Page numbers in italic refer to illustrations, 'n.' refers to the number of a note on
the page indicated.
About, Edmond 23-4
Académie des Beaux-Arts 16, 31
Académie Française 163
Académie Julian 121
Action Française 197-9
Adam, Paul 178
Adler, Jules 157
The weary 157
aeroplane 3
aesthetics 5, 8, 185-9, ï99
Africa ioi
Aix-en-Provence 50, 52, 61, 101, 136,13 6
Alexandre, Arsène 158, 167
Alexis, Paul 43
Allard, Roger 204
Alpilles 107
Alsace-Lorraine 3, 197
Aman-Jean, Edmond 149
Hesiod listening to the Muse 149
Amiens 132
Angrand, Charles 9
Antibes 7
anti-Semitism 198
Apollinaire, Guillaume 166, 203-4
Argenteuil 27, 85, 27
Arles 8, 81-2, 85-112 passim, 95
art critics 22-4, 28-30, 35, 159
art dealers 20-2, 31, 203, 206
Artistes indépendants 20 see also Salon
des Indépendants
art market 1, 20-2
Art Nouveau 126
Asnières 167
Atlantic 7
Aurier, Albert 97, no, i42n.22
Auvers-sur-Oise 8, 69
Avery, Samuel P. 21
Bacon, Francis 17
Balzac, Honoré de 66
Bannalec (Finistère) 29
Barbizon (school of painting) 18, 21,
60, 72-3, 86, 101-2
Barbizon (village of) 84, 88, 101
Bare de Boutteville, Le (gallery) 125
Barrés, Maurice 161, 198-201, 209
Les Déracinés 161
Bas-Meudon 206-7, 207
Bastien-Lepage, Jules 149
Bateau-Lavoir 203
bathers 60, 209, 211, 211
Batignolles 203
Baudelaire, Charles 65, 70-1, 97, 124
Beethoven, Ludwig van 12
Belle-Ile 7
Bénédite, Léonce 149, 155
Bernard, Emile 62, 85, 96-7, 102-12
Christ in Gethsemane toy
Bernier, Camille 18, 23-4
D'Anndour, Bannalec (Finistère) 18,
23-4» 19
Bible, The 86, 103-4
biblical subjects 104-6, 108-11
Bichain (Yonne) 12
Bigot, Charles 27-8
Billancourt 207, 207
Blanc, Charles 18-22, 88, 104, 107-8
Grammaire des arts du dessin 88
Les Peintres de toutes les écoles 88
Boccaccio 101
Bordeaux, Henry 185-6
Bordighera 2, 91
Borromean islands 139
Bouguereau, Adolphe-William 21
Bouhélier, Saint-Georges de 164
Eglé ou les concerts champêtres 164
Boulanger, General Georges 3
Bouyer, Raymond 7, 152
Brabant 88, 100, 111-12
Brame, Hector (art dealer) 21
Braque, Georges 194, 203, 209
Briand, Aristide 195-6, 198, 201, 204,
Brittany 8, 18, 62, 83, 99, 138-40
Bruges 157
Busson, Charles 8, 19, 23, 154
The Village of Lavardin (Loir-et-
Cher) 19
Caillebotte, Gustave 42-3, 191-2
Calmphout 83
Cals, Adolphe-Félix 8-9
The artist and his friends 8, 10
Camargue 87
Cammas, Guillaume 152
canals 83-4
Carlyle, Thomas 106
Carrière, Eugène 159
The stages of life 159
Carrières-sous-Poissy 46
Cassatt, Mary 82
cathedrals 200, 209
Laon 7
Notre-Dame 4, 43, 45-6
Rouen 48
Catholicism 9-10, 85, 106, 140
Cazin, Jean-Charles 149, 163, 166
Celtism 200
Cendrars, Biaise 212
Cézanne, Paul 5, 7-8, 10, 35, 40, 43,
59-80 passim, 81-2, 94, 101, 119,
124, 130-1, 133-41 passim, 164
Forest 73, 74
Large bathers 137
Melting snow, Fontainebleau 72, 73
Midday, L'Estaque 64, 6y, 75
Road at Auvers-sur-Oise 68, 69, 74
Rocks at Fontainebleau 74
Champier, Victor 6
Channel coast 4, 6, 180-1
Chennevières, Marquis Phillipe de 18,
22, 31
Chevalier, Frédéric 30-1
Chevreul, Michel-Eugène 7, 212
Chopin, Frédéric 12
