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Volltext:INDEX OF NAMES Abbas, Shah of Persia 61 Acres, Alfred 110 Adams, Will 59 Adolf of Cleves 136 Adrian VI, pope Agatha, saint 263 Agathon 228 Ahl, Diana Cole 222 Ailly, Pierre d' 341 Ainsworth, Maryan 93, 110 Alberti, Leon Battista 236-238, 352 Albertus de Padua 292 Albrecht and Isabella, archdukes 125, 126 Albuquerque, Alfonso de 49, 50, 62 Alemán, Mateo 182 Alexander III, pope 355 Alexander the Great 135 Alighieri, Dante 256, 376 Altdorfer, Albrecht 91, 98-99 Alypius 227 Ambrose, saint 225-226, 228 Amizco, Chiquart 131 Ampelos 370 Andrews, Keith 182, 184, 185 Angélico, Fra (Guido di Piętro) 31, 221-224, 226, 228, 230-231, 256 Anglicus, Bartholomaeus 289-291 Anselmi, Michelangelo 341 Ansshelm, Thomas 95, 99-100 Anthony Abbot, saint 221-224 Anthony of Padua, saint 336 Antonio da Correggio 332, 336 Aphrodite 374 (see also Venus) Aquinas, saint Thomas 258-259 Archelaus 373 Aretino, Pietro 366, 371 Ariosto, Ludovico 376 Arsenius 228 Augustine, saint 225-228, 263, 314, 317-318 Bacchus 370 Bacou, Roseline 195 Baldwin, Count of Flanders and Hainault 113 Balen the Elder, Hendrick van 184 Bambach, Carmen 193 Barbari, Jacobo de 81 Barbarossa see Hayreddin Bar­barossa Barbo, Ludovico 36, 236, 244-248 Barletta, Gabriel 37 Barri, Giacomo 389 Bassano, Jacopo 335 Baxandall, Michael 98, 256 Beazley, John 28 Beccafumi, Domenico 334, 338 Beccucci da Massa, Michele 293 Bedőli, Girolamo Mazzola 38, 329-342 Bellini, Giovanni 112, 237, 375 Bellini, Jacopo 32, 35, 239 Bello, rector Urbano di Pietro del 319 Bembo, cardinal Pietro 247 Benedict, saint 221, 225-226 399 400 New Studies on Old Masters Berenson, Bernard 227 Bernard of Clairvaux, saint 96-98, 101, 242, 258, 331, 338 Bernard of Luxemburg 341 Bernardine of Siena, saint 257-258, 320, 341 Bernardino dei Busti 337 Bernardino da Feltre 337 Berti, Luciano 221 Bindo, Benedetto di 296, 298, 312 Biondo, Flavio 357, 359 Blaeu, Willem Janszoon 57-58 Blum, Shirley 278 Boccaccio, Giovanni 376 Boccati, Giovanni di Pier Matteo 267 Boissard, Elisabeth de 222-223 Bonaventura, Segna di 316 Bonaventure, saint 299 Bordone, Paris 383, 391-392 Borgia, Cesare "Il Valentino" 170 Bosch, Hieronymus 131 Boskovits, Miklós 221-222 Botticelli, Sandro 197 Bouts, Dieric 29, 273 Bracciolini, Poggio 357-358 Bramante, Donato 358 Bril, Paul 183 Breitenbach, Josef 27 Brotherhood of Common Life 241, 243-244 (see also Devotio moderna; Grote, Geert) Brueghel the Elder, Jan 132, 180, 182, 185, 186, 187, 188 Bruille, Fursy du 109, 112 Bruxelles, Hayne de 109 Buonoccorso, Niccolö di 296, 298 Buonarroti, Michelangelo 31, 159, 339 Burgkmair, Hans 92, 159 Burke, S. Maureen 37, 289-307 Busti, Bernardino 37 Callmann, Ellen 224, 230 Campagnola, Domenico 386 Campin, Robert 272, 282 Cargnelutto, Giovanni Francesco da Tiezzo called 335-336 Cariani, Giovanni 385-386, 391 Carpaccio, Vittore 237 Cartari, Vincenzo 376, 