References to illustrations are in bold
"a cappella hypothesis" 280
Abbasid Caliphate 180,183,186
Abraham of Suzdal, Bishop 135
Admont monastery 111
Adso of Montier-en-Der, De Antichristo
Aelred of Rievaulx, De oneribus 111
Aeschylus, The Eumenides 249
Agat'angeghos, History of the Armenians
Aght'amar monument 23
Albertus Magnus 88, 301, 304
Alexander of Hales 299
on dancing 301
Alfonso III of Catalonia, king 297
Alter, Jean 153
Amatuni, Manuëgh 23
Ambrose, St, Bishop of Milan, On
Repentance 299
Amsler, Mark 51
Andres, Melquiades 169
Andrzej Krzycki 135
Anthony of Padua 88
anti-semitism, and Passion of Christ 137
Antoine de la Sale 194
see also Jehan de Saintré
illustrated 33
Spanish Beatus tradition 33
see also Trinity Apocalypse manuscript
Arbeau, Thoinot, Orchesographie 234
Areford, David 98
Aght'amar 23, 25
annual commemoration 20
Aruch 19
Autun 23
Bagaran 20
circumambulation ritual 19, 20
— liturgical sources 21-2
classification 18
consecration right 21-2, 25, 28
— cross in 26-7
content 19
dates 20
dedication right 21
external inscriptions, wrap-around
functions 17
Mren cathedral 18, 27
— north portal 25-6, 26, 27-8
Odzun 23, 29
orality 19
performance aspects 19-29
Ptghni, window arch 23, 24-5, 24
relief sculptures 23
scholarship focus 18
Sisian 16,17, 29
T'alin 18
vocalization 20
Zuart'noc' 23
Dedication of the Church Ritual 21
literacy 20
monuments, ceremonial functions 17
nobility 20
Armstrong, Adrian 213
Arsacid monarchy 17
Austin, J.L.
on performative speech acts 110
speech act theory 109
authenticity, in music 279, 280
authority, performance, association 5
Bachelard, Gaston 3
Baghdad 180
Jewish community 7,179,183
Baptiste Le Chandelier 238
Barcelö, Miquel 187
beguinage, Lier (Belgium) 146,147
beguine movement, Low Countries
beguines 6
definition 144
as holiness models 147-50
lifestyle 146
"citational authority" 152,153
comparison with sermons 151-2
performance 151-5
physical details 150
purpose 151
as "staged texts" 153
status 147
Benedict, St, Rule 111, 283
Benedict XIV, pope 83, 99
Bent, Margaret 281
Bernabé de la Palma, Via Spiritus 169
Bernard of Clairvaux 112
Bernardino de Laredo, Ascent of Mount
Sion 169,170
Bernini, Gianlorenzo, Ecstasy of St Teresa
Bloch, Maurice 5
bodies, as performative objects 84
Bonaventura da Bagnoregio 301
Pseudo-Bonaventure, Meditationes
Vitae Christae 166
Bonaventura, St 88, 92
Bouchet, Jean
jugement poetic 8, 207-21
ambivalent women 212
"double-voicing" 216-18, 220
language use 207-8, 208-9, 214,
Louise of Savoy in 207,211,212,218
paragrammatic reading 213
— identity 208
— intertextual 211
— resistant 210, 212
performativity 215-16, 220-1
Boulton, Maureen 61
Brett, Philip 291
Butler, Judith 4
on gender identity 59-60
access to 187
concealment 187
see also Abbasid Caliphate
Carlson, Marvin 2, 5
Carruthers, Mary, Craft of Thought 269
Carter, Françoise 302
Castillo VI 6
catharsis, medieval religious plays 258
ceremonies, legitimation function 183
see also under Exilarch
chansons, rhythmic interpretations
Chappuys, Claude 237, 238
Christian East 19
Christian Platonism 302
Christianity, founding event 163, 164
Christine de Pisan, The Treasure of the
City of Ladies 296
"citational authority"
beguine narratives 152
