In addition to the names of persons, the index
includes the more significant references to
Exhibitions, fournals, Museums and Societies
under these general entries.
Abercorn, ist Marquess of, 29 (note 30)
Aders, Karl, 42, 96 (note 5)
Agar-Ellis, George, 87 (note 87)
Agnew, Thomas, 97-8
Aguado, Alexandre, 62 (note 92), 100
Albani, Cardinal Giuseppe Andrea, 31
Albano, Francesco, 3
Albany, Countess of, 23 (note 59), 35 (note
Albert, Prince Consort, 11, 12, 98
Alberti, Leon Battista, 10
Alexander I, Tsar of Russia, 35 (note 56)
Alfieri, Vittorio, 35 (note 57)
Alford, Henry, 66 (note 112)
Alquier, Charles-Jean-Marie, 32
Altichiero, 48; Plate 123
Andrea del Sarto, 9, 12-13, T4> 32. 40
Angelico, Fra, 5, 10, 43 (and note 91), 45
(note 5) 52, 53, 65 (and note 109), 66, 74, 97,
108; Plates 158, 219
Angerstein, John Julius, 28, 29 (note 30)
Anguisciola, Sofonisba, 34; Plate 78
Antonello da Messina, 9, 43 (note 91), 44;
Plate 172
Apollo Belvedere, 4, 6, 31, 44, 75,109 (note 71)
Appiani, Andrea, Plate 63
Aretino, Spinello, Plate 136
Armagnac, Général d', 40, 41 (note 82)
Armstead, Henry Hugh, 11, 12 (note 14),
13-14, 17, 81; Plates 12-16
Artaud de Montor, A. S., 40; Plates 100, 101
Artois, Comte d', 19
Atkinson, J. Beavington, 56 (notes 58, 60)
Auguste, Jules Robert, 59; Plate 143
Augustin, Jean-Baptiste-Jacques, 60
Aumale, Duc d', 77 (note 31)
Balzac, Honoré de, 109 (note 69)
Bankes, W. J., 71 (note 1)
Baring, Alexander, 72
Baring, Sir Francis, 72; Plate 164
Baring, Sir Thomas, 72; Plate 165
Baring, Thomas, 73 ; Plate 166
Baring family, 28, 72
Barocci, Federico, 32
Barrés, Maurice, 112-13; Plate 251
Barry, James, 13 (and note 16), 25 (note 7),
46, 50 (note 30), 98; Plates 17, 18
Bartolo di Fredi, 98
Bartolommeo Veneto, 114; Plate 252
Bartolommeo, Fra, 10
Basaiti, Marco, 56
Bastien-Lepage, Jules, 116
Baudelaire, Charles, 9, 86, 99, 101
Baudry, Paul, 62
Bayley, W. P., 56 (note 57)
Beardsley, Aubrey, 113 ; Plates 246, 247
Beauharnais, Prince Eugène de, 30-1, 35
(note 57), 110 (note 74)
Beaumont, Sir George, 29, 42, 57
Beckford, William, 28, 29 (note 30)
Bellini, Giovanni, 9, 30, 56, 71 (note 1), 94,
98 ; Plate 62
Berchem, Nicolaes, 7, 15 (note 24), 72 (note
5), 85, 87, 98; Plate 168
Berenson, Bernard, 85, 95 (note 120), 108
Beresford-Hope, Alexander James, 69
Bergeret, Pierre-Nolasque, 59
Bernini, Gianlorenzo, 49 (note 24), 67 (and
note 119), 69
Berry, Duchesse de, 26 (note 10)
Berry, Mary, 25
Berwick, 2nd Lord, 27; Plate 56
Bicci, Neri di, 40
Binyon, Laurence, 114 (note 95)
Bisenzo collection, 73 (note 14)
Blake, William, 15 (note 23), 42, 50, 79, 101;
Plate 190
Blanc, Charles, 9 (note 4), 62, 87 (note 88),
98, (note 16), 105; Plate 235
Blondel, Merry-Joseph, Plate 114
Boguet, Didier, 40 (note 79)
Boisserée, Melchior and Sulpice, 42
Bonaparte, Joseph, 36
Bonaparte, Lucien, 19, 33-4, 35 (and note
57), 83 (note 65); Plate 71
Bonheur, Rosa, 116
Bonnemaison, Ferréol, 26 (note 10), 34, 35
(note 56)
Bonvin, François, 89 (note 94), 102
Bossi, Giuseppe, 109, 110
Both, Jan, 7, 15 (note 24), 87 (and note 85)
Botticelli, Sandro, 3, 7, 14, 15, 23, 29, 41,
50. 51. 53, 84, 99, HI, 112 (and note 88),
113-14, 115; Plates 61, 129, 241, 242, 244-6
Botticini, Francesco, 112 (note 88)
Boucher, François, 16, 38, 40, 61, 62-3 (and
note 92), 64, 75, 84, 102, 103, 116; Plate 232
Bouguereau, William Adolphe, 83, 116;
Plate 254
Boullogne, Bon and Louis de, 58
Bourke, Count, 36
Bouts, Dieric, 42
Bray, Mrs, 53
Breton, Jules, 100
Bridgewater, 3rd Duke of, 27; Plate 55
Bristol and Derry, Earl Bishop of, 58-9
Bronzino, Agnolo, 71 (note 1)
Brown, Rawdon, 80 (note 51)
Browning, Robert, 8
Bruegel, Pieter the elder, 90 (note 97)