391 Casa, Giovanni della 384, 389 Cassian 228 Castagno, Andrea del 256 Catherine of Alexandria, saint 263-264, 318 Cavalca, Domenico 228-229 Cavalcaselle, Giovanni Battista 371 Celestine V, pope 222, 226 Champeaux, Alfred de 309-310 Chapman, Hugo 196 Charles I, King of England 182, 385, 390, 394 Charles the Bold, Duke of Bur­gundy 109, 130, 133 Charles V, Emperor 56-58, 72 Chastellain, Georges 114 Chevrot, Jean 116 Christiansen, Keith 222 Christina, queen of Sweden 385 Christopher, saint 336 Christus, Petrus 109, 240 Cimabue, Cenni di Pepo (Gio­vanni) 112 INDEX OF NAMES 401 Cintre, Huchet de 174 Clarici, G.B. 389, 394 Clovio, Giulio 184 Colalucci, Francesco 338 Collaert, Adriaen 54 Colombe, Jean 241 Condulmer, Gabriel 244 Coninxloo, Gillis van 182 Constantine, emperor 57, 356 Contarini, Pietro 334 Corona, saint 335 Correr, Gregorio 245 Cort, Cornelis 52, 183 Council of Ferrara-Florence 240, 320 Council of Trent 331 Cranach, Lucas 176 Crivelli, Carlo 37, 112, 255-270 Crowe, Joseph Archer 371 Croy, Philippe de 34, 105-118 Cupid 365-377, 387 Curiatii 179 Cuttler, Charles 271 Dándolo, doge 163 Dante see Alighieri Davies, Martin 106 Decker, Bernhard 93, 99 Della Rovere, Francesco Maria II, Duke of Urbino 389 Delia Rovere, Guidobaldo II, Duke of Urbino 388-389, 393-394 Democritus 373 Derrida, Jacques 255 Devotio moderna 235, 240-248 Domenie, saint 263 Dominici, cardinal Giovanni 296 Donatello, Donato di Niccolo di Betto Bárdi 31, 238-239, 319 Dondi deirOrologio (family) 240 Don Juan of Austria see John of Austria Doort, Abraham van der 390 Du Bellay, Joachim 392 Duccio di Buoninsegna 316, 352 Dürer, Albrecht 34, 49, 50, 52, 62, 69-84, 89, 93, 100, 159, 174, 283 Duvet, Jean 28 Dyck, Anthony van 126 Eichberger, Dagmar 83 Eisler, Colin Tobias 27-39, 49, 236, 309-310, 329, 351 Eisler, George B. 27 Ekserdjian, David 339 Elsheimer, Adam 182 Emidius, saint 263, 267 Equicola, Mario 363-364, 391 Ertborn, chevalier Florent de 224-225 Ertz, Klaus 186, 188 Este, Alfonso d' 363-377 Este, Isabella d' 363 Este, Lionello d' 240 Eugenius IV, pope 229, 231, 243- 244, 320, 356 Eyck, Jan van 176, 239-240, 272-3, 277, 282-3 Febvre, Lucien 73 Fei, Paolo di Giovanni 290 Fehl, Philipp 364, 376 402 New Studies on Old Masters Filarete, Antonio di Pietro Averlino 356 Fiorentino, Stefano 296 Flechsig, Eduard 70 Folperti, Mauro 246 Fontana, Giovanni 165 Fouquet, Jean 357 Francken the Younger, Frans 179, 182 Francis, saint 336 Franco, Giacomo 392 Franklin, David 336-338 Fredrick III, emperor 352 Friedländer, Max 106, 107 Fryklund, Carina 36, 179-191 Gamo, Hideyuki 60 Gamo, Ujisato 60 Garton, John 35, 159-172 Garzoni, Tommaso 391 George, saint 240 Gerson, Jean 341 Ghiberti, Lorenzo 317, 319, 352 Ghirlandaio, Domenico 197 Giacometti, Alberto 31 Gilardoni, Andrea de' 335 Giorgione da Castelfranco 32, 386 Giotto di Bondone 37, 112, 238 Giovanni di Paolo 309-310 Giovanni da Teramo 262 Girolamo da