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Volltext:Index Abgar, king of Edessa, 53, 131n. 76 Abraham, 35, 57, 73, 126n. 42 Acate, 17 Achilles, 68, 135n. 101 Achilles Tatius, Clitophon and Leucippe, 15, 119n. 12 Adonis and Venus, fable of, 68 Adrian I, Pope, 55 Aegidius, 134n. 96 Aelian, 145n. 180 Aeneas, 17, 36, 86, 92, 135n. 101 Aeneid: see Virgil Aetion, 92, 93, 142n. 157 affectation: avoided by philosophers and historians, 14; as defect in poetry, 97-8 Agamemnon, 29 Agamemnon: see Seneca, Lucius Annaeus Alcina, 69, 135n. 104 Alcinoüs, 92 Alcmena, 94, 142n. 159 Alessano: see Borsieri, Settimio Alete, 95 Alexander the Great, 82, 96, 142n. 165, 146n.188 allegory: applied in defence of Michelangelo's Last Judgment, xv—xvi, 89-90, 114-15n. 17, 115n. 18; in literature, xiv, xvii, 68; in painting, 79-81; Panofsky on Comanini's use of, 145n. 181; in poetry and painting, 88 Alps, 5, 31, 109 Ambrose, St, 86 Amphitryon, 94, 142n. 159 angels: representation of, 32-4, 77, 104; as symbols, 77, 80, 86, 125n. 40; veneration of images of, 56-7 Annunciation, 78 Antioch, 131n. 78, 133n. 92 antithesis, as technique in poetry and painting, 97-9 Apelles, 6, 36, 70, 72, 85, 94, 96, 126n. 45, 135n. 107, 136n. 115, 142nn. 160, 161, 165 Apion the Grammarian, 85, 140n. 146 Apollo, 19, 108, 126n. 47 apostles, 66, 74, 80-1, 104 appeal (aesthetic), 25, 79, 81-3, 97, 113n. 11 Aquinas: see Thomas Aquinas, St Arcimboldo, Giuseppe, ix, x, xiii, xviii, 17-28, 102-3, llln. 1, 116n. 23, 150 Index 121n. 20; allegory in, 26-7; experi­ment with musical tones and colours, xvii, xix, 102-3, 116n. 21, 144n. 175; fantastic imitation in, xii, 17, 27-8; poem on Flora, 18; poem on Vertumnus, 19-25; Works: The Earth, 25-7, 121n. 21, 122n. 22; Flora, 17-18; The Four Seasons, 27-8; Vertumnus, 17-25 Argante, 17, 41, 95 Ariosto, Ludovico, ix, 17, 40; Orlando Furioso, 41-2, 53-1, 69, 128n. 57, 131n. 78, 135n. 104 Aristides of Thebes, 94, 95, 108, 109, 142nn. 161, 164, 145-6n. 187 Aristotle, ix, xi, xiii, xv, xvi, xvii, xix, 6, 11, 13, 47, 117n. 3; on Empedocles, 27; on imitation, 13, 29, 43, 45; on likely impossibilities, 88, 115n. 18; on parts of tragedy, 83, 101; on plot, 83; Works: Ethics, 44, 118n. 6, 128n. 58; Generation of Animals, 117n. 3; History of Animals, 108, 145n. 186; Metaphysics, 41, 128n. 56; On the Heavens, 138n. 128; On the Soul, 83, 139n. 143; Parts of Animals, 117n. 3; Physics, 118n. 6; Poetics, 29, 68, 83, 101, 115n. 18, 123n. 29, 129n. 60, 130n. 67, 139—40n. 144, 141n. 152, 144n. 174; Politics, 45, 46, 129nn. 61, 65; Progression of Animals, 76, 138n. 127 Artemisia, 52, 131n. 74 arts: classification of, xi, 11-13; comparison of, xvi-xviii, 83-104; and games, xi, 36-9; purpose of, ix, x-xi, xiii—xiv, 13-17, 29-32, 39, 43-8, 81-3. See also imitation; painting; poetry Asterion, bishop of Amasia, 57 Athanasius, St, 33, 125n. 36 