in following page nttmhei indi,alci nutrì in maigtii: page numheis in itali,s indi,ale illinlialion.i)
Ahunlhe (ile 14.1S, ili7 ( 1 ) /
Hit Ahunlhe Dunkel (M.uirl, llìyu) 77
Absli .11 I .ili 330 2, i')li. ( V I
Absli.u I Espi t xxiunisitl j ,(|, ; —.}
Allusiti militi! Dirimig linonii (Degas. 11{1 — H<>) ih]
Ailiniiiihon 11 ), 1 .1 8 8 0 ) ih.'
Alexis, l'.itil, 222
A loti nin I.inni H iif't: I ht lim in dt hi !• tinnir Smini or ( Renoir. 1 UH 1 ) 284
Audi e, Allii i t: un Reutin 2 1 4 1 -,
Augi .ind. ( dim les 22 1
l ht Afiothroin of Drhit ion ( s l n t l \ I n i ) ( C r / . i n n r , 1801-4) 14IÌ
Apple l'i, king al Fuigny-un • Fple (l'issano. 1888t Sii
.ut hilct [tue: modem 324
A i g r n l r u i l ( M a u e l , 1H74) I I n n
a r i : p . i l i u n . i g r 2 1 2; 1ep1esenlalion. i l s a l i l e 32 1 -4; l e a c h i n g m e t h o d s s i 4t i
/ht Alitil i Floating Studio ( M o n e l . 1874 I / . • , •
ì he Altai's Situilo, littr dr hi ( .'ondmninr (Ba/ille. 1870) Ir]
Aipaiagui ( M a u e l . 1 f i l i t i ) 77
Al the (.lift, lindi of legi ( M a u e l , t. 18H0) i ff/
.1/ lilt Milhnei 1 ( Renoir. 1.1tt—}t) 777
Al t nut of (.'hfilnul l'ita (Sisles. 18(171 44
A: tnur de l'Opriti. Suit on 11 nitri Mommo ( P i s s a r r o . l K i | f i ) Si.'
Hat liei a 1 cl, ( .astuti 374; on plis sit al storiti ami porlir 1111.min.mon
iiâ ' - "1
Hie lliii hu ondi of ihr IImmillile. I'nnlonr ( P i s s a r r o . 1 f i 7«)) .nu
Hit Hiihony (Mauel. t!i(>fi-i|) 6311. 7)
limihi of ihr Shunt in I I miti ( l ' i s s a n t i , i f i l i l i ) 5 0
Hm öl ihr LolieiBctgcic ( M a u e l , 1881-2) ."fj
Barr. Allieti: on Cr/anne 332
B.ixlien-I.epugc, Panile 135
Hiilhri Daino liti Leg (Renoir. 1805) -1'"
The Hill/ini (variant) (Renoir. itjni-3) g-,7
Baudelaire. ( diaries 1 oft: correspondence ss idi Mane! 30-.pi; l'olitati of
Hiiiidtlant (Cl.irjat. r. ifÌ7t|) 40; l'iofdt l'oiliail of Haudtlaiir (Mauel.
1 f i l o ' i 77
Hiiiidflniit'i Mulini finimmo ( M a u r i . I fili.') lii
Ba/ille. lrrdéric: cori cs|>ondrncc st illi Mone! 54-5. 58. 'u — ;ì:
correspondent''e st illi parents 7«)—lìti; The Alial i Studio. Rue dr la
Condaminr ( 1H70) lì',: Manti al Ha làuti ( 1869) ;{*/: Self-Pniliail with
l'alrllr (e. 1865) 7.V; Itew of ihr Iillagr ( 1 fi(ift) 44
lie,uns . in ari 327-8
Bell, (dise: 011 Impressionists 326-9
Ber l a l l : t a r i t a l i n e a i O l y m p i a ( 1 8 6 5 ) f f )
licitile Mmimt willi a Hoiu/utl of Violets (Mauel. Ifi7/) 24
Hrrlhr Minimi with a Tan ( Mauel. I f!7.} ) ltd1
Rie/. Jacques de: on Mauel 148-51
Ruth 11/ Venus (( (aliant i, 1863) 47
Bléninnt. Panile: on Imprrssionisls 07
Roatmi; (Mauel. 1H74) V-*- 111111
Bonnard, Pierre 396
Hntilr, (il,ai and Tiuit (ht Daini) ((avallile. IH 7 4 — 7 ) Uff
Bout lier. Francois .'Ufi
Boudin. Pulzèlle 5,/. 84. 264, 372
Houltraid da (iaputina ( M o n e l . 1H 74 ) f i 3, 66. i f t f i
Bi aoqueniond, Felix 85. 172
Brat((iiemoud. Marie 172
B r a n i l i 111. ) a t q i i e s - P a n i l e f i 4 — 5
Rtrak up of flit Ite (Monel. ifìfio) 777
Hit Budge al Rougirai ( M o n e l , I869) 74
The Bridge al l'illrnrinr-la-Gatenne (Sislcy, 1 li7v) Od
Brus as, Allieti 55
l'hr Ruffel (Cézanne, 1 fì72 — 7) UH
l'hr HullJight ( M a u e l , 1 f i l i . ) - 5) 21
BiUor. Mieliel: 011 Monel 364-3
('.abant'I. Alexantlre fi',; Hirlh of Venus ( 18(13) 49
(iahassud Houses al ì'illr d'Array (Corot, c. 1852) .55
'Ihr Cabbage Halli in Marth (Pissarro) 21b
The (.'«//'(Renoir, 187(1/77) '7M
Cale tie la N'ousellc-Athènes 77
Café-Concert a! Les Ambassadeurs (Degas, 1876-7) 7/7
Caillrbotte, (ìuslave 130, 171-4, 185; 77if Floor-Scrapers (1875) 118;
Game of Hegique (1880) 185, 767; Marine (c. 1880) 185; Paris: A Rainy
D a y ( 1 8 7 7 ) u f f
Cals. Adolphe 85
Camille on her Deathbed (Monet, 1879) if/.f
T h e C a n o e i s t s ' L u n c h e o n ( R e n o i r , 1 8 7 9 - 8 0 ) l H f j
Cap d'Antihes. Mistral (Mone!, 1888) yo<?
