9/11, 199, 208,210
Abbas, Ackbar, 163
Abducted Person Act, 197
Absolute, the, 45, 50, 59, 64, 88, 114
Abstract Expressionism, 18, 88
abstraction, 19, 97, 100, 112—13, 125,
128, 131-3, 137, 140, 179, 184,210
Acconci, Vito, 54
Adorno, T. W., 10—11, 44, 46, 50, 59, 65,
82-4,93, 103, 107, 142, 150, 157-8,
165-6, 172, 183, 207
Aesthetic Theory 10, 65,82—3, 166
Dialectic of Enlightenment, 10, 165
Negative Dialectic, 59
advertising, 16, 46,123, 167
aesthetic(s), 2, 6, 8-12, 37-51, 71, 74, 76,
103, 109, 122, 177, 192
ideas, 45
philosophical, 40
regime, 9, 44
see also, art, aesthetic; anti-aesthetic;
inaesthetics; post-aesthetic
aestheticism/aestheticization, 43, 71,
74-8, 86, 109, 155, 182, 188
affirmation, 9, 73-4,77-8,80,82—3, 88,
94, 97, 170
afterlife, 10, 50, 56
Alliez, Éric, 217—8 n23
Alloway, Lawrence, 105, 113
Althusser, Louis, 125, 207
Altai, Navjot, 198, 200—201
Between Memory' and History, 198
Lacuna in Testimony, 198—201
Ameriks, Karl, 41
Anderson, Benedict, 194
Andre, Carl, 54
anonymity, 33^1, 56,
anthropology, 136-7, 163, 198
9, 46-9, 155
aestheticism 47, 144
art, 21, 142
formalism, 50, 112
system, 59
anticipation, 176, 205—8, 210
antiquation, 73
anxiety, 125—31, 186
architecture, 11, 16, 99, 102—4, 108-9,
134, 141-2
architecturalization, 140—51
archive, 33, 91, 141, 192, 197
Aristotle, 41
Arrighi, Giovanni, 26
aesthetic, 37, 41—3, 56, 71, 78, 177
autonomous, 21, 43—5, 78, 84, 159,
conceptual, 1—2, 6, 9, 11—12, 19, 33,
38, 48-51, 67-98, 113, 127, 131,
generic concept of, 20, 28, 45, 47,
historical, 6, 97
modern, 18
modernist, 93
postconceptual, 3, 10—12, 19, 37—8,
45-51,88-9,97-100, 108, 110,
113, 117-8, 127, 131, 134, 143-51,
post-historical, 7
writing, 8
see also, anti-art, Conceptual art, non-art
Art & Langauge, 49-50, 54-5, 57-8 139
Index 001,139
Art-Language, 54, 57, 61
art criticism, 2-8, 11,39,46, 52 102 114
141 ’ ’ ’
art history, 3-6, 10, 11, 17_i 9 21 53 71
141-2,168,177 ’ ’ ’ ’
avant-garde, 92
critical, 3
modernist, 3, 53
philosophical, 3
social, 4
Art Press, 58
Art Yearbook, 102
Artforum, 54, 101
artist-function, 33—5, 37
Arts Magazine, 143
Ashbery, John, 54
Aspen, 54, 63
attention, 175-9
Athenaeum, The, 53—4
Atkinson, Terry, 57
Atlas Group, The, 13,15, 28-35 195-6
Already Been in a Lake of Fire, 30
Hostage, 31
I Only Wish, 31
Miraculous Beginnings, 31
Missing Lebanese Wars, 30—31
My Neck is Thinner than a Hair, 30
The Truth Will Be Known, 195—6
We Can Make Rain, 29-30, 199, 201
Augé, Marc, 136—9
Non-Places, 136
Augustine, St, 175, 187, 210—2, 205
autonomy, 7, 21,37,47,85,93,141,151,
156, 161, 165, 167
aesthetic, 42—3, 78
of art, 42-4, 75, 135, 140, 142
logical, 43
avant-garde, 8,16-19, 21,33, 37, 47, 54,
74, 78, 86,93, 135,175, 178, 185
historical, 21, 79, 88, 158
neo-, 18, 20-21,156, 158
Russian, 81
axiomatics, 66
Bachelard, Gaston, 188
Bacon, Francis, 1
Badiou, Alain, 7—9
Baldessari, John, 61, 69, 96
Baldessan Sings Le Witt, 69
Commissoned Paintings, 96
Baldwin, Michael, 57
Barney, Matthew, 185
Cremaster Cycle, 185
Baroque, 18
Barr, Alfred H., 19