Atropos, 99-101, 143—In. 171 Augustine, St, 34, 61, 65, 70, 78, 125n. 40, 133n. 90, 136n. 109, 138n. 132 Austria, 24 avarice, 60, 109 Averroes, 6, 41, 45, 76, 128n. 56, 129n. 60, 138n. 128 Babylon, Babylonians, 59, 60, 70, 135n. 108 backgammon, 37-8 Barbara, St, 65, 134n. 94 Barocchi, Paola, xviii, Hin. 1, 112nn. 2, 4, 5, 6, 113nn. 9, 10, 11, 117n. 25, 121-2n. 21 Belacqua, 95 Bellarmino, Roberto, 56, 75, 77, 114-15n. 17, 132n. 82, 137n. 120, 138n.131 Benjamin, 77 Bernard, St, 67, 135n. 102 Bethlehem, 59 Bible, xi, xiii, 118n. 4, 137nn. 121, 122 Borsieri, Settimio, 3 Brescia, 5, 110, 117n. 2 Buglione, Goffredo, 17, 32, 91, 144 Cain, 38 Calumny, Apelles's image of, 72 Cancer (astrological sign), 106-7 canzone: by Comanini on Figino, 6-10; by Petrarch, 98, 143n. 168 canzoniere: by Comanini, x; by Petrarch, 130n. 70 capriccio, capricci, xii, 121n. 19 Caria: see Mausolus of Caria, King Cato the Censor, 66, 135n. 100 Chancles, 15, 119n. 12 Charles V, 109 Index 151 cherubim, 77 chess, 36-7, 39, 126nn. 46, 47 chimera, 16, 30, 31 Christ, xv, xix, 53, 55-6, 59-60, 62, 65, 73, 77-8, 79, 114n. 17 Christians, 37, 54, 55, 58, 59, 63, 64, 65, 67, 70, 73, 119-20n. 14, 124n. 33, 125n. 36, 132nn. 82, 85, 134n. 94, 143n. 69 Church, Christian, xviii, 3, 16, 34, 57, 59, 60, 64, 77, 89, 104, 109, 112n. 2, 114n. 16, 131n. 76, 132n. 79 Church, Greek, 71 Clement VII, Pope, 110 Clement of Alexandria, 64, 133n. 89 Clitophon and Leucippe: see Achilles Tatius clothing, imitation of, 102 Clotho, 99-101, 143-4n. 171 Colchis, 58 Comanini, Gregorio, ix, x, xi, xii, xiii, xiv, xv, xvi, xvii, xviii, xix, xx, xxi, 4, 6, 10, 15, 18, 25, 27, 39, 43, 62, 72, 83, lll-12n. 1, 112-13nn. 2, 4, 6, 113nn. 8, 10, 11, 113-14n. 14, 114n. 16, 114—15n. 17, 115-16n. 19, 116-17n. 25, 117n. 3, 118nn. 5, 6, 7, 118-19n. 8, 119-20n. 14, 120nn. 15, 17, 121nn. 18, 19, 121-2nn. 21, 22, 23, 123n. 27, 124n. 32, 125nn. 37, 40, 126n. 46, 127n. 48, 128-9nn. 58, 59, 129nn. 62, 64, 130nn. 72, 73, 131-2n. 79, 132n. 84, 133n. 87, 134nn. 97, 99, 135nn. 102, 103, 107, 136nn. 112, 113, 115, 116, 137nn. 118, 120, 121, 138nn. 130, 131, 139n. 137, 139-10n. 144, 140n. 145, 141n. 154, 142n. 159, 143nn. 166, 167, 169, 170, 144n. 175, 145n. 181 Constantine, Deacon, 57 Constantine the Great, 55, 131n. 76 Council of Constantinople III (Sixth Ecumenical Council), 59 Council of Constantinople IV (Eighth Ecumenical Council), 52, 56, 57 Council of Nicaea, Second (Seventh Ecumenical Council), xx, 52, 54, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 63, 131n. 76 Council of Trent, xi, xiii, 66, 69, 73, 112n. 2, 116-17n. 25, 131-2n. 79 Craton of Ephesus, 65-6 credible marvellous, the, xiii, xv, 48, 91, 112-13n. 6, 113-14nn. 11, 14 cross, Christian symbol of the, 58, 59, 62, 64, 66, 87 Cyril of Jerusalem, St, 61, 62 Damascus, 80 Damon of Lacaedemonia, 85 Danaë, 70 Daniel, 60, 74, 79, 136n. 