Christ 10, 104-6, 108-11, 10;
city 2, 4-5, 26, 28, 82-3, 89, 100-2,
147' DJ"?. l6U 208
cityscape 36-40, 44, 50-1, 54, 210-12
Claretie, Jules 163
classical composition 4, 94, 138, 183,
classicism 7, 18, 60-1, 131-41, 151,
163-5, l85~d, 194, 198-201
provincial 201, 203, 205
Claude Lorrain 2-3, 8, 120, 129, 131,
167, 183, 206, 209
Ariadne and Bacchus on Naxos 183
Close, Chuck 76
Judy 76
Collioure 2, 8-9, 168, 173-93 passim,
174, 178, 179
colonialism 196-7
colony, artistic 82-4
Commune, Paris 15
Constant, Benjamin 154
Entry of Pope Urbain II into
Toulouse 154
Cornwall 83
Corot, Camille 8, 12, 16, 18, 21, 28, 60,
65, 88, 104, 131-2, 205
Cottet, Charles 166
country/countryside 1-2, 4-5, 51, 83,
89-90, 100-2, 147, 155-7, l6l> 2o8»
Courbet, Gustave 21, 23-4, 29-30, 41,
60, 96
The Stormy Sea 24, 24, 29
Creuse 7
critics see art critics
Cubism/Cubist 4-5, 7, 48, 194-5,
Dagnan-Bouveret, Pascal 166
Dalcroze, Emile Jaques- 159
Dante 101
Daubigny, Charles-François 8, 16-18,
23-6, 28-9, 30
The fields in the month of June 24, 24
Daudet, Alphonse 86, ioi
Dauzat, Albert 180, 186, 191
Debussy, Claude 12
Decamps, Alexandre-Gabriel 21
decoration/decorative painting 147-69
decoration/decorative arts 201-2, 204-5
Degas, Edgar 53, 97, 166
Landscape, steep coast 53
Delacroix, Eugène 21, 97-9, 104, 107,
110-11, 166, 205
Delaunay, Robert 7, 203, 210-12
Window on the city no.y 210-12
Windows series 212
Delaunay, Sonia 203
Prose du Transsibérien 212
Denis, Dominique (artist's son) 141
Denis, Marthe (artist's wife) 133, 138
Denis, Maurice 5, 9-10, 59-63, 66,
78-9, 119-41 passim, 157
The age of gold 139
The Basin at the Villa Medici 131
Bathers 139
Beach with white horse 139
The eternal summer 138
Eurydice 13 7
Florentine evening 139
Forest with anemones 120
Galatea 135
Game of shuttlecock 132, 141
Homage to Cézanne 135
The Mediterranean 139
Monotonous orchard 132
Nymphs with bluebells 133
Regatta at Loctudy 127, 128
Regatta at Perros-Guirec 125, 126,
Rinaldo in the Garden of Armida
September evening 140, 141
The Shepherds 139
Story of Psyche 139
Sunlight on the terrace 122, 127
Visit to Cézanne at Aix 136, 137
Denis, Noele (artist's daughter) 138
Derain, André 2, 8-10, 168-9, 173-93
Collioure 173, 174, 175, 190
The Dance 168-9, 168
Lighthouse at Collioure 177, 179
Port of Collioure 177, 179
Portrait of Etienne Terrus 8, 11
Déroulède, Paul 160-1
Les Chants du paysan 161
Des Esseintes, Duc Jean (fictional hero
of Huymans's A rebours) 54
Destrem, Casimir 154, 163
Minerva watching over Toulouse 154,
Diaz de la Pena, Narcisse 21
disinterestedness (as aesthetic or
scholarly stance) 186-90
Drenthe 83-5, 87, 93-4, 100
Dreyfus Affair 200-1
Duchamp, Marcel 206
Nude descending a staircase 206
Duchamp brothers 203
Duchamp-Villon, Raymond 204
Dufour, Georges 24
Dulac, Charles 10
Dupré, Jules 21
Durand-Ruel, Paul 21-2
gallery 122
Duranty, Edmond 29
La Nouvelle Peinture 29
Duret, Théodore 63-4
Dutch art, seventeenth century 84, 86,
88-97, 106-11
Dutchness (of Van Gogh) 86-8, 112
Duvergier de Hauranne, Ernest 24
