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Volltext:Index A: Names Action Painting, 181 Adkins, A., Merit and Responsibility, 49, 56, n4 Albers, J., 176 Albert Memorial, the, 21 Althusser, L., xx, xxi, xxvii nlí; xxviii nl6; 121 'Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses (Notes towards an Investigation)', Lenin and Philosophy and Other Essays xxviii nl7, nl8 American Philosophical Quarterly, 227, п4, пб Andre, С., 162 Arendt, H., 56 Aristotle. 41, 53, 70, 71, 98, 128 Metaphysics 1, 51, XII, 54 Posterior Analytics, 99 n2 Aristotelian theory of a definition, 54, acquisition of knowledge, 95, causes, 154, 168, conditions, 259 Arnauld, A., The Art of Thinking: Port-Royal Logic 99 nl3 Art and Language, xx, xxiii, 145, 146, 252 re text 15 'Portrait of V.l. Lenin', xxii, 145-146, 182, 191 re text IS 'Abstract Expression', xvii, 10, 26, 146, 191-192 re text 23 'Author and Producer Revisited', xv, xvi, xvii, xix, 37, 114, 193, 251-252 Portrait of V.l. Lenin in the Style of Jackson Pollock, 145 Artforum, xxv n5 Art History, xxvi ti7 Art-Language, 145 Art Monthly, xxvi n7, xxvii nl 1, xxviii n26 Art News, 181 Arts yearbook, xxv n4 Assiter, A., re text 12 'Philosophical Materialism or the Materialist Conception of History', xvii, xx, xxii, 113-114, 252 Auerback, A. (ed), Schizophrenia: An Integrated Approach, 188 n6 Avicenna, 133 Axande, the, 225-226 Bach, J.S., 7, 22 Goldberg Variations, 178 Bakunin, M.A., 267 'The International and Karl Marx', 269 nl4 Baldwin, M„ 145, see Art and Language Bames, В., re text 11 'Conceptions of Knowledge', xii, xxiii, 101-102, 113, 126, 139, 243 re text 22 'Culture and History', xii, xix, 102, 243-244 Interests and the Growth of Knowledge, 101, 243 Barthes, R., xx, xxvii nl5 Baudelaire, C„ 'Les Chats', 157 Baxandall, M., re text 14 'The Cognitive Style', xvii, 10, 139-140 Painting and Experience in Fifteenth Century Italy, 139 Beethoven, L. von, 88 Bell, C., xii, xv, xvii, 25-26, 31-34, 47, 114 Art, 25, 35 п7, n8, n9, nl2, nl2, nl4 Benjamin, W., 125 'The Author as Produceri, 251 Berlin, I., 'The Bent Twig- 267, 268 nl3 Berkelian tradition, 96, idealist, 114 Bernini, G., 13 Bewick, T., 131 Birdwhistell, R.L., 'Contribution of Linguistic- Kinesic Studies to the Understanding of Schizophrenia', 184, 188 n6 Bloch, E., 'Discussing Expressionism', xxvi n8 [Bloomfield, J.j, Class, Hegemony and Party, 121 nl6 Bloomsbury, 25, 41 Bloor, D., Knowledge and Social Imagery, xxvii nl4 Bohn, H.G., 128 Bohr, N„ 233 Bosse, A., 129 Botticelli, S., Birth of Venus, 27 Bower, T.G.R., 96 'Object Perception in Infants', 99 n9 Bracken, H.M., 266 Berkeley, 268 n8 . , 'Minds and Learning; The Chomskian Revolution, 264, 268 n2 Bradley, F.H., 41, 42 Bragg, L., 74 270 Index A: Names Brahe, T., 70-73, 76, 78-79 Brahms, J„ Second Symphony, 27 Brain, W.R., 71 Recent Advances in Neurology, 83 n2 Breuer, J., and Freud, S„ Studies on Hysteria, 185, 189 n9 British Journal of the Philosophy of Science, 250 n3 Bruner, J.S. and Koslowski, В., 'Visually Preadapted Constituents of Manipulatory Action', 96, 99 nlO Brunfels, Herbal ('Herbarum vivae eicones'), 136 Buddhist carving, 5 Butor, M., Inventory, 17 n4 'Rothko: The Mosques of New York', 16 Carrit, E.F.,23 An Introduction to Aesthetics, 19 Carroll, L., 63 Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, 19, 20 Cartesian ..., 20, 95, 266 Cavell, S., Must We Mean What We Say"! 17 nl Cézanne, P., 23, 28, 34 Chomsky, N., 154 re text 10 'On Cognitive Capacity', xxii, xxiii, 93- 94 re text 24 'Some General Concepts of Language', xxi, xxii, xxiii, 94, 261-262 American Power and the New Mandarins, 268 n6 For Reasons of State, 268, n6, n9, 269, nl4, nl5 Reflections on Language, 93, 261 Christ, 41; Christianity, 42 Clark, T.J., 158, 257, 259 'Preliminaries to a Possible Treatment of Olympia in 1865', 252 Claudius, 22 Cohen, G.A., 119, 120 Essays in Honor of E.H. Carr, 121 nl5 [Coleridge, S.T.], Kubla Khan, 20 Collingwood, R.G., 28, 54, 55 The Principles of Art, 35, n6, 54, 56, n5 Comedy Theatre, Berlin, 179 n5 Compton, M„ (ed), Toward a New Art Essays on the Background to Abstract Art 1910-20, xxvii nl3 Constable, J., 69, 70, 164 Weymouth Bay, 160 Copernicus, 239 Courbet, G., 257 Burial at Omans, 149, 166 The Stonebreakers, 165-167 Coward, R. and Ellis, J., Language and Materialism: Developments in Semiology and the Theory of the Subject, xxviii nl9, n20, n21 Croce, В., xv, xvii, 3-4, 22, 25-26, 26-31, 33-34 Aesthetic, 22, 27, 29, 34 nl п2, n3 Crateuas, 128 Critchley, M., The Language of Gesture, 187, 189 nl3 Crusoe, 75 Cudworth, R., 95 Treatise Concerning Eternal and Immutable Morality, 99 n3 True Intellectual System of the Universe, 99 n5 Dalton, J., 235, 239 Dali, S., 174 Dancy, Papers in Language and Logic, 191 Dante, 7 Darwinian ..., 262 Das Wort, xxvi n8 Daumier, H., Laundress, 175 David, J.L., 7 Davidson, D. and Harman, F. (eds), Semantics of Natural Languages, 121 nl3 Davidson, D. and Hintikka, J. (eds), Words and Objections: Essays on the Work ofW.V. Quine, 169 nl Debussy, C., La Mer, 178 Degas, E., 259 [Delacroix, E.