Treviso 386 Giustiniani, Andreolo 240 Giustiniani, Lorenzo 244 Giusto da Firenze 309 Godfrey of Bouillon 135 Goes, Hugo van der 35, 273, 282 Goffen, Rona 32, 237, 245, 393-394 Goldner, George 193 Goltzius, Hendrick 35, 173-177 Golsenne, Thomas 255 Gombrich, Ernst 28 Gomezio di Giovanni, abbot 221, 228-229, 231 Govaerts, Abraham 180 Grave, Johannes 238 Greenstein, Jack 237 Gregory XII, pope 314 Gregory the Great, saint 225-228 Grimaldi, Ottaviano 383 Grimm, Hermann 69 Grote, Geert 241-245 (see also De-votio moderna) Gustav III, King of Sweden 186 Hales, Alexander of 259 Hannibal 51 Harting, Ursula 180, 184 Hayreddin Barbarossa 56 Hegesippus, 354-355 Helmont, Jan van 174 Henry, Thomas 227 Henry IV, King of France 60-61 Henry V, King of England 129 Henry of Friemar 318 Herod, king 336 Heslop, T. A. Ill Holbein the Elder, Hans 91, 101 Hollar, Wenzel 189 Hood, William 329 Hope, Charles 330 Horatii, 36, 179, 180 183, 184 Horatius 179, 181 Hugford, Ignazio 224 Hulin de Loo, Georges 106 INDEX OF NAMES 403 Hull, Vida 271 Hung, Karen Lynn 34, 89-104 Ieyasu, Tokugawa 58-59 Ignatius of Loyola, Saint 59 Imbrey, Jai 36, 235-253 Isabella of Portugal 130 Isabella d'Este of Mantua 50 Isolani, Isidoro 332-333, 341-342 Jacobi, Lotte 27 Jacobs, Lynne 37, 271-287 Jacopo della Marca, blessed 257- 262, 265, 267 Jacopo della Quercia 319 James I, King of England 61 Jean, Duke of Berry 107, 309 Jean de Bourgogne, Duke of Étam-pes 109 Jerome, saint 225-228, 296, 298 John the Fearless, Duke of Bur­gundy 29, 113, 116 John of Austria (Don Juan) 54 John of Speyer 77 Jordaens, Hans 179 Jordaens, Jacob 126 Jordan of Quedlinburg (Saxony) 318 Joseph, saint 235, 247, 294-295, 329-342 Josephus [Flavius] 354-357 Julian, saint 221, 227 Kaisersberg, Johann Geiler von 97 Kemp, Martin 163, 169 Kempis, Thomas à 243 Kilgore, Jack 173 Klein, Peter 107 Koberger, Anton 70, 76, 79-83 Kolb, Anton 80-83 Kock, Filedt 173 Koslow, Susan 35, 125-141 Krautheimer, Richard 27, 28 Kress, Samuel H. 29 Kubler, George 28 Kyeser, Conrad 165 Laclotte, Michel 223 Landino, Cristoforo 256 Lane, Barbara 271 Leader, Anne 36, 221-234 Lefèvre, Jehan 134 Leganès, marquis of 125 Leinberger, Hans 91, 93, 99 Leo X, pope 50, 98 Leonardo da Vinci 35, 159-172, 193 Leoni, Pompeo 159, 390-391 Leopardi, Liliana 37, 255-270 Leopardi, count Monaldo 266 Levenson, Jay 34, 49-67 Lithgow, William 375-376 Lippi, Filippino 36, 193-220 Lippi, Filippo 238-239, 256 Livy 179 Lombard, Lambert 183 Lombardo, Julia 385 Longhi, Roberto 227 Longuyon, Jacques De 134 Looz (Delvos), countess de 224 Lorenzetti, Ambrogio 290, 292, 294-296, 300, 317 Lorenzettti, Pietro 37, 237, 295, 300, 352 Löselein, Peter 74 404 New Studies on Old Masters Lowry, Martin 74 Luber, Katherine 69 Lucián of Samosata 367 Lucy, saint 263 Ludolph of Saxony 293 Ludovico, saint 263 Luke, saint 91, 94-98, 245, 290 Luskin, Fern 38, 363-381 Lymberopoulou, Angeliki 112 Magdalene, Mary 263-264 