preaching 151
Waters on 151
Clark, Robert 59, 67
Coelho, Mary C. 173
the cogito, Descartes 161,162,163
Cologne High Altar 92
Presentation in the Temple 93
Conards players 8, 239M0
Index 341
Conybeare, Frederick Cornwallis, Rituale
Armenorum 22, 26
Corpus Christi plays, Zerbst 266
Crane, Susan, The Performance of Self 193
D'Accone, Frank A. 297
Dagenais, John 153
dance composition, as elite
accomplishment 297
dance performances 10, 295, 304
as expression of power 297-8
dance scenes
in Le remède de Fortune 295-6
in religious manuscripts 295
in Roman de la Rose 295
acceptability of 301
Alexander of Hales on 301
ambivalence towards 295, 303-4
choreographic information 305
and Christian religious experience
298-301, 306
Church's attitude 300
cosmic order, symbol of 302
as elite behavior 296-7, 303
Geoffroi de Charny on 296
in Gospels 298
and holiness 298-9
iconographies 295, 303
as liberal art 305
in Old Testament 299
prevalence 297
public displays of 304
sermons against 300-1
tripudium 302-3
writings about 304-6
Daskhuranc'i, Movsës, History of the
Caucasian Albanians 20, 24, 27
de Certeau, Michel 6,161-2,170
heterological principle 164
on stories 162-3
The Practice of Everyday Life 162
de Man, Paul 242
de Mervel, Louis 230
Decter, Jonathan 7
Dedication of the Church Ritual,
Armenia 21
Delogu, Daisy 7-8
Der Nersessian, Sirarpie 23
Derrida, Jacques 8, 213, 215-16
Descartes, René, the cogito 161,162,163
Desmond, Marilynn 210
Diamond, Elin 8, 210
Diane de Poitiers 230
in Bouchet's jugement poetic 208-9,
210, 213-15, 221
performative interpretation 215-16
self-definition 215
Disibodenberg monastery 111
Donaueschingen Passion Play, figures
263M, 266, 271
"double-voicing", Bouchet's Jugement
poetic 216-18, 220
Douce Apocalypse 48
Dubois de Montpereux, Charles 18
Durham, Vierge Ouvrante documents
efficacy-entertainment continuum,
Scheduler 149-50
Ehrstine, Glenn 9-10
Elizabeth of Spalbeek 6,129
Passion performance 130-1
Emmerson, Richard K. 3
Enders, Jody 91,154
Etienne de Bourbon, Tractatus de diversis
materiis predicabilibus 301
Etudes Rigaud, Archbishop of Rouen
Exilarch 7
function 179
investiture ceremony
audience participation 184
biblical references 180,182,184-5
concealing/revealing 186-7,187-8
gift giving 184
interpretation 180,185-6
Islamic ceremonies, comparison
legitimation purpose 183
performance 180,181-8
Jewish diaspora, contacts with 183
selection of 181
Frankfurt Passion Play (1493) 270,
272, 274
Lucerne Passion Play (1583) 270
Passion plays 264, 270
festivals see medieval religious plays;
Passion plays
Field of the Cloth of Gold (1520),
meeting 239
figure, meaning 9, 264-5
Donaueschingen Passion Play 263-4,
266, 271
Frankfurt Passion Play 272-3
Kamenz annual procession 265-6
Lucerne Passion Play 266-7, 271-2
mnemonic purposes 270
as physical objects 265
Findikyan, Fr Michael Daniel 21, 22, 27
Fischer-Lichte, Erika 3, 9
founding event, Christianity 163,164
framing, Hildegard's preaching 5,
Francis of Assisi, St 130,131
Franciscans, reform movement 169
Francisco de Osuna
First Spiritual Alphabet 170
Second Spiritual Alphabet 170
Third Spiritual Alphabet 169
François I, king 237, 239
Frankfurt Passion Play (1493) 253, 264,