[, Scenes from the Massacre of Chios, 155 Denny, R., 162 Derrida, J„ xx Descartes, R., 237, 264 Diderot, D., Encyclopaedia, 130 Dionysius, 128 Dolgoff, S., Bakunin on Anarchy, 269 nl4 [Dostoyevsky, F.,[, The Brothers Karamazov, 20 Crime and Punishment, 19 Douglas, M„ 247 Purity and Danger, 250 nl Dray, W„ 160 The Historical Explanation of Actions, 169 n7 Duhem, P., 74 La théorie physique, 83 n5 Dürer, A., 178 Durham Cathedral, 23 Dürkheim, E., 220-224 passim 'Review of A. Labriola's Essays on Historical Materialism', 227 n3 Suicide, 222 Dyce, W., 5 Einstein, A., 80, 232, 233 Eimas, P.D., Signeland, E.R., Jusczyck, P., Vigorito, J., 'Speech Perception in Infants', 96, 99 n8 Ellis, J., Coward, R.E., Language and Materialism, xxviii nl9, n20, n21 [Eliot, T.S.], 'The Love-Song of J. Aldred Prufrock', 20 Engels, F., 119, 120 Anti-Dühring, 117 'Letter to Bloch', 117, 121, n7 Engels, F., & Marx, K„ The German Ideology, xxviii n22, 114, 121, nl, n2, n3, nlO, nl 1 The Holy Family, 121 n9 Selected Works, 121 n7, n8, nl2 Etty, W„ 5 Euler's Theorem, 248 Evans, T. (ed), 'A Conversation with Clement Greenberg', xxvi n7, xxvii nl 1 Evans-Pritchard, E.E., 221, 225 Expressionism, xxvi, n8 Florence, 29 Foreign Affairs, 268 nl3 Foucault, M., xx, xxvii nl5, 259 Fourdrinier, 131 Foxe's Martyrs, 130 Frascina, F. and Harrison, C. (eds). Modem Art and Modernism: a Critical Anthology, xxv n2, n4, xxviii n26, 173, 251, 252 Frege, G„ 39, 119 'On Sense and Reference', 121 nl4 French Revolution, 130 Freud, S„ xxi, xxiii, xxviii n24 271 Index A Names The Standard Edition of the Complete Psycho­logical Works of Sigmund Freud, 189 n9 Freud, S., Breuer, J.C., Studies on Hysteria, 185, 189 n9 Fried, M., 9, 16 'Three American Painters: Kenneth Noland, Jules Olitski, Frank Stella', xxv n5, 17 n3 Frith, W.P., Paddington Station, 32 Fry, R., xi-xv passim, xviii, xxvi nlO, 32, 42 Art and L\fe, xi, xv Vision and Design, xxv nl, 35 nlO Fuchs, Herbal {'De Stirpium Historia'), 136-138 Fullmauer, H., 136 Gadd, D., The Loving Friends, 43 n3 Gainsborough, T., 12 Galen, 133 Galileo, 71,72, 76,79, 80, 239 Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems, 83 nl G allie, W.B., 160 'Explanation in History and the Genetic Sciences', 169 n7 'Gart der Gesundheit', 133, 134 Ged, W., 131 [Gibbon, E,[, The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, 19, 20 Giotto, 7 Gleyre, C„ 257 GofTman, E„ Asylums, 219 Goldschmidt, W„ 214, 225-227 Comparative Functionalism, 225, 227, n5 Goldwater, R., 7 Gombrich, E., 106, 203, 244 Art and Illusion: a Study in the Psychology of Pictorial Representation, xxiii, xxviii n25, 102, 106, 139 Goodman, N., 191, 195-198 passim, 203 re text 9 'Seven Strictures on Similarity', xiii, xix, xxii, 85-86, 146, 169 n2 re text 16 'Expression', xvii, xxv, 26, 173-174, 182 'Art and Inquiry', 173 The Languages of Art, 85, 173, 174, 195 Problems and Projects, 173 Gough, K., 'The Nayars and the Definition of Marriage', 227 n7 Gould, J„ 50, 53 The Development of Plato's Ethics, 49, 56 n2 Goya, F. de, 16, 21 Gramsci, A., xx, xxi, xxviii nl6, 261, 265 The Modern Prince and Other Writings, 265, 268 n4 Greek art, epic poetry, xxviii n23; philosophy on knowledge, 47-56; science 127-129, 131, 133 Greenberg, C„ xii—xiii, xv, xvii, xxv n5, xxvi nl, xxvi n9, 3-4, 9, 10 re text I 'Complaints of an Art Critic', xv xvii 3-4 'Abstract, Representational and so forth', xxvii nl2 Art and Culture: critical essays, xxv n3, xxvi n8, xxvii nl2 'Avant-Garde and Kitsch', xxvi n8 'Modernist Painting', xxv n4, xxvi n9 'Towards a Newer Laocoon', xxvi n7, n9 Gregory, R., 96 'The Grammar of Vision', 99 nil 'Grete НегЬаГ, 134-135 Grünbaum, A., Philosophy of Space and Time, 216 Habermas, J., 107, 244—245 Hall, S„ 120 'Rethinking the "Base-and-Superstructure" Metaphori, 121 nl6, nl7, nl8, nl9 Hamlet, 75 Hammond, P.B. (ed), Culture and Social Anthro­pology, 227 n7 Hanson, N.R., re text 8 'Observation', xviii, xxiii, 58, 69-70, 102, 113, 139, 230 Patterns of Discovery, 69, 70 Harrison, C., 'The Ratification of Abstract Art', xxvii nl3, see also Art and Language Harrison, C„ Frascina, F. &, Modern Art and Modernism: A Critical Anthology, xxv n2, n4, xxviii n26, 173, 251, 252 Hart, W.D., 'Causation and Self-Reference', 191 Hayez, F., 5 Hegel, G.W.F., 41 Hegelian ..., 114 Herder, J.G. von, 263 Hindu sculpture, 5 Hintikka, J., re text 6 'Knowing How, Knowing That, and Knowing What..xiv, 47-48 Hintikka, J., Davidson D. & (eds), Words and Objections: Essays on the Work ofW.V. Quine, 169 nl Hitler's architecture, 179 n5 Hobbes, T., 207, 209, 211, 212 Hogarth, W„ 21, 33 [Homer], Iliad, 48 Odyssey, 50 Hook, S., Towards an Understanding of Karl Marx, 121 n6 Humboldt, W. von, 263, 266, 269 nl5 Hume, D., 40, 264, Humean ..., 221 Huxley, A., 176 'Music in India and Japan', 179 n4 Impressionism, ists, 9, 257 Indian music, 176 Ingres, J.A.D., 8 Itard, J., The Wild Boy of Aveyron, 265 Ives, C., Fourth Symphony, 178 Ivins, Jr., W.M., 105, 106, 125, 126, 244 re text 13 'The Blocked Road to Pictorial Communication' and 'The Road Block Opened, xviii, xxiii, 70, 102, 125-126 Prints and Visual Communication, 105, 125 Jaeger, W„ 56 Jakobson, R. and Lévi-Strauss, С., 'Charles Baudelaire's "Les Chats" ', 157, 169 n5 James VI and I, 226 Jastrow's duck-rabbit, 59, see also duck-rabbit Jehovah, 41 Johns, J., 182 Joule-Lenz Law, 232 Joyce, J., 177 Ulysses, 20, 21 Jusczyck, P., see Eismas, P.D., et al Kandinsky, W., 177 Kant, I., xii, 41, 96, 264, 266, Kantian epistem-ology, 262 'An Answer to the Question "What is Enhgh en-ment?" ' 268 nl 1 272 Index A: Names Kaplan, D„ 145, 147, 148, 150, 