Magnus, Albertus 291, 298 Maler, Bernhard 74 Malouel, Jean 29 Manca, Joseph 364 Manutius, Aldus 74 Mantegna 32, 36, 70, 235-253 Manuel I, King of Portugal 49 Marcadé, Eustachę 360 Marcello, Gerolamo 386 Marek, Michaela 364 Margaret of York 130 Margaret, saint 263 Marguerite of Cleves 241 Markham, Garvis 392 Marrow, James 240 Marsiii, Anastasia di Nanni 334 Martin, Henri-Jean 73 Martin V, pope 315 Martini, Francesco di Giorgio 35, 159-160, 166-168 Masaccio, Tommaso di Ser Gio­vanni di Simone 256 Matthew, Louisa 73 Maximilian I, emperor 72 McCombe, Leonard 27 Medici, Cosimo de' 221, 231 Memling, Hans 37, 176, 271-284 Mende, Mathias 69 Metzger, Catherine 107 Michael, saint 265, 291 Michelangelo see Buonarroti Michelino da Besozzo 31 Michiel, Marc'Antonio 247, 386 Miegrot, Hans van 110 Moholy-Nagy, Laszlo 27 Montefeltro, duke Federigo da 359 Moschos, Demetrios 363-377 Muífel, Nicholas 352-353, 357 Müller, Theodor 92 Nelson, Jonathan 36, 193-220 Niccoli, Niccolö 229, 231 Niccolô, Domenico di 309-315, 318 Niccolo, Giovanni 53 Nicholas V, pope 31, 38, 351-362 Nichols, Lawrence 173 Nicola da Milano 291 Noema (Old Testament) 299 Odoni, Andrea 386 Olliver, Peter 390 O'Malley, Michelle 194 Orsini, Clarice 393 Osservanza, Master of the 352 Otto III, emperor 221 Ovid 391 Pacht, Otto 28 Paleotti, Gabriele 392 Palma Vecchio 387-388 Parmigianino, Girolamo Francesco Maria Mazzola 38, 329-342 INDEX OF NAMES 405 Panofsky, Erwin 27, 28, 31, 37, 71, 72, 82, 109, 236, 271, 283-4, 351 Parker, K.T. 336 Paschasius 228 Pauwels, Yves 283 Pelagius 228 Penni, Giovanni Francesco 51 Peter, saint 315, 357 Perugino, Pietro 332 Philip the Good, Duke of Burgundy 113, 131 Philip II, King of Spain 55-58, 61 Philip IV, King of Spain 125 Philippot, Paul 279 Philostratus 363-377 Piazza, Callisto 333 Piero della Francesca 38, 351-362 Pietra, Michele 387 Pirckheimer, Willibald 73 Pisano, Niccolô di Bartolomeo 335, 339 Pius II, pope 243, 359 Plato 258, 352 Pliny the Elder 49, 50 Poliziano, Angelo Ambrogini called 365 Pompey, Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus 354-355, 357 Pona, Francesco 392 Pontano, Giovanni 128 Pontormo, Jacopo Carucci 333 Pope-Hennessy, Sir John 221, 227, 310 Popham, A.E. 338 Pordenone, Giovanni Antonio de' Sacchis called 335, 339-340, 386-387 Pouncey, Philip 196 Poussin, Nicolas 340 Powell, Amy 118 Preimesberger, Rudfol 283 Pseudo-Dionysius 290 Pucci, Francesco di Giovanni di Antonio 333 Raby, Julian 34, 49-67 Ratdolt, Erhard 74 Raphael 50-51, 332, 359 Reinach, Salomon 227 Reske, Christoph 80, 83 Richard of Saint-Laurent 291 Ridolfi, Carlo 383, 386-387 Riemenschneider, Tilman 89 Ringbom, Sixten 236, 239 Rodrigues, Joao 59 Rolin, Nicolas 116 Romano, Giulio 51, 52, 58 Romuald, saint 221 Rosenberg, Jakob 28 Rothstein, Bret 283 Rubens, Peter Paul 126, 131, 132, 133, 13, 180 Rucellai, Giovanni 230, 353 Rüegger, Hans 95, 97, 100 Rupert of Deutz 338, 340 