expositors 270, 272, 274
figures 272-3
stage plan 269
Frazer, James G., The Golden Bough 249
Freyhan, Robert 48
Fröhlich, Mary 6
Gagik Artsruni, king 23, 25
Garner, Stanton Jr 4, 57
Gauthier de Coincy 96
Geertz, Clifford 188
gender identity
Butler on 59-60
realization of 60
Geoffroi de Charny, on dancing 296
Geonim 179,183
Gertrude of Helfta 98
Gertrude van der Oosten 6,129,130
Passion performance 133-4
Giovanni da Vignano 303
Giovanni da Viterbo 303
Girard, René, Violence and the Sacred 249
Goffman, Erving, on performance 2,
Gospels, dancing references 298
Gréban, Arnoul 58
Mystère de la Passion 59
Greenwood, Timothy 19-20, 24-5
Grimes, Ronald 2
Grossman, Avraham 182,186
Guglielmo Ebreo da Pesaro, dance
treatise 297, 299-300
Guibert of Gembloux 110
Guido de Vigevano, Anothomia designata
per figuras 88, 90
Guillaume de Degulleville 4, 58, 60,
see also Pèlerinage de Jesucrist
Guillaume de Machaut, Le remède de
Fortune 295-6
Guillaume Peyraut, Summa de vitiis et de
virtutibus 301
Hadewijch of Antwerp
performance narrative 152-3,154
Visions of 144,148
Harrison, Jane Ellen 249
Harvey, Elizabeth 217
Hasenohr, Geneviève 59
Haskell, Harry 279
Henderson, Bruce 2
Henry II, ceremonial entry to Rouen see
Rouen 1550
Henry VIII, king 239
heterological principle, de Certeau 164
Hildegard of Bingen
Explanation of the Rule of Benedict 111
Expositiones euangeliorum 5,107
composition dates 107
exegetical method 113-21
intertextual glossing 113-14
Index 343
Jesus and the Devil 114-21
performativity 107-8
preaching at Hirsau monastery
framing 110-12
performativity 109-10
Hiley, David 288
Hirsau monastery, Hildegard of Bingen,
preaching at 108-10
holiness, and dancing 298-9
Holladay, Joan A. 92
holy women see beguines
Honorius Augustodunensis 91, 302
De Philosophia Mundi 88
Gemma anime 299
Hugo d'Oignies 91
Huguenots, persecution of 241
Huot, Sylvia 43, 52
Ida of Nivelles 150
identity 7
medieval religious plays 258
and performance 84, 207
Jugement poetic 208
and performativity 59-60
and public display 193
and reputation 208
see also gender identity
Jacob of Strasbourg, Triumphs 225
Jacopone da Todi 298
Jacques de Vitry 300, 301
Jacques de Vitry, Bishop 153,154
Jean de Calabre 194
Jean Gerson 83
Jeanne de Bourgogne 88
Jehan de Saintré 7, 8
costume in 196-7, 201
didacticism 195, 203
language use 195, 200, 201
performance 193,195-203
storytelling 198
Jenkins, Eve 98
Jesus Christ, performance of death 91-4
Jewish community, Baghdad 7,179,183
Joachim du Bellay, Les Antiquités de Rome
Johann VI von Salhausen, Bishop of
Meissen 265, 266, 267
Johannes de Grocheio, De musica 300
Johannes Trithimius, Chronica insignis
monasterii Hirsaugiensis 108-9
John, St see under Trinity Apocalypse
Juanshër, prince 20
Kamenz annual procession, figures in
Kauffman, Linda 217
Khorenats'i, Movsës, History of the
Armenians 23
Kienzle, Beverly Mayne 5
Kittell, Ellen 146
Klein, Yves, "Leap into the void" 223
Köpping, Klaus-Peter 252
Kristeva, Julia 212-13
Kroos, Renate 92
Ladislaus of Gielniow 6,129
Passion performance 134-6
Lambeth Palace Apocalypse 50, 51
language use, Jugement poetic 207-8,
208-9, 214, 218-19
Lateran Council, Fourth (1215) 130
Leech-Wilkinson, Daniel 288, 291-2
Lewis, Suzanne 34, 52
