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Volltext:INDEX Abstract Expressionism, 3, 8, zo, 58-9, 67, 116, 118, 125, 150, 169, 194, 217; see also de Kooning, Gottlieb, Newman, Pollock, Rothko, Still Acconci, Vito Hannibal, 147 Adams, Robert, 3 Adorno, Theodor, 208 aesthetic, 21; artisanal, 172; effects, 56; institutional, 152-3, 211; integrity, 141; judgement, 58, 71, 114, 186, 221; language, 66; modernist, 153, 192, 203, 216-17, 226; power, 66, 125; and realism, 79, 190; systems, I37i 139; virtue, 96, 103, 188, 216 After Virtue, 215 Alloway, Lawrence, 73, 231M0 American Sculpture in the Sixties, 11, 233П19 Andre, Carl, 28-9, 31, 130, 147, 150-1, 240П80 André Emmerich Gallery, 130, 138 Anguissola, Sophonisba, 246П19 Annesley, David, 9, 15, 17, 25, 237П56 Anti-Form, 39 anti-modernism, 109, 138 Armitage, Kenneth, 3 Art & Language, 44-5, 101, 105, 107, 112, 114, 139-43, 146, 150, i55-8 164, 171-5, 200, 202-3, 2°8 211, 224, 228, 240П80, 244П2, 245П12, 250ПШ5-16; Index, 143, 154, 245мz, fig. 37; Portraits of V. I. Lenin, 70, 120-2, 150, 190-3, 201-2, 247П7, figs 30-1; Snow paintings, 187-91, 193, fig. 53; Studios, 156-9, 171-5, 250П16, fig. 39; Sunnybank, fig. 36 'Art after Philosophy', 152, 249П7 'Art and Anti-Art', 199 'Art and Ideology', 115 'Art and Learning', 213 art appreciation, 101, 106, 193 Art Historians Conference, 177 'Art of the Real', 28, 150, 236П53 art-world, 136-7, 139, 141, 149, 187, 197, 200, 204-5, 107, 109 Arte Povera, 39, 151 Artforum, 21, 27-9, 130, 149, 214 Artistry of the Mentally III, 167 Art-Language, 45, 102, 240П81 Arts Magazine, 27 assemblage, 4 Atkinson, Terry, 238-9П64, 240П79; see also Art & Language automatism, 168 autonomy, 19, 49, 66, 132, 136, 138-9, 152, 182, 197, 203; of quality, 21; of sculpture, 19, 33, 37; of style, 60 Avedisian, Edward, 20 Avery, Milton, 69 Bacon, Francis, 75 Baer, Jo, 147 Bainbridge, David, 240-1П80; see also Art & Language Baldwin, Michael, 141-2, 155-7, 2 5 6 I N D E X 187-8, 200, 231116, 238-91164, 2401180; see also Art & Language Banksy, 229 Bannard, Darby, 20 Barclay, Alan, 235П42 Barnes, Barry, III, 245-6Ш7 Barr, Alfred, 214, i2ni Battersea Park, 3-5, figs 1-2 Baudelaire, Charles, 175 BBC, 225 Beckett, Samuel, 192 Bell, Clive, 57, 101, 114, 128, 166, 184, 216-17, 251П2 Benjamin, Walter, 235П39 Beuys, Joseph, 39, 151, 196 Biennale des Jeunes, 33 Bissière, Roger, 81 blank canvas, 150, 189, 204 Bochner, Mel, 147, 240П79, 2jinj Bolus, Michael, 9, 15, 17, 26 Bonnard, Pierre, 112, 168, 253ml Bouguereau, Adolph, 165 Bourgeois, Louise, 196, 219 Bowness, Alan, 6, 15, 231П2 Brancusi, Constantin, 235П44 Braque, Georges, 57 