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Volltext:Index Academy: New, 237П.15. See also Royal Academy of Painting and Sculpture Acting: Aristotle and, 71, 233П.20; Cicero and, 76-77, 93-95, 220 Actio, 76, 247П.4; in painting, 205,207, 208-19, 223 247n.6, 247-48П.15; in rhetoric, 76-77, 93, 205, 207, 208-19, 223-25, 236n.4 Aesop, 77 Affects, 100, 247П.4. See also Movere; Passion; Pathos Alberti, Leon Battista, 142, 153, 199-207 passim, 219, 223, 247nn.4,5; Delia pit-tura, 142-43, 200; and divinity, 123; and gesture, 200-202, 205-7, 247n-4, 248П.19; and istoria, 201, 202, 249П.37; and Narcissus, 120 Allegory, 118-19 Amateurs, 147, 161, 180, 184, 197,198, 215, 222 Anguier, Michel, 173-74 Antiquity. See Classical culture Apelles, 180 Apparitions, 15 Arcesilas, 237П.15 Arguments, and indications, 237П.12 Aristotle, 8, 22, 55-71, 232П.1, 235П.8, 249П.37; and acting, 71, 233П.20; and body, 62-63, 65, 233П.15; and draw- •n8' 59-63, 149-50, 155-56; and imita­tion, 58-59, 64-65, 171-72 (seealso Mimesis); and painting, 57-63, 71, 128, 129, 155-56, 232-33nn-9,io; and persuasion, 66-67, 97' 233n-24; and poetics, 58-71 passim, 128, 207-9; Po­etics, 58-71 passim, 128, 129, 212, 232пп.з,7,9, 233П.19; Rhetoric, 58, 65- 69, 71, 232П.3, 233nn.i3,i9; and the­ater, 64-66, 71, 128, 129 Arnauld, Antoine, 15, 24 Artaud, Antonin, 5 L'Art de parler (Lamy), 129 Art history, 5, 50, 237m 10 Artifice, 43, 186-90 Artists: literary recognition of, 142, 240- 41П.8; as theoreticians, 142-68, 232П.1. See also France; Italy; Painters Art theory, 5, 142-68. See also Imitation; Theoreticians Asianism/Atticism, 92-93, 103, 105, 107, 190 Attitude, 28-29, 215- See also Gesture Aubignac, François-Hédelin, abbé d', 128-29 Balzac, Honoré de, 229П.32 Barcos, Martin de, 177, 244m 16, 245П.19 Baroque theorists, 127 The Battle of the Amazons (Rubens), 215 Baudelaire, Charles, 184 Beaufort, abbé de, 229П.38 Beauty, 103-6, 185, 192; Aristotle and, 58-59, 63; Plato and, 41, 88. See also Cosmetics Belief, and truth in painting, 181 Binet, Etienne, 30 Black, 52, 231П.15 Blanchard, Louis Gabriel, 148, 149, 180, 241П.19 Blindness, 158-59, 162, 167, 242П.40 Body, 6-7, 224-25; Aristotle and, 62-63, 65, 233m 15; Cicero and, 77, 79, 103, 236П.5; Plato and, 39-41, 52, 76, 85, 249П.36; Quintilian and, 86-89, 101~ 3, 106-11. See also Flesh; Gesture Boredom, 20-21, 29 Bouhours, Dominique, 16, 17, 18, 20 Bourdieu, P., 236П.23 Brienne, Louis-Henri de Loménie, comte de, 163, 241m25 Brutus, 107 Brutus (Cicero), 72, 90, 93, 103, 235m 7 Cartesianism. See Descartes, René Castiglione, Baldassare, 21, 54 Cato, 103 Cavalier, defined, 21 Champaigne, Jean-Baptiste de, 177 261 2Ó2 Index Champaigne, Philippe de, 139, 146, 175-78; Marin on, 244-45П.18; and Poussin, 146,150,176-77, 232П.6; and Raphael, 199; on Titian, 24m. 19, 243П.54 Characters, Aristotle on, 59 Charmois, M. de, 139 Chiaroscuro, 153, 180, 217, 221 Les Chiens de garde (Nizan), 89 Christina of Sweden, 14 Chromała, 52-53, 231-32П.18 Chromatic, defined, 147 Cicero, 8, 30, 57, 72-84, 91-95, 205-6, 237П.18, 239П.25; Brutus, 72, 90, 93, 103, 235П.7; De divinatione, 76; Deor-atore, 79-82, 93, 234-35П.7; and dis­course, 30, 77-78, 90-97 passim, 220, 234П.3; on divine force in painting, 123; eloquence, 6, 30-33, 72-76, 80, 83-84, 86, 89, 93-97, 100, 107, 160, 200, 202, 217, 2з6пп,23,4,5, 247П.10; and metaphors, 246П.32; Orator, 72, 74, 86; painting of (oratorical), 99-101; and philosophy, 77-84, 89-90, 236П.23, 237nn.i2,i5, 242n.32;and Plato, 78-83 passim, 90, 232П.1, 