152, 153, 154, 156-161 passim, 163, 165, 167 'Quantifying In', 156, 169 nl, n4, пб Keats, J., 75 Kepler, J., 70-73, 76, 78-79 Keplerian orbits 234 Keynes, J.M., 40, 41, 42 Kline, F., 7 Koenig, F., 131 Köhlens hexagons, 66, 67 Koslowski, В., Bruner, J.S. &, 'Visually Preadapted Constituents of Manipulatory Action', 96, 99 nlO Kripke, S., 118 'Naming and Necessity', 121 nl3 Kristeva, J., xx Kuhn, T.S., 229-230, 248 re text 21 'Paradigms, Tacit Knowledge and Incommensurability', xii, xv, xviii, xxiii, 10, 37, 58, 101, 229-231, 244 The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, 101, 229, 250 n2 Labriola, A., Essays on Historical Materialism, 227 n3 Lacan, J.H., xx; xxvii nl5 Lakatos, I., 248 Proofs and Refutations', 250 n3 Lakatos, I. and Musgrave, T. (eds), Criticism and the Growth of Knowledge, 101 Lake, В., re text 4 'A Study of the Irrefutability of Two Aesthetic Theories, xiv, xv, xvii, 3, 4, 10, 25-26 Lane, M., (ed) Structuralism, A Reader, 169 n5 Langer, S., 184 Philosophy in a New Key, 183, 184, 188, n3, n4, n7 Larisey S.J., P., 17 n5 Larrain, J., Marxism and Ideology, xxviii nl6 'Latin Herbarius' 133 Leach, E.R., 225, 226 'Polyandry, Inheritance and the Definition of Marriage with Particular Reference to Sinhalese Customary Law", 227 n7 Rethinking Anthropology, 225, 227 n7 Lee, V., Anthropomorphic Aesthetics, 24 nl Leibniz, G.W. v., 95 Discourse on Metaphysics, 99 n4 Leonardo da Vinci, Mona Lisa, 81 after - , 'Dimensions of a horse', 143 Lessing, G.E., Laocöon, 21 Levellers, the, 212 Lévi-Strauss, С., xx, xxvii nl5, and Jakobson, R_, 'Charles Baudelaire's "Les Chats" ', 157, 169 n5 Linsky, L. (ed), Reference and Modality, 169 n4 Listener, the, 99 nil, 179 n5 Llangollen Methodist Chapel, 23 Locke, J., 71, 207, 209, 212, -'s epistemology, 264— 265 Lodge, D„ xxvi n9 Long, R., 166, 167 Lorenz, К., 262 Lotze, Microcosmos, 24 nl Louis, M„ 15, 16 Lovejoy, A., O., 'Kant and the English Platonists', 99 n5, n6 Lukács, G., xxvi n8, 158, 244, Lukacsian ..., 116 Lyly, P., 22 McCarthy, D., 40 Maclntyre, A., re text 5 'Emotivism', xv, xvii, 10, 25, 37-38, 208 re text 20 'The Idea of a Social Science', xvii, xxii, 25, 182, 213-214, 243, 252 Macpherson, C.B., 297-208 re text 19 'The Twentieth Century Dilemma', 207-208 The Political Theory of Possessive Individualism, 207, 268 n7 Malinowski, В., 214-215, 221, 225, 227 The Sexual Life of Savages in North- Western Melanesia, 227 nl, n2 Mallarmé, S., xxiv 'The Impressionists and Edouard Manet', xxviii n26 Maison, L., Wolf Children and the Problem of Human Nature, 265, 268 n5 Manet, E., 257 Mannheim, K., 104-105, 110, 244 Ideology and Utopia, 104, 105 Manuels Roret, 131 Markovian ..., 150, ... 163 Marx, K., xxi, xxii, xxiii, xxviii nl6, n23, n24, 113- 121 passim, 191, 252, 256, 261, 263, 265-268 passim Capital, 252, 253, 254, 258 A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy, xxviii n23, 117, 118, 252 Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts, 114, 121 n4 The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte, 120 Theses on Feuerbach, xxviii, 113, 117 Marx, K., and Engels, F., The German Ideology, xxviii n22, 114, 121 nl, n2, n3, nlO, nil The Holy Family, 121 n9 Selected Works, 121 nl, n8, nl2 Marxism, xxi, xxii, 116, 261 265; Marxist theory, thought, xx-xxiii passim, 121, 253, 265; Marxists, 113, 117, 218 Matisse, H„ 8, 12, 14, 15, 16 'La Fenêtre (Le Rideau Jaune)', 14 'La Fenêtre Ouverte', 14, 15 'La Porte Fenêtre', 14 Mayer, A., 136 Mendelsohn, E., Einstein Tower, 179 n5 Metaphilosophy, 268 n2 Metrodorous, 128 Mill, J.S., 207, 211, 215 Modernism, xi-xv, xviii-xx, xxii, xxiii, xxv n5, xxvi n9, 25, 37, 258, 261; 'crisis of-', 263; 'Post-', xiii, see also aesthetics, modernist; art, modern­ist; art criticism, modemist, art history, modemist Molière, J.B.P. de, Tartuffe, 20 Monet, С., 257 Moore, G.E., 40, 41, 42, 43 Principia Ethica, 40, 41 More, H., Antidote Against Aetheism, 99 n7 Moussorgsky, М.Р., Boris Goudonov, 21 Moxon, J., Mechanick Exercises, 129-130 Mozart, W.A., 7, 28 Munch, E., 8 Musgrave, T., Lakatos, I. & (eds), Criticism and the Growth of Knowledge, 101 Nadel, S.F., 219 [Necker cube], 77, 78 273 Index A: Names Newman, B„ 5 Newton, I., 80, -'s Laws, 231, 236 Opticks, 72, 83 n4 Nicholson, В., 33 Nietzsche, F., xxiii, xxviii n24 Oedipus complex, 185 Ohm's Law, 232 Orton, F. and Pollock, G„ 'Avant-Gardes and Partisans Reviewed', xxvi n7 Orwell, G„ xxvi n9 Osric, 22 Overton, R., 211 Papillon, J.M., Traité, 129-130 Pareto, V., 195, 225 Partisan Review, xxvi n7, n8 Passmore, J., re text S 'On the Dreariness of Aesthetics', 19-20 Paul, St., 41, 42 Penelope, 50 Penny Cyclopaedia, 131 Perception, 99 n9, nlO Picasso, P., 28, 182 Guernica, 27 Pierce, C„ Collected Papers, 181 Pisanello, A., Studies of a Horse, 142 Pissarro. С., 164 Plato (Platonic) 41, 48-56 passim, 95 dialogues, 49, 52, 53: 'Laches', 52, 53, 'Charmides', 48, 52-53, 'Ion', 48, 'Meno', 51, 53, 'Euthyphro', 48 .Apologia, 49, 50, 51, 'Gorgias', 52, 'Republic' I, 48, IV, 48, V, 55, VII, 51, 'Euthydemus', 48, 'Theaetetus', 51 Pliny the Elder, 127, 128, 129, 131, 133 Natural History, 127 Pliny the Younger, 126 Polanyi, K., The Great Transformation: The Politi­cal and Economic Origins of Our Time, 268 пб Polanyi, M., Personal Knowledge, 231 Pollock. I„ 7, 178 Pollock, G., Orton, F., &,'Avant-Gardes and Par­tisans