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Volltext:Index A Aaron, Raymond, 590 Abraham, Karl, 197 Abrams, M. H., 191 Absolute, the, 372 abstractive relevance, 443, 451, 502 'academic industry', 397 acanthus, 239ÍF., 277, 279 accent, explanatory, 229, 253, 280 Addington, H., 530 Adler, Alfred, 198 Adoration of the Magi: Ghirlandaio, Fig. 96; Hortulus Master, Fig. 99; Leonardo da Vinci, study for, Fig. 93 advertising, 43, 58, 137 aesthetic movement, 388 aesthetics, 169—70,173, 178,183, 184,188,360, 466 Agathon, 544 Akhnaton, 371 Alain, 83, 84; cartoon, Fig. 48 Albert memorial, 486 Alberti, Leon Battista, 120,127, 231, 404, 422 Albertini, Franceso, 487 aü'antica, 266, 291, 422, 430 allegorv', meaning of term, 480 allusions, 479—81 Alpers, Svetlana, 522 ambiguity, 84-5,132-5, 253, Fig. 49 ambiguous figures, Figs. 127, 129-32^ Amira, Karl von, 26 ampUßcatio, 512 Anatolia: Çatal Hüyük, 225 Andersen, Hans Christian, 207 Andreas-Salomé, Lou, 203 Andrei, Johannes, Tree of Affinities, Fig. 15 anecdotal painting, 136—7 Angélico, Fra, 38,307,311,321,361, 387 animals, 114—15,140,178,389, 570 animated vessels, Fig. 177 animation, 245, 278 Annunciation: Petrus Christus, 'Friedsam' Annunciation, Fig. 392; Swabian Gospel, Fig. 91; Botticelli, school of, Fig. 92: Botticelli, Fig. 95 anthropology, 397 antiquananism, 392 Antonio de Domenico, 427 Apelles, 140, 406, 431, 435 Apollinare Nuovo, S., 132 Apollo, 172 Apollo Belvedere, Fig. 376 applied art, 261 Aquinas, St Thomas, 417 Archimedes, 355 architecture, 37, 228—34, 253, 261, 267, 277, 383,392 Arcimboldo, 367 Aretino, Pietro, 467 Argyropoulos, Giovanni, 503 Arion, Fig. 384 Aristophanes, 544 Aristotelian, 170, 254,300,301,316, 4*5 473 Aristotle, 169, 180,187,300,304, 31^17, 414, 496, 499, 502, 503, 548, 569, 586 Arnheim, Rudolph, 108 arousal, 141,146—7,158—9,177—9, 190, 204, 208 art critics and criticism: 7—8, 182; academic, 84; history of, 169—71; I. A. Richards and, 175-86 Art and Illusion, u8, 140, 176, 281, 296, 445 art: Freud on, 194—9; historv of, 83-4, 189,193,369, 382-5, 544; as an institution, 375; language of, 87—8,108; Renaissance conception of, 219; theorv of, 189—91, 192 'art', 65, 67, 73—4,169. 219,365, 442,565-6,586 Arts and Crafts Movement, 318 Arum Dranunculus, Fig. 221 astrological symbolism, 492 attributes, 122, 439—40, 460, 472, 477- 502 Augustus, Emperor. 257 Aurispa, Giovanni, 413 Austen, Jane, 578 avoidance, 35, 296,310,327, 387, 429,430 В Bach, Johann Sebastian, 11,38, 187. 193. 2Sl- 397. 446 Bacon, Francis, 451 Baptistery, Florence, Figs. 355—7; views of, Figs. 364—6 Barbari, Jacopo, 363 barbarism, 580—2 Baron, Hans, 415, 418, 425 Baroque, 232, 267, 273, 387, 388 Bartholdi, Frédéric-Auguste, 438-9 Bartlett, F. C., 98,99,543; 'nonsense figure', Fig. 63; Index 615 transformations of a hieroglyph, Fig. 64 Bartolommeo, Fra, 507; The Last judgement, Fig. 424 Basilius, 495 Baverfeld, Edvard von, 558 Baveux tapestry, 90; Fig. 51 Beaufort, Lady Margaret, 398 beauty, 65—6, 78,305—6, 401, 423, 505, 511-14 Beaverbrook, Lord, 345 Beethoven, Luàwig van, 22,38, 394, 446-7,547, 549, 550, 552, 554, 57,564, 582, 584 beholder's share, 48,113,123, 125, 130,134,143, 148-9,152, 253, 272, 305-6 Bell, Clive, 171 Bellini, Giovanni, 308 Bcllori, Giovanni Pietro, 304, 485, 486 Belvedere, Vienna, Fig. 281 Bcrenson, Bernard, 211, 259, 211, 357 Berg, Alban, 22 Bernini, Gian Lorenzo, 305,336 Berry, Duc de, 373 Bertoldo di Giovanni, 376 Bildung, 38, 575—8, 585—90 Bing, Gertrud, 31 biology, 190 Bismarck, 351 Bizet, Georges, 203 Blake, William, 306,309 Boas, George, 299,321 Boase, Tom, 33 Boccaccio, Giovanni, 413—14, 417, 431 Bode, Wilhelm von, 376 body ornament, 225 Bocthius, 347 Bohr, Niels, 480—81 Boisserce brothers, 312 Bologna, Niccolô da, The Virtues and the Arts, Fig. 400 Borenius, Tancred, 515,519 Borghíni, R., 375 Borgia, Cesare, 192 Bosch, Jerome, 367, 451, 526 Botticelli, Sandro, 32,128,301,311, 361,376, 475, 483,508,509,516; dmumriaíícH, Fig. 95; The Madonna of the Eucharist, Fig. 393; Madonna with St John the Baptist and St John the Evangelist, Fig. 395; The Temptation oj Christ, Fig. 430 Botticelli, school of, Annunciation, I:ig. 9i Boucher, François, 300 Boydcl, J., 530 Bracciolini, Poggio, 413, 419, 421—2, 499 Brahms, Johannes, 22 Bramante, 408,502, 507 Brassai, 296 Breuer, Joseí, 190 Breugel the Eider, Pierer, 525 Britsch, Gustaf, 108 Bronzino, Angelo, 374 Bruce, James, 103. Brucker, Gene A., 427 Bruckner, Anton, 22, 563 Bruin, Claas, 522 Brunelleschi, Filippo, 230, 411, 422—4, 425, 426, 428, 429, 430, 432, 433, 434, 435: San Lorenzo, Fig. 358; SS. Apostoli, Fig. 359; Cappella Pazzi, Fig. 360 Bruni, Leonardo, 409, 412, 413—14. 