I n d e x
Literary and artworks are listed under author/artist
Abbott, Berenice 218
actionism (Vienna) 242-4
Adamowicz, Elza 8, 9
Ades, Dawn 131-2,157
Agar, Eileen 156,157
alchemy 21,136,157
see also magic; mysticism
Allmer, Patricia 8, 234-5, 277, 289
Angels of Anarchy: Women Artists and
Surrealism (Manchester Art
Gallery) 3
Antal, Frederick 197
Aragon, Louis 40, 42, 69-70, 243
Artaud, Antonin 23, 75, 242
Art brut 16-17,19» 26-7
artifice 260, 261, 263, 268-70
Asquith, Wendy 173-4
Aury, Dominique 138
Histoire d'O 138
authenticity 20,141, 260, 270
automatism 15,17, 21, 33-47, 60-1,157,173
Bakhtin, Mikhail 95, 235
Bal, Mieke 49, 91-111
Ball, Hugo 18
Bardot, Brigitte 136
Barney, Natalie 75
Barr, Alfred H. 203
Barthes, Roland 95, 99,139-41
Baxandall, Michael 99
Bataille, Georges 70-87,139, 248-9
de Beauvoir, Simone 113,139
Bellmer, Hans 16, 98,135
Benjamin, Walter 2, 59
Bennett-Carpenter, Benjamin 100
Berton, Germaine 69
Bettelheim, Bruno 57
Beuys, Joseph 55
Bhabha, Homi 121
BIEF: Jonction surréaliste (journal) 131,
Bifur (journal) 71
Blanchot, Maurice 2,119
Bland, Edith 155
Boiffard, Jacques-André 49
Botting, Fred 100
Bourgeois, Louise 6,49-65,98,102-3, 242
Cell (Clothes) 51
Cells 51
Destruction of the Father/
Reconstruction of the Father 49-50
'Freud's toys' 50
Brassai 218
Brèche, La (journal) 131,134,143
Breton, André 2, 3, 8, 9,10,15,16-18,19,
20, 21, 24-6, 35, 37, 40, 44, 53, 55, 71,
75, 83-4, 116,117, 132, 134-5, 139, 141,
156-7, 159, 173-89, 194, 205, 231, 237,
238, 243, 276-7
Art des fous, la clé des champs, L' 20
Champs Magnétiques, Les 18
First Manifesto of Surrealism 20, 38,
40, 49
Nadja 24, 36, 39
298 Index
Surrealism and Painting 20, 35, 42
see also Nadja
Breton, Simone 69
Bronfen, Elisabeth 249-50
Brooks, Peter 97-8
Buerger, Peter 2
Bunuel, Luis 162
Chien Andalou, Un (with Salvador
Dali) 162
Butler, Alison 155
Cahun, Claude 6,15, 69-89, 232, 277
Couer de Pic, Le 73-5, 77-85
Lise Deharme and 69-89
Paris sont ouverts, Les 71-2
Poupée 77-8
Calle-Gruber, Mireille 120
Cardinal, Roger 26
Carpentier, Alejo 75
Carrington, Leonora 6, 7,15, 35-6,
113-30,156, 232, 264, 289
Stone Door, The 113-30
Carruthers, Victoria 93
Caws, Mary Ann 3
Césaire, Aimé 176-7
Césaire, Suzanne 8,173-89
'Great Camouflage, The' 178
Chadwick, Helen 6, 49-65
Ego Geometria Sum 56
Further Notebook on Early Work 55-6
Oval Court Series, The 53-5
Chadwick, Whitney 3,132,164, 259
Chanel, Coco 276, 285
Chardin, Jean-Baptiste-Siméon 99
Chénieux-Gendron, Jacqueline 120
de Chirico, Giorgio 8,198, 200
Cixous, Hélène 119-22, 252, 289
classicism and neo-classicism 121,
193-209, 231, 232, 280, 289
Clements, Grace 203
Cocteau, Jean 75, 276
collage 23, 94, 218, 227-40, 252, 284, 287
Colquhoun, Ithell 7,10,153-71
Cathédrale engloutie, La 163
'Children of the Mantic Stain 157
Crying of the Wind, Ireland, The 160-1
Dance of the Nine Opals 166-7
Destination Limbo 164
Goose of Hermogenes 161-4
I Saw Water 164
Linked Islands, II153
Pine Family, The 165-6
Rocky Island 153
Scylla 157
Conley, Katharine 3, 6, 7,19, 21,122,132,
Corbaz, Aloise 6,15-31