Cardon, Pillile: 011 Exhibition of Révoltés 81-3
Carjat. Etienne: Portrait of Baudelaire (/. 1879) 40
Caroliis-Duraii, (diarles-Pmile 63
Carriage in the Hois de Boulogne (Morisot, 1889) 184
Carriera. Rosalba 278, 287
Cassati. Mary I 74; Feeding the Ducks (1895) 257; Mother and Child against
a Crren Background ( 1880) i2o\ Portrait of Alexander Cassati and his Son
Caslagnary, Jules: 011 exhibition 83-6
Cathedrals series (Monet) 245, 264, 349, 354, 361
Cézanne, Paul iffti, 271, 322, 332, 355, 360, 369; characteristics 191-2;
criticism of 190; friendship svith Chocquet 145-6; realism 325, 326;
s iesvs on art 211, 34911
Cézanne, Paul: storking methods 357
Cézanne, Paul: 77te Apotheosis of Delacroix (study for) (1891-4) 146
Cézanne, Paul: Bottle. Glass and Fruit (Le Dessert) (1873-7) ^9
Cézanne, Paul: The Buffet ( 1872 — 7) 6<9; House of the Hanged Man
(1873-4) 83; Landscape (1879-82) 70; Modern Olympia (1872-3) 83;
Portrait of Gustale Geffroy (1895) 266; Portrait of Paul C è gamie (Pissarro,
1874 ) iffO'. Portrait of Victor Chocquet (r. 1877) 747; Study: Landscape at
Auiers (c. 1873) 77/; Victor Chocquet (study) (1878-80) 146
Cham: caricatures 74, toy, 188
Chanteuse in a Café-Concert (Degas, 1880) 141
Charigot, Aline 200
Charing Cross Bridge (Monet, 1903) 777
Charpentier, Marguerite 196-7
Charteris, Evan: 011 Sargent 319-20
The Chemin de By through Woods at Roches-Courlaul. Si Martin's Summer
(Sisley, 1880) 280
Chesneau, Ernest: 011 exhibition 86-8
Children's Afternoon at IVargemont (Renoir, 1884) ig8
Chintrcuil, Antoine 122
Chocquet, Victor 145-6; Portrait of Victor Chocquet (Cézanne, c. 1877)
iqy\ Portrait of Victor Chocquet (Renoir, 1875) 777; Victor Chocquet
(study) (Cézanne, 1878-80) /46
(dark, Kenneth: 011 landscape in art 360-2
Classical (»reek art 51
Clemenceau, Georges 346; 011 Monel 195-6, 318-19
Climbing Path in the Hermitage, Ponloise (Pissarro, 1875) 67
The Clouds (Monel, 1922-6) 747
Colin, Gustasc 85
colour: cons eyed by dots 221, 222-3; division 0(221, 239, 269, 294;
liberation of 361-2; optical mixture 294; unity 329-30
Constable, John 369
Corot, Jean-Baptiste-Camille 56, 130, 198, 212, 295; Cabassud Houses at
Ville d'Array (c. 1852) 77
Côte du/allais (Pissarro, 1867) 61
Courbet, Gustave 133, 325, 326, 364
Cross, Edmond 327
Cross . Thomas: 011 Modernism 367-8
Cubism 325-6, 359, 365-6
The Cup of Chocolate (Degas, 1900-5) 142
The Curtain (Degas, c. 1880) 140
The Customer (Degas, 1876—85?) 160
The Customs Officers' Cabin at Pourville (Monet, 1882) 507
Dance at Bougival (Renoir, 1883) 284, 371
Dance Examination in the Theatre (Degas) 83
Dancing at the Moulin de la Galette (Renoir, 1876) 126-7
Dancing Couple (Renoir, 1883) 200
Daumier, Honoré: caricature of Monet painting 250; caricature of
Olympia (1865) 4g; In the Studios (1862) 126; Landscapists3g; Landscapists
at Work ( 1862) 57; Nadar Elevating Photography to the Height of Art ( 1862)
David, Jacques-Louis 325
David and Goliath (Degas, 1864) 113
'decorative' 269—71
Degas, Edgar 64, 103, 123, 124, 133, 168,170, 355; character 172; as
collector 79; criticism of other artists 172; depicting dancers 162-5;
depicting ground 166; depicting horses 153-4; depicting women
159-64, 167-9; extracts from notebooks 74-6; form and formlessness
166-7; innovations 162-5; intellectuality 78; landscapes 166;
mimicry 167-9; rivalry with Manet 77; as sculptor 155-6; talent
127-8; working methods 152, 169-70; Absinthe (1876) 150; Actresses in
their Dressing-Rooms (1879-80) i6y\ Admiration (c. 1880) 162;
Café-Concert at Les Ambassadeurs (1876-7) 117; Chanteuse in a
Café-Concert (1880) 141; The Cup of Chocolate (1900-5) 142-, The Curtain
(c. 1880) /40; The Customer ( 1876-85?) 160; Dance Examination in the
Theatre 83; David and Goliath (1864) 7/3; Edmond Duranty (1879) g8;
Édouard Manet and Madame Manet (e. 1865) 78; Horse with Jockey
134; Interior (The Rape) (1868-9) "4\ Landscape (1890-3) 144-, The
Little Dancer of Fourteen (c. 1881 ) 155-6, 133, 158; Mary Cassatt at the
Louvre (1879-80) 64; Mile Be'cat at the Ambassadeurs (c. 1877) 157,137;
Nude Stepping out of the Bath ( 1895-1900) 143; Petites Modistes ( 1882)
159; Photograph of a Nude: After the Bath (1890-96) 168; Portrait of
