121, 193, 301, 303; television and
122, 204-12
Rainer, Yvonne 113 nlO
Rajchman, John 348-9
Ramírez, Mari Carmen 56, 62
Rancière, Jacques 394 n4
rap music 371
Rauschenberg, Robert 26
Ravera, Rose Maria 359 n6
Ray, Man 396
Raymond, Janice 170
Read, Herbert 21
readymade, use in art 90-1
Reagan administration 119, 120, 121, 126, 145
The Real-Estate Projection (K. Wodiczko) 152-4
realism 391-4
440 Index
reason 14
reception of art 279; theory of 281-2, 331-43
Red Army Faction 288
Red Characters (Wu Shan Zhuan) 314, Plate 13
Red Humor (Wu Shan Zhuan) 312-13
reductionism 13
reflexivity, New Asia 248-9
Reich, Steve 25
relational aesthetic 79
religious imagery, conservative and
fundamentalist attack 119, 123-4, 129,
130 nn20, 23
Renton, A, 96
repetition 30
REPO History 87 n5
representation: art photography 348, 360-71;
issues for international art exhibitions 62,
68; politics of 119, 121, 379, see also identity
Republic (Plato) 340
resistance 7, 237-8; to commodification and
consumption 7, 33, 37, 39, 40, 120, 268, 289;
to gender norms 121, 168-80; see also
"return to beauty" 2
Reverón, Amando 222
Reynolds, Sir Joshua 20
Rich, B. Ruby 148, 202 n2
Richard, Nelly 225 nl6, 347-8
Richmond News-Leader 130 n20
Richter, Gerhard 25, 279-80, 283-91, 284, 286,
287, 290
Riddle of the Sphinx (M. Kelley) 404, Plate 16
Riegl, Alois 163, 280, 310
Rivera, Diego 222
Roberts, J. 100 n34
Robertson, Pat 130 n23
Robins, Kevin 46
Rockefeller Foundation Conference and Study
Center, Bellagio conference (1997) 55-68
Rogers, Alva 53 n42
Rogers, J. A. 369-70
Romanticism and neo-Romanticism 22, 26, 383
Ronell, Avital 122, 202 n2
The Roof is on Fire project (S. Lacy) 77, 82, 83-4
Rosenblum, Robert 143, 149 n6, 395
Rosier, Martha 109
Ross, David 189-90, 191, 192, 193, 196, 199,
202 nl3
Ross, Kristin 163
Rouan, François 396
Rubbish Theory 93-4
Ruin Cleaning Project '94 (Zhan Wang) 315, 316
ruins, Chinese art 280, 309-17
Saar, Betye 55, 303
Saatchi, Charles 96
Sagna, Remi 61, 64
Said, Edward 215, 227
St Martin's art school, London 28
Sala Mendoza, Caracas 38
Salle, David 376
Salon des Refusés (1863) 380
sameness 357
Sander, August 418
Sanders, Joel 327
Sâo Paulo Bienal 60, 62, 65
Saret, Alan 41, 51 n22
Sartre, Jean-Paul 15, 16, 18, 389, 397-8
Sassen, Saskia 55
Saussure, Ferdinand de 416
Savage, Victor R. 256 n30
Schwarz, Roberto 359 n6
Schweickart, Patrocinio 83
Schwitters, Kurt 85, 93
science 20, 143-4, 330 n3
scientific field 12
Scorsese, Martin 107, 124
Screen 383
sculpture 20, 32-3, 41-2, 47, 50 nl2, 109, 284;
see also Serra, Richard
Sculpture Museum of the Centre of Europe,
Vilnius 65
The Searchers (J. Ford) 107
Seator, Glen 318, 319-20
Seattle Art Museum 44
Sedelmaier, Joe 382-3
Seigelaub, Seth 109
self 48, 292; and other 354-5
self-censorship 127, 137
semiotics 27, 415-18; see also signs
sensibility 26
Seow, Shaun 242
September 11 attacks 76
Serra, Richard 8, 33, 37, 38, 41, 44, 51 n22,
52 n24, 281-2, 331-43, 333
Serrano, Andres 120, 123, 124, 125, 129,
130 n20
Servaas, Cory 145
Services exhibition (1994) 69-75
sexual difference, representation of 348,
sexual imagery 120; conservative attack on
119, 124-9; feminist opposition 120, 132-40
sexual panics 126, 133, 137
sexual politics 120, 141-9, 189-201, 348
sexual stereotypes 348, 362-71
sexuality, as discursive site 38
Shapiro, Joel 51 n22
Sharits, Paul 107
Shaw, Jeffrey 414
Shaw, Thorn 303
Sherman, Cindy 53 n42, 105, 113 n7, 340, 349,
376, 398-401, 404, Plate IS
Shoah Foundation 412
shock, art as 79-80, 96, 348, 361, 365, 367, 375
signs 91, 92-3, 95, 313, 340
