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Volltext:Index Adam, Paul, 9. 12, 34, 43. " 6, " 8, 60, A1. 73~75-85, 134. 36, i'0, '62, 163. 176, 204, 205, 272, 277, 283, 301, 327; art criticism, 81, in 5/, 75, 97, 193, 382; novels, 191, /92-93 Aesthetic Movement, to8, 193 Agucli, Ivan, 233-54, 262. 272- 279- 2,t®b 286 Ahmers, Denise, 287, 294 Ajalbcrt, Jean, 26, 134, 136, 161, 195. 207 Alazet Des Meules, Suzanne, 20, 330-34; photogr. of, 332 Alembert, Jean lx Rond d', 180 Alexander III, Czar, 250 Alexandre, Arsène, 98, 200, 271, 282 Alexis, Paul, 43, 46, 99, 162, 191, 206 Alis, Harry, 176 Allais, Alphonse, 204-05; phot opr. of, 1 7 5 Amfreville, Henri d', "Death Mask of Fćnćon" 369/'Ä- Anarchism: basic assumptions, 241-42, 324; and the Commune, 26, 28; and artists, 33, 88, 112, 122, 242, 259, 262-65, 268; and Marxism, 44-45, 241; and laws, 56, 96; and art criticism, 108, 116; and symbolist theater, 198, 263-65, 303; and symbolist writers, 201, 262-63; international move­ment, 241; trade-unionism, 294 Anarchist: agitation for workers' rights, xiv, 204, 245; bombs, X, 3-4, 243-76 passim; revolt against social injustice, x, 4, 56, 244; choice for freedom/respect for others, 6, 324, 365; moral/material development, 16; legis­lation against, 263, 265, 271, 285; and Dreyfus, 320-21 Anaximandcr, 44 André, Albert, 351 Andricux, Louis, 168 Anct, Claude, 301 Angrand, Charles, 39, 53, 92, 103, 115-116, 118, 120, 122, 128, 141, 162, 317, 359, 384;; "An Accident" 115, pi. 12; "Grande Jatte" //6; "Maximilicn Luce at Work" 117/4- Anquctil, Judge, 281, 283 Anquetin, Louis, 162, 200, 215, 216, 217, 2S9 Anticlericalism, 21, 23-24, 45, 178 Anti-Semitism. See Dreyfus, Alfred; Dreyfus Affair Antoine, André, 162, 194-98; portrait by Lautrec, 197/4. Antoine, Jules, 216 Apollinaire, Guillaume, 7, 128, 301, 302, 323, 349, 361, 3Ć8 fig. caption Aragon, Louis, 47 Argencc, Eugène d', 91 Arguelles, José, 146 Art moderne, L'(Brussels), 92, 98, 103, 148, 164, 167, 177, 195 Index 44 Art nouveau, 146, 343 Assiette au beurre, L', 350 Aurier, Albert, 208, 216, 217, 221, 223, 230, 236-37; theory of symbolist painting, 218-19 Austen, Jane, 284, 307 Bache, Gilde, 9, 167, 388 Bachrach, Susan, 55 Bakunin, Mikhail, 44, 212, 248 Baldeshwiler, Eileen M., 358 Balzac, Honoré, ion, 33, 181 Banville, Théodore de, 159 Barbavara, 58 Barbey d'Aurevilly, Jules, 16, 36 Barrés, Maurice, 46, 47, 66, 203, 283, 349 Barrucand, Victor, 162, 254, 267, 275, 301, 303. З05 Barthes, Roland, 368 Bastien-Lepage, Jules, 53 Bataille, Georges, 335 Baudelaire, Charles, 33, 34, 134, 165, 181, 334, 337; on the dandy, 16; art critic, 38, 40, 42, 53, 82, 95, 103 Bauer, Henry, 282 Beardsley, Aubrey, 170 Beckett, Samuel, 200 Beckford, William, 49 Belle Epoque, La. See Fin-de-siècle society Benda, Julien, 301 Berlioz, Hector, 8 Bernard (police inspector), 276, 279, 280 Bernard, Claude, 65 Bernard, Emile, 89, 131, 215—22 passim Bernard, Paul, 294 Bernard, Tristan, 268, 282, 301, 314, 316, 320; photogr. of, 175 Berne-Joffroy, André, 177, 373Я Bernheim brothers, Gaston and Josse, 358, 360 Bernheim-Jeune (family), 344, 346, 363-64 Bernheim-Jeune Galeries, 120, 210, 358-64 Bertillon, Alphonse, 155, 164 Besnard, Albert, 159, 162 Besnatd, Charlotte, 25 Besson, Georges, 360 Beyle, Henri, 13, 61. See also Stendhal Billy, André, 348 Bismarck, Prince Otto von, 25, 26, 179, 203 Blackwood, Belva: candidate for presidency of U.S.A., 377n Blanc, Louis, 270n Blanche, Jacques-Emile, 43, 162 Blanqui, Louis Auguste, 44 Bloy, Léon, 155, 179 Blum, Léon, 301, 314; literary critic at Revue blanche, 312; Popular Front, 28 Boborykin, Piotr, 46 Boch, Eugène, 259 Bodenhausen, de, 351 Boès, Karl, 349 Bonnard, Pierre, 148, 226, 230, 232, 234, 260, 300, 308—17 passim, 338, 340, 343, 358, 360; "France-Champagne" 227 fig. Bouillane de Lacoste, Henri de, 66, 67 Boulanger, Gen. Georges, 202—04, 211 Bourbon Restoration, 25 Bourget, Paul, 36, 157; on the "Terrible Year" i8jo—ji, 27-28; photogr. of, 174 Bracquemond, Marie, 77 Braque, Georges, 148 Brasserie Gambrinus, 57—58 Brée, Germaine, 355 Breslau, Louise, 25 Breton, André, 11, 47, 334 Brown, John Lewis, 8 Bruant, Aristide, 14—15, 374-75n, photogr. of, 175 Brummel, George, 16 Buffalmacco, 40 Buffalo Bill, real name William Cody, 5 Bulot, Prosecutor, 267, 284, 287, 288, 292 Bunau-Varilla, real name Varillat, 351 Burne-Jones, real name Sir Edward Jones, 301 Butor, Michel, 47 Cachin, Françoise, xiii, 144, 371 Café Volpini: "impressionist/synthetist" exhibi­tion, 215—16 Café Voltaire, 57 Cahen (witness in Fénéon's defense), 286 Caillebotte, Gustave, 77, 144, caption, pl. 8 Camus, Albert, 244, 369 Caraguel, Joseph, 43, 58, 65 Carnot, Pres. Sadi, 267, 271, 273, 285 Carrière, Eugène, 231—32; "Nativité" 233 fig- Caserío, Santo Jerónimo, 273, 274, 285, 286, 294 Casimir-Périer, Jean, 283, 285 Cassatt, Магу, 25, 235—36; "The Coiffure, 234 fig- Cazals, F.