235П.20; rhetoric, 6-7, 32-33, 72-84, 86, 89, 91-98, 160, 200, 202, 217, 218- 20, 225, 234П.4, 242П.32; on sincerity, 181; and style, 103-5; aid sublime, 220; and theater, 75-77, 95, 129, 218- 19 Civility, 16-17, 21-22, 153. See also Dis­cernment Classical culture, 30-32, 127-28, 228П.30, 230П.50; and literary recogni­tion of artists, 142, 240-41П.8; and makeup, 185, 189-90, 192; philoso­phy, 21-22, 158 (see also Aristotle; Plato; Socrates). See also Cicero Clement of Alexandria, 127 Cobbler, painter as, 45-47, 23m. 11 Colbert, Jean-Baptiste, 143, 145-46, 147, 205 Color (painting), 3-6, 8, 131-32, 152- 53, 169, 231-32, 233, 241-42П.27; Al­berti and, 200-202; colorís distin­guished from (see under Coloris); vs. drawing, 61-63, 233П.17, 243П.55 (see also under Coloris); and light, 201, 247П.5; mixed, 52; Plato and, 50-53, 62, 100, 231nn.15.17; Quintilian and, 99, 100,109; in rhetoric, 53, 106, 109, 190. See also Colorís; Colorists Colorís, 53, 147-68, 219-23, 225-26, 243n-47' 244n-5. 246m30, 247n.11; color distinguished from, 152-53, 221, 232nn.i8,2o, 242m33; vs. draw­ing, 137, 147-68, 191, 207, 217, 24m. 19, 246П.35, 249П.34; gesture and, 202, 225, 247П.6; and imitation, 172, 180, 182-84; ar|d makeup, 187, 190-95, 222. See also Color; Colorists Colorists, 3-4, 7, 147-68, 179-80, 209, 217, 226, 244П.5, 247n.n;and imita­tion, 171-72, 178; Italian, 152, 167, 207, 219-20, 244П.5, 247n.11; and pleasure, 155-56, 167-68, 171-72, 182-84, 190-95; symbolist approach, 249П.34. See also Piles, Roger de; Pous-sinists; Rubenists Conciliare, 74 "Contre les copistes de manières" (Champaigne), 175-76 Control, civility and, 16 Conversation, 22-25, 118, 222, 229ПП.32,35 Conversations sur la connaissance de la peinture (Piles), 197-99, 246П.1 Copyists, 175-78. See also Imitation Corneille, Pierre, 128, 228П.27 Cornificius, 245П.28 Cosmetics, 169, 172, 185-90, 201; de­fined, 38; Platonic, 37-54, 86-88, 100, 190, 23m.6; Quintilian and, 86-88, 100, 106-8 Cours de peinture par principes (Piles), 181, 184, 197, 215 Coypel, Noël, 190-91, 246П.35 Cratylus (Plato), 51 Cressoles, Louis de, 246П.32 Dacier, André, 128 Da Vinci, Leonardo, 51, 117, 123, 168, 203-4, 236П.5 De Arte Graphica (Dufresnoy), 147 Debauchery, 189-90 Deception, 177, 178-89; Piles and, 167- 68, 178-84,186-87; and pleasure, 167-68, 169-72, 186-89. See also Illu­sion; Imitation De divinatione (Cicero), 76 De la lecture de Platon et de sou éloquence (La Mothe Le Vayer), 25 Delectare, 72, 74,160 Delivery: painting, 202; rhetoric, 68-71, 72-77, 93, 109-11, 202, 223-24, 2з6пп.2,4. See also Actio; Affects Delia pittura (Alberti), 142-43, 200 Demosthenes, 90, 236П.2 De oratore (Cicero), 79-82, 93, 234-35П.7 Derrida, Jacques, 231ПП.6,13, 245П.30 Iudex 263 Descartes, René, 12, 19, 130-35, 174-75, 192, 240П.28; on conversation, 24, 229П.35; on deception, 170; Dioptri-que, 133-34; and discernment, 14, 19, 20; Discourse 011 Method, 24, 130; Pas­sions, 218; Perrault and, 9, 26-27; Port- Royal and, 12, 174; Recherche de la vé­rité, 132-33; on sleep, 118, 120; Traité du monde, 130 The Descent from the Cross (Rubens), 213, 217 Description, Quintilian and, 98-99 Dessein, 63, 152, 233m 18 Dessin, 152, 233П.18 Diakrisis, 52 Diderot, Denis, 16, 77, 158, 184, 242П.40 Dionysius of Halicarnassus, 105, 190 La Dioptrique (Descartes), 133-34 Discernment, 14-21, 25, 103. See also Taste; Wit Discourse, 2-3, 225-26, 230П.47, 234П.26; Aristotle and, 64-70; and body, 103; Cicero and, 30, 77-78, 90- 97 passim, 220, 234П.3; eloquent, 187, 223; judiciary, 