Brecht, George, 152 Brener, Roland, 25, 235П42 British Council, 62, 242П8 Broodthaers, Marcel, 208 Brown, David, 241П2 Buchloh, Benjamin, 132, 137-8, 250П13 Buren, Daniel, 208, 240П79 Burgin, Victor, 137; fig II Burnham, Jack, 137 Bush, Jack, 20 Butler, Reg, 3 Byam Shaw, John, 104 Calder, Alexander, 3, 69 capital/capitalism, 50, 137, 207, 210, 212; business, 175; critique of, 60, 202-3; deregulation of, 225-6; free-market, 198, 214, 226; liberal, 122; Modernism and, 113, 134, 170; state, 122 Carnegie International, 66 Caro, Anthony, 3-5, 7-26, 30-3, 148, 232Ш1, 232П15, 233П19, 233П25, 2341134, 235П36, 235П44, 236П52, 238П63, 241П4; Prairie, 31, 237П58; figs 3-4 Cézanne, Paul, 80, 112, 160, 164-6, 218, 253П11; fig. 42 Chadwick, Lynn, 3 Chamberlain, John, 147 chauvinism, 148 Chelsea School of Art, 235П41 Cheney, Sheldon, 244П5 Chomsky, Noam, 236-7П54 Circle, 107 Clark Art Institute, 199-201 Clark, T. J., 100-1, 164, 192, 253Ш5 Close, Chuck, 147 COBRA, 83 Cold War, 37, 50, 60, 69-71, 115, 120, 122, 125, 150, 190, 201, 203, 239П69 'Cold War Culture', 56 collage, 31 Conceptual Art, 44, 128, 132, 137, 139-43, 146, 155-6, 169-73, 193-6, 199-203, 207-12, 219, 224, 240П80, 10П5; and realism, 147-54; see also Art Sc Language, Kosuth, Weiner Conceptualism, 145-6, 208-9, 2.11-12 Constant, 81, 84, 90 construction, 12 Constructivism, 84 Cornwall, 62 Council for the Encouragement of Music and the Arts, 62 Council on Foreign Relations, 125 I N D E X 2 5 7 Courber, Gustave, 158, 161, 172-3; fig. 40 Courtauld Institute, 186 Coventry College of Art, 240П80 Cragg, Tony, 43, 235П41 Critical Art Ensemble, 207 Crow, Thomas, 199, 205 Cubism, 23, 31, 56-9, 62, 66-8, 70, 80, 103, 188 Cubism and Abstract Art, 214 cultural studies, III, 146, 186 Danto, Arthur, 135-6, 147, 153, 204 Darboven, Hanne, 240П79 Davidson, Donald, 196 Davie, Alan, 81 Davis, Gene, 20 Davis, Ron, 26 Davis, Stuart, 69 de Duve, Thierry, 189 de Kooning, Willem, 116 Deacon, Richard, 24, 38, 232Ш5, 23 5n4T dead issues, 79, 97 Degas, Edgar, 112, 184, 221, 233ml; % 51 Delacroix, Eugène, 144 Dematerialization of Art, 194, 251П5 deskilling, 170, 250Ш3 Destruction in Art Symposium, 33 Di Suvero, Mark, 28, 236П52 Dibbets, Jan, 38 Dickie, George, 136, 153 disinterest, 192, 201, 205, 215-30 Documenta, 14, 39, 143, 158 Dondero, George, 115-17 'Drawing Disciplinary Lines', 127 'Drawing Viewpoints', 155 Duchamp, Marcel, 117, i34~5 i52 194, 2°4, 2.19; fig- 34 Dwan Gallery, 39 Earthworks, 39 Eccentric Abstraction, 39, 239П72 Ecole de Paris, 76, 82 Elkon Gallery, 15 Emin, Tracey, 169 Emotivism, 132 English Art and Modernism 1900- 193% 99-юб, 109, 243-4П2 Enlightenment, 