Bruegel, Pieter the younger, 43 (and note
91), 90 (note 97); Plate 110
Brunet-Denon, Vivant-Jean, Baron, 44 (note
Buchanan, William, 4, 6, 23 (note 59), 27-9,
30 (note 33), 33 (note 48), 34-5, 36 (note 62),
37, 72
Bunsen, Christian Carl Josias, Baron, 42
(note 87)
Burckhardt, Jakob, 15 (note 25)
Bürger, W, see Thoré
Burgon, John W., 66 (note m)
Burr, Mrs Higford, 105 ; Plate 234
Burty, Philippe, 102 (notes 40, 41)
Butts, Thomas, 79
Byron, Lord, 15 (note 25), 71 (note 1)
Cabanel, Alexandre, 83
Cacault, François, 39-40, 43
Callcott, Augustus Wall, 48 ; Plates 125, 126
Callcott, Maria Lady, 47, 48-9, 50; Plates
121, 126-7
Camuccini, Vincenzo, 30, 71 (note 1), 73
(note 14)
Canino, Prince de, 83 (note 65)
Cano, Alonso, 22, 36, 37, 79, 100; Plate 91
Canova, Antonio, 6, 33; Plate 70
Caravaggio, 4, 9, 34, 48, 90 (note 98), 115;
Plate 80
Carpaccio, Vittore, 56, 84; Plate 198
Carr, Holwell, 26 (note 9)
Carracci, Annibale, 14, 16, 20, 34, 40, 96, 98;
Plates 52, 76
Cesare da Sesto, 32 (note 42) ; Plate 66
Carracci family, 10, 13, 16, 25, 70, 94
Castagno, Andrea del, 41 ; Plate 104
Catherine, Empress of Russia, 104 (note 48)
Cavalcaselle, Giovanni Battista, 91-2
Cenci, Beatrice, 109; Plate 236
Chaix d'Est Ange collection, 32 (note 41)
Champernowne, Arthur, 26 (note 9)
Champfleury, 60 (note 8i), 64 (and note 104),
101, 114-15
Chardin, Jean-Baptiste-Siméon, 18, 59 (note
74), 60 (and note 80), 63, 64, 76, 77 (note 32),
102, 103 (and note 47); Plates 27, 28, 156,
180, 230
Cheney, Edward, 16 (note 25), 80-1, 115
(note 102)
Chennevières, Henry de, 115 (note 102)
Chennevières, Philippe de, 78 (note 37), 103
(note 43)
Cima da Conegliano, 56, 112; Plate 248
Cimabue, 9, 13, 38, 47, 49, 50 (note 30), 56,
57, 58, 65 (note 104), 91, 94; Plate 217
Clarke, Rev. E. D., 27
Clarke, Sir Simon, 26 (note 9), 30 (note 33)
Claude Lorraine, 9, 30 (note 33), 73
Clauzel, General, 32
Coello, Claudio, 22
Cogniet, Léon, 115
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 42 (and note 87)
Collins, Wilkie, 107
Collins, William, 47, 89 (note 94) 107; Plate
Collot, Jean-Pierre, 32
Coningham, William, 82 (note 62)
Constable, John, 15 (note 24), 57, 87 (note 85)
Conte, Jacopino del, 32
Cook, Sir Francis, 85
Cornelius, Peter von, 12
Corot, Jean-Baptiste-Camille, 116
Correggio, 6, 9, 15 (note 23), 16, 24, 27-8,
36, 37, 40, 52, 97, 98, 107; Plates 14, 86
Cortona, Pietro da, 22, 108; Plate 44
Cossio, Manuel, 113
Costa, Lorenzo, 30 (note 35)
Costabili, Gian Battista, Marchese, 30
Cos way, Richard, 29 (notes 27, 30)
Cot, Pierre, 116
Courbet, Gustave, 88, 89, 102, 103 (note 43),
Couture, Thomas, 116
Craig, J. H., Plate 55
Cranach, Lucas, 41 ; Plate 106
Cremer, 85 (note 74)
Cromek, T. H., 80 (note 50)
Crowe, Joseph Archer, 91-2, 93 (note 113)
Cuyp, Aelbert, 17, 73, 85, 87
Cypierre, Comte de la, 59, 76
Daddi, Bernardo, 40
Danby, Francis, 42
Dante, 5, 53 (note 46), 105; Plates 209, 234
Davenport-Bromley, Walter, 82 (note 64)
David, Gerard, 24 (note 3), 42; Plate 109
David, Jacques-Louis, 19 (and note 39), 26
(note 10), 45, 57, 59, 61, 65 (note 104), 102;
Plate 113
Davis, Scarlett, Plates 53, 218
Day, Alexander, 29, 30 (note 33)
Degas, Edgar, 116
Delacroix, Eugène, 12, 61, 62, 83, 86, 101;
Plates 146, 196
Delahante, Alexis, 26 (note 10)
Delaroche, Paul, 9-11, 12, 13-14, 61, 81, 115
Plates I, 2, 5-7, 9, 10, 194
Delécluze, Etienne-Jean, 61 (and note 85),
Delille, Jacques, 19
Dello Delli, Plate 101
Demidoff family, 83
Dennistoun, James, 69, 70
Desaix, General, 19
Desnoyers, Auguste Gaspard Louis, 104 (note
Desportes, Alexandre-François, 57, 60
Dibdin, Thomas, 44
244 Index
Dickens, Charles, 109 (note 69)