Barthes, Roland, 119, 130
Camera Lucida, 130
Baudelaire, Charles, 24, 46, 74—6, 182
Baumgarten, Alexander, 39^40
Bazin, André, 119, 124
Beirut, 28—9, 31,
Bell, Clive, 46
Benjamin, Walter, 10—11, 38, 44, 55—6,
67, 76, 79,119, 127, 178-9, 182,
184-5, 189, 196, 206, 208
Arcades Project, 55, 178—9, 184
Concept of Art Criticism, 44
‘Concept of History’, 208
Bergson, Henri, 187—8
Creative Evolution, 187—8
Immediate Data, 187
Matter and Memory, 187
Bernstein, Jay, 43, 46,76
Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), 198
biennale, 21, 27, 109, 151, 162-5, 168
Biennale of Sydney, 31, 163—4, 198
Bitar, Joseph, 28—9, 32,
Blissett, Luther, 35
Bloch, Ernst, 183
Bochner, Mel, 57, 139, 142
boredom, 176—84
Bourdieu, Pierre, 119
Bourriaud, Nicolas, 106
Bowie, Andrew, 43
Braque, George, 153
Brecht, George, 139
Bruni, Lev, 154
Buchloh, Benjamin, 91
Bürger, Peter, 21
Theory of the Avant-Garde, 21
Burgin, Victor, 16
This is the Tomorrow, 16
Burn, Ian, 57
Butler, Cornelia, 105
Cage, John, 139
Callois, Roger, 179
Calinescu, Matei, 16
Faces of Modernity, 16
Five Faces of Modernity, 16
capital, 26, 29, 34—5, 128,134,164—5, 194
capitalism, 16, 18, 20, 27, 34, 75, 85, 87,
118, 134,176-7, 182,192, 194, 206,
Castells, Manuel, 135—8
Cavagnaro, Lori, 106
Certeau, Michel de, 136
Chamfort, Nicolas, 58—9
Pensées, Maxims and Anecdotes, 59
China, 20, 163, 167
Chto Delat, 21
cinema, 16, 114, 117,149-50, 185, 188
City Gallery, Zagreb, 18
Claire Fontaine, 34
classicism, 60, 86
Clark, T. J., 6, 46, 79
Cold War, 16, 19-20,155, 163
collectivity/collectivization, 15, 27—8,
33-5, 56, 86, 192-5
commodity/commodification, 10, 21,
85,90, 165-6, 184,210
communism, 20, 157, 176, 192, 206,
Conceptual art, 6, 48, 81, 107—9, 139, 159
see also art, conceptual
conceptualism, 2, 50
Romantic, 229 n46
conjuncture, 24
construction, 107, 145-9, 152—8
Constructivism, 11,46, 153—8, 160—62,
165, 172, 193, 199-200
laboratory, 11, 172
philosophical 153
Russian, 153
Soviet, 11, 142,168
contemporaneity/the contemporary, 2, 8,
12, 15-17, 22-8,47, 53, 91, 134, 163,
175-6, 190,195
Cooke, Lynne, 101
Corbusier, C-E. J., le, 152
crisis, 4,6-7, 125, 177, 206
Crary, Jonathan, 177
criticism/critique, 11,21,40, 58,77, 159,
177, 190
of taste, 38, 41—2
see also, art criticism; institutional
Cultural Studies, 7
culture industry, 21, 107, 164—5,167,
179, 182
see also, mass culture
curation, 129-30, 161-2, 168, 173, 190
Cutforth, Roger, 57
Dada, 81
Danto, Arthur, 6—7
Dean, Tacita, 105
death, 180, 183,193
Debord, Guy, 68
Debray, Régis, 118—9
Deleuze, Gilles, 1, 7—9, 63, 122, 149-50,
153,158, 188
Difference and Repetition, 122
Francis Bacon, 1
What is Philosophy?, 122
demolition, 149
Derrida, Jacques, 7
Dia Art Foundation, 89, 101, 106
dialectics, 82-3, 108, 113,138, 176, 179,
difference, 122, 165
digitalization, 117, 120, 123, 125—31
see also, image, digital
Dion, Mark, 151
disciplines, 2—8, 11, 39
see also, transdisciplinarity
distraction, 176—89
Documenta, 8,196
document/documentation, 33-4,
110, 123, 127-8, 144-5, 192, 196
Dosse, François, 1