415—16, 417-18, 28, 431 brushstrokes, 85 Brutus, 465 Bühler, Karl, 42,115, 443, 451,502 Bumpus, Judith, 161 Burckhardt, Jakob, 31,381,383—4, 387, 390,391,392-3, 411, 413 Burke, Edmund, 190—1 Burne-Jones, Edward, 316, 388 Burnett Taylor, Edward, 223 Burney, Charles, 554 Busch, Adolf, 22 Byron, 585, 559 Byzantine art, 247, 261,312, 385; Ruskin on, 275—8 С Cesar 467 Camillus, 490 candle holders, 226, Fig. 184 Canning, George, 349—50 canon, 38 capitalism, 372 capitals, 241—2, 247, 276; Figs. 272-4 captions, 92—4, no, 120, 540 Caravaggio, 72—3,304; Saint Matthew, Figs. 44, 45 caricature, 30, 61,531—4, Fig. 311 Caro, Annibale, 468, 469, 470, 471, 472., 473 Carohngim: minuscules, 266; pyxis, Fig. I carnage, Fig. 183 Carroll, Lewis, 326 Cartesian tradition, 263 cartoons, 57,331—52, 529—38, 539-45 Casi, Girolamo, 477 Castagno, Andrea del, 316 Castel Sant'Angelo, Figs. 56—8 Castiglione, Baldassare, 406 cat, how to draw a, 86, Fig. 50 catalysts, 413 categories, 109; see also schema, stereotypes Cato, 465 Celestine, Pope, 469 Cellini, Benvenuto, 374, 478, 585; Saliera, Fig. 397 Celtic tribes: coin copying, 98, Fig. 65 СЕМ, cartoon, Fig. 27 Cennini, Cennino, 212 Cezanne, Paul, 91,165, 206, 580; Mont Sainte-Victoire, Fig. 52 Charcot, J. M., 190 Charlemagne, 32 Charles V, 469 Chartres Cathedral: photograph of, Fig. 6¿; stained glass. Fig. 25 Chateaubriand, François-René de, 308 Cheng, James, 105 Chiang Yee, Derwcntwater, Fig. 76 Chigi, Agostino, 409 child art, 324,326,327 Chinese art: general, 248; calligraphy, 55; topographical portrayal, 105—7 chipcarving, 259, Fig. 247 chocolate-box, 296, 326 chorus effect, 124—5 Christian art, 123,128, 132, Figs. 94,100 Chrysoloras, Manuel, 418 'chunks', 223 Churchill, Charles, 441 Churchill, Winston, 335 Cicero, 302—4,390—1,326, 405—6, 414, 415, 465, 482, 483, 496, 498, 499 Ciceronian, 393, 499 Cimabue, 300 Cimon ofCleone, 360 civilization, 209, 299,304,366,385, 390 Clark, Kenneth, 34, 85,135 class attitudes, 370—1 classification: initial schema, 95, 98,102 Claude Lorrain, 108, 579; The Tiber above Rome, Fig. 123 Claudius, Mathias, 559 Clausen, George, 320—1 Cleiton, 119 Clemenceau, Georges, 297 cloud band, Figs. 238—9 'coal-effect', Fig. 185 Cocteau, Jean, 402 codes, 51—5,59, 472, 479—81 coins, 98, Fig. 65 Cole, Henry, 314 collective mind, see 'Spirit of the Age' Collectivism, historical, 171 Collingwood, R. G., 170—i Colossus of Rhodes, Fig. 368 colour: expressive function of, 43; in maps, 52; photographs, 49, 51 coloured shadows, 49,166 Columbus, Christopher, 93 columns, 229, 230, 270, 280; Corinthian order, 241, 289; Doric order, 238, 289; Figs. 188—91 Comes, Natalis, 517, 518, 519 comics, 55, 68,137, 296 commercial art, see advertising 616 Index communication, non-verbal, "З-З8 communication, 41—3, 44—5, 204, 450; art as, 61—4, Fig. 27 competition, 281—7 complexity, visual, 253, 281 'conceptual' methods and styles, 45, 51, 96—7,108, no, 117,118, 122, 135 connoisseurship, 7—8,34—5, 83 Constable, William, 148,161,326 constancies, 150 Constantine, Emperor, 257 construction, architectural, 228— 34, 276-8 continuity, 102, 227, 234—50, 257, 390—1,393, 397; see also civilization, tradition contradiction, 371—4 conventions, 46,51, 55, 73,108, 114, 137,116,171,174,180, 182,185, 473 5°5îSEE AISO codes Copernican system, 189 copying, 97—9; Chinese habit, 106; see also mimesis Corday, 334 Corinthian order, Fig. 187 Correggio, 309 corruption, 38, 275—80, 297—304, 308, 316 Cosimo 1,374 Crabbe, George, 574, 580 craftsmen, 233, 277 Cranach, Lucas, 271 Crane, Walter, 318 creativity, 363 Creuzer, Friedrich, 453 Crews, Frederick C., 437 criticism, 430—5 Croce, Benedetto, 170—1,191 Cruikshank, G., 529 Cubism, 195 culture, 381—97 passim cupology, 359—60,361,365 curtains, painted, Figs. 181—2 D Dadaism, 195 Dali, Salvador, 198; Sleep, Fig. 155 Dante, 126—7,344- 367, 413—4 417, 431, 432, 475, 500, 501 Darwin, Charles, 175—6,178—9, 189, 244,322; darwinism, 175, 176, 254 Daumier, Honoré, 347 David, Jacques-Louis, 296—7,304, 306,324,334; The Intervention of the Sabine Women, Fig. 288 decadence see corruption decline, 135, 260, 275—80, 284,304, 3*7- 357 decoration and representation, 272, 278, 281 decorum, 130—1, 289, 444, 449, 464-71. 478' 481. 5'2- 526-7 defamatory image, Figs. 310, 312 definition, 472 Degenhart, В., 212 deism, 386 Delacroix, Eugène, 164, 587 Delécluze, Étienne-Jean, 296—8 Demetrius, 405 demonstration, 434 Demosthenes, 465 Denis, Maurice, 320 depth reversal, 49, Fig 12 Deregowski, Jan, 157 Derwentwater, Figs. 76, 77 device, see impresa diachronic, 257, 267 Diaghilev, Sergei, 402 diagrams, 53 dialectical materialism, 370—2, 37iff. Dickens, Charles, 397, 451, 578 dictionary fallacy, 471—4; see also impresa, plenitude Diderot, Denis, 585 Digby Wyatt, Matthew, 314 Dilthey, Wilhelm, 382—3 Diocletian, 236 Diogenes, 469 Dionysius of Halicarnassus, 404, 405 direction, 250 discontinuities, 280 Disney, Walt, 43, 68 distinctive features, 94—5 Domenichino, 308 Donatello, 182,307, 363,376, 424, 511; Moses, Fig. 145; The Miracle of the Miser's Heart, Figs. 437—8 Donne, John, 573 Doric order, 238, 239, Figs. 186—7 Dostoyevsky, Fyodor, 193 Dou, Gerard, 362 drawing books, 88, 212, 219 drawing, 211—21, 539 drawings: Leonardo, Figs. 160—1, 