Dimier, Louis, 94
Dolci, Carlo, J, 14
Domenichino, 4, 6, 8, 10, 13, 25, 40; Plate 51
Doré, Gustave, 88; Plate 209
Dou, Gerard, 32, 98, 99, 107; Plates 67, 223
Double, Leopold, 85 (note 74)
Drumont, Edouard, 84 (note 71)
Du Camp, Maxime, 87 (note 88)
Duppa, Richard, 30
Dürer, Albrecht, 10, 15 (note 23), 24, 72, 94
Dutertre, André, 109 (note 72), no; Plate 237
Duval, Amaury, 39 (note 74), 44 (note 98)
Duveen, Joseph, 95 (note 120)
Dyce, William, 56, 69 (note 132) ; Plates 140,
Dyck, Sir Anthony van, 9, 12, 13, 28, 36, 41
(note 82), 64; Plate 89
Eastlake, Sir Charles, 12 (note 12), 14, 46, 48,
49. 53. 55. 75. 87 (note 88), 91 (note 103);
Plate 115
Eastlake, Lady, 14, 49, 93 (note 113)
Edelinck, Gerard, 10
Elgin Marbles, 6, 54, 55, 75
Elsheimer, Adam, 90 (note 97)
Erard, Sebastien, 26 (note 10)
Este family, 25
Etty, William, 46, 52
Eyck, Hubert van, 12
Eyck, Jan van, 9, 17, 24 (note 3), 42, 69, 94,
97, 98 ; Plate 160
London (British Institution), 96-7; Plate 218
London (Egyptian Hall), 97
Manchester (Art Treasures, 1857), 98-9;
Plates 220, 222
Paris (Bazar Bonne-Nouvelle, 1848), 63,102;
Plate 150
Paris (26, Boulevard des Italiens, i860),
Faber, William, 66 (note 110), 67-8 (note
Fahre, François-Xavier, 19 (note 39), 23
(note 59), 33, 35 (note 57) ; Plate 71
Félibien, 17 (note 26)
Fesch, Cardinal, 33 (and note 48), 34 (note
56), 35, 81-2 (and note 64), 83 (note 65), 84;
Plate 70
Fiorillo, Domenico, 91
Fitzwilliam, 7th Viscount of, 29 (note 30)
Flaubert, Gustave, 60 (note 79)
Flaxman, John, 29, 42, 49 (and note 22), 50
(note 30)
Ford, Richard, 4 (note 6), 36 (note 64), 78,
101 (note 38)
Fould, Edouard, 103
Fox-Strangways, Hon. W. T. H., 96 (note 1)
Fragonard, Jean Honoré, 38, 43 (and note
91), 59 (note 74), 60, 63, 64, 76, 84, 102, 103,
m (note 82), 116; Plates 149, 155, 181, 200,
Francia, Francesco, 16, 55-6, 66; Plate 138
Frith, William Powell, 57
Fromentin, Eugène, 89 (note 94)
Fry, Roger, 114, 115 (note 102)
Fuseli, Henry, 46, 50 (note 30), 101 (note 38)
Gaddi, Taddeo, 49
Gainsborough, Thomas, 96 (note 3), 99
Gardner, Mrs, 85
Garofalo (Benvenuto Tisi), 52, 56
Gaudenzio, Ferrari, 16, 52, 56; Plate 133
Gauffier, Louis, 19 (and note 39); Plate 33
Gaulli, Giovanni Battista, 68
Gault de Saint-Germain, 60
Gautherot, Claude, 63 (note 96)
Gautier, Théophile, 60 (and note 79), 83
(note 68), 87 (note 88), 101-2 (and notes 39,
Gavarni, 61
Geoffrin, Mme, 38
George m, King of England, 3, 26
George iv (Prince Regent), 72
Gérard, Baron François, 19 (note 39)
Gérard, Marguerite, Plate 45
Géricault, Théodore, 63 (and note 95), 64,
102; Plates 151, 152
Gérôme, Jean Léon, 116; Plate 255
Ghirlandaio, Domenico, 14, 55, 56, 61, 116
Giaquinto, Corrado, 40 (note 79)
Gibbon, Edward, 38
Gigoux, Jean-François, Plate 206
Gilchrist, Alexander, 42 (note 87)
Giordani, Pietro, 4 (note 6)
Giordano, Luca, 16, 77, 108; Plate 185
Giorgione, 9, 12-13, 15-16, 71 (note 1), 82;
Plate 20
Giotto, 9, 13, 38, 45 (note 5), 47 (and note
10), 48, 49, 50, 51, 53, 55 (note 56), 56, 57,
58, 66, 74, 93, 94, 97, 105; Plates 118, 128,
Girodet, Anne-Louis, 18, 19 (note 39), 76
Giulio Romano, 9, 15 (note 23), 40
Giustiniani, Prince Vincenzo, 34, 92
Godoy, Manuel, 36
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang, 12, 24, 42, no,
112 (note 85)
Goethe, Ottilie von, 106 (note 63)
Goncourt brothers, 76, 77, 80, 83-4, 87 (note
88), 114
Goya, Francesco, 15, 22, 46 (note 7), 77, 78
(note 36), 79, 84, 99, 101; Plates 188, 199, 227
Gozlan, Léon, 64 (note 100)
Gozzoli, Benozzo, 52, 56, 75 (note 24)
Graham, Mrs, see Callcott, Maria Lady
Granet, François-Marius, 39 (note 77), 40
(note 79)
Gravelot, Hubert-François, 14
