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Volltext:INDEX Abbate, Niccoló dell', 15g. Academies, 57, 137 f., 147. Alberti, D., 120. Alberti, L. В., 1-22, 26, 28-32, 34, 40, 42-4, 49, 56, 6о—2, 64, 74 f., 83, 88, go f., 93, 129, 149-51. *5+f- Alberti, R., 120, 139, 14t. Aldus, 39, 43. Alexander VI, 45. Ammanati, 120. Andrea del Sarto, 93. Angélico, Fra, 78, 125. Apelles, 52, 98. Aquaviva, 134. Aquinas, St. Thomas, 45, 134, 149. Architecture, 6-17, 19, 39-43, 50 f., 75. 1 2 7 - 3 1. 1 5 1 f- Aretino, 76, 83, 92, 123-5. Aristotle, i S f., 25, 100, 142. Armenini, 139-41, 148-50, 152-5, 157-9. Arpiño, Cavalière d', 138. Augustine, St., 44. Averlino, see Filarete. Baliini, 83, 125. Bandello, 119. Bandinelli, 48, 53. Barocci, 135, 137. Baroque, 134, 136. Bartoiommeo, Fra, 117. Bassano, 83. Beauty, 15-17, 19. 30 f- 59-70. 72, 80, 89 f., 93, 142-4, 149. Beccafumi, 93, 137. Bellarmin, 121. Bellori, 95. Bembo, 124. Bernini, 41, 135. Biagio da Cesena, n8. Biondo, 82 f., 85, 125. Boccaccio, 40. Bocchi, 101. Bordone, 83. Borghini, R., 101, 111 f., 115, 144, 154- Borghini, V., 100, 144. Borromeo, St. Charles, no f., 115, 118, 127-32, 154. Bosch, 47. Botticini, 109, 125. Bramante, 45. Bronzino, 54, 86 f., 91. Brunelleschi, i, 6, 13, 42, 48, 98. Bruni, 20. Bruno, Giordano, 145. Brunus, Conradus, 107. Calvin, 107. Caraffa, 77, 86, 105, 113, 119. Caravaggio, M. da, 159. Caravaggio, P. da, 139, 156. Cardanus, 48. Caro, 95, 131. Carracci, 137 f., 156, 159. Castelvetro, 53. Castiglione, 53, 63, 82, 97 f. Cataneo, 130. Catharinus, 107. Catholicism, 1, 5. 11, 41, 60, 646., 71, 76-9, 86, 92, 103-37. Cellini, 51, 54, 74, 87, 90. Cennini, 2, 9. Charles V, 103. Cimabue, 88, 98. City-state, i, 3 f., 7-9, 20 f., 86. Classicism, 1-3, 5 f., 12 f., 15, 19, 2i, 39-43, 60, 75, 85, 87, 109, 114 f., 129, 140, 150-2, 158. Clement VII, 64 f., 86, 103, 109, 1 1 9. Clement VIII, 133 f. Clement XIII, 1 1 9. Clovio, 143. Colonna, F., 39-43. Colonna, V., 65. Comanini, 126, 131 f. Condivi, 59, 61, 71 f., 76. C o n t a r i n i , 6 5 , 7 6 , 7 8 , 4 3. Correggio, 139, 157. Costa, 98. Counter-Reformation, 76 f., 86, 103-36, 140, 150, 152. INDEX Daniele da Volterra, 127. Dante, 66, 114. Danti, 101. Decency, 117-26. Decorum, 35 f., 122-4, '26. Diogenes, 5. Dolce, 76, 82-4, 123-5. Dominicans, 134. Donatello, i. Doni, 82, 125. Duccio, 99. Duns Scotus, 44. Dürer, 75. Eclecticism, 137, 146 f., 154-9. Eleanor of Toledo, 87. Equicola, 50, 52, 82. Eupompus, 50. Expression, 12, 34 f., 52 f., 127, 1 3 6 , 1 5 3 - Facility, 84, 94-7. Feliciano, 39. Félibien, 95. Ferrari, Gaudenzio, 138 f., 144, 156. Ficino, 20 f., 143. Filarete, 43 f. Folengo, 120. Foppa, 45. Francesco di Giorgio, 45. Gauricus, 82. Genius, 96, 149. Gerson, 117. Ghiberti, 2, 9, 48, 51, 98. Ghirlandaio, 59. Gilio da Fabriano, 111-15, 118, 121-3, 126 f., 136. Giotto, 98. Giovanni de' Vecchi, 135. Giovio, 82. Giulio Romano, 94, 124, 139. Gothic, I, 6, 13, 39 f., 92. Grace, 89, 93-8, 146, 156. Greco, El, 119, 143. Gregory the Great, 107. Gregory XV, 134. Greuze, 135. Grünewald, 47, 49. Guilds, 2, 55-7. Hartsfield, 107. Heretical paintings, 108-12, 125. Hollanda, 46, 58, 6i. Humanism, 1-3, 5, 9, 11 f., 59 f., 64-6, 76, 80, 83 f., 86, 104-6, 143. 149- Iconoclasm, 107. Idealism, 18, 22, 36 f., 41 f., 62-74, 1 0 0 f., 1 4 1 3 Index expurgatorius, 119 f. Inquisition, 105, 116 f. Jesuits, 105, 133-5. Judgement, 17, 27, 90 f., 93, 95, 145- Lancilotti, 82, 147. Learning, 2 f., 10, 34, 49-51. 