Manet (1864-6) 77; Portrait of Michel-Lévy (1873) 113; Rehearsal of the
Ballet on Stage 83; Renoir and Mallarmé (photograph) 28g; Seated Nude
drying her Neck and Back ( 1890-95) 159; Self-Portrait 74; Self-Portrait
(1857) 131; The Song of the Dog (f.1875-8) 116; Visit to a Museum
(1877—80) 138', Woman Getting out of the Bath (1877) 13g; Woman Getting
out of her Bath ( 1879-80) 161 ; Woman Trying on a Hat at the Milliner's
(1882) 159; Women on a Café Terrace, Evening (1877) 128, 137
Déjeuner sur l'Herbe see Luncheon on the Grass
Delacroix, Eugène 270, 323
Delaroche, Paul 325
Departure of the Folkestone Boat (Manet, 1869) 42
Devérias, Eugène 325
Diana, the Huntress (Renoir, 1867) 57,37
Diderot, Denis: on drawing 99
Doing the Washing (Manet, 1874) 110, 111, 112
Doré, Gustave: The Last Day for Sending in 80
drawing from nature 99-100
Dubois-Pillet, Albert 220
Duez, Ernest-Ange 135
Durand-Ruel, Paul 83, i75n; correspondence with Monet 275
Durand-Ruel Gallery: exhibitions 97—104
Duranty, Edmond: on exhibition 97-103; Edmond Duranty (Degas,
1879) ,9<9
Duret, Théodore: on Impressionists 131-3
Dutilleux, Constant: photo of Corot 36
Edmond Duranty (Degas, 1879) g8
Édouard Manet and Madame Manet (Degas, c. 1865) 78
Ehrenzweig, Anton: on Cubism 365-6
The Empty Boat (Monet, 1890) 2gi
English school 121
Épinal: prints from 53
The Execution of the Emperor Maximilian [Manet, 1868) 110
exhibitions: artists included 171—4; in Berlin 188-g; Fourth, on avenue
de l'Opéra 133-5; ofRévoltés (boulevard des Capucines) 81-8;
Salon des Indépendants 219-21; Second, at Durand-Ruel's 97—104;
Seventh, at rue St-Honoré 176, 185—7; Sixth, catalogue from 173—4,
174\ Third, in rue le Peletier 126-30
Fantin-Latour, Henri 39, 64, 122; Studio in the Batignolles Quarter (c.1870) 3gn
A Farmyard near Sablons (Sisley, 1885) 281
Faure, Jean-Baptiste 83, 265
Feeding the Ducks (Cassatt, 1895) 237
Fénéon, Félix: on Salon des Indépendants 219-21
The Floor-Scrapers (Caillebotte, 1875) 118
Fontainebleau School 56
Fragonard, Jean-Honoré 56
frames: function 121
Franco-Prussian War i85n
Fromentin, Eugène ioon
Gabrielle and Jean (Renoir, 1906) 283
Gabrielle with Jewellery (Renoir, c. 1910) 286
Game of Bezique (Caillebotte, 1880) 185,183
The Gare St-Lazare (Monet, 1877) 207
Gauguin, Paul 331, 332, 355; Nude (1880) 7 7 2 ; View of the Church of
Vaugirard ( 1881 ) 185
Geffroy, Gustave: on Degas 158-62; meeting Monet 246; on Monet
247, 267-8; Portrait of Gustave Geffroy (Cézanne, 1895) 266
Gérôme, Jean-Léon 85
Gervex, Henri 135; The Jury for Painting, Salon des Artistes Français (1885) 174
Gillet, Louis: on Monet 292-302, 317
Girl in a Boat with Geese (Morisot, c. 1889) 181
Girl with a Fan (Renoir, c. 1880) 186
Gleizes, Albert: on Cubism 325-6
Gleyre, Charles 56-7
Goncourt, Edmond andjules: Manet compared to 148—51
A Good Glass of Beer (Manet, 1873) no
Gowing, Sir Lawrence: on Renoir 369-71
Grainstacks (Monet, 1891)3/0
Grainstacks, Snow Effect (Monet, 1891)309
Grainstacks, Sunset (Monet, 1890—1) 311
Green Reflections (Monet, 1914-18) 343
Greenberg, Clement 374; on Monet 355-60
La Grenouillère (Monet, 1869) 62,368
La Grenouillère (Renoir, 186g) 63
Guillaumin, Armand 186
Gutenberg, Johann 324
Hanging the Laundry out to Dry (Morisot, 1875) 304
Harrison, Alexander 275
The Haystack, Pontoise (Pissarro, 1873) 72
Haystacks (Grainstacks) (Monet, 1891)3/0
Haystacks (Grainstacks), Snow Effect (Monet, 1891) 309
Haystacks (Grainstacks), Sunset (Monet, 1890-1)3//
Haystacks series (Monet) 245, 267-8, 274, 296, 320-1, 361, 373
The Hermitage at Pontoise (Pissarro, 1867) 46
Hiroshige, Utagawa: Numazu. Yellow Dusk 230; Wisteria300
Hobbema, Meindert igg
Hofmann, Hans 374; on aims of art 329-30
Hokusai, Katsushika: Kajikazawa in the Province of Kai 131
Horse with Jockey (Degas) 134
Hoschedé, Alice 244; letters to 244, 271-3
Hoschedé, Suzanne: Portrait of Suzanne Hoschedé with Sunflowers (Monet,
c. 1890) 264
The House at Rueil (Manet, 1882) 22g
House of the Hanged Man (Cézanne, 1873-4) $3
Huret, Jules: on Mallarmé and Symbolism 288-90
Huysmans, Joris-Karl: on Cézanne 191—2; correspondence with
Pissarro 189-90; on Degas 157-8; on exhibition 176, 185-7; on
painters 189-90; on Pissarro 216
The Icefloes (Monet, 1880) 187
imagination: physical world and 351-5