-A., "Francis Poictevin" 4%fii- Caze, Robert, 43; Communard, 26—27; host to painters, 27, 73; duel and death, 73~74 173. 176 Index 415 Cazin, Jean-Charles, 42 Céard, Henry, 43, 46, 48 Cézanne, Paul, 77, 91, 191, 201, 215, 220, 223, 224, 232, 359; "Still Life with Three Pears" 224 fig. Charcot, Jean Martin, 58, 183 Charpentier, Armand, 12, 57, 159, 176 Charpentier, Gustave, 268 Chat noir, Le, 120, 186; Fénéon art critic, 204— 05, 209 Chat Noir cabaret, 36, 46, 60, 187, 196 Chatel, Charles, 262, 272, 284, 286 Chauvinism, 45 Chekhov, Anton, 314 Chéret, Jules, 128, 131, 161, 261, 271 Chevreul, Eugène, 85 Chevrier, Georges, 43, 45, 46, 53 Cholin (editor of L'Endehors), 254 Christophe, Jules: art critic and deputy clerk at War Office, 32, 58, 131, 282; and Seurat, 90, 137, 139, 141, 142, 210; style, 180; art critic at L'Endehors, 247; anarchist sympa­thies, 268 Cladel, Léon: photogr. of, 59 Clark, T. J., 54 Claudel, Paul, 200, 301, 314 Clemenceau, Georges, 25, 26, 45, 202; on Emile Henry's execution, 283; letter to Fénéon, 321 Clément (police inspector), 279, 280, 282 Cloisonnisme, 215, 216 Clozet (art dealer), 139 Cocteau, Jean, 7 Cohen, Alexandre, 262, 263, 265n, 271, 272, 273, 280, 282, 286, 287, 289, 291, 302 Cohen, Kaya, 271, 276 Cohl, Emile, "Jean Moréas" 63 fig.', "Paul Ver­laine" 61 fig.-, photographs, 59 Colette, 168 Commune of Paris, 6, 22, 25—29, 27 fig., 31, 37, 74, 112, 251, 308 Communes of Limoges, Lyons, Narbonne, Mar­seilles, Saint-Etienne, Toulouse, 26 Compagnonnage, 287 Compard, Emile, xiv, 148, 343, 365; on F. F. as critic, 91; "The Motorists" 346 fig.\ "F. F. in 1926" 366 fig. Comte, Auguste, 44, 46 Condorcet, Marquis de, 44 Coolus, Romain, 301, 302, 316, 319; portrait by Lautrec, 307 fig. Coppée, François, 36 Corbière, Tristan, 212 Courbet, Gustave, 25, 26 Courte Echelle, La, 57 Courteline, G., 196 Cousturier, Edmond, 136, 243, 244, 301 Cousturier, Lucie (née Brû), 316, 334, 358; "Self-portrait" 335 fig. Crane, Walter, 28; "To the Memory of the Paris Commune" 27 fig. Cravache, La, 29, 164, 167, 168 Cravan, Arthur, 17 Cri du peuple, Le, 99 Cros, Henry, 162, 178 Cross, Henri-Edmond, 53, 92, 103, 116, 119— 120, 121, 122, 358, 359; letters to Fénéon, 120, 339—40; "Portrait of Mme Cross" "Rocky Shore near Antibes" 120 figs. Curnonsky, real name Maurice Ed. Sailland, 13 Dahomey, 271, 306 Darien, Georges, 245-47 Darwin, Charles, 44, 181, 183 Daudet, Alphonse, 36 Daudet, Léon, 349 Dayras, Judge, 286, 288, 289—91 Debussy, Claude, 14, 302, 322 Décaudin, Michel, 358 Degas, Edgar, 8, 42, 53, 58, 65, 75, 77-80, 86, 89, 91, 92, 98, 99, 123, 160, 178, 214, 233; series of Nudes, 77—80; wit, 83, 87, 159. 366; influence on Lautrec, 255-56; anti-Dreyfusard, 321; "Woman Bathing" 78 fig.-, "The Baker's Wife" So fig., "The Tub" pi. 4. Delacroix, Eugène, 53, 82, 141, 314, 316 Delarue-Mardrus, Lucie, 301 Delaunay, Robert, 120, 146 Déliquescences d'Adoré Eloupette (by Gabriel Vicaire and Henri Beauclair, 1885), 60 Demange, Edgar, 283, 292, 293, 294 Denis, Maurice, 220, 222, 223—26, 230, 236, 260, 300, 339, 358; "Sagesse" 224 fig.-, "Trinitarian Evening" 225 fig. Denise, Louis, 32 Derain, André, 120, 316, 350 Déroulède, Paul, 249 Descartes, René, 65 Descaves, Lucien, 247, 254, 272, 276 Deschamps, Léon, 249, 251 Desprez, Louis, 191, 192 Dethomas, Maxime, 310 Index 416 Diderot, Denis, 17, 38, 44, -(6-4Г. 82, 93. 17g, I8Q Didon, Fr. Henri, 60 Dodds, Colonel Alfred A., 249. -7 Dostoyevsky, Feodor Mikhailovich. 7, 9, 47, 66, 19c 34 Dove, Heinrich Wilhelm, 84 Drama, /94-200 Dreyfus Affair, 319-21, 396" Dreyfus, Alfred, 245, 283, 305, 321. Mv.'/w Dreyfus Affair Dreyfus, Robert, 301 Drumont, Edouard, 245 Du Boucher, André, 81 Dubois, Félix, 277 Dubois-PiUet, Albert, 53, 73~75 St, 86, 87, 89, 92, 95, 97, 99, 102, /03, 104, 109, 114, 122, 131, 205, 208, 315, 38,'и; "Sell-portrait" "The Steam Crane" 104 figs', "River's Edge in Winter" pi. 9 Ducasse, Isidore. See Lautréamont Duchesne, Gen. J. A., 306 Duels, 73-74, 173, 176, ЗСЗ-Ч Dufy, Raoul, 359 Dujardin, Edouard, 43, 55, 167, 168, 176, 204, 205, 21 y, 239, 263, 301, 321, 327; founds Revue indépendante (2d seríes) /53- 165; poems, 180-81; Lauriers soul coupés, 194; Antonia, 200; portrait by Vallotton, 160 fig. Dumas, Alexandre (Dumas fils), 14 Dupré, Jules, 39 Durand-Ruel, 42, ito, 139, 222, 315, 316 Duranty, Edmond, 42, 161, 365 Duret, Théodore, 42, 82 Economic crisis of /883-7887, 31, 56 Edson, Russel, 348 Edwards, Alfred (owner of Le Malin), 32 3 Eishi, 103 Eluard, Paul, 47 Emancipation sociale, L' (Narbonne), 98, 99 Endehors, L', 198, 245-47, 252-53, 254, 268, 282, 289 Engels, Friedrich, 44, 242 Entretiens politiques et littéraires, 165, 212, 24 3, 263 Epicurus, 44 Ernouf, Baron, 180 Estoppey, David, 86, 98, 154 Fabre des Essarts, Joseph, 32, 36, 168 Fagus, real name Georges Faillct, 301, 322 F.uuin-Litinir, Henri, 68 L'argue, Leon-Paul, 3J2; photogr. of, 312 Faure, Sebastien, 2.