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Volltext:INDEX Abundance 238 Acre 228 Adhémar, Hélène 89, 90 Agrippa of Nettesheim 14 AguÚonius, Francisais 190, 199 Alan of Lille, Anticlaudianus 111 Alberti 170, 190, 192 Alciati, Andrea 41-53, 90-92, 96-101, 103-104; Contra vitám monasticam 43; Emblematu Liber 41-43, 45- 50, 54-57, 92, 107-8; Parerga 52-53 Alcibiades 65, 68 Aldine Press 49 Aldus Manutius 43 Alfonso the Learned 206 Alhazen 156, 160; De aspectibus 156, 157, 174, 177, 181; Optica, see De aspectibus; Perspectiva, see De aspectibus Amazons 50, 51 Amerbach, Boniface 43 Anicia Juliana 229, 230 Anteus 46 Arcimboldo, Giuseppe 59-80; Agriculture 76; Designs for Sericulture 68, 84; Designs for Tournaments ("hastludis ") 70, 73-74; Elements 71; Fire 63, 82; Flora 61, 74, 76, 77, 79; grotesques 67, 68, 80, 84; Seasons 71; Vertumnus 61, 63, 68, 73, 74, 76, 77, 79, 83; Winter 61, 81 Argyropolus, Johannes 187, 198 Aristotelianism 193 Aristotle 152, 153-64, 167, 171, 172-73, 175, 179, 180-86; color-order 159; De sensu 154-63, 167, 173, 181; Libri naturales 154; Meteorológica 182; Parva naturalia 155; Parva naturalia, epitome of, see Averroes Arrabal 206 Ate 42 Athena 235, 239, 241, 242 Athens 225-42; Acropolis 234-35, 240, 241; Erechtheum 239; Parthenon 234-35, 238-42 Attic Minerva 237 Averroes 156, 162, 165, 169, 171, 185; Commentary on Aristotle's "De sensu" 158, 167; Epitome of Aristotle's "Parva naturalia" 158 Averroism 193 Avicenna 156, 157, 160 Bacon, Roger 151-96; De multiplicatione specierum 154, 174-78, 179, 189, 191, 192; De sensu 151-92; Opus május 154, 160, 174, 178-83, 185, 192; Quaestiones 154, 155 Badius, Jodocus 115 249 INDEX Baldino, Bernardino 75, 77, 78, 85 Bamberg Apocalypse 31 Bartholomaeus Anglicus, De proprietatibus rerum 166 Beaune, Hospice 29 Beckford, William, Vathek 34 Bellona 238 benandanti 3 Bergman, Ingmar 206 Berteiii 220 Besozzo, Cesare 75 Boccaccio, Giovanni, Decameron 206 Bodin, Jean, Les Six Livres del la République 101-3 Boethius 153 Boilly, Receuil de grimaces 112 Borghini, Raffaello 221 Borgogni, Gherardo 75, 78 Bosse, Abraham 116-17, 129 Bouillon, Duc de 89 Bourges Cathedral 28 Bramante 77 Breu, Jörg 98 Brongniart, Alexandre 112 Brouwer, Adriaen 118, 119 Browne, H. К ("Phiz") 119 Brueghel, Jan 114, 118 Buccio, Piętro 219 Bunyan, John, The Life and Death of Mr. Badman 32 Byron, Lord 33, 34 Calvo, Francesco 43 Candia, Crete 234 Caravaggio 111, 114 Caravaggisti 112 Castiglione, Baldesar, Book of the Courtier 72 Cavalcanti, Giovanni 185 Cennini, Cennino 170, 190 Cerberus 50, 51 Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de 203-11; Don Quixote 203- 11; Dulcinea 209; Knight of the Mirror 204, 209; Sancho Panza 203, 204, 205, 209; Sanson Carasco 204; Waggon of Death 204, 209 Charles V, emperor 49 Chess 203-8 Cicero 66, 162; De consulatu suo 48; De oratore 66; De re publica 94, 96, 97, 101 Clement IV, pope 174, 178, 185 Cluny, Musée de 111 Cock, Hieronymus 114 