Aachen, Germany 75
Abakanowicz, Magdalena 211
Street, Dublin 226, 262-3,
Theatre, Dublin 7, 109, 226,
260, 264, 270
Abramovic, Marina 40
Abstract/Abstraction 56, 106. 110-11,
148, 169, 171, 177, 208, 238,
240, 246, 248, 250, 252, 254
Expressionism 245
Académie Française 83
Act of Union 68
Adams, Robert 248
Adelaide, Australia 5, 19
Adoration of the Lamb [Jan van
Eyck] 37
Adorno, Theodor 6
Aer Lingus 98, 115
Africa 104, 110-11, 182
Aiken, John 115, 208
Alley, Ronald 111, 127
Allied Irish Banks 99, 239, 248
Ambassador cinema 262
An Chomhairle Ealaion/The Arts
Council 2-3, 23, 55, 71, 73-6,
78, 84, 90-101, 103, 105, 107,
114-15, 118, 141, 143-44,
149-53, 165, 167, 171-72,
180, 199, 213, 220, 221-23,
226-28, 234-235, 253, 259-60,
263-65, 267-75, 278, 280,
Andre, Carl 116
Anglo-Irish 141
Annaghmakerrig, Co. Monaghan 280
Aosdâna 80, 83-4, 90, 103, 143, 221,
241, 270-71, 272, 274, 279,
Antwerp, Holland 181
Appel [Karl] 127
Armagh Museum 136
Armstrong, Arthur 98
Arnheim [Rudolf] 188
Art and Visual Perception 188,
Arnold, Bruce 205, 212-13
Art and Language 33
Art in America 204
Artists' Century - Irish Self-Portraits
and Selected Works 1900-
2000 92, 110, 118
Art Monthly 209
Art Teacher's Certificate (ATC) 157
Arts Act, The
1951 105
1973 96, 267
Arts Bill 2002, The 96, 148, 150,
227-28, 232
Arts Council, The
of Great Britain 280
of Ireland (see An
Chomhairle Ealaion)
Index 287
of Northern Ireland 119, 126,
269, 280
of Scotland 74, 269, 280
of Wales 269, 280
Arts officer 73, 168, 172
Arts Plans, The 96-7, 151, 222, 278,
Art Students' League 162
Art USA Now, The Johnson and
Johnson Collection 1995-1997
239, 261
A Sense of Ireland 74, 208-09
Ashanti, Africa 111
Ashford Gallery, Dublin 63-4
Ashford, William 104, 134, 136
Association Internationale des
Critiques d'Art (AICA) 204-05
Association of Artists in Ireland
(AAI) 252
Astley [John] 136
Athens, Greece 37, 75
Atkinson, Terry 33
Auerbach [Frank] 102
Aurora 265-66
Avery [Milton] 239
Avignon, France 138
Bakhtin [Mikhail] 233, 235
Bacon, Francis 108, 113, 128, 201,
Baer, Jo 101
Baker, Collins 137
Ballagh, Robert 75, 94, 113, 198,
200, 206, 211, 216, 259
Figures Looking At 198
Bank of Ireland 99, 110, 118, 198,
288 Movers and Shapers
239, 241
Banville, John 13, 255
Athena 13
Fr Cyril S.J. 199, 207-08
Jim 167
Barrington, Kathleen 267
[James] 134
Judith 71
Basel, Switzerland 61
Battoni, Pompeo 139
Bavaria, Germany 162
Beatles, The 261
Becht, Frits 115
Beckett, Samuel 15, 22, 197, 237
That Time 197
Beckmann, Max 254
Bedford Street [Belfast] 126
Bedia, José 61, 78
Beecroft, Vanessa 61, 78
Behan, John 261-62, 264-65
Beit collection, The 204
Belfast 93, 113, 119-21, 124-28, 130,
132, 196, 200-01
Belfast Museum and Art Gallery (see
Ulster Museum)
Belfast School of Art, The 32, 43
Belton, Liam 68, 92
Belltable Arts Centre, Limerick 74,
Belvedere College, Dublin 260
Benson, Ciarân 95, 118, 143, 220,
Benson Report, The 220, 234
Berkeley [Bishop] 135, 138
Berlin, Germany 254, 255
Betaprint 212
Beuys, Joseph 116, 194-97, 200, 211
Irish Energy 1 196
Is it about a Bicycle? 197
The Secrtet Block for a Secret
Person in Ireland 195
Tramstop 197
Bewleys [Dublin] 18
Bex, Flor 181, 183
Bienal, Säo Paolo 32, 66-7, 78
Liverpool 32
Whitney 58
Biennale, Venice 13, 29, 32, 66, 78,
109, 127, 201, 211
Blackshaw, Basil 90, 116
Blanchardstown, Dublin 97, 219
Blodau, Dieter 181
Bloody Sunday 200
Blue Rider, The 254
Blunt, Anthony 133
Bodkin, Dr Thomas 2, 105, 140
Four Irish Landscape Painters
2, 105, 132
Bonnard [Pierre] 113
Bord Fâilte 10, 206, 233
Bord na Móna 272-73
Bothar Bui, Co. Cork 199, 207
Brian 106, 116, 243
John 249, 265
Bowler, Gillian 46, 79, 88
Boydell, Mary 125, 206
Braque [Georges] 113, 249
Brady, Charles 247
Braveheart 218
Bray, Co. Wicklow 77
Bray Head 77
Breathnach, Niamh 18
Brennan, Anne 176
Faces 176
Brick, Ursula 181
British Council, The 72, 74, 127
British Library, The 138
Broadcasting 216-17, 223, 231, 278-
79, 288
Brocas, James Henry 135
Bronx, NY 117
Charlotte 229
Peter 12, 229, 281
Brookes Brothers, NY 200
Brow of the Hill [Christian Brothers'
School] 32
Brown, Deborah 115
Browne, Dr Noel 27
Brown Thomas, Dublin 244
Brugha, Cathal 130
Brunelleschi [Filippo] 14
Brussels, Belgium 138, 221, 278
Buckingham Street, Dublin 253
Burke's Landed Gentry of Ireland
Burt, Co. Donegal 251
Burton House, Co. Cork 138
Butler Gallery, Kilkenny 74, 257
Butler, Tony 267
Index 289
family 77
Gay 203, 223
Gerard 191, 209
Michael 265
Byzantine 24, 40-1
California, USA 163
Camaro, Alexander 254-55
Cambridge, UK 104, 106
George 98, 240-41
Julian 118, 246
Capitol Hill, Washington 62
Moira 32, 43
Tony 43
Carlisle, UK 122-23
Carlow, Co. 97, 257
Carmichael, Dr Douglas 188
Camdonagh, Co. Donegal 206
Carnegie, Andrew 167
Caro [Anthony] 250
Carrick, Desmond 95, 106
Bulls 95
Carrickmines Castle 274
Carver, Robert 168, 177
Landscape 168, 177
Foundation 119
House, Co. Kildare 207
Caulfield, Dr Seamus 88-9
Cavan, Co. 236
Céide Fields 88-9
Celtic Tiger, The 42
Censorship 262, 278,-79, 284
Cézanne [Paul] 24, 204