silhouettes 303-5
Simpson, Lorna 53 n42
simulacrum 390, 391
Síndrome de Marco Polo, El (F. Garciandia) 218
Singapore, model for New Asia 216, 242-58
singularity 40, 45-6
Sischy, Ingrid 368
site-specificity 8, 9, 32-54, 281-2, 318, 331-43;
mobilization of site-specific art 40-3, 45, 47,
49; socially-engaged art 85-6
Situationism 97, 291 n5
skill 18, 20
Skulls (G. Richter) 287-8
slavery 38, 303-5
A Small Town at the Tum of the Century (S. Gill)
251-3, Plate 11
Smith, Kiki 192, 396
Smith, Paul 192
Smith, Roberta 331
Smithson, Robert 33, 35, 37, 54 n47, 318, 336
Snow, Michael 107
social change 20; as artistic goal 9, 76-88
social class see class
social competition 73, 74
social construction 390, 393
social critique, "yBa" 89-100
social factors 2; site-specificity 36, 37, 39
social problems 37, 219; see abo activist art;
social change
social sculpture 26
sociology 3, 354
solidarity, socially-engaged art 83
Solomon-Godeau, Abigail 331
Sonnier, Keith 51 n22
Southeastern Center for Contemporary Art
(SECCA) 123-4
Southern, Hugh 131 n25
Spade (D. Hammons) 301, 303
spatiality 48
spectacle 9, 97, 215, 216, 267, 242-58, 268,
273-4, 378-9; video 10, 109
spectatorship 216-17, 259-75
Specter, Arlen 135
Spero, Nancy 396
Speusippus 419
Spielberg, Steven 412
Spivak, Gayatri 167, 215
"The Stairs, Munich, Projection" (P. Greenaway)
standards 68, 126-7, 379
Star 311, 312
Stasi City (J. and L. Wilson) Plate 7
Stella, Frank 331
stereotypes 301-5, 348, 360-71
Stern, Henry 156
Still Chew event 28
Stolnitz, Jerome 27
Stoltenberg, John 133, 140 n20
Straub, Jean-Marie 288
structuralism 27, 330 n3
structure 236
Study for Skin drawings (J. Johns) 298-301, 299
style 91-2, 95-6, 378
subcultures see counter-cultures
Subercaseaux, Bernardo 358 n2
subjectivity 48, 192, 279, 352, 390; and
abjection 395-407; dialogic method 80, 82;
experimentation and 393; formation 166-9,
173-80; plurality of 305-6; postmodernism
and 390-1; site-specificity and 33
sublime, the 79
subversion 301, 303-4; gender norms 121,
168-80; Mapplethorpe's photography
366-70; see abo resistance
Superflex 78
Support-Surface group 29
surface 280, 292-308
Surname Viet Given Name Nam (Trinh T.
Minh-Ha) 260
442 Index
Surrealism 91-2, 375, 380
surveillance 150, 207-8
Sussman, Elizabeth 194, 195, 201, 202 n2
Svilova, Elizaveta 423
Swaggart, Jimmy 130 n23
Swift, Jonathan 419
Sylvester, David 395
symbolic, the: artist/writer as creator of 17-18;
gender performativity 173-4, 179-80
symbolic capital 12
symbolic power 14, 16
symbolic structures 155, 156
syncretism 216, 221, 233-41
syntagm, and database 349, 415-18, 424
Synthetic Cubism 375, 380
Szeemann, Harald 27, 28
talent 18, 20, 22-3, 26-8
taste 92, 94, 187
Taussig, Michael 377-8
Taxi Driver (M. Scorsese) 107
Taylor, Elizabeth 143
Taylor-Wood, Sam 106
teaching of art 8, 18-31
techno-futurism 107, 114 nl5
Tel Quel 28, 383
Tele Vecindario project (I. Manglano Ovalle)
telephone 209-10
television 10; AIDS 142, 148; and popular
culture 382-3; and racism 122, 204-12;
Singapore 216, 242-3; and video 105-6,
1 1 1
telos 243-6, 249, 257 n40
temporality: Latin America 352, 354; New Asia
Temporary Services 78, 86
Ten People Ten Books exhibition 322
terrorism in painting 280, 283-91
Testing the Limits 146, 148
Thater, Diana 10, 104-5, 109, 111, 115 n29,
Plate 5
Theater of Confrontation 382
TheatreWorks 247-9, Plate 10
theology 354
Third Text 215
Third World 217, 268-74; art 215, 218-25
Thompson, Kristin 425 n7
Thompson, Michael 93-4
Thompson, Robert Farris 223
Three Faces and One Ideology (S. Quesada) 240,