Impression (Monet, 1874) 220
Impressionism: achievements 362; aims 85-6, 97, 125; attitude to
public 356; characteristics 82; criticisms of 128-9, 33°i definition
129; development 323; embracing nature 100-1 ; evolution 131; eye
of 188-9; fragmentation of picture 366; importance of 326—9;
Japanese influence on 131-2; light and colour in 98-9, 131-3,294;
meaning 319-20; moral aspect 331-2, 367^ name 128; power of first
experiencing 320-1 ; reactions against 330-2; realism in 321 -4;
scientific representation in 326-7, 328-9; sociability in 331-2; spirit
of 220; technique 221; use of term 220; viewing 130
The Impressionist Painter (Cham, 1877) 103
Impressionist Picnic - Souvenir of Summer ( 1881 ) 132
In the Conservatory (Manet, 1879) 22^
In the Studios (Daumier, 1862) 126
Ingres, Jean-Auguste-Dominique 79, 325; Jupiter and Thetis (1811) 79
Interior (The Rape) (Degas, 1868-9) n4
Intransigents 56, 88, 97n, 109, 125
IsleofWight: painting in 105-7
Jacquemart, Jules 63
Jameson, Frederick: ideas on Impressionism 319-20
Japanese art: influence on Impressionists 131 —2
The Japanese Footbridge (Monet, 1912-15) 779
Jeanniot, Georges: on Degas 169-70
Jongkind, Johann-Barthold 15t
Julie Manet with her Greyhound Laertes (Morisot, 1893) 277
Jupiter and Thetis (Ingres, 1811) 7g
The Jury for Painting, Salon des Artistes Français (Gervex, 1885) 777
Kajikazawa in the Province of Kai (Hokusai) 131
Kandinsky, Wassily: on first experience of Impressionism 320-1; on
Monet 373, 374
Kitchen Garden and Trees in Blossom, Spring, Pantoise (Pissarro, 1877) 203
Krauss, Rosalind E.: on Manet 362-4
Laforgue, Jules: on Impressionism 188-9
Lamothe, Louis: Origin of Drawing 81
Landscape (Cézanne, 1879-82) 70
Landscape (Degas, 1890-3) 777
landscapes: Impressionists' depiction of 360-2; light on 188-9;
mobility of 188-9; subjects for 295-6
Landscapists at Work (Daumier, 1862)57
Landscapists (Daumier, 1866) 59
Laurent, Méry 108
Lecomte, Georges: on "decorative" 269-71
Léger, Fernand: on realism in art 321-4
Legros, Alphonse 172
Lepic, Ludovic-Napoléon 172
Lépine, Stanislas 84
light: effect on colours 269, 270; problems of depicting 197-9; as seen
by Impressionists 98-9, 132-3; unity 329—30; uses of 293-4
The Little Dancer of Fourteen (Degas, c. 1881 ) 155-6, 755, 158
London, The Houses of Parliament: Sun Breaking through the Fog (Monet,
Luce, Maximilien 221
Luncheon of the Boating Party (Renoir, 1881) 186, 233, 362, 371
Luncheon on the Grass (Manet, 1863) 110
Luncheon on the Grass (Monet, 1865) 249
Luncheon in the Studio (Manet, 1868) 74
Madame Chocquet (Renoir, 1875) 136
Mallarmé, Stéphane 108, 153, 28g, 3 7 3-4; correspondence with
Morisot 276—8; on Impressionists and Manet 108—12, 121—5; on
Symbolism 288—90; on White Water-Lily 290—2; Portrait of Mallarmé
(Whistler, 1894) 29°> Portrait of Stéphane Mallarmé (Manet, 1876) 223
Manet, Édouard 31, 108; appearance 76; burial 216; compared to
Morisot 287; compared to Zola and Goncourts 148-51;
correspondence with Baudelaire 39-40; courage in art 76-7; early
works 108; elegance 52; influence 121—3; instinctiveness 78; as leader
of group 88; models used 364; originality 50-3, no, 121; realism 325;
rivalry with Degas 77; sea-pieces 121; tonal values 52—3; views on
painting 109—10; vision ofNature 51— 3; weaknesses 134-5; The
Absinthe Drinker (1859) 17; Argenteuil (1874) 1 ton; Asparagus (1880) 95;
At the Café, study of legs (c. 1880) 779; The Balcony (1868-9) 22, ^3n' 741
Bar at the Folies-Bergère (1881-2) 23p, Baudelaire's Mistress Reclining
( 1862) 18; Berthe Morisot with a Bouquet of Violets (1872) 23- Berthe
Morisot with a Fan ( 1874) 106; Boating (1874) 92, 11 on; The Bullfight
(1864-5) 2I \ Departure of the Folkestone Boat (1869) 72; Doing the
Washing ( 1874) 110,777,112; Édouard Manet and Madame Manet
(Degas, c. 1865) 78; The Execution of the Emperor Maximilian ( 1868) 110;
Exhibition of Paintings ( 1876?) 75; A Good Glass of Beer (1873) no; The
House at Rueil ( 1882) 22g; In the Conservatory ( 187g) 228; Luncheon on the
Grass (1863) 110; Luncheon in the Studio (1868) 74; Manet at His Easel
(Bazille, 186g) 59; Masked Ball at the Opéra ( 1873-4) no; Mlle
Victorine in the Costume of an Espada ( 1862) 20; Monet Working on his Boat,