Chagall [Marc] 251
Charlemont, Lord 137
Charles I 138
Charleville, Co. Wicklow 77
Chester Beatty Library, The 219
Chia, Sandro 101, 116
Christian Brothers 5, 23, 32, 44, 79,
91, 103
Christo 59
Chü Chulainn 90
Claude (Le Lorrain) 13
Circa 76, 253
City Arts Centre, The 32, 35, 42
Ciste Cholmcille 265
City Councils/Corporations
Cork 153
Derry 44
Dublin 147-48, 283
Limerick 171, 180, 191
City Hall
Belfast, 126
Limerick 172, 174
City Quay, Dublin 19
Claremorris, Co. Mayo 95
Clare, Co. 138, 162, 165, 180, 206,
Clare Street, Dublin 82
Clarke, Harry 251-52
Cleves, Germany 195
Clifden Arts Festival 97
Cnuas 90, 271
Cobbe collection 139
Coffey, Stella 259
Coleman, James 113, 117, 203, 208-11
Clara and Dario 203
290 Movers and Shapers
Guaire 211
Living Presumed Dead 210
Ochón 210
Returnabout 210
So Different and Yet 210
Strongbow 209
The Ploughman's Party 209
Collie, George 171
The Outpost 171
Collingwood, R.G. 178, 187, 190-91
The Principles of Art 187
Collins Barracks, Dublin 47, 219, 277
Collins, Patrick 3, 26-7, 31, 74-5, 98,
110, 247
Moorland Water 110
Liffey Quaysides 31
Rain in Connemara 98
Columbia University, NY 5, 29, 162
Conceptual art 8, 11, 21, 29, 69, 253,
Congress 62
Connaught 140
Connemara, Co. Galway 98, 216, 220
Connor, Jerome 249
Contemporary Arts Society of
Britain 128
Contemporary Irish Art Society, The
98-9, 101-02, 112, 204
Cook, Thomas 122
Cooke, Barrie 27, 72, 100, 107, 115,
134, 168, 181, 247, 257
Woman in the Burren 168
Copenhagen [Denmark] 75
Córas Iompar Éireann (CIE) 23, 86
Corinth, Lucas 57
Cork Examiner 246
Cork Institute of Technology (CIT)
156, 158
Cork 69, 74, 112, 121, 138, 143, 152-
58, 162, 165, 167, 196, 199,
206-07, 209, 219, 235, 249-51
Cork Street, London 240
Costakis, George 117
Costa Rica 182
Costello, John A. 105
Cothü 275
Cotter, Maud 153
Courtauld Institute of Art, The 119,
Coulter, Lany 130-31
Coyne, Sabina 214, 216-17
Craig-Martin, Michael 113
Craig, Maurice 139
Crawford, The
College of Art and Design 143,
Municipal Gallery of Art 74,
112, 155-57, 219, 267, 269, 277
Anne 2, 76, 119-142, 205
Ireland's Painters 132
The Painters of Ireland
The Watercolours of
Ireland 120
Elizabeth 122
John 123
Cromwell/Cromwellian 138
Cronin, Anthony 83, 90, 213, 221,
243, 271, 283-84
Index 291
Cross, Dorothy 59, 64, 69, 208-09,
Ghostship 59
Crotty, Breda 165
Cubists, the 189, 193
Mick 22
Shane 40
Cultural Institutions Act 1997, The
Cultural Relations Committee, The
66, 114
Antoinette 91, 100
Pauline 208
Curator/curatorial 9, 32-5, 45-6, 49,
53, 55-6, 60-1, 66, 69, 73-4,
76, 90, 109, 111, 114, 116-17,
160, 166-67, 169, 170, 174,
179-83, 194, 202
Customs House, the, Dublin 87
Dada 246
Dâil Éireann 3, 16-7, 79, 86, 89, 93,
98, 214, 227, 234, 275, 278
Dame Street, Dublin 132
David, Jacques Louis 238
Davis, Gerald 114
Barbara 72, 202
Professor George 70, 78, 99,
104, 120, 196, 199, 213, 248
Dawson Gallery 31, 94, 99, 102, 106-
07, 110, 241, 262, 264, 268
Dawson Street, Dublin 99, 268
'Daylighting the city' 153
292 Movers and Shapers
Deacon, Richard 71
Deane, Seamus 44
de Blacam and Meagher 117
de Brun, Padraig 199, 213, 267
de Freyne, Mark 103
De Gaulle, Charles 84
Deignan, Peter 89
de Kooning [William] 239
de Paor, Maire 95
Department of
An Taoiseach 85, 215-16, 221,
Arts, Culture and the Gaeltacht
97, 144, 149-50, 202, 215, 275,
Arts, Heritage, Gaeltacht and
the Islands 149
Arts, Sport and Tourism 66,
149, 219, 230
Communications 216
Education 11, 16, 19-20, 156,
161, 165, 223
Environment, the 144-45
Family and Social Affairs 222
Finance 215-16, 226, 270, 280
Foreign Affairs 66, 75
Deny 32, 40, 43-6, 55, 138, 210
Earl Bishop of 139
Siege of 123
Derrynaflan Chalice 277
'Designing cities' 153
Devane, Andy 267
de Staël, Nicolas 24
de Valera, Minister Sile 92-3, 96,
148, 226-27
de Vere White,
John 98
Terence 98-9, 246, 255
Di Biumo, Count Panza 155
Gerard 26-7, 90, 238
Eilis 265, 267
Discovery Ireland Programme 84-5
Dixon, James 39
Cork 154
Dublin 154, 226
Documenta 29, 109, 183, 197
Doherty, Willie 43, 209, 212
Dolan, Ted 265
Dominican Convent, Co. Wicklow
Donabate, Co. Dublin 139
Donegal, Co. 43, 125, 131, 206, 251
Marie 51
Micky 69
Donovan, Der 74
Doolan, Lelia 223
Dorset, UK 136
Douglas Hyde Gallery, The 55, 57,
60, 69-70, 78, 174, 202-03,
Dowling, Oliver 165, 176, 212, 248
Conor 252
Peter 102, 113-14
Roger 210
Draiocht, Co. Dublin 64
Dublin 2, 5, 10, 20, 26, 28, 31-2, 45,
47, 55, 61, 69-72, 74, 76, 79,
85-6, 90-1, 99, 103-04, 106,
108-09, 111-12, 114, 116, 119,
124-26, 128, 130, 132, 148,
156-57, 162, 165, 168, 170,
173, 180, 190, 194-96, 202,
205-06, 216, 226, 236-37, 240,
242-43, 248, 251, 254, 257,
260, 270, 280
Dublin Castle 87-8
Dublin City Gallery, the Hugh Lane
71-2, 90, 103, 108, 111, 127-28,
143, 195-96, 202-04, 207, 239-
40, 261, 267
Dublin Society Schools 137, 140
Dublin Theatre Festival 270
Dubuffet [Jean] 127
Duchamp [Marcel] 187, 246
Dugdale, Rose 17
Duffy, Paul Vncent 105
Duke Street, Dublin 69
Dukes, Jim 16
Dumas, Marlene 61
Dunamaise Arts Centre 97
Dun Laoghaire, Rathdown, Co.