Ecole des Beaux-Arts
Paris 121, 147, 149
Toulouse 147
Eliot, Maurice 160
The old folk 160
empiricism 123
Eon, Henri 158
L'Estaque 63
Estiau, Prosper 163
etching 21, 45, 108-10
Etretat 41, 181-2, 185
Plage d'Etretat 182
Etten 83
Eurydice 137
eurythmies (Dalcrozian theory of)
excursions 1-2
Exposition Universelle
expression/Expressionism 49, 51, 177-8
Fauve painters/Fauvism 5, 8, 133-4,
173-93 passim
Félibien des Avaux, André 139
Félibrige, the 163-4
Ferry, Jules 31
Figuière, Eugène 204
Filiger, Charles 150
Flaubert, Gustave 48
L'Education sentimentale 48
Madame Bovary 48
Fontainebleau, forest of 8, 18, 72-4, 7J>
Fort, Paul 204
France 2, 17, 52, 189, 200, 209
hexagone 2, 3, 199
France profonde 20
/<z plus grande France 197
Fresnaye, Roger de la 205
Friant, Emile 159
Happy days 159
Fromentin, Eugène 21, 88
Les Maîtres d'autrefois 88
Futurism/Futurist, Italian 206
Garonne, river 155-6, 160, 148
Gasquet, Joachim 164
Gauguin, Paul 10, 61-3, 66, 68, 76,
85-6, 97, 99-112 passim, 119, 121,
124, 126, 131, 133, 140, 150
Christ in the Garden of Olives 104-5
Yellow Christ 10
Gaultier, Paul 186
Geffroy, Gustave 66-7, 74-5, 158
Germany 84, 196-7
Gervex, Henri 41
Gide, André 48, 127-9
Les Faux-Monnayeurs 48
Le Voyage d'Urien 128
Giverny 46, 62, 156
Gleizes, Albert 5, 194, 203-11
Bathers 209-11, 211
Landscape, Meudon 196, 206-10
Goncourt, Edmond de 35, 45-6, 86
Journal 45
Goupil and Co. 20-1
Greco-Latin culture 3, 133, 184-5,
Greece 3, 61, 184, 198
Grévy, Jules 31
Gris, Juan 203
Guillaume, Eugène 31
Guillemet, Antoine 4, 35, 41
Haan, Jacob Meyer de 107
Haarlem 95, 97
Hague, The 83, 95, 100
Hals, Franz 88
Harpignies, Henri 8
Haussmann, Baron Georges 50
Havre, Le 28
Hellenistic culture see Greco-Latin
Hérisson 8
Hervé, Gustave 198
Heyst 83
Hobbema, Meindert 91, 94
Hodler, Ferdinand 159
Hofmansthal, Hugo von 139
Holland 6, 83-112 passim
Huysmans, Joris-Karl 35, 54
A rebours 54
idealism/idealist 59, 64, 66, 134, 158,
161, 165
idyll, the pastoral 183-4, 190-1
Illiers 46
imagination 1, 9, 48, 86, 103, 11-12
impression 24, 28, 37
Impressionism/Impressionist 4, 7, 9,
16, 20, 22, 24, 26-9, 31, 36-7,
41-9, 55, 60-1, 63-6, 76, 94, 97-8,
107, 119-22, 129-33, HI"6, I4°>
166-8, 177, 182
individualism 129, 135
industrialisation i8, 26, 82, 196
industry 85, 95, 209
motor 207
Ingres, Jean-Auguste-Dominique 131,
Isaacson, Joseph Jacob 107
Isaure, Clémence 152, 154-5, I('3>
Italy 61, 139, 184
J agger, Mick 190
I can't get no satisfaction 190
James, Henry 152, 163
Jammes, Francis 164
Jamot, Paul 167
Janmot, Louis 9
The poem of the soul 9
Japan 101
Japanese novel 85
Japanese woodcut 85, 101
Jardin de Jenny l'Ouvrière 204
Jaurès, Jean 157-8, 160-2, 165
Johns, Jasper 76
Johnston, John Taylor 21
July Monarchy 16
Kahn, Gustave 205
Kahnweiler, Daniel-Henry 203, 206
Kandinsky, Wassily 139
Katwijk 83, 87
Kessler, Count Harry 133
Köninck, Philips de 84, 92-4, ii4n.20
Köninck, Salomon de {see previous
entry; name confused by Van
Gogh with Philips) 93-4
Kramar, Vincenc 203
Labastide-du-Vert 155-66, 168, 162