166,168—73; North Italian artist, Fig. 164; Pisanello, Hawk, Fig. 163; Raphael, Figs. 174—5 dreams, 195, 198—200, 216,533 drill-work, Fig. 249 Dubuffet, Jean, 296, 326 'duck or rabbit?', 84—5, Fig. 49 Dürer, Albrecht, 38, 66, 68, 93,103, 104—5,306, 363; The Artist's Mother, Fig. 31; Rhinoceros, 103, Fig. 72; Hare, Fig. 38 Dutch painting, 108 Dvorak, Max, 23—4,30,374, 383 E Eboli, Pietro da, 343, 348 Echternach Gospels: Symbol of St Matthew, 99, Fig. 66 economics, 382,394 Edgerton, Samuel, 337 Egyptian art, 55,117, 225, 270, 286, 383, 386; motifs, 237—40 Egyptian hieroglyph, Fig. 17 Egyptian relief, Figs. 67, 78 Ehrlich, Paul, 185 ekpkrasis, 516 Elkyn, Thomas, 285, Fig. 280 emblems, 32, 439,519,522 empathy, 118, 134, 138, 229, 267, 289 Engel, J. J., 115—16, 123, 125 Enmus, 302, 495 epideictic oratory, 504,512 Epstein, Jacob, 295, 311; Cursed be the Day Whereon I was Born, Fig. 287 Erasmus, 419 erotic imagery, 43, 299—300 escapism, 394 etymology of motifs, 234—50 Euclid, 487, 502; euclidean geometry, 433 Euripides, 123, 298, 300 evocation, 123 Evolutionism, 235, 244, 277, 382—3 exegetic method, 382—5, 386, 473-4 exemplars, 490 exhaustion of styles see corruption expectations, 149, 172, 223, 231, 241,588; see also 'mental set' explanations, 34—6, 250,355—60 expression, 28—30, 61—4, 67, 89, 113—38,172, 173, 179, 185,191,196, 267, 290,373-5, 384, 447-8, 504, 519- 587 Expressionism. 194—8, 325 eye: contacts, 135; depiction of, 142—7; motifs, 224; movements, 25З eyes, Figs. 108—15 eye-witness, principle of, 118 F facsimile, in familiarity, 56, 101—5 family tree, 52, Fig. 15 Farnese, Palazzo, 468 fashion, 389 Fawkes, Guy, 333 'feedback', 172,174,175,179,181, 184 feet, on furniture, Fig. 178 Félibien, A., 516 Ficino, Marsiho, 452 'field of force', 280 'figure and ground', 236, 259; pattern, Figs. 250—2 Filaretc, 127 Fingal's Cave, Figs. 125—6 fireplace, Fig. 385 Fischel, O., 506 Fischer von Erlach, 206, Fischer-Dieskau, Dietrich. 559 Flaxman, John, 306 Floercke, H., 376 floral ornament, 225, 258, 272, 279 Florence, 411—35 Fliirscheim, Johanna, 585 Fociilon, Henri, 272-5, 279, 282, 284 forgery, 111,174.183 Forli, Melozzo da, 66; detail of fresco, Fig. 34 Fox, Charles James, 350, 530 Fragonard, 300 frames, 264—6 Francia, Francesco, 307 Francis 1, Emperor, 552 Franz Josef, Emperor, 22,392 Frederick of the Palatinate, 347 Frederick the Great, 290 French Revolution, 333—4,387 Fresnius, Karl, 393 Freud, Sigmund, 30, 56, 58, 189—210, 299—300,325—6,335—6, 437- 454. 455- 477. 478- 59°: photograph of, Fig. 150 Friedländer, Max J., 83,383 Fromentin, Eugène, 525 function of the image, 35,101,114, 130, 375; see also evocation, information functionalism, architectural, 232, 271 furniture, 261—2, 270, Figs. 193—4, 259—60 Fuseli, Henry, 147, 531; Macbeth and the Armed Head, Fig. 442 G Gainsborough, 78 Galileo, 189, 378 games and play, 172 Garland, Nicholas, 352 Garland, Robert, Chartres Cathedral, 96, Fig. 61 gas lamp, Fig. 184 Gauguin, 62,309,319—22 Geistesgeschichte, 23,395 general knowledge, 397 genius, 191 Genoa Cathedral, 59, Fig. 24 genres of art, 462-4, 478, 481-4 geometry, 239, 416, 433 George III, 344,348 George, M. D., 530,531 Géricault, Theodore, 69; Horse-racing at Epsom, Fig. 42 German arts, 387 gesture, 26,113—37; Fig. 2 Ghiberti, Lorenzo, 183,316, 423, 424; first Baptistery bronze doors, Fig. 148 Ghirlandaio, 129; Adoration of the Magi, Fig. 96 Giambologna, 374-5, 459; Mercury, % 579 Gibbons, Grinling, carving, Fig. 180 Gibson, J. J., 151,164,176-7 Gilbert, Albert, 457, 459, 460, 461, 479; Eros, Figs. 378,380 Gillray, James, 341, 348-50, 529, 530, 531; A Phantasmagoria, Fig. 441 Giordano, Luca, 35 Giotto, 87,107, 212, 271,300,361, 378, 430, 431,587; The Raising of Ijtzarus, Fig. 88; The Presentation of the Virgin, Fig. 90 Giottesque tradition, 145 Giovanni da Prato, 425 Giulio Romano, 27—8,30, 401—to; Palazzo del Tè, Figs. 3, 343—9; Polyphemus, Fig. 4 Gladstone, William, 457, 459, 461, 462, 471 Goebbels, J., 335 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang, 23,129, 163,191, 207—8, 306—7,312—13, 315, 526, 552, 555, 559,576, 577. 585-90 Göller, Adolf, 267, 286 Gombrich, Richard F., 144 Gonzaga, Duke Federico, 28, 409, 501; Gonzaga archives, 28, 402 Goodyear, W. H., 237—8, 257 Gorgias, 299 Gothic: art, 230, 262—3, 266, 267, 289,312—3,383,387,388—9, 422 if.; script, 420ÍF. Goya, Francisco, 535,536; The Second of May 1808— The Revolt against the French, Fig. 448; The Third of May 1808— The Execution of the Insurgents, Fig. 449; Disasters of War, Fig. 450 grammar, 412ÍF. graphology, 64 Gray, Henry: muscles of the neck, 105, Fig. 7; Great Mosque, Bursa, Fig. 159 Great Seal of the USA, 56, Fig. 19 Greek art, 114,117—23,130, 228, 234—50, 257—61, 263, 275—8,383; vase paintings, Figs. 81—3, 135, 138,139,140; reliefs, Figs. 80, 83, 134,141-3 Gregory the Great, Pope, 59 Gregory, R. L., 139,155,158 GriUpatzet, 548, 553, 554,557, 563 Grimani, Marco, 404—5 Grinzing, 550 grotesque decoration, 481, Fig. 398 Grünewald, 24,367 Guarino, 416—17, 420, 424, 495 Guicciardini, Francesco, 356 H habit, 223-55, 264, 286; see convention, 'mental set', schema Haeckel, Ernst, 47 Hafiz, 585 Hahnloser, Hans R., 27 Hals, Frans, 108 Harrach, Count, 285 Haskell, Francis, 390 Hauser, Arnold, 369—80 Hawkesbury, Baron, 530 Haydn, Franz Joseph, 187, 446, 554, 556, 564 Hazlitt, William, 519, 569, 570, 574,578, 580 Heath, James: rhinoceros of Africa, Fig. 73 Hegel, G. W. F., 381-3, 384-7,372, 388,391, 393, 411, 453-4. 