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Volltext:index Page references to illustrations are in italic. Aesthetics (Hegel), 160П9 After the Bath: A Woman Drying Her Feet (Degas), 114,187 Against Nature (Huysmans), 165,167,178-79, 182,1921155 Agesander, 23, 29 Alberti, Leon Battista, pedagogical philosophy, 121 Aldobrandini Wedding (fresco), 48-49 Alexander, and golden age of sculpture, 128 Algardi, Alessandro: Falconet on, 96П82; style of, 86 Allegory of the Superiority of Sculpture over Painting (Guercino), 101 Allgemeine Theorie der schönon Künste (Sulzer), i6inn Anguier, Michel: Académie lectures, 28, 29-34, 39-40, 43,50П18,51П28; aesthetic of, 39-40, 41; on French art, 121; Guizot on, 123; on nature of art, 141 Anne Hilarión de Costentin, comté de Tourville, maréchal de France (Houdon), 77,78 Antimachus, 138 Apelles: Calumny, 47; Diderot on, 34 Apollo Belvedere, Véron on, 157 The Apparition (Moreau), 112,171,182 A rebours (Huysmans), 165,167,178-79,182, 192П55 Ariosto, 160П9 Aristotle: and definition of art, 10; metaphors in, 84; philosophical style of, 97П96; on pleasure of recognition, 136 Aristotle with a Bust of Homer (Rembrandt), 107 Arnauld, Antoine, 132П13 Arnould, Sophie, Houdon sculpture of, 88 Art et science de la couleur (Roque), 191П39 Fart moderne (Huysmans), 167,171 L'art philosophique" (Baudelaire), 139 Athenodorus, 23, 29 Au bonheur des dames (Zola), 191П34 Aubry, Etienne, Louis-Claude Vassé, 102 Balzac, Honoré de: Le chef-d'oeuvre inconnu, 58, 62,185; on pictorial illusion, 62 Bandinelli, Baccio, copy of Laokoon, 51П22 Barberini Faun: Bernini and, 51П22; Bouchardon copy of, 51П22; Goncourt brothers on, 153 Barbieri, Giovanni (Guercino), Allegory of the Superiority of Sculpture over Painting, 101 Baudelaire, Charles: aesthetic of, 127-28,166, 170-71; "Beauty" 147-48; on correspondence, 143,161П22; on creativity, 194П71; on David, 145; on Degas, 9; on Delacroix, 9,131; Les fleurs du mal, 143,147-48; Fusées, 194П71; on Gayrard, 145; on German art, 139; "Lart philosophique" 139; on Manet, 9; on modernity, 9; "Mon coeur mis à nu" 166; on naturalism, 187; and origin of modem art, 131; on painting, 148-49,1бзп6о, 165, i66; on paragone debate, 8-9; Le peintre de la vie moderne, 148; "Les phares" 166; on philosophical art, 140,141,142; "Pourquoi la sculpture est ennuyeuse" vii; on Rubens, 166; Salon de 1846, 8,145,147,163П60,170-71; Salon de 1859, 92,131,145-48,166; on Scheffer, 142,143; on sculpture, 92,142-43,145-5° "The Beacons" (Baudelaire), 166 "Beauty" (Baudelaire), 147-48 Belvedere Torso: in Académie instruction, 47; Bernini on, 35; critical views on, 156 Benoist, Antoine, Jacques Buirette, 103 Béraud, Jean, 172 Berkeley, George, 93П10 Berlin Art Exhibition (1828), 160П9 Bernini, Gian Lorenzo: antinaturalist critique of, 132П4; Barberini Faun and, 51П22; Bust of Cardinal Scipione Borghese, 87; Bust of Costanza Bonarelli, 87; Falconet on, 96П82; on French painters, 34-35 37, 4L120, pedagogical philosophy, 34~35 3^; sculptural modeling of eye, 86 Bert, Paul, on color perception, 177"78 Bichat, Marie-François-Xavier, i93°63 Blanc, Charles, 191П39, i92n43 Boileau-Despréaux, Nicolas, 36 206 Boilly, Louis Leopold, Portrait ofHoudon, 106 Bonarelli, Costanza, bust of (Bernini), 87 Bonnat, Léon-Joseph-Florentin, 151 Bonvin, François, 172 Borghese, Scipione, bust of (Bernini), 87 Borghese Gladiator (Coustou), 24 Borghese Gladiator (Greek sculpture): in Académie instruction, 29, 47; in Encyclopédie, 30; and movement in sculpture, 155 Bouchardon, Edmé, 51П22 Bouguereau, William-Adolphe, 173 Boullogne, Louis, the Elder: Académie lectures by, 