Duchamp, Marcel, 5, 19, 46, 77, 81—2,
141, 179
duration, 184—8
Duve, Thierry de, 5, 45, 77, 81-3, 107,
141, 167
Kant After Duchamp, 77, 107
Earthworks, 101, 105, 108, 110
empiricism, 1, 114
Enlightenment, 176,205
entropy, 114—16
Enwezor, Okwui, 163
epistemology, 60, 88, 128, 184
essentialism, 5
Evans, Walker, 143
event, 127,130-31, 136, 150, 208-10
everyday, 10, 79,140, 151,155—6, 197,
exchange, 87, 128, 133-5, 164, 210
infinite, 28,117
existentialism, 42, 89, 171-2
expectation, 201—11
experience, 11—12, 15, 22—3, 65, 75, 89,
100,113-6,121-2, 124, 134,175,
178-9,184,192, 200
absolute, 117
historical, 206
metaphysical, 168
philosophical, 1, 52
speculative, 52, 114
experimentation, 155—6, 172, 176, 186,
expression, 151,155,1157
expressionism, 103, 157
fascism, 199
fashion, 75,167, 179
feminism, 4
Fichte, J. G., 41,44, 56, 59, 64
Science of Knowledge, 59
fiction/fictionalization, 23, 28, 33—35,
film, 100,103, 105-6, 108, 110, 114-7,
123, 125, 172, 185, 188-9
First Working Group of Constructivists,
form, 34, 60-2,65, 67, 141
cultural, 3, 8,10, 34,46,48,75, 118,
120,133, 156, 176
dominant, 120, 125
exhibition-, 167
film, 62
historical, 123
law of, 51, 85, 166
legal, 197
literary, 62
social, 10,128, 158
spatial, 91
temporal, 72-4
urban, 12, 134
see also, value-form
formalism, 3, 62, 71, 101-3, 109, 153,
literary, 61
numerical, 61
temporal, 175
formalization, 93
see also, anti-formalism and postformalism
Foster, Hal, 4
Foucault, Michel, 33, 35
fragment, 12,38,53,55-6,58-68,86,169—
70, 178,197
Frankfurt School, 155
Fluxus, 81, 139, 176, 179
Fraser, Andrea, 151
freedom, 84, 99, 105, 107, 140, 155, 166,
Fried, Michael, 5, 24, 37, 46, 101, 107,
Fry, Roger, 46
functionalism, 94, 159-61, 163,172
Russian, 168
futurity, 8—9, 16, 23—4, 201
Gabo, Naum, 154—5
Realistic Manifesto, 154
Gadamer, Hans-Georg, 206
Truth and Method, 206
Gaillard, Cyprien, 106
The Smithsons, 106
gallery, 109, 112, 139-40, 172, 186
generations, 24
genius, 43^4, 66, 84
genre, 45, 58-9, 67, 86-7, 91, 96-7
geopolitical, 17, 25,
globality/globalization 15, 20-21, 26—7,
34-5, 134-5, 164
Goethe, J. W., 56
Wilhelm Meister, 56
Goff, Jacques Le, 191
History and Memory, 191
Graham, Dan, 54, 139, 142—5, 151
Alteration, 145
Homes for America, 143
Poem-Schema, 54
Scheme, 54
Grant, Cary, 105
Graves, Michael, 145
Green, Renée, 105
Greenberg, Clement, 3, 5, 37, 46—8,
77-81, 101, 118, 123
Greimas, Algirdas, 103
Groys, Boris, 129—30
Guattari, Felix, 1, 9, 63, 122
Gunder-Frank, Andre, 26
Halperin, Ilana, 106
Nomadic Landscapes, 106
Happenings, 179
Haywood Gallery, 104
‘Gravity and Grace’, 104
Heidegger, Martin, 7-9, 23, 42, 45, 89,
168, 170-1, 175, 178, 180-4,202,'
Being and Time, 180, 204
Fundamental Concepts, 178, 180
Hegel, G. W. F, 7, 9, 25, 38, 41, 43-6, 49,
51-3, 65, 83, 107-8, 150, 183-4
Lectures on Fine Art, 9
Phenomenology, 51, 113
Science of Logic, 108
Higgins, Dick, 99, 176, 179
‘Intermedia’, 99
Hiller, Susan, 94
Dedicated to the Unknown Artist, 94
Hiroshima, 199
historical a priori, 76
history, 3, 15, 25-6, 33, 62, 96, 119, 175—