Colonna, Francesco 206 Comanini, Gregorio 61, 68, 73, 74-75, 78, 79; dialog of 1591 77; II Figino 61, 74; poem on Vertumnus 61, 71 Comenius, Johann Amos 122 Conde, Prince of 89 Constantinople 225-42; Bodrum Camii 228; Holy Apostles, church of 226; Myrelaion, monastery of the 228; Pantocrator, monastery of the 227, 229; St. Polyeuktos, church of 229, 230-31, 245; St. Sophia, church of 226, 230 Cornucopia 207 Corrozet, Gilles 211 Cort, Cornells 114 Cracow 219, 220 Cynosarges 53 da Milano, G. A. 75 Dada 60 Daly, Peter 98 Dándolo, Enrico 226, 233, 236 Dante Alighieri, Divine Comedy 28 De sensu et sensato, see Aristotle Se sensu and Bacon, Roger, De Sensu De sensu et sensibili, see Aristotle Se sensu de Benedetti, Rocco 215, 216, 217 250 INDEX de Covarrubias Orozco, Sebastian 208, 211 de la Perrière, Guillaume 211 de Passe de Oude, Crispin 116, 128 de Ribera, Jusepe 111, 124 de Vos, Marten 115 Delacroix, Eugène 34 delia Croce, Marsilio 214-20 Develly 113 Dickens, Charles 119, 203 Don Guglielmo di San demente 78 Du Defiant, Mme. 112 Dürer, Albrecht, Opus quinqué âierum 31, 32 Eleusis 240 Emblemas morales 208, 211 Ennius 52 Erasmus, Desiderius 41-53; The Praise of Folly 65; Antibarbarorum Liber 51; Education of a Christian Prince 51; How Children Should Be Educated 51 Ezekiel 230 fantastic art 60 Faust 34 Faust Book (Historia von D. Johann Fausten) 1, 13, 14, 15 Faustian pact 14 Festus, S. Pompeius, De verborum significatione 95 Ficino, Marsilio 65, 185 Figino, Ambrogio 75-79, 86 Flade, Dietrich 3-10 Floris, Frans 114, 127 Foliani, Sigismondo 75 Fontana, see Fonteo, Giovanni Baptista Fonteo (or Fontana), Giovanni Baptista 60, 69, 70, 72; De Risu 69-71 Forsius, Sigrid 190, 199 Fourth Crusade 226, 228 Freud, Sigmund 62, 63 Friedländer, Paul 113, 125 Friuli 3 Froben, Johann 43 Fuller brooch 111, 120 Galizia, Fede 79 Gaspari, Antonio 235 Gellius, Aulus, Nodes atticae 159, 162 Genoa 228, 229 Geryon 50, 51 Gherardini, Giovanni Filippo 61, 73, 74, 75, 78 Gide, André 206 Giorgione, Judith 31 Giotto 190, 192-93 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von 34 Goltzius, Hendrick 113-16, 126 Grosseteste, Robert 156-57, 162, 164, 172-73, 178, 185, 189, 190, 192; De colore 157, 166, 171-73; De iride 171; De linàs angulis ü figuris 171, 176; De luce 171, 176 Habermann, Fr. X. 114 Habsburgs 60, 70 Hals, Dirk 117 Heidelberg, University of 12 Helmholtz 182 Henri Ш 213-20 Hercules 41-53 Hervey, Mary F.S. 99 Herzog August zu Braunschweig und Lüneburg 206 Hogarth, William, Four Stages of the Day 32; Harlot's Progress 32; Industry and Idleness 32-33, 39; Marriage à la mode 32; Rahe's Progress 32 Holbein, Hans, the Younger 41, 42, 99; Portrait of Erasmus 41 Homer 42 Horapollo, Hieroglyphica 95 Huarte de San Juan 207, 209 Huguenots 214 251 INDEX Humbelot, J. 117 Hydra 42 Index librorum prohibitorum 102 Isidore, Etymologia 185 Israeli, Isaac 156 Istanbul, see Constantinople Istria, Pola, Roman Arch of the Sergii 233 Jacob Ш, archbishop