38; Guillet on, 17; support for "grand manner" style, 38 Bourdon, Sébastien: Académie lecture, 38; support for "grand manner" style, 38 Bourges, 158 Bourget, Paul, 190П15 Bracquemond, Félix, 172 Brittany Offering Louis XIV the Plan of an Equestrian Statue of Him (Coysevox), 42 Bronzino, Agnolo, on paragone debate, 4,12П9, 12П10 Buffon. See LeClerc, Georges-Louis, comte de Buffon Buirette, Jacques, Benoist portrait of, 103 Bust of Cardinal Scipione Borghese (Bernini), 7 Bust of Costanza Bonarelli (Bernini), 87 Buyster, Philippe de, Vignon portrait of, 105 Cabanel, Alexandre, 172 Caillebotte, Gustave, 172,191П31 The Cairo Revolt (Girodet), 132П8 Callistratus, 13П15 Calumny (Apelles), 47 Canova, Antonio: Hebe, 133П30; Sommariva Magdalene, 133П30; Stendhal on, 1331130 Les caractères des passions (Curcau de la Chamber), 32 Carneades with the Bust ofPaniscus (Giordano), w8 Carpeaux, Jean-Baptiste, 153-54,163П62 Carracci brothers: Fénelon on, 165; influence of, 38 Cathédrale Notre-Dame d'Amiens, 158 Caylus, Anne Claude Philippe: on color in sculpture, 96П83; on Herculaneum frescoes, 49; on sculptural modeling of eye, 86-91; "La vie de Sarrazin" 13П19; Vies d'artistes du XVIIe siecle, 96П83 Céline, Louis-Ferdinand, 172 Cellini, Benvenuto, on paragone debate, 4 Cézanne, Paul, Huysmans on, 181 Champaigne, Jean-Baptiste de: pedagogical philosophy, 46; on Poussin, 36-37, 38, 45; support for naturalism, 38 Chantelou, Paul Fréart de, Journal de voyage du Cavalier Bernin en France, 34-35 Charcot, Jean Martin: on color perception, 179, 181; on Grünewald, 188 Chardin, Jean-Siméon: de Piles on, 9; Diderot on, 9, 55-56, 62, 64, 74-75,122,182; The Jar of Olives, 55-56 Chartres, 158 Le chef-d'oeuvre inconnu (Balzac), 58, 62,185 Chenavard, Paul, Baudelaire on, 141 Chevreul, Michel-Eugène: on color perception, 175,176,191П39; De la loi du contraste simultané des couleurs, 175,191П39; influence of, 192П43 Chopin, Frédéric, 176 Chouillet, Jacques, 94П36 Cicero: on emotions, 93П4; on kinds of speech, 137-38 Clement VII, Pope, sculpture commissions, 51П22 Cochin, Nicolas, II: on pictorial illusion, 58, 60; on Theseus, 49 Colbert, Jean-Baptiste: and Académie sculpture models, 50П19; and organization of Académie lectures, 22 Condillac, Etienne Bonnot de, metaphor in, 84-85 Conversations sur la connaissance de la peinture (de Piles), 531163 207 Corneille, Jean Baptiste: Dubos on, 136; Proportions of the Borghese Gladiator, 30 Cornu, Jean, Guillet on, 17 Correggio, aesthetic of, 63 Correspondance littéraire (Grimm), 63 Cours de peinture (de Piles), 44 Cousin, Victor, on sculpture, 153 Coustou, Guillaume, Baudelaire on, 145 Coustou, Nicolas, Borghese Gladiator, 24 Coypel, Noël, Académie lectures by, 38 Coysevox, Antoine: Brittany Offering Louis XIV the Plan of an Equestrian Statue of Him, 42; Crouching Venus, 26; Nymph with Shell, 26, 27; sculpture copies by, 26, 51П22 Critique of Judgment (Kant), 60, 93П14 Crouching Venus (Coysevox), 26 Crucifixion (Grünewald), 113 Cureau de la Chamber, Mark, Les caractères des passions, 32 Dali, Salvador, 66 Daumier, Honoré, Sculptures Dismay at Being Surrounded by Painting, 146 David, Jacques-Louis: Baudelaire on, 145; Goncourt brothers on, 144; Intervention of the Sabine Women, 126; pedagogical philosophy, 119; Stendhal on, 133П30 David, Toussaint Bernard Émeric, Recherches sur I art statuaire, 132П9 da Vinci, Leonardo, on paragone debate, 5 Degas, Edgar: After the Bath: A Woman Drying Her Feet, 114,187; Baudelaire on, 9; Goncourt brothers on, 182; Huysmans on, 159,167,168, 175~7б, 184,186-88; Laforgue on, 182; 7he Little Fourteen-Year-Old Dancer, 