6,178, 190-201,206,208
literary, 11
natural, 90
philosophical, 35, 52, 168
see also, art history
Hitchcock, Alfred, 105
North By Northwest, 105
Hobbs, Robert, 100—104, 107—8
Hobsbawm, Eric, 26
Hölderlin, Friedrich, 56, 65
Holocaust, 199
Holt, Nancy, 106
Holzer, Jenny, 61
horizon — see expectation
Horkheimer, Max, 165—6
Huebier, Douglas, 112
humanities, 4
Husserl, Edmund, 176, 202—9
Ideas, 202
Consciousness of Internal Time, 205
idealism, 45, 59
aesthetic, 5
German, 7, 88
identity, 137
ideology, 6, 49, 78, 186, 188, 193, 198,
207, 210
image, 24, 28, 55, 60, 67, 90, 93-4,96,
117-19, 123-4, 127-31, 149-50,169,
199, 201
dialectical, 38, 53, 67
digital, 117,119, 127
see also, digitalization
imagination, 23
inaesthetics, 9
Independent Group, 16
This is Tomorrow, 16
indexicality, 123—4, 127—9, 193, 200
indifference, 42, 49,
aesthetic, 81
individuality (of artworks), 83—7, 102—3,
105, 107, 150
infinity, 64-5, 67, 69, 118, 130
information, 62—3
Information, 63
Information Technology, 63
installation, 126, 136
institutional critique, 109, 158—9,172
institutional theory of art, 107
Institute of Contemporary Arts (ICA),
intermedia, 99
internationalism, 26, 35, 141
isms, 83—4, 107,
íven,Jorge, 150
Jameson, Fredric, 17
Jewish Museum, 63
Judd, Donald, 57, 82, 107
judgement, 8-10, 40, 51, 78, 189
aesthetic, 39—43, 177
art-critical, 47
historical, 1
-power, 40-42
Kael, Pauline, 181
Kant, Immanuel, 5, 7, 10, 22-4, 26,
37-44, 46, 49, 64-5, 71,76, 84' 89,
107, 120-3, 175, 177, 183, 193,
Critique of Pure Reason, 38, 40, 76, 121,
Critique of Judgement-Power, 39^41,
Kanwar, Amar, 196, 200-201
The Lightning Testimonies, 196—7,
Kaprów, Allan, 102,151
Kawara, On, 87, 144
Date Paintings, 87
kitsch, 17, 97
Kierkegaard, Soren, 184
Klyun, Ivan, 154
Koselleck, Reinhard, 202,205—7
‘Space of Experience’, 205—6
Kosuth, Joseph, 37, 49, 57, 61, 139
‘Art and Philosophy’, 57
Titled (Artas Idea .. 139
Kracauer, Siegfried, 185, 189
Krauss, Rosalind, 101^1, 108, 167
Passages in Modem Sculpture, 101
‘Sculpture in the Expanded Field’,
Land art, 108
landscape, 91, 96, 103-4
Laocöon and his Sons, 101
Lebanon, 29-31,35, 191, 199
Lefebvre, Henri, 133
legitimation, 6-7, 71, 73, 88, 142, 190,
192, 203
Lessing, Gotthold, 46, 80, 101
Laocöon, 101
LeWitt, Sol, 12, 37-8,49, 53-8, 61, 63,
65-9, 93, 107, 142
‘Paragraphs on Conceptual Art’, 54,
Sentences on Conceptual Art, 38, 53—8,
‘Serial Project No. Г, 63
liberalism, 85
national 20, 163
literature, 33, 54, 56
libertariansm, 87
Lippard, Lucy, 107, 114
Eccentric Abstraction, 107
Lukács, Georg, 18, 137
Lyotard, Jean-François, 7, 44
major/minor, 63
Manet, Eduard, 79
Manifesta, 162
mass culture, 165,167
Matta-Clark, Gordon, 142, 145-9, 151
Bingo, 145
NYU Checkerboard, 145
Splitting, 145
Window Blow-Out, 145
Marx, Karl, 90, 128, 183—4
1844Manuscripts, 183
Capital, 90, 128
Matisse, Henri, 151
mechanization, 66
media, 26, 94, 96
mass, 20, 46
new, 105
see also, intermedia and transmedia
medium(s), 3, 5, 11-12, 18-20, 28,
45-6, 48, 50, 56-7, 63, 65, 78-82,