Greathead, Bertie, 82 (note 60)
Greco, El, 7, 15, 37, 77-8 (notes 36, 37), 79
(and note 44), 84, 85 (note 75), 101 (and note
39), 102, 112 (and note 89), 113 (and note
93); Plates 186, 187, 201, 202, 228, 229, 250,
Green, Joseph Henry, 42 (note 87)
Grétry, André-Ernest-Modeste, 19
Greuze, Jean-Baptiste, 19 (note 33), 63 (note
96), 64, 74, 76, 91, 102
Grey, Earl de, 51 (note 38)
Guardi Francesco, 60, 62
Guercino, 10, 32 (and note 42), 35 (note 57);
Plate 69
Guérin, Pierre, 19 (note 39)
Guido da Siena, 38, 58; Plates 94, 95
Hall, S. C., 106
Hallé, Noël, 58
Hals, Frans, 15, 17, 77, 84, 89 (and note 94),
90 (and note 97), 105 (note 57); Plates 184,
Hamilton, Sir William, 58 (note 69)
Havard, Henry, 89 (note 94)
Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 98 (note 18), 99, 109
(note 69)
Haydon, Benjamin Robert, 46
Hazlitt, William, 25-6, 30, 33 (note 48)
Heist, Bartholomeus van der, 9
Hertford, 4th Marquess of, 73 (note 14), 83
(note 65), 102 (and note 41)
Hesse, Elector of, 35 (note 56)
Hibbert, George, 26 (note 9)
Hilton, William, 46, 50
Hobbema, Meindert, 7, 17, 85
Hogarth, William, 52, 96 (note 3)
Holbein, Hans, 10, 20, 81 (note 58); Plate 34
Holford, R. S., 71 (note 1), 83
Holland, Lord, 71-2 (note 1)
Honthorst, Gerrit van, 34; Plate 79
Hoogh, Peter de, 84-5
Hope family, 28
Hope, Thomas, 69
Home, Herbert, 114 (note 96)
Houghton, Lord, see Milnes, Richard
Houssaye, Arsène, 60, 106
Huard, Etienne, 10 (note 9), 90 (note 99)
Hugo, Victor, 60 (note 79), 77
Hume, Sir Abraham, 28; Plate 58
Hunt, William Holman, 51, 53
Huysmans, Joris Karl, 114
Imola, 'Francesco da', 4, 116
Imola, Innocenzo da, 4 (note 6)
Ingres, Jean Auguste Dominique, 9, 12, 32,
33, 40 (note 79), 45 (and note 5), 57, 60, 76,
77 (note 31), 83, 86; Plates 3, 113, 195
Irvine, James, 27, 30 (note 33)
James, Henry, 7-8
Jameson, Mrs, 106
Janin, Jules, 60
Jones, Inigo, 10
Josephine, Empress, 34-5 (note 56)
Erfurt - Miscellaneen artistischen Inhalts,
105 (note 58)
London - Art-Journal (Art-Union until
1848), 9 (notes i and 3), 10 (note 7), 11
(notes II and 12), 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 65, 73,
75, 78, 80, 81, 97 (notes 9 and 13), 106, 115
London - Annals of the Fine Arts, 106
London - Penny Magazine, 106 (note 63)
Paris - L'Artiste, 106
Paris - Gazette des Beaux-Arts, 14, 46
(note 7), 87, 103, 105, 106
Paris - Journal des Artistes, 61
Jouvenet, Jean, 59
Junot, General, 32 (note 42)
Kauffmann, Angelica, Plate 56
Keats, John, 70
Keyser, Nicaise de, 10 ; Plate 4
Klenze, Leo von, 92 (note m)
Knight, Richard Payne, 28
La Béraudière, Count Jacques-Victor de, 74
(note 16)
Labouchère, Henry, 79 (note 44)
La Caze, Louis, 76-7, 102, 103; Plate 179
Laderchi, 30 (note 35)
Laen, Dirk Jan van der, Plate 214
Lafontaine, 26
Lafosse, 58
Lagrange, General, 34-5 (note 56)
Lagrange, Léon, 46 (note 7)
Lagrenée, Louis-Jean-François, 58
Lairesse, Gerard de, 87
Lamb, Charles, 42
Lamennais, Félicité Robert de, 112
Lami, Eugène, 61
Lancret, Nicolas, 40, 60 (note 82), 63, 75, 76,
Landon, Charles-Paul, 59
Landor, Walter Savage, 42
Landseer, Sir Edwin, 52
Laneuville, 83 (note 65)
Lanfranco, Giovanni, Plate 161
Lansdowne, 3rd Marquess, 71 (note 1)
Lanzi, Luigi, 38, 90-1
Laperlier, Laurent, 102
Lasinio, Carolo, 49 (note 22); Plates 117, 118
La Tour, Georges de, 40, 75, 90 (note 98);
Plates 97, 99, 177
'Laurati, Pierre', Plate 100
Index 245
Lawrence, Sir Thomas, 26 (note 10), 29 (note
30), 37, 42, 73, 82 (note 60); Plates 164, 165
Layard, Sir Henry, 83, 105
Le Breton, Joachim, 45 (notes 3, 4); Plate 114
Le Brun, Charles, 59, 101
Le Brun, Jean-Baptiste-Pierre, 18-23, 26
(notes 10, 11), 28, 35 (note 56), 60, 72, 89