Reviewed', xxvi n7 'Pop Goes the Weasel', 23 Popper, K„ xii, 230, Popperian tradition, 248 The Logic of Scientific Discovery, xxvi n6, 101 Poussin, N.. 15 'Pseudo-Apuleius', 132, 133, 135 Ptolemy, 70, Ptolemaist, 71 Pyreicus, 21 Radical Philosophy, xxviii n21, 113 Ramsden, M„ 145, see Art and Language Raphael, 6 Rapoport, A., 186 Operational Philosophy: Integrating Knowledge and Action, 183, 188 n2, 189 nil Read, H., Art Now, 35 n5 Realism, xix, xxvi n8, 161, 257 Rée, J., xxii 'Marxist Modes', xxviii n21 Reiss, H. (ed), Kant's Philosophical Writings, 268 nil (Renais, A.), Last Year at Marienbad, 178 Renoir, P.A., 257 'Revue Philosophique', 227 n3 Robert, L., 131 Rocker, R., Anarchosyndicalism, 268 пб Rockwell, N., 6 Rodin, A., 13 Rosa, S., 7 Rosenbaum, S.P. (ed), The Blaomsbury Group, 43 n2 Rosenberg, H„ 'Hans Hofmann: Nature into Action', 181 Ross, D. (trans), Aristotle's Metaphysics, 51 Rothko, M., 10, 12, 16, 200 'Four Seasons' series, 16 Rousseau, J. J., 266 Ruskin, J., 8 Russell, В., 81, 95, 96, 268 Human Knowledge: Its Scope and Its Limits, 99 nl Icarus, or the Future of Science, 268, 269 nl6 Intro, to L. Wittgenstein's Tractatus Logico- Philosophicus, 183, 188 nl Ryle, G., 39, 216 Salon, the, 257 Saussure, F. de, xx, xvii nl5 Scargill, A., 156-157, 161 Schapiro, M„ 'On Some Problems in the Semiotics of Visual Art: Field and Vehicle in Image Signs', 17 n2 Schlauch, M., The Gift of Language, 184, 188 n5 Schrödinger Equation, 234 Science, 99 n8, 268 nl Semiótica, 17 n2 Shakespeare, W., 22 Macbeth, 20 The Tempest, 16 Shelley, P.B., Defense of Poetry, 28, 35 n4 Sheppard, R., 'Monument to the Architect?', 179 n5 Sidgwick, A., 42 Signeland, E„ see Eismas, P.D., et al Simplicius, 76, 79 Skinner, B.F., 99 nl2, 154, 161 Snell, В., The Discovery of the Mind, 48, 49, 56 nl, n3 Socrates (Socratic) 48-56 passim Soper, K., 'Marxism, Materialism and Biology', 197 Soulages, P., 178 Speckle, H.R., 136 Spencer, H., 41, 42 Stalin, J.V., 116, Stalinist... xxviii nl6, 166 Dialectical Materialism, 117, 121 n5 Works, 121 n5 Stent, G.S., 262 'Limits to the Scientific Understanding of Man', 268 nl Stephen, L., 42 Sterne, J.P., Nietzsche, xxviii n24 Stevenson, C.L., 38 Ethics and Language, 43 nl Stobbaerts, J., 5 Strachey, L„ 40, 41, 42 Szasz, T.S., re text 17 'Hysteria as Communi­cation', 181-182, 191 The Myth of Mental Illness, 181 Pain and Pleasure- A Study in Bodily Peelings, 187, 189 nl2 Taylor, R., Art, An Enemy of the People, 169 n3 Thatcher, M., 156-157 Thompson, E.P., 167, 169 The Poverty of Theory and Other Essays, xxviii nl6, 169 n8 274 Index A: Names Thomson, J., 88 Time, 8 Times, The, 131 Timpanaro, S., 195 Tolstoy, L.N., 7 Trobriand Island, 214, 255, 256, 258, 259 Tycho, see Brahe Van Eyck, 15 Van Gogh, V„ 27, 194, 201-202 Night Café, 202 Velasquez, D.R de S,, 7, 12 Vigorito, J., see Eismas, P.D., et al Vlastos, G., 50, 53 Waldmeuller, F.G., 5 Weber, M„ 223 Weiditz, H., 136 Wheatstone bridge, 234 Whistler, J.A.M., 30 Whitehead, A.N., 130 Winch, P., 213-227 passim, 252, 'Winchian world', 195 The Idea of a Social Science, 213 'Understanding a Primitive Society', 227 n4 Wisdom, 77, 81 'Gods', 83 n7 Wittgenstein, L., xxii, xxiii, 32, 57, 58, 69, 81, 82, 85, 214, 248, 'Wittgensteinian World', 195 re text 7 'Seeing and Seeing as', 57-58, 69, 75 Philosophical Investigations, 57, 58, 69, 83 n6, n8, n9 Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, 35 nil, 57, 83 n8, nlO, 188 nl Wollheim, R, re text 2 'The Work of Art as Object', xii, xv, 9-10 Art and Its Objects, 9 Wood, E.M., Mind and Politics, 266, 268 nlO Woolf, L„ 41, 42 Woolf, V., 40, 42 Whorfian fallacy, 55 Xenophanes, 51 Yolton, John, 264 John Locke and the Way of Ideas, 265, 268 n3 Yorick, 75 Zande, see Azande 275 Index В: Concepts abstract art, abstraction, xi, xii, xxv, xxvi n7, xxvii nl3, 5, 7, 69-70, 200-201 'abstract circumstances', 196, 203 academic art, 5 'academics, the', xii aesthetic approach, 22, 173; — considerations, 19, 22, 23; — contemplation, emotion, xxvii nlO, 25, 31-32, 33; — criteria, evaluation, judge­ment, xi, xii, xv, xvii, xxv, xxvii nil, 3-6, 9, 10, 14, 19, 22, 23, 34, 37, 48, 102, 127, 173, 234; — experience, xiii, xvii, xxviii n23, 5, 19-20, 24, 34, 41, 173, 196; — kinds, doctrine of, 22; — objects, 34; — philosophy, 20; — properties, 22, 23; — quality, qualities, xxiv, 19, 125,251 aesthetic theories, aesthetics, 19-24, 25-35, bour­geois —, 200, language of — 33, modernist —, 37 affects, 187 alienation, 267,207 'anomie', 220 anthropology, social, xx, xxii, 25, 213-227, 252, 255, 256, 258, 259 apocalypticism, 40, 41 architecture, 20, 21, 22, expression and exemplifi­cation in, 177, 179 n5 'arete', 48, 49, 50, 53 art, as experience, 10, 25, 47, (intuitive knowledge) 26-31, 244; as expression, 4, 127, expression in -, xi, xviii, 10, 16, 23, 26, 173-179, 182, 183, 191-204, see also expression ,.. art, modem, xi, xii, 140, 174, 208, 252, 253, 254, 258, dominant theory of, material character of, 9-17; modemist —, xi, xii, xv, xvii, 3, 5, 11, 167; see also value judgement re art art, and beauty, 21, 41; — and cognition, xiii, xiv, xxv, 225, 263; — and 'language', xxi, 23, 26, 28, 34, 94, 105, 182, 183, 186; — and science, 70, 173 art for art's sake, 24, see also autonomy, of art art community, xv, xvii, 191, 195, 214, 230, 253, 256, — market, xvii, 160, 208 art