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Volltext:ylbbcy, Major J. R. 97 Abclard, Peter 82 Sic et non 64 Académie royale 287 Academy of Sciences 26 Accademia dci Lincei 251-5 Accesî 130, 140 Acciaiuoli, Donato Vita Caroli Magni 91; Pl. 34 Adad Ncrari II, King of Assyria 28 Adam ofDryburgh De tripartito Tabernáculo 83 Adela of Blois, Countess 78 Adclard of Path 81 Akbar, Emperor of India 386 Akhnaton, Pharaoh 28 Alberti, Econ Battista 297, 312, 319 Delia pittura 307 Aldrovandi, Ulisse 250-1, 25a Alexander, Jonathan 96, 97 Alexander the Great 29 Alíense 141 Altissimo, Cristofano dell' Portrait of Marsilio Ficino 204; PI. 88 Ambrose De Кое et arca 77 Ammonius 65, 66 Anckermann, Daniel Equestrian Portrait of Field Marshal Herman Wrangel 270; PI. 121 Andre, Carl 374 Andrew of St Victor 81 Anonimo di Tizianello 159-60, 161 Anselm, Saint 82 Prayers and Meditations 77 Anselm of Laon (Hossa ordinańa 62, 64 Anthoni, Giovanni AUeçory of Winter 271; PI. 122 Anubis 56; Pl. 27 Apelles 306 lenas of Cos 162 -3 Aquinas, Thomas commentary on I Corinthians 64, 65 Aragazzi, Bartolomco 99 Arbcr, Agnes 248 Aretino, Pietro 136, 140, 148, *99 IM Tal ant a 129-30 Ariosto Orlando furioso 16, 211- 12; PL 92 Aristcidcs the Younger 305, 317 Aristotle 59, 67, 199, 206-7, 250 Peri hermeneias 65- 6 Poetics 292 Posterior Analytics 59-61 Arundel, Thomas, 2nd Earl of I/Off. 'Madagascar portrait' 182 Assurnasirpal II, King of Assyria 28-9, 32; PI. 13 Athanasius, bishop of Alexandria Lfe of Antony no, in, 112-13 Attalids 29-30 Augustine, Saint 77, 81 Contra mendacium 74 De mendacio 74 Augustus, Emperor 30 Avril, François 102 Ayamontc, Marqués de 157-9. '63 /"Jaron, Francis 171, 176, 278 7 he Advancement of learning 18, 22, 26 Balbi, Giovanni Calholicum 64-5 Baldinucci, Filippo 191, 197, 198, 199, 204, 206, 207 Baldric of Bourgueil 78 Barocci, Fcderigo Rest on the Flight into Egypt 230 Barthes, Roland 257 Bartsch, Adam von 223 Bassano, Jaropo 130, 135 Bassompicvre 176 Bastiani, Lazzaro 143 Bastiani, Sebastian 143-4 Baudelaire, Charles Pierre 'Why Sculpture is Boring' 356-9. З61. З66. 37° Bauhin, Gaspar 250 Bayly, C.A. 393 Beck, David portrait of Queen Christina 273 Bedc 121 Bella, Stefano dclla 137 Querini Stampalia series . 134,148 Bellini, Gentile 135, 148 Procession in the Piazza 144-5;pis- 59.60 Rescue of the Relic at San Irnenzo 131—2 Bellini, Jacopo 133 contract with the Confraternity of the Carita 132 Bernard of Clairvaux Apologia in Guillelmum Abbatem 62, 64 Bcrnier, François 386 Billanovich 89 Boccaccio 99 Boccalini, Traiano Pietra del paragone politico '99 Ragguagli di Parnaso 199-200 Bock, Hieronymus Kreuter Ruch 247- 8 Boethius 65 Bois, Yve-Alain 399, 403 Bomarzo garden 16, 18; PI. 1 Bon 134 Bonhominis, Alphonsus 112 Borghini, Rafiaello 153-4 Borghini, Vincenzo 141, 298 Borromeo, Cardinal Federico 308 Bosch, Hieronymous The Tribulations of St Antony 109-27; Pis. 41, 49 Boschini 145, 147-8 Bosse, Abraham 293-4 The Printmaker's Shop 224, 237; Pis- 93. 