Dublin 18, 59, 227
Dunne, Aidan 76, 204, 256
Dusseldorf, Germany 195
Dwyer, Ted 161
Earlsfort Terrace, Dublin 17, 112
École du Louvre, Paris 194
Edinburgh, Scotland 113, 132, 135
Egan, Felim 115, 208, 212
Egmont, Earls of 138
Enokura, Koji 112
Index 293
Ëigse 257
Electricity Supply Board (ESB) 23,
222, 273
11 September 2001 37, 41
Emmet, Robert 196
Emin [Tracy] 22
England 11-2, 33, 65, 77, 129, 132,
134-35, 169, 182, 208, 231,
237, 246, 248-50
Enlightenment, The 36-7, 186, 256
Ennis, Co. Clare214
Enniskillen, Co. Fermanagh 127
Eoghan, George 83, 85
Esche, Charles 187
Europe/European 3, 30, 37, 40, 47-8,
56-7, 61, 63, 65, 76, 84-5, 89,
91, 111, 115, 126-7, 133, 154,
162, 180, 182, 192, 215, 217,
219-20, 224, 228-29, 237, 246-
48, 250, 274
European Economic Community
(EEC) 196
European Capital of Culture 47, 85,
European Maltsters Association 91
European Union (EU) 19-20, 30, 48,
114, 155, 172, 215-16, 277
ev+a 160-61, 165-6, 168, 172-73,
Evans, Estyn 128
Evening Press, The 267
Ewart Briggs, Christopher 280
Expressionists, German 245, 254
Brian 2, 75, 236-59
294 Movers and Shapers
An Age of Innocence 255
Conor 68, 75
Padraic 236, 244
Famine, the 140
Brian 93, 95
Micheal 206
Fauves, The 189
Fenlon, Jane 137
Ferran, Brian 113
Ferguson, Vincent 113, 115, 204, 242
Fethard on Sea, Co. Wexford 137
Fianna Fail 16, 149, 203, 278
Field Day 229
Figgis, Nicky 133, 136, 139
Film Board, The 223, 225, 276
Fine Art Transport 178
Finlay, Sarah 172, 250
Garret 94, 114
Maiy 117
Marion 236
Tom 115, 181, 203
Fitzsimons, Chris 25
Fitzwilliam Square, Dublin 140, 199,
Flash Art 204, 209
Flashing Steel 90
Focus Theatre, Dublin 216
Marie 64
Maurice 204
Folklore Commission, The 141
Four Courts, The 140
Fouére, Olwen 210-11
Foxrock, Dublin 199
France 74, 84, 122, 201, 223, 237,
246, 252
Frankenthaler, Helen 127
Free International University for
Creativity and Interdisciplinary
Research 195
Freud [Lucien] 242
'Friends of NCAD' 30
Frömel, Gerda 248-49
Frost, Robert 248
Fry [Roger] 245
Fuchs, Rudi 173
Fuller, Peter 166
Funge, Paul 168, 195, 262, 264
Furlong, Liz 103
Futures 64, 72
Gabo [Naum] 248
Gageby, Douglas 246
Gale, Martin 68, 72, 75, 134
Galerie Eleven, Malaysia 107
Galerie Maeght, France 84, 201
Gallagher, Matt 71
Galway, Ireland 69, 74, 199, 206,
210-11, 214, 216, 219, 222,
224, 231-33, 251
Galway Mayo Institute of
Technology 231
Galway Mayo Regional Arts
Committee 216, 224
Gandon [Editions] 212
Gate Theatre, Dublin 65, 261-62, 270
Gentileschi, Artemisia 65
Germany 65, 75, 162, 254, 255
Gerold, Dr Karl Gustav 264
Ghana, Africa 110, 111
Ghent, Belgium 183
Giacometti [Alberto] 248
Giant's Causeway, The, Co. Antrim
Gibney, Arthur 94, 273
Gillroy, Brother 24
Ginkel, General 136
Glasgow, Scotland 47, 122
Glenstal Abbey, Co. Limerick 251
Glin, The Knight of 119, 132
Ireland's Painters 132
The Painters of Ireland 132
Watercolours of Ireland 120
Goethe Institute, The, Dublin 254
Golub, Leon 40, 58
Gombrich [Ernst] 133
Gorman, Richard 177
Sojer 177
Gony Gallery, Dublin 106
Basil 99, 101-02, 129, 199,
204, 213, 248, 268
Tim 118, 216
Government Buildings 86-7
Gowing, Lawrence 131
Grafton Street, Dublin 19, 241
Dan 211
Patrick 65
Graphic Studio, The 265
Graneth, Olle 116
Grant, Michael 225
Graves, Morris 198
Index 295
Gray, Tony 246
Great Britain (also see England/
United Kingdom) 117, 280
Great Irishmen 130
Great Pictures of Ulster 130
Greenberg, Clement 199
Gris, Juan 204
Guggenheim Prize 3, 28, 31
Guinness' 91, 95, 104, 106-08, 111,
Guinness, Bryan 104
Guinness Hop Store 114, 116
Gulbenkian 120
Guston, Philip 19, 71, 239
Guthrie, Tyrone 86, 280
Adrian 181
Patrick 65
Committee 277
family 140
Hugh Douglas 137
Cries of Dublin 137
Hannigan, Shaun 168
Hanrahan, Isabelle 155
Hanratty, Alice 195
Hapaska, Siobhân 66, 78
Harcourt, Street, Dublin 74
Harper, Charles 161, 165-66, 181
Harp Plan, The 148
Harvard, Mass, USA 132
Hastings, UK 122
Hatfield House, Herfordshire 138
Haughey, Charles J. 3, 16, 47, 76, 79-
90, 93-95, 101, 117, 206, 208,
296 Movers and Shapers
Hayes, Eileen 218
Hayward Gallery, London 173
Heaney, Seamus 44, 201, 242, 248,
Heckel, Erich 254
Heineken 110
David 103, 107, 156, 241
Ritchie 241
Vivette 241
Hendriks Gallery 69, 89, 99, 102-03,
168, 199, 242, 247, 262, 268
Kate 181
