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Volltext:INDEX Locations of works of art are indicated by italics. Acconci, Vito, 221 Aeneid, 46 Angiviller, Comte d', 48, 152 Antin, Eleanor, 121, 126-7, I2^ Antiorio, Patrick, 165 Apollinaire, Guillaume, 191 Aubry, Etienne, 13-4, 37; Farewell to the Nurse, 14 Barthes, Roland, 224 Bates, Clarence, with installation of FBI art, 223 Battcock, Gregory, 212-3 Baudouin, P.-A., 10 Bazin, Anaïs de Raucou, 65, 77П20, П23 Baziotes, William, 192 Beauvoir, Simone de, 44-S, H7 П9П2 Benamou, Michel, 213 Béranger, Pierre Jean de, 74-5 Bernardin de Saint-Pierre, 11-12 Bernstein, Cheryl: life and times of, 211-15; writings of, 216-25 Berry, Duc de, assassination of, 66-7 Berthéllemy, Jean-Simon, 28 Blake, William, 30-1, 52, 146; Aged Ignorance, 31 Boilly, Louis-Leopold, 10, 46—7, 143; The Favored Lover, 11; The Jealous Old Man, 47 Bourgeois, Louise, 124 Brandes, Georges, 60, 76П3 Braque, Georges, 87 Brenet, Nicolas-Guy, 28 Burden, Chris, 220, 221 Carmontelle, Louis de, 37 Carr, Cindy, 214 Cézanne, Paul, 122, 189 Champaigne, Philippe de, 70, 77П19 Chardin, Jean-Baptiste, 3-4; Saying Grace, 5 Charpentier, Constance, 145 Chateaubriand, François René, Vicomte de, 61, 63, 72, 74 Cherubini, Luigi Carlo, 57, 75 Cockcroft, Eva, 177-8 Constant, Benjamin, 73 Courbet, Gustave, 112, 157 criticism, role of, in the art world, 169-88 Crow, Thomas, 214 Cummings, Frederick, 143, 152 Darnton, Robert, 48 Daughter of Niobe, 115 David, Jacques-Louis, 22, 25П23, 40, 42-3, 49-52, 143-6, 155-6; Belisarius, 43; The Lictors Returning the Bodies of His Sons to Brutus, 30; Oath of the Horatii, 49 Debucourt, Louis-P., 14 Delacroix, Eugène, 72, 73, 76m, 109-11, 147, 156, 157-8; Woman in White Stockings, 110 Delaunay, Robert, 191 Delaunay, Sonia, 92 Derain, André, 94, 104, 121, 123, 125; Woman in Chemise, 103 Detroit Institute of Art, 143 Devéria, Eugène, 73 Diderot, Denis, 3-7, 20-1, 35-6 227 INDEX D i s t r i c t 1199 of the National Union of Hospital and Health Care Employees, 161, 164 Doll, Catherine, 163-4 Doyen, Gabriel-François, 28 Drouais, François-Hubert, 15-16; Croup Portrait, 15 Drouais, Jean-Germain, 144 Duchamp, Marcel, 191, 220 Duncan, Andrew, 211-15 Durameau, Louis-Jacques, 148 Edelman, Bernard, 165, 166 Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), as an agency for art, 222- 3; "Wanted" poster, exhibition of, 223 Flack, Audrey, 121, 128 Foner, Мое, i6i Fragonard, A.-E., 53П3, 153-4 Fragonard, Jean-Honoré, 5-6, 15, 21-2, 2305; The Return Home, 6; Mother's Kisses, 20 Freud, Sigmund, 52, 99-100 Freudeberg, 21 Friesz, Othon, 87, 94 Gamier, Etienne-Barthélemy, 53ПЗ, 146 Gauguin, Paul, 83, 94, 95, 112 Geldzahler, Henry, 161 Gérard, François, 145 Gerard, Marguerite, 21 Girodet-Trioson, Anne-Louis, 55П35, 145 Golub, Leon, 177 Gorgons, images of, 195-200, 206П4 Greer, Germaine, 112 Greuze, Jean-Baptist, 3-7, 14, 21, 23П3, 28, 32-7, 41, 150; The Beloved Mother, 4; The Father's Curse, 34; The Son Punished, 33; The Village Engagement, 33 Grossman, Nancy, 121, 126, 128 Guérain, Pierre-Narcisse, 145 Guthrie, Woody, 163 Haacke, Hans, 177 Harriet, Fulchran-Jean, 28-9, 146 Hartigan, Grace, 121, 126, 128 Hearst, Patty, as a performance artist, 213, 219-25 Heckel, Erich, 87-8, 94; Crystal Day, 88 Heidegger, Martin, 216 Heinecken, Robert, 199-200, 202, 204; Invitation to Metamorphosis, 199 Helvétius, Claude, 17 Hepworth, Barbara, 121, 122, 123, 128 Herron, Hank, 211-28 Hess, Eva, 121, 122, 126 Hess, Thomas, 198 Hodler, Ferdinand, 95 holy families, in relation to eighteenth-century images of happy families, 6, 23П6 Howe, Irving, 161 Huebler, Douglas, 222 Hugo, Victor, 63, 72 Images of Labor (exhibition catalogue), 161-4 Ingres, Jean-Auguste-Dominique, 57-78, 111-12, 143, Hi. 154, 157; The Vow of Louis XIII, 39 Kandinsky, Wassily, 113, 191 Kaprow, Allan, 220-1 Katzen, Lila, 121, 123 Kesselgrave, James, 166 Kirchner, Ernst Ludvig, 84-6, 88, 94, 98, 103, 105, 107, 114, 191; Girl Under a Japanese Umbrella, 83; Self-Portrait with Model, too; Tower Room, Self-Portrait with Erna, 89 Klimt, Gustav, 95 Kooning, Willem de, 97, 115-16, 191, 194-200, 202, 204-6; The Visit, 116; Woman I, 194, 196; Woman II, 193 Kosuth, Joseph, 222 Kozloff, Max, 87 Krasner, Lee, 121, 123, 128 Kunes, Bob, 166 Lamartine, Alphonse de, 62, 63, 67 Lawrence, D. H., 100 LeBrun, J.