criticism, theory, xi, xix, xx, xv, 3-8, 9, 10, 25, 47, 48, 214, 230; modern —, 181; modemist—, xi-xix passim, xxiii, xxvi nlO, 3-8, 9, 37, 47, 70, 174, 230, 258 art history, xvii, xviii, xix, xx, xxiii, xxiv, 5, 70, 85, 105, 139, 151, 214, 230, 241; modemist-, xi, xvi, xvii, xxiii artist — as/and — producer, 114, 163, 251-259 'aspect-blindness', 58, '— phenomena', 78, see seeing and .,. assemblage, 11 astronomy, 70-73, 129 attitude, expressions of, see expression; moral judge­ments 'aura', 125 author — as/and producer, 251-25 9 autonomy, of aesthetic experience, xvii; — of art, xi, xii, xiii, xvi, xvii, xviii, 6-7, 14, 230, 252, 253, 256; — of base/superstructure, 253; — of science, xiv, 101 avant-garde, ism, vanguardism, xiii, xxvi n7, n8, 6 base/superstructure, xxi, 117, 118, 120, 121, 253 beauty, 17, 21, 23, 41, '— of the horse', 141 behaviour, empiricist approach to, 93, 97-98, 216; patterns, 'internal states' in —', 93, 97; rationalist approach to —, 97; 'science of —', 98; dis­tinction between goal directed and rule following - —, 182, 188; sign using —, 183, ¡89 n8, see hysteria as communication; social—, 197, explanation: reasons and causes, 217-218, rule governed—, 213, 215-221 behaviourism, 265, see also psychology, behaviourist beliefs, expression of, 196, 197; evaluation of—, knowledge claims, 243, 245, 247, 249; scientific —, see paradigms, as disciplinary matrix; knowledge ... biological determination, on language, 93, 94, 261; — of cognitive capacities, systems, xxiii-xxiv, 93-94, 96, 261-262, 262-263; — on scientific inquiry, 267; — on visual apprehension, ex­pression, 261 body signs, hysterical, iconic, informative functions ..-¡/.ntirtt) 276 Index В: Concepts book illustration, 125-138 botany, 125, 128-129, 131-133 bourgeoisie, the, 21, 258; bourgeois aesthetics, 200; — cultural creation, 167; — culture, 258; — ideology, 254; 'meanings of the —', 258; — naturalism, 158; — society, 251; ' —' theory, xxii capital, ism, ist, 191, 252, 253, 256, 266, 267 cartography, 108, see maps 'cartharsis', 185 causal inquiry and explanation, xii, xiv, xvi, xxiii, xxv, xxvii nl4, 10, 25, 26, 35, 182, 252, 254, 255, 256, 259; re expression and expression claims, 191-204; re realism in representation, 145-169; re social science, 213-214, 215-218, 225 causes. 59, 65, 67, 154, 161, 168, 197, 203, 245, 250 class, 130, 131, 140, 141-142, 158, 203, 208, 209- 210, 246, 258, 267, — struggle, 117-118, 166, see also bourgeoisie; proletariat classification, 85, 106, 126, 143, 226 closure, xiv-xviii, xxiii-xxv passim, 146, 161-163, 255, see also criticism, stipulative power of cognition, cognitive capacity, structures, systems, xxiii-xxiv, 93-99, 261-268; cognitive capa­bilities, processes, resources, 243, 245, 246, 250; — conditions, determinants, mechanisms, 252, 255, 256, 257; — functions, 102, 107, 173, 201; — states, 197 'cognitive style, the', 10, 139-143 'coherence theory', 154, 162, 167 collage, 11 'common sense', 41, 94, 96, 262, 267 communication, hysteria as, 181-189 communication, pictorial (prints), importance of exact repeatability of, 125-138 'communication breakdown', 229, 230, 239-240 community, see art community, language community, scientific community competence, xi, xviii, 48, 256-257 congruency, 61, 63, see seeing and seeing as connoisseurship, 125, 203, 230 contemplation, disinterested, 168, 173, see also aesthetic contemplation; knowledge, contem­plative and sociological accounts of content, xii, 4, 6-7 contradiction, 58, 191, 252-259 passim 'correspondance theory', 154, 247 craft, paradigm theory of, re knowledge, 48-56 passim; — skills, science, 110-111 creativity, xxiv, 21, 208, 261, 263, 266, 268 'crisis of modernism', 263 criticism, xviii, xxv, 145-146, 155, 195, 203, 252, see also art criticism, theory, art criticism, theory, modernist; — stipulative power of, 192- 196, 203 culture, see Modernism; — and knowledge, 243- 250; cultural achievement, 267; — change, growth, 244, 248; — creation, 167; '— pro­duction' xix; '—studies', 37 dance, 176, 177, 182, 183 'decorative', the 178 denotation, denotative, 86, 176-178, 184 description, 11; action —, 221; verbal —, and knowledge, 103, 105, 110 description, perception/visual experience, interpret­ation, see seeing and ... description, similarity, representation, 86-87, 174, see also iconicness, descriptiveness, resemblance, re realism determinism, xxi, 113, 117-118, 119, 120, 121, 253, 254, 256, 258 'disciplinary matrix', 229, re art community, 230, see also paradigms, as disciplinary matrix discourse, second-order, 252, 255, 258, 259; verbal —, and expression, 174, 176, 191 'dominated, dominating, meanings of the ', 252, 256, 258-259 duck-rabbit, 59-64 passim 'dynameis', 55 economic determinism, see determinism 'effects', 3-4, 7-8, 25-26, 38, see also art, as experience, art as expression; moral judgements Einfühlung', 201 'elenchus', 48, 50, 53 emotion, aesthetic, see aesthetic contemplation, emotion; expression of—, 182, 183, 186, 197— 198, see also art as expression; expression in art emotive-cognitive, dichotomy, 173 emotivism, xv, 25, 37-43 'empeiria', 47, 51 empiricism, ist doctrine re human nature, 261-267 enquiry, see causal inquiry and explanation; genesis as an explanatory concept 'epislemaf, 48, 50 'episteme', 47-56 passim epistemology, 102, 126, 168, 245, 249, 262, 264 