(note 93), 92; Plates 29, 30, 38, 39, 40, 42, 47
Lecarpentier, C., 111 (note 82)
Lechi, Teodoro, 30; Plate 63
Lemoine, 57, 60, 64
Lemot, François, 39 (note 76)
Le Nain, Louis, 7, 20, 63, 64, 75, 102, 115;
Plates 36, 154
Le Nain, Matthieu, 64, 82; Plate 192
Lenoir, Alexandre, 57-8
Leonardo da Vinci, 10, 13, 32, 52, 82, 92, 109,
no, 113 (note 93); Plates 237, 238
Leroi, Paul, 62
Le Sueur, Eustache, 6, 10, 13, 59
Lethière, Guillaume Guillon, 19 (note 39), 34
Leuchtenberg, Duc de, see Beauharnais,
Eugène de
Lindsay, Anne, 71 (note 1), 76 (note 25)
Lindsay, Coutts, 75
Lindsay, Lord, 57 (note 62), 71 (note 1), 75,
76 (note 25), 87
Linnell, John, 3, 42
Lippi, Filippo, 14, 17 (note 26), 52
Lippi, Filippino, 14
Lochner, Stefan, Plate 108
Loo, Carle van, 61 ; Plate 148
Loo, van, family, 57
Lorenzetti, Ambrogio, 48
Lorrain, Jean, 113 (note 93)
Lotto, Lorenzo, 34; Plates 75, 81
Louis xrv, King of France, 20, 21
Louis xrv and xv, style, 51 (note 38)
Louis xvi, King of France, 24, 110
Louis-Philippe, King of the French, 25, 62,
63, 77, 78, 79 (and notes 44, 45), 83, 99-100
(and notes 28, 29)
Luini, Bernardino, 5, 16, 52, 55-6; Plate 139
Maderno, Carlo, 67 (note 119)
Malaspina, Marianna Cybo, 31 (note 39)
Malcolm, John, 85 (note 75)
Manet, Edouard, 46 (note 7), 64 (note 104),
89, 90 (and note 96), 102 (note 40), 103 (note
44) ; Plate 213
Manfrin collection, 15-16 (note 25), 80 (note
Mantegna, Andrea, 10, 24 (and note 3), 46
(note 7), 82, 94, 95 (note 120), 98; Plates 48,
Mantz, Paul, 64 (note 99), 87 (note 88), 101
(note 33)
Maratta, Carlo, 16
Marcille, Camille and Eudoxe, 102, 103
Marcille, François, 76, 102 (note 42)
Marco di Siena, 58
Martinet, Louis, 102 (note 40)
Martini, Simone, 30 (note 32); Plate 159
Masaccio, 9, 13, 23, 49, 50 (note 30), 94
Masolino da Panicale, 55 (note 56)
Massys, Quentin, 94
Master of Saint Giles, Plate 176
Maurier, George du, 113; Plate 243
Mazzolino, Lodovico, 15-16
Meegeren, Han van, 90 (note 98)
Meier-Graefe, Julius, 112 (note 89)
Memling, Hans, 5, 24 (and note 3), 41 (and
note 82), 42, 43 (and note 91), 44 (note 100),
48, 94, 98; Plates 49, 103, 107
Menageot, François-Guillaume, 19 (note 39)
Metsu, Gabriel, 21, 23, 64, 87 (note 87);
Plate 41
Meusel, Johann Georg, 105 (note 58)
Meynier, Charles, 19 (notes 34, 39)
Michel, Georges, 19; Plate 32
Michelangelo, 9, 13, 15 (note 23), 32, 49, 50,
53 (note 46), 55, 61, 65 (note 104), 69, 82, 85
(note 75), 92, 104, 108; Plate 82
Michelet, Jules, 58, 63, 64
Mieris, Willem van, 17, 72 (note 5); Plate 26
Millais, John Everett, 51, 53 (note 50)
Millet, Jean François, 87-8, 90, 102; Plate 208
Milnes, Richard Monckton, 54-5, 80 (note
Miollis, General, 40 (note 79)
Monnier, Henry, 61
Monroe, James, 28
Montabert, Paillot de, 40 (note 80)
Montalembert, Charles-Forbes-René, Comte
de, 65
Moore, Morris, 94-5 (note 120)
Moore, Thomas, 82 (note 60)
More, Jacob, 29 (note 30)
Moreau, General, 32 (note 42)
Moreau, Gustave, 46 (note 7)
Morelli, Giovanni, 85, 114 (note 97)
Morgan, Lady, 67 (note 118), 82 (note 60)
Morghen, Raphel, 104 (note 52), no; Plate
Moray, Comte de, 102-3
Moroni, Giovanni Battista, 41
Mura, Francesco de, 40 (note 79)
Murat, Joachim, 36
Murillo, Bartolome Esteban, 9, 17, 22, 36,
37, 40, 41 (note 82), 47, 71 (note 1), 78, 79,
84, 99, 100, 107; Plates 90, 93, 174, 221
Murray's Guides, 16 (note 25), 107, 108
Murray, John, 48, 108
Museums and Galleries
Berlin, 48, 92-3; Plates 215-16
London (British Museum), 54; Plates 134-5
London (National Gallery), 28, 52, 53, 55,
56, 68, 75, 78, 80 (note 55), 81, 93-5
New York (Metropolitan), 115-16
Paris (Musée between 1793 and 1815), 20,
24, 26, 31, 32, 33. 34 (note 56), 35. 36. 43.