Lacoste, Charles 8, 10
Lafenestre, Georges 23-4
La Laurencie, Madame de (Vincent
d'Indy's daughter) 138
Langlois 87
Languedoc 154, 159, 161-2
Lantier, Claude (fictional painter in
Zola's L'Oeuvre) 36, 44, 51, 54
La Place du Carrousel 36
Latin culture 133, 184, 199
Lauraguais, le 154
Laurencin, Marie 205
Laurens, Jean-Paul 148, 158, 161-3
Le Lauraguais, campagne toulousaine
I S 4 , 162-3
Toulouse fortifies it s r amparts ... 154,
Laurent, Ernest 149, 167
Lavardin (Loir-et-Cher) 29
Lazarus 108-11, 209
Le Blond, Maurice 164-5
Essai sur le Naturisme 165
Lecomte, Georges 64-6
Le Fauconnier, Henri 5, 203, 208-12
Abundance 208, 209-10
The hunter 210, 222
Mountaineers attacked by bears 210,
Léger, Fernand 203, 210
The smokers 210
Le Gray, Gustave 71-3
Forest of Fontainebleau 72
Lehmann, Henri 149
Lemmen, Georges 126
Lemonnier, Camille 29-30
Leprieur, Paul 162
Le Sidaner, Henri 4, 157, 167
Leymarie (writer on English landscape)
Lhermitte, Léon 8, 160, 163
Liebermann, Max 84
light/sunlight 2, 7, 12, 18, 22-3, 36-47,
5°' 5 5> 75> 94' 108-10, 120, 134-5,
138, 156-7, 169
lithography 127
Loctudy 128
Lorrain, Jean 159
Lot 10
Loti, Pierre (nom de plume of Julien
Viaud) 85, 101
Madame Chrysanthème 85, 101
Louvre, Musée du 121
Luce, Maximilien 43
Luxembourg, Musée du 149, 155, 166-7
MacMahon, President Patrice (Duc de
Magenta) 19, 22, 31
Maillol, Aristide 138, 140-1
Mallarmé, Stéphane 127, 164
Petit air 127
Manet, Edouard 18, 22, 27, 35-6
Jardin des Tuileries 36
Manguin, Henri 12
Marcel, Henry 163
Mare, André 205
Salon bourgeois, Maison cubiste,
Salon d'Automne 205
Marest, Azar du 161, 163-5
Marlotte 8
Marne, river 8, 163
Marquet, Albert 43
Martin, Henri 3, 5, 12, 147-69 passim,
Autumn 155
Banks of the Garonne (The
dreamers) 147, 148, 155-8, 167
Beautiful girl crossing the fields,
flower in hand 149
Chacun sa chimère 150, 152
Clémence Isaure. .. 152, iyj, 155,
163, 165
Death of Mithridates 148
Dryad 15 2
Dusk 152
The lovers 15 5
Paola Malatesta and Francesca da
Rimini in Hell 149
Peasant girl 149
The poet
The poets of Gay Savoir 15 5
Sadness 152
Self-portrait at Labastide-du-Vert 162
Serenity 151, 152, 155
Spring 15 5
Spring, Summer, Autumn 147, 148
Study 164
Summer 155, 746, 164-6, 169
Towards the abyss 130, 151-2, 164, 169
Martinique 62, 101
Marx, Roger 202, 208-9
L'art social 202
Matisse, Amélie (artist's wife) 176-7, 184
Matisse, Henri 2, 43, 78-9, 85, 133-5,
137. 139-41. 173 —93 passim
Bonheur de vivre 135, 183-4
By the sea (Gulf of Saint-Tropez)
i75> V6, 177. 191
Luxe, calme et volupté 133, 183, 184,
Open window, Collioure 191
The rest 191
View of Saint-Tropez 174, 774, 176,
Matisse, Pierre (artist's son) 176-7
Mauclair, Camille 6
Maupassant, Guy de 35, 41, 54
Bel-Ami 54
Mont-Oriel 42
Pierre et Jean 41
Une Vie 41
Maurras, Charles 3-4, 198-9
Mediterranean 3-5, 61, 66, 101, 138,
140, 162-3, l67, i74> i8°. i83"93>
Ménard, Emile-René 3, 152
Mercereau, Alexandre 204
Merle, Hugues 21
Merson, Luc-Olivier 4, 160
Messager, André 12
metamorphosis (in landscape) 52-4
Metzinger, Jean 203, 206, 209