87,99-108, 117, 123, 127, 130-31,
141, 143, 145, 149, 168, 190, 192,
see also, post-medium and transmedia
memory, 91, 144, 175, 190—201
Merleau-Ponty, Maurice, 7—8
metaphysics, 7, 37, 39,41, 43 —5, 60, 89,
120, 168, 170, 180, 188
metropolis, 133—5, 140
Meyer, James, 160-61, 163
migration, 26, 28, 151, 162—3
Minimal art, 107
minimalism, 19, 81, 108, 159
modernism, 10—12, 16—19, 33, 47, 57,
aesthetic, 72,77—8, 86
American, 88
art-critical, 72
artistic, 77
formalist, 5, 18, 48-9, 86, 160
generic, 72, 82—3, 86,139
medium-specific, 72, 78—80, 149
modernity, 17—18, 24—7, 73—6, 135, 137,
super-, 136—7
montage, 55, 62, 197
Montaigne, Michel de, 58
Morris, Robert, 57, 101, 107
Labyrinth, 101
multiculturalism, 26
multiplicity, 12, 24, 27,71—2, 76—7,87,
109, 113, 129-31, 143-5, 176, 189,
multitude, 35, 195
museums, 99, 103, 109,114, 169, 172-3
Museum of Contemporary Art,
Zagreb, 18
Los Angeles, 100, 105
Museum of Modern Art, NY, 19, 63, 88
mysticism, 62, 66
nationalism/nationalization, 26, 28, 35,
118, 162
de-, 135, 167
re-, 135
see also, transnationalization
naturalism, 9
narrative, 62
nature, 8, 24
Nauman, Bruce, 101
Corridor, 101
Nazism, 97
negation, 47, 49, 73—5, 77—8, 80, 82—3,
94, 109, 112, 117, 133-4, 136-7, 208,
neo-classical, 18, 60
neo-Kantian, 10
neo-liberalism, 107, 163
N. E. Thing Co., 57
new, 11,17-18, 25-6,47, 52, 56, 62,
72-4,83,136, 138, 170, 179, 185,
195, 206-9
New Economic Policy, 155
Nietzsche, Friedrich, 7, 24
nihilism, 131
no-time, 173
nominalism, 13, 77, 81-4, 103, 150
10, 13,46, 48, 88,91-3, 201
place, 112, 133-40, 162, 175, 190
site, 108-113, 140, 144, 151, 172
space, 112
Novalis, 41, 44, 60, 64
novel, the, 62
October, 4—5, 101,
O’Doherty, Brian, 139-40
Ono, Yoko, 139, 185
Instructions for Paintings, 139
Sky TP, 185
ontology, 3, 8-10, 20, 22, 28, 41-51,68,
78-86, 88, 97, 99, 105-6, 109, 117-
31, 134,140-4, 149, 159, 163,180,
184, 191, 193, 195, 224 n 3,
historical, 10,12, 37, 45-6, 48, 73, 108
of materializations, 28, 48, 108—13
Opałka, Roman, 87
1965—/1—infinity, 87
opticality/opticalism, 5, 56
painting, 42, 71, 79-80, 87-9, 92, 94,
96-7, 99, 102-3, 108-9, 117, 126
machine-, 94
modernist, 5,10
parataxis, 65
Pascal, Blaise, 58, 178, 182
Peter, Walter, 46
Pennsylvannia State University, 3
percept, 10
perception, 10, 100, 108, 114, 116-7, 131
177, 188, 200
performance, 20, 103, 127, 141, 145
periodization, 15—22, 25, 28,37,46—8,
phenomenology, 72—3, 89, 105, 145,
175-6, 179-3, 202-7
249-50 (n 21)
philosophy, 3, 6, 10
analytical, 7, 54, 57, 126
of art, 10, 38-9, 43, 45, 126
of difference, 122
Eastern, 56
European, 8, 202
of the fragment, 60
Hegelian, 52
of history, 55, 205
Kantian, 40, 64
post-Hegelian, 55, 150
post-Kantian, 5, 7, 43, 58, 64, 203
of the subject, 44
of time, 190
transcendental, 64
Western, 152
see also, history, philosophical
photography, 24, 50, 89-91, 93-4, 103,
108,110, 112,117-9,121-131, 141,
143, 144
photo-painting, 93—7
Picasso, Pablo, 153
pictorialism, 50, 94
Pierce, C. S., 127
Piper, Adrian, 57
place, 133-40,162, 175
see also, non-place