(6, 286, 288, 293 Fauvism, 122, 352 Fechncr, Gustav, 182 Female secondary education, 24 Leneon, Fanny (nee Goubaux, Stephanie, wife of F. F.): divorce, 12, 326; meets Fénéon, 29; marriage to Fénéon, 12, 326-27; char­acter and rapport with F. F., 325, 338, 342, 344. 346, 362; vital statistics, xiv-xv; photogr. of, 30. 528, 329, 356; portrait by Severino Kappa. 352. See also Fénéon, Félix, letters to Fanny Fenéon, Felix, pers,.vaI lije an.lcksractcr: birth, 21; childhood and education. 22-26; as Mephistophelcs, 8-9, 10 fig.. 170; and Baudelaire's dandy, 15-16; anarchist aesthete, 20t; anima, i 5; anticlerical and unreligious. 14, 23-24, 28, 45; arrival in Paris, 31, 3 3-34. art collection, 342-44, 360; birth of sons: Maurice-Henri Jacquin, 252, Gilbert Gardin. 350; commitment to proletarian interests, 369-70; Commune,•in­fluence of, 25-28. 308; Communist sym­pathizer, 28. 45, зсК; "contempt for contemporaries" 9, 364, 369; "disappearing act" ix, 16; discontinuities in life, ix-x; depicted in novels, 12, 338; disillusionment, 14-15, 122, 365-66; drasvings, 333 ftp-, 3 37 /'g'.. 35 3 fig. (see also self-portraits; let­ters to Fanny); employee at War Office, 31, 32, 55, discharged, 283; enigma, x, 5, 9, 11 —12, 364-65; eroticism, 12, 13, 30, 154-55. 38711, 3 31. 3.3,3- 34'. Foyot restau­rant bomb, x, 3-4, 5, 275-76, 373; justi­fication for propaganda by deed, 274-75; finances, 55, 162-63, 25!, 360; generosity, 13, 16, 360; identification with outcasts, 13; intense emotions, 13, 14; irony, 6, 9, 250, 305, 306-07, 348; letters to Fanny, 18-19, З.ЗО, 331 ftp., 344; manner of speech, 7, 22; marriage, t2, 326-27; mili­tary service, 29-31; misogyny, 12, 13, 24- 25, 163; opposing traits, x, 5-6, 1.3. 17. 335; portraits by: Scurat, 90ftp., van Rysselberghc, 121 /ig.. Signac, 143-47, '45 [tg., pi. 16. Vallotton, 16 o fig., 309 /'£•• Luce, 285 Jigs., 300 fig., 341 fig. у Toulouse- Lautrec, 304/ig., 310/ig., pi- 19, Vuillard, pi. 20, Rappa, 352 fig., Rouvcyrc, 365 /'g-. Compard, 366fig., d'Amfrcvillc, .369/'g ', photographs of: frontispiece, 10, 328, 329, Index 4 1 7 356, 367, 368; physical appearance, 7, 8, 16, 31; private person, x, xiv, 6, 1 1-12, 266, 369; pseudonyms, 9, 13; residences: r. de Lille, 31, r. Vancau, 55, r. Lecourbe and r, Lepic, 162-63, passage Tourlaque, 277, r. Eugène Carrière, 343; rhymed addresses, 50-52, 154; "roi faineant" 363-64; self-esteem, 17, 96, 324; self-effacement, 6, t6, 163; self-portraits, 8, 11 fig., 18fig., 170, 33/'g.; signatures, 16-18, 20, 148, 155, 167, 208; silence, xiii, 6, 7, 13, 122, 148, 161, 365-69; vital statistics, xiv; wit, 7-8, 9, 32, 42, 58, 60, 155; women, 12-13, 24- 147. 324-З Fénéon, Félix: author, critic, and editor, attempts at fiction, 37; choice influenced by anarchist sympathies, 88, 122, 350; by common aes­thetics and friendship, 103; collaborates with Charles Henry, 123-24, 199; correspondent for L'Art moderne de Bruxelles, 92, 195; for L'Emancipation sociale de Narbonne, 98-99; criteria for contcmp. lit., 178-82; director: of Editions Sirène, 14, 167; of R crue mod­erniste, 60, 153-54; drama critic, 194-200; early art criticism, 38-42; editions of, xiii; editor: of lut Vogue, 64, of Rimbaud's Illu­minations, 66-68, of Hommes d'aujourd'hui (artists), 131, of Laforgue's posthumous works, 164-65, 167, of Revue indépendante (Dujardin scries), 153-62 passim, of Lautréamont's Maldoror, 172-73, of L'Endehors, 254, of Rctue blanche, 300-02, 308-09, 314-15; eminence grise, xiii, 57, 370; founder: of the Libre rctue, 36—37, of the Revue indépendante, 42-43, of Bulletin de la vie artistique, 361; "Hourras, tollés et rires maigres" 108, 247; idea of a critic, 17, 91, 94, 96, 148, 190, 208, 382n\ Impressionnistes en /886, 77—86, 94-98; "invisible" work, 33, 57, 153-76 passim, 212, 308-09; link between literary, political, and art move­ments, xiv; with Aesthetic Movement, 169- 72; manuscript pages, 135 fig., 184-85 figs-, materialist thought, 24, 44-45, 76, 181- 82; neologisms, 60-62; reporter: for Le Bigaro, 348-51, for Le Aialin, 351, 353-58; "Nouvelles en 3 lignes" ix, 8, 37, 348, З53-58; salesman at Bernheim-Jeune's, 358-64; "scientific" art criticism, 81-82, 85; science and literary criticism, 181-83; Seurat, relations with, 73, 75, 89-91, 128, 131, 136-43, and the "Models" (studies), 142; and Scurat's legacy, 210, 211, 350; Signac. relations with, 133-37 (mono­graph), 134, 136, 147-48; social and politi­cal criticism, 32, 45, 247, 251, 262, 303- 07; style, xiv, 6, 7, 8, 39-40, 60-62, 78- 81, 83, 86, 91, 95-97, 161, 214-15, 237, 356, 367-68; slang, i 16, 259-61, 266; translations: of Pix- and Austen, 307, of Dos-toyevsky, 314; See also italicized pages under other entries and, under personal Ufe, silence, irony, wit Fénéon, Fernand (F. F.'s cousin and school­mate), 22, 29 Fénéon, Jules (father of F. F.): origins, employ­ment, marriage, 21-22; rapport with his son, 22, 251; retirement, 55; death, 273; vi­tal statistics, xiv Fénéon, Marie-Louise (née Jacquin, mother of F. F.): origins and marriage, 21; character and rapport with son, 22, 270, 278-87 pas­sim, 294, 324; post office employee, 22, 55; and the Commune, 27 fig., 28; chooses son's bride, 12, 29, 326; retirement, 55; wid­owed, 3, 273; portrait by Sevcrino Rappa, 352 fig.