67-68; limits of, 91-92, 198; and makeup, 185, 194-95; paint­ing and, 98-99, 142, 149-54, 159; sub­lime, 234П.3. See also Language; Philosophy; Rhetoric Discourseon Method (Descartes), 24, 130 Discours sur Platon (Fleury), 25-26 Disegnarc, 233П.18 Disegno, 242П.36; prattico vs. specidativo, 149 Distance, right, 19-20, 162-65, *68, 187, 228m 19 Divinity: king as, 239m 14; painting and, 123-25, 238-39ПП. 13,20. Set'a/so The-ology Docere, 160 Dolce, Lodovico, 152, 167, 219-20, 244П.5, 245m 19 Doxa, 56, 75, 232П.2 Drama, 7, 64-66, 75-76. See also Theater Drawing, 3-4, 6, 137, 149-50, 215-17; Aristotle and, 59-63, 149-50, 155-56; vs. color/coloris, 61-63, 137, 138, 147- 68, 191, 207, 217, 233П.15, 24m.19, 243П.55, 246П.35, 249П.34; defined, 149, 215; Plato and, 51-52, 149; theo­retical vs. practical, 149 Dreams, 117-20, 130-31, 239П.17 Dualism, 3, 5, 77 Dufresnoy, Charles Alphonse, 147 Dupont-Roc, R., 232П.9 Effectiveness: of coloris, 226; of rhetoric, 226; vs. truth, 78 Effeminacy, 103-9. See also Femininity Ekphrasis, 230П.47 Eliezer and Rebecca (Poussin), 146, 150, 176-77, 232П.6, 24m.22 Elisabeth, Princess, 14 Elocution, 64, 223-26, 233П.20, 247П.5 Eloquence, 6-7, 35-113, 199, 230П.50, 245П.26; Ciceronian, 6, 30-33, 72-76, 80, 83-84, 86, 89, 93-97, 100, 107, 160, 200, 202, 217, 2з6пп.23,4,5, 247П.10; of images, 91, 95-113, 224, 239П.25 (see also Painting); of painting, 6-7, 32-33, 115-226, 239П.25, 242П.38, 247-48П.15; Plato and, 29-30, 33, 86; Quintilian and, 86, 89, 96-111 pas­sim, 187, 236П.22; silent, 6, 8, 91-92, 223-24, 226, 247-48П.15; and wis­dom, 84-85. See also Orators Emotion. See Affects; Movere; Passion Enlightenment aesthetics, 161 Enthusiasm, 220-21 Entretiens (Félibien), 151-52, 174, 240П.2 Entretiens d'Ariste et d'Eugène (Bouhours), 16, 17, 18 Enunciation, 226 Epicureanism, 192 Eternity, and representation, 177-78 Expressivity, 75-76, 201-2, 209-23. See also Drama; Passion Eyesight: blindness, 158-59, 162, 167, 242П.40; good/bad, 19 Félibien, André, 150, 213, 238-39П.13, 24m.25; Academy lectures tran­scribed by, 146; on distance, 163-64; Entretiens, 151-52, 174, 240П.2; and makeup, 245П.29; and manner of painting, 175, 178; and resemblance, 174; "Le songe de Philomathe" 117- 27 Femininity, 12-13; ar,d cosmetics, 42- 43, 189-90; metaphors of, 103-9, ]^9~ 90, 246П.32. Set' also Women Fénelon, François de Salignac de La Mothe-, 26, 30, 129 Finesse, in Pascal, 18-20 Flattery, Plato and, 39-41, 86-87, 249П.36 Flesh, 62-63, J63, 167-68, 233m 15, 243П.53 Fleury, Claude, 25-26, 229П.38 Foucault, Michel, 24m. 15 Frame, 172, 244П.6 264 Index France: and Aristotle vs. Plato, 56; clas­sical culture in, 230П.50; couleur and coloris in, 232П.20; eloquence in, 32; painting, 138-42, 148-49,152-53, 178, 205, 207, 217, 249П.34; salon lan­guage, 57. See also Royal Academy of Painting and Sculpture Fréart de Chambray, Roland, 138,147, 191, 193, 240П.1 Fumaroli, Marc, 30-32, 230П.50, 238П.27, 245П.26, 246П.32, 247- 48П.15 Furetière, Antoine, 14, 18 Galileo, 130 Gassendi, Pierre, 240П.28 Gaze, 198, 212, 222-23, 248П.18; color vs. drawing, 61, 158-59,162, 164, 167-68; intelligent, 17-18; makeup and, 187,195; two types, 184 Gellius, Aulus, 237m 18 Genius, 220-21 Gesture, 248m 19; in painting, 200-202, 205-7, 216-17, 223- 247nn_4,6; in rhetoric, 6, 101-2, 200-202, 205-7, 216-17, 223-26, 236П.4 Gorgias (Plato), 38, 39, 81-89 passim, 190, 202, 230П.2, 235П.10, 249П.36 Gorgon, 195 Gracchus, 237П.18 Grace, Jansenist, 19-20 Grácián, Baltasar, 16, 181 Graciousness, 20. See also