111,159; Study for the Portrait of Mme. Salle, 200 Delacroix, Eugène: Baudelaire on, 9,131; Blanc on, 192П43; on color perception, 175,176,179, 191П32; Goncourt brothers on, 144; Huysmans on 175 !76,184; influence of, 176; Journal, 175,192П45 De la loi du contraste simultané des couleurs (Chevreul), 175,191П39 Delaroche, Paul, Goncourt brothers on, 144 Deleuze, Gilles, 193П65 De l'intelligence (Taine), 179-80,193П58,193П64 The Deluge (Girodet), 132П8 Denis Diderot (Houdon), 8g Denis Diderot (Pigalle), 89 Depicture veterum libri tres (Junius), 54П65 de Piles, Roger: Académie lectures, 42-43; aesthetic of, 79, 82,123,124; on Chardin, 9; on "conversational air" of paintings, 98П106; Conversations sur la connaissance de la peinture, 53П63; Cours de peinture, 44; influence of, 70; on nature of art, 141; on paragone debate, 6-9,13П14; pedagogical philosophy, 41-47; on Poussin, 7,13П14; on Rubens, 9,45,47,53П63, 58,77,182; theory of harmony, i6in2i; on Titian, 45 Descamps, Jean-Baptiste, 172 Descartes, René: Diderot on, 68; "Dioptrique" 3, 64, 68; influence of, 31,32, 33; Meditationes de prima philosophia, 180; on sense perception, 3,180; Traité des passions, 32 Dézallier dArgenville, Antoine-Nicolas, on Puget, 79 Dialogues philosophiques (Renan), 151 Dibutades, 129 Diderot, Denis: aesthetic of, 55-59 62-64, 70,72-84, 91-92,137-38; on Apelles, 34; on blindness, 66-67, 68-70, 71; on Chardin, 9, 55-56, 62, 64, 74-75,122,182; on Descartes, 68; Discours sur la poésie dramatique, 85; on Encyclopédie, 85; Entretiens sur le fils naturel, 3; Falconet and, 8, 55, 75-76,85,138; on Greuze, 58-59, 64, 91; on Houdon, 8, 77; influence of, 70; on judgment of art, 95П64; Lettre sur les aveugles, 66-67, 70; Lettre sur les sourds et muets, 84,138; on liberty and art, 97П86; on Loutherbourg, 63-64; metaphor in, 85; on nature of art, 141; on nature of philosophy, 68-69, 7° on painting, 55~59 62-64, 91-92,137-38; paragone debate and, 4, 8-9, 86, 91-92; Pensées détachées sur la peinture, 96П83; on philosophers, 70,85; 208 I N D E X portrait of (Fragonard), no; on relationship of art and literature, 138-39; on relationship of sight to touch, 68; on Rubens, 9; Salon de 1759, 56; Salon de 1763,55, 63-64, 72-73, 75-76; Salon de 1765, 82-83, 84; Salon de 1767, 138; Salons, 55; sculptural depictions of, 89; on sculpture, 70, 72-84, 86, 91-92, 96П79, 96П83,135,137-38,145,150; self-description, 85; on senses, 3; on touch, 84; on van Dyck, 77; on van Loo, 74, 94П69; on Vernet, 75; Winckelman and, 82-83, 97n86,139. See also Encyclopédie "Dioptrique" (Descartes), 3, 64, 68 Discours sur la poésie dramatique (Diderot), 85 Discus Thrower (sculpture), 155 Dorcy, Pierre, A Hunter and His Mistress by the Tomb of Two Lovers, 132П8 Le drageoir aux épices (Huysmans), 165-66 Dubos, Jean-Baptiste: on pictorial illusion, 59-60, 61, 93П10; on poetry and sculpture, !36—37; Réflexions critiques sur la poésie et sur la peinture, 59-60 Dubufe, Edouard, 172 Du Laurens, André, Histoire anatomique, 29 Düsseldorf school, 160П9 École des beaux-arts, pedagogical philosophy, 119-20 Elsen, Albert E., 162П32 Encyclopédie (Diderot): BorgJiese Gladiator in, 30; Encyclopédie project described in, 85; Marmontel on pictorial illusion in, 60-61. See also Supplément à Encyclopédie En ménage (Huysmans), 190П15 The Enneads (Plotinus), 97П94 Entretiens sur le fils naturel (Diderot), 3 Esquirol, Jean-Étienne-Dominique, 179 Essay Concerning Human Understanding (Locke), 65, 70 Eesthétique (Véron), 155,163П65 Everywhere Eyeballs Are Aflame (Redon), 183 Falconet, Etienne-Maurice: aesthetic of, 123; on Bernini, 96П82; Diderot and, 8, 55, 75-76, 