\ death, 351; vital statistics, xiv Ferroul, Dr., 98, 157 Ferry, Jules, 23, 24, 39, 45 Fière, Zénón, 32, 66 Bigaro, Le, 62, 92, 107, 348-50 Filigcr, Charles (also Filligcr), 220, 236 Fin-de-siècle society: contradictions, 6; eco­nomic crisis, 31, 56, 202; seen by Laforgue, 33—34; new art forms, 32; laundress in, 12, 244, 252; hunger, 56, 244; strikes, 56; tur­moil, xi, 201; duels and esoteric soirées, 176; sense of doom, 190; Universal Exhibi­tion of 1889, 202, 204; "banquet years" 205; divorce, 326 Flamen de Labrćly, 199 Flaubert, Gustave, 181, 192, 196 Fontainas, André de, 40 Forain, Jean Louis, 68, 99, 125, 255, 256 Fort, Paul, 196, 198, 199, 220, 301 Foucault, Michel, 305 Fragonard, Jean Honoré, 42, 58 France, Anatole, 26-27, 68, 159; photogr. of, J75 Franco-Prussian War, 25, 249, 251, 327; "Ter­rible Year" 27-28 Freud, Sigmund, 58, 189 Gaddi, Gaddo, 40 Galbraith, John Kenneth, 348 Gallaud de La Perouse, Alphonse. See Zo d'Axa Index 418 Gallé, Emile, 178 Gallo, Charles, 274 Gambetta, Léon, 46, 377 Gardin, Gilbert, 330, 397n Gauguin, Paul, 77, 79-81, 85-91 passim, 97, 100, no, 115, 128, 131, 146, 148, 161, 168, 204, 205, 211, 213-23, 225, 226, 253, 287, 302, 321, 343, 392; parallel with Seurat, 2/6; "Edge of the Pond" pi. 5; "Woman in the Waves" pi. 18; "Agony in the Garden" 219 fig. - "Breton Calvary" 221 fig.; "Portrait of Mallarmé" 320 fig. Gauss, Carl Friedrich: theorem, 124-25, 145, 385 Gausson, Léo, 308 Gauthier-Villars, Henry. See Willy Ghéon, Henri, 121 Ghil, René, 179 Gide, André, xiii, 121, 210, 243, 301, 302, 322, 323, 349 Goblet, René, 192 Godebska, Misia, 284, 317, 318, 323, 327, 351; portrait, Lautrec's "Revue blanche" 3Ï8 fig- Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 44 Goncourt brothers, Edmond and Jules Huot de, юя, 47, 195 Goncourt, Edmond de, 13, 37, 43, 155, 177, 179, 191, 349 Goncourt Prize, 349 Gorki, Maksim, 301; photogr. of, 175 Gounod, Charles, 8 Gourmont, Remy de, xiii, 5, 8, 37, 45, 97, 236, 301, 366; Théodat, 180, 199 Gozzoli, Benozzo, 40 Grasset, E. S., 226 Grave, Jean, 245, 272, 286, 288, 293, 294 Gray, John, 8, 169-73, 3°7 388-89 Grévy, Jules, 28, 245 Gromaire, Marcel, 343, 345; "Nude with Blue Bouquet" 3 4 5 f i g . Gruet, Gilbert, 359, 360 Guesde, Jules, 44, 241 Guillaumin, Armand, 77, 85, 86, 87-88, 1 3 9 , 162, 282, 3 9 5 Gyp: photogr. of, 174 Haeckel, Ernst, 181 Halperin, Joan Ungersma, ix-xi Hamon, Augustin, 272, 285 Hamsun, Knut, 314 Harden, Maximilien, 308 Hartmann, Eduard von, 65, 178 Harunobu, 232 Hauptmann, Gerhardt, 263, 314 Haymarket Massacre, 204 Helleu, Paul César, 159 Helmholtz, Hermann von, 385—86 Hennequin, Emile, 43, 46, 98, 377-78 Henner, Jean-Jacques, 38—39, 130; two studies for "Andromeda" 38 figs. Hennique, Léon, 46 Henry, Charles, 9, 54, 57, 64—66, 76-77, 89, 98, 122, 137, 143, 154, 162, 167, 299, 301, 316; psychophysical aesthetics, 115, 123—26; and industrial art, 125, 134; influ­ence on painters, poets, theater, 115, 125, 145—47, 179, 199; use of Gauss's theorem, 124—25; corresp. with Fénéon on "Signac" 133-34; witness for Fénéon, 286, 292; "Bottom of a Saucepan" 136 fig. Henry, Col. Hubert Joseph, 321 Henry, Emile, 3, 14, 245, 252, 268, 270-71, 273—75, 278, 279—88 passim, 290, 291, 293, 294; execution, 283 Herbert, Robert L., xiv, 381 Hérold, A.-Ferdinand, 282 Hervieu, Louise 334; "Dis-moi, ton coeur par­fois" 33 6 fig. Herzen, Alexander, 212 Hokusai, 103, 233 Holbach, Henri, Baron d', 44 Hommes d'aujourd'hui, 62, 65, 74, 272 Hughes, Clovis, 36 Hugo, Victor, 32, 64, 181, 191 Humanité, L', 350 Huot, Marie, 279, 284 Huret, Jules, 245; Inquiry on the Evolution of Literature, 176, 212 Huysmans, Joris-Karl, 40, 42, 43, 49, 53, 77-78, 82, 92, 102, 155, 159, 193, 204, 217, 242, 349; rapport with Fénéon, 44 Ibels, H.-G., 198, 199, 220, 256, 260, 268 Ibsen, Henrik, 254, 263, 265, 319 leres, Fernand, 195 Impressionist/synthetist exhibition (1889), 215-16 Impressionists, The, 31, 39, 42, 54, 77 92; Eighth Exhibition, 73, 75, 17-85\ ex" hibition at Georges Petit, 85—86; outing to lake Saint-Fargeau, 85; contrasted with neo-impressionists, 93, 99—101 Index 419 Indépendants, exhibitions: of May—July 1884, 53-54; of 1886, 92-94, 95; of 1887, 98- 99, 112; of 1889, 103 and passim; of 1891, 208-09; Ï893, 239-61 Indochina, 32, 46, 245, 306 Intellectuals (as a noun), 294, 396 International Socialist Congress (1889), 204, 245 Italy, 21 Jacob, Max, 8 Jacquin, Berthe, 272, 278, 281, 283 Jacquin, Marie-Félicie, 252 Jacquin, Pierre-Félix, 252; and family, 253 fig. Jammes, Francis, 301 Janet, Pierre, 183 Japanese prints, 102, 123, 144, 232-34, 235 Jarry, Alfred, 7, 8, 265, 301, 308, 310, 311 — 14, 316, 323, 334, 350, 368; photogr. of, 312; "Puppets' Repertoire" 