Civility Grand siècle, 8,12, 20. See also Louis XIV Grimace, in Pascal, 28-29, 235П.14 Groulier, Jean-François, 239П.20 Guillet de Saint-Georges, Georges, 146, 148, 149 Hair, 167, 243П.51 Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 4, 17 Heidegger, Martin, 4 Hermes Trismegistus, 56 Heroism, 79-80 Historical painting, 149-50,161-62, 207, 224, 244m 14 History, 8; analysis of, 37-38; art, 5, 50, 237П.10; grand siècle, 8, 12, 20 (see also Louis XIV); moderns, 147; of repre­sentation, 55. See also Classical cul­ture; Middle Ages; Renaissance Honnêtes hommes, 11,12, 15-16 Honnêteté, 12 Horace, 162, 206, 219, 228П.19, 237П.10, 247П.4 Hugh of St. Victor, 246m34 Humanists, 30, 56,142 Hupokrisis, 68-71, 93, 233П.20 Hypotyposis, 129 Iamblicus, 127 Iconologie (Ripa), 117 Idea, 235П.20, 240П.28; and painting, 132-35, 138, 149, 175. See also Think­ing Idea del tempio della pittura (Lomazzo), 207 Ideal, concept of the, 235П.20 Ideal orator, 86 Ideal philosopher-orator, 89 Ideal republic, 78-79 Idée de la perfection de la peinture (Fréart de Chambray), 138 Idée du peintre parfait (Piles), 161 Identification, in representation, 61 Illusion, 7, 167-73, 177-82, 245П.19; Plato and, 45-48, 53, 99, 168; Quin-tilian and, 99, 101, 102 Images, 1-4, 6-7, 30, 32, 169-70, 179, 230П.47; Aristotle and, 58-59, 61-62, 69-70; Cicero and, 91, 95-96; Des­cartes and, 130-35; eloquence of, 91, 95-113, 224, 239П.25 (see also Paint­ing); and language, 30, 96-113, 117- 31, 203-7, 239П.25; Plato and, 2, 43- 44, 47, 49, 50, 51-52, 76, 124; poetics of, 197-226, 247П.7; Quintilian and, 101-2; and theology, 127. See also Met­aphors; Painting; Theater Imagines (Philostratus), 230П.47 Imitation, 169-84; Aristotle and, 58-59, 64-65, 171-72; Cicero and, 76-77, 95; Plato and, 43-54, 124. See also Mime­sis Indications, in Quintilian, 96-97, 237П.12 lnstitutio oratoria (Quintilian), 84-86, 96, 99, 102 Intellectual intuition, 14-17, 18-20 Intelligence; Descartes and, 132-33; gaze of, 17-18. See also Thinking Intelligibility, linked with visibility, 29- 30 Intuition, 18-20; intellectual, 14-17,18-20 Isocrates, 97, 98 The Israelites Gathering Manna (Poussin), 212-13, 244П.14, 248П.20 Istoria, 201, 202, 249П.37 Italy: painting, 138-39, 142-43,152-53, 154, 167, 204-5, 217' 244nn.5,i6, 247n.11; Renaissance, 30, 56, 142-43, 238П.13, 244П.5 Index 265 Jansenism, 19-20, 175, 177-78. See also Port-Royal logicians Kant, Immanuel, 54, 152, 171, 220, 234П.3, 237n.11, 243-44nn.55,2 King: gaze of, 248m 18; representation of, 126-27. See also Louis XIV Klein, Robert, 242П.36 Knowledge: absolute, 4; painting as, 61-62, 133; philosophers and, 83-84; power and, 241П.15; and speech, 22- 23 La Bruyère, Jean de, 15, 19, 239П.24 Lacan, Jacques, 239П.17 La Fontaine, Jean de, 26 Lallot, J., 232П.9 La Mothe Le Vayer, François de, 25, 29, 229ПП.37,40 Lamy, Bernard, 129 Language, 1-2, 57; vs. bodily gesture, 101-2; and images, 30, 96-113, 117- 31, 203-7, 239П.25; Plato and, 54; touch and, 159. See also Discourse; Rhetoric; Speech; Writing La Rochefoucauld, François, duc de, 13, 15, 187-88, 227n.11, 229-30П.45 Laws (Plato), 45, 48, 50 Le Bossu, René, 128, 239П.22 Le Brun, Charles, 139, 145, 147, 148, 149, 205, 207, 215, 216, 24m.25; on color, 153, 155; and imitation, 176-77, 178; and passion, 209-13, 218, 248m 16; and Poussin, 176-77, 232П.6, 244П.14, 248П.20, 249П.34 Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm, baron von, 240П.28 Le Moyne, Pierre, 23 Le Nain brothers, 139 Leonardoda Vinci, 51, 117, 123, 168, 203-4, 236m 5 