Tilted Arc (R. Serra) 33, 38, 333; destruction of
50 n7, 52 n24, 281-2, 331-43
Time magazine 191
Tiravanija, Rirkrit 318, 320
Tom, Tom, the Piper's Son (K. Jacob) 106
Tomassi, Noreen 55
Toroni, Niele 25
Torres Garcia, Joaquin 222
tradition 215, 222; art teaching 18-31; built
environment 150-64; site-specificity 40,
traditional values 119, 187
transcendence 338
transcoding 111
transculturalisation 221
trash art 93-4
Trinh T. Minh-Ha 216-17
Tudor, David 113 nlO
Turner, Caroline 62
Turner, William 50 n2
Tuttle, Richard 51 n22
24-Hour Psycho (D. Gordon) 106, 107
Two Fried Eggs and a Kebab (S. Lucas) Plate 4
Twombly, Cy 396
Ukeles, Mierle Laderman 34, 35
uncertainty 91, 393
underground films 108
uniqueness, site-specificity 40, 45-6
United States Information Agency 67
universalism 47, 219, 220, 222, 227, 235, 248,
347, 351-2
University of Michigan Law School 132-40
University of Pennsylvania Institute of
Contemporary Art (ICA) 124
Untitled (J. Durham) 239
Untitled #175 (C. Sherman) Plate IS
urban growth, China 315-17
urban identity 46-7
urban planning and design 46, 150
urban redevelopment 120, 150-65
urban/rural exchange 85-6, 88 nl4
urban space 111
urban theory 3
US News and World Report 191
utility 328-9
Vance, Carole 119-20, 281
Vanderbeek, Stan 107
Vaneigem, Raoul 264
Varo, Remedios 222
Vegh, Christina 330 nl6
Venice Biennale 61, 65, 106
Vera, Veronica 133, 135
verification theory 324
Vertov, Dziga 349-50, 422-5
video 419; AIDS activism 146, 148; censorship
132-40; Cornered 121, 182-6, 183; projection
9, 10, 101-15; and television 207, 208, 209,
211; Whitney Biennial and racial identity
122, 190, 202 nl
Vietnam 210, 265, 271-3
Viola, Bill 114 nl9
violence 48; of form 301; television and 122,
virtual museums 409
virtual reality 391-2
visuality 296, 298
vulnerability, socially-engaged art 80, 81
Vuocolo, Jeanette 202 n2
Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford, CT 35
Wagmister, Fabian 410
Walker, Kara 280, 303-5, 304
Wall, Jeff 103, 104, 105
Wallis, Brian 1
Wang Guangyi 314, 313
warfare, television and 122, 208, 210, 212
Warhol, Andy 25, 112, 285-6, 378, 381
Warren, Austin 220
Washington Project for the Arts 124
Watchman (J. Johns) 299
Watney, Simon 148
Watson, Harry 339
Watson, Scott 103
WaxWeb (D. Blair) 414
Wearing, Gillian 110
Weiner, Lawrence 34
Wellek, René 220
Wells, Bryan 136
West, Cornel 196-7
West/non-West binarism 215
Western Deep (S. McQueen) 107
When Attitudes Become Form exhibition 27, 28
Whiteread, Rachel 318
Whitney, John 420, 424, 425
Whitney Biennial 389; (1993) 121-2, 187-203;
(1997) 320
Whitney Museum 360; abject art 406 n3; site-specific
art 40, 51 n22, 53 n37; see abo
Whitney Biennial
Wigley, Mark 332
Wilding, Faith 42
Wildmon, Donald 124, 130 n20
Williams, Pat Ward 193
Williams, Patricia 168
Williams, Sue 193, 396
Wilson, Fred 38, 44
Wilson, Jane and Louise 106, Plate 7
Wittgenstein, Ludwig 14, 393
Wochenklausur 77, 81, 82, 84, 86, 87 n5
Wodiczko, Krzystof 104, 120, 152-64, 133, 137,
Women Against Pornography 133
women's art 97
Workhorse Afloat (TheatreWorks) 248-9
World Tour (R. Green) 45
Wright, Charles 121
Wright, Frank Lloyd 336-7, 338
Wright, Will 411
writers 15, 17-18
Wu Hung 280
Wu Shan Zhuan 312-13, 314, Plate 13
Xiamen Dada 313
Xu Dan 315
Yagoda, Ben 382
"уВа" 9-10, 89-100
Ybarra-Frausto, Tomás 55
Yi Dan 313
young British artists see "уВа"
Youngblood, Gene 87 n4, 107-8, 420
Zane, Arnie 142
Zeng Нао 316-17
Zhan Wang 280, 315, 316
Ziegler, Mel 53 n42
Zola, Émile 15
Zukin, Sharon 54 n46
Zwirner Gallery, New York 102-4