ethics, 19, 23, 40-41 ethnomethodology, 248 evaluative judgements, doctrine of, see emotivism; see also aesthetic criteria; evaluation, judgement, value judgement re art; — re science, values; beliefs, evaluation of — exemplars, 229, 231, 234, 236, 238, 239, 242, re modernism xv, re art community, 230, see paradigms, as shared examples existentialism, 265 experience, s, inner world of, 20; — and knowledge, 103; — and physical states, 71, see also art as — experience ( apprehension, aspect, awareness, percep­tion, sensation), visual, 41, 96-97, 102, 103, 139, 143, 261, see also observation; perception; seeing and ... explanation, of art, xii, xvi, xvii, xviii, xxiii, xxiv; — in natural sciences, 216, 233; — in social sciences, 216, reasons and causes 217-218; Zeitgeist —, 128, see also causal inquiry and explanation; genesis as an explanatory concept; 'strong programme' expression, 173-174; a definition, 178; possession and —, 174-176; — as exemplification, 174- 178; metaphor in —, 174-178, 195, 203; — of sounds, 175, of feelings, 175-176, 183, 186, of thought, 62; verbal discourse, symbols and —, 176, 177, 191; denotation and—, 176; habitu­ation, 176; specificity of —, 176; — and stipu­lative power of criticism, 192-196, 203; 'abstract circumstances', 196, 203; theatrical—, 197, 199, 200; — and states of mind, 203-204 see also art as expression; expression in art; effects; hysteria as communication; psychobiology 277 Index В: Concepts expression, causa! theory of reference, 191-204 'expression', self—', 208, 214 'false consciousness', 213, 218, 252, see ideology 'family resemblances', 85, see seeing and seeing as; similarity ... feelings, expression of, see expression, moral judge­ments figuration, figurative art, reference, xxv, 5, 11, 192 flatness, xii, xiii, xv, 29, see also surface, priority, possession of, re painting form, xi, 4, 6-7, 22, 'significant —', 25, 31-34 'formal', the, 178 formal considerations, 19, 22 formalism, 4, 6, 8, 58 franchise, democratic, 210, see also liberal demo­cratic theory freedom, 207, 208, 211, 266, 267, 268, see also 'possessive individualism' functionalism, 213, 215, 223 genesis as an explanatory concept re realism, 145— 169, see also 'of gestalt theory, 20 'good', re art, aesthetics, 7, 19-24; re moral judge­ments, 38-42 grammar, 93, 98; '— of vision', 97 herbáis, 131-138 hieroglyphs, 82, 184 historical materialism, see materialism, historical historicism, 128 history of art, see art history ... human nature, 97, 207, 220, empiricist doctrine, theory of, 261-267 human relations, society, 207, 209, 212, 268 hyper-realist painting, 157, 159-160, 164 hysteria as communication, 181-189 iconic signs, see signs, iconic ..., iconicness, de-scriptiveness, resemblance, re realism; semiology; symbols, iconic iconicness, descriptiveness, re­semblance, re realism, 145-169, 192 ideology, xxi, xxii, 203, 213, 218, 245, 252, 253, 259, 261, 263, 265, 267, 'visual —', xix, 102 incommensurability, 37, 239 individualism, see 'possessive individualism' 'inner picture', 61 inquiry, see causal inquiry and explanation instrumentalism, 243, 245, 247, 248-249 intellect, distinct from senses, 98 intellectualism, 49, 50, 54 intelligentsia, technical, 267 intention, 7, 10, 213 'internal states', 97 'interest', xiv, xviii, xxiii; — and knowledge, 103, 107, 109, 243-247 passim, 249; — and similarity 85; — and vividness, 156, 158 intuition, ism, xxiv, 40-41, 43, 244 isomorph, ism, 148, 149, 151, 161, 165, see also iconicness, descriptiveness, resemblance, re realism, similarity 'kitsch', xiii, xxvi n8 knowledge, xi, xiv, xvi, xviii; xix; xxiii, xxiv, xxv, xxvii nl4; —, knowing how, knowing that, and knowing what, 47-56; — and seeing, 69-70, 75-80, 230, 235-238; innate acquisition of, 93, 95-98, 262, biological constraints on, 262- 263; contemplative and sociological accounts of, generation and production, 101-111, 243-250, see also beliefs; cognition; epistemology; 'material life' and ' consciousness' knowledge, intellectual', 26; 'intuitive —', art as, 26- 31, 244; scientific —, xiv, 79, 101, 107, 108, 110-111, 229-242, 243, 244, 247, 249; 'tacit -', 230, 234/235, 244 language, species characteristic and cognitive capacity, xxiii-xxiv, 93-94, 97-98, 261, 262, 264; moral —, 40; '— game', 64, philosophical investi­gation of, 57, 214; influence on observation, seeing, 77, 79-83; formative force of —, 176; discursive and non-discursive —, 182, 183-187; — and social scientific inquiry, 213-214, 224; '— community', 240-241, see also art and 'language'; linguistic ... liberal democratic theory, dilemma of, 207-212 linguistic concepts and discrimination, 139-140, see also seeing and ...; — description, 126; — materials on seeing, see seeing and ...; — mechanism, art as a, 26, 34; — universale, 98; — and cognitive capabilities, 243, 250, see also language ... literature, xxvi n7, n9, 6, 20, 21, 23, 24; 'doctrine of literary kinds', 22; 'literary relations of pro­duction, technique', 251 'logos', 51 maps, 81-82, 83, 108, 181 market, see art market, possessive market relations, — society matching, 151, 152, 158 material base, see base/superstructure material character of art. 9-17 'material life' and'consciousness', 113, 114, 118-119 materialism, central-state, 197-198 materialism, historical, xvii, xx, xii—xxiii, 37, 113- 121, 155, 196, 252, 253, 