56, 148. Leonardo, 23-38, 44, 48-50, 52-4, 56, 60, 74, 82, 91, 94 f., 122, 138, 149, 150, 154. 156. Leo X, 137. Liberal arts, 48-57. Lomazzo, 74 f., 100, 138-59. Lombardi, 39. Loyola, St. Ignatius, 86, 133 f. Lucian, 3. Luther, 64 f., 107. Manner, 89, 156. Mansart, 41. Mantegna, 39, 138, 156. Marc' Antonio, 124 f. Masaccio, 1, 98. Masolino, 94. Mathematics, 3, 10 f., 14, 26, 36, 44. 49 f-, 74, 91, 95, 129, 144 f. Medici, Cosimo de', 4. Medici, Ferdinando de', 12t. Medici, Francesco de', 143. Medici, Lorenzo de', 20-2, 59. Medievalism, 105 f., 140, 143 f., 149. Michelangelo, 22 f., 46, 48, 58-81, 82-7, 89, 91 f., 95, 98-101, 103, 112-14, 118 f., 121-3, 125, 138, 141, 146, 154-9- Mino da Fiesole, 89. Molanus, 107, 110-12, 114, 118, 127. INDEX 167 Molina, 134. Montefeltre, Federigo da, 50. Muziano, 135. Nature, i f., 5, 14, 17-19, 27 f., 30-S, 37 f - , S3. 59, 61-9, 71-S, 88-90, 93, 141, 145, 15s, 159. Neoplatonism, 20-2, 24, 44-6, 50, 59-62, 64, 67 f., 70-2, 78, 85, 92, 106, 142 f. Neri, St. Philip, 133, 135. Nicholas V, 8, 109. Oratory, The, 133, 135. Origen, 109. Pacioli, 23, 44. Paggi, 57. Paleotti, 78, 107, no, 118, 126, I31-. Palestrina, 121, 134. Palladio, 117, 129 f., 151. Palmieri, 109. Pamphilus, 50. Papacy, 3, 45, 60, 64, 76, 86, 103-5, 109. Parmigianino, 84, 94, 96. Paul III, 65, 76, 86, 118 f. Paul IV, 1Í8, 132 f. Paul V, 134. Peckham, 50. Perino del Vaga, 94, 139. Perspective, 14, 29 f., 49 f., 54, 61, 74, 5, 95- Perugino, 30. Petrarch, 20. Philostratus, 85. Pico della Mirándola, 20 f. Piero della Francesca, 44, 95. Pino, 82-5, 125. Pius II, 8. Pius IV, 119, 133, 135. Pius V, 114, 119, 132. Pius XI, 119. Plato, 20, 51, 142. Pliny, 83. Plotinus, 20. Pole, 65, 113. Pollaiuolo, 29. Pontormo, 54, 87, 92, I J 2 , 122, 135, U- Possevino, 112, 114, 118, 127, 136. Poussin, 24. Proportion, 17, 31-3, 75, 91, 93, 153. Protestantism, see Reformation. Protogenes, 98. Pseudo-Dionysius, 143. Puligo, 89. Pythagoreanism, 44. Raphael, 60, 63, 66, 76, 82-4, 89, 94, 99, 109, 115, 138, 146, 156 f., 159- Rationalism, 1 f., 5, 9, 11, 13, 17, 21 f., 27, 39-43, 60 f., 74, 87, 93, 115, 143 f., 149 f. Reformation, 64 f., 76, 105, 107 f., 113, 128, 133. Religious art, 5-7, 11, 41, 45-7, 60, 65 f-, 7 1 , 77, 103-36. Religious music, no f., 113 f., 1 3 3 f- Rosso, 87. Sadoleto, 65. Salimbeni, 135. Salutati, 20. Salviati, 139. Sanders, 107. Savonarola, 45-7, 60, , 117. Scamozzi, 153. Scholastics, 25, 44-7, 142 f. Schongauer, 61. Scientific approach, 1 f., 10, 13, 21, 24-9, 36, 38, 50, 59, 66, 143. Serlio, 130, 151. Sforza, 43. Simonides, 53. Sixtus IV, 1 1 9. Sixtus V, 114, 133, 135. Sodoma, г 17. Stoicism, 5. Tibaldi, 1 5 9. Tintoretto, 83, 85, 117, 125, 159. Titian, 83-5, 89, 125, 139, 146, 156 f., 159. Trent, Council of, 77, 103-36. Uccello, 9 5 f. Urban VIII, 134. Valla, 48. i68 INDEX Varchi, 51, 54, 73, 87, 93, 100. Vasari, 54, 57 f., 61, 72, 75, 86-102, 103, 117, 125 f., 131, 138-40, 146, 154 f., 158. Veronese, 83, 116 f., 125. Verrocchio, 24. Vignola, 129. Villani, 98. Vitruvius, 13, 15, 19, 50, 151 f. Vossius, 48. Xavier, St. Francis, 134. Zeuxis, 61, 155. Zuccaro, Federico, 100, 137-47, 159- Zuccaro, Taddeo, 87, 131. Zucchi, 151.
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