medieval religious plays 257
St John's 49-51
Turner on 48-9,150
Louise of Savoy, in Jugement poetic 207,
211, 212, 218
Low Countries
beguine movement 144-7
female literacy 145-6
Lucerne Passion Play (1583) 264
expositors 270
figures in 266-7, 271-2
mansions 267
stage plan 267, 268
Ludolf of Saxony, Vita Jesu Christi 166,
Lutgard of Aywières
Life of 144,154
performance narrative 153-4
vision 148-9
Luzern Osterspiel 253
Lydgate, John, Lyfofour Lady 83
McGowan, Margaret 237
McKenzie, Jon 5, 84
Magnus Hundt, Antropologium 88, 90
Mâle, Emile 91
mansion staging 9, 264, 270, 274
Mantegna, Andrea, Triumph of Caesar
manuscript, illustrated, reader-viewer
response 58
manuscript matrix 60
Maranci, Christina 3
Marcadé, Eustache 58
Margarita of Cortona 6,129,130
Passion performance 131-3
Martin Le Franc, Le Champion des dames
Mary see Virgin Mary
Matins music example
analysis 285-6
Cum videret responsory 283, 284, 285
nocturns 283
Non debiles prosa 283, 284, 286
modern performance 289, 290
reconstruction 287-91, 287
performance 286-7
Maurey, Yossi 10
Mauss, Marcel 184
Mechtilde de Magdebourg 299
Medici, Catherine de', Rouen,
ceremonial entry 223-4
Medici, Lorenzo de' 297
medieval religious plays
actors/spectators interaction 250-1,
audience 256
catharsis 258
communal dimension 257, 258
context 256-8
conventionality 257
direction 256
expenses 255-6
identity 258
liminality 257, 258
linguistic designation 255
pagan patterns 249-50
performance 259
Ramlila (Hindu) plays, comparison
ritual/theatrical ambivalence 255,
as rituals 252-3, 254
security measures 256
silence, calls for 250, 252
transformative dimension 257, 258
violence 258-9
see also Passion plays
Meditationes Vitae Christae 165
Merleau-Ponty, Maurice 57, 74
Michel, Jean 58
Miracles de Nostre Dame par personnages 59
"mistères" 136
mnemonic systems, and theater 269-70
Mondino de Luizzi, Introduction to
Anatomy 89
Morgan, Nigel J. 33, 48
Muessig, Carolyn 5, 6
authenticity in 279, 280
early, performance practice 181-2
and musicology, association 281,
musical notation, early, interpretation
musical performance 10, 280, 281
musical text, establishing 282-92
see also Matins music example
musicology, and music, association 281,
public 144
recogido 169,170
and the volo 163-4
Nathan the Babylonian 180, 187,188
Neff, Amy 88
Nestroy, Johann 251
as aide mémoire 280
purpose 279-80
Index 345
Nevile, Jennifer 10
Newman, Barbara 153
Night Office see Matins
Nolan, Barbara 34
Ödznets'i, Yovhannës, patriarch 21,
Padua, Scrovegni Chapel 295, 303
Papalexandrou, Amy 19, 20
Paris, Bibliothèque Sainte-Geneviève
Paris, Council of (1212) 300
Passion of Christ
and anti-semitism 137
performance 129-37
somatic performances 5-6
Passion plays
daily life, blurring 273
Donaueschingen 263-4, 266, 271
expositors, role 264, 270
Frankfurt see Frankfurt Passion Play
Lucerne see Lucerne Passion Play
rituals in 254-5
scapegoat ritual 249
simultaneous staging 9
time of performance 255
Paula, St, in Bouchet's Jugement poetic
Pedro de Villacreces 169
Pedro Sanchez de Cepeda 169
Pèlerinage de Jesucrist manuscript 4, 58,
decorated initials 61-2, 62-3, 64, 65
performativeness 64-5
layout features 61
length 61
miniature illustrations 61, 62, 64, 65,