117 Dante Alighieri, ix, 94, 142n. 162 David, 33-1, 57, 75, 80, 84, 87, 125n. 38 decorum, ix, 102 Defence of Dante: see Mazzoni, Giacopo delight: afforded by imitation, 29, 36, 43, 45; aim of imitation, 46, 48, 129n. 64; carnal, 50, 68-9, 70; and contemplation, 44-5; and the credible marvellous, 91; in horrible images, 29-32, 123-4n. 29; in icastic and fantastic imitation, 40; of the natural world, 81-3; in painting and poetry, xvii-xviii, 35-6, 41-3, 89-90, 108; related to comprehension, 41-2, 44. See also pleasure Delia Casa, Giovanni, 97, 143n. 167 demons, 30-2, 96-7, 125n. 36 Diana, temple of at Ephesus, 96 152 Index Dido, 54, 67, 92, 135n. 101 Difesa delia Comedia di Dante: see Mazzoni, Giacopo diligence, vulgar, to be avoided, 98 Diocletian, 65, 132n. 85 Diotima, 49-51, 130 Divine Comedy: see Dante Alighieri Dolce, Ludovico, xv, 114-15n. 17, 141n. 154 Donatello, 87, 141n. 151 drama, dramatic poetry, 83, 87. See also tragedy Dream of Scipio: see Macrobius, Ambrosius Theodosius dulia, 56-7, 132n. 83 Durand, William, 71, 136n. 112 Dürer, Albrecht, 88, 97, 104, 144n. 177 Edessa: see Abgar, king of Edessa Egypt, 9, 132n. 80, 145n. 180 Egyptian, Egyptians, 24, 46, 47, 60, 63, 72, 80, 85, 104 eidölon, eidola, xix-xx, 16-17, 118n. 7 Elatea, 109 Eleusina, 82 Empedocles, 27, 107, 122-3n. 26, 145n. 185 Enoch, 38 Ephesus, temple of, 66, 142-3n. 165. See also Craton of Ephesus epic, 124n. 33, 128n. 55, 140n. 148 Etna, 14 Euphemia, St, 57-8, 71, 132n. 85 Europa and the bull, myth of, 79-80 Eusebius, 53, 131n. 76 fable or story, xiv-xv, 15, 17, 28, 48-50, 52, 63, 70, 83, 88-9, 91-2, 93, 104, 130-ln. 73, 135n. 103, 136n. 114; true and false fables, xii—xiii, 67-9 fantastic images, fantastic imitation; see image, images; imitation fantasy, faculty of, xii, xiii, 13, 15, 17, 28, 85. See also imitation. Ferrari-Bravo, Anna, lll-12n. 1, 112nn. 5, 6, 113-14n. 14 Ficino, Marsilio, xiv, 17, 50-2, 130-ln. 73 Figino, Giovan Ambrogio, ix, x, xi, xv, xvii, 5-6, 117n. 2; canzone by Comanini on, 6-10; dedication of to serving Christian morality, 53; lifelike quality of portraits by, 36; painting of the Crucifixion, 94; painting of the Virgin, 10; Parting of the Red Sea, 10; portrait of Panigarola, 16; St Ambrose and St Justina, 86; St Matthew, 86, 140n. 149; St Michael and Lucifer, 33 figure; see painting Filiscus, 92 Flegra, 29 Flora: see Arcimboldo, Giuseppe Francis I, 109-10 Gabriel, 32 Galen, 6 games, 41, 52, 126-7nn. 46, 47, 127n. 49; and art, xi, xiv, 36-9, 46, 48, 72, 97, 129n. 64 Garamanti, 26 Gaza, 87 George, St, 91 German, Germany, 24, 25, 88 Gherardini, Filippo, 18 Gilbert, Allan H„ 116n. 24, 118-19n. 8 Giles, St, 65, 134n. 96, 147 Giovanni Gualberti, St, 62 Giulio Romano, ix, 29, 114—15n. 17, 124n. 30, 138n. 134 Index 153 God, 12, 25, 32, 33, 34, 37, 38, 39, 46, 50, 52, 53, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 