Lexis, 59, 70-71, 233П.20 Libertines, 190, 193-94 Light, 122, 201, 215, 247П.5 Logic, 24-25, 37, 66. See also Port-Royal logicians Lomazzo, Giovanni Paolo, 156, 158, 207, 232П.1, 238П.13, 242П.38, 243П.53, 24911.34 Longinus, 188, 220, 234П.3, 245-46П.30, 248m 33 Loos, Adolf, 23m.5 Louis XIV, 8, 10, 119, 124-27, 205, 23gnn.i4,i6 Louvre, 139 Lucian, 10 Lysias, 103 Makeup, 43, 185-95, 222' 245П.29. See also Cosmetics; Ornament Malebranche, Nicolas, 24 Malherbe, François de, 232П.4 Manner: of language and thought, 57; of painting, 175-78. See also Civility Marin, Louis, 239m 16, 244-45П.18 The Massacre of the Innocents (Rubens), 215 Mathematics, 26-27, 229П.40 Medusa, 195 Melun, Robert de, 246П.32 Memory, art of, 95 Meno (Plato), 52 Méré, Antoine Gombauld, chevalier de, 9-21 passim, 25, 192-93 Merleau-Ponty, Maurice, 4 Metaphors, 2, 128; Aristotle and, 58, 61, 65, 69-70, 233П.13; feminine, 103-9, 189-90, 246m32; Plato and, 53 Metaphysics, i-8 passim, 12, 37, 56, 225; Aristotle and, 60-61; beauty and, 41; Cicero and, 75, 80; and color/ coloris, 201, 222; and cosmetics, 185, 188,189; discernment and, 14, 16; painting and, 62, 124, 155, 181, 233П.18; Quintilian and, 87-88; and social classification of painters, 230П.4; and theology, 127. See also Plato Michel, Alain, 234П.4 Middle Ages, 185, 189, 230П.4, 245П.28, 246П.34, 247П.5 Mignard, Pierre, 147, 153 Mimesis, 169-82, 219, 232П.9, 247П.4; Aristotle and, 57-63, 69-70, 232П.7; Cicero and, 76-77; Descartes and, 134-35; Plato and, 43-54, 58, 124, 232П.7. Sec rt/so Imitation Model, and painting, 61-62, 134-35 Moderns, 147 Molière (Jean-Baptiste Poquelin), 57, 228П.27 Monstrosity, 106-8 Montaigne, Michel de, 21 Morality, 103-5; Aristotle and, 66, 67; Cicero and, 75; and makeup, 188, 190, 191, 192; Plato and, 42, 56, 87; Quin­tilian and, 87, 102 Morbidezza, 62-63, 167 Morvan de Bellegarde, Jean-Baptiste, 21 Moteville, Mme de, 14 Movere, 74, 89, 91-92, 96, 98, 160 2Ó6 Index Naturalism, 172, 180, 187 "Natural" quality, 180 Nature, 187-88 Neo-Platonism, 237П.15 New Academy, 237П.15 Nicole, Pierre, 15, 24, 24011.28 Nietzsche, Friedrich, 26, 187 Nightingale's song, in Kant, 171, 243- 44П.2; vs. in Perrault, 171 Nizan, Paul, 89 Nobility, and pedantry, 21 Odes (Pindar), 9-10 On the Sublime (Longinus), 188, 220, 234П.3, 245-46П.30 Opsis, 64, 71, 249П.37 Orator (Cicero), 72, 74, 86 Orators, 230П.50, 235П.13, 247П.10; Ar­istotle and, 68-71; Cicero and, 72-78, 80, 86, 89, 91, 92-95,160, 220, 236П.2; ideal, 86, 89; money charged by, 236П.22; and painters, 200, 204-6, 223-24, 226; Piles and, 159-60; Quin-tilian and, 84-88, 97-103, 236П.22. See also Eloquence; Rhetoric; Speech Origen, 127 Ornament, 43, 105-6, 172, 23inn.5,6; and makeup, 185-86, 189,190; Quin-tilian and, 87-88, 98, 99-100,107-9 Painters, 248П.33; names of, 197-98; and orators, 200, 204-6, 223-24, 226; as shoemakers, 45-47, 23m.11; social classification, 230П.4; speech by, 143- 47; as theoreticians, 142-60. See also Royal Academy of Painting and Sculpture Painting, 1-8, 30, 135-37, 237П.10, 240П.1; Aristotle and, 57-63, 71, 128, 129, 155-56, 232-ззпп.9,ю; Cicero's oratory like, 99-101; Descartes and, 130-35; and discourse, 98-99, 142, 149-54, 159; and divinity, 123-25, 238-39П.13; vs. drawing, 61-63,137, 138, 147-68, 191, 207, 217, 233П.17, 24m.19, 243П.55, 246П.35, 249П.34; eloquence of, 6-7, 32-33, 115-226, 239П.25, 242П.38, 247-48П.15; France and, 138-42,148-49, 152-53, 178, 205, 207, 217 (see also Royal Academy); historical, 149-50, 161-62, 207, 224, 244П.14; and idea, 