liberal, 5
politics, 8, 23,44, 118-9, 165,175-6,
Polke, Sigmar, 87, 89, 94—4
History of Everything, 87, 94
The Hunt for the Taliban, 96
Risk Game, 96
Pollock, Jackson, 46
Pop art, 88
pornography, 91, 123
positivism, 126
analytical-Hegelian, 7
Foucauldian, 107
logical, 7
possibility, 171—3,176—84, 205, 210
Adornian, 10
aesthetic, 33
architectural, 134, 151
autonomous, 142, 161, 166
colonial 26, 29, 163^4
communist, 195
conceptual — see, art, postconceptual
conceptuality, 48, 99
contemporary, 17
formalist, 18, 47,
Hegelian, 10
medium, 11, 33,46, 50,100, 104—5,
118, 227 (n 30), 236 (nl3)
minimalist, 142
modernism, 4,16-18,47-8,149
photographic, 24
Romantic, 90, 107
structuralism, 33
studio, 105
pragmatics, 120, 123
Productivism, 156, 160
project, 12-13, 55-6, 58, 68, 168-175
speculative, 51—3
psychoanalysis, 4,11, 171,184, 192
psychology, 171, 177
Public Culture, 31
Raad, Walid, 13, 28,31-2, 199
radicalism, 7
Ramsden, Michael, 57, 61
Rancière, Jacques, 7—9
Ranke, Leopold von, 193
Raqs Media Collective, 34
rationalism, 41
rationalization, 154—5, 157
readymade, 97, 141
realism, 18, 128, 150, 193
Capitalist, 89
reception, 184—90
reductionism, 8
regionalism, 28, 162
Reinhardt, Ad, 61
‘25 Lines’, 61
‘Twelve Rules’, 61
remembrance, 88
Renaissance, 17—18, 46, 107, 126,
repetition, 66, 82, 105, 158, 197
reproducibility, 118, 127
revolution, 76, 206, 208-10
Reynolds, Ann, 100
Robert Smithson, 100
rhythm, 184, 188
Richter, Gerhard, 87-94, 96-7
Atlas, Ы-П, 94,97
Aunt Marianne, 97
Forty Years of Painting, 88
October 18, /977,91,97
S. mit Kind, 97
September, 97
Uncle Rudi, 97
Ricoeur, Paul, 25
Roberts, Jennifer L., 100
Mirror Travels, 100
de la Rochefoucauld, François, 58
Rodin, 101
Gates of Hell, 101
Roman Empire, 72
romanticization, 41, 60, 66, 137
Romanticism, 7, 9, 11—13, 39^47, 53,
Jena/early German, 7, 10—12,33, 37—8,
43-6, 58, 62, 65-7, 129, 168-71
Philosophical, 55-6
Rose, Barbara, 107
ABC Art, 107
Rosenberg, Harold, 3, 6, 47
Russian Revolution, 20
Sartre, Jean-Paul, 86—7
Critique of Dialectical Reason, 86
Sassen, Saskia, 135
Schaeffer, Jean-Marie, 6—7, 39
Schelling, 7, 45
Schiller, 7,43-4
Kalitas Letters, 43
Aesthetic Education, 43
Schlegel, August, 45, 54
Schlegel, Friedrich, 38,44—5, 53-6, 58—
60, 63-4, 67-8, 159
Athenaeum Fragments, 38, 53, 55, 58,
63, 67-8
Critical Fragments, 38
Schliermacher, Friedrich, 54, 65
Schopenhauer, Arthur, 7
scepticism, 88, 193, 200
science, 10, 38-40, 46, 61
political, 5
sculpture, 79-80, 99-106, 108, 117, 141,
145, 149
semiotics, 8, 120—1
sensibility/sensation, 9—10, 39,76
series, 62—7, 86—7, 94
Serpentine Gallery, 196
Serra, Richard, 101
Shift, 101
Shaftsbury, Lord, 58,177
signs, 137—8
singularity, 78, 120, 122, 124, 150-51
site, 108-116,144, 152, 160, 172
see also, non-site
Smithson, Robert, 12, 57, 97—117, 139—
40, 142-3, 151, 170, 172
1000 Tons of Asphalt, 110
Alogott, 109
Asphalt Rundown, 110
Broken Circle, 101
Enantiomorphic Chambers, 109
Floating Island, 143
A Heap of Language, 113
Hypothetical Continent of Lemuria,
Hypothetical Continent in Shells, 113