Meudon 196 see also Bas-Meudon
Michel, André 151, 167
Midi, le 4-5, 8, 12, 85, 165, 169
Millet, Jean-François 21, 88-90, 98,
102, 108, I I O - I I
Minerva 152, 163-4
Mirbeau, Octave 35-58 passim, 61-3
Dans le ciel 40, 48
Le Jardin des supplices 46
Sébastien Roch 41
Mistral, Frédéric 163, 165
Mithouard, Adrien 199-202, 205, 208-9
modernity 1, 12, 26, 30, 42, 59, 99, 101,
106, 112, 133, 206, 208-12
monarchism 198
Monet, Claude 2-3, 6-8, 12, 22, 27-8,
30, 40-6, 51, 61-3, 76, 85, 94, 107,
156, 180-4
Boulevard des Capucines 38, 42
Cliffs of Petites Dalles 181
La Gare Saint-Lazare 42, 43
Grainstacks series 42
Hôtel des Roches Noires à Trouville
41, 180, 184
Houses at Argenteuil 27, 30, 51
Ice floes series 42
Impression, sunrise 28
Japanese footbridge 156
The Manneporte, Etretat, II 181, 182
Plage d'Etretat 41
Rouen Cathedral, the portal (sun) 48
Rouen Cathedral series 42
Sunset at Lavacourt, winter effect 43
Monet, Alice (Hoschédé) 62
Montaugé, Théron de 161
Montfort, Simon de 162
Monticelli, Adolphe 101
Montmajour 94, 81, 92
Montmartre 51, 203
Montparnasse 203
Moréas, Jean 124, 164
Moreau-Nélaton, Etienne 132
Morice, Charles 200
Morisot, Berthe 22, 40, 51
Moroccan crisis, first (1905) 195-6
Moroccan crisis, second (1911) 197-8
Morocco 85, 101
Morot, Georges 160
Muhlfeld, Lucien 167
Murnau 139
music and landscape 12
Nabi group 119, 125, 129, 132-3
nation/nationhood 4, 7, 12, 17, 20, 83,
188, 190, 198, 201-2
nationalism/nationalist 5, 8, 61, 85,
i45n.67, 163, 194-212 passim
Naturalism/Naturalist 8, 36, 48, 51,
59-60, 65-6, 84, 96, 102, 119, 122,
I25> H9, I51» i57_8> i64> i69
nature 9, 27-8, 64, 75-8, 83-4, 97, 106,
m, 119, 121, 124, 129, 133, 138,
161, 165, 178, 181-2, 185-9
representation of 2, 40, 78-9, 188
Naturism (literary movement) 164-5
7, 107, 125, 133-4, 166-8, 191, 212
New Amsterdam 87
Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm 138, 169
Nieuwerkerke, Count A.-E. de 16
nocturne 4, 12
Normandy 2, 18, 181
north 2-5, 86, 90, 108, 140, 174, 180-3,
Nuenen 87, 102
orientalism/orientalist 85, 88, 101, 103,
Osbert, Alphonse 149, 152
Vision 149
Ostade, Adriaen van 91
panorama 4, 42, 92, 154-6
Paris 4, 26-7, 36, 44-7, 50-4, 82, 86,
89, 97-100, 103, 107, 112, 164, 188,
Ï94, 199
Hôtel de Ville 154
Notre-Dame cathedral 4, 43, 45-6
Paris-based art practice 1, 82, 86, 177,
suburbs of 4, 27-8, 51, 99-100, 107,
194 see also under locality
Pas-de-Calais 163
Passy 53
patronage, private 133, 139, 194, 203
patronage, state 17-20, 24, 31, 147-69
paysage historique 4, 16
peasants 8, 15, 160-2, 178, 186-7
Perbosc, Antonin 163
Perros-Guirec 139, 126
Petrarch 101
photography 20-1, 69-73, 81, 180,
Picasso, Pablo 4, 194, 203
Landscape with two figures 197
Pissarro, Camille 8, 22, 27, 35, 40, 60,
63-4, 68, 85, 94, 107
Plato 24
plein air 9, 31, 63, 120, 158
pointillist technique 151, 166-7 see also
politics 147, 188, 194-212 passim
Left/Radical 5, 61, 82, 157-8, 160-2,
195-8, 201
right wing 5, 61, 145^67, 198-201
socialist 157-8, 160-2, 195, 198
Pont-Aven 99, 107