Sakamoto, Mitsuru 54 San Gallo, Antonio da, the Younger 166 San Gimignano, Giovanni da 289-293, 297, 299-300 Sander, Jochen 110 Sannazaro, Jacopo 334, 336 Santore, Cathy 38, 383-397 406 New Studies on Old Masters Savoldo, Girolamo 335, 386 Savonarola, Girolamo 257 Scaglia, abbot 125 Scaglia, Gustina 161-163 Scanneiii, Francesco 389 Schädler, Alfred 98 Schaffner, Martin 100 Schmid, Wolfgang 70 Schmitt, Carl 28 Schongauer, Martin 100 Schorpp, Michel 98 Schwartz, Sheila 338 Scipio Africanus 55, 58 Seitz, Joseph 332 Sergius IV, pope 355 Severus, Sulpicius 354 Seymour, Charles 28 Sforza, Ludovico 159-160, 170 Shoemaker, Innis 196 Simor, Suzanna 37, 309-327 Sixtus IV, pope 331, 337 Small, Graeme 115 Smith, Alastair 69 Snyder, James 271 Snyders, Frans 35, 125-138 Spranger, Barthomeus 174 Squarcione, Francesco 238-239, 266 Staas, Peter 184 Stalbemt, Adriaen van 36, 179-191 Stoichita, Victor 248 Stradanus 54 Strehlke, Carl 222, 224 Strozzi, Filippo 194 Succa, Antoine de 133 Susneyos, emperor of Ethiopia 61 Tabourot, Etienne 129 Taccola, Mariano 35, 160, 165-168 Taddeo di Bartolo 316 Tanagli, Caterina di Francesco 276 Tani, Angelo di Jacopo 276, 277 Tanner, Marie 38, 351-362 Teniers the Elder, David 185 Teniers the Younger, David 132 Thausing, Moritz 69 Theodosius 225 Thoisy, Geoffroy de 136 Thoman, Hans 34, 89-102 Tietze, Hans 71, 72 Tietze-Conrat, Erika 71, 72 Titian see Vecellio Titus, emperor 351-362 Tomaso da Modena 297-298 Traversari, Ambrogio 221, 228-229, 231 Trowbridge, Mark 35, 143-158 Tschudi, Hugo von 109 Tudella, Benjamin of 356 Uccello, Paolo 31, 238 Ursula, saint 265 Utrecht, Adriaen van 132 Valentiner, Wilhelm 226 Valeriano, Giovan Piętro 367, 369-370, 373, 388 Valignano, Alessandro 53 Vandenbroek, Paul 106 Vanni, Andrea 290 Varagine, Jacobus de 228, 292, 297 Varano, Giulia 393 Vasari, Giorgio 296, 317, 359, 383-384, 388 Vaughan, Richard 114 Vecchietta, Lorenzo di Pietro 318-320 Vecellio, Cesare 392 Vecellio, Tiziano 32, 38, 353, 363- 377, 384-385, 388-394 Vegio, Maffeo 356 Vendramin, Andrea 390 Veneziano, Domenico 31 Venus 342, 363-377, 383-394 Verbiest, Ferdinand 52, 62 Veronese, Paolo [Caliari] 32 Veronica, saint 355, 357 Verrocchio, Andrea 159 Vespasian, emperor 357 Victor, Hugh of St. 299-300, 335 Vigenère, Blaise de 373 Vitale da Bologna 297 Vitruvius [Pollio], Marcus 166, 352 Vittoria, Alessandro 385 Vlam, Grace 54 Vos, Dirk De 106, 271 Waagen, Gustav 69 Wadum, Jorgen 180 Wagner, Richard 28 Wallace, William 31 Wauquelin, Jean 135 Weyden, Rogier van der 30, 34, 105-118, 273, 276, 277, 282 Winkler, Friedrich 70, 109 Wilson, Adrian 83 Wilson, Carolyn 38, 222, 329-349 Wilson, Jean 115 Wolfthal, Diane 34, 105-123 Wolgemut, Michael 80-83 Wolters, Christian 239 INDEX OF NAMES 407 Yoon, Rangsook 34, 69-87 Zafran, Eric 35, 173-178 Zahn, Peter 80, 83 Zeitblom, Bartholomäus 100 Zen, Vincenzo 387 Zerner, Henri 28
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