Patrick 89, 169
View ofKinsale 169
Henrietta Street, Dublin 69, 198
Françoise 120
Grace 168
Paul 192
Hepworth, Barbara 248
Heuston Station, Dublin 47
Herkner [Friedrich] 198
Hibernia 204
David 70
Patrick 107, 206
Ted 113
Jack 172
Mary Alice 230
Michael D. 3, 149, 152, 214-
235, 275, 277-79, 281-82
An Arid Season 233
The Betrayal 233
The Season of Fire 233
Higher Education Authority (HEA)
Derek 131, 216
Noel 225
Hirst [Damien] 22
History of art 55, 119-120, 132-33,
157, 246
Hoare, of Bath 136
Hoet, Jan 182-83
Hogarth [Williaml 135-36
Holland 100, 115, 182
Home Rule 68
Evie 99, 171, 204, 252, 261
Nathaniel 104
Hopper, Edward 65, 239
Horn, Rebecca 188
Hospitals Board, the 76
Hotels Purchase Scheme 265
Howard, Hugh 137
Hughes, Ronnie 69
Hugh Lane (the Dublin Municipal
Gallery of Modern Art) 71-2,
90, 103, 108, 111, 127-28, 143,
195-96, 202-04, 207, 239-40,
261, 267
Hume, John 44
Hunger Strikes, the 40
Hunt collection 204
Hunt, John 74
Hunt, [Museum], The 183
Hutchinson, John 72, 174
Hynes, Jerome 143
Inchicore, Dublin 53
Independent Artists, The 25, 27, 65,
113, 247, 252, 262
Independent Newspapers 13
India 121-24
Indiana, University of, USA 214
Industrial Development Authority
(IDA) 150
Institute in Mexican Culture 160,
Institute of Bankers 104
Institute of Museum Services 63
Institute of Contemporary Art (ICA)
London 44-5, 208
Philadelphia 55, 58, 60-6
Iontas Small Works Exhibition, Sligo
Ireland, Patrick 113, 155 , 198, 200,
203, 211
Newman's Razor 198
Irish Ballet Company 270
Irish Countrywoman's Association
Irish Exhibition of Living Art, The
26-8, 65, 109, 126, 192, 200,
212, 240, 252, 262
Irish Exporters' Association 93
Irish Independent 96
Irish Malt Exports Ltd 91, 93-4
Irish Museum of Modern Art (IMMA)
1, 32, 39, 42, 45-7, 49, 52-3,
57, 70-2, 88, 91, 97, 100-01,
116, 118, 212-13, 239, 258
Index 297
Irish Art Now: from the Poetic
to the Political 39
Once is Too Much 53
Irish National Ballet 235
Irish Theatre Company 270
Italy 137-38, 140, 182
Ivy House, Dublin 113
Jacob's [Biscuit Factory] 106
Jamaica 241
James II 137
Japan 112, 206
Jellett, Mainie 64, 98, 121, 192
Johnston, Roy 206
Joint Purchase Scheme 98, 265
Joyce, James 22, 196, 201
Ulysses 196
Judd, Donald 40
Jury's Hotel, Dublin 132
Kane, Michael 65, 113, 243, 262
Kapoor [Anish] 71
Kavanagh, Patrick 243
Keane, Terry 243
Keating, Seàn 109, 168, 198, 203,
211, 265-66
Gerard 169
Portrait of Miss Vera
Palmer 169
John 75, 106, 181, 262, 265
Oisin 90, 249-51
The Children of Lir 251
Kemmy, Jim 174-75
Brian P. 283
Dreams and
298 Movers and Shapers
Responsibilities; The
State of the Arts in
Independent Ireland 283
Brian S.B. 212-13
Kennedy-Smith, Ambassador Jean
Kennelly, Brendan 233
Kenny, Charlie 71
Kerlin Gallery, The, Dublin 242
Kids of Survival, the 117
Kiefer [Anselm] 116
Kildare, Co. Kildare 206
Kildare Street, Dublin 16-7, 19, 22,
195, 240, 266, 279
Kilgobbin, Co. Dublin 100
Kilkenny, Ireland 99, 103, 177, 257
Art Gallery Society 74
Castle 104
Design 102
Killanin, Lord 206
Kilmacanogue, Co. Wicklow 77
Kilruddery, Co. Wicklow 77
Kindness, John 64
Kinetic art
King, Brian 113, 181, 200, 208
Cecil 26, 99, 107, 110, 115, 176,
201, 208
Philip 249
Kingdom of Heaven 170
King-Harman, Anne 98
Kingscourt, Co. Cavan 162
King's Inns, Dublin 160
Kino Cinema, Cork 219
Klein [Yves] 113
Kline [Franz] 239
Kneale, Brian 249
Knowles, Roderic 207
Knowth 85, 89
Kodicek, Ilia 112
Kokoshka, Oskar 57, 102, 192
Kolar, Jiri 101
Kuala Lumpur 107
Kumasi, Africa 110-11
Labour Party 94, 214-15, 219, 260,
275, 278, 282-83
Manifesto 215
Lacy, Brian 43
Gene 68, 171
Pat 171
Gordon 88, 99-102, 200, 203-
Land Acts, The 135, 140, 237
Lane, Hugh 1, 128
Langan, Clare 66, 78
Lanyon, Peter 244
Larchet, Dr John 199
Lastman, Peter 139
Late Late Show, The 203
Latham, James 134-36
Portrait of Colonel de la
Bouchetière 135
Lavery, Lady 105
Lavitt's Quay Gallery 156, 209
Leahy, Terence 181
Leaving Certificate, the 10, 103
le Brocquy, Louis 87 98, 103, 107,
113, 141, 198, 201, 211, 242,
A Family 141, 201
Isolated Figure 98
Tdin, The 107
Leech, William J. 106-08, 168, 171
Big Aloes 108
Nude 108
Legis Legendae Baccularus (LLB) 261
Lehmbruck, Wilhelm 248
Leinster 103
House, Dublin 17, 81, 219
Lane, Dublin 19
Maureen 79
Sean 89-90
Lenihan, Brian 113