94 Traicté des manieres de graver 224, 237; Pl. 108 Bottigella, Giovanni Matteo Bottigella, Giovanni Stefano, bishop of Cremona 96 Boucher, François 301 Bourdon, Sebastian 288-9, 290,291-2 conference on Poussin's Christ Healing the Blind 288-9, 29° Boyle, Robert 255 Bracciolini, Poggio 99, 104 Brahe, Count Per, the Younger 273; PI. 124 Braque, Georges Vidm and Palette 399, 401; PL 176 Violin and Pitcher 399-415; Pis. 175, 182 Bravo, Cecco 200 Prudent Government of Ijorenzo 193, 200, 201; PL 85 7he Reception of the Muses by Lorenzo 193, 200-1; PL 84 Bridgman, Laura 13 Brienne, Lomćnie dc 310 Brown, Julian 105 Brown, Percy 391 Brueghel, Pieter 305 Brunfels, Otto Contra fay t Kreiiterbuch 246—7 Bruyn, C. de Reizen over Moscovië PL 14 Buckingham, George Villicrs, ist Duke of 18, 20,_ 170/ marriage 174, 180, 185 Burckhardt, Jacob 328 Bureus, Andreas K'ew and Accurate Description of the Northern World 266 Burke, Edmund Philosophical Inquiry into the Origin of the Ideas of the Sublime and the Beautiful 11-12, 14, 18 Busehor, Ernst 41 Calabria, Alfonso, Duke of 9 4 Caldcrini, Domizio 198 Callot, Jacques 237 Cambridge History of India 386 Canaletto, Antonio Venice: Hie Feast Day of San Rocco 134; PL 55 Cappcllo, Bianca 131 Carleton, Dudley 170 Carpaccio, Vittore 138-40 The Healing of tke Sick Man at the Rialto 131-3, 138, 148; PL 54 The Lion of St Mark 138; PL 56 St Ursula cycle 138-40; и - 57 Cartari, Vincenzo 201 Casaubon, Isaac 198 Castellini 209 Castiglionc, Baldassare, Count 179 Caylus, comte dc 313-14 Cellini, Bcnvenuto autobiography 16 Cellorigo, Martin Gonzales de 393 Centaur 43, 46, 567; PL 28 Ccsalpino, Andrea 250 De plantis 250 Cesaríni, Virginio 254 Cesi, Federico 251-4 Cézanne, Paul 330 Cbalcidius 204 Chalcondylas, Demetrius 206 Chambray, Roland Fréart de 288, 298, 300 Idée de la perfection de la peinture 293-5 Charles I, King of England 177,184 collection 171, 173 marriage 175-6 Charles II, King of England 26 Charles V, Emperor 141, 171 Charles IX, King of Sweden 266 Charles XII, King of Sweden 263, 283 Chcrardi, Cristofano 129 Christina, Queen of Sweden 269, 273, 276 Ciampoli, Giovanni 254 Ciccro 81, 305, 306, 307, 392 Cicogna family 138 Cimabuc 141 Civiagio, Gherardo del 90 Clement ofLlanthony De sex alis cherubim 89 Cock, Hieronymus 233 Coke, Sir Edward 174 Colbert, Jean Baptiste 287, 386 ' Colonna, Fabio 252 Combcfis, François Catena Romana 55 Comminellis, Hugo dc 94 Compagnie delia Calza 129, 130 Confraternity of the Carita 132,138 416 Index Contarini, Doge 147-8 Contarini, Giacomo 136, 137 Cornaro family 130 Correr, Francesco 145 Cort, Cornelius 230-1 Martyrdom of St Lawrence (engraving after Titian) 230 Rest on the Flight into Egypt (engraving after Barocci) 230 The Studio of the Arts (engraving after Stradanus) 230-1; Pis. 100, IOI С rate vas 245 Crispin, Gilbert 81 Cubism 399, 401, 406, 412-14 -Z)ahlbergh, Erik Sweden Ancient and Modern 267-8, 274-5; Pis. 119, 120 Dante 199 Daniele da Volterra 198 Darwin, Charles The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals 11, 12-16, 18; Pis. 2, 3 De la Gardie, Count Magnus Gabriel 267, 269, 273, 278 de Piles, Roger 292, 293, 299~~3°b 401 De la Vallée, Simon 270 de' Vieri, Francesco guide to Pratolino garden 16-17, 22 Delacroix, Ferdinand-Victor- Eugène Massacre at Chios 305 on Pigallc's Monument to the Marshal of Saxony 298-9 Delia Croce, Marsilio 140-1 della Rovere family 193 Descartes, René The Passions of the Soul 18, 22, 26 Diderot, Denis 318 -19, 347 Diffinitiones virtutum et vitiorum 11 Diodorus 40-1 Dionysius 245 Dioscoridcs 249 Dioscuri 50-2; PI. 23 Dirks, N. 393 Dolce, Lodovico 250, 307 Domcnichino 288, 310 