62, 64, 65, 66, 67, 70, 72, 73, 77, 78, 80, 83, 89, 90, 104, 125-6nn. 40, 41, 42, 132n. 83, 133n. 88, 136-7n. 117 gods, 31, 46, 49, 55, 63, 64, 69, 70, 88-9, 104, 116-17n. 25, 119-20n. 14, 121n. 20, 127n. 52, 130n. 69, 131- 2nn. 79, 80, 136-7n. 109, 142n. 159 Gonzaga, Ferrando, 78 Gordianus (father of St Gregory), 66 Granvela, Antonio, Cardinal, 104 Greece, 36, 93 Greek language, xix, xx, 118nn. 4, 7, 125n. 36, 128-9n. 59, 138-9n. 135, 142n.163 Greeks, 24, 36, 68, 70, 71, 93, 145n. 184 Gregory I, Pope (St Gregory the Great), 55, 64, 66 Gregory XIV, Pope, x, 3 Gregory of Nazianzus, St (Gregory the Theologian), 60 Gregory of Nyssa, St, 57 Guazzo, Stefano (historical figure), x, 117n. 2 harmony: in poetry, painting, and music, 42, 102; of the universe, 81-2 Hathaway, Baxter, ix, xiii, Ilin. 1, 114n. 15, 116n. 22 hearing, sense of, as having the beautiful as its object, 42 Henry II, 110 herbs, 5, 51, 82 Hercules, 27, 83, 93, 142n. 159 Hercules Furens: see Seneca, Lucius Annaeus hero, heroes, 42, 57, 70, 86, 96 heroic poetry, 96 hieroglyphics, 63, 71 historians: Christian, 67; compared with poets and philosophers, 13-15 history, sacred, 80-1, 124n. 33 Holy Spirit, 34-5, 57, 58, 78, 80, 104 Homer, 12, 36, 69, 89, 92, 115n. 18, 129n. 62 Horace, ix, 13, 16, 69, 76, 87, 91, 92, 120n. 16 horrible and strange, aesthetic effect of the, 29-33 hyperdulia, 56-7, 132n. 83 icastic image, icastic imitation: see image, images; imitation Icelos, 123n. 28 idea, Platonic, 12, 13-14, 81, 118-19n. 8 idol, xix-xx, 16, 54-5, 57, 63-5, 68, 116-17nn. 24, 25, 119-20n. 14, 131-2nn. 79, 84, 133n. 88 idolatry, xx, 64, 116-17n. 25 ídolo (term), xix-xx, 13, 16-17, 57, 116-17nn. 24, 25, 118-19nn. 7, 8, 119-20n. 14, 120-ln. 17, 132n. 84 ignorant, compared with the learned, 57, 60, 78 Ilium, 67, 135n. 101. See also Troy image, images, xii, xiv-xv, ix-xx, 9, 19, 24, 27, 30, 33, 35, 37, 47-8, 81, 96-8, 108; as facilitating understanding, 42-3; icastic or fantastic, 17, 28-9, 32-5, 40-1, 73-1, 112-13n. 6; of immoral subjects, 53-5, 69-71; as object of the imitative arts, 13-15, 47-8, 52; purpose of in art, 13-15, 29, 40-1; sacred, compared to pagan, 52-67, 73-4; translation of terms for, xix-xx; visual compared to poetic, xvii, 36, 40-3 154 Index imagination, ix, xi-xii, 28, 33, 55 imitation: and games, 36-9; icastic and fantastic, xi—xiii, xv, xvii, 15-17, 28, 40-3, 73-4; of immoral acts, 53-5, 69-71 imitative arts: definition of, 11-13; pleasure as purpose of, 10-43 (Guazzo's argument); utility as purpose of, 43-83 (Martinengo's argument). See also image, images; imitation; delight; pleasure; utility Io, 104 Iphigenie, 271 Irad, 38 Isaiah, 79, 138-9n. 135 Jacob, 55, 71, 132n. 81 Jerome, St, 33, 61-3, 125n. 36 Jerusalem, 61, 62, 91 Jerusalem Delivered: see Tasso, Torquato John Chrysostom, St, xiii, 30, 55, 57, 64, 124n. 32, 133n. 92 John