Pontoise 27, 85
positivism 123
Poussin, Nicolas 2-3, 8, 60-1, 66, 120,
129, 131, 136, 151, 183, 205-6, 209
Prévôt, G.-E. 160
Le Socialisme aux champs 160
primitive/primitivism 178-80, 187, 205
early Renaissance 66, 97
late Gothic 66, 205
Proust, Marcel 46
A la recherche du temps perdu 46
Prouvé, Victor-Emile 159
Life 159
Provence 5, 18, 51, 61, 81-2, 84-112
passim, 198
provincialism/provincial values 4-5, 8,
50, 196
Pujol, Paul 153
Puteaux circle 203-12
Puvis de Chavannes, Pierre 122, 132,
137, 140, 151, 157
Doux pays 139
Ludus pro patria 132
The Muses of Inspiration ... 151
Poor fisherman 122
White rock 139
Pyrenees 8
Quercy, le 165
Raffaëlli, Jean-François 40, 51
Gypsy woman 51
Rag-pickers returning home 51
railway 3, 18, 83-5, 95
Paris Lyon Marseille 3
Raphael 89, 129-30
Ravel, Maurice 12
realism 36, 89, 96-7, 119-21, 130, 200
Reclus, Onésime 184
Redon, Odilon 135
regionalism/regionality 12-13, 82-112
passim, 147-69 passim, 196
religion and spirituality 9-10
religious concept of art 135
religious subjects 103-12
Rembrandt van Rijn 88-9, 93, 104-11
The resurrection of Lazarus (after
Rembrandt) 209
Renaissance 126, 198, 200, 205
Renard, Jules 164
Renoir, Auguste 22, 31, 35, 40, 60, 107,
i45n.67, 166
Republican régime see Third Republic
Rewald, John 81
Riviera 2-3, 7, 174
Rixens, Jean-André 154
Artillerymen of Toulouse . . . 1 5 4
Rodin, Auguste 40-1, 150
St. ]ohn the Baptist 150
Roman campagna 184
Roman remains (in Aries) 8, 85
romantic/Romanticism 7, 66, 83, 85,
106-7, 112
Romanticism, German tradition of
Rome 60-1, 129, 131, 198
b a s i n a t i j t
villa Medici 131
Rouen 133
cathedral 48
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques 17
Rousseau, Théodore 16-17, 21, 28
Roussel, Ker-Xavier 4, 137
Royal Academy, London 20
Ruche, La 203
Ruysdael, Jacob van 2, 84, 91-5, 106
View of Haarlem ... 93
Saint Ouen 100, 107
Saint-Germain-en-Laye 120, 123
Saint-Pierre, Bernardin de 17
Saint-Rémy 8, 81-2, 90, 103
Saint-Tropez 167, 174-7, l8o, 183-5,
187, 191 773, 776, 181
Sainte-Victoire, montagne 137
Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer, Les 87
Salmon, André 8, 209
Salon d'Automne 134, 138, 201, 203-6,
210, 203
Salon de la Rose+Croix 149-50
Salon de la Société Nationale des
Beaux-Arts 4, 6
Salon des Artistes Français 4, 6-7, 16,
24, 27, 29, 31, 37, 147-52, 154-5,
163, 166, 168
Salon des Indépendants 167, 203, 206,
Scandinavia 83
Scheveningen 83, 87
Schubert, Franz 12
seasons 2, 155, 158-9, 165, 148, 136
Second Empire art policy 16-18, 50
Segard, Achille 162-4
Ségé, Alexandre 4
Seine, river 7, 44-6, 206-8, 43
sensation 5, 7, 9, 13, 59, 62, 64-8, 71,
75, 78"9, 82, 122, 124, 129-30, 134
Séon, Alexandre 150-2
series 4, 12, 42-7, 55, 212
Sérusier, Paul 121
The 'Talisman' 121, 127
Seurat, Georges 4, 6, 96-100, 104, 112,
i25> NS-S0» 166-7
Sunday on the Grande-Jatte 100,
Sévérac, Déodat de 12
Shchukin, Sergei 203
Signac, Paul 3, 7-9, 12, 86-7, 98, 140,
151, 166-8, 191
D'Eugène Delacroix au néoimpressionnisme
In the time of harmony 161, 191
Silvestre, Armand 21-2