Domitian, Emperor 30 Donato, Piętro, bishop of Padua 96, too Dowlcy, F.H. 314 Drcycr, Benedikt 115 Dubos 313, 317 Duck, Jacob Plundeńng Soldiers 183; p|- 73 Dufresnoy, Charles Alphonse De arte graphica 292-3 Dürer, Albrecht 133, 223, 226, 228-9, 235-6 Caput phisicum (Pruthenus, Tńlogium anime) Pl. 42 Instmetion in Measurement 229 Melencolia 1226, 228; P1-97 St Jerome in his Study 228-9; PP 98 Dyck, Sir Anthony van The Continence of Scipio 169-89; Pl. 69 sketches for 184-5; p!s. 74, 75 The Duke of Buckingham with his Wife, as Adonis and Venus 171, 180; PI. 72 portrait of Arundel 171 ¿i , Johannes 251-2 Eckhout, Gerbrand van der 77ie Continence of Scipio 187; И. 77 Ehrenstrahl. See Klöcker, David Ekeblad, Johan 276 Elizabeth I, Queen of England 23, 27 Elizabeth, Princess (Queen of Bohemia) 170, 175 Empoli, Jacopo da 200 Ensor, James 384 Ephesus 35 Temple of Artemis 40 Erasmus, Desiderius Adnotationes in Novum Testamentum 64-5 Erdreich, Ellen Cooper 99 Este, Beatrice d' 138, 139-40 Euripides 115, 117, 317 Iphigenia in Aulis 306 Evagrius Vita Antonii 112-13 Everdingcn, Allacrt van 275-è Expressionists 384 ./"aber,Johann 252, 253 Fairbank, Alfred 95 Falconet, Etienne 317-18, 3*9 Obserrations sur la statue de Marc Aurel 347-8 Farrukhsiyar 386 Félibien des Avaux, André 292, 298 Entretiens 308-9 on Le Brun's The Tent of Dańus (Ts Reines de Perse aux pieds d'Alexandre) 295-6; и. 134 on Le Brun's Triumph of Hercules 308 Fergusson, James 383, 387-8, 39b 394 Ferrari, Giovanni Battista 2.34 Deflomm cultura 254 Hesperides sive de malorum aureomm cultura 254 Festugière, A.-J. 59-60 Fiamingo, Luigi 204 Ficino, Marsilio 191, 204-5, 206-7, 2 ю-и Figulo, Carlo Botanomethodus 247 Filiis, Anastasio de 251 Flcmmyng, Robert 90 Floris, Frans 230 Forsius, Sigfrid Aron Physics of the Description of Natural Qualities and Characteristics 264 Foscari family 136 Foucault, Michel 252, 254, 257 Francken, Frans, II Cabinet d'amateur de tableaux 18; Pl. 7 Franco, Giacomo The Dogaressa Grimani's Arrival at the Doge's Palace 13ч И. 53 François I, King of France 16, 23 Frederick V, Elector of the Palatinate 170, 175 Frederick Henry, Prince 183 Freinshcmius, Johannes 282 Fréron, Elie-Cathcrine 314 Freud, Sigmund 355, 367 Nirvana fantasy 364 Fuchs, Leonhart 253 De historia stirpium 247—9 Fullcnwider 313-14 Füllmaurcr, Heinrich 248 Furini, Francesco 200 Head of a Poet 205; Pl. 89 The Iximent for Lorenzo de' Medici 191,211,212; PI. 79 The Platonic Academy 191, 203-10, 212; PI. 78 Sketch for the Foreground Figures of the Platonic Academy ' 208-9; PI. 91 Sketch for the Platonic Academy' 208-9; PI- 9° G"alen 247, 257 Galileo 252 -5 Saggiatore 254-5 Geoffrey of Monmouth 73 Gcrbier, Balthasar 170, 171 Gcssner, Conrad 264 Ghirlandaio The Annunciation to Jacharlas 205 Ghisi, Giorgio The School of Athens (engraving after Raphael) 300; PI. 137 Gilbert of Limerick 78 Gilio 307 Gilman, R. 395 Giorgione 133 Giotto di Bondone 141, 221, t 327, 335 Giovanni da San Giovanni (Giovanni Mannozzi) 200, 201 The Desolation of Parnassus 191, 193, 197-8, 212; Pis. 80, 81, 82 Giovio, Paolo Elogia viromm illustrium . 