69, 71, 72, 77
musical performance 74-6, 75
non-speech 68-9, 69, 70
page placement 67
speech 69-73,71,72,73
theatre practices 76-8, 77
paratextual elements 61-2
reader-viewer response 61-2, 66-7,
67-8, 69, 74, 78
rubrics 62, 65
performativeness 66-7
special features 61
Pèlerinage de la âme poem 60
Pèlerinage de la vie humaine poem 60
"authentic", meaning 279
authority, association 5
beguine narratives 151-5
of birth 84,87-91
Christian 162-4
in contemporary art 223
of death 91-2, 94
definitions 2, 6, 58, 84,162
early music, establishing 281-2
Exilarch investiture ceremony 180,
Goffman on 2, 84, 88
and identity 84, 207
Jehan de Saintré 193,195-203
medieval, meaning 1, 2
medieval religious plays 259
of memory 94-9
as moving target 224
Passion of Christ 129-37
past, attempts to reconstruct 223—4
pervasiveness of 2
preaching as 151
and reading aloud 60
resistant, in Jugement poetic 210
of ritual 129
Schechner on 84,109
Suydam on 162
theories 152,155
webs of 150,154
see also dance performances; musical
performance narratives
beguines 151-5
Hadewijch of Antwerp 152-3,154
Lutgard of Aywières 153M
performance studies 1, 4
definition 34
performative spaces 5
performative speech acts, Austin on 110
Armenian church inscriptions 19-29
Bouchet's Jugement poetic 215-16,
definition 59
Expositiones euangeliorutn 107-8
preaching at Hirsau monastery
and identity 59-60
of spirituality 6
Pfister, Manfred 5,112,150
phenomenology 57
Philippe de Vigneulles 136
Philippe VI of Valois 88
place, space, distinction 162
Plato 302
polyphony, Saint-Martin of Tours church
possibility, and rupture 163
"citational authority" 151
as performance 151
theater, similarities 112,136-7
public display, and identity 193
public spectacle 9
Puy des Palinods 238
Puy des Pauvres 239
Quadragene fast 254
Rao, Ursula 252
as performance 60
vs silent reading 52, 60
illustrated manuscript, meaning 57
silent, and scholasticism 60
recogido mysticism 169,170
Reid, Dylan 239
religious performances 5
reputation, and identity 208
Revelation, Book 34
Richard de Fournival, Li Bestiaires
d'Amours 52
ritual 1
definition 149-50, 252
Schechner on 130
theater, distinction 5,130,149, 250, 252
medieval religious plays as 252-3,
in Passion plays 254-5
Robert of Naples, king 297
roman d'apprentissage 7
The Rose Ensemble, Non debiles
performance 289, 290, 291
Rouen 1550, royal entry
animation 225-30
artisans 229
Brazilian scene 233-5, 233, 237
death theme 240-3
elephants 227
illustrations 226-8, 232-3
opposition 237
performance 223-4
ruptures 230-7, 236
social conflict 237-40
sources 230-1
woodcuts 230, 231
iconoclasm 238
Synod of (1214,1231) 300
Rupert of Deutz 88
Rupertsberg monastery 107, 108, 111
rupture, and possibility 163
Saenger, Paul 52
Saint-Martin of Tours church 282, 283
polyphonic tradition 290
Sappho 207-8
Sargsyan, Minas 25
Schechner, Richard 1, 4, 6, 34, 46, 50, 51,
137, 251
efficacy-entertainment continuum
on performance 84,109
Performance Theory 2
on ritual 130
Schiller, Gertrud 91
Schnaase, Karl 18
Schneider, Rebecca 4, 58, 78
scholasticism, and silent reading 60
Scribner, Robert 9, 265
sermons see preaching
Sforza, Ippolita 297
Index 347
Sheingorn, Pamela 3
Shepherd, Simon 34
Short, Ian 33