132-35, 138, 149; Italians and, 138-39, 142-43, 152-53, !54 i67 204-5, 217, 244nn-5,i6, 247n.11; makeup in, 189-94; and pas­sion, 182, 200-201, 209-13, 217-21, 248m 16; and philosophy, 62-63, 133~ 34, 233П.18, 248m 17; Plato and, 2, 33, 37, 38-39, 41, 42-54, 62, 124, 168; and poetry, 117-29, 136-37, 195, 199, 203- 6, 236m5; Quintilian and, 98-101, 111; and reality, 131-32, 158, 169-80; and rhetoric, 1-2, 6-8, 32-33, 37, 38- 39, 41, 53-54, 100, 111, 159-60, 197- 226; and speech, 129-30; and theater, 128-29; and thinking, 129-35; touch and, 158-59, 163, 165, 167-68; world as, 117, 124, 170; and writing, 51-52, 117-29, 239П.24. See also Color; Imita­tion Panofsky, Erwin, 232П.1, 235П.20 Paradigm, pictorial, 117-36, 240П.28 Paragonc, 204, 205 Parallèle des Anciens et des Modernes (Per­rault), 9-11, 20-21, 26-30; abbé in, 9- 10, 28; chevalier in, 9-11, 28, 229П.43; magistrate in, 9-10 Pascal, Biaise, 8, 15-29 passim, 54, 78, 194, 222, 235П.14, 249П.35 Passion: painting and, 182, 200-201, 209-13, 217-21, 248П.16; in rhetoric, 72-79, 219-20, 234П.4 The Passions (Descartes), 218 Pathos: Aristotle and, 66; Cicero and, 74-75, 93, 96; Longinus and, 234П.3. See also Monere Pedants, 21-22, 25, 57, 228П.27 Peroration, 92-93, 96 Perrault, Charles, 12, 33, 171. See also Parallèle des Anciens et des Modernes Perron, A. du, 2460.32 Persuasion: Aristotle and, 66-67, 97, 233П.24; Quintilian and, 97, 99; technical/nontechnical, 66-67 Petrarch, 170 Phaedrus, 171 Phaedrus (Plato), 86 Pharmakon, 42, 43, 52, 23m.6, 245- 46m 30 Philosophy, 1-8, 9-33, 38, 229П.42, 234П.26; ancient, 21-22, 158 (seealso Aristotle; Plato; Socrates); Cicero and, 77-84, 89-90, 236П.23, 237nn.n,i5, 242П.32; contempt for power and wealth, 29, 229-30П.45; Descartes and, 133-34; and illusion, 170; indi­vidual identified with, 26; painting and, 62-63, 133-34' 233П.18, 248П.17; Quintilian and, 89, 97-98, 237П.15; vs. rhetoric, 33, 54, 72-90. See also Kant, Immanuel; Metaphysics; Port- Royal logicians Index 267 Philostratus, 54, 230П.47 Pictorial paradigm, 117-36, 240П.28 Piles, Roger de, 147, 153-68, 172, 178- 87 passim, 205-6, 213-25 passim, 246П.35, 248111-1.28,33; Conversations sur la connaissance de la peinture, 197- 99, 24611.1; Cours de peinture par prin­cipes, 181, 184, 197, 215; Idée du peintre parfait, 161; and Poussin, 163, 184, 207-9, 243П.47; on Rubens, 163, 167, 168, 180, 184, 185, 207, 213-17, 243пп.4б,47; "scale of painters" 24311.4 7 Pindar, 9-10 Plato, 2, 6-10 passim, 37-54, 55-57, 76, 188, 232П.6, 235П.18, 239П.25; Cicero and, 78-83 passim, 90, 232П.1, 235П.20; and color, 50-53, 62, 100, 23inn.i5,i7; and cosmetics, 37-54, 86-88, 100, 190, 23m.6; Cratylus, 51; and distance, 228m 19; doxa of, 56, 75, 232П.2; and drawing, 51-52, 149; Gorgias, 38, 39, 81-89 passim, 190, 202, 230П.2, 235П.10, 249П.36; Laws, 45, 48, 50; Meno, 52; and mimesis, 43- 54, 58, 124, 232П.7; and painting, 2, 33- 37- 38-39, 41, 42-54, 62, 124, 168; prejudice against, 3-4, 20-33 passim, 38, 55, 58, 229пп.з7,з8,40, 232П.1; Quintilian and, 85-89, 99; Republic, 48; and rhetoric, 37, 38-39, 41, 50, 53, 75, 80-87, 202 234n-4' 236П.22; Sym­posium, 52; Timaeus, 52, 23inn.i5,i7; women and, 9-10, 20-21, 29 Pleasure, 175, 184-85; agrestis, 170; Aris­totle and, 58-59, 63-64, 171-72; Cicero and, 83-84; colorists and, 155- 56, 167-68, 171-72, 182-84, 191-95; and deception, 167-68, 169-72, 186- 89; ittgeniosis, 170; Plato and, 50, 53, 58 Pliny, 235П.21 Plot structure, Aristotle on, 59 Poetics: Aristotle and, 58-71 passim, 128, 207-9; of image, 197-226, 247П.7. See also Poetry Poetics (Aristotle), 58-71 passim, 128, 129, 212, 232пп.