44. 57. 59
Paris (Louvre after 1815), 51, 93
Paris (Galerie Espagnole), 77 (note 36), 79
(note 44), 99-101
Paris (Musée des Monuments Français), 58
Paris (Musée des Copies), 104-5
Napier, Robert, 85 (note 75)
Napoleon, 18, 19, 20, 21 (note 46), 24 (note
3). 26, 33, 35 (note 57), 36, 39, 43. 58, 81-2
Nazarenes, 10 (note 5), 45, 56, 74
Nerio, Ugolino de, Plate 162
Nerval, Gérard de, 60 (and note 79)
Newman, Cardinal, 68 (and note 126)
Nieuwerkerke, Comte de, 73 (note 14)
Nineveh sculptures, 54
Northcote, James, 72 (note 5)
Northumberland, ist Duke of, 104 (note 48)
Northumberland, 4th Duke of, 16 (note 25),
30 (note 33), 71 (note 1), 73 (note 14)
Opie, John, 72 (note 5), 82 (note 60)
Orcagna, Andrea, 4, 7, 10, 15-16, 49, 53, 56,
57, 61, 65, 91
Orleans, Due d', 19, 25
Ostade, Adriaen van, 47, 57, 98
Ottley, William Young, 29, 47 (note 10), 50
(note 30), 55; Plate 50
Overbeck, Friedrich, 10 (note 5), 12, 69
(note 132); Plate 8
Overstone, Lord, 78 (note 40)
Page Turner, Sir Gregory, 26 (note 9)
Paillet, Alexandre-J., 23 (note 56), 61 (note
Palgrave, Sir Francis, 108
Palmerston, Viscount, 12
Parmigianino, 29 (note 26)
Passavant, Johann David, 42 (note 87), 51, 91
Patch, Thomas, 29
Pater, Jean-Baptiste-Joseph, 60 (and note 82),
75. 103
Pater, Walter, 112, 114, 115
Peel, Sir Robert, 3
Pembroke, Lord, 103
Pereire, Emile, 83-6 (and notes 66, 70, 71),
103; Plate 194
Pereire, Henri, 84 (and note 70)
Pereire, Isaac, 83-6 (and notes 66, 70, 71), 103
Perrault, Charles, 13 (note 18)
Peragino, Pietro, 9, 12-13, 14. 24 (note 3),
56, 57, 61, 69, 95 (note 120), 116; Plate 21
Peters, Rev. Matthew William, 72 (note 5)
Petit, François, 102 (note 40)
Phidias, 9, 12
Philip, J. B., 13 (note 18)
Phillips, Thomas, 46, 47 (note 10); Plate 116
Piccini, Nicolas, 19
Piero della Francesca, 4, 7, 15, 55 (note 56),
69 (note 134), 75, 76 (note 25), 96, 104;
Plate 178
Piles, Roger de, 16-17, 18
Pinturicchio, 56, 66, 94
Pisanello, Plate 65
Pitt, William, 72
Poelenburg, Cornelis van, 87
Potter, Paul, 9, 112; Plate 249
Pourtalès-Gorgier, Comte Alexandre de, 82
(note 63), 83
Poussin, Gaspard, 9
Poussin, Nicolas, 6, 9, 11, 16, 29 (note 26),
32, 34, 40 (note 79), 56, 59, 64, 82, 83 (note
65), 97; Plates 9, 77
Pre-Raphaelites, 46, 49 (and note 22), 51, 53,
54, 55 (note 56), 56, 79, 97, 105
Proudhon, Pierre-Joseph, 64 (note 104)
Proust, Marcel, 89
Prud'hon, Pierre-Paul, 19 (note 39), 63, 64,
76, 102; Plates 157, 231
Pugin, Augustus Welby, 68
Pusey, Edward Bouverie, 65 (note 109), 68,
69 (note 134)
Quatremère de Quincy, 4, 6, 39 (note 76)
Quilliet, Frédéric, 22 (note 49)
Quinet, Edgar, 65 (note 104)
Raguenet, François, 109 (note 71)
Raimondi, Marcantonio, 10
Raphael, 4. 6, 9. ". 13. 14. 15 (note 23), 16,
24, 25, 27-8, 30, 31, 32, 33. 34. 36, 37. 40
(and notes 79, 80), 41. 44. 49. 5ri 52, 53. 55.