Lennon, Ciarân 39-40, 208
Les Invalides, Paris 48
Letterkenny, Co. Donegal 97, 219
Levine, Les 200
Lewitt, Sol 40
Liberties, the, Dublin 17-8
Lichenstein [Roy] 71, 205
Lilliput Press, The 212
Limerick City Art Gallery
(LCGA)160, 165, 168, 174
Limerick, Ireland 74, 92-3, 160, 165
68, 171-72, 174, 177, 179-84,
191, 196, 204, 206, 214
Limerick School of Art and Design
(LSAD) 160-61, 165
Literary Revival, The Irish 243
Little, Patrick 105, 267
Liverpool, UK 32, 122
Liverpool Biennal 32
Living Art, Irish Exhibition of{see
Index 29!
Irish Exhibition of Living Art)
26-8, 65, 109, 126, 192, 200,
212, 240, 252, 262
Ljubljana, Slovenia 75
Lloyd Wright, Frank 191
Logan, John 92
London, UK 5, 29, 43, 45, 61, 74,
101, 103, 106-09, 112-13, 119,
121-22, 126, 128, 132, 134,
137, 139, 173, 201, 204, 207-
09, 237, 240-41, 247-48, 262,
Longley, Edna 229
Long, Richard 116
Dublin Line 116
Mud Hard Circles 116
Longford, Lord 261
Loughlinstown, Co. Dublin 55, 76
Lower Abbey Street, Dublin 262,
263, 268
Lower Grand Canal Street, Dublin
Lurçat, Jean 248
Lynam, Paul 180
Charles 222
Jack 208, 260
Joe 24
Lyons, France 201
Maastricht 229
MacAonghusa, Proinsias 94
Macaulay Scholarship 28
MacChongail, Muiris 74
Mac Giolla Léith, Caomhin 204
300 Movers and Shapers
Ciarân 8
Maurice 195, 203, 243
Maclise [Daniel] 134
Anne 87, 115, 268
[Dr Samuel] 139
Maeght Foundation, France 84, 201
Magennis, Tony 178
Maguire, Brian 22, 65, 71, 238
Maher, Alice43, 64, 212
Mahon, Denis 133
Mahony, John 88
Mapplethorpe, Robert 62
Maire Rua 138
Malaysia 107, 110
Malevich [Kasimir] 246, 248
Malmo, Sweden 187
Malraux [André] 84
Mann, Sally 62
Maoris 231
Marist fathers 196
Marsh's Library, Dublin 277
Martens, Hans 183
Agnes 203
Fergus 171
Marx Brothers 255
Massachusetts Institute of
Technology (MIT) 18
Matisse, Henri 24, 42, 193
Mayo, Co. 79, 89, 95, 206
Mason, Patrick 226
Maynooth, Co. Kildare 199, 203
Danny 153
Maiy 153
McClelland, George 74
McCormick, Liam 251
McCullough, Mäirtin 95, 118
McCullough Pigotts 95
McCreevy, Minister Charles 219
McDaids, Dublin 243
McDonald, Frank 59
McDonnell, Joe 137
McDowell, Robert 196
McElligott, J.J. 104
McGahern, John 7
Declan 1, 32-54, 70, 79, 88,
115, 258
Paul 50
McGrath, Raymond 71
Norah 26
Paul 86, 204
McGuire, Edward 89, 242-44
McHugh, Joe 152-53, 159, 165
McHugh, Muireann 260, 283
McKenna, James 25, 27, 262-63, 268
The Scatterin' 25
Stephen 40-1, 242-43
McLarnon, Patrick 198
McLuhan, Marshai 188
McMahon, Tony 225
McNab, Theo 181, 208
McQuaid, Archbishop John Charles
McShine, Kynaston 116-17
McSweeney, Seân 106, 257
McWilliam, F.E. 247
Meagher, John 117
Medieval 24
Square, Dublin 68, 96, 197, 269
Street, Dublin 86-7
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New
York (the Met.) 65
Mexico 160-65, 174, 188
Middleton, Colin 107, 240
Mies van der Rohe, Ludwig 198-99
Milan, Italy 75, 203, 210
Minimalism/ist 242
Minjon, Willem 181
Missing It 8-9, 13-4
Mitterand, François
Modernism/ist 9, 14-5, 20, 23, 25-6,
37, 41-2, 65, 192-3, 237, 239-
40, 242, 245, 250
Molloy, John 25
family 136
Sir Capei 136
'Moneyglass', near Belfast 121
Monroe, Marilyn 52
Mooney, Mary 203
Moore, Henry 113, 118, 128, 141, 250
Monaghan, Co. 86
Montague, John 201
Morehampton Road, Dublin 17
Joan Denise 225, 235
Patricia 93
Morphy [Garret] 137
Moscow, Russia 181
Mosse, Stanley 99, 103
Index 301
Motherwell, Robert 239
Mountjoy Square, Dublin 69
Moycarkey, Co. Tipperary 163
Moyne, Lord Bryan Guinness 104
[Jeremiah Hodges] 171
Michael (Mick) 199, 216, 225,
233, 238
Rosemarie 113
Mulholland, Hugh 93
Müller, 'Gypsy' 255
Mullingar, Ireland 219
Municipal Gallery of Modern Art,
the Hugh Lane 71-2, 90, 103,
108, 111, 127-28, 143, 195-96,
202-04, 207, 239-40, 261, 267
Munnelly, Adrian 95, 118
Murnaghan, Judge 140
Antoinette 100
Barry 202
Bryan 100
Liz 5
Mike 113-14
Patrick J. 1-2, 91-118
Patrick T. 1-2, 55-78, 92
Paula 93
Seamus 249
Tom 111
Cóilin 181
Hugh 180
Patrick 235
Murray 0 Laoire Architects 180
Museum of Modern Art (MOMA) 65,
302 Movers and Shapers
Museet Moderne, Stockholm 116
Nairn, George 135
Nairne, Sandy 181
Napoleonic Wars 139
Nash, David 100
National College of Art and Design
Act, 1971 16, 31
National College of Art and Design
(NCAD) 2, 5-7, 12, 16, 18-20,
22, 31, 68, 81, 113, 156, 174,