525; hegelian, 263, 265, 267,371,372, 290,381—2, 384—5,386, 388,390, 392,395, 411; hegelian wheel, 395-6, Fig. 342 Heine, Heinrich, 559 Hellenistic portrait, Fig. 136 Helmonc, J. B. van, 228 Henri III, 333 Henry VI, 343 Henry VII, 284 Herbarthian associationism, 382 Herder, Johann Gottfried von, 257. 306-7 hermeneutics, 517 Herodotus, 495 Hesiod, 495 Hesse, the Landgrave of, 336 hierarchies, 223, 226, 287, 392 hieroglyph, attr. Dürer, Fig. 375 hieroglyphics, 55, 452-3, 481-3, 532 Hildebrand, Adolf von, 258—9 Hildebrandt, Lucas von, 285 Hill, Draper, 350 Hinde, R. A., 113 Hinton, H. E., 140,143 Hiram of Tyre, 362 Hirsch jnr., E. D., 461, 462, 478, 4S3. 522 historical collectivism, 171 historicist architecture, 37 Hitler, Adolf, 31, 57,335 Hobbema, The Avenue at Middelharnist Figs. II9—21 Hobbes, Thomas, 438 Hofmannsthal, Hugo von, 22 Hogarth, William, 46,137, 252, 325, 340, 441 Hogg, James, 437 Holmes, Sir Charles, 311 Homer, 118, 298, 366, 497, 495, 501, 502, 552; Homeric epic, 370 honour, 338 Hooch, Pieter de, 66, 524; Interior with a woman peeling apples, Fig. 33 Hoppner, John, 309 Horace, 43 Horovitz, Bela, 39 Hortulus Master, Adoration of the Magi, Fig. 99 Houdon, Jean-Antoine, 146, Huizmga, Johan, 366,383—4,386, 388,390 humanists, 369,396, 412—35 Huth, H., 376 hypothesis, 393,396 I Icarus, Fig. 383 618 Index iconography, 32, 87—8, 462—4 iconology, 87—8, 437, 457—84, 522; see iconography ideas, Platonic, 492 idols, 5—9 illusion, 85—6,140,144,147—8,150, '56-7- 258, 272, 274, 434 illusionism, 258 illustration: scientific, 92,105; and stereotype, 101—5; see also narrative art imagery: allegorical, Figs. 369—70; symbolic, 371—4, 377 images, 41—64, 87; 'in the mind', 91 'impossible objects', 155 impresa, 481 Impressionism, 134, 258—9, 259 imps, Figs. 443—4 Incarnation, the, 497 Indian art, 248,395, 589—90 individuals in history, 389,393,395 industrialization, 226 information: images for, 41, 47; and portrayal, 93—6,101—5 information theory, 109,172,175, 184; see also communication theory Innes, George, 92; The Lackawanna Valley, Fig. 54 innovation, 411—35 insets, Fig. 248 interdisciplinary studies, 395 interpretation, 44, 45, 49, 119—23, 202—4, 2°7' 457—62, 567; see also ambiguity, indeterminacy 'invention, 58ÍF. Islamic art, 236, 245,385, Figs. 196, 222 isolation, effects of, 121, 278 Ivins, William M. Jnr., 47 J James—Lange Theory, 179 Japanese art, 64, 258,318—21,571—3 Japanese print, Fig. 292 jargon, 80,398 jewellery, 259 Johnson, Samuel, 576 jokes, 200—2, 205,325,336,349 Jones, Owen, 235, 242, 245, 252—3, 314-15 Jones, Ernest, 208 Jones, Inigo, 579 Jones, W. T., 386 Jonson, Ben, 285 Joseph II, Emperor, 553 Judaism, 385 Julius II, Pope, 487, 489, 490, 501, 507 Jung, Carl Gustav, 56, 201, 455 к kaleidoscope, 278 Kalidasa, 585 Kallimachos, 241 Kandinsky, Wassily, 185 Kant, Immanuel, 89, 553 Kapplow, Hal, 120 Karlskirche, Vienna, Fig. 157 Kells, Book of, Fig. 277 Kepler, Johannes, 378 Kimball, Fiske, 288—9, 291 King, Haynes, 136; Jealousy and Flirtation, Fig. 102 Kipling, Rudyard, 233 kitsch, 296, 326 Klanfer, Julius, 451 Klee, Paul, 162,328, 579 Klimt, Gustav, 320 Knackfuss, 23 Koestler, Arthur, 449 Kotzebue, August, 562 Kraus, Karl, 201, 419 Krauss, Reinhard, 62 Krautheimer, Richard, 432 Kris, Ernst, 30—1,58,199,325, 335-6, 441 Kubier, George, 282, 286 kunstwollen, 259, 271 Kupelwieser, Leopold, 548, 549, 569; Figs. 465, 466 Kurz, Otto, 31 L Lachner, Franz, 547, 549, 550 Lamarckian, 254 Lampl, Hans, 198 Lamprecht, Karl, 382,391 Lancaster, Osbert, 225 landscape painting: Chinese, 107; and objective truth, 89—92 language, 42—3, 108, no, 126, 158, 171—5, 201—2, 229—32, 236, 250, 254-5, 287,392. 4II_35' 459- 460, 471—2, 503, 567; see also rhetoric Laocoön, 124,137 Latin, 417—22 Le Brun, Charles, 120,132,373,378 Lear, Edward, 326 learning, 109 Leischung, Julius, 38 Lemierre, A.