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Volltext:INDEX Abell, Walter, 125 Aesthetics, nature of, 2 Aesthetic attitude, 3-4, 17-45 Aesthetic experience, 311-15 Aesthetic emotion, 92-95, íoof. Aesthetic value, 11-12, 271-319 Aiken, Henry D., 241 Aldrich, Virgil C., 44, 84, 319 Alexander, Samuel, 83, 319 Aristotle, 8, 83, 104, 139-40, 241 Arnheim, Rudolf, 167 Art appreciation, 1-2 Art criticism, 2, 9-10, 243-67 Barnes, Albert C„ 125 Bartlett, Ethel M., 319 quoted, 25-26 Beardsley, Monroe C., 10, 12, 37, 84, 125, 167, 210, 241, 267, 319 selections by, 245-53, 308-19 Beauty, 89-90, 219-41, 271-81; see also Aesthetic value Bell, Clive, 6, 44, 123, 125, 181-82 quoted, 181 selection by, 87-99 Bernheimer, Richard, 210 Bevan, Edwyn, 210 Blake, William, 135-36 Boas, George, 267 Bouwsma, O. K., 165, 166 Bowers, David, 125 Brooks, Cleanth, 250 Brueghel, Pieter, 104-105 Buermeyer, Laurence, 44 Bullough, Edward, 28, 29, 37, 44, 191, 31m. Canons of criticism, 249-53 Carritt, E. F., 7 3'9 selection by, 129-41 Cinema, 103-104 Cohen, Marshall, 28/г., 29П. Coleman, Francis J., 267 Coleridge, Samuel T., quoted, 140-41 Collingwood, R. G., 143-44, 48, 157 167, 241 quoted, 143 Color, 40-41, 63-65, 75 Communication, 156-62, 284-87 Contrast, 70-71 Croce, Benedetto, 7, 83, 129-32, 137, 144, 167, 187 Daumier, Honore, 105-107 Dawson, Sheila, 28, 29-30 quoted, 30 Design: see Form Dewey, John, 12, 45, 83, 84, 144-45, 151, 167, 31m. quoted, 144, 145, 148, 151 Dickie, George, 4 selection by, 28-44 Disinterestedness, 4, 19-20, 28-29, 31-37 Ducasse, Curt J., 11-12, 45, 132, 167, 254-55"-; 265, 267, 319 selection by, 282-307 Dufy, Raoul, 113-14 323 324 Eastman, Max, 267 Ekman, Rolf, 319 Elgar, Edward, quoted, 251 Eliot, T. S., 146, 160, 221-23 quoted, 221 Emerson, Ralph W., 140 Emotion: see Expression, Symbolism Empathy, 133 Empson, William, i86n. Expression, in art, 7-8, 129-68, 191-92 Fatigue, sensory, 62-66, attentive, 66-68 Ferguson, George W., 210 Form, aesthetic, 5, 6-7, 62-77, 87-125 Fra Angélico, 64-68, 72-74, 76-77 Fry, Roger, 6, 7, g6, 115-25 selection by, 100-114 Function classes, 309-311 Fusion, aesthetic, 122-24, 201 Gentile, Giovanni, 137-38 Goldscheider, Ludwig, 259 Gombrich, E. H., 84 Goodman, Nelson, 167, 210 Gradation, 71-73 Greene, Theodore M., 6, 84, 267 selection by, 78-84 Greenough, Horatio, 125 Gurney, Edmund, 84, 154п., 155 Hannay, A. H., 267 Hanslick, Eduard, 125, 155, 197, 200 Hazlitt, Henry, 267 Hegel, G. W. F., 83 Hevner, Kate, 22W. Heyl, Bernard C., 185, 267 Hindemith, Paul, 194 Holloway, John, 267 Hospers, John, 7-8, 167, 197, 241 selection by, 142-67 Hulme, Т. E., 1здп. Instrumental goodness, 282-83 Instrumentalist theory, 308-18 Intention