Argenteuil (1874) 7 22;Nana (1877 ) 226; The Nymph Surprised (1859-61)
362—4,363; Olympia (1863) 40, 49, 1 to; Olympia caricature (Bertall,
1865) 79; Olympia caricature (Daumier, 1865) 79; On the Beach at
Boulogne ( 1869) 73; The Plum ( 1878) 131 ; Portrait of George Moore (1879)
97; Portrait of Manet (Degas, 1864-6) 77; Portrait of Stéphane Mallarmé
(1876) 223; Portrait of Victorine Meurent (1862) ig; Profile Portrait of
Baudelaire (1862)59; The Railway (The Gare St-Lazare) (1872-3) 27,
110; Reading "L'Illustré" (1879) 227; Roses in a Champagne Glass (1882)
g6; Rue Mosnier with Flags (1878) 95; Still Life with Pear ( 1880) 79;
Woman Writing ( 1862-4) j8
Manet, Julie 278 ; Julie Manet with her Greyhound Laertes (Morisot, 1893) 278
Manet, Suzanne: Édouard Manet and Madame Manet (Degas, c. 1865) 78
Mantz, Paul: on Degas 155-6; on Salon 73-4
Manuel, Henri: photograph of Monet 336
Manzana-Pissarro, Georges: Impressionist Picnic - Souvenir of Summer
( 1881 ) 132
Marine (Caillebotte, c. 1880) 185
Martinet, Louis 8in
Mary Cassati at the Louvre (Degas, 1879-80) 67
Masked Ball at the Opéra {Manet, 1873-4) 110
Masson, André 374; on Monet 349-51
Maternity (Aline and Pierre) (Renoir, 1887) 209
Metzinger, Jean: on Cubism 325-6
Mirbeau, Octave: on Monet 247-54
Mlle Bécat at the Ambassadeurs (Degas, c. 1877) 157,757
Mile Victorine in the Costume of an Espada (Manet, 1862) 20
Modern Olympia (Cézanne, 1872-3) 83
Modernism 367-8
Monet, Camille-Léonie (née Doncieux) 58
Monet, Claude 133, 272, 271, 295,301,330,336; abstractness of art 358;
appearance 56, 57; appreciative of contemporaries 265; capturing
time and season in painting 251-2; choice of subjects 360-1; colour
and light in work of 349-51 ; concern with unity and harmony 358-9;
correspondence with Alice Hoschedé 244, 271-3; correspondence
with Bazille 54-5, 58, 62-3; correspondence with de Bellio 239;
correspondence with Durand-Ruel 243, 275; correspondence with
Duret 240-1; correspondence with Geflroy 266-7, 2751
correspondence with Renoir 274; criticisms of work 263-4; early
days 56-7, 264-5, 369; exhibiting at Salon 240-1; exhibition of
series paintings 372; exhibitions 253, 267-71; eyesight problems
301 -2, 317; finishing paintings 263; flower paintings 249; genius
293-4; harmony of colours 195-6; importance of 349-51 ; on
Impressionists 241-2; influences on 249, 350; landscapes 187, 295-6;
later work 355-60; love of garden 265; need for money 239;
originality 248; painting from life and photographs 275; painting
Gare St-Lazare 104-5, I271 painting sea 245-6, 247, 249; painting
storms 245-6; paintings caricatured 230; people in landscapes 273;
personality 357; philosophy of painting 263; portrait (Nadar, 1899)
297; portraying the transient 364-5; problems with work 243, 266-7,
271-3, 276-7, 357; realism 325-6; self-criticism 357; series paintings
273-4, 296-9; special gift 122; studio 272, 302; success 252-3, 265,
356; technique 251-2, 372-3; tenderness 265; on term
Impressionism 320; transition period 249; travels 372-3; use of light
253-4, 268; weaknesses 258-9; women in paintings 249; on working
methods 241-2; working methods 357; The Artist's Floating Studio
(1874) 123; Boulevard des Capucines (1873) 83, 86, 88; Break-up of the Ice
[Icefloes) (1880) 187, /95, 265; The Bridge at Bougival (1869)57; Camille
on her Deathbed (1879) 797; Cap d'Anlibes, Mistral (1888) 308; Cathedrals
series 245, 264, 349, 354, 361; Charing Cross Bridge (1903) 337; The
Clouds (1922-6)57/; The Customs Officers'Cabin at Pourville (1882) 507;
The Empty Boat (1890) 2gi; The Galettes 349; The Gare St-Lazare (1877)
207; Grainstacks ( 1891 ) 310; Grainstacks, Snow Effect ( 1891 ) 309;
Grainstacks, Sunset ( 1890-1)3//; Green Reflections (1914-18) 373; La
Grenouillère (1869) 62,368-, Haystacks series 245, 267-8, 274, 296,
320—1, 361, 373; Impression: Sunrise (1874) 220; The Japanese Footbridge
( 1912-15) 559; London, The Houses of Parliament: Sun Breaking through
the Fog ( 1904) 335; Luncheon 88; Luncheon on the Grass 249; Monet
Working on his Boat, Argenteuil (Manet, 1874) 122; Morning (1916—26)
34/; A Morning on the Seine (c. 1897) 3/; Mornings series 297, 299; The
Pianist ( 1858) 36', Poplars ( 1891 ) 230,334; Portrait of Suzanne Hoschedé