220, 225; see also Kant Evison, David, 235П42 Ernst, Max, 168 Estève, Maurice, 81 Fagin, Roger, 235П42 Feeley, Paul, 150 Ferber, Herbert, 3 Festival of Britain, 63 figure-ground relations, 80-1, 93-4, 142 Fildes, Luke, 184; fig. 50 Fischbach Gallery, 39 Fischer, Konrad, 38, 2.391174 Flanagan, Barry, 24-5, 33-9, 42, 235П41, 238П61, 239П68; fig. 9 Flavin, Dan, 28, 147 formalism, 101, 227 Fougeron, André, 119-20; fig. 28 Foulkes, Glyn, fig. 6 Fowler, John, 235П42 Freud, Lucian, 75 Fried, Michael, 15, 18, 21, 23, 27, 127-30, 147, 151, 189, 234ПП34-5; 'Art and Objecthood', 21, 28, 214, 248П5; 'Shape as Form', 242П9 Frost, Terry, 76, 81 Fry, Roger, 160, 167, 216-17 Galerie Loehr, 38 Galleria la Bertesca, 39 Gaudi, Antoni, 117 Gear, William, 81, 83 2 5 8 I N D E X generic art, 152, 204, 210-и Gerasimov, Aleksandr, 119 Getty Research Institute, 200 Giacometti, Alberto, 11, 235П44 Gilbert & George, 38, 42 Gilbert, Stephen, 81 globalisation, 203, 213 Gombrich, Ernst, 160, 186 González, Julio, 11-12 Gorky, Arshile, 57 Gottlieb, Adolph, 241П5 Graham, Dan, 147, 24ОП81 Greenberg, Clement, 7, 9-12, 15-16, 18, 31, 27, 66-7, 104, 114, 120, 123, 128-30, 132, 136, 147-54, 160, 180, T86, 192, 202, 221, 224, 234П30; 'American-Type Painting', 59, 67; 'Anthony Caro', 10-и, 15, 237Г159; Art and Culture, 149, 233П20, 239П65; 'Avant Garde and Kitsch', 161; 'Can Taste be Objective?' in, 216, 245мб; 'Collage', 12; 'Complaints of an Art Critic', 114, 130, 149; 'Decline of Cubism', 7, 56-9, 67; Hilton and, 243мб; 'Greenberg on Art Criticism', 217; Letter on St Martin's, 234П30; 'Modernist Painting', 67, II5-16, 149-50, 202, 246-7ПП2-3 Grigson, Geoffrey, 106 Guggenheim Museum, 207 Haacke, Hans, 136-8, 153, 208 Hardware, 240-1П80 Hardy, Thomas, 182-3 Hayward Gallery, 25 Hemsworth, Gerard, 235П42 Hepworth, Barbara, 3, 5, 66, 79, 86, Ю6-7, 216, 245П13; fig. 27 Heron, Patrick, 8, 81, 231П2 Hilton, Roger, 73-97, 155-6, 158, 168-9, 173—5- 2, 31112, 241ПП1-2, 242ПП4, 6-7, 9, 243мб; figs 19-24, 38 Hirst, Damien, 196 historical materialism, 50, 102, 122, 192, 218, 221 Hofmann, Hans, 147-8 Hurrell, Harold, 240-1П80; see also Art & Language Hyde, Peter, 235П42 Iconology, 201 idealism, 60, 69, 86, 124 Impressionism, 160, 182, 187 Information, 151 installation, 42, 194 institutional critique, 152-3, 172, 193, 194 institutional theory of art, 135-6, 153, 204; see also Danto, Dickie interpretation, 92 Ironside, Robin, 79-80, 106, 242П8 irony, 75, 97, 188 Jackson Pollock Bar, 197 Jackson, Matthew Jesse, 196, 251П7 Jarry, Alfred, 33 Jensen, Albert, 147 John Weber Gallery, 130 John, Gwen, 109-12, 114, 246ПП18-19; fig. 25 