Cornell, Joseph 98,104
Cowling, Elizabeth 198
Craig, Mary 61
Crevel, René 71, 83
Crowley, Aleister 156
cultural translation (Lotman) 279, 281,
Cunningham, David 2
dada 18, 26, 70, 203, 215, 216, 218, 237,
242, 243, 252, 281
Dali, Salvador 199, 203, 205, 243, 260-1,
von Däniken, Erich 23
Dayan, Colin 184
Dean, Tacita 55
Defoe, Daniel 153
Robinson Crusoe 153
Deharme, Lise 6, 69-89
Cahier de curieuse personne 76-9
Claude Cahun and 69-89
Deharme, Paul 75, 81-2
Dekoven, Marianne 132
Deleuze, Gilles 153-5
'Desert islands' 153,159-71
Deleuze, Gilles & Félix Guattari 113-15,
becoming, concept of 113-17,119,
120-3, 250, 289
Delvaux, Paul 199
Deren, Maya 8,173-89
Divine Horsemen: The Living Gods of
Haiti 174, 181-3
Index 299
Desire Unbound (Tate Modern) 104
Desnos, Robert 35, 37-8, 41-2, 75, 81
Devereux, George 60
Dichter, Claudia 15
Donkin, Hazel 7
Dubuffet, Jean 16,19, 20, 26
Duchamp, Marcel 26, 37, 41-2, 70,103,
134,141» 275
de Duve, Thierry 103
Eburne, Jonathan 6
Einzig, Barbara 35
Elle (magazine) 135-6
Elléouët, Aube 9, 227-40
Ange effraie, L' 237
Donne, La / La Donne II237
Intrusion 232-4
Escalier, L' 235
Leda et le Cygne 232
Liens secrets 230
Memoir de lecume, La 232
N'a pas besoin de titre 234
Ricochets 227-8, 237
Éluard, Nusch 83-4
Éluard, Paul 71, 83-4
embodiment 58,101,105,118,121,176,
259-61, 267, 269-70
Emin, Tracey 55
Entartete Kunst Ausstellung (Degenerate
Art exhibition) 215
Ernst, Max 19,116,155,156,199, 203, 227,
229-30, 237, 243, 252
Peter Weibel and 241
Tapp und Tast-Kino 241
exquisite corpse 53, 94
Feitelson, Lorser 194-6, 203
Fellini, Federico 142
Dolce Vita, La 142
Ferentinou, Victoria 7
Fini, Leonor 3, 9,115, 259-74, 277
Concile d'amour, Le (Panizza) (designs
for) 262, 267-70
Heliodora 270
Intermission of Apotheosis 263
Réve de Leonor, La (designs for) 261-6
Witches, The (designs for) 264-5
see also artifice
First World War 3,198, 243
Fisher, Jean 36
Flaubert, Gustave 7, 91-111
Flournoy, Théodore 16-18
Fort, Ilene Susan 8
Foster, Hal 2
Fraser, (Sir) James 202
Golden Bough, The 202
Freud, Sigmund 49-65,133
Civilisation and its Discontents 50
'Origin and Development of
Psychoanalysis, The 58
'Psychoanalysis and Telepathy' 60
see also psychoanalysis; unconscious,
Gamaker, Michelle Williams 91,101
Gautier, Xavier 132
Geis, Terri 8
van Gennep, Arnold 114,123
Giroud, Françoise 137
Glissant, Édouard 184
Goebels, Joseph 211, 220
Gorsen, Peter 15,18
Greco, Juliette 136
Green, Anna 98
Green, Christopher 198
Greenberg, Clement 2
Guignery, Vanessa 119
Guston, Philip (Philip Goldstein) 203
Haiti 173-89
Handelman, Don 224
Harris, Alexandra 156
Heartfield, John 215
Hesse, Eva 98,103
Hiller, Susan 2, 6, 33-47, 49-65
Auras: Homage to Marcel Duchamp 59
Dedicated to the Unknown Artists 61
Draw Together 33-4, 59-61
Dream Mapping 33
300 Index
From the Freud Museum 57-9
'Post?modern?ism?' 33
Provisional Texture of Reality, The 59
Sisters of Menon 33-47, 55, 61
Hitler, Adolf 212-3
Huntington, Arabella 194
Huyssen, Andreas 275
hybridity 62, 116, 117,121-3
identity 36-9, 41, 43, 44, 81,113-16,118,