313 fig. Jaurès, Jean, 350 Jean-Aubry, G., 167 Joyce, James, 194, 358 Juin, Hubert, 370 July Monarchy, 25 Kahn, Gustave, 12, 43, 58, 85, 89, 95, 125, 126, 128, 134, 144, 159, 160, 163, 168, 188, 201, 210, 211, 212, 272, 282, 284, 301, 315, 326, 361; founder of Vogue, 64— 66; editor of Dujardin's Revue indépendante, 161; poetry and theory, 182—86; portrait by Luce, 182 fig. Kampffmayer, Bernhard, 271, 273, 287, 289 Kandinsky, Wassily, 120, 148 Keats, John, 66 Kessler, Count Harry, 317, 351 Kipling, Rudyard, 301 Kistemaeckers, Henry, 177 Kitao, 234 Kiyonaga, 235 Kleinmann, 343 Knobloch, Madeleine, 128, 141, 211 Kosiński, Jerzy, 348 Kropotkin, Prince Piotr Alekseyevich, 44, 56, 212, 242, 274 Krysińska, Marie, 36, 179, 186—87, 205 Lacretelle, Henri de, 36 Lafargue, Paul, 44 La Fontaine, Jean de, 186 Laforgue, Emile, 163, 167 Laforgue, Jules, 6, 40, 43, 55, 58, 68, 125, 134, 155, 177-82 passim, 196, 198, 200, 201, 262, 300, 366; feminist, 25; on Paris, 33—34; with Vogue, 64—66; rapport with Fénéon, 65, 155—57; drawings, skeletons, 156 fig.; death, 163; poetry, 163—64; posthumous editions, 164-65, 167; tomb, 165—67; neologisms, 178; vers libre, 186- 87 Laforgue, Leah, 163, 164 Lajeunesse, Ernest, 301 Lallamant (War Office official), 279, 286 Lamarck, Chevalier de, 44, 181 La Mettrie, Julien Offroy de, 44 La Rochefoucauld, Antoine de, 229—30 La Rochefoucauld, Duc François de, 356 Larroque, Jean, 8 Lautréamont, real name Isidore Ducasse: Chants de Maldoror, editions of, 172—73 Laval, Charles, 220 Lazare, Bernard, 254, 272, 274, 277, 282, 285, 301, 305 Le Dantec, Félix, 121 Léautaud, Paul, 321 Leblond, M. A., 301 Lebourgeois, Admiral, 250 Leclercq, Paul, 301 Lecomte, Georges, 29, 55, 56, 139, 141, 148, 172, 200, 242—43; monograph on Pissarro, 131, 136—37; editor of Cravache, 167-68 Leconte de Lisle, 36 Lefc'vre, André, 43 Lemaître, Jules, 7 Lemaître, Solange, xiv, 15, 232, 360, 366; photogr. of, 15 Lemonnier, Camille, 179 Leonardo da Vinci, 123, 134, 226 Les XX (Brussels), 94, 102, 120, 128 Letourneau, Charles, 43, 272 Lewal, Gen. Jules Louis, 56 Lhermitte, Léon, 40 Libération, 353 Libre revue, La, 36—37, 42, 53 Loevgren, Sven, 213 Lois scélérates, 263, 265, 271, 280, 285 Lorrain, Claude, 122 Loti, Pierre, 7 Louys, Pierre, 301 Luce, Frédéric, 112 Luce, Maximilien, 103, 112—113, 116, 120, 122, 131, 211, 243, 253, 256, 258, 302, 315, 340, 343, 344, 350, 358, 359; at Index 420 Luce, Maximilicn (continued) U.nue independíete, 161, 162; arrest, 285; re­lease, 299; "Workman Washing Up" 113 /ig.; "Outskirts of Montmartre" 114/'g-; "Slag Heap near Marchicnncs" 116/'g.; "Paris Street"/)/. 1; "Landscape of Saint- Tropez , " pi. i :; portrait by Angrand, "Luce at Work" 118/'g.; "Kahn" 182 fig.', mas­thead, Pire peí rur J, 258 /'g.; "A Mazas" 285 /'g'.; "Fénéon on Mazas Prison" 300/'g.; "Portrait of Camille Pissarro" 322 /'g.; "Por­trait of Fénéon" 341 /rg. Lucretius, 44 Lugné-Poc, name Atirélien I.ugnć, 196, 198, 200, 263, 263, 303, 308 Luna San Pedro, 242 I.uquc, Manuel: caricature of Francis Viclé- (iriffin, 17 2/'g. Machare!, Jules, 8 MacMahon, Marshal, 22, 53 Macon, Hurgundy, and the Commune, 26 Madagascar, 243, 306 Maeterlinck, Maurice, 121, 198, '99-200, 23t. 301 Magnin (witness in Fénéon's defense), 286 Mail loi, Aristide, 339 Malatcst.1, F.rrico, 4 Malato, Charles, 274 Male secondary education, 24 Malcck, 331 Malherbe, François dc, 186 Mallarmé, Stéphane, 32, 43, 46, 52, 55, 58, (ю. Ci3. 99, 134, 134, 139* 162, 178, 189, 190, 191, 205, 218, 219, 232, 243, 283, 287, 311, 313; witness for Fénéon, x, 5, 281-82, 286, 292, 327, 348, 367; un-religious, 14, 201; dandy, 16; poetry in Fénéon s InJependtnte, 49; rapport with Fénéon, 49, 302, 317 — 19; aesthetic, 64, 189; language of and nco-imprcssionism, too. 114, 1Я8; effect on Narbonne folk, '57-58; trsl. of Poe, '67-68; death, 319; portrait by Gauguin, 320 fig. Mallarmé. Geneviève, 51, 319, 321 Manet, Edouard, 32, 42, 77, 160, 162, 321, 361; drawing of Rimbaud, 68, 3801 Manet, Eugène, 75 Mardrus, J.-C, 314, 315 Marinctti, F. T., 301; letter to Fénéon, 362- /'g. Marquct, André, 350 Marx, Karl, 44 Marx, Roger, 54 Marxism, 44; and anarchism, 241 Massenet, Jules, 10 Materialism, 24, 44, 46 Matha, Armand, 247, 254, 268, 270, 272- 273, 274, 279-86 passim, 289-94 passim Matin, Le, 35', 353, 355 Matisse, Efenri, 37, 120, 302, 316, 325, 343, 350; contract at Dernheim-Jeune's, 359-60; anecdotes: swimming with F. F., 325, Fénéon's style at Dernheim-Jeune's, 361, 363 Mauclair, Camille, 167, 198 Maudsley, Henry, 65 Maupassant, Guy de, 349 Maurin, Charles 254, 267; "Ravachot" 268 fig. Maus, Octave, 120, 164, 195, 283 Maxwell, James Clerk, 76, 82, 83 May Day demonstrations, 204, 245, 247 Mazas prison, 281, 284, 299, 285 fig., 300 fig. Meier-Graefe, Julius, 317 Meiningers, troupe, 196 Meissonier, Ernest, 39 Méline, Jules, 25, 26 Mendès, Catulle, 176 Mercier, Gen. Auguste, 283 Mercure de France, 165, 167, 217, 236 Méricourt, Théroigne de, 99 Merrill, Stuart, 284, 307 Méténier, Oscar, 33, 58, 174, /91-92 Meyer, Judge, 279, 281, 290 Michel, Louise, 282 Michelangelo, 123 Milhaud, Darius, 14 Mill, John Stuart, 24 Millet, Jean François, 40, 54, 376" Mirbeau, Octave, 218, 271, 272, 274, 276, 282, 301, 309, 314, 320, 344 Modigliani, Amedeo, 343, 359, 361; Nude with Coral Necklace" 363 fig. Monet, Claude, 42, 77, 86, 91, 92, 93, /0/, 110, /25, 168, 188, 220, 237, 315, 361; "The Manneporte" 87 fig. Monthyon prize, 305 Moore, George, 43, 83 Moore, Will G., 356 Moréas, Jean, 40, 43, 55, 58, 66, 86, 157. 