2°4"5 Giuliano da San Gallo 202 Gobineau, comte dc Essai sur l'inégalité des races humaines 385, 388 Goetz, Hermann 391 Goltzius, Hcndrick 223, 233-4, 235-7 Venus, Bacchus, Ceres and Cupid 233-Ą; Pis. 102, 103 Gombrich, Ernst 67, 90, 100, 221, 240, 242, 245, 246, 257, 327, 395, 399, 4ÜI Art and Illusion 257-8, 327-8 ^ 'Meditations on a Hobby Horse' 340 'Renaissance and Golden Age' 191 Gracscr, A. 59 Grande, Gugliclmo 131 Gray, William 90 Greco, Vittorc 144 Grimani family 136 Grimani, Antonio 134 Grimani, Dogarcssa 131 Grimani, Domenico 134 Gripcnhielm, Carl 266 Gritti, Doge 134 Grünewald, Matthias Isenheim altarpiecc in Guardi, Francesco 137 Guarducci, Michcle 91 Guevara, Felipe de 110 Gustavus III, King of Sweden 283 Gustavus Adolphus, King of Sweden 263, 278-9. 283 Guzmán de Silva, Diego 157, J59 I~Ic\h\h, Irfan 387 Hanna family 136 Hatshcpsut, Queen ofEgvpt 26-7 Havcll, E.B. 391 Hedvig Eleonora. Queen Dowager of Sweden 268 Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich 384-5 Henrietta Maria, Queen of Charles I of England 176 Henry III, King of France 12g, 136-7, 140-1, 147 Henry- VIII, King of 417 England 23 Henry, Prince of Wales 172, '74 Herder, Johann Gottfried Journal of my I 'oyage 346 Kritische Halde 342 Plastik 341-53 I le.siod Hieogony 32 Heyden, Jan van der Interior with Curiosities 18; PI. 6 Hobson, Anthony 97, 99 Hoeart, A.M. 'Decadence in India' 379"97 I loehberg, Julian 405-6 Hogarth, William 401 Analysis of Beauty 344 -5 Homer 328 Honorios Augustoduncnsis 77 I Ionice Ars poetica 64 Howard, Prances 174 Hugh of Fouilloy 77 Hugh of St Victor 73, 80-i Chronicle 75 De arce Л oe 73-87 DidascaUcon 75, 82 De quinqué septenis 80 De sacramentis 84 De tribus dichas 80 De vanitate mundi 80 Hunt, Richard 91, 94-5, 97, 99 Hutet, Grégoire Optique de portraiture et peinture 312-13, 314 Ihsen, Henrik 384 Impressionism 406 Innocent III, Pope 80 Kins, W.H. Prints and Visual Communication 245 ^acobi, Taddeo plan of Santa Maria, Picve 160; PI. 68 James I, King of England 23, 171 2, 173-6, 178-9, 180 i, 185 Jarnsens, Pieter Interior with Painter, Ixidy Reading and Mansewant PI. 183 Jaucourt, chevalier de 317 Jerome. Saint Dialogue against the Pelagians 81 ' Joanna of Austria 141 Jonson, Ben Hymenaei 173 Junius, Franciscus 307 Juvenal Satires 198; PI. 83 Ztahmvciler, Daniel-Henry 399' 403-5' 4oG Kalakh (Nimrud) 28-9, 32; PL 13 Kandel, David 248 Kant, Immanuel Critique of Judgement 341 Karnak 28 Kavafy 392 Kcr, Neil 105 Klce, Paul PL 180 Klein, Melanie 372 Klorfor, David (Ehrenstrahl) 271, 273, 277 Mating of Capercaillies 277; Pl. '126 Ко/я, Hans von St Antony Attacked by Devils "5;P'-45 Koyrć, Alexandre 252 Z^acan, J 361-2 Ladncr, G. 58 Lambeth Apocalypse 120 Lamprecht, Karl 385 Lampsonius, Domcnicus 236 Landino, Cristoforo 205 Laoeoön 287 Lascaris, Giovanni 205 Lassen, Christian 385 Lazarom, Francesco 154- 5 Lc Brun, Charles 224, 301, 305 art criticism 288 90, 291-2, 293 conference on Poussin's Gathering of the Manna 288-90 drawing for Diana 310; PL 141 Méthode pour apprendre dessiner les passions 16; и-5 The Sacrifice of Jphigenia 310; PL 140 'I he Sacrifice ofjephtha's Daughter 310, 312, 314; PL 142 Hie Tent of Darius (Les Reines de Perse aux pieds dAlexandre) 295-6; PL 134 Triumph of Hercules 308 Le Vaillant Oi.sfattx d'Ajnvfúf 258 Üben ... der heiligen Altväter 115 Leibniz, Gottfried Willhelm 263 Leonardo da Vinci 246, 307, 308 Vie Last Supper 16; PL 4 Lcpenics, Wolf 257-8 Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim 36L 329 343- 347 Ixiokoon 341 -2, 343 Lcto, Pomponio 100 Lindschöld, Count Erik 272-3 Linnaeus, Carl 250, 255-7 Genera plantarum 256 Li\y 392 'The Continence of Scipio' 169, 177, 180, 182 Loccenius, Johannes 282 Locke, John Essay an Iluman Understanding 255 Lockycr, Roger 177 Lomazzo, Giovanni Paolo 307-8 Loredan, Doge 133 Lotto, Lorenzo account book 133 Louis XI, King of France 91 Louis XIII, King of France •76 T77 Louis XIV, King of France 26,32 ménagerie du parc 28 Lukács, Georg 355, 361, 370 Luristan bronzes 47, 51; Pis. 21, 22, 24 Lyell, J.P.R. 94 Mu carucci 134 Macdoncll, A.A. 382 Machiavelli, Niccoíó •79 т99 Magalotti, Lorenzo 275 Magna Mater 47, 52 Magnus, Johannes History of all Gothic and Swedish Kings 267 Magnus, Olaus 266, 277 Carta marina 264, 277; PL 117 History of the Xorthern Peoples 264 Magrittc, René La Trahison des images 67; и. 32 Maltravers, Lord 174 Mander, Karel van 237, 308 Schilder-Boeck 236 Manet, Edouard 334 Manners, Kate 180 Mantcgna, Andrea Battle of the Sea Gods 224, 226; Pis. 95, 96 Manutius, Aldus 96 Marino 308 Mario, Antonio di 90 Marshall, John 388 Martinioni 154 Marx, Karl analysis of commodity fetishism 357 on the rcifications of capitalist society 363-4 Masaccio, 296, 335 masques 23 Master ES 224 Master of Mary of Burgundy 'ha Master of Osscrvanza 111 Mathan, Jacob 237 Mazarin, Jules 238 Mcckcnem, Israel van 115 Medici family 141, 193 Medici, Cosimo dc' 204 Medici, Francesco de' 131 Pratolino garden 16-17 Medici, Grand Duke Ferdinand II 193 Medici, Leopoldo de' 203 Medici, Lorenzo il Magnifico 191,193.198.200-4,207, 208-9, 212 Medici, Ottaviano de' 129 Medicis, Marie dc 27 Mellan, Claude (Napkin of St Veronica 241-2; Pis. 113, 114, 115 Mcndes 56; PL 29 Mcrian, Maria Sibylla 255 Mcrian, Mathäus Theatrum europaeum 279 Metrodorus 245 Meyer, Albrecht 248 Michelangelo Buonarroti 134, 141, 202-3, 22I З27 interpretations of 288, 300 Isaiah 298; PL 135 Last Judgement 288 Michelangelo Buonarroti the Younger 203 Michicl, Marcantonio 142 Mill, James 393 Millich, Nicolaes 269 Minotaur 45-6; PL 20 Moccnigo, Doge 136 Moccnigo, Luigi 136 Mollet, Andró 272 Montcfeltro, Federico da 96 94 _ Montesquieu, Charles, Baron De l'esprit des lois 383 Moreland, W.H. India at the Death of Akbar 387.393 ч Muhammad Shah 386 Muller, Jan 234 5, 241 Mercury and Pallas Arming Perseus (engraving after Spranger) 234-5; Pis. 104, 105, 106 Müller, Theophilus 252 Munch, Edvard 384 Munnichhoven, Hendrik Beata Elisabeth von Königsmark 273; PL 125 Munsterberg, Hugo 391 Mynors, Roger 90-1 J Vanteuil, Robert 223 Anne of Austria, Queen of France 240-1; Pis. 109, no, in, 112 Nauman, Bruce Room with my soul left out/Room that docs not care 375 Xcoplatonism 58 in Athanasius 113 in Florence 204-12 Nergal 47, 51, 52; PI. 25 Newton, Isaac 32 Xiccoli, Niccolô 99, 100, 104; pi- 37 418 Index Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm 361 Nineveh 28 Nivelon, Claude 310 Nordau, Max Degeneration 384 Nordström, Johan 283 (3akcshott, Walter yo Oescr, Friedrich The Sacrifice of Iphigenia 314; PL 144 Ong, Walter 258 Opicinus de Canistris 78 9 Oporinus, Johannes 249 Origen 78 Homilies on Exodus 55-72 örnehufvud, Olof Hansson 266 Orsini, Vinccnzo Bomarzo garden 16, 18; Pl. i Overbury, Sir Thomas 174 Ovid 193 Metamorphoses 309, 328-у Oxenstierna, Count Axel 270 -/"ächt, Otto y6 Palcotti, Gabriele 308 