120-3,131,133,139,176,184,197, 235,
249-50, 252, 259-70, 279, 289, 291
Indiana, Gary 24
In Wonderland: The Surrealist
Adventures of Women Artists in
Mexico and the United States
(LACMA) 3,193
Irigaray, Luce 252
James, William 17
Janet, Pierre 60
Jones, Amelia 1
Joyce, James 75, 91
Ulysses 200, 284
Judd, Donald 103
Jürgenssen, Birgit 9, 241-56
Concave Mirror 252
Gretchen von Faust 254
Hausfrau 245-7
Hausfrauen-Küchenschürze 245
Match das trag ich mit mir selber aus,
Das 249
Ohne Titel: Naturgeschichte 252-3
Ohne Titel (Selbst mit Fellchen) 250-1
Shoemask 247, 249
shoe objects 247
Veredelung 247-8
zipfeln 244
Kahlo, Frida 4, 232
Kandinsky, Vassily 155
Khanna, Ranjana 16-17, 27
Klee, Paul 155
Klein, Yves 59
Klossowski, Pierre 139
Kokoschka, Oskar 215, 220
Krajewski, Michael 15
Krauss, Rosalind E. 3, 5, 34-5, 44,104
Kristeva, Julia 119
Kusama, Yayoi 99,103,104
Lacan, Jacques 49
Lamba, Jacqueline 9, 83
Legrand, Gerard 140
Leonora Carrington (Liverpool) 3
Levitt, Annette Shandler 3
Levy, Silvano 157
LeWitt, Sol 101-2
liminality 17, 114-30
Lippard, Lucy 103
Locus Solus (Roussel) 163
Lomas, David 260
Loren, Sophia 136
Lotman, Yuri 279
Lundeberg, Helen 8,193-209
Cosmicide 204-6
Microcosm and Macrocosm 204
Mountain, The 198-200
Persephone 200-3
Plant and Animal Analogies 204-5
Portrait of Inez, The 194-5
Lusty, Natalya 2
Lyford, Amy 94
Maar, Dora 131
Mabille, Pierre 116,175,179
Mirror of the Marvellous 116-17
McAra, Catriona 7
McCall, Leslie 1
magic 18, 21, 36, 72, 81,122,153,155-63,
238, 270
see also alchemy; mysticism
Magritte, René 220, 228, 231-2
Mahon, Alyce 131
Mainardi, Patricia 198
Makari, George 50, 60
manifesto (modernist) 49, 70,193, 203,
244, 284, 286
Man Ray 75, 83, 230, 275
Mansfield, Katherine 115
Index 301
Mansour, Joyce 7,131,134-7
Mapplethorpe, Robert 52-3
Marks, Laura 224
Marquis de Sade 133
Martinique 173-89
marvellous 21, 26,116,118,120,123, 276
everyday and 279, 287
Marx, Karl 133
materialism 70
Mavor, Carol 54
Mayoux, Marie-Louise 131
Max, Gabriel 139
Médium: Communication Surréaliste
(journal) 131,134,135,141-2
Medkovâ, Emila 15
Merrild, Knud 203
Mesens, E. L. T. 157
Meskimmon, Marsha 3, 4, 259
Metamorphoses (Ovid) 200-2
Meyer, James 104
Michaud, Eric 211
Michaux, Henri 23
Michelet, Jules 164
Sorcière, La 164
Miller, Lee 4, 8-9, 211-26, 234-5
Advertisements I & II 211-8
Shop Front, Weimar 222-3
Textile Factory 221
US Jeep and Troops 221-2
mimicry 132,139,176, 260-1
minimalism 103-4
Miro, Joan 3, 19
Miroir de l'Afrique (Leiris) 175
Mitrani, Nora 7, 131,134-9
Modernism/Modernity (journal) 1
Monroe, John Warne 156
Monroe, Marilyn 138
Morain, André 95
More, (Sir) Thomas 153
Utopia 153
Morgan, Stuart 35
Morise, Max 69
Morley, Simon 49, 61
Morris, Robert 103
Morton, Tom 56
Mundy, Jennifer 198
mysticism 21, 59,155,162,166
Nadja 21, 24-6, 36, 49,138,176
see also Breton, André
navel 91-111
Nazism 211-26, 242-3
aesthetics and 211-26
Néon (journal) 133-4
Neville, Henry 165
Isle of Pines, The 165-6
occultism 7-8,15, 35-6, 60,133,153-71
modernism and 15-16
October (journal) 3
Oedipus 41