Gualbert, St: see Giovanni Gualberti, St John the Apostle, St, 65, 73, 74, 78, 104 John the Baptist, St, 59, 60 John the Deacon, 66 Joseph, 55, 60, 132n. 81 Jove, 19, 20, 48, 49, 55, 64, 70, 88, 104, 136n.109 Juno, 54, 55, 88-9, 92, 104 Justina, St, 86 Kaufmann, Thomas Da Costa, lll-12n. 1, 121-2n. 21 Krieger, Murray, 113-14n. 14 Lachesis, 99-101, 143-^n. 171 lascivious acts, representation of in literature and painting, 69-71 Last Judgment: see Michelangelo latria, 56-7, 132n. 83 Leo (astrological sign), 104 Leo X, Pope, 104, 136n. 114 Leonardo da Vinci, 101, 109 Leontius, Bishop, 59 Libya, 105 Lomazzo, Giovanni Paolo, ix, xi, xii, 115-16n. 19, 117n. 2 Lot, 35, 125n. 40 Lothair, 33, 125n. 37 Lucian, 136n. 115 Lucretia, 65, 133n. 93 Lucretius, 52 Luke, St, 53, 81, 130n. 71, 140n. 149 lust: dangers of, 49-52, 60, 85, 135n. 108, 136n. 109; images as leading to, 69-71 Macrobius, Ambrosius Theodosius, 106, 107, 140-ln. 150, 145nn. 182, 184; Dream of Scipio, 144n.l75 Maffei, Giampietro, 15, 119n. 13 Mantua (city), 4, 29, 124n. 30 Mantua, Duke of, x Mars, 23, 36, 51, 64, 68, 98, 107 Martano, 54, 131n. 78 Martinengo, Ascanio (historical figure), x, 117n. 2 marvellous, the, xiii, 48, 91, 112-13n. 6 Matthew, St, 60, 86, 140n. 149 Mauro Cremonese dalla Viuola, 103 Mausolus of Caria, King, 52 Maximilian II of Habsburg, Emperor, 28 Maximus Tirius, 45, 129n. 62 Mazzoni, Giacopo, ix, x, xi, xii, xiii, xvii, 13, 36, 38, 75, llln. 1, 112-13n. Index 155 6, 113-14n. 14, 115n. 18, 116n. 24, 118-19nn. 5, 6, 8, 120-ln. 17, 121n. 18, 122-3n. 26, 126n. 46, 127n. 51, 129nn. 62, 64, 130n. 67, 137nn. 118, 120, 140n. 147, 142n. 162; Defence of Dante, xi, 13, 36, 75, 112-13n. 6, 114n. 14, 115n. 18, 118n. 5, 118-19n. 8, 121n. 18, 129n. 62 Medea, 58, 140n. 148 Medici, Margherita de', 110 Medici family, 136n. 114 Meletius, St, 64, 133n. 92 melody, 83, 102 Mercury, 64, 126-7n. 47, 143n. 170 metaphor, xiv, 77-8, 98, 114-15n. 17 metre and rhyme in verse, 40, 96-7 Michelangelo, ix, 96, 101, 113n. 9, 141n. 154; Last Judgment, xv, 84-5, 88-90, 97, 114-15n. 17, 140n. 145 Milan, 5, 10, 117n. 2 Mnason, 109, 146n. 188 Molanus, Johannes, xiii, xviii, 66, 67, 69, 77, 114n. 16, 134nn. 97, 99, 135nn. 101, 102, 106, 136nn. 112, 116, 137n. 118, 138-9nn. 130, 131, 133, 135 Montgomery, Robert, 113-14n. 14, 116n. 24, 118-19n. 8, 130n. 67 Morpheus, 28, 123n. 28 Moses, 52-3, 77, 87-8 Mucius Scaevola, 65, 134n. 95 music: compared to painting, 102-3; types of, 46 Narcissus, 22 narration, narrative poetry, 83, 87 Nativity of Christ, 79, 138-9n. 135 nature, xii, xiii, xviii, 7, 21, 32, 35, 38, 40, 76, 84, 108, 113n. 9, 139n. 143 Nealces, 85, 140n. 147 Nebrija, Antonio de, 75, 76, 137n. 120 negligence, noble, as preferable to vulgar diligence, xvi, 98 Nicophanes, 95, 142n. 163 Nilus, St, 67 nude, nudes, 69-70, 114-15n. 17 ochlocracy, 38 Olimpiodorus, 67 Ooliba, 70, 