Palladio, Andrea 136, 137 arch at San Niccoló 129, 136, 141, 147 theatre design for the Accesi 130 Palma Giovane 153, 154, [62-3 Arrival of Henry III at the Cà Foseari 136 Palma Vccchio 133 Pan 43, 46-7 Panofsky, Erwin 394 Parakramabahu I 379-81, 393 Parakramabahu II 379 Parmenides On Mature 197 Paruta 137 Páston Collection 18; PI. 8 Paul, Saint 55, 58, 61 Pausanias 40 Pcllegrin, Elisabeth 89 Peter of Celle 78 Petit de Bachaumont, Louis 318 Petrarch 89, 99, 100, 207 Philip II, King of Spain 155 Philip IV, King of Spain 328 Philip the Good, Duke of Burgundy 142 Picasso, Pablo 399, 413 Pico deila Mirándola, Giovanni 191, 204-5, 2°6 Pi galle, Jean-Baptiste Monument to the Marshall of Saxony 298-9; PI. 136 Pius VI, Pope 134 Plato 58-61, 67, 191 220 Atlantis 266 Sophist 58 9 Platonism 58 See Neoplatonism Pliny the Elder 306, 317, 319 Matured History 31, 40, . 245-6,257,305 Plotinus 204 Poliziano, Angelo 191, 204-6 Pollaiuolo, Antonio 224 Pollock, Jackson 340 Polybius 177 Polyclitus 347 Popper, Karl 257 Pordenone, Giovanni Antonio dc Sacchis 135 Porphyry 65 Porta, Giovanni Battista dclla 252 Poussin, Nicolas 238, 287, 288, 298, 305 Christ Healing the Blind 288-9, 29°i 14- l 3 l The Death of Gemanieus 309,313,317; и. 138 The Gathering of the Manna 288-90; PL 130 Last Supper (Chantclou series) 309 Pozzo, Cassiano dal 252-3. 258 Pradier, James Comic Poetry 358; PL 157 Dancing Figures with Flowers 356; PL 156 Pratolino garden 16-17 Priuli, Dogaressa 141 Proelus, bishop of Cyzicus 117 . Procopius of Gaza Catena 55, 62 Protogcnes 66-7 Provost, Jan Last Judgement 122; PL 51 Prudcntius 122 Pruthenus, Ludovicus Trilogium anime 110; PL 42 Pseudo-Alan 89-4 Pseudo-Dionysius 79 Pseudo-Turpin 73, 74, 78 Ptolemies 29 Ptolemy Geography 94 Pulci, Luigi 206 uintilian 306 £Lada, Rodrigo Jiminez de Breviárium históriáé eathohcae (attrib.) 77 Raimondi, Marcantonio 229-30 Christ in Glory with Saints (engraving after Raphael) 229-30; PL 99 Phrygian Plague (engraving after Raphael) 305 The Judgement of Pans (engraving after Raphael) 293- 5; !33 Ramus, Peter A ñstotelicae animadversiones 258. Diedecticae institutions 258 Raphael 209, 287, 327 engravings alter 229-30; i'ls. 99, 133 'The Judgement of Paris 293-5; PI. '33 Parnassus 197 Phrygian Plague 305 The School of Athens 293, 295- 296 299-301; I'k. 133, 137 Segnatura frescoes 288 Ray, John 254 Rembrandt Harmensz van Rijn 222, 223, 340, 405-6 Rcstout, Jacques 288, 298, 300 Reynolds, Sir Joshua 318-19 oil Raphael's School of Athens 299-300 Rhoikos (Samian bronze-caster) 35, 40-1 Richard of St Victor 77, 81 Richelieu, Armand Jean Duplcssis, Cardinal, Due dc 176, 238 Richter, Gisela M.A. 37-8, 41 Ridolfi, Carlo 133, 134, 138, 14I3!43' 162 on Titian's death and funeral 153-4, 155, 160 on Titian's Pietà 153 Rilke, Rainer Maria essay on dolls 361, 372-5 essays 011 Rodin 355 78 hymn to things 372 Ripa, Cesare Iconología 193, 202, 207, 208, 209 to Ritter vom Turn 117; Pl. 46 Roddewig, M. 105 Rodin, Auguste 355-78 Ariadne (.Reclining Woman) 362; и. 159 Eve 369; Pis. 155. 164 The Riss 363; PL 161 Meditation (Die Inner Voice) 361; PL 158 Monument to Balzac 368; Pis. 162, 163 photographie images of works by 363. 369 Walking Man 362; PL 160 Romano, Giulio 130 Rondinelli, Francesco 191, 200 Rosenhanc, Schering 272 Hortus regius 273; PL 123 Rousseau, Jean-Jacques Pygmalion 350 Rowland, Benjamin 391. 