opacity (Glissant) 184
Oppenheim, Meret 4,15,115,131,134,
141, 242, 248, 250, 275
Breakfast in Fur 250
Orenstein, Gloria 3,132
Ovid (Publius Ovidius Naso) 200-2
Metamorphoses 200-2
Owen, Peter 156
Pailthorpe, Grace 156, 157
Panizza, Oscar 9
Parent, Mimi 134,144
Paulhan, Jean 71,138
Penrose, Roland 156, 215
Penrose, Valentine 115
Péret, Benjamin 252
Perkins Gilman, Charlotte 94,101-2
Yellow Wallpaper, The 94,102
Phare de Neuilly, Le (journal) 75-6
Picasso, Pablo 198, 200, 284
Pierre, André 8,173,180-1
Pierre, José 136
Plateau, Marius 69
Pollock, Griselda 1,100
Pollock, Jackson 59
postminimalism 103-4
post-surrealism (and neo-classicism)
203-4, 207
Potts, Alex 51
302 Index
Prague Surrealist Group 21
Proust, Marcel 99
psychoanalysis 50, 55, 58, 60, 115, 243
see also Freud, Sigmund; unconscious,
Queneau, Raymond 75
Raaberg, Gwen 276
Rabaté, Jean-Michel 3
Rancière, Jacques 2
Raynal, Henri 140
Reigl, Judit 276
Rembrandt (Rembrandt van Rijn) 100
Ribemont-Dessaignes, Georges 75
Rosemont, Penelope 10
Rowland, Benjamin, Jr 197-8
Sagan, Françoise 136
Sage, Kay 193
Said, Edward 8
Saler, Michael 155
Sartre, Jean-Paul 132,139
Schiaparelli, Elsa 9-10, 275-95
Belt 277, 279-81
Cocktail Hat 277-9
Desk Suit 287
Dress 281, 283-4
Pantsuit 281, 285-6
Suit (1937) 287-8
Suit (1938) 289-90
Schor, Gabriele 8-9
Schreber, Daniel Paul 24
Schweitzer, Hans 220
Schwitters, Kurt 18, 59, 220
Second World War 7, 202, 211, 252,
Ségal, Marcelle 136
Silver, Kenneth 198
Sinclair, Upton 61
Singer, Julie 16-17, 27
Smith, Hélène (Catherine Elise Muller)
Sollers, Philippe 139
Solomon-Godeau, Abigail 248-9, 252
Soupault, Philippe 18
Speer, Albert 211-12
spiritualism 15-16,17-18, 20, 23, 33, 35-6,
44, 59, 60,155-6
Spiteri, Raymond 26
Stockhausen, Karlheinz 93
striptease 139-41
Suleiman, Susan Rubin 3-4,10,132-3,
Surreal Friends (Pallant House) 3
Surrealism and the Object (Pompidou) 3
surréalisme, même, le (journal) 131, 134,
13 7,138-40
Svankmajer, Jan 21
Tanning, Dorothea 3, 7, 91-111,115,193,
Emma 91-111
'Some parallels in words and pictures'
Tarkovsky, Andrei 59
Temkin, Ann 95
Temps modernes, Les (journal) 133
temps que les surrealists avaient raison,
De (journal) 131
Tickner, Lisa 133
transformation 40, 75,114-15,120,122-3,
196, 202, 207, 218, 224, 229-38, 243,
245, 250-4, 279, 283-4, 289
Treitel, Corinna 155
Tristan, Flora 139
Tropiques (journal) 176
Trotsky, Leon 71
Turner, Victor 114,119,123
Tzara, Tristan 18
unconscious, the 34-5, 39, 41, 44, 49-65,
83,121,122, 204, 205, 216-18, 241,
243. 244, 270, 289
see also Freud, Sigmund;
Varo, Remedios 115, 260
Vermeer, Jan 95
Vodou 175,179-80,183,184
Index 303
Warner, Marina 54,120
Weber, Max 155
Weisz, Emérico ('Chiki') 117
Wells, H. G. 153
Island of Doctor Moreau, The 153
West, Emma 9-10
Wilson, Leigh 15,18
Wölfli, Adolf 19, 26
Woolf, Virginia 115,156
Yeats, W. B. 155
Zander, Suzanne 15
Zapperi, Giovanna 249
Zemânkovâ, Anna 6, 15-31
Zoozmann, Hans Richard Karl
Zürn, Unica 6, 15-31, 98
House of Illnesses, The 23-4
'Plan of the House of Illnesses'
'Visions in the Vaults of the Head'