Non-sites, 109—10
Partially Buried Woodshed, 103, 105
‘Some Void Thoughts’, 99
Spiral Jetty, 101, 103, 105-6, 110, 116
‘Spiral Jetty’, 114
A Tour of the Monuments, 110
A Web of White Gravel, 110
socialism, 18—20
Society for Theoretical Art and
Analysis, 57—8
sociologism, 8
sociology, 11, 177
Soja, Edward, 133, 135
absolute, 133—4
abstract, 133
any-whatsoever, 149
art, 27-8, 131,140
cultural, 27,96, 163
differential, 133—4
digital, 135
electronic, 135
exhibition, 168
of flows, 134-5,138,162, 175
physical, 164
project, 168—75
social 25, 28, 112, 131
transnational, 28
see also, place; non-place; nonspace
speculation, 7, 23, 38, 51, 193—5
see also, proposition, speculative
Spivak, G. C., 26, 192
Stella, Frank, 82, 179
Studio International, 57
subject/subjects, 25, 27, 41—4, 63, 85,
170, 175, 197
absolute, 25
social, 163, 191,193, 195
subjectivity, 8, 41-2, 66,177, 191-3
subject-position, 23
subject-structure, 194
surrealism, 16, 19, 46, 55, 81
system, 13, 60
see also, anti-system
Tatlin, Vladimir, 153-4, 157
Selection of Materials, 154
TDK, 31
techné, 78-81,120, 165,
technology, 12, 20, 24, 27, 46, 117-20,
123-6, 129, 134, 154, 156, 162, 166,
television, 119,123,125,185
temporality/temporalization, 9—12, 17,
72-7,90, 124, 136, 138, 169-70,
historical, 22—4,28,47, 53,91,119
see also, time
testimony, 190—91, 196—201
textualization, 134, 136—40, 151
theology, 24,124,130
theory, 11
cultural, 8
photographic, 5
political, 11
Tillmans, Wolfgang, 90
If One Thing Matters, 91
time, 130, 204
cosmological, 73
historical, 18, 21—2,72—3, 207—8
philosophy of, 2-3,
physical, 73
see also, temporality
timelessness, 140, 175
totality/totalization, 9, 22,47, 50, 53, 60,
64-5,80,91,94, 118, 123, 187
tradition, 24,73
transcategoriality, 11-12, 99—100, 105,
108, 110,114,145
transcultural, 163, 167
transdisciplinarity, 11—12
translation, 163-4
transmedia, 11, 46, 50, 118
15,21,26-8,33-5, 118, 134-5,151,
162-8,191, 194-5
truth, 9, 44, 47
urban studies, 11
urbanism/urbanization, 75, 134, 151
unity, 63, 77,112,116, 118, 131,191
collective, 121-3
conceptual, 52
disjunctive, 22, 25
distributive, 11-12, 25, 48, 50, 86,
120-25, 143
historical, 122
utopia, 23, 113, 165, 178-9, 194
value/value-form, 35, 85,128,131-4,
184, 194, 234 n 38
cult-, 92-3
educational-, 92—3
exhibition-, 93,162
use-, 162
Vatamanu, Mona and Florin Tudor, 209
Long Live and Thrive Capitalism, 209
Venice Biennale, 30, 100,162
video, 8, 28-9, 103, 108, 123, 125, 172,
185, 188-9, 196, 198
virtuality, 113
visual culture, 4—5, 46
visualizations, 129—31
Vital, Joachim, 1
Wagner, Richard, 80
Wall, Jeff, 5, 46, 127, 142, 144, 160-61,
Warhol, Andy, 179, 181
Weber, Max, 155
Weiner, Lawrence, 54, 61
Statements, 54, 61
Wheeler, Dennis, 112, 114
When Attitudes Become Form, 763
Whiteread, Rachel, 149
House, 149
Wilde, Oscar, 46
Williams, Raymond, 16,180,183
Keywords, 16
Wollheim, Richard, 46
world-mediation, 88-91, 94
World Trade Organization, 210
writing, 110
Wu Ming, 35
Yates, Francis, 193
The Art of Memory, 193
Young, La Monte, 139