85,138; influence of, 71; on nature of art, 141; on paragone debate, 3; on Poussin, 531153; on Puget, 79; Pygmalion and Galatea, 75-76, 76; Réflexions sur la sculpture, 53П53, 71; on sculpture, 53П53, 79-82, 96П81, 96П82 The Fall of the Damned (Rubens), 191П33 Farnese Herakles: in Académie instruction, 29, 47, 50П19; Anguier lecture on, 31-32; copies of, 25 Fechner, Gustav Theodor, 198 Félibien, André, on van Opstal, 25,35-36, 38 Fénelon, François de Salignac de la Mothe, 165 Fiedler, Konrad, 197,198 Le figaro (Zola), 190ml Flaubert, Gustave: and modem man, 131; on painting, 169; on poetry, 151 Les fleurs du mal (Baudelaire), 143,147-48 Fragonard, Jean-Honoré: Portrait of Denis Diderot, 110; Study, 109 François Girardon (Gabriel), 104 François 1, King of France, 51П22 Friquet de Vauroze, Jacques Antoine, 52П35 Froissac, Ernest, 166 Fusées (Baudelaire), 194П71 Gabriel Revel, François Girardon, 104 Gautier, Théophile: biographical information, 165; on philosophical art, 140,141; on sculpture, 135,151Л52 Gayrard, Paul, Baudelaire on, 145 Gervex, Henri, 172 Geschichte der Kunst des Allerthums (Winckelmann), 96П84,128,132П16,133П34 Gilson, Etienne, 97П87 Giordano, Luca, Carneades with the Bust of Paniscus, 108 Girardon, François: as inspector general of sculpture, 122; paragone debate and, 122; portrait of (Gabriel), 104 A Girl with a Dead Canary (Greuze), 58-59, 91 Girodet de Roussy-Trioson, Anne-Louis: The Cairo Revolt, 132П8; The Deluge, 132П8 209 Glycon, Diderot on, 97П86 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 160П9; on color, 174,180-81,194П68; Zur Farbenlehre, 174 Goltzius, 68 Goncourt brothers: aesthetic of, 127-28,185; on ancient art, 155-56; on Barberini Faun, 153; biographical information, 165; on Carpeaux, 153; on David, 144; on Degas, 182; on Delacroix, 144; Huysmans on, 167; Journal, 144,153-54,163П60,182; on literatures influence on art, 143-44; Manette Salomon, 144,169,175; on painting, 163П60,165,166; on Poussin, 144; on Rubens, 191П33; on truth, 188; on Winckelmann, 156 Goodman, Nelson, 51П20 Gorgias (Plato), 84,162П57 Gourmont, Remy de, 195П99 Goya, Francisco de, Huysmans on, 167-68, 184,187 La grammaire des arts du dessin (Blanc), 191П39 Greenberg, Clement, 83 Greuze, Jean Baptiste: Diderot on, 58-59, 64, 91; A Girl with a Dead Canary, 58-59,91 Grimm, Friedrich Melchior von: Correspondance littéraire, 63; Diderot and, 72-73 Grünewald, Matthias: Charcot on, 188; Crucifixion, из; Huysmans on, 168,186, 188-89; Laforgue on, 182; Richet on, 188 Guercino. See Barbieri, Giovanni Guillaumin, Armand, Huysmans on, 184 Guillet de Saint-Georges, Georges, lecture on Prou, 17-22 Guizot, François: aesthetic of, 122-27, !3° 132П9; on French art, 119-23,121; on nature of art, 141; Salon de 1810,119 Handbuch der Physiologischen Optik (Helmholtz), 193П58 Hebe (Canova), 133П30 Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich: aesthetic of, 83,128,149; Aesthetics, 160119; on death of art, 10; on German painting, 160П9; on Greek Art, 128; on Lessing, 198, 201П4; on painting, 155; philosophical style of, 97П96; on sculpture, 92, 98П109,198; on Winckelmann, 198 Heine, Heinrich, 140 Helmholtz, Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand von, 179 193П58,198 Henry IV, King of England, doctor to, 29 Herculaneum, frescoes of, 49 Herder, Johann Gottfried von: aesthetic of, 70-71,123,135; Diderot and, 139; on paragone debate, 70-71, 98П105; Plastik, 71, 98П105; on sculpture, 86 Hildebrand, Adolf von, 198 Histoire anatomique (Du Laurens), 29 History of Ancient Art (Winckelmann). See Geschichte der Kunst des Allerthums (Winckelmann) History of the