Showalter, Elaine 216, 217
Shrine Madonnas 4-5, 96
destruction of 83
performance 84
scholarship on 83
see also Vierge Ouvrante of Morlaix
Siena, Palazzo Pubblico 295, 303
silence, call for
in Donaueschingen Passion Play 263
in medieval religious plays 250, 252
Singer, Charles, A Short History of
Anatomy 90
Sisian church, Armenia 16,17
Siwnets'i, Step'anos 21
Smith, Darwin 59
sovereignty, symbols of 186
Soyinka, Wole, on Yoruba mask-drama
space, place, distinction 162
speech act theory 216
Austin 109
spil 255
spirituality, performativity of 6
Sramek, Jordan 289
approach to early music 290-1
States, Bert O. 4, 59, 78
Great Reckonings in Little Rooms 74
on theater 74
Stern, Carol Simpson 2
Sterzinger Passionsspiel 253
stories, de Certeau on 162-3
storytelling, Jehan de Saintré 198
Strzygowski, Josef, Die Baukunst der
Armenier und Europa 18,19
Surtees Society 94
Suydam, Mary 3, 6
on performance 162
Swift, Helen 8
Symes, Carol 77-8
Taruskin, Richard 289
Teresa of Avila 5
absorption state 170-1
cultural influences on 165
performative visions 6,165-74
Christ the Angry Judge 166-7
Christ the Compassionate
Companion 167-8
Christ the Culture Hero 165-6
Christ Engraved Upon One's Being
Christ Transcended 168-71
The Spouses in Their Castle 172-3
reading 166
volo 168,173
Interior Castle 161,162,173
Life 169,173
Way of Perfection 173
Texier, Charles 18
efficacy, entertainment, tension 109
medieval concept of 255
and mnemonic systems 269-70
preaching, similarities 112,136-7
ritual, distinction 5,130,149, 250, 252
States on 74
Theodoric, on Hildegard's preaching
Thierry, Nicole 25, 28
Thomas de Cantimpré, Vita of Lutgard
Thomson, Robert 20
Touber, Anthonius H. 271
Toubert, Hélène 61
Trinity Apocalypse manuscript
Anglo-Norman language 33, 42
miniatures 33-4
St John
active ministry 52-3
as alter Christus 44
framing devices 42-3
iconography 33-4
as intermediary 52
life, miniatures 35-41
liminality 49-51
performative reading 51-3
performative signs 43-6
twice-behaved behavior 46-8
vs Crato 47-8
uniqueness 33
tripudium dance 302-3
Turner, Victor 1
on liminality 48-9,150
twice-behaved behavior 46-8, 84
meaning 46
medieval notion of 88-9, 90, 91
Vierge Ouvrante of Morlaix 88, 91, 94
van Gennep, Arnold 150
Les Rites de Passage 1
Venice 457 manuscript 21
incense use 26
"Naming of the Church" 22, 25
rubrics 22
Vida 22 6
Vierge Ouvrante
Durham documents 94, 96
Palau del Vidre 94, 95
Rhine Valley 96-7, 97
Vierge Ouvrante of Morlaix 85-6
consecrated bread, receptacle 92, 94
description 84-7
in Notre Dame de Mur chapel 94, 99
of birth 84,87-91
of death 91-2, 94
of memory 94-9
prayers 98-9
Presentation in the Temple 93
in St Matthew church 99
Trinity group 86
uterus 88,91,94
Vierge-Tabernacle, Sainte-Marie de Pornic
Virgin Mary
images 69, 85-6, 89, 95
performance of birth 87-91
vision narratives 148-9
visual performance 9
voice, as textual gesture 51
"voices and instruments" debate 280
the volo
and mysticism 163-4
Teresa of Avila's 168,173
Wallis, Mick 34
Walls, Peter 281
Warning, Rainer 9
Funktion und Struktur 249-50
Waters, Claire, on "citational authority"
Wenzel, Horst 58
Werner of Kirchheim 110
White, Hayden 47
Worthen, W.B. 51
Zerbst, Corpus Christi play 266
Zorach, Rebecca 8, 9