-B.-P., 23П6, 38 Leclair, Anne, 148 228 Léger, Fernand, 191, 192-3 Leider, Philip, 218 LeNain, Antoine, 8-9; Portraits in an Interior, g Le Prince, Jean-Baptist, 46 Levin, Kim, 214 Louis, Morris, 123 Maistre, Joseph de, 60, 62, 63 Manet, Edouard, 93 Manguin, Henri-Charles, 87, 88 Marisol (Escobar), 121, 126, 128 Marmontel, J.-F., 41, 54П26 Martin, John, 166 Masson, André, 117 Matisse, Henri, 89-90, 96, 98-9, 112, 113, 118; Carmelina, gi; Red Studio, gg Medusa, images of, see Gorgons Mellon, Stanley, 62, 72 Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, 143 Michaelangelo, 115, 122 Michelet, Jules, 118 Miller, Henry, 113 Miller, Joyce, 161 Mirabeau, Honoré-Gabriel Riqueti, comte de, 31 Miró, Joan, 97, 116, 191; Woman's Head, 117 Modersohn-Becker, Paula, 92-3, 94; Self-Portrait, 92 Modigliani, Amedeo, 103 Mondale, Joan, 161 Mondrian, Piet, 191 Moreau, Gustave, 83, 115 Moreau le jeune, 6, 16-7; The Delights of Motherhood, 7 Mueller, Otto, 94 Munch, Edvard, 83, 86—7, 95, 112, 114-15; Madonna, 114; Salomé, 84 Murphy, Robert, 164 Museum of Modern Art, New York, 177-8, 187-207 Napoleon, 147, 154-6, 159-6ОШ4 Neel, Alice, 121, 124, 126, 128, 132 Nemser, Cindy, 121—32 Nevelson, Louise, 121, 124 Nolde, Emile, 94 O'Keefe, Georgia, 124 Oldenberg, Claus, 177 Ortega y Gasset, José, 181 Ortner, Sherry, 93 Pascin, Jules, 87 Pechstein, Max, 94 Penthouse magazine, advertisement for, 202-5, 20J• 204 Perseus, myth of, see Gorgons Petit Palais, Paris, 143 Peyron, Jean-François-Pierre, 28, 29, 43-5, 146; Belisarius, 44 Picasso, Pablo, 87, 96-8, 99-100, 102, io8n8, 113, 115, 116, 189, 191, 192, 200-2; Demoiselles d'Avignon, д7; Study for "Demoiselles d'Avignon", 201 Plunkett, John, 167 Poggíoli, Renato, 108Ш4 Pohl, Francis, 178 Pollock, Jackson, 123 Pope-Hennessy, J., 771126 pornography, 202-6 Poussin, Nicolas, 38, 39 Powers, Hiram, 111-12; The Greek Slave, 111 Prud'hon, Pierre-Paul, 16, 22; The Happy Mother, 21; Venus, Hymen and Cupid, 16 Puy, Jean, 87 Regnault, Jean-Baptiste, 45-9, 143, 145-6, 151, The Deluge, 45 Renoir, Pierre-Auguste, 112 Reynolds, Joshua, 138 Rodin, Auguste, 112 Rosenberg, Pierre, 151 Rosenblum, Robert, 143, 153-7 Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 12-13, 14, 17-19, 26П33, 38 Rubens, Peter Paul, 23П3, n5 Rubin, James R., 28 Sabatier, André, 6 Saint-Aubin, Augustin de, 23, The Happy Mother, 22 Sartre, Jean-Paul, 212, 217 Schafrazi, Tony, 220 Schnapper, Antoine, 151 —3 Schwarzkogler, Rudolf, 220 Segal, George, 177 Severini, Gino, 191 INDEX Shahn, Ben, 178 Slater, Philip, 193 Smith, Mimi, 178 Sorel, Edward, 162 Stein, Gertrude, 90 Stella, Frank, 212, 216-18 Stendhal, 62, 71, 72, 77П34 Strandberg, Richard, 165, 166-8, 187; "PJ", 168 Suvée, Joseph-Benoit, 146 Symbionese Liberation Army, as an art group, 213, 219-25 Talleyrand-Périgord, Charles- Maurice de, 58 Terkel, Studs, 161 Toche, Jean, 220 Tomkins, Calvin, 214 Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri, 104 United Auto Workers, 163-4 Valadon, Suzanne, 92 Vallotton, Félix, 87 Van Dongon, Kees, 85-7, 103, 105, 107, 114; Reclining Nude, 86 Vietnam Experience, The (art exhibition), 165-8, 187-8 Vincent, François-André, 41-2, 143, 144, 146; Belisarius, 42 Virgil, 46 Vlaminck, Maurice, 88-9, 98, 104-5, ИЗ. 114; The Brothel, go; Dancer at the "Rat Mort", 105 Wallach, Alan, 178 Warhol, Andy, 177 Waterhouse, E. К., 138 Wayne, June, 131 Wille, Pierre-Alexandre, 28 Williams, George, 164 Williams, Marcellus, 164 Wittgenstein, Ludwig, 217 Wouters, Rik, 87 230
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