з,7,9, 233П.19 Poetry, 1-2; and painting, 117-29, 136- 37' 195' х99' 2°3-6' 236П.5. Seealso Poetics Poikiloi, 52-53, 231-32П.18 Point of view, 163-65, 248П.18. See also Distance; Gaze Politeness, 16-17, 21-22, 153 Politics, 29, 152, 205; Plato and, 88; Quintilian and, 88, 89. Seealso Louis XIV Pordenone, Giovanni Antonio de, 243n-53 Portraits, 174 Port-Royal logicians, 12, 15, 22, 24, 174, 177, 244-45nn.i8,i9. Saя/so Jansen­ism Poussin, Nicolas, 138-39, 149, 151, 232П.18, 240П.2; and actio, 247- 48m 15; Eliezer and Rebecca, 146, 150, 176-77, 232П.6, 24m.22; Israélites Gathering Manna, 212-13, 244П.14, 2480.20; Le Brun and, 176-77, 232П.6, 244П.14, 248П.20, 249П.34; Piles and, 163, 184, 207-9, 243n-47 Poussinists, 152, 153, 172, 209, 248m 16 Power, 28-29, 24in. 15 Pragmatics, 221, 249m34; Aristotle and, 66-67; Cicero and, 77-78; Quintilian and, 102 Pratique du theatre (d'Aubignac), 128-29 Pride, 28 Probare, 72 Propriety, 14-17. See also Taste Protogenes, 51 Pure, abbé de, 24 Puritanism, 102 Pythagoras, 56 Quintilian: and eloquence, 86, 89, 96- 111 passim, 187, 236П.22; and imita­tion, 179; and indications, 96-97, 237П.12; mango, 235П.21; and rhetoric, 84-89, 96-m passim, 200, 205-6, 223-24, 225-26, 235П.21, 236П.4; and stoicism, 97-98, 237m 15 Racine, Jean, 26,129 The Rape of the Sabines (Rubens), 215 Raphael, 184, 199 Rapin, René, 26 Reality: dream and, 119-20; painting and, 131-32, 158, 169-80 Reason, 6, 7, 11-12; colorists and, 155— 56; feminine, 12-13; ar,d language, 23, 24; wit and, 12-13, 17-18, 20 La Recherche de la vérité (Descartes), 132- 33 Red, 52, 23m.17 Renaissance, 142; Aristotelianism of, 58, 156, 232П.1; Italian, 30, 56, 142-43, 238П.13, 244П.5; orator in, 204; and passion, 219; social classification of painters in, 230П.4 268 Index Representation, 4, 6, 7, 55, 113, 248П.17, 249П.36; Aristotle and, 58-71, 232П.7; Cicero and, 76, 91-96, 237П. 11; and dream, 239П.17; of eloquence/ eloquence of, 248П.15; pictorial para­digm and, 123, 126-27, 240П.28; Plato and, 29-30, 45, 50; Quintilian and, 98-99, 101-2, 109-11; theory, 4, 142-68 (sec also Art theory); vériste, 175-78. See also Illusion; Im­ages; Imitation; Language; Painting; Theater Republic (Plato), 48 Resemblance, 51, 131-34, 169, 174, 244П.9 Rhetoric, 234П.33, 235П.13, 238П.27, 245П.26, 247nn.6,7; Aristotle and, 58, 65-70, 71; Ciceronian, 6-7, 32-33, 72- 84, 86, 89, 91-98, 160, 200, 202, 217, 218-20, 225, 234П.4, 242П.32; color in, 53, 106, 109, 190; delivery of, 68-71, 72-77, 93, 109-11, 202, 223-24, 2з6пп.2,4 (see also Actio); medieval, 245П.28, 247П.5; oral, 32; and paint­ing, 1-2, 6-8, 32-33, 37, 38-39, 41, 53-54, 100, 111, 159-60, 197-226; vs. philosophy, 33, 54, 72-90; Plato and, 37' 38-39' 41 ' 50, 53-54- 75. 80-87, 202, 234П.4, 236П.22; Quintilian and, 84-89, 96-111 passim, 200, 205-6, 223-24, 225-26, 235П.21, 236П.4; si­lent, 32, 91-92, 223-24, 226; style, 103-7; written, 32-33. See also Elo­quence; Orators Rhetoric (Aristotle), 58, 65-69, 71, 232П.3, 233ПП.13Л9 Richelet, César Pierre, 21 Ripa, Cesare, 117 Romanticism, 220 Roscius, 93, 95 Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 191, 228m30, 239m 25 Royal Academy of Painting and Sculp­ture, 139-54, Г75.19O' 24ОП.5, 24m.14; on Titian, 243П.54; and tit pic­ture poesis, 205, 247П.12 Rubenists, 152, 153, 163, 165, 172, 178, 209 Rubens, Peter Paul, 153, 178, 232П.18, 24m.19, 242П.31; Battle of the Ama­zons, 215; Descent from the Cross, 213, 