with Sunflowers (c. 1890) 264; Regatta at Argenteuil (1872) 365; Rocks at
Belle-Isle (1886) 246, 246-, Rouen Cathedral in Full Sunlight (1894) 361;
Rue St-Denis, Festivities of June 30, 1878 (Rue Montorgueil Decked with
Flags) (1878) 206; Saint-Germain-l'Auxerrois 349; The Seine at Bennecourt
( 1868) 47; The Seine at Lavacourt ( 1880) 240; The Signal, Gare St-Lazare
(1876) 103; Storm at Étretat 349; The Studio-Boat (1876) 303; Sunset on the
Seine, Winter Effect (1880) 240; Thames: Parliament (1871)35; Torrent,
Creuse (1888-9)333; The Tuileries (1875) 2o8\ Under the Lemon-Trees,
Bordighera (1884) 306; Vétheuil in the Fog (1879) 204; Ve'theuil in
Summertime (1879) 203; Views of London series 272-3, 274, 297, 373;
Water-Lilies: Water Landscape (1903)3/5; Water-Lilies (1908) 338;
Water-Lilies at Twilight ( 1916-22) 347; Water-Lilies series 292, 297-8,
299, 3°°—2,3'2, 317—19' 35°, 359-6°'^5) 374; The Water-Lily Pond-
Harmony in Green (1899) 3/6; Waterloo Bridge: Sun through the Mist
(19°3) 33^\ The Weeping Willow ( 1919) 340; Woman in Green 296; Women
in the Garden ( 1867) 34, 41', Yacht Races at Argenteuil ( 1872) 48
Monet, Jean (son) 58
Monet Working on his Boat, Argenteuil (Manet, 1874) 122
Montifaud, Marc de (Marie-Émilie Chartroule de): on exhibition
Moore, George: on Degas 162—5; on Manet and Degas 76—9; Portrait of
George Moore (Manet, 1879) 34
Morisot, Berthe 64, 103, 123, 124, 130, 186, 265; compared to Manet
287; correspondence with Mallarmé 276-8; correspondence with
sister 63-4, 105-7, '76; perfection of art 287-8; studio 287-, Berthe
Morisot with a Bouquet of Violets (Manet, 1872) 23; Berthe Morisot with a
Fan (Manet, 1874) io6\ Carriage in the Bois de Boulogne (1889) 184; Girl
in a Boat with Geese (c. 1889) 18/; Hanging the Laundry out to Dry (1875)
304; Julie Manet with her Greyhound Laertes ( 1893) 277; Peasant Hanging
out the Washing ( 1881 ) 255; A Summer's Day (1879)305
Morning (Monet, 1916-26)3^/
A Morning on the Seine (Monet, c. 1897)3/
Mornings series (Monet) 297, 299
Mother and Child against a Green Background (Cassatt, 1880) 120
Muybridge, Eadweard 153-4
Nadar: portrait of Monet (1899) 294
Nadar Elevating Photography to the Height of Art (Daumier, 1862) 82
Nadar's studio, Boulevard des Capucines 83
Nana (Manet, 1877) 226
Nattier, Jean Marc 212
Naturalism 59-61, 83n, 135
Neo-Impressionism 239, 321, 327, 331-2
Nude (Gauguin, 1880) 172
Nude Stepping out of the Bath (Degas, 1895-1900) 143
Numazu, Yellow Dusk (Hiroshige) 230
The Nymph Surprised (Manet, 1859-61) 362-4,363
Les Nymphéas see Water-Lilies
Oarsmen at Chatou (Renoir, 1879) 182
Olympia (Manet, 1863) 40, 49, 110; caricature (Bertall, 1865) 43;
caricature (Daumier, 1865) 4g
On the Beach at Boulogne (Manet, 1869) 43
On the Terrace (Renoir, 1881 ) 234
"open air", theory of, see plein air school
Orchard in Bloom (Pissarro, 1872) 7/
Pach, Walter: on Renoir 211 -13
Paris: A Rainy Day (Caillebotte, 1877) ng
Parnassians 289—90
The Pathway at Le Chou (Pissarro, 1878) 216
Peasant Girl Drinking her Coffee (Pissarro, 1881 ) 259
Peasant Hanging out the Washing (Morisot, 1881) 255
Perry, Lilla Cabot: on Monet 254, 263-5
perspective 121
Petites Modistes [Degas, 1882) 159
Photograph of a Nude: After the Bath (Degas, 1890—96) 168
photography: effect on painting 324; use by artists 153-4
The Pianist (Monet, 1858) 36
The Pig Market, the Fair of St Martin, Pantoise (Pissarro, 1886) 218
Pissarro, Camille 103, 133, 190, 223, 271, 356, 359, 360; advice to a
young painter 224, 239; artistic theory 219; biography 219;
completing pictures 217; correspondence with Caillebotte 171 -4;
correspondence with Durand-Ruel 218-19; correspondence with
Huysmans 189-90; correspondence with son 216-17, 222-3;
correspondence with Van de Velde 239; naturalism 59-61; on
Neo-Impressionism 239; obsession with unity 358; qualities 123, 186;
working methods 357; Apple Picking at Éragny-sur-Epte (1888) 261;
Avenue de l'Opéra, Sun on Winter Morning ( 1898) 262; The Backwoods of the
Hermitage, Pontoise (1879) 201; Banks of the Marne in Winter (1866) 59;
The Cabbage Path in March 216; Climbing Path in the Hermitage, Pontoise
(1875) 67; Côte du Jallais (1867) 61; The Haystack, Pontoise (1873) 72;
Hermitage 61 ; The Hermitage at Pontoise ( 1867) 46; Kitchen Garden and