254, 258, 259; philosophical—, xxii, 116, 121 'materialization', 64 mathematics, 32, 104, 110-111, 183, 263 meaning, re art, 7, 8, 23, 102, 174, 191-192, 193, 194, 208, recovery of, 252-259; re emotivism, 38-40, 42-43; re philosophy, 47, 57-58, 69, 82, 248; re psychiatry, 182, 185 meaning, metaphor and, 248; picture theory of—, 82; 'social production of —', 102, 262 means of production, see production, means of mechanism, see functionalism mechanisms of production, see production, mechan­isms of medicine, 133, 142, 185, 187-188 medium, xxvi n7, 12, 13, 32 memory, 51 mental illness, 181-182, see hysteria as communi­cation metaphor, and meaning, 248; — and similarity, 84, 88; — in expression; 174-178, 195, 203 'metaphysical paradigms', 232, re art, xv, re art community, 230, see paradigms, as disciplinary matrix metaphysics, 19, 21, 23 mind, 94, 95, 96, 98, 195, 197, 198, 203-204, 262, 266, 267 misinformation re hysteria, mistake or lie, 182, 188, 278 Index В: Concepts translation 187-188 misrepresentation, 135, 182, 252-259 'mode of production', 116, capitalist, 252, 253, see also capital, ism ist models, 229, see paradigms, as standard examples, puzzle-solving moral consciousness, 267; — conduct, skill, knowl­edge, 49-50; — culture (modern), 25, 37-43, 208; — justification re liberal democracy, 210; —judgements ( expressions of attitude, feeling, preference) 38-39, 42-43, re art, xxv, see also ethics music, 6, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 78, 173, 176, 177, 183 name, its objects, its users, 145, 147, 160, 198 naming, expressing, 177 nationalism, 179 n5 natural being, man as a, 114-116 naturalism, 85 86-87, 116, 158, 167 needs, 113, 114-116 'normal science', 229, 232, 239, 241, see also puzzle-solving; scientific revolution 'nouveau melange', xxii 'number', 61 obligation, theory of political, 207-208, 209-212 observation, 69-83, 113, 126, 139, 235-238, see also seeing and ...; perception 'о/, genetic, 145-146, 147-168, 256 'opticality', xii, xxv n5 'paideia', 56 painting, classical, 127, descriptive, 32, 34, illusionist, 5, see also hyper-realist painting; priority, pos­session of, surface of, 9-17, see also flatness; styles of — 65 paradigma, 54, 55, 56, 58, 74, 101, 108, 221, 229- 230; — as community commitments, 231-234, 242; — as disciplinary matrix, 231-234; — as standard examples, 234, 235 'paradigm shift', in science, 229, in art discourse, 230 patronage, 140, 141-142 perception, 26-27, 103-106, 141, 237, 243, psychology of —, 105, see also observation; seeing and ... philosophy, xii, xxiii, 57, 127, 249; aesthetic —, 19; —, on knowledge, 95; classical —, on knowl­edge, 47-56; — of language, 57, 214; — of seeing, 57-68; — of science, xxiii, 101, 231, 232, 246, 247, see also materialism, philo­sophical photography, 8, 66, 82, 106, 110, 125, 126, 161, 163, 181, 184 physicality, material character of art, 9-17 picture — duck, rabbit, 59-64 passim; — face, 60, 68; — object, 60, 61; — puzzle, 61; — token, type, 147, 150-152 'picture "of \ 165, 168, see 'of picturing, and language using, 79-83; — and talking, 175-176, 191 poetry, 28 'possessive individualism', 207-212, 266, re art, 208 'possessive market relations, — society', 207-212 power, xx, 209-210, 246-247, 254, 255 prediction, explanation and, re social and natural sciences, 216 prediction, and control, re knowledge, 107-111, 243-244, 247, 249; —, and similarity, 88-89 preference, expressions of, see moral judgements prints (exactly repeatable pictorial statements) and communication, 125-138 producer, 114, artist-author — as/and —, 251-259 production, means of, 251; mechanisms of —, 252; organisation of —, 115; relations of —, xvi, 251, 252; — and consumption, 115-116; — and reproduction, 113, 117; — in modernist culture, 261; pictures-as-produced—, 166; productive activities, 113; see also mode of production proletariat, 118 psychiatry, 181, 186, 188; psychiatric nosology 189 nlO; psychiatric syndromes, 186 psychoanalysis, xx, xxi, xxii, 181, 188, 265; psycho­analytic diagnosis, 182; psychoanalytic theory, 188; psychoanalytic treatment, 181, 184, 185, 186 psycho-biology, re expression, 193-194 psychology, xx, xxiv, 9, 197; — and knowledge, 104; — and science, 101; — of perception, 105; empiricist, behaviourist, 261, 263 psychotherapy, 182, 185 purity, xii, xxvi n7, 5 puzzle-solving, scientific, 229, 233, 242 quality, aesthetic, see aesthetic quality, qualities quality, in art, xi, xv, xix, xxiv, xxvi n7, 3-8 passim, 244, 251, art history as history of, 5 rabbit-duck, see duck-rabbit rationalism,ist,s, 93, 96, 97, 98, 261, 264, 267-268 realism,ist,ic re art, representation, xix, 85, 86-87, 106, 145-169, 244, 257 'realism, progressive' re knowledge, 248, see also 'strong programme' reality, re knowledge, xxi, 103, 106, 111, 243-244, 245, 247, 248, 250; links between a picture and —, 31, 146-147, 164-165, 168-169 reasons, and causes, in social science, 213-214, 217-218 reduction, 5 'reference', 'sense' and, 39 reference, chains of, re expression, 177; causal theory of —, re expression, 191-204; and representation, 82, 86 relations of production, see production, relations of relativism, xxv, 158, 243, 245-250 passim repetition, and similarity, 88 replication, and similarity, 87 representation, visual, xi, xiii, xiv, xv, xviii, xix, xxiii, 7, 10, 16, 69-70; — and