-M., 215 Leonardo da Vinci, 51,105,120, 127—9, l9l~2 *97 205, 211-21, 308,362, 401, 476, 477' 478- 5°7' 508; The Last Supper, Fig. 97; drawing of a cat, Fig. 104; study of drapery, Fig. 105; grotesque heads, Fig. 106; The Virgin and Child with St Anne, Fig. 151; Madonna with the Yarn-Winder, Fig. 395; St. John the Baptist, Fig. 167; The Adoration 0/the Magi, Figs. 93, 426; drawings, Figs. 160—1, 166, 168-73 Leonbruno, Lorenzo, 401 Leopardi, G., 559 Lessing, J. G., 124,179 Leverhulme, Lord, 565-6; portrait of, Fig. 471 Leyden, Aerten van, The Israelites in the desert, Fig. 84 liberal arts, 214, 490, 492 Liberty, Statue of, Fig. 367 Lichtenberg, G. С., 201 Lichtenstein, Roy, 328—9; I know how you must feel Brad.... Fig. 294 linking, 239, 253 Lippi, Filippino, 376, 509; St Thomas Confounding the Heretics, Fig. 432 Lippi, Filippo, 307 Lister, Raymond, 136 literature, 384,386, 392 littera anticjua, 422—5 Livy, 415, 495 Locke, John, 190,569 Locquin, Jean, 376 locust, 102 Fig. 69 logic of situations, 281—7, 359 Lomazzo, G. P., 120, 465 Longinus, 302 Loos, Adolf, 234, 271, Fig. 195 Lorenz, Konrad L., 43,140, 233; Baby and Adult Features, Fig. 5 Lorenzetti, Ambrogio, 378 Louis XIV 223, 289,341 Louis-Phillipe, 347 Loutherbourg, Philip James de, 530- 531 Lovejoy, Arthur O., 299,321,386 Low, David, 345,352, Fig. 326 Lübeck, Schmidt von, 559 Luca, Jean, 285 Lucián, 515, 516, 519 Luini, Bernardino, 193; The Forge of Vulcan, Fig. 386 Luther, Martin, 332—3,338,342 Lycurgus, 465 Lysippus, 298 m Machiavelli, Niccoló, 356 machine, 226 machine learning, 109 magic, 187, 224,331, 336—7 Mahler, Gustav, 22 make-up, Fig. 107 making: 107; and matching, 97, 113, 281,323,328 Mâle, Emile, 464 Manet, Edouard, 319 Manetti, Antonio, 428, 432 Mann, Thomas, 590 Mannerism, 27—30,38,374—5, 390, 401-9 Mansart, J. H., 289 Manutius, 405 maps, 51—2 Marais, Eugene, 389 Maratta, Carlo, 485 Marie Antoinette, 290 Mariette, P-J., 289 Marlborough, Duke of, 341 Marie, Raymond van, 464 Marston, John, 517 Marxism, 359,368ff., 382 Masaccio, 300, 430, 432, 446; The Holy Trinity, Fig. 373 material, constraints of, 226 materialism, 253—4 mathematics, 417 Matteis, Paolo de, The Choice of Hercules, Fig. 79 Maturanzio, Francesco, 491 Mawson, Thomas H., 579 Mayrhofer, Johann, 559, 560 meaning, 459—62,501,502,522; levels of 474—7 Medici, the, 32, 60,374,376,377, 480,526 medieval art, 225, 247, 263, 273, 373,384, Fig. 182 medium: limitation of, 90; and mental set, 107 Mellaart, James, 225 Mellan, Claude, 50; The Napkin of St Veronica, Fig. 14 Melozzo da Forli, 66; detail of fresco, Fig. 34 Memling, Hans, 38, 66; Angel, Fig- 35 memory, 46; drawing from, 98 mental set, 48, 107,141,145, 156—8; and image reading, 89—90; and style, 107 Merezhkovsky, D. S., 192, 205, 478 Merian, Matthäus, 95—6; Notre- Dame, Paris, Fig. 59 Mérimée, Prosper, 274 metaphor, 57—8, 60,108, 207, 224— 8, 270,331-52,392, 44off., 454, 472, 481, 513, 540,567-9 metaphorics, 207 method, academic, 385,392—4, 395 Metternich, Prince, 552, 553, 559, 562 Meyer, Heinrich, 588 Michelangelo, 38, 60,181—2,184, 186,196—7, 202, 209, 218, 232, 308, 324,361,365,397, 407-8, 578; Palazzo dei Conservatory Fig. 192; Night, Fig. 26; Moses, Fig. 144 Michelozzo, 183, 429; Medici Palace, Fig. 362 Milne, A. A., 437 mimesis, 68—72, 84—8, 89—111, 118, 135,142, 220, 247, 298 mimicrv, 174,182, 224—8 Minoan art, 239 Moluccan Islands, 250, Fig. 237 Monet, Claude, 165 Montorsoli, Giovanni Angelo, 466; fountain of Orion, Figs. 381, 382 Moore, Henry, 295,321 Moore, Sir John, 535 morphology, 386 Morris, William, 315—16 mosaic, 45 moth larva, Fig. 137 motif: individual differences in rendering, 89; selection of, 105-7 mourning, 117,179—81 movement, 113,116 movements, artistic, 290—2, 387— 90, 411-35 Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 22, 38,187, 446, 554, 555, 556,560, 564, 581, 583 Müller, Wilhelm, 559, 563 Müllner, К., 498, 504 Murillo, Bartolomé Esteban, 66; Street Arabs, Fig. 32 music, 130,137,165,186—8, 203, 206—7, z^7 ¿8i 2&5 394~*5 446-8, 505, 577 Muybridge, Eadweard, Galloping horse in motion, Fig. 43 myth, 331-52,357 mythology: as artisticgenre, 463, 466; moralized, 457—9; as N nature symbolism, 466, 479, 515—15 Naples, King of, 346 Napoleon, 200,347, 351, 535, 536, 53С 553 narrative art, 113—38; Greek, 119; pictographic, 126; Rembrandt, 133, Fig. 101 'National Spirit', 386,388—9; see also Geistesgeschichte, Hegel, 'Spirit of the Age' Nattier, Jean Marc, 441 naturalism, 242, 258, 279,385,387 nature, 565, 569—75 Neisser, Ulrich, 450, 451, 452 Neo-classicism, 232, 290 Neoplatonism, 452—3, 473, 483 Neurath, Otto, 53 Neurath, Marie, 53 Newton, Sir Isaac, 355 Niccoli, Niccolô, 411, 413—14, 415— 20, 422, 424, 430, 431 Nicholas of Verdun, 182, Jeremiah, Fig. 146 Nicolaus V 498 Nietzsche, Friedrich, 107,191, 221 nominalism, 370 Notre-Dame, Paris, photograph, Fig. 60 Novellara, Fra Pietro da, 476, 477 novelty, 185—6 0 Oertel, R., 212 Oeser, Adam Friedrich, 208 Ogden, C. K., 171 Olvmpic Games, 46, Figs. 7, 8 openwork, Fig. 246 Opera House, Sydney, Fig. п Orchardson, Sir William Quiller, 136; The First Cloud, Fig. 103 orders, 223, 261, 280, 402—3; of architecture, 228-32 organic unity, 264 organism, 300,307 Orion, 515—19; Fig. 439 ornament, 383, 388; Byzantine, 270—1; Gothic, Figs. 253—5, 261—3, 267—9, 278—80; humanist, Fig. 256; plant, Figs. 196—206, 208—20, 223—37, 240—4; Rococo, Figs. 282—4; neo-classical, Fig. 285 Orpheus, 502 orthography, 417—20, 435 Osgood, Charles S., 289, 449, 455 Osiris, 56, Fig. 17 Ossian, 298,306 Overbeck, Johann