Art of Antiquity (Winckelmann). See Geschichte der Kunst des Allerthums (Winckelmann) Hogarth, William, aesthetic theory of, 71 Homer (Puget), 90 Horace: modern quotation of, 136; on representation, 184 Houdon, Jean-Antoine: Anne Hilarión de Costentin, comté de Tourville, maréchal de France, 77,78; Denis Diderot, 89; Diderot on, 8, 77; Little Lise, 88; portrait of (Boilly), 106; Sophie Arnould, 88; Voltaire, 90 Hugo, Victor, Huysmans on, 151 Hume, David, 93П10 A Hunter and His Mistress by the Tomb of Two Lovers (Dorcy), 132118 Huysmans, Joris-Karl: aesthetic of, 8-9,126-28, 149-50,166-69,184-89; À rebours, 165,167 178-79,182,192П55; Dart moderne, 167,171; biographical information, 165; on Caillebotte, 191П31; on Carpeaux, 163П62; on Cézanne, 181; on color perception, 166-73, i75~7b 180,182,192П48; on correspondence, 143 on Degas, 159,167,168,175-76,184,186-88, on Delacroix, 175,176,184; Le drageoir aux I N D E X épices, 165-66; En ménage, 1901115; on French art, 171-73; on Goya, 167-68,184,187; on Grünewald, 168,186,188-89; on Mallarmé, 163П75,188; on Moreau, 143,171,187; on painting, 166; on Rubens, 184; "Le Salon de 1879" 150; on sculpture, 8,129,150-51, 152,154,155,158-59; Zola on, 194П67; on Zurbarán, 195П101 impressionism: Huysmans on, 180-81; and sculpture, 159 Ingres, Jean-Auguste-Dominique, Goncourt brothers on, 144 Intervention of the Sabine Women (David), 126 The Israelites Gathering Manna in the Desert (Poussin), 32, 99 Jacques Buirette (Benoist), 103 The Jar of Olives (Chardin), 55-56 Jombert, Charles-Antoine, on modern taste, 79 Journal (Delacroix), 175,192П45 Journal (Goncourt brothers), 144,153-54, 163П60,182 Journal de voyage du Cavalier Bernin en France (Chantelou), 34-35 Junius, Franciscus, De picture veterum libri tres, 54пб5 Le Jupiter olympien ou l'art de la sculpture antique considéré sous un nouveau point de vue (Quatremère), 96П83 Kahn, Jules, 166 Kandinsky, Wassily, 161П21 Kant, Immanuel: on aesthetic pleasure, 60, 61; Kritik der Urteilskraft, 60, 93П14; on pictorial illusion, 93П14 Klee, Paul, 161П21 Kritik der Urteilskraft (Kant), 60, 93Ш4 La Fontaine, Jean de: Dubos on, 136; on imitation, 26 Laforgue, Jules: on artists' sense perception, 181-82,194П71; biographical information, 166; on Degas, 182; on German art, 140-41; on Grünewald, 182; "Notes sur le musée de Luxembourg en 1866" 191П33; on sculpture, 151; on Zakarian, 191П34 Lagrenée, Louis Jean François, Diderot on, 75 Lantin (sculpture), 126 Laocoon (Lessing), 71,123,124,198 Laokoon (sculptural group), 23; in Académie instruction, 29, 47; Anguier lecture on, 29-34, 50П18; movement in, 155; van Opstal lecture on, 25,35-36, 38; Véron on, 157 The Laws (Plato), 94П33 The Laws of Contrast of Color (Chevreul), 175, 1911139 Le Brun, Charles: Académie lectures by, 32, 38, 521132; aesthetic of, 39; influence of, 18-19, 32,122; as inspector general of sculpture, 119; paragone debate and, 120; on Poussin, 36-37, 39 45; support for naturalism, 38 LeClerc, Georges-Louis, comte de Buffon: on color perception, 174; metaphors in, 84 Leconte de Lisle, Charles-Marie-René, 151 Legros, Pierre, II: Falconet on, 96П82; sculpture copies by, 26, 51П22 Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm: influence of, 71; and Molyneux's problem, 71, 94П29; Nouveaux essais sur l'entendement humain, 65; on relationship of sight to touch, 65-67 Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim: aesthetic of, 83; Hegel on, 198, 201П4; influence of, 71, 123-25,127; Laocoon, 71,123,124,198; and philosophical art, 141 Le Sueur, Eustachę, Falconet on, 531153 Letter on the Blind (Diderot), 66-67,70 