of Trier 4 Jamac 217, 219, 220 Jerusalem, Solomon's Temple 230 Johann , archbishop of Trier 4 Johann VI, archbishop of Trier 4 Johann von Schönenberg, archbishop of Trier 4, 8 Joppa 232 Joubert, Laurent, Traité du Ris 66 Julius П, pope 53 Juno 42, 52, 53 Jupiter 52 Justinian 230 Kittensteyn, Comelis 117 Lady and the Unicorn Tapestry 111 Le Nain, Louis 87 Le Nain, Mathieu 87-104, 105-6 Le neveu de Rameau 206 Leo X, pope 53 Leonardo da Vinci 177, 189, 190, 192 Lepanto, Battle of 218, 234, 235 Lercheimer, Augustin (pseudonym for Hermann Witekind) 11, 12-14, 15 Lermontov, Mikhail 34 Lillo, George, The London Merchant 33 Lomazzo, Giovanni Paolo, Idea 74 London, National Gallery 100 Longford Castle 41 Louis XVm 112, 113 López, Diego 93 Lucangeli, Nicolö 217 Lucián 47, 48 Lucrezia 114 Luther, Martin 10, 11, 12, 44, 49 Lyons "mystical" school of painting 23 Lyons, Musée des Beaux- Arts 23 Mal Lara, Juan de 93. Malipiero, Doge Pasquale 234 Mallarius, Nicolas 48 Malleus maleficarum 1, 2 Manlius, Johannes 10 Mann, Thomas 34 Mantua 217 Manuscripts: Amiens, Bibliothèque Municipale, MS 406 155; London, British Library, Add. MS 8786 155; London, British Library, MS Kings 323 75, 77, 78; Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Digby 235 177; Vienna, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, MS 10152 69; Vienna, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, MS 10466, see Fonteo, De Risu Marathon 241 Mars 238, 239 Marsh, Adam 178 Marsyas 65 Matthias of Weiskirchen 5 Maximilian II, emperor 60, 69 Maxwell's discs 181 Medici, Catherine de' 219 Meilleraye, Maréchal de la 89 252 INDEX Melanchthon, Philipp 10, 12, 13 Melchor de Santa Cruz, Floresta 207 Memlinc, Hans, Last Judgment 29, 38 Menzel, Adolph 117, 130 Mercier, Philippe 113 Merten von Euren, Margarethe 5 Mexia, Silva de varia lición 207, 209 Mickiewicz, Adam 34 Mignault, Claude 92, 93 Milan 69, 74, 77, 79 Miltiades 241 Minois, Claudius, see Mignault, Claude Molenaer 119 Monboso 177 Moncontour 217, 219, 220 Montalembert, Comte de 26 Morea 234 Morigi (Morigia), Paolo, La Nobiltà di Milano 74 Morigia, see Morigi, Paolo Morosini, Francesco 234-35, 238 Morosini, Tommaso 226 Nabokov, Vladimir 206 Neoplatonism 151, 174, 185 Neptune 238, 239 Nerval, Gérard de 34 Nietzsche, Friedrich 34 Officina 207 Orsel, Victor, Good and Evil 23-27, 34, 36 Ortiz, Lorenzo 111, 123 Oxford University 153, 156, 157, 162 Padua, Arch at Santa Sofia 215, 218; Arena Chapel 192; University of 193 Palatinate, elector of 13 Palladio, Andrea 219 Paris, Musée du Louvre 87, 88 Paris, University of 154 Parliamentary Fronde 89, 90 Parrhasius 76 Pausanias 241 Peace of Rueil 89 Peace, allegorical figure of 238 Pecham, John 192 Pericles 240 Pers, Dirck 211 Pérez de Montalbán 207 Philostratus, Imagines 46 Phiz, see Browne, H.K. Phoenicians 240 Pignoria, Lorenzo 93 Piraeus ¿36 Plato 65; Phaidros 27; Republic 94, 96, 101, 102; Symposium 65 Pliny 169; Historia naturalis 185 Poe, Edgar Allen 