Friedrich, 486; Self-portrait with his Wife and Son, Fig. 289 Ovid, 450, 466, 495 P Pacht, Otto, 422 'paganism' in the Renaissance, 496 painting: compared to mirror image, 85; compared to photography, 69—70, 91,318,325 Palladio, 231 palmette, 236—50 Panofsky, Erwin, 201—2, 263—5, 271, 289,383, 432, 457, 463, 475 Pantheon, Fig. 361 Paris: Cathedral of Notre Dame, 95—6; Figs. 59, 60 parody, 174 Parrhasios, 119,120, 360 Passart, M., 515 Passavant, J. D., 486, 500 pastiche, 263 pathetic fallacy, 302 Peacock, Thomas Love, 531 perception: ease of, 223—4; theory of, 98; of things versus patterns, 278 Percy, Thomas, 307 performing arts, 203 Pericles, 301,307—9,311,374, 490, 506,507 period, 388—90 Persian rugs, 235, 236, Fig. 196 personification, 472, 504 perspective, 219, 432—4 Petrarch, 413—14, 415, 417—18, 420, 431 Petrus Christus, 'Friedsam Annunciation', 475, Fig. 392 Pevsner, Nikolaus, 247 Pfister, Oskar, 194—7,199; Fig. 152 Pforr, Franz, 308—9 phantoms: Platonic doctrine, 87 pheasant border, Fig. 222 Phidias, 23, 298, 305; pre-Phidian, in Philippon, C., 347 Philipsthal, 530, 531, 535 photography, 35, 96,325, 524; compared to painting, 91,108, 137; compared to topographical Index pictures, 94; false captions, 92; information through, 49—50; X-ray, 50, Fig. 13 physiognomic perception, 265, 267, 289,301—4,305 physiognomy, 374, 453 Picasso, 68, 185, 295,320,325,327— 8; Hen with chicks, Fig. 40; Cockerel, Fig. 41; drawing, Fig. 293 pictograph, 46,55,123—5,126,128, 132, 472, 504; Figs. 7,17 pictographic style, 123—7 pictorial satire, Figs. 295—309,313— 41 Pierce, C. S.,-438 Piero di Cosimo, 307 Piero delia Francesca, 171 Piero il Gottoso, 377 Piętro da Bboli, 343,348 Pigler, A., 464 Pilgram, Anton, 195—6, 206; Self-portrait, Fig.153 Pinder, W., 374 Pinturicchio, 490, 492, 497, 501, 502, 513; Sala delie Arti Liberali, Fig. 412—13; Collegio del Cambio, decorations for, Figs. 414—16; Borgia Apartments, decorations for, Figs. 417, 420, Stanza dell'Incendio, Fig. 422 Pioneer spacecraft, 54—5, Fig. 16 Pisanello, in, 163; Hawk, Fig. 163 Pissarro, Camille, 319 Pitt, William, the younger, 350 Pittacus, 490 Planck, Max, 590 plant ornament, 236—50, 258 Plato, 87,139,186, 190, 299—300, 304,308, 311,316, 409, 465, 496, 497, 499, 502, 543, 548; Platonic moralizing, 316; Platonic theory, 301; Platonic philosophers, 470; Platonists, 468 Platonism, 392 play see games and play 'plenitude of meaning', 454, 504, 513-14 Pliny, 360—1, 415, 421, 470 Plotinus, 383 poetry, 386, 448; compared with the visual arts, 213 polarizing issues, 580—2 Polyclitus, 298 Polygnotus, 360 Pompadour, 297—8,300,305,310 Pompeii: mosaic from, 44, Fig. 6 Pompey, 465 Pop art, 137 Pope, Alexander, 345, 448, 450, 542 Popper, Sir Karl, 35,176,184, 281, 355- 557.359- 392 Port Sunlight, Fig. 472 portents, 341, 473 Porter, R. K., 535; Buonoparte prints, Figs. 445-7 portraiture, 501 portrayal: pathology of, 98—108; schema and correction, no Potter, Stephen, 412, 419 Poussin, Nicolas, 130, 145, 419, 463, 515—20, 579; Moses Striking the Rock, Fig. 98; Orion, Fig. 439 Praxiteles, 298,300 praying, gesture of, 117 prejudice, 65, 71—2, 79,104 Prestwich, Sir John, 56 primitive art: language of symbols, 108 primitivism, 35,38, 67, 295—329, 387 Prmce Eugene, 285 'programme', 463, 467, 468—71 progress, 135,300-4,313,336-7,365, 4" 435 projection, 223—4, 229 propaganda, 409, 535 proportion, 423, 428 Protogenes, 406 psychoanalysis, 21,30,194, 477—9 psychology, 98,120, 190,196, 281, 387,394, 437, 448 Ptolemy, 416, 467, 497 Pugin, A. W. N., 292,313,387, Fig. 286 puns and punning, 199—202, 457-8 purism, 419, 429 purity, 257—80,306 Pythagoras, 495, 499; Pythagoreans, 498 Q Quai, Maurice, 298—300,305, 310, 324 Quintillian, 302—3 В 'rabbit or duck?', 84—5, Fig. 49 race, 239, 269-70,359,375 Randhartinger, Benedickt, 547 Raphael, 28,34,38, 77—8, 221, 247, 301,304,307—8,309—12,324,364, 367,383, 409,464, 479, 480, 485-514, 547, 548, 587; Virgin in the meadow, Fig. 46; Four studies for the 'Virgin in the meadow', Fig. 47; School of Athens, 'identifications', Fig. 399; Stanza della Segnatura, Figs. 401—II, 418—9; Poetry, Fig. 421; The Trinity, Fig. 423; studies for Disputa, Figs. 425, 431, 434—6; detail from the cartoon for The School of Athens, Fig. 427; detail from Disputa, Fig. 429; Venus, Fig. 433; drawings. Figs. 174-5 Raphael, school of, Moses Striking the Rock, Fig. 89 Read, Herbert, 322, 583 Redgrave, Richard, 314 redundancy, 279, 450 regression, 325,327—8,336 Reisner, Bob, 120 rejection, 298, 325; see also avoidance relational model, HI relativism, 135 relevance, 391—2 religion, 385, 387,390, 392, 577,586 Rembrandt van Rijn, 27,38, 68, 80, 132—4,146,186, 193,362, 364, 367, 383. 579' 58 3' 587; Elephant, Fig- 39 Renaissance art, 102—3, l27. 