135n. 108 orator, compared to poet and historian, 13-14 order, in poetry and painting, 84-5, 91-2, 103-4 Orlando, 17 Orlando Furioso: see Ariosto, Ludovico Ovid, 50, 75, 123n. 28, 130n. 72, 137n. 123 painter: compared to poet, 14, 27, 36, 40-3, 47-8, 83-103; icastic and fantastic imitation by, 16-17, 32-5; moral obligation of, 52-9, 71-2; verisimilitude in work of, xv, 78-81, 87-9, 90-1. See also painting; poet; poetry; individual painters painting: compared to music, xvi-xvii, 102—1; compared to poetry, xvi, xvii-xviii, 36, 39—43, 83-103, 108; figures of as corresponding to verse in poetry, 96-7; icastic and fantastic imitation in, 16-17, 32-5; moral intention of, 52-67, 69-72, 77-8; number of figures in, limitations on, 86-7; St Peter and St Paul in, 74—7; purpose of, xiv, xvii-xviii, 10-11, 13-15, 29-32, 39, 43-7, 52-3, 72; value of, 109; versimilitude in, ix, xiii, xv, 78-81, 87-9, 90-1. See also 158 Index mixing, 85-6; order of, 91-2; parables, 78-81 Stygian marshes, 68 Suidas, 16-17, 37, 120n. 17 Susannah, 60 Tancredi, 41 Tantalus, 8 Tasso, Torquato, ix, x, xi, xii—xiii, 17, 36, Hin. 1, 112n. 4, 113nn. 12, 13, 120n. 17, 121n. 18, 126n. 46, 143n. 167; Jerusalem Delivered, 31, 32, 42, 95-6, 124n. 34; on Monsignor Delia Casa, 97-8 Taurus (astrological sign), 107 Tentyrites, 105 Theodoric, 33, 125n. 37 Theodosius, Emperor, 64 theology, xxi, 62, 72, 74, 88, 90, 132n. 82, 134n. 97, 137n. 120 Theophilus of Alexandria, 64 Theophrastus, 26, 122nn. 24, 26 Thomas Aquinas, St, 16, 68, 120n. 15, 135n. 103 Timotheus of Miletus, 82, 139n. 142 Timothy, 68 Titus Caesar, 65, 139n. 142 Tobias, 32, 124-5n. 35 touch, sense of, 50, 90 tragedy, xvi, 139^0n. 144, 142n. 157; parts of as basis for comparing the arts, 83-103 trees, beauty and utility of, 82 Trojans, 36, 54, 92 Trojan War, 36 Troy, 34, 85 true and false fables; see fables Ulysses, 83-4, 92, 115n. 18 unity of action, 83-7 utility; as goal of art, 10, 11, 29, 39, 46, 47, 48, 52, 57, 72; of natural world, 81-3 Varro, 87 veneration, 55-7 Venice, Church of San Marco in, 70 verisimilitude, 87-9 Veronica, St, 53 verse; as corresponding to image or figure, 96-8; diverse types of as corresponding to figures in painting, 96; as a qualitative part of tragedy, 83 Vertumnus; see Arcimboldo, Giuseppe Vida, Marco Girolamo, 30, 33, 37, 124n. 33, 126-7n. 47 Virgil, 17, 27, 40, 106; Aeneid, 14, 36, 54, 67, 75, 76, 119n. 11, 135n. 101 Virgin, xix, 10, 35, 53, 56, 57, 78, 79, 86, 125-6n. 42 Vulcan, 39 Waiden, Thomas, 73, 136n. 116 water, beauty and utility of, 82-3 Weinberg, Bernard, Hin. 1, 116n. 24 William, abbot of St Theodoric, 67 worship, proper types of, 55-7 Xenocrates, 65 Xenophon, 76 Zaccharias (father of John the Baptist), 79 Zaccharias, image of used to admonish the fraudulent, 60 Zeuxis, 20, 36, 93, 126n. 45, 142n. 159
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