34 Poggio Bracciolini, Facetiae 66 Polyanthea 207 Porca cchi, Tommaso 216 Porphyry 153, 161, 162, 187, 188, 189; Isagoge 160, 187, 198; Quinqué Voces, see Isagoge Portinari, Tommaso 29 Porto Leone 236 Poseidon 239, 241, 242 Prague 69 Propertius 61 Prudentius, Psychomachia 30 Ptolemy 181; Optica 177 Pygmies 45, 46 Pythagoras 96 Quintillian, Institutio oratoria 66 Rabelais, François 65, 206; Gargantua 65 Realism 153 Rembrandt van Rijn 118, 131 Ribera, Jusepe, see de Ribera, Jusepe 253 INDEX Richard of Fournival, Bestiaire d'amours 110 Ridolfi, Carlo 221 Rome, Arch of Septimius Severus 215 Roys et Pyons dens le sac son égaux 208 Rubens, Peter Paul 192 Rudolf II, emperor 61, 68, 69, 73, 74, 79 Rufo, Juan 207 Ruskin, John 229 Russell, Daniel S. 101 Sade, Marquis de 33-34 Saenredam, Jan 116 Salamis 240, 241 Sanchez, Francisco 92, 93, 97 Sansovino, Francesco, Venetia, Città Nobilissima 215 Saxony, criminal code of 13 Schlesinger, Heinrich 112 Selvático, Márchese 229 Seneca 207 Sèvres 112, ИЗ Smith, Consul 220 Socrates 65, 68 Sophocles, Oedipus Tyrannus 133-49 Speculum virginum 31 Spies, Johann 13 Stockhamer, Sebastian 93 Surrealism 60 Tetrarchs 228 Themistocles 53, 241 Theodoric of Freiberg 166, 190; De iride 168 Theophilus, De diversis artibus 169 Thuilius, Joannes 92-96 Thyssen Collection, Lugano 32 Tiepolo, Lorenzo 228 Tilson, Joe 119, 132 Tintoretto 216, 220 Torquemada, Jardin de flores curiosas 207 Tory, Geofroy, Champ Fleury 48 Traviès, Charles-Joseph, Les Cinq Sens 109, 121 Treviso 219; Arch of 218 Trier, University of 4 Valeriano, Giovanni Pierio, Hieroglyphica 96 van Ostade, Adriaen 119 Venice 213-21, 225-42; Arsenal 233, 234, 236, 237, 239, 240, 246-7; Lido 213-20; Lion of St. Mark 234, 237; Palace of the Doges 227, 228, 231; Palace of the Doges, Sala delio Scrutinio 235; Palace of the Doges, Sala delie Quattro Porte 220; Palace of the Doges, Scala dei Giganti 215; Pietra del Bando 228; Pilastri Acritani 228, 231, 232, 244; S. Marco, baptistery of 29; S. Marco, basilica of 226, 229, 231, 232, 240; S. Marco, bronze steeds of 236; S. Marco, library of 226; S. Marco, Pala d'Oro 227; S. Marco, treasury of 226, 228; S. Marco, Zeno Chapel 231; San Vidal, church of 235; Santa Giustina, church of 234; Santi Giovanni e Paolo 234; Santo Stefano, church of 235 Veronese, Paolo 215-16, 220; Triumph of Venice 215 Vicentino, Andrea 220, 223 Vigilance 238 Visentini, Antonio 216, 222 Vitruvius 169 Vittoria, Alessandro 215 Warhafftige newe Zeitung 9, 16-20 Warham, William 41, 42 Weier (Weyer), Johann 6, 11-13, 15 254 INDEX Wey den, Rogier van der, Last Judgment 29-30, 37 William of Jülich-Cleve- Berg, duke11 William of Moerbeke 182 Witches of Trier 21 Witekind, Hermann, see Lercheimer, Augustin Witelo 192 Wittenberg 10-14 Wittenberg, University of 12 Wittkower, Rudolf 41 Wolfenbüttel 206 Zandt von Merl, Johann 5, 8 Zenoni, Antonio 217 Zoroastrianism 26 Zweig, Stefan 206 255
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