56 (note 59), 61, 62, 65 (note 104), 66, 69, 71
(note 1), 72, 74, 82, 85 (note 75), 92, 93, 94,
95 (and note 120), 104 (and note 52), 107;
Plates 19, 64, 68, 72, 74, 83, 84, 87, 169
Reboul, Commissaire, 32 (note 44)
Récamier, Mme, 40 (note 79)
Regnault, Jean-Baptiste, Baron, 19 (note 39)
Regnault, Henri Alexandre Georges, 116
Reiset, Frédéric, 77, 103 (note 43)
Rembrandt, 7, 9, 11, 13. 15 (note 23). 18
(and note 30), 26, 57. 71 (note ')> 76. 77 (and
note 32), 80, 82, 84, 86, 87, 88, 89 (note 94),
90 (note 96), 99, 101, ni ; Plates 10, 54, 167,
182, 211, 212
Renan, Ernest, 110
Reni, Guido, 6, 10, 14, 23, 25, 28, 29, 32, 35
(note 57), 40 (note 79), 71 (note 1), 73, 109;
Plates 170, 236
Restout, Jean, Plate 142
Reynolds, Sir Joshua, 29 (and note 30), 49,
85 (note 75), 96 (note 3), 99
Ribera, José de, 20, 46 (note 7), 76, 100, 102;
Plates 35, 183, 224
246 Index
Ribot, Théodule, 46 (note 7)
Richmond, George, Plate 166
Rio, Alexis-François, 53 (note 46), 65 (and
note 109), 74, 75 (note 24), 87, 107, in
Ris, Clément de, 63 (note 95)
Robert, Hubert, 19, 60 (note 80), 91
Roberti, Ercole, 30 (note 32)
Robinson, Crabb, 42 (and note 87)
Robinson, Sir John Charles, 85
Rochefort, Henri, 77 (note 32)
Rodin, Auguste, 50 (note 31)
Rodrigues, Olinde, 83
Roehn, Charles, 60 (note 82)
Rogers, Samuel, 42, 71 (note 1)
Rogier, Camille, 60; Plate 145
Romney, George, 29, 49
Roqueplan, Camille, 61, 115
Rosa, Salvator, 10, 71 (note 1)
Roscoe, "William, 30 (note 32)
Rosenthal, Léon, 3 (note 2), 114 (note 96)
Rossetti, Dante Gabriel, 51, 53, 55 (note 56),
79. 93 (note 113), 105; Plate 132
Rossetti, "William Michael, 79 (note 48)
Rothschild family, 62 (note 92), 83, 103
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, ni (note 78)
Rousseau, Théodore, 63 (and note 95), 86,
87-8; Plate 153
Rubens, Peter Paul, 4, 6, 9, 13, 15 (note 23),
16, 17 (and note 26), 27-8, 29 (note 27), 36,
37, 51, 64, 76, 77, 85 (note 75), 86, 99, 101;
Plate 23
Ruisdael, Jacob van, 9, 110-11; Plate 239
Rumohr, Cari Friedrich von, 91, 92
Ruskin, Effie, 71 (note 1), 81 (note 56)
Ruskin, John, 4, 5, 14, 50, 36, 65-6 (note
110), 69, 73, 80-1, 87, 93 (note 113), 95, 96,
104, 106, 107, 108, 110, 115
Russell, Rev. John Fuller, 68
Rutland, Duke of, 29 (note 30)
Saenredam, Pieter Jansz, 21; Plates 37, 38
Saint, Daniel, 60; Plate 144
Saint-Evre, Gillot, 61
Saint-Simon, Claude-Henri Conte de, 83,
Sampieri collection, 35 (note 57)
Sanford, Rev. John, 97 (note 7)
Sano di Pietro, 98 ; Plate 98
Santerre, Jean-Baptiste, 57
Sassoferrato (Giovanni Battista Salvi), 14, 31,
65 (note 109)
Scharf, George, 98
Scheffer, Ary, 61, 84, 115; Plate 197
Schinkel, Karl Friedrich, 13 (note 18), 92, 93;
Plates 215, 216
Schlegel, Friedrich, 24, 33 (note 47), 42
Scott, George Gilbert, 11
Scott, William Bell, 79 (note 49)
Sebastiani, Marshal, 34 (note 52)
Sebastiano del Piombo, 10, 48, 82; Plates
122, 171, 193
Seghers, Gerard, 40
Selvatico, Pietro, 74
Seroux d'Agincourt, J. B. L. G., 32 (note
42). 37-9. 40 (and note 79), 43, 45; Plates 95,
Seurat, Georges, 104
Seymour, Rev. Michael Hobart, 66-7
Shee, Martin Archer, 6 (note 10), 49 (note
25), 109 (note 71)
Shelley, Frances Lady, 44
Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 67 (note 119)
Sigalon, Xavier, 61
Signorelli, Luca, 56
Smith, John, 87 (note 87), 90 (note 97)
Soane, Sir John, 13 (note 18)
London (Arundel Society), 105
London (Burlington Fine Arts Club), 73,
79 (note 49), 85 (note 75)
Paris (Société Républicaine des Arts), 59
Sodoma (Giovanni Antonio Bazzi), 69
Solimena, Francesco, 16
Solly, Edward, 41-2, 82, 92, 93-4
Soult, Marshal, 36-7, 100; Plate 93
Souza, Mme de, 23 (note 59), 31 35 (note 57)
Staël, Mme de, 4
Stafford, Marquess of, 29 (note 30); Plate 50
Standish, Frank Hall, 100 (note 28)
Starke, Mariana, 107-8
Steen, Jan, 72 (note 5), 73, 87; Plate 173
Stendhal, 4, 61, 104 (note 52), no