44- 247, 260, 267, 268—9,384.390, 392 Reni, Guido, 67,308; Christ crowned with thorns, Fig. 36 Renoir, Auguste, 146 repetition, 278 replication, 47—8,50—2 repose, 287 representation, 278, 459, 476-7; see also mimesis, naturalism research, 392, 396 resonances, cultural, 394 restlessness, 287 retina, 91, 165 revelation, 452, 456, 474, 496 Rewald, John, photograph of Mont Sainte-Victoire, Fig. 53 Reynolds, Sir Joshua, 78 Rheims cathedral, 247, Fig. 228; voussoir, Fig. 147 rhetoric, 191, 231, 275,302, 401—9, 465, 504, 512 rhinoceros, Figs. 72, 73, 74 rhymes, 202 Richards, Dorothea, 171 Richards, I. A., 169—88; photograph, Fig. 133 Richter, Ludwig, 89—91, 93, ш Rickman, T., 284, 287 Rieder, Wilhelm August, 550; Fig. 470 Riegl, Alois, 26, 235—48, 252—61, 263, 267—8, 271, 275, 277, 282, 357-8,370,382-3 Riley, Bridget, 161—7 Rinuccini, Cino, 416 Ripa, Cesare, 472, 473 ritual, 232, 287,340; ritualization, 117,123, 233; ritualized gestures, 26,117 Robbia, Luca della, 424 Rococo, 287—91 Rolland, Romain, 203 Roman art, 257—60; catacomb painting, Fig. 87; mosaic, Figs. 6, 86; sarcophagus, Fig. 94 Romanesque art, 230, 272, 273. 423- 42§ Romanticism, 24,191, 312, 386—7, 454- 529—38 Rome: 425—9; Castel Sanf Angelo, 94-5- F'gs. 56—8 Rorschach ink blot, Fig. 176 Rose pillar, Fig. 245 Index 6 2 Rosenberg, Harold, 287, 539 Rossi, Roberto, 414 Rossini, G. A., 555, 564 Rousseau, Douanier, 296 Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 304—5, 569 Rovezzano, Benedetto da, 466; mantelpiece, Fig. 465 Rowlandson, Thomas, 529 Rubens, Peter Paul, 66, 186; Portrait of his son Nicholas, Fig. 30 Rubin's vase, 156, Fig. 130 Ruccellai, Giovanni, 426, 482 Rückert, Friedrich, 559 Rushdie, Salman, 339 Ruskin, John, 33, 247, 253, 266, 275—9, 287, 3IO—n' 3l6,362,387, 412, 566 Ruskin and Wornum, Figs. 275—6 s Sachsenspiegel, Der, Fig. 2 St Aubin, Augustin de, 548 St Peter's Denial: Rembrandt, Fig. ioi; Roman Mosaic, Fig. 100 Salieri, Antonio, 556,564 Sallust, 415 Salutati, Coluccio, 412, 414, 415, 418—19, 420—1, 423, 425 San Gallo, Aristotile da, 480 San Gimignano, Vmcenzio da, 479 Sangallo, Giuliano da, 376, 408 Sangailo, Andrea del, after Michelangelo, Julius tomb, Fig. 149 Sappho, 501 Sarto, Andrea del, 337 Saussure, Ferdinand de, 254 Savignac, Raymond, advertisment, Fig 21 Savonarola, 374 Saxl, Fritz, 31,33 Schedel, Hartmann, 93 schema, 97, 99, 102,105,107,109— 10,113,142,176,181, 212—13, 218, 245, 281—2, 323 schema and correction: in copying, 94—8; need for, 109, 281 Schiller, Friedrich, 203, 204,308, 526, 552, 559 Schlegel, Friedrich, 308 Schliemann, Heinrich, 239 Schlosser, Julius von, 24—7, 30, 170, 487, 490 Schmidt von Lübeck, 559 Schober, Franz von, 547, 549, 556, 557- 55S- 559- 5bo Schoenberg, Arnold, 22—3 scholarship, 397 Schräder, Hans, 23 Schubert, Franz, 22,187, 454, 547—64; portrait of, Fig. 470 Schweitzer, Albert, 590 Schwind, Moritz von, 548, 549, 550, 554, 556 553, 558; A Schubert Evening, Figs. 463, 464; The Symphony (detail), Fig. 467; Lachnerrolle (detail), Fig. 468; Schubert and Vogl, Fig. 469 science and the scientist, 185, 209, 395- 43°—35 scientific illustration, 105 scientific method, 162,392,396 script, 420—4; humanist, Figs. 351— 3; carolingian, Fig. 354 scriptures, 386 scrolls, 239—55 Sealsfield, Charles, 555 Sechter, Simon, 563 Sedlnitzky, Count Joseph, 559, 561 'seeing: history of', 83; and 'knowing', 105, no; painter's modes of, 83, 89—92; subjectivity of, no; see also ambiguity; illusion; images; retina Segni, Antonio, 217 Semper, Gottfried, 235, 238, 254, 3^5 Seneca, 415 Senn, Johannes, 561 'sense of order', 223, 238, 265 Serlio, Sebastiano, 231, 402—4, 406—7; gateway, Fig. 350 'servo mechanisms', 109 Seurat, Georges, 62, 64 Shaftesbury, seventh Earl of, 456, 457, 458, 459, 461, 471,480 Shaftesbury, Lord, 116,125,305, 575 Shakespeare, William, 132,170, 370,397, 451, 530, 578, 580, 585 Shaw, George Bernard, 388, 419 shoes, Figs. 257—8 Sienese painting, 477; Fig. 396 signal, 42, 56,143 significance, 461 'Signs of the Times', 383 'similes', 97 simulation and stimulation, 139-41 situations, logic of, 281—7,359 Sitwell, Sacheverell, 515, 517 skill: 108, 223, 254, 278, 295, 316, 323,361, 524; versus will, 100,108, 278 social history, 369—78, 392 social sciences, 364—7,369,392, 395 Socrates, 119,180,371—2, 413, 491, 496, 498, 499, 501, 544 solar motifs, 237 Solitude, 468—71 Solomon, 362 Sophocles, 123,170,193,300 space, representation of, 149,370, 375- 539- 545 Spaun, Joseph von, 554, 556, 557, 558' 559 Spaun, Freiherr von, 548 specialization, academic, 391,395 Speltz, Alexander, 279; Spencer, Herbert, 322 Spengler, Oswald, 268, 375,388 Spiegler, Gottfried, 50 'Spirit of the Age', 264—5,37off. Springer, Anton, 235, 486, 497 'starting point', 392 statistics, 392,395 Steen, Jan, 525 Steinberg, Saul, 251, 539—45; cartoons, Figs. 451—62 stereotypes, 95—9, 327; in portrayal, 94—8,101—5; see also schema, 'similes' Stothard, Thomas, 309 Stradivarius, 363 Stravinsky, Igor, 162 Streater, John, 365 Struck, Hermann, 191, 209 Strygowski, Josef, 24 Stuttgart Psalter, The raging sea, Fig. 117 style, 32,35,37,38, 60—1, 83—8, 89— 90,100,106—7, io8, 118, 171,185, 193. 