160, 163, 272, 301; manifesto and poetry. 62-63, '8o, 190, 211 ; on F. F.'s art crit­icism, 62, 97; neologisms, 379"; vers libre, 186, 188; caricature of, 63 fig.', photogr. of. 59 Index 421 Moreau, Gustave, 160, 242 Morice, Charles, 46, 49, 131, 222, 223, 231 Morisot, Berthe, 25, 75, 77, 86, 92, 162 Morre, Hedwige, 303 Moulin, Martial, 36 Mühlfeld, Lucien, 301 Multatuli, real name Eduard Douwes Dekker, 265 Musschenbroek, 134 Nabis, 40, 146, 222, 226, 230, 232, 259 Nadar, real name Félix Tournachon, 36—37 Napoleon Bonaparte (Napoleon I), 25 Napoleon III (Louis Napoleon), 25 Natanson, Alexandre, 277, 300, 315, 323 Natanson, Alfred, 277, 300 Natanson brothers, 309, 314, 323 Natanson, Misia, See Godebska Natanson, Thadce, 277, 283, 294, 300, 301, 308, 312, 317-23 passim, 327, 358, 364 National Beaux-Arts exhibition, 38 Naturalism, 32, 37, 43, 46, 48, 235; in novel, /90-93; in drama, /94-98 Nau, John-Antoine, real name Eugene Torquet, 3°G 349 N'co-impressionist: aesthetic, 100, 101, 102, 137, 223; analogy with symbolist writers, 85, 100, /88-89, 193; brushstroke, 83, 94, 101-102; "dynamogeny" of lines, 123-28, 130-31, 145-46; frames and signatures, 102; technique, 75-76, 81-85, 93-94; see also Optical mixture; outing to lake St- Fargeau, 205-07 Nerval, Gerard de, 303 Nietzsche, Friedrich, 83, 265, 364 Nion, François de, 43; photogr. of, 175 Nôsan, 103 Nouvelles en trois lignes, ix, 8, 37, 348, 353— 58 Opportunists, 46 Optical mixture of colors, 42, 76, 81-83, 84. 382t? Ortiz, 253; co-defendant in Trial of Thirty, 286-91 passim, 293-94 Pallas, Paulino, 249 Panama Canal scandal, 245, 304 Pankiewicz, Joseph, 340 Pascal, Blaise, 68 Passy, Frédéric, 250 Paulhan, Jean, ix, xiii, 5-6, 11, 17, 38, 60, 122, 147, 187, 214, 245, 347. 355-58 pas­sim, 364, 369; notes on F. F,, 370//g. Pauwels, 275, 277, 294 Payne, John, 49 Péguy, Charles, 301, 323 Péladan, Joséphin, 179, 227, 230 Père peinard, Le, 107, 116, 256, 258-59, 275, 286 Petit bottin des lettres et des arts, 7, 58, 60, 65, 194 Petit glossaire pour sert ir l'intelligence des auteurs décadents, 60-62 Philippe, Charles-Louis, 301, 323 Pia, Pascal, 39, 167 Picard, André, 301 Picasso, Pablo, 103, 128, 322, 359, 386 Pissarro, Camille, 42, 55, 75, 77, 81, 83, 85, 88, 89, 99, 101, /03, /05- / /, 112, 131, 137, 142, 146, 156-62 passim, 213, 217, 219, 220, 230, 243, 268, 276, 285, 307- 08, 315, 317, 343; helps Fénéon, 93, 95; problems with new technique, 93—94; dedication to anarchism, 107-08, 256, 268; works lost in war of /870, 249, 3931; letter to F. F., 109fig.; death, 322; "River. . . , 105 fig.', "Turpitudes sociales" 106-07 figs', "Cowherdess" ill fig.', "Peasant Wom­en . . fan, 109 fig., painting, pl. 10 Pissarro, Félix, 315; "Mmc Fortune and the Capitalist" 258 fig. Pissarro, Georges, 109 Pissarro, Jeanne (Cocotte), 109-ю Pissarro, Lucien, 75, 77, 81, 85, 92, 99, 102, 103, 107, /08, 161, 172, 236, 268, 342; illustrates anarchist papers, 107, 256, 260 fig.', book i l l u s t r a t i o n s , 108 f i g s . , 383- 8 4 1 7 ; "Portrait of Jeanne" /25 Plattcel, Camille, 13, 120, 167, 287, 325-26, 329; vital statistics, xv Plume, lot, 205, 212, 349 Poe, Edgar A., 307; Mallarmé's trsl. of, /67- 68; poetic theory, 182 Poictcvin, Francis, 9. 43, 47-48. 48fig., t~ ), tejo, 1 'J.f, yj^n Pointillism. Set Nco-imprcssionism, brushstroke Popular Front, 28 Pouget, Emile. 256, 258, 272. 2 7 7 , 286, 294. 302 Poulenc, Francis, 14 Poussin. Nicolas. 54, 122 Index 422 Pre-Raphaelites, 301 Prévost d'Exilés (l'abbé Prévost), ios Prévost, Marcel, 196 Propaganda by deed, 243, 248—49, 274—75. See also Anarchist bombs Proudhon, Pierre-Joseph, 24, 26, 44, 212, 244 Proust, Antonin, 46 Proust, Marcel, 301 Psychophysical aesthetics, 65, 123-25, 182— 83. See also Henry, Charles Puvis de Chavannes, Pierre, 32, 40—41, 54, 84, 160, 230, 299; "Ave Picardía Nutrix" 4 1 fig- Puybaraud (police inspector), 282 Quillard, Pierre, 254, 282 Rabelais, François, 24 Raffaëlli, J.