of artist, 124-25, 146-50 Isenberg, Arnold, 10, 241 selection by, 254-67 Isomorphism, 193-94 INDEX Jarrett, James L., 319 Jessop, Т. E., 11 selection by, 271-81 Joad, С. E. M., 319 Kant, Immanuel, 45, 82, 83, 31m. Kaplan, Abraham, 210 Kellett, E. E., 267 Langer, Susanne К., 8, 31, 190-97, 199- 205, 2 ío, 215 quoted, 191, 192, i95~96 selection by, 171-84 Langfeld, Herbert S., 22m, 38, 45 quoted, 41 Language of feeling, 179-80 Lee, Vernon, 20311. Lewis, H. D., 241 Longman, Lester D., iyn. Macdonald, Margaret, 267 Margolis, Joseph, 2811., 45, 84, 319 Maurois, André, 220-21, 223 Mauron, Charles, 45 Mead, Hunter, 45, 319 Meyer, Leonard В., 167 Mill, John Stuart, 140, 201 Monotony, 32-34 Morgan, Douglas N., g, 167 selection by, 225-41 Morris, Charles W., 187-90, 197, 207, 210, 265 Munro, Thomas, 84, 295-96 Nagel, Ernest, 210 Nahm, Milton, 45 Osborne, Harold, 125, i6m., 167, 267, 39 quoted, 147 Parker, DeWitt, 83, 84 Pathetic fallacy, 135 Pepper, Stephen C., 5, 45, 84, 201, 267 selection by, 62-77 Plato, 34, 82-83, 139, 276 Pole, David, 41-42 Poor, Henry Varnum, 175n. Pope, Alexander, 140, 18g INDEX Portnoy, Julius, 84 Poussin, Nicholas, 107-108 Prall, David W., 4-5, 8, 84, 171-75, 2 6 2П. quoted, 19, 171-72 selection by, 49-61 Pratt, Carroll С., 200, 210 quoted, 193 Price, Kingsley В., 210, 241 Process-product ambiguity, 163 Proust, Marcel, 217-21, 223-24 quoted, 217-18 Reasons, in art criticism, 245-53, 255- 62 Reid, Louis Arnaud, 7, 45, 167 selection by, 115-25 Rembrandt, 109-12, 117 Representation, in art, 77-79, 104-12, 117-25, 301-302 Restraint, in design, 75-77 Richards, Ivor A., 38, 101, 109, 153, 215, 241, 267, 31 m. Rudner, Richard, 210 Ryle, Gilbert, 28 Santayana, George, 23, 83, 154-54, 167 Sapir, Edward, 206 Schopenhauer, Arthur, 187 Sesonske, Alexander, 241 Sibley, Frank, 29м. Smells and tastes, 50-56 Stace, Walter T., 319 Stevenson, Charles L., 8 selection by, 185-209 325 Stolnitz, Jerome, 3, 4, 28, 29, 31-32, 27- 40, 44, 319 quoted, 37, 41 selection by, 17-27 Structure: see Form Surface, aesthetic, 49-61, 82 Swinburne, A. C., 133-34 Symbolism in art, 8, 171-209 Theme and variation, 73-74 Toch, Ernst, 84 Tolstoy, Leo, 167 Tomas, Vincent, 29, 43, 167 Tovey, Donald F., quoted, 251-52 Truth, in art, 8-9, 213-41 Urban, Wilbur M., 210 Urmson, J. O., 33 Value, aesthetic, 11-12, 271-319 Veron, Eugene, 17511. Vivas, Eliseo, 28, 31, 34-36, 45 Warren, Austin, 267 Weitz, Morris, 9, 125, 210, 241 Welch, Paul, 210 Wellek, Rene, 267 Werner, Heinz, 198 Willman, Rudolph R., 198 Wimsatt, W. K., 267 Wollheim, Richard, 84 Wordsworth, William, 134, 139, 160 Worringer, Wilhelm, 225 Y Gasset, Ortega, 125
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