257-92- З01' 356-7' 369-78, 381-95 stylization, 89—90, 258, 272, 278 sublimation, 209 substitutes, 43, 139—41,145, 225—6, 337 Summerson, Sir John, 228, 231 Sunlight Soap, Fig. 473 Surrealists, 198—9 Sutton, Peter, 521, 522, 524, 526 Swoboda, Karl Maria, 27 symbolism, 88,108, 237, 473—4, 475- 485-54' 529,532-3 symbols, 56—7,122,126,392, 437-56 symmetry, 250 symptom, 42,385, 386—8 synaesthesia, 542 synchronic, 257 syndrome, 386—8 T Tacitus, 452 Tancred, 343—8 Tasso, Torquato, 408, 585 taste, 37, 66, 75—6, 78—9, 531 tatooed head, Fig. 291 technique, 268, 361—4, 524; see also skill technology, 316,323,360—4 Temple, Lord, 348—9 Tenniel, Sir J., 351 ter Borch, Gerard, 523, 524; Lady at her Toilet, Fig. 440 Teutonic tribes: coin copying, 98 textiles, 251, Fig. 241 Thespis, 300 Thorpe, W. H., 113 Thouless, R. H., 150 Thucydides, 495 Thutmose, Pharaoh, 101,105 Tiepolo, Giovanni Battista, 165 Tietze, Hans, 27 Timon, 469 Tintoretto, 309 Tiphernius, Gregorius, 498 Index Titian, 301, 309,311, 516,556 Toledo, Elenora of 480 Tolstoy, 191,367 tombs: Haterii, 258, Fig.245; Hesire, 225, Fig. 181 Tömmé, Luca di, The Virgin and Child with St Anne, Fig. 396 topographical representation, 93-8 Torii Kiyonaga, Cherry-blossom at Asakayama near Edo, Fig. 475 Toscanella, Giovanni, 495, 496, 498 tradition, 38, 75, 98—101,169, 178, 281, 295, 358,360-4,392,397—8, 555-6,578 Trajan, 487, 490; Trajan's Forum, Rome, Fig. 158 Traversari, Ambrogio, 413 trees, 84,108 trial and error: learning through, 109—10, 113, 174, 175; see also feedback tribal art, 320,322,328 Trident trademark, Figs. 22, 23 triggers, 43,178,187 truth, of a painting, 92—6, in Turner, ]. M. W., 184 Tuscan Master, Head of Christ (detail), Fig. 37 twentieth-centurv art, 226, 232, 261 'Twenty Questions', 109 U Uccello, Paolo, 171, 183,316 Uhland, Ludwig, 559 Ullman, L., 418, 420—1, 422 understanding, 174, 446 universals, 503, 567—9 Uxkiill, Count, 309 V Vaihingen H., 337 values, 315, 364-7, 397, 565~7- 577- 587 van Mieris, Frans van, 524 van Gogh, Theo, 63 van Gogh, Vincent, 62, 64, 91,186, 319, 579; Bedroom at Aries, Fig. 28; Night Café, Fig. 29 van Leyden, Lucas, 342 van Eyck, Jan, 153,313, 321, 384—6, 387—8, 441—2, 445, 446; detail of Madonna and Child with St Donatian, St George and Canon van der Paele, Fig. 124 Vanloo, Carle, 297—8,305,310 Varro, 415 Vasari, Giorgio, 24, 32, 212, 216, 232, 274,300, 307—8,312,324, 328,356-7,357,361,363, 407-8, 424, 465, 467, 468, 471, 479. 480, 481, 485, 497, 502 Velázquez, Diego, 85—6, 271 Velde, Willem van de, The Shore at Scheveningen, Fig. 118; Two Men of War at Anchor with Three Small Boats, Fig. 122 Veneziano, Agostino, 485 Verdi, Giuseppe, 542 Verheyen, Professor, 409 Vermeer, Jan, 524 Veronese, Paolo, 309 Verrocchio, Andrea del, 205, 215; head of a Virtue, Fig. 136 Vespasiano da Bisticci, 413, 419, 424 vessels, animation of, 224 Vicky, 352 Vicky, Achilles' Heel, Fig. 20 Vico, Giovanni Battista, 307 Victorian designs, 224 Vienna, 24, Fig. 116 Vignola, 231 Villard d'Honnecourt, 101—2,105, 212; Lion and Porcupine, Fig. 68 Villeneuve, 333,341 Viollet-le-Duc, E., 263 Virgil, 56,414, 415, 495 Vischer, Friedrich Theodor, 197 vision: superiority of, 504—5; synoptic, 200 Vitruvius, 228—9, 2V 232- 24T 274, 289, 404, 408, 429, 435 vocabulary of art: Chinese, 106 Vogl, Johann Michael, 548, 549, 550,557- 558 Volkelt, J., 454 Voltaire, 304 W Wackenroder, W. Fl., 307—8 Wackernagel, W., 376 Waetzoldt, Wilhelm, 23 Wagner, Richard, 22 Waldmüller, Ferdinand Georg, 196, 206; Springtime in the Vienna Woods, Fig. 154 Waley, Arthur, 571 Walker, D. P., 334 Warburg, Aby, 31,179, 235,336,341, 382,391,584 Warburg Institute, 391 Warhol, Andy, 169 Waring, J. В., 315 Watteau, Antoine, 289 wavy line, 253, Fig. 207 weaving, 239 Webb, C. R., 584 Webern, Anton von, 22 Weltanschauung, 385, 387, 430 West, Benjamin, 535 whale, Figs. 70, 71 Whistler, James Abbott McNeill, ¥ 9 White, John, 432 Whorf, Benjamin Lee, no, 173 Wickhoif, Franz, 257—8, 271, 279, 487 'will to form', 99 William of Wykeham, 174 Winchcombe, Robert, 285 Winckelmann, Johann Joachim, 23-4, 305-6,308, 453, 576 window, Gothic, Fig. 363; Renaissance, Fig. 362 Winson Figure, Fig. 131 wit, 336, 481 Wittgenstein, Ludwig, 419 Wittkower, Rudolf, 411—12 Wolf, Hugo, 22 Wölfflin, Heinrich, 84, 229, 259, 266—70, 277, 286—9,370,381, 487- 511 Wolgemut, Michel: woodcuts from 'Nuremberg Chronicle', 93- F'g- 55 woodwork, 232 Wordsworth, William, 574, 575, 582; portrait of, Fig. 476 Worringer, W, 261, 268 Wright of Derby, Joseph, Sir Brooke Boothby in a Landscape, with a volume of Rousseau, Fig, 474 writing, 213—4, 265—6, 270,394, 4П-35 X X-ray photograph, 50, Fig. 13 Xenophon, 119,180, 496 Y Yates, Frances, 46 Yin and Yang, Fig. 18 Z Zangwill, O., 98 Zelter, Karl Friedrich, 555 Zeuxis, 431, 435 Zola, Emile, 89,319 Zoroaster, 499 Zuccaro, Taddeo, 468, 471, 483; decorations for the Palazzo Caprarola, Figs. 387—91 Zweig, Stefan, 198
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