Letter on the Deaf and Dumb (Diderot), 84,138 Lettre sur la peinture (anon.), 86, 92 Lettre sur les aveugles (Diderot), 66-67, 70 Lettre sur les sourds et muets (Diderot), 84,138 Lévi-Strauss, Claude, on bricolage, 521131 Lippard, Lucy, u The Little Fourteen-Year-Old Dancer (Degas), 111, 159 Little Lise (Houdon), 88 211 I N D The Lives of the Artists (Vasari), 12ml Locke, John: Essay Concerning Human Understanding, 65, 70; influence of, 71; and Molyneux's problem, 65, 71, 94П29; on senses, 3, 65, 66-67; on sources of ideas, 70 La logique ou hart de penser (Arnauld and Nicole), 1321113 Louis-Claude Vassé (Aubry), 102 Louis XIV, King of France: bas relief of, 39; and French art, 119,120 Loutherbourg, Philip James de, Diderot on, 63-64 Madonna and Child with Saint Catherine (Titian), 38 Mallarmé, Stéphane, Huysmans on, 163П75,188 Manet, Edouard, Baudelaire on, 9 Manette Salomon (Goncourt brothers), 144, 169,175 Marmontel, Jean-François, on pictorial illusion, 60-61, 96П79 Matisse, Henri, critical response to, 197-98 Mauldon, Margaret, 190П12,190П13 Medici Venus: in Académie instruction, 47; copies of, 25; Véron on, 157 Meditationes de prima philosophia (Descartes), 180 Meleager (sculpture), 126 Mérian, Jean-Bernard, on Molyneux's problem, 94П29 Merleau-Ponty, Maurice, 72 Michelangelo: Baudelaire on, 145; influence of, 38; on paragone debate, 12П5; sculptural modeling of eye, 86; style of, 13П15 Mignard, Pierre, Molière on, 13П15, 77 Milon of Croton (Puget), 80, 81 Moissac, 158 Molière: Dubos on, 136; on Mignard, 13П15, 77 Molyneux, William, "blind man problem" of: Diderot and, 67; Leibniz and, 71, 94П29; Locke and, 65, 71, 94П29; significance of, 94029 "Mon coeur mis à nu" (Baudelaire), 166 Monginot, Charles, Huysmon on, 172 Montaigne, Michel de, on distractions, 69, 94042 Moreau, Gustave: The Apparition, 112,171,182; Huysmans on, 143,171,187; Laforgue on, 182 Morisot, Berthe, 172 Musset, Alfred de, 151 "My Heart Laid Bare" (Baudelaire), 166 naturalism: Silvestre on, 154; supporters of, 38-39,121-22 New Essays on Human Understanding (Leibniz), 65 Newton, Isaac, on color perception, 174 Nicole, Pierre, 132П13 Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm: on correspondence, 161П25; on death of God, 129; on diseases of perception, 193П66; on modern man, 152; on Schopenhauer, 194П68; on untimely ideas, 131; on Wagner, 193П66 "Notes sur le musée de Luxembourg en 1866" (Laforgue), 191П33 Notre-Dame Cathedral, Paris, 158 Nouveaux essais sur l'entendement humain (Leibniz), 65 Nymph with Shell (Coysevox), 26,27 L'oeuvre (Zola), 185 On Intelligence (Taine), 179-80,193П58,193П64 Ovid, modem quotation of, 136 Parallèle des anciens et des modernes (Perrault), 48 Parthenon marbles, Véron on, 157 Pascal, Biaise, on distractions, 69, 94^42 Le peintre de la vie moderne (Baudelaire), 148 Pensées détachées sur la peinture (Diderot), 96П83 Pericles, and golden age of sculpture, 128 Perrault, Charles: aesthetic of, 47~49; Parallèle des anciens et des modernes, 48; on pictorial illusion, 59; on sculpture, 96П82 Pesselier, Charles Antoine, 51П22 I N D E X "Les phares" (Baudelaire), 166 Phidias: Coysevox copy of Crouching Venus, 26; Diderot on, 97П86 Philarque, de Piles on, 53П63 Philippe de Buyster (Vignon), 105 Philosophie de Part (Taine), 92, 161П15, 1621157, 162П58 Philostratus, the elder, on sculpture, 86 Picasso, Pablo, on painting, 55 Pigalle, Jean-Baptiste, Denis Diderot, 89 The Plague ofAshdod (Poussin), 38 Plastik (Herder), 71, 98П105 Plato: Antimachus and, 138; on cosmetics vs. gymnastics, 162П57; and definition of art, 10, 84; on glory of mankind, 31; Gorgias, 84, 