Johns, Jasper, 21, 27, 147, 241П3 Johnson, John, 38 Joseph, Keith, 192 Judd, Donald, 21, 27-9, 31, 67, 147-8, 150, 169, 170, 204, 236П52, 240П80, 241П4; 'Specific Objects', 2-7; fig- 43 Kant after Duchamp, 189 Kant, Immanuel, 215-17, 225-6, 252П4 I N D E X 2 5 9 Kaprów, Allan, 147 Kelly, Mary, 137 King, Phillip, 9, 14-15, 17, 18, 20, 26, 238П60; fig. 8 Kippenberger, Martin, 196 Kornblee Gallery, 15 Kosuth, Joseph, 147, 152, 248П7 Krasner, Lee, 219 Krauss, Rosalind, 127, 191, 250Ш3, 25 i n 4 Kunstakademie Düsseldorf, 39 Kunsthalle Berne, 39, 151 Kurtz, Steve, 207 Language, 39 Latham, John, 35, 239ПП65-6 Lawrence Rubin Gallery, 15 Léger, Fernand, 57 Leider, Philip, 233П19 Leja, Michael, 117 LeWitt, Sol, 28-9, 214, 240ПП79-81, 248П5 Lippard, Lucy, 39 littérateurs, 63, 107-8 Little Tew, 177 Long, Richard, 14, 24-5, 33-5, 38-9, 42-3, 235П41, 238П63, 239П74; fig. 10 Los Angeles County Museum, 11 Louis, Morris, 128-33, 138—9, 141, 144-5; f'gs 32-3 Louw, Roelof, 25-6, 39, 42, 235П42; figs 7, 12 Lueg, Konrad; see Fischer, Konrad Lukács, Georg, 154 Maclntyre, Alasdaire, 215 Malevich, Kasimir, 46 Manessier, Albert, 81 Manet, Edouard, 44, 112, 160-1, 164-5, 180-1, 194, 253M1; figs 41, 48 Martin, Frank, 234П30 Marx, Karl/Marxism, 60, 100, 122, 134, 192, 202, 218, 222, 225 Masson, André, 69 Masters, David, 107 Matisse, Henri, 104, 112, 158, 160 McLean, Bruce, 17, 25, 38-9, 42 McWilliam, F. E., 81 Meadows, Bernard, 3 Mexican muralists, 120 Michelson, Annette, 147 Middle Generation, 3, 6-7, 75, 155, 231П2, 235П44; see also Adams, Armitage, Butler, Frost, Gear, Hilton, McWilliam, Meadows, William Scott, Wynter Minimal art/Minimalism, 20-1, 28-9, 31, 44, 130, 148-9, 169-71, 195, 204, 236П53, 240П80; see also Andre, LeWitt, Judd, Morris Miró, Joan, 69 Mitchell, W. J. T., 46, 201 Modem Art and Modernism, 122, 192, 220-4, 13мб, 253П12 Modern Art in the United States, 8, 58-9, 117, 231Ш12, 8, 232П12 Modern Movement, 62-6, 76, 80, 87, 108-10, 170, 184, 186 Modernism/modernity, 99, 243-4П2 Modernism, 113-14, 116-17; and art history, 184-5, 19°y I94_5 20I 221; and cosmopolitanism, 62, 106; crisis of, 29, 142, 149-50, 192-3, 236-7П54; failure of, 163, 180; and formalism, 227; as ideology, 202, 226; and Marxism, 50; and patri­archy, 219, 222; and realism, 70, 80, 97, 122, 152, 181, 190, 193; 2.42П7; reductive tendency of, 149-5° x94. 