-F., 98, 99, 159, 327 Rameau, Jean Philippe, 66 Ranavalo Mandjaka, Queen of Madagascar, 306 Ranson, Paul, 226, 232, 300; "Christ and Buddha" 229 fig. Raphael (Raffaelo Sanzio), 123 Rappa, Severino, 349, 351; portraits of Madame Fénéon mère, Félix and Fanny, 352 figs- Ravachol, realnameV. C. Koenigstein, 3, 254, 267, 274, 283 Raynaud, Ernest, 327 Realism, 39, 42, 98, 100, 115, 131, 218 Reclus, Elisée, 274; photogr. of, 174 Reclus, Paul, 286, 302 Redon, Odilon, 53, 159, 230-31; "The Wing" "Cyclops" 231 figs. Régnier, Henri de, 13, 34, 47, 63, 136, 188, 246, 247, 268, 282, 309; portrait/poem of Seurat, 88-89; Regoyos, Dario de, 176 Renan, Ernest, 44, 267, 305 Renard, Jules, 245, 301, 314, 320, 327 Renoir, Auguste, 42, 77, 85, 86, 92, no, 159, 205, 237, 315, 361, 381И Retté, Adolphe, 136, 168, 205, 216 Révolte, La, 107, 112, 242, 245, 275 Revolution, French, 26, 99; Reign of Terror, 25, 26 Revolution, July 1830, 25 Revolution of 1848, 25 Revolution, Russian, 26, 308 Revue anarchiste, 25, 164, 262, 263 Revue blanche, 14, 28, 37, 277, 283, 300-23 passim, 348, 349, 350 Revue indépendante (first series), 9, 42-44, 46- 49, 53—56, 153, 187; Dujardin series, 153— 62, 163, 194 Revue libertaire, 263, 275 Revue moderniste, 60, 153—54 Revue wagnérienne, 55, 68, 154 Rewald, John, 5, 53, 131, 222, 343 Reymond, M., "Charles Vignier" 74 fig. Richepin, Jean, 178 Ricketts, Charles, 169, 170, 172, 236 Rimbaud, Arthur, xiii, 6, 9, 32, 52, 57, 134, 160, 196; on the repression of the Com­mune, 28; Les Illuminations, 66-6ç ; A Season in Hell, 69; vers libre, 186-87; death, 212 Risorgimento, 21 Rivière, Henri de, 196, 198 Rochefort, Henri, 25, 26, 283, 288; photogr. of, 175 Rodenbach, Georges, 188 Rodin, Auguste, 162, 359, 361 Rodrigues-Henriques, Jacques, 341-42 Roinard, Paul, 199 Rollinat, Maurice, 36 Rood, Ogden N., 76, 82, 83, 85, 98, 124, 384 Rose + Cross, 25; exhibition, 227—30 Rosny, J. H., 193 Rossetti, Dante Gabriel, 190, 301 Rousseau, Henri, called le Douanier, 359 Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 68 Roussel, K.-X., 230, 340, 358 Rouveyre, André: "Fénéon" 365 fig. Roy, Louis, 222 Sacré Coeur basilica, 251 Saint Evremond, 356 Saint-Auban, attorney, 288 Saint-Pol Roux, real name Paul Pierre Roux, 199, 246 Salmon, André, 350 Sand, George, real name Aurore Dupin, 284 Sangalli, Mlle, 60 Sapeck, real name F. E. Bataille, 60 Sarcey, Francisque, 58, 199; photogr. of, 174 Sarraute, Nathalie, 47 Satie, Eric, 227 Saunier, Charles, 51 fig., 247, 301 Savignol, Pierre, 10 fig. Savine, Albert, 162 Scheffer, Robert, 301 Schopenhauer, Arthur, 63, 178, 190, 236 Schuffenecker, Emile, 77, 214, 215 Schwöb, Marcel, 301 Index 423 Sée, Ed., 301 Senghor, Leopold, 53 Sérusier, Paul, 198, 220 Seurat, Georges, xiii, 6, 8, 9, 39, 40, 42 73, 86, 87-92, 92—94 passim, 96, 98-103 pas­sim, 111 —16 passim, 120, 122, 128—¡1, 133, 144, 147, 148, 154, 162, 163, 167, 188, 195, 201, 205-06, 215, 284, 350, 359, 361, 366, 369; wariness, 89, 91, 94, 128; liaison with Knobloch, 128; birth of son, 141; line "dynamogeny" 123-26 pas­sim; angry letters with Fénéon, 136-42; gives Fénéon "Model from Front" 142; death, 209-11, 213, 220; son's death, 211; exhibition and sales in 1900, 316—17; works-. "Bathing a t Asnières" 33~54, 13' 7 5 , 3 1 7 , 342, 343, 346, 350, pi. 2; "La Grande Jat­te." 54. 73. 75-7б, 77, 81-83, 90, 93. 122, 129, 139, 144, 317, 380—82 passim, pi. 3; "Monkeys" 84 fig.; sketch of Fénéon, 90; "The Artist in his Studio" 90 figs.; "The Models" 83, 129—30, 130 fig.; studies for, 129, 142 and pis. 13, 14, 15; "Roadstead at Grandcamp" 93, pl. 7; "Boats off Grand-camp" 96, 213; "Bec du Hoc" 96; "Chahut" 127 fig., 128, 206; "Le Crotoy" 131, 132 fig.; "Port-en-Bessin" 115, 131, 132 fig.; "The Circus" 128, 209, 226, 228 fig., 317; "SideShow" 115, 127fig., 128, 129, 130, 131; "Young Woman Powdering Herself" 128, 129fig., 147, 342; "Sig-nac" 133 fig.; "Eiffel Tower" 204 Séverine, real name Caroline Rémy, 99, 268, 283, 301; photogr. of, 174 Shannon, Charles, 169, 170, 236 Sienkiewicz, Henryk, 314 Signac, Paul, 13, 31, 45, 53, 65, 73-75. 77. 81, 82, 83, 85, 87, 88, 90, 92, 93, 94, 95, 98-103 passim, 109—16 passim, 120, 122, 123, 125, 726, 128, 131, 139, 142, 161, 162, 167, 176, 195, 200, 201, 203—13 pas­sim, 220, 222, 226, 243, 246, 263, 268, 273 274. 302, 308, 314, 315-16, 317, 340, 343, 346, 351, 358, 359; "Gas Tanks at Clichy" 88, pi. 6, 139; line "dyna­mogeny" 126, 130-31; monograph by F. F-, 733-37; portrait by Seurat, 133 fig.; making portrait of F. F., 143—43, "Against the Enamel . . . "pi. 16; "Profile of Fénéon" 145 fig.; "Application du cercle chromatique" pl. 17 Simon, Claude, 47 Simon, Jules, 250, 349 Sisley, Alfred, 42, 77, 92 Smiles, Samuel, 250 Socialism, 28, 33, 56, 181 Socialists, 46, 204, 244, 270; and Dreyfus, 320-21 Société des Artistes Indépendants: founded, 54. See also Indépendants Solomon, Siméon, 170 Soulages, Pierre, 53 Soulaty, Joséphin, 36 Spencer, Herbert, 265 Steinlen, T. A., 256, 285; "La Feuille" 246 ßg- Stendhal, real name Henri Beyle, 31, 37, 61, 181, 262, 330; anima, 13 Stevens, Alfred, 77 Stirner, Max, real name Johann Kaspard Schmidt, 252, 265, 314 Strindberg, August, 301, 302 Swedenborg, Emanuel, 236 Symbolist literature: "birth" of movement, 57— 58; manifesto, 57, 62, 237; humor, 58, 60; neologisms, 60—62, 178; aesthetic: Mal-larmé's terms, 64, 