162057; The Laws, 94П33; metaphors of, 67; philosophical style of, 97П96; on pictorial illusion, 59, 93П14, 94П33,184; Republic, 137; Sophist, 59, 93П14; Véron on, 157; vocabulary of, 84 Pliny, descriptions of ancient painting, 49 Plotinus: The Enneads, 97П94; on self-improvement, 97094 Polydorus of Rhodes, 23, 29 Pommier, Edouard, 133П34 Porbus, 58 Portrait of Denis Diderot (Fragonard), 110 Portrait ofHoudon (Boilly), 106 "Pourquoi la sculpture est ennuyeuse" (Baudelaire), vii Poussin, Nicolas: de Piles on, 7,13П14; Falconet °n 53^53; Fénelon on, 165; Goncourt brothers on, 144; influence of, 32; The Israelites Gathering Manna in the Desert, 32,99; Le Brun on, 36-37, 39, 45; on paragone debate, 3-4; The Plague ofAshdod, 38; Rebecca at the Well, 36-37, 39, 45; style of, 36-37, 39, 45; theory of modes, 161П21 Prévost, Benoit Louis, Proportions of the Borghese Gladiator, 30 Das Problem der Form in der Bildenden Kunst (Hildebrand), 198 Ihe Problem of Form in Painting and Sculpture (Hildebrand), 198 Proportions of the Borghese Gladiator (Prévost), 30 Prou, Jacques, the Younger, Sculpture Presenting Painting with the Portrait of the King, 16, 17-22 Puget, Pierre: Dézallier d'Argenville on, 79; Falconet on, 79; Homer, 90; Milon of Croton, 80, 81; paragone debate and, 122; sculptural modeling of eye, 86 Puvis de Chavannes, Pierre, 172 Pygmalion and Galatea (Falconet), 75-76,76 Pythagoras, on glory of mankind, 31 Quatremère de Quincy, Antoine-Chrysostôme: on color in sculpture, 96П83; Essai sur Vidèal dans ses applications pratiques aux oeuvres de l'imitation proper des arts du dessin, 132П4; on pictorial illusion, 61 Quatroult, François, 52П35 Quine, W. О., 59 Raphael: Fénelon on, 165; Goncourt brothers on, 144; influence of, 43 Rebecca at the Well (Poussin), 36-37, 39, 45 Recherches sur l'art statuaire (David), 132П9 Redon, Odilon: Everywhere Eyeballs Are Aflame, 183; Laforgue on, 182 Réflexions critiques sur la poésie et sur la peinture (Dubos), 59-60 Réflexions sur la sculpture (Falconet), 53П53, 71 Regnaudin, Thomas: Académie lectures by, 40; aesthetic of, 123; on sculpture, 96П82 Reinhardt, Ad, 198 Rembrandt van Rijn, Aristotle with a Bust of Homer, wy Renan, Ernest, Dialogues philosophiques, 151 Renoir, Pierre-Auguste, Huysmans on, 172 Republic (Plato), 137 Ribera, Jusepe de, The Sense of Touch, wo Richard, Jean-Pierre, 191П35 Richet, Charles, on Grünewald, 188 Riegl, Alois, 197 213 Rochegrosse, Georges Antoine, 172 Roll, Alfred, 191П33 Roque, Georges, 1911139 Roślin, Alexander, 79 Rosso, Medardo, Sick Boy, 203 Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 1,125 Rubens, Peter Paul: Baudelaire on, 166; de Piles on, 9,45, 47, 53П63,58, 77,182; Diderot on, 9; The Fall of the Damned, 191П33; Huysmans on, 184; influence of, 79; Junius and, 541165; modern admiration of, 166; style of, 7 Russell, Bertrand, 93П10 The Sacrifice oflphigenia (Timanthes), 47 Saenredam, Jan, Sight, ii, 1, 68 Saint Francis Standing (Zurbarán), 19511101 Salon de 1759 (Diderot), 56 Salon de 1763 (Diderot), 55, 63-64, 72-73, 75-76 Salon de 1765 (Diderot), 82-83, 84 Salon de 1767 (Diderot), 138 Salon de 1810 (Guizot), 119 Salon de 1824 (Stendhal), 126 Salon de 1846 (Baudelaire), 8,145,147,1631160, 170-71 Salon de 1859 (Baudelaire), 92,131,145-48,166 "Le Salon de 1879" (Huysmans), 150 Sand, George, 176 Sarrazin, Jacques: Caylus on, 131119; sculptural modeling of eye, 86 Saunderson, Nicholas, 66 Scheffer, Ary, 142,143 Schopenhauer, Arthur: on color, 170, 1941168; influence of, 1931166 Sculpture (Herder), 71, 9811105 Sculpture Presenting Painting with the Portrait of the King (Prou), 16,17-22 