202; Utopian, 83-4, 108; see also Greenberg Modersohn-Becker, Paula, 246Ш9 2 6 0 I N D E X Mondrian, Piet, 80, 83-4, 90, 110, 114, 218 Monet, Claude, 182 Moore, Henry, 3, 5-6, 9, 11, 62, 104, 235П44; fig. 18 Moraza, Juan Luis, 213, 215-16, 218, 220, 226, 228-9 Morris, Robert, 21, 27-9, 31, 39, 42, 148, 150, 190, 214, 236ПП50-1, 240П78, 248П5; 'Notes on Sculpture', 27-8 M u l l e r , G r é g o i r e , 4 1 , i j i Murdoch, Rupert, 225-6 Museum International, 200 Museum of Modern Art New York, 117, 125 Nash, David, 43, 232Ш5 Nauman, Bruce, 196 neo/new expressionism, 20, 45, 156, 171-1, 173, 150M5 neo-Romanticism, 75, 79, 86, 93 New American Painting, 118, 231П8 New Generation, 3, 15-19, 24-6, 30-1, 33, i35n44i fig- 5! see also Annesley, Bolus, King, Tucker, Tim Scott, Witkin New London Situation, 232ml Newman, Barnett, 68-9, 86, xi6, 147-8, 168, 235П44, 241ПП4-5 Nicholson, Ben, 55-71, 79, 86, 106-7, 109-12, 114, 242Ш3; figs 13-16, 26 Nietzsche, Friedrich, 180 Noland, Kenneth, 9, 11, 20, 26, 127, 148, 236П52, 240П79 O'Brian, John, 116 O'Keefe, Georgia, 150 Oldenburg, Claes, 27, 28, 147 Olitski, Jules, 26, 127, 148, 194, 240П79 Ono, Yoko, 33 Orton, Fred, 247П5 Op Losse Scbroeven, 39, 239П75 Open University, 104, 192, 209, 220-4, 226, 244-5П8, 253П12 'Painter of Modern Life', 175 Painter's Object, 107 painting by mouth, 156-9, 173-5 Painting the Difference, 246П18 Paolozzi, Edouardo, 9 'Paragraphs on Conceptual Art', 214, 248П9 Passmore, George; see Gilbert & George patriarchy, 219, 222 performance, 194 Phillips, Tom, 103-4 photography, 166, 170, 196, 222 Picabia, Francis, 219 Picasso, Pablo, 11, 57, 59, 120, 158, 160, 2531111 picture-plane, 112, 168 Piper, John, 62, 93, 108 Piper, Myfanwy, 106-7 Pissarro, Camille, 182-3, 186-7, 19°" fig- 49 poetry, 15 Poindexter Gallery, 15 Pointillism, 188 Pollock, Jackson, 8, 11, 18, 20, 21, 37, 57-8, 69, 81, 116, 119-20, 122, 160, 218; fig. 29 Poons, Larry, 240П79 Pop art, 27 pornography, 173-4 post-modernism, 29, 44, 109, 124, 149, 160, 170, 186, 191, 193, I98 2X2, 220, 225 Post-Painterly Abstraction, 20, 27; see also, Avedisian, Bush, Gene Davis, Louis, Noland, Olistki, Poons N D E X 2 6 1 primitivism, 96, 167, 169-70, 180 Prinzhorn, Hans, 167 Process art, 39 Proesch, Gilbert; see Gilbert & George Prospekt, 39, 239П74 provincialism, 80 Ramsden, Mel, 46, 155-7, 187-8, 200; see also Art & Language Raskin, David, 249m Rauschenberg, Robert, 27 Read, Herbert, 3-6, 11 ready-made, 134-5, T7° T94 Reagan, Ronald, 225 'Realism in the Art of the 1970s', 147 realism, 60, 68-70, 78-9, 87, 128, 148-54, 164, 180, 183-4; and Con­ceptual Art, 212; conditions of 45, 184, 190; failure of, 19, 60, 62, 80, see also sentimentality; mimetic, 178; and Modernism, 80, 97, 181, 190, 193, 242П7 Reinhardt, Ad, 46 Reise, Barbara, 147, 236П52 relevance, 52, 136 Rembrandt van Rijn, 158 Renoir, Pierre-Auguste, 253m 1 'Rethinking Englishness', 99, 243-4П2 Richard Feigen