189, Régnier's terms, 63, Fénéoris terms, 189, 190; and neo-impres-sionism, 85, 100, 188-89, Ï93; misogyny, 12, 25, 187; style, 48, 190 (Poictevin), 53 (Verlaine, Mallarmé), and see italicized pages under authors' names; and science, 181—82; vers libre, 9, 186—89; elements of symbolist novel, 193—94; drama, 198—200, 263—65; divergent currents 200—201, 211 —12 Symbolist painting, 110, 149, 189, 213, 217, 218— iç), 223, 226, 230, 236 Symbolist reviews: characteristics, 32, 33, 160. See also reviews by title Symboliste, Le, 160—61 Syndicalism, 44, 56 Tailhade, Laurent, 46; dandy and anarchist, 272, 277, 279, 280; wounded in Foyot bombing, 276; photogr. of, 59 Taine, Hippolyte, 44, 46, 47, 38 Tanguy, J., 232 Tavernier, René, 15 Temps, Le, 306 Théâtre de l'Oeuvre, 198, 200, 231, 265, 300, 302, 303, 311, 319 Théâtre Libre, 162, 194-98 Thiers, Adolphe, 244 Third Republic, 25, 28, 39, 45—46, 202, 244, 284; imperialism, 32, 46, 56, 271, 306—07; Index 424 Third Republic (continued) censorship trials, 192; scandals, 245. See also Fin-de-siècle society Tillot, Charles, 77 Tolstoy, Count Leo, 134, 265, 314 Toulet, Paul-Jean, 301, 309 Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri de, 8, 144, 148, 192, 205, 206, 243, 234-37, 239, 261, 267, 359; "The Moorish Dance"pi. 19; "Au Thé­âtre Libre" 197 fig.; "Moulin Rouge" 207 fig.-, "La Goulue et la Môme Fromage" 255 fig.-, "Queen of Joy" 257 fig. Trade unions, 56, 244, 294. See also Syndicalism Trial of the Thirty, 16, 22, 28, 56, 241, 254, 286-93, 294, 299, 302 Turgenev, Ivan Sergeyevich, 46 Tutin, Italy, 21 Twain, Mark, real name Samuel L. Clemens, 34 Union Republican party, 46 Unionism, See Syndicalism Universal Exhibition of 1889, 204 Utamaro I, 10, 103, 235 Utrillo, Maurice, 359 Vaillant, Annette, 317 Vaillant, Auguste, 3, 245, 271, 273, 274, 283 Valentin le Désossé, 206 Valéry, Paul, 5, 14, 90, 181, 190, 201, 243, 34. 315. 321, 370 Vallès, Jules, 99, 114, 299 Vallotton, Félix, 37, 144, 160, 230, 256, 260-61, 300, 310, 317, 358; woodcut for "The Paris Commune" 29 fig.; F, Fénéon and E. Dujardin, 160 figs.; "Summer" 261 fig.; "The Anarchist" "The Attack" 269 fig.; "Fénéon at the Revue Blanche" 309 fig. Van de Velde, Henri, 102, 128, 236, 316, 34, 351, 358 Van Dongen, Kees, Г44, 302, 310, 330, 359; letter to F. F., 339-40 figs. Van Gogh, Theo, 155, 161, 208, 214, 215 Van Gogh, Vincent, 89, 115, 131, 162, 208, 359, 361 Van Rysselberghe, Maria (née Monnom; pseud. Saint-Clair), 120, 146, 325, 326 Van Rysselberghe, Théo, 38, 102, 103, 120— 21, 268, 315, 325, 350, 358, 361; "The Reading" 121 fig. Vanier, Léon, 131, 170, 212 Vaucaire, Maurice, 198 Veber, Pierre, 12, 282, 301, 302 Velázquez, 99 Verhaeren, Emile, 14, 37-38, 40, 43, 120, 121, 146, 164, 247, 268, 301; on Seurat, 91, 210 Verkade, Jan, 232 Verlaine, Paul, 32, 33, 36, 43, 47, 49, 55, 60, 66, 68, 170, 186, 187, 204, 220, 225, 283, 287, 301, 390; and Fénéon 52-53, 281, 315; photogr. of, 59, 174; caricature of, 61 fig. Verne, Jules, 7 Victor Emmanuel II, King of Italy, 21 Vielé-Griffín, Francis, 121, 136, 167, 173, 186, 242, 243, 247, 282; duel with C. Mendès, 176; caricature of, 173 fig. Vignier, Charles, 43, 58; duel with Robert Caze, 73-74; poetry, 180, 181, 190; por­trait, 74 fig. Villiers de l'Isle-Adam, Comte, 43; drama, 195 Villon, François, 60 Vogt, Carl, 181 Vogue, 64, 66—68, 74, 81, 82, 86, 92, 94, 95, 108, 153, 159, 168, 170, 186, 187, i88, 204; Mallarmé anecdote, 157-58 Voltaire, real name F. M. Arouet, 18, 19, 47 Vuillard, Edouard, 144, 198, 230, 265, 300, 309-10, 316, 317-18, 340, 343, 358; pro­gram for "Rosmersholm" 263 fig.; programs for "An Enemy of the People" and "Lonely Lives" 264 figs; "At the Revue Blanche" pi. 20 Wagner, Richard, 14, 33, 93, 143, 146, 154, 168 Waldeck-Rousseau, Pierte M. R., 46 Walter, Bob: photogr. of, 174 Ward, Martha, 101 Watteau, Antoine, 42 Welsh-Ovcharov, Bogomila, 208 Whistler, James, 58, 60, 159, 170, 172, 321 Whitman, Walt, 66, 188 Wilde, Oscar, 8, 15, 17, 46, 146, 169, 305— 06, 321, 356-57; Dorian Gray, 170; por­traits by Lautrec, 307 fig., pi. 19 Willette, Adolphe, 161, 256 Willumsen, Jens-Ferdinand, 220, 223 Willy, real name Henry Gauthier-Villars, 7, 33, 209; rapport with Fénéon, ro—11, 168—69, 198, 391; photogr. of, 174 Wilson, Daniel, 245 Index 425 Wolff, Albert, 107, 349 Workers' International, 26, 44, 56 World War I, 340-41 Wyzewa, Teodor de, 43, 55, 89, 210; on Fénéon's Impressionnistes en 1886, 96, 98; friendship with Fénéon, 154—55, with Laforgue, 156, 165 Yeats, William Butler, 358 Ysaye, Théophile, 66, 163, 380 Zandomeneghi, Federigo, 77 Zebrowski, Bronislas, 124 Zeldin, Theodore, 46, 349 Zo d'Axa, real name Alphonse Gallaud de La Perouse: rapport with Fénéon, 33, 254, 280, 289; founds L'Endehors, 245—47 Zola, Emile, 194; art critic, 31, 42, 103; nov­elist, 32, 33, 56, 177, 191, 211 ; with Revue indépendante, 43, 48, 157; Dreyfus Affair, 319
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