394 Royal Society 26 Ruíx'ns, Peter Paul 181, 287, 300-1 Arrived of Marie de Medicis at Marseilles 137 Birth of the Dauphin 317 Die Continence of Scipio 169, 170, 187; PL 70 preparator)- drawing 184; PL 76 Die Horrors of 11 'ar 328 Judith 318 Л íinerva and Л íercury Conducting the Duke of Buckingham to the 'Temple of Virtue 177; PL 71 paintings 111 Buckingham's collection 172 3 Die Rape of the Daughters of Leueippus 328 sketches for 'Forre de la Parada 328-9 Whitehall Banqueting House ceiling 175 Rudbeck, Olof, the Elder 277-8, 280-1 Atlántica 266-7, 2^o; PL 118 Campus Elysii 277, 280 Tulips 278; PL 128 Rudbeck, Olof the Younger 277 Book of Birds 277, 281; PL "127 Rudolf II, Emperor 18, 20, *35 Rufmus of Aquileia 55, 58, 64-5 Rutland, Earl of 174 Ruysschacrt, Monsignor Jos 95 tvSallust 392 Salutati, Coluccio 99, 100, 102, 104-5 Salviati, Giuseppe 154 Samos 35, 40 3, 52; Pis. 16. '9 Temple of Hera 40, 41; PL 19 Samson Master 118 Sansovino, Francesco 135 on Titian's burial 153, 154 Sansovino, Jacopo 129, 130. 134, 140, 143 Sañudo 134 Sanvito, Bartolomeo 95-6. 99; Pis. 35, 36 Sarcinclli, Cornelio 162 Sarkar, James 386 Sassetta, Stefano di Giovanni in Scamozzi 131 Sehaffer, Martin Episodes from the Life of St Antony 115; PL 44 Schäulelcin, Hans Ixist Judgement 120; PL 50 Sehcdel, Hartman Nuremberg Chronicle 123 Scheflerus, Johannes 282 Schnabel 96 419 Schönberg, Arnold Gwrelieder 384. Schongauer, Martin 224. The Tribulations of St Antony из, 115; и. 43 Schreck, Johannes (called Terrentius) 252 Scipio, Publius Cornelius 169-88 Sebastiano del Piombo 135 Visitation 134-5 Sempiterni 129 Sera, Paolo del 132-3 Serlio, Sebastiano 145, Serra, Richard Tilted Arc 374; Pl. 166 Serre, Puget de la 176 Sextus Empiricus 59, 60 Sigenza, Frajos de History of the Order of Saint Jerome 109, 110 Simmel, G. 361 Simonius, Johannes 282 Smalley, Beryl 75 Smith, Consul 137 Somer, Paul van portrait ofjames I 178 Somerset, Robert Carr, Earl of 174 Soranzo, Zuan 130 Sozomeno of Pistoia 99 Spear, Percival 386 Specklin, Veit Rudolf 248, 249 Spinola, Ambrogio, Marquis of Los Balbases 175 Split, Diocletian's Palace 48 Spranger, Bartholomeus Mercury and Pallas Arming Perseus 234-5; ^s- I04? 105, 106 Sprenger, Jacob Malleus maleficarum 110-11 Steinberg, Saul 238, 240 Stelluti, Francesco 251 Stephen of Bostra Against the Jews 62 Stoics 59, 60-1, 65, 66, 272 Stone, Irving 364 Stradanus, Johannes The Studio of the Arts 230-1; Pis. 100, 101 Strafford, Thomas Wentworth, ist Earl of 184 Strauss, Richard Salome 384 Strindberg, Johan August 384 Strozzi, Benedetto 91 Strozzi, Piero 91 Suffolk, Thomas Howard, Earl of 170 Suger, Abbot 73 Suleiman, Sultan 130, 136 XL accii,t us 392 Tengler, Ulrich Der пей Layenspiegel 120; Pi. 50 Tertullian De idololatria 58 Testelin, Henri Sentimens 292, 296-7 Theodore of Studion 62 Theodoret of Cyrus 62 Theodoros (Samian bronze-caster) 35, 40-2 Theophilus De diversis artibus 77 Theophrastus 29 Thomas of Celano 121 Thuillier, Jacques 'Polémiques autour de Michel-Ange' 288, 297 Tiepolo, Giandomenico 331 Tiepolo, Giovanni Battista The Death of Hyacinth 334-5;pi-152 The Finding of Moses 330-40; Pis. 146, 147, 148,153,154 frescoes commemorating the arrival of Henry III in Venice 137 Scherzi etchings 333-4; Pis. 150, 151 Tiglath Pileser I, King of Assyria 28 Timanthes The Sacrifice of Iphigenia З05-25 Tintoretto, Domenico 133 Tintoretto (Jacopo Robusti) 134. 