217; Massacre of the Innocents, 215; Piles on, 163, 167,168, 180, 184, 185, 207, 213-17, 243nn.46.47; Rape of the Sabines, 215 Rutilius, 78-79, 235П.7 Sablé, Madame de, 12 Saint-Evremond, Charles de Marguetel, sieur de, 12 Saint-Germain-des-Prés, 240П.4 Sandrart, Joachim von, 242П.31 Saunderson, Nicholas, 242П.40 Scholasticism, 56, 57 Science, 5, 24 Sculpture, 59-60, 139, 156-57, 158-60, 163,167 Seduction, 184-94 Seeing: showing and, 102. See also Vi­sion Segno di dio, drawing defined as, 149 Sense, good, 17-18, 19 Shoemaker, painter as, 45-47, 23m. 11 Showing, 7; and seeing, 102; vs. telling, 205-6. See also Painting Signs, 51, 123, 174, 179, 221 Silence, 6, 8, 32, 91-92, 223-24, 226 Simonides, 95 Sincerity, 181,186 Skema, 65 Skepticism, 237П.15 Slaves, 87-88, 24m.8 Sleep, 117-20, 130-31, 239П.17 Socrates, 21, 89, 235nn.8,io; Cicero and, 79, 80-81, 82-83, 97. 235П.8; on color, 52; on painting, 44, 48, 49; pride of, 28; Quintilian and, 85, 86, 99; and "Socratine" 14 "Le Songe de Philomathe" (Félibien), 117-27 Sophistry, 236П.22, 238П.27; Cicero and, 81, 83; color and, 190-91, 201; Plato and, 48-49, 50, 53-54, 81, 236П.22 Specificity, 156-58, 205, 226 Spectacle, 168, 219; Aristotle and, 64- 66, 71; Cicero and, 71, 72, 76, 93, 100 Speech, 22-25, 226 228л.30; Aristotle and, 68-70; Cicero and, 75-76; con­versation, 22-25, 222, 229nn.32,35; by painters, 143-47; and painting, 129-30; writing and, 22, 23, 24-25, 30, 32-33. See also Orators; Rhetoric Stoicism, 97-98, 237П.15 Style, 103-7; Aristotle and, 70; Cicero and, 103-5; Quintilian and, 105 Sublime, 220, 234П.3 Sunkrisis, 52 Symbolists, 221, 249П.34 Symposium (Plato), 52 Tacitus, 103, 107 Taste, 9-14. See also Discernment Index 269 Tertullius, 28, 229П.42 Teyssèdre, Bernard, 241П.14 Theater: Aristotle and, 64-66, 71, 128, 129; Cicero and, 75-77, 95, 129, 218- 19; and painting, 128-29, 218-19. See also Acting; Spectacle Theology, 127, 239П.20, 249П.34. See also Divinity Theoreticians: of painting, 142-68, 232П.1. See also Royal Academy of Painting and Sculpture Theory: of representation, 4, 142-68. See also Art theory Thinking: and painting, 129-35. See also Idea; Philosophy Timaeus (Plato), 52, 23100.15,17 Titian, 167, 184, 24m. 19, 24зпп.53,54, 245П.19 Touch, 158-59, 163, 165, 167-68, 242П.40 Tragedy, Aristotle and, 59 Traité du monde (Descartes), 130 Trattato dell'arte delta pittura, scultura, ed architettura (Lomazzo), 207 Trompe-l'oeil, 177 Truth, 169, 172, 175-84, 187-88; Cicero and, 78; composite/perfect, 181-84; Descartes and, 132, 133; ideal, 181-82; Plato and, 42, 48, 49-50, 54, 58; sim­ple, 181-84. See also Reality Ugliness, Plato and, 39-41 Universality, vs. specificity, 156-58 Van Gogh, Vincent, 5 Vasari, Giorgio, 156-57 Vaugelas, Claude Favre de, 20, 23 Vigenère, Blaise de, 230П.47 Virgil, 30, 151 Virility, 107-9 Vision: blindness, 158-59, 162, 167, 242П.40; logical/ordinary, 19 Voice, 6, 225-26, 236П.4, 247П.6. See also Discourse; Orators; Rhetoric; Speech White, 52, 23m. 15 Wisdom, Quintilian and, 84-85, 89 Wit, 12-13, 15-21, 24, 25; defined, 18 Wittkower, Margot, 240-41П.8 Wittkower, Rudolf, 240-41П.8 Women: and cosmetics, 42-43, 189-90; in paintings, 54; and Plato, 9-10, 20- 21, 29; and style, 103-6; and taste, 9- 10, 12-14. See also Femininity World, as painting, 117, 124, 170 Writing: paintingand, 51-52,117-29, 239П.24 (seealso Poetry); speech and, 22, 23, 24-25, 30, 32-33. See also Theater Zeuxis, 172,180,182 Zuccari, Federico, 149, 232П.1, 24m.20
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