195, 238, 243, 260, 266, 284
National Concert Hall, Dublin 87,
National Council for Educational
Awards (NCEA) 11, 157, 176
National Development Plan 152
National Endowment for the Arts
National Folk Collection 47
National Gallery of Ireland, The
(NGI) 18, 81, 90, 93-4, 104-05,
108, 113, 126, 128, 134-36,
140-41, 173, 204, 207, 238,
National Gallery of Malaysia 107
National Gallery of Scotland 127-28
National Irish Visual Arts Library
(NIVAL) 211
National Laboratory of Culture, The
National Library, Dublin 168
National Media Award 236
National Monuments Act 1994 277
National Museum of Ireland 47, 84,
195, 205, 274, 277
National Programme, IMMA 49
National Rehabilitation Board 76
National Sculpture Factory (NSF),
Cork 143, 152-55, 190
National Self-Portrait Collection
(NSPC), Limerick 92
National Theatre (see Abbey Theatre)
National University in Ireland (NUI)
Nealon, Ted 71, 114, 116, 276
Nelson's Pillar, O'Connell Street,
Dublin 147
Nenagh, Co. Tipperary 176
Newbridge, Co. Kildare 139
Newcastle, Co. Dublin 251
Newgrange, Co. Meath 89
New Expressionists
Barnett 110, 205
Who's afraid of Red,
Yellow and Blue II 205
Cardinal 198
Newport, Co. Mayo 206
New Ross, Co. Wexford 91, 95, 101,
Newtown Abbey, near Belfast 121
New York, USA 5, 28, 31, 52, 60, 62,
70, 91, 99, 109, 116-17, 160,
162, 191, 198, 200, 210, 234,
237, 246, 256
Ni Chiosâin, Fionnuala 39
Nicholson, Ben 245
Nobel Prize 82
1916 Rising, The 67
Noble, George, Count Plunkett 234
Noland, Kenneth 19
Norman-Irish 141
North America 182
Nowlan, Kevin 119
Northern Ireland/the North 42-3, 45,
48, 119, 121, 124, 126, 196,
197, 200, 228-29, 269, 279-81
Ó Briain, Colm 2, 73, 94-5, 218, 221,
Dermod 168
Edna 262
Eoin, Dr 131
Fergus 86
Flann 197
The Third Policeman 197
Ockham 198
Ockham's razor 198
Ó Colmân, Seamus 98
Dublin Streets 98
O'Conor, Roderic 207, 237
Eilis 64, 71, 115, 153, 199, 209,
212, 249
Maurice 43
O'Connell Street 147-48
Andrew 135, 249
Cynthia 137
James Arthur
Ó Cuiv, Ruairi 74, 93, 117
Ó Dalaigh, Cearbhaill 165
Brian 11, 181, 200, 207
Index 303
Eamonn 265
O'Donovan, Elma 152
Jerome 155
Kevin 218
Tim, 110, 206
0 Faolâin, Seân 199, 213, 267, 269
Office of Public Works (OPW) 48, 81,
87-8, 91, 98, 144-45, 202, 206,
O'Grady, Chris 221
0 hEocha, Colm 84, 95, 118
o h-Uiginn, Padraig 85, 221
Oireachtas 86, 151
O'Kelly, Alannah 208
Oliver Bond [Street], Dublin 18
Oliver Dowling Galleiy 69
Donogh 263
Tony 74, 104, 103, 116, 236,
238, 244, 247, 265
Places Apart. Work from
Kilkenny and the Bahamas 74
[Daniel] 240
Flann 166
Op art 242
Open Mind Lecture, The 224
Opera House, The, Cork 155
Orchard Gallery, The, Derry 41, 43,
45-6, 115, 210
O'Regan, John 197
Cristin 163
PaulM. 2, 160-93
304 Movers and Shapers
Siobhân 163
Suzannah 163
Tony 114, 251
Vanessa 163
Orozco, José Clemente 164, 191
O'Rourke, Seân 219
Ormeau Baths, The, Belfast 93
Ormonde, Duke of 138
Orpen, William 16, 134, 168, 237
Walter 135
William 135
Fr Donai 129, 199, 267-68
Michael 208
Miss 143
Toddy 219
Seân 89
Ó Tuama, Seân 267, 270
Oxford, UK 104, 106, 136
Panofsky [Erwin] 133
Paris, France 48, 139, 194, 197, 201,
237, 257
Park Royal, London 108
Pearse, Padraig 131
Pembroke Street, Dublin 212, 273
Penck, [A.R.] 242
Peppercanister Gallery, Dublin 100
Percival family 138
Performance art 200, 208, 253
Perth, Australia 5
Pery Square, Limerick 166-67, 180
Pevsner [Sir Nikolaus] 133, 248
Philadelphia, USA 55, 60-1, 92
Philadelphia Museum of Art 58
Phillips [Electrical, Ireland Ltd] 180
Phoenix Park 104
Picasso, Pablo 10, 78, 109, 113, 164,
204, 248
Museum, Paris 48
Pilkington, Matthew 139
Pittsburgh, USA 52
Plunkett, St Oliver 129, 137
Pollock, Jackson 70, 127, 239, 244
Pop art 248
Popper, Karl 20
Portlaoise, Co. Laois 97, 219
Portraits, portraiture 92, 130-32,
135, 176, 200, 203, 241-43, 249
Post-modernism 20, 72, 245
Potterton, Homan 113, 136
Poussin [Nicholas] 13, 133, 139
Power-Scanlon, Peggy 160-61
Powerscourt 77
Powers Distilleiy, Dublin 17
Powers, Mary Fari 265
Prendergast, Kathy 17, 64, 71, 116,
President of Ireland 272, 275
President of the Royal Hibernian
Academy (PRHA) 134, 195
Princes Street, Dublin 19
Progressive Democrats 17
Project Arts Centre, Dublin 200, 261-
64, 266-68
Public art 44, 59, 144-48, 153, 190,
Purcell, Noel 210
Purser, Sarah 171, 208