Trees in Blossom, Spring, Pontoise (1877) 203; Orchard in Bloom,
Louveciennes (1872) 7/; The Pathway at Le Chou (1878) 216; Peasant Girl
Drinking her Coffee ( 1881 ) 259; The Pig Market, the Fair of St Martin,
Pontoise (1886) 218; Portrait of Paul Cézanne (1874) igo; Red Roofs. A
Corner of the Village in Winter (1877) 202; The Shepherdess (Young Peasant
Girl with a Stick) ( 1881 ) 238; Social Turpitudes [ 1890) 222; A Square at La
Roche-Guyon ( 1867) 43-, Studio Interior: Pissarro Seated at the Window with
the Village beyond 224-, View from my Window, Éragny-sur-Epte (1886-8) 260
Pissarro, Lucien 220; Study of Camille Pissarro Etching, Seen from the Back
(c. 1884) 2/7
plein air school 86, 88, 110-12, 133-4, 188,270-1
The Plum (Manet, 1878) 131
Pollock, Jackson 365, 366
Poplars (Monet, 1891) 230,334
Portrait of Alexander Cassatt and his Son (Cassatt, 1884) 236
Portrait of George Moore (Manet, 1879) 94
Portrait of Gustave Geffroy (Cézanne, 1895) 266
Portrait of Mallarmé (Whistler, 1894) 290
Portrait of Manet (Degas, 1864-6) 77
Portrait of Michel-Lévy (Degas, 1873) 113
Portrait of Paul Cézanne (Pissarro, 1874) igo
Portrait of Stéphane Mallarmé (Manet, 1876) 225
Portrait of Suzanne Hoschedé with Sunflowers (Monet, c. 1890) 264
Portrait of Victor Chocquet (Cézanne, c. 1877) 147
Portrait of Victor Chocquet (Renoir, 1875) 177
Portrait of Victorine Meurent (Manet, 1862) ig
Post-Impressionism 366
Poussin, Nicolas 212
Préraphaélites 125
Profile Portrait of Baudelaire (Manet, 1862) 3g
Puvis de Chavannes, Pierre 63
Raffaëlli, Jean-François 172; Returningfrom Market (1880) 173
The Railway (The Gare St-Lazare) (Manet, 1872-3) 24, 110
Ravenal, Jean: on Manet 40, 49
Reading "L'Illustré" [Manti, 1879) 227
Realism 108, 134, 293, 321-4
Red Roofs. A Comer of the Village in Winter (Pissarro, 1877) 202
Regatta at Argenteuil (Monet, 1872) 365
Regnault, Henri 108
Rehearsal of the Ballet on Stage (Degas) 83
Rembrandt 362, 363
Renaissance art 51
Renoir, Edmond: on brother's work 135—6
Renoir, Jean: on Monet 56—7, 104—5; on Renoir 56—7, 200, 209—10
Renoir, Pierre-Auguste 84, 103, 123, 124, 130, 152,174,214, 271,274,
2<?9' 355' 37°'i choice of subjects 360; correspondence with Mme
Charpentier 196-7; correspondence with Durand-Ruel 174-5, J96>
200; correspondence with Monet 274; creating world 20g; crisis in
work 197-9; early days as artist 56-7; on exhibiting at Salon 174—5;
exhibition 135-6; experiments 196; flower paintings 213; landscapes
213; Légion d'Honneur 274-5; marriage and family life 200, 209; in
old age 214-15; on Old Masters 211 -12; physical indulgence of
painting 371; qualities 186; return to old style of painting 200; as seen
by son 56-7; sentiment and sense 369-71; views on art 211-12;
views on artists 209-10; working methods 210, 211, 215; Algerian
Landscape: The Ravin de la Femme Sauvage ( 1881 ) 283; At the Milliner's
(c. 1878) ijg; Bather Drying her Leg ( 1895) 230; The Bathers (Grandes
Baigneuses) ( ig18— ig) 233; The Bathers (variant) (1901-3) 231-, The
Café (1876/7) IJ8\ The Canoeists' Luncheon (1879-80) 183; Children's
Afternoon at Wargemont (1884) 198; Dance at Bougival (1883) 2^L 37L
Dancing at the Moulin de la Galette (1876) 126-7; Dancing Couple ( 1883)
200; Diana, the Huntress (1867) 57,57; Gabrielle and Jean (1906) 283;
Gabrielle with Jewellery (c. 191 o) 286; Girl with a Fan (c. 1880) 186; La
Grenouillère (1869) 63; Luncheon of the Boating Party (1881) 233, 362,
371; Madame Chocquet (1875) 136', Maternity (Aline and Pierre) (1887)
20g; Oarsmen at Chatou ( 1879) 182; On the Terrace ( 1881 ) 234; Portrait of
Victor Chocquet (1875) lyy; The Rose (1872)9/; Seated Bather {1914) 232;
Seated Bather Wiping her Arms (1884-5) 199\ The Seine at Chatou (1881)
282', Still Life with Bouquet (1871) go; The Swing ( 1876) 180; The Swing:
drawing after 128; Water Nymph (1871) 8g
Restaurant Fournaise, Chatou 186
Returning from Market (Raffaeli/ 1880) 133
Rewald, John: on Chocquet and Cézanne 145-6; on Renoir and
brother 135—6
Ribera, José de 198
Riley, Bridget 366
Rivière, Georges: on Impressionist exhibition 126-9; on Renoir 213
Rocks at Belle-Isle (Monet, 1886) 246, 246
Romanticism 108
Rops, Félicien 40
The Rose (Renoir, 1872)9/