Sculptures Dismay at Being Surrounded by Painting ( Daumier), ¡46 Séguier, Pierre, doctor to, 32 The Sense of Touch (Ribera), mo Sentiments des plus habiles peintres du temps (Testelin), 38-39 Seurat, Georges, Huysmans on, 172-73 Shakespeare, William, 160119 Sick Boy (Rosso), 203 Sight (Saenredam), ii, 1, 68 Silvestre, Armand, on sculpture, 154-55 Sonimariva Magdalene (Canova), 1331130 Sophie Arnould (Houdon), S S Sophist (Plato), 59, 931114 Sijuibs (Baudelaire), 1941171 Stendhal: aesthetic of, 126-27; on Canova, 1331130; 011 David, 1331130; Sn/он de 1824,126 Study (Fragonard), 109 Study for the Portrait of Mme. Salle (Degas), 200 Sulzer, J. G., Allgemeine Theorie derschönon Künste, 1611111 Suppléaient à Encyclopédie (Diderot), esthétique in, 1611111 Taine, Hippolyte Adolphe: aesthetic of, 128; on birth and development of art, 152; De niiie/hgence, 179-80,1931158,1931164; on German art, 141; on Heimholt/, 1931158; Philosophic de l'art, 92, 1611115,1621157,1621158; on sculpture, 92,151,1621157,1621158; on visual perception, 179-80, 1931163, 1931164 Tasso, 160119 Testelin, Henri: 011 Académie lectures, 18; Sentiments des plus habiles peintres du temps, 38-39 Viesens (at Herculaneum), 49 Ihoré, 'Ihćophile, aesthetic ot, 127-28 Timanthes, Vie Sacrifice oj Iphigenia, 47 Tiresias, 68 Titian: de Piles on, 45; Italian admiration for, 79; Л/т/ошш and Child with Saint Catherine, 38 Tortebat, Franyois, treatise on anatomy, 32 Traité des passions (Descartes), 32 Trajan's Column, Perrault 011, 48 Treatise on Color (Goethe), 174 7hc Unknown Aínsfcrpíecr (Balzac), 58, 62,185 van Dyck, Anthony: de Piles on, 45; Diderot on, 77 214 I N D E X Van (îogh, Vincent, on (Christ, 169 Van Gogh Museum (Amsterdam), 961183 van I.00, I.ouis Michel, Diderot 011. 7.}. 941169 van Opstal, (îerard, l.nokoon lecture, as, 33-36. 3S Varclii, Benedetto, poll of Florentine artists, .4, 5. mu \'asari, Giorgio: Vie Lives of the Artists, 1:1111; on purugone debate, 6. 1:1110 Yassé, l.ouis-C'Iaude. Aubry portrait of. m: Venus 0} Milo, Yéron on, 157 Yenuti, .Marcello, on Viesens, 49 Verlaine, on poelrv, 119, 176 Vernant, lean-Pierre, 971198 Vernet, Claude-Joseph, Diderot on, 7s Vernet, Horace, Baudelaire on, 170 71 Yéron, laigcnc: on color perception, 179. 19:1148; ¡.esthétique. 135, 1031163: on sculpture. 133-38; on Winckelmann, 136 37 Yesalius, anatomical drawings, :8 Yczelay, 13S Vie Victorious Annv of Titus with the Spoils from lerusuletn (frieze), 4; Vies t fu ft ist es ilu Y Y//' sieele (( !avlus), 961183 Vignon, Philippe, Philippe de lUivster, 103 Virgil, modem quotation (t', 136 YO/ÍUIIY (1 loudon), 90 von Ciersdorlf, Varl, 1941168 Zakarian, Zacharie, 19Ш34 Zeniach, Pddv M.. 931114 Zeuxis, 39 Zola. I mile; aesthetic ot. i:~-:8, 149-30; Л bonheur des domes. 190134; on birth and development ot art. 1 3 : ; / e figuro, 1901111; on historv oi art. 130; 011 Huvsmans, 1941167: loeuvre, 183; on purueonc debate, 8-9; 011 philosophical art, 144; on sculpture, 131. 13:, 134. 133. 136 Zoroaster, on glorv ot mankind, 31 Zurbaran, Francisco de, 19311101 /иг fiirbcnlchrc ((ioethe). 174 Wagner, Richard, Nietzsche 011, 1931166 Winckelmann, Johann Joachim: 011 ancient sculpture, 37, i27-:9, 133: detinition ot sculpture, 84; Diderot and, 82-83, 971186, 139; (icschichtc der Kunst des Allerthunis. 461184, 1:8. 13:1116, 1331134; Hegel 011. 198; influence on sculpture aesthetic, 9, 71,1:0, 127-29, 1321116, 132, 136 -37, 139; on sculpture and poetry, 137; Yéron on, 136 37 W iltgcnstcin, Ludwig, philosophical stvle ot, 971196 Wöltlliii, Heinrich, 197, 198-99 215 I N D E
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