Gallery, 15 Richter, Gerhard, 112 Rise of the Sixties, 199 Robert Fraser Gallery, 27 Robertson, Bryan, 15 Rorty, Richard, 46 Rose, Barbara, 147 Rosenberg, Harold, 147 Rothko, Mark, 58, 68-70, 75, 81, 110-12, 116, 119, 126, 168, 241П5 Royal College of Art, 235П41 Ryman, Robert, 240П79 Ruskin, John, 57 Russell, Bertrand, 161 School of London, 75 Scott, Tim, 9, 12-13, z5 l8 2.0, 2-5 Scott, William, 81 second-order discourse, 244П6 sentimentality, 69, 73, 79-80, 86, 152-3, 169, 178-80, 184, 186-7, 193, 196, 198 Serra, Richard, 147 Shurpin, Fyodor, 119 Silâns, 239П68, 240-1П80 site specificity, 194 Situation, 8, 231M0, 232П14 Situationism, 84, 195 Smith, David, 3-6, 8, 10-11, 28, 57, 104, 232П12, 233П25 Smith, Tony, 28 Smithson, Robert, 27-8, 214, 240П80, 248П5 Snow paintings; see Art & Language socialism, 63, 123-4, 134 Socialist Realism, 119-23, 191, 201, 203 Software, 137 Sonnier, Keith, 249П5 Spencer, Stanley, 104 St Martin's School of Art, 9, 11, 14-15, 17, 19, 21, 24-6, 33, 37-8, 151, 232П15, 233П25, 234П30, 235П41, 238П63, 239П65, 240П80 stained-glass, 177-83, 186, 189-91, 198; figs 44-7 Stankiewicz, Richard, 3 Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, 39 Stella, Frank, 26, 127, 147, 150, 190 Still, Clyfford, 116 Stockwell Depot, 24-6, 235П42 Studio International, 15, 25, 28, 128, 236П52 Subleyras, Pierre, 158 Surrealism, 168 Sutherland, Graham, 62, 93; fig. 17 Symbolism, 76 2 6 2 I N D E X taste, I I I , 123, 216, 252114 Tate/Tate Gallery, 55, 202, 205-6 Thatcher, Margaret, 223, 225 'three-dimensional work', 27, 43, 169, 195, 2.04 Tillerot, Isabelle, 200 trans-avantgardism, 174; see also neo/new expressionism Tucker, William, 9, 12-15, 18, 23-5, 30, 233П25, 233П27 Turnbull, William, 9, 25, 235П44 value; aesthetic, 53, 71, 78; and complexity, 217; emotional, 70; of expression, 95; intuition of, 53, 77; judgement, 130; market, 50; and social context, 139; universal, 170, 221, 225; use, 71; of the visual, 210 Van Gogh, Vincent, 104 Van Valckenborch, Lucas, 187; fig. 52 Vasilev, Alexei, 119 Velázquez, Diego, 158 Venice Biennale, 66, 235П44, 238П60 Vermeer, Jan, 158 Vietnam War, 37, 134, 151 Voice of America, 115 Vorticism, 103 Vuillard, Edouard, 76 War Artists Advisory Committee, 62 Warhol, Andy, 27, 135-6, 147, 204, "9; %• 3 5 Weiner, Lawrence, 240П81 Wesley, John, 147 When Attitudes become Form, 39, 150-1, 239-40П75; figs 11-12 Whitechapel Art Gallery, 8, 15, 27; fig- 5 Witkin, Isaac, 9, 15, 26 Wittgenstein, Ludwig, 125, 202 Wollheim, Richard, 203, 238-9П64, 250П17 Woodrow, Bill, 24, 38, 43, 235П41 Wynter, Bryan, 231П2
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