Man with Muck Rake 171
Pye, Patrick 105, 251
Crucifixion 105
Pyle, Hilary 246
Quane, Michael 251
Queen's [University], Belfast 125
Quigley 135
Bob 223
Lochlann 204
Patricia 96, 118
Rabinowitch, [twins, David and
Royder] 203
Radio Telefis Éireann (RTE) 25, 113,
198, 219, 223, 260, 264-66,
Rathdrum, Co. Wicklow 110
Rathmines, Dublin 91
Library 2, 24, 105
Rauschenberg, Robert 205
Read, Herbert 244
Reagan, Ronald 37
Reid, Nano 16, 90, 99, 245, 247
Rembrandt [Van Rijn] 139
Renaissance, The 13, 24, 37, 40, 138,
Restany, Pierre 207
Reynolds, Albert 218, 223
RHA Gallagher Gallery2, 6, 8, 9, 13-
4, 21, 55-8, 63-4, 67-9, 92-3,
107-08, 134, 143, 170, 190,
195, 241, 262
Rice, Tom 167, 172
Richter, Gerhard 65
Ricoeur, Paul 228
Riley, Bridget 101
Index 305
Nineteen Greys 101
Rilke [Rainer Maria] 234
Rising Ground 262
Ritchie, Ian 147, 190
The Spire 147-48
Roberts, Thomas 134-35
Howard 106
Maiy 275, 281
Nicholas 106
Roche, Vivienne 2, 143-59
Rolfe, Nigel 113, 200, 208
Rollins, Tim 117
Rooney, Brendan 136
'Rosanna', Co. Wicklow 140
Rose 71, 108-13, 115-16, 118, 129,
156, 179, 197, 203, 205-08,
211-12, 239, 252, 263, 265,
'67 108-09, 205-06
'71 111, 205-08
'77 111, 205-08
'84 114, 211
'88 46, 116, 117
Roscommon, Co.
Roshin, Alexander 181
Rothko [Mark] 239, 254
Rotunda [Hospital], Dublin 131
Rouault [Georges] 128, 141, 203
Christ and the Soldier 141, 203
Royal Dublin Society (RDS) 108
Royal Hibernian Academy (RHA),
Dublin 67-8, 72, 92, 101, 179,
Royal Hospital Kilmainham, Dublin
306 Movers and Shakers
(RHK), Dublin 46-8, 50, 87-8,
116, 195
Royal Irish Academy, Dublin 89
Royal Irish Academy of Music,
Dublin 264
Frances 74-5, 208
Medb 165-6
Rubens, Peter Paul 81, 192
Rudenstine, Angelica 117
Russell Hotel, Dublin 268
Russia 117
Ruth, Richard 166
Paddy 104
Sarah 176
Tom 71-2, 92, 106, 109
Tony 112
Vera 70
Sacred Heart of Mary 123
Sadler, William 104
Salvesen, Christopher 246
Saoi 272
Säo Paulo, Brazil 32, 66-7, 78
Saving Private Ryan 218
Saxl [Fritz] 133
Scanlon, James 251
Scandinavian artists 222, 237
Schmidt-Rottluff 254
Schnabel, Julian 115
Matador on a Stick 115
School of the Museum of Fine Arts,
Boston 143
Schwitters, Kurt 187
Science, College of 86
David 78
Michael 99, 108-13, 116, 129,
197-99, 205-06, 208, 213, 264
Patrick 26, 99, 102, 113, 117,
198, 208
William 39, 113, 127, 129, 201,
247, 255
Scott Talion Walker 99, 109, 197
Scully, Sean 11, 115, 200, 202, 208
Field 202
Catherine paintings 202
Sculptors' Association of Ireland
(SSI) 252
Section 31, the Broadcasting Act
270, 279, 285
Senate, the 62, 94
Seoul, Korea 61
Serra, Richard 211
Serrano, Andreas 62
Seven Days 265-66, 278-79
1798 Rebellion, The 124, 139
Shannon Development, The 180
Shannon Scheme, The 226
Shaw, George Bernard 81, 247
My Fair Lady 81
Pygmalion 81
Shepherd [David] 104
Sheridan, Noel 2, 5-31, 113, 208
Everybody Should Get Stones
8, 24
Missing It 8-9, 13-4
Pushing It 26
Shinnors, John 171
Cows Come Home 171
Shrewsbury Road, Dublin 219
Siege of Athlone 136
Siege of Deny 113
Signa 197-98
Sile na Gig 100
Silicon Alley 18
Sinn Féin 279
Sisk ft Sons Ltd. 180
Slade [School of Art] 242
Sligo, County 69, 74, 206-07
Skerries, Co. Dublin 30
Joan 90
Kiki 53
Leo 25-6, 29, 94, 99, 241-42
Smitz, Gaspar 138
Snow, C.P. 36
Soho, London 61-2
Somerville Townshend, Miss 121
Sotheby's 101, 106
Soulages, Pierre 205
Souter, Camille 27, 117, 129, 134,
171, 247
Slaughtered Cow Twenty
Minutes Dead 117
South Anne Street, Dublin 241
Spain/Spanish 138, 164, 182
Stack A, Dublin 202
Stalley, Roger 133
Stamp Committee 129
Stanislawski, Ryszard 204
Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam 205
Stedelijk Museum, voor actuele
kunst, Ghent 183
Steeven's [Hospital], Dublin 131
Index 307
Stein, Amelia 175
In Loving Memory 175
Stella [Frank] 29
Sam 273
John 208
St Flannan's College, Co. Clare 214
St Francis's Home, Galway 222
St Ives, Cornwall, UK 116, 240, 244,
[St] James's Gate, Dublin 111
[St] James's Street, Dublin 104
[St] John's Lane, Dublin 19
family 121
Gabriel 124
Margaret 120
Niall 223
St Lawrence's College,
Loughlinstown, Co. Dublin 55
St Michael's Family Resource Centre
Stone Age 84
St Patrick's Day 107, 117
St Patrick's Society of Selangor 107
St Peter's College, Wexford 236
Stradbally House 136