copying, 63, 81- 82; —, description, similarity, 86-87; —, re contemplative and sociological accounts of knowledge, 101-111; and knowledge, 243, 244, 250; —, re empirical observation, rational classification, 126-138; — and the rep­resentational skills of observers, 139-143; causal inquiry re realism in —, 145-169; — and description, exemplification re expression, 177— 178; see also hysteria as communication; realism,ist,ic, re art, representation; reference and — resemblance, see iconicness, descriptiveness, re­semblance re realism; isomorph,ism; similarity; symbols, iconic, and similarity revolt, instinct for, 267, 268 279 Index В: Concepts revolution, 118, 121, 128, 130, 234, 141: scientific —, see 'normal science'; scientific revolution 'right', 41 ritual, 181, 182 'role concepts', 219-220 rules, re language, 58, 181; re social behaviour, 182, 188, 213, 215-221 science, xii, 48, 52, 247; art and —, 70, 173; autonomy of—, xiv, 101; cognitive authority of —, 229; dialectical character of —, 248; history of —, 229; philosophy of—, xxiii, 101, 231, 232, 246, 247 scientific belief, see paradigms, as disciplinary matrix, see also scientific knowledge; — community, 229-230, 231-234, 239, 242; — development, change, 229, 230, 238-239, 241-242, see also'normal science', scientific revolution; — education, 230, 234, 242; — explanation, 216; — knowledge, xiv, 79, 101, 107, 108, 110-111, 229-242, 243, 244, 247, 248, 249; — laws, 232; — research, 107; — revolution, 229, 230; — techniques, 229, see paradigms, as disciplinary matrix; — theories, 231, 233, 234, 240; — values, 229, see para­digms, as disciplinary matrix. ' "scientific intelligence", reign of, 267 sculpture, 5, 7, 8, 24 seeing, and seeing as, 57-68, 69, 75-76, 78-79, 110, 140; — and seeing that, 69, 76-80; — and knowledge, 76-77, 79-80, 83; — and obser­vation, 75-76, 79-80, 235-238; — and sen­sation, 237-238; — and verbal contextualisation 73-75, 'seeing-talk', 77; —: pictures and language, 77-83; — 'theory-laden', 69, 75, 235; — community licensed, 230, 236, 237, see also perception semiology, xiii, xx, xxi, 161, 162; semiotics, 146, 147, 149, 168, of psychiatric operations, see hysteria as communication; see also signs ...; signification; symbols 'sense' and 'reference', 39 'sense-datum', perception and knowledge, 95-96; ' — ' pictures, 72, 80, see also observation 'significant form', 25, 31-34 signs, conventional, 181, 183, 185; iconic—, 181— 182, 184, 189 n8, iconic body —, 184-188, see semiology; symbols signification, 58, 149, 193, 253, 256, 259, 'signify­ing practices', xix, see hysteria as communi­cation; iconicness, descriptiveness, resemblance re realism; semiology; signs; symbols, iconic ... similarity, xii, 73, 85-86, 139, 148-151, 160; stric­tures on —, 86-92; similarity relation, 235-237, 239, see also iconicness, descriptiveness, resem­blance re realism; isomorphism; symbols, iconic, and similarity skill, xi, xiv, xxiii, 21, 22; ' — ' and 'knowledge' in classical philosophy, 47-53 passim; pictorial, visual skills —: business —, medical —, pious —, polite —, see cognitive style social action, 42; — anthropology, see anthropology, social; — behaviour, see behaviour, social; — conventions, 21; — forces, processes, xxi, xxiv; — institutions, 23; — theory, 261, 267, 268 'social realism', xix sociology, 102-103, 104, 110; — of knowledge, xxvii nl4, 101-111, 126, 243-250; the idea of social science, 213-227 'sophia', 48 species characteristics, human, xxiii-xxiv, 93, 94, 97, 98, 261, 164, 266-268; —, botanical, 128, 136-138 'strong programme', xxvii nl4 structuralism, xx-xxii, xxvii-xxviii nl5 style, xxiii, 22, 65, 146, 181, 182, 241, 242, see also 'cognitive style, the' 'subject, the', xxi subject matter, xi, xii, xix; —, competence, practice, 256-257; illustrated —, 7-8 suicide, 222-224 superstructure/base, see base/superstructure surface, priority, possession of, re painting, 9-17, see also flatness 'symbolic generalisations', 230, 231-232, re art 230-231, see paradigms, as disciplinary matrix symbols, iconic, and similarity, 85, 86-87; —, re expression, 173-179 passim, 181-182, 183, 184; indexicai —, 181-182, 193, see also iconic­ness, descriptiveness, resemblance re realism; semiology; signification; similarity 'tacit knowledge', see 'knowledge, tacit' talking and picturing, see picturing and language using taste, xxvii nil, 6, 7, 10, 140, 241 technique, literary, 251 ; scientific —, see paradigms, as disciplinary matrix 'tekhne', 48-49, 51 teleology, 'lelos', 47, 54-56 'three-dimensional seeing', 66-67 'time-slices', 114, 119, 254 translation, 182, 184, 187-188, 195, 240-241, 255 'trompe l'oeil', 106 'use', re meaning of terms, concepts, utterances, 39- utilitarianism, 41-42, 209 value judgement, re art, xii, xvii, xxvii nil, 37, 47- 48, 234, 244, see also aesthetic criteria, evaluation, judgement; — re science, 233-234, see also beliefs, evaluation of values, 11, 12, academic —, xix, tactile — 141; scientific —, xv, 229, 233, re art, xv, 230, see also paradigms, as disciplinary matrix virtue, 47-48, 49, 50, 53 'visual field', 69, 75, 230 'visual impression', 61, see also experience (apprehension, aspect, awareness, perception, sensation), visual vividness, 145, 147, 156, 159, 168, 200 war, 210, 211,212 witchcraft, 225-226 280
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