Stewart, Mr, 27 (note 12)
Stirling, Captain, 56 (note 59)
Stirling-Maxwell, Sir William, 78-9, 86
(note 81), 101
Story, William Wetmore, 7, 93 (note 113)
Stothard, Thomas, 42, 50, 51, 53; Plates 130,
Superville, Humbert de, 50 (note 30)
Swinburne, Algernon Charles, 79 (note 48),
112 (note 88)
Symonds, John Addington, 70, 94, 114, 115
(note 102)
Taillasson, Jean-Joseph, 111; Plate 240
Taine, Hippolyte, 75
Talleyrand, Charles-Maurice, 23, 34-5 (note
Taylor, Baron Isidore, 63 (note 95), 77-8, 79
(notes 36, 37), 79, 99,100,102 (note 40);
Plates 186, 187
Teniers, David, 14, 17, 47, 64, 97
Tennyson, Alfred, Lord, 66
Terborch, Gerard, 9, 23, 87, 103 (note 43)
Thiénon, Ch., Plate 96
Thiers, Adolphe, 104
Thoré, Théophile, 6, 23 (note 56), 59, 63
(note 94), 64, 83 (note 70), 84, 85-8, 87-90,
98, 99, 101, 102 (note 40), 103 (and notes 44,
46), 105, 115; Plates 206, 208, 209
Tieck, Johann Ludwig, 24, 42 (note 87)
Tiepolo, Giovanni Battista, 16, 40 (note 79),
43 (note 91), 60, 62, 74, 80, 81, 91, 115;
Plate 189
Tiepolo, Giovanni Domenico, 43 (and note
Tintoretto, 10, 13, 48, 85 (note 75), 101, 115
Titian, 4, 6, 9, 15 (note 23), 16, 18, 25, 27-8,
30, 32, 34, 36, 37, 40, 41 (and note 82), 47,
52, 71 (note 1), 8s (note 7s), 92, 107; Plates
22, S°. 57. 59. 60, 62, 85, 88, 105
Tolozan, Claude, 61 (note 88)
Tresham, Henry, 29 (note 30)
Trevisani, Francesco, 40 (note 79)
Tura, Cosimo, 30 (note 35)
Turner, J. M. W., 57
Uccello, Paolo, 55 (note 56); Plate 101
Uwins, Thomas, 46
Uzielli, Matthew, 5 (note 75)
Valdes, Leal, 100
Vasari, Giorgio, 38, S4, 109 (note 70), 112
(note 88)
Velazquez, Diego, 9, 22, 34, 36 (note 62), 37,
47, 71 (note 1), 77, 78, 84, 85 (note 75), 86
(note 81), 100; Plate 73
Venus de' Medici, 4, 31, 75
Vermeer, Jan, 4, 7, 15, 18, 21, 22-3, 84, 85
(note 74), 86, 87, 88-9, 90, 105; Plates 39,
40, 46, 47, 204, 205, 207, 210, 235
Vernet, Carle, 19 (note 39)
Vernet, Horace, 45 (note 5)
Vernet, Joseph, 11, 57, 64
Vernet, Jules, 19, 60 (note 80)
Vernon, Robert, 52
Veronese, Paolo, 9, 31, 85 (note 75), 101
Verrocchio, Andrea del, Plate 137
Verstolk, Baron, 73
Viardot, Louis, 60
Victoria, Queen, 11, 75 (note 19)
Vien, Comte Joseph-Marie, 61
Vigée, Elizabeth (Vigée le Brun), 18, 19
Vincent, François-André, 19 (note 39)
Viollet-le-Duc, Eugène, 6
Vitet, Louis, 87 (note 83)
Vivant-Denon, Dominique, 20, 31, 34-5
(note 56), 39 (note 74), 43-4, 76, 94
Voltaire, 38
Vouet, Simon, 64
Vrancx, Sebastian, 22 (note 53); Plate 43
Waagen, Gustav, 42 (note 87), 48, 51 (note
38), 71 (note 1), 87 (note 88), 91 (note 102),
93. 94, 98
Wackenroder, W. H., 112
Walferdin, Henri, 63, 103
Wallace, Sir Richard, 73 (note 14)
Wallis, George Augustus, 37
Walpole, Horace, 14
Walton, Henry, 29 (note 30)
Ward, Lord (from i860 ist Earl of Dudley),
73 (note 14), 83 (note 65), 97
Ward, James, 42
Watteau, Antoine, 4, 15, 18, 43 (and note 91)
51, 57, 59. 60, 61, 62-3 (and notes 92, 96), 64,
73, 75, 76, 77, 82, 102, 103 (and note 43), ill ;
Plates 24, 25, in, 147, 175
Wemyss, 7th Earl of, 28
Werff, Adriaen van der, 87
West, Benjamin, 29
Westmacott, Sir Richard, 54-51 Plate 134
Weyden, Rogier van der, 22, 41, 96; Plates
42, 102
Wicar, Jean-Baptiste, 32, 35-6, 39 (note 77),
40 (note 79), 43
Wilkie, Sir David, 46, 47, 50, S3, 57; Plates
116, 119-21
Wilson, Richard, 96 (note 3)
Winckelmann, Johann Joachim, 45, 49 (note
24), 109 (note 71)
Wingfield, J. D., Plate 93
Wiseman, Nicholas, Cardinal, 67
Wonder, P. C., Plate 58
Woodburn, Samuel, 53
Wordsworth, William, 42
Worsley, Sir Richard, 29 (note 30)
Wouwermans, Philip, 73, 85, 97
Wren, Sir Christopher, 10
Wyatt, James, 3 (note 1)
Zoffany, Johann, 96 (note 3)
Zuccarelli, Francesco, 93
Zucchero, Taddeo and Federico, 14
Zuloaga, Ignacio, Plate 251
Zurbarân, Francisco, 10 (note 9), 36, 37, 78
(note 36), 79 (and note 44), 80, loo (and note
29), 102; Plates 92, 22s, 226