Sisley, Alfred 12, 22, 26-8, 30, 43
The Bridge at Argenteuil 26-8, 26
Sizeranne, Robert de la 158
solidarisme 195-201 passim, 203-4
Sorbonne 164
South, the 2, 4-5, 84-7, ioi, 112, 140,
161-2, 174-7, l8o> 183 —93 passim
Spain 190
Spanish border with France 174
Spencer, Herbert 123-4, 129
Stein, Gertrude 203
Stendhal (nom de plume of Marie
Henri Beyle) 66
Stern, Charles 139
sublime, the (aesthetic category) 181-3,
Symbolism/symbolist 9, 12, 59, 63-4,
66, 76, 119, 121, 124-7, 139-41»
149, 157, 164
Tahiti 62, 126
Taine, Hippolyte 123-4
History of English Literature 123
Tarascon 101
Terrus, Etienne 8-9, 11
Third Republic 151, 167, 169, 195-201
art policy 15-31 passim
Thoré, Théophile (Willem Bürger)
88-9, ni
Titian 127
Toulouse 5, 14j-6ç> passim, 148, 144
Capitole 147, 152-66 passim
Jeux Floraux, festival of the 152-5,
Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri de 6
tourism/tourist 2, 4-5, 9, 24, 82-7, ioi,
112, 175-6, 180-93 passim
townscape 92, 94-6, 157, 175
tradition/traditional values 55, 59-60,
110, 133-4, 194, 196, 199-210
Dutch 4, 84
Grand classical 183-5, 187-8
of landscape painting 8
train 3 see also railway
Trouville 41, 180-1, 185
Turner, Joseph Mallord William 166-7
Uhde, Wilhelm 203
Universal Exhibition see Exposition
Universités Populaires 203-4
urban experience 5, 59, 100, 112
urbanisation 2, 18
Ussel, Comte d' 185, 192
Vaillant, Marshal J.-B. P. 17
Vallotton, Félix 3
Van Gogh, Theo 89-112 passim 105
Van Gogh, Vincent 5, 8, 40, 43, 51,
81-118 passim, 177
Aries seen from the wheatfields 95
The Garden of St. Paul's Hospital
Harvest at La Crau with
Montmajour in the background 93
Huth Factory, Asnières 51
Landscape near Montmajour with
train from Aries to Orgon 92
Landscape with rising sun 105
Night café 52
Olive picking 105
Open Bible, extinguished candle and
novel $2, H I
The potato eaters 90, 111
S t a r r y n i g h t 4 0 , 1 0 3 , 1 0 5 - 8 , H I
Travaux des champs 90
Winter landscape: memory of the
North 90
The yellow house 94
Van Gogh, Wilhelmina 86, 89
Van Rappard, Anton 87
Velde, Henry van de 126
Dominical 126
Vendômois 8
Vermeer, Jan 88
Verona 139
Versailles, seventeenth-century art of
Vétheuil 8
Vigny, Alfred de 149
La Maison du berger 149
Vildrac, Charles 203
Virgil 151, 163-4
Aeneid 151
Volpini, Exhibition at Café 121
Vuillard, Edouard 9, 129-30, 134
Public gardens 160
war 196
war, First World 140-1
war, Franco-Prussian 3, 15, 154
Watteau, Antoine 2
weather 2, 18, 43-4, 54, 77
Wendt, G. 8-9
Les Obscurantistes 8, 1 1
Wey, Francis 71
Whistler, James Abbott McNeill, 12,
40, 134
XX, les (Vingt) exhibitions 126
Zola, Emile 35-58 passim, 164
L'Argent 42
L'Assommoir 47, 51-2
La Bête humaine 42, 51
La Curée 42-3, 47, 51
Le Docteur Pascal 38
La Faute de l'Abbé Mouret 37, 42,
47> 5!~3
Germinal 51-2
La Joie de vivre 42, 52
Lourdes 39
Nana 42, 51
L'Oeuvre 36-8, 40, 42, 44, 51
Une page d'amour 42, 47, 53
Paris 42
Rome 39
Rougon-Macquart series of novels
35-58 passim
Son Excellence Eugène Rougon 37,
La Terre 42, 52-3
Le Ventre de Paris 42-3, 47