Roses in a Champagne Glass (Manet, 1882) g6
Rothenstein, William 275
Rouart, Denis: on Morisot 176, 276-8
Rouart, Henri 152
Rouen Cathedral 233
Rouen Cathedral in Full Sunlight (Monet, 1894) 361
Rubens, Sir Peter Paul 211-12, 362, 363, 369
Rue Mosnier with Flags (Manet, 1878) 99
Rue St-Denis, Festivities of June30, i8y8 (Rue Montorgueil Decked with Flags)
(Monet, 1878) 206
Ruysdael, Saloman van 199
Salon des Refusés 80, 82-3
Sargent, John Singer: views on Impressionism 319-20
Schapiro, Meyer 367; on abstract art 330-Q
Schutzenberger, Louis-Frédéric: Europa carried off by Jupiter 81
Seated Bather (Renoir, 1 9 1 4 ) 232
Seated Bather Wiping her Arms (Renoir, 1884-5) igg
Seated Nude Drying her Neck and Back (Degas, 1890—95) 13g
The Seine at Bennecourt (Monet, 1868) 47
The Seine at Bougival (Sisley, 1873) 279
The Seine at Chatou (Renoir, 1881) 282
The Seine at Lavacourt (Monet, 1880) 240
Self-Portrait {Degas, 1857) 131
Seurat, Georges 219, 220, 221, 299, 327, 355
The Shepherdess (Young Peasant Girl with a Stick) (Pissarro, 1881) 238
Signac, Paul 220, 299, 327
The Signal, Gare St-Lagare (Monet, 1876) 103
Sisley, Alfred 186-7, 355, 358, 360-1; aesthetic 171; permanence of
models 364-5; special gift 122-3; Avenue of Chestnut Trees ( 1867) 44;
The Bridge at Villeneuve-la-Garenne (1872) 66; The Chemin de By through
Woods at Roches-Courtaut, St Martin's Summer (1880) 280; A Farmyard
near Sablons (1885) 281; The Flood at Port-Marly 365; The Seine at
Bougival (1873) 279; Verger 83
Sketch of Seated Woman (Van Gogh, 1886—88) 193
Social Turpitudes (Pissarro, 1890) 222
The Song of the Dog (Degas, c. 1875—8) 116
A Square at La Roche-Guyon (Pissarro, 1867) 43
Still Life with Bouquet (Renoir, 1871) 90
Still Life with Pear (Meniti, 1880) 79
Studio in the Batignolles Quarter (Fantin-Latour, c. 1870) 3gn
Studio Interior: Pissarro Seated at the Window with the Village beyond 224
The Studio-Boat (Monet, 1876)909
Study: Landscape at Auvers (Cézanne, c. 1873) igi
Study of Camille Pissarro Etching, Seen from the Back (Lucien Pissarro,
c. 1884) 2/7
A Summer's Day (Morisot, 1879) 303
Sunset on the Seine, Winter Effect (Monet, 1880) 240
The Swing (Renoir, 1876) 180
Symbolism 288-go
Taboureux, Émile: on Monet 241-2
Thames: Parliament (Monet, 1871)95
Thiébault-Sisson, François: on Monet 245-6, 300-2, 317
Titian 212
Torrent, Creuse (Monet, 1888-9)999
Trévise, Duc de: on Monet 273-4
The Tuileries (Monet, 1875) 2°8
Under the Lemon-Trees, Bordighera (Monet, 1884)906
Valéry, Paul: on Degas 153-4, 166-9
Van Gogh, Vincent 331, 332, 355, 360; on Impressionists 192-3; letters
to family 192-3; portraits 193; Sketch of Seated Woman (1886-8) 199
Venturi, Lionello 359
Verger (Sisley) 83
Verwée, Alfred Jacques 39
Vétheuil in the Fog (Monet, 1879) 204
Vétheuil in Summertime (Monet, 1879) 205
View of the Church of Vaugirard (Gauguin, 1881) 185
View from my Window, Éragny-sur-Epte (Pissarro, 1886-8) 260
View of the Village (Bazille, 1868) 94
Views of London series (Monet) 272-3, 274, 297, 373
Vigée-Lebrun, Élisabeth-Louise 278, 287
Visit to a Museum (Degas, 1877-80) 138
Vollard, Ambroise: on Degas 152; on Renoir 197-9
Vuillard, Edouard 356
Water Nymph (Renoir, 1871) 8g
Water-Lilies: Water Landscape (Monet, 1903)9/5
Water-Lilies at Twilight (Monet, 1916-22)947
Water-Lilies (Monet)9/2,965
Water-Lilies (Monet, 1908)998
Water-Lilies series (Monet) 292, 300-2, 317-19. 35°. 374
The Water-Lily Pond- Harmony in Green (Monet, 1899)5/6
Waterloo Bridge: Sun through the Mist (Monet, 1903)936
Watteau, Antoine 369
The Weeping Willow (Monet, 1919)340
Whistler, James Abbott McNeill 123, 327-8; Portrait of Mallarmé ( 1894) 290
White Water-Lily (Mallarmé) 290-2
Wolff, Albert: on exhibition 103-4
Woman Getting out of the Bath (Degas, 1877) 139
Woman Getting out of her Bath (Degas, 1879-80) 161
Woman Trying on a Hat at the Milliner's (Degas, 1882) 1 5 9
Woman Writing (Manet, 1862-4) 78
Women on a Café Terrace, Evening (Degas, 1877) 128, 137
Women in the Garden (Monet, 1867) 34, 4/
women painters 278, 287-8
Wyzewa, Téodor de: on Morisot 278, 287-8
Yacht Races at Argenteuil (Monet, 1872) 48
Yetton, Christopher: on Monet 372-4
Zandomeneghi, Federico 172
Zola, Émile 108, 134, 148; on exhibition 133-5; on Manet 50-3; on
Pissarro 59-61