36 portrait of Henry III 136, 137, 141 Scipio subject by 170 Titian 130, 135, 136, 140, 143, '44. '45. Ц8, 199 287 Bacchus and Ariadne 142 death and funeral 153-4, 155, 161-2 Ecce Homo 136 Fondaco dei Tedeschi frescoes 129 Martyrdom of St Lawrence 230 Pesaro Madonna 154 Pieth 153-67; Pis. 63, 64, 65, 66 St Jerome 163 'Titian's Glory' 171 Titus, Emperor 30-1 Tolosani, Leonardo 91 Tortelli, Giovanni De orthographia 65 Tour Landry, Chevalier Geoffroy de la Livre pour l'enseignement de ses filles 117; Pl. 46 Toumefort, Joseph Pitton de 250, 254 Tradescant, John 18, 20, 26 Turner, J.M.W. Bellini's Pictures being Conveyed to the Chiesa Redentore,Venice 148; PI. 62 Tutankhamun, Pharaoh 28 Tutmosis III, Pharaoh 27-8 a liman, Berthold 99,104, 105 The Origin and Development of Humanistic Script 90 V Vicentino, Andrea The Arrival of Henry III at ike Lido 129,137-8; PI. 52 Villiers, Christopher 174 Villiers, Sir John 174 Visentini 137 Vitry, Jacques de Sermones vulgares 117 Voltaire, François Marie Arouet de 314, 317 Vouet, Simon 298 alerius Maximus 305, 306, 307, 319 Valla, Lorenzo 65 Van Eyck, Jan 142 Vanloo, Charles-Antoine (Carle) Agamemnon 3x4; PI. 145 The Sacrifice of Iphigenia 313, 314; и. 143 Vannini, Ottavio 199-200 Knowledge and Abundance 193, 202, 210; PI. 86 Lorenzo among the Artists 193, 202-3; PI 87 Varchi, Benedetto 307 Vasari, Giorgio 133, 140, 143, 203, 206, 300 ceiling for Cornaro family 130 interpretation of Michelangelo and Raphael 288, 298, 300 Lives of die Painters 327-8, 394 stage scenery for La Talanta 129-30 Vecchio, Palma 133 Vecellio, Francesco 160 Vecellio, Lavinia 162 Vecellio, Orazio 159, 162, 163 Vecellio, Pomponio 159, 162 Velázquez, Diego 395 Las Meninas 20, 22-3; Pl. 9 The Rokeby Venus 20, 22-3 Velde, Jan van der 237; Pl. 107 Spieghel der schńjfkonste 237 Verdizotti, Giovanni Maria 140 Vergil 82 Veronese, Paolo Caliari 136, 141, 145, 146, 287,338 Feast in the House of Levi 145. The Finding of Moses 333; PI. 149 The Marriage at Cana 145; Pl. 61 Música tondo 145 Pax Veneta 137 Vesalius 254 De humani corporis fabrica 249-50, 258 Vespasian, Emperor 30 Vcspasiano da Bisticci 89, 90, 91, 94, 99 Vespucci, Giorgio Antonio 99 W'a,rrсd rop, James The Script of Humanism 95 Watelet, C.H. 298 Watteau, Jean-Antoine 301 Weiditz, Hans 248 Werner, Johan Equestrian Portrait of Count Per Brahe the Tounger 273; PI. 124 Wilberforce, William 387 Wilde, Oscar 384 William of Conches 81 William of Moerbeke 65, 66 Willmore, J.T. Bellini's Pictures being Conveyed to the Chiesa Redentore, Venice (engraving after Turner) PI. 62 Winckelmann, Johann Joachim 319, 341, 345, 347' 348 Gedanken ber die Nachahmung der griechischen Werke... 314; Pl. 144 Winnicott, D.W. 368 Playing and Reality 341 Wittgenstein, Ludwig Philosophical Investigations 341 Worm, Olaus Musei Wormiani Historia 18, 26; Pl. 10 Wrangel family 269-71; Pl. 121 Wunderkammer and collections of curiosities 16, 18, 20, 23-32; Pis. 6, 7, 8, 10, и Гsag oge in theobgiam 77 /^ertoni, Domenico The Arrival of Henry III at the Lido 129, 140; PI. 58 Zorzi, Ludovico 138-9 Zuccari, Federico 130, 140, 148 Zuccati, Valerio 140 Zumthor, Paul 84 420
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