Stravinsky [Igor] 253
Strickland [Walter] 132, 135
St Stephen's Green, Dublin 139, 141,
Stuart, Imogen 249, 251
Stubbs, George 90
Studio International 195, 204
Suprematists, Russian 117
308 Movers and Shakers
Surrealism 189
Surrey, UK 108
Sussman, Elizabeth 58
Svaare, Richard 198
Swanzy, Maiy 93, 100-01, 106-07,
Henrietta in a Pink Hat 98
Sweden 182, 187
Sweetman family 139
Sweeney, James Johnson 109, 205-
06, 239
Swift, Patrick 242-43
Sydney, Australia 5, 11, 19
Synge, John Millington 235
The Playboy of the Western
World 7, 235
Synge Street, Dublin 5, 23-4
Syracuse University, NY State 162-
Tallaght, Dublin 219
Talion, Ronnie 99, 114-15, 198-99
Tansey, Francis 117
Tàpies, Antoni 127, 204
Tate Gallery, the 34, 113, 126-27,
Tate Modem, the 34, 181
Tau Cross, Co. Clare 206
Taxes Consolidation Act, 1997 90
Taylor Galleries
John 242
Marie Spilsbury 140
Telefis na Gaeilge 216, 231, 281
Temple Bar 18, 85-6, 144, 154
Galleiy [and Studios] 64, 253
Thailand 182
Thatcher, Margaret 12
The Delighted Eye 75, 208-09
The International Connection 208
The Irish Imagination 207
The Irish Times 47, 76, 86, 202, 236,
245-46, 256, 262
The Operating Theatre 210
The Perfect Moment 62
The Place of the Arts in Irish
Education 220
Thomas, Edward 248
Thomas Street, Dublin 17, 81, 114
Thurles, Co. Tipperaiy 160-62, 165
Tiger, Susan 55
Tighes, the 140
Tin Sheds, The 11
Tintern Abbey, Co. Wexford 137
Tipperaiy, Co. 123, 160
Tisdall, Caroline 197
Tone, Theobald Wolfe 124
Torchia, Richard 56
Tortosa, Guy 183
Tos eairi
Tree of Life 174
Triskel Arts Centre, Cork 74, 156
College Dublin (TCD) 5, 23-4,
55, 57, 71, 76, 78, 91, 104-5,
119-20, 124, 131-32, 230, 236,
College Gallery 60, 69, 104
Commons 131
Hall 132
Players 24
Troubles [1922] 135, 140
Troubles [in the North], The 42, 48,
Tuohy, Patrick 93, 106
A Striped Dress 93
Turlough House, Co. Mayo 220
Turner Prize, the 32, 45
Tyrrell, Charles 22, 69, 208, 238
U2 86
Uachtarân na hÉireann 272
Udarâs na Gaeltachta 220
Ulster 229
Ulster Museum, The 108, 112, 119,
125-27, 129-30, 135-36, 196,
United Irishmen 124
United Kingdom (UK) (also see
England/Great Britain) 32, 235
United Nations Education Scientific
and Cultural Organisation
(UNESCO) 228
University College Cork (UCC) 156
University College Dublin (UCD) 79,
83, 86, 95, 120, 133, 141, 198,
260-61, 275, 282, 284
University College Galway (UCG) 74,
95, 214
University of Pennsylvania 55
University of the Americas 160
University of Limerick 183
Utah, USA 257
Van Dongen [Kees] 93
Van Dyck [Anthony] 138
Vanston, Doreen 247
Vasarely [Victor] 103
Index 309
Vatican II 76, 251-52
Venice Biennale 32, 66, 78, 109, 211
Verling, Walter 161
Victoria and Albert Museum (VEtA),
London 138
Vietnam war 19
Viking 273, 275
Viola, Bill 71
Virginia, USA 162
Vocational Education Committee
(VEC) 156, 161
Victor 240-41
Leslie 115
Wade, Jonathan 264
Waldron, Ethna 111, 202
Corban 207
Dorothy 2, 99, 110, 194-213,
Modern Art in Ireland
Robin 194-95, 197
Wall, Mervyn 263-64
Wallace, Noel 113, 115
Wallis, Alfred 39
Brian 219
Caroline 255
Walsh Western 180
Walshe, Owen 27
Wandesford Quay, Cork 155
Warburg, Aby 133
Andy 52, 62
310 Movers and Shakers
After the Party 52
Museum 52
Warhola, Julia 52
Barbara 26, 72
Michael 75, 115
Washington, USA 62
Washington Square, NY 162
Waterford 98
Weir, Grace 66, 78
Wejchert, Alexandra 248-49
Freedom 248
Wellington, Duke of 87, 136
West Clandon, UK 108
Wexford, Ireland 3, 75, 91, 95, 106,
137, 236, 244-45
Wexford Opera Festival 181
Whiteabbey, near Belfast 121
White, James 90, 93-5, 99, 113, 128,
199, 202, 205, 240, 246
Whiteread, Rachel 61
Whitlam, Prime Minister 19
Whitney Biennial 58
William III 136
Wicklow, Ireland 55, 77, 105-06, 110,
140, 194, 236
Wilde, Oscar 28
The Importance of Being
Earnest 261
Williams, Raymond 229
Without the Walls 209
Wittgenstein [Ludwig] 25
Wittkower, [Rudolf] 133
Witt Library. London 132, 134, 137
Wood Quay, Dublin 273-74
Woodrow, Bill 115
Elephant 115
Wyndham Act, The 237
Wynne, Michael 105
Wynne-Jones, Nancy 244
family 207
Jack B. 57, 106, 128, 168, 192,
212, 237, 240, 245-46, 248
Chairoplanes 168
John B. 242-43
Society 74
William B. 82, 201
York, UK 274
Young British Artists (YBA) 22
Young Men's Catholic Association
(YMCA) 263
Yugoslavia 139
Zurich, Switzerland 61