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Volltext:INDEX ote. page references in italics indicate illustrations. Abstract Expressionism 106 Adorno, Theodor Aesthetic Theory да, 129 on the status of art and philosophy 113, i*4 culture industry u Negative Dialectics 49 Aesthetic Theory (Adorno) иг, 119 esthetics autonomy 100-3 different models in art criticism 113-16 Aleph (Louis) 110 Allen, Paul 38 Alloway, Lawrence 116 Alpers, Svetlana The Art of Describing 89 Andre, Carl no on phases of sculpture 36-7 Angelus Novus (Klee) 76, 77 anthropology i6on ethnography in art 90-4 two models of 91 architecture Bigness 51 computer-aided design 34-6, 40 "duck" and "decorated shed" 33-4 individuality 41 Lifestyle 21-4 modernism 47-8 postmodernism 32-4, 37-8 technology and space 55 see also Gehry, Frank; Koolhaas, Rem Architecture of the City (Rossi) 52 archives Alexandrianism 162-3П Borges's encyclopedia 98-100 defined 65-7 Foucault on So, 81 Arnold, Matthew 7 art "alien" 84, 85 "constructive" 83-5 the "end" of 123-6 exhibition value 8t-2 mechanical reproduction 75-8 museum without walls 70-1, 77-8, 84 nonsynchronous forms of 137-43 philosophical work of 124-5 post/modern and neo/ avant-garde 126-9 archival relations of 67-76 trauma 130-5 use value 17 Art and Culture (Greenberg) 107 art history 154-511 academic terminology 90 anthropology and 90-4 autonomy 100-3, 1640 ethnographic model 16on fetishism 101-2 Kunstwollen 86-7 poststructuralism 125 symbolic form 86, 87-8 "Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction" (Benjamin) 156Я Art Nouveau Benjamin on 25-6 Hoffmann interior 16 Loos on 14-16 Neo Art Nouveau 13-14 total design 19 The Art of Describing (Alpers) 89 Artforum 104 contest of models in 113-16 dialectic of modernism 117-22 early history of 105-7 feminism 105, "7 and Greenberg 107-12 narrative of criticism 116-22 m 172 INDEX Ashbery, John 108 Astor, John Jacob 46 Auster, Paul 131, 134 avant-garde and neo-avant-garde 127-9 trauma 130 "The Avant-Garde and Kitsch" (Greenberg) 162-3 n Baader-Meinhof group 131 Balduin, Mikhail 83-4 Balzac, Honoré de 138 Banks, Russell 131 Barque of Dante (Delacroix) 67 Barth, John 134 Bataille, Georges 103 Baudelaire, Charles 10, 46 Koohaas and 61 and Manct 67-71 Baudrillard, Jean on design 18 Bauhaus archival relations 81 design program 18-19 Baxandall, Michael Painting and Experience in Fifteenth-Century Italy 88-9 Bell, Larry 119 Memories of Mike 112 Benglis, Lynda 105 Benjamin, Walter 10 "Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction" 75-8, 156П on Art Nouveau 25-6 "The Author as Producer" 76 commodity and space 23 exhibition value 81 on the outmoded 138-9 on Surrealism 138-9 Theses on the Philosophy of History" 75, 76 on Wölfflin 100 Bernai, Martin 159л Bibliothèque de France 49 Bilbao Guggenheim Museum 27-9.35. 35-6, 41 Bloom, Harold 134 Body art 126, 128 Body Criticism (Stafford) 89, 93 brands architecture 28-9 design 20-1 retail space 23-4 Breton, Andre 60 The Bride Stripped Bare by Her Bachelors, Even (Duchamp) 132-4 Brooks, David 14yn Brooks, Van Wyck 146П Brosses, Charles de Du culte des dieux fétiches 102 Brown, 'l ina 146-7 on taste and power 9 "brows" see highbrow/low brow Buchloh, Benjamin 128 Burger, Peter 129 Theory of the Avant-Garde 128 Cage, John 113 Cardiff, Janet 139 Cavell, Stanley 121 Center for Art and Media Technology, Karlsruhe 48 Challenging Art: Artforum 1962-74 (Newman, ed) 115-22 see Artforum Chiat Day Building 32 China Koolhaas's Great Leap Forward 57-8 Chung, Chuihua Judy 56 Cimabue 84 cinema 131 cities see architecture; New York City Clark, T. J. 19 class fantasy of classlessness 9 h i gh b row/lo wb row hierarchy 3 replaced by cultural distinctions 8-9 Clifford, James 91 Clinton, Bill market research 7 Coleman, James 137 Conceptual art 126, 128 consumerism and design 23, 25 as public activity 55-6 Contingent (Hesse) 115 Cooper, Dennis 131 Coover, Robert 134 Coplans, John 106, 115-16 Crary, Jonathan Techniques of the Observer 89 Crow, Thomas 121 cultural studies 90-1 UK-US differences 8 culture marketing branding 20-1 culture industry и research 7 Seabrook's Nobrow 3-12 total world of design 17-22 Cunningham, Merce 113 Cunningham, Michael The Hours 134 Dada 127 and modernism ш Dali, Salvador 52 and Le Corbusier 60 Danto, Arthur 124 Darabjerd I (Stella) tu De Palma, Brian 134 Dead Man (film) 134—5 Debord, Guy 129 rise of spectacle и INDEX 173 The Society of the Spectacle 41-2, 127 Déjeuner sur l'herbe (Manet) 68, 69, 70 Delacroix, Eugène The Barque of Dante 67 Deleuze, Gilles 24 on minor literature 169 Delillo, Don 131 Delirious New York (Koolhaas) 43-7 51-4 60 Derrida, Jacques hauntology 135 design Bauhaus program 18-19 current ubiquity of 17-18 Maus Life Style 22-5 and postmodernism 25 Disney Corporation "Disney Space" 56-7, 61 and Gehry 32, 36 Douglas, Stan 137 failed utopias and obsolete technologies 139-41 Overture 140 Du culte des dieux fétiches (de Brosses) юг Duchamp, Marcel The Bride Stripped Bare by Her Bachelors, Even 132-4 Etant donnés 132-3 Fountain 17 Durham, Jimmie 141, 142 Egoyan, Atom 131 The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte (Marx) 128 Eliot, T. S. 108 "Tradition and the Individual Talent" 67 The Emigrants (Sebald) 17011 EMR Communications and Technology Center 33 Erickson, Steve 131 Essai sur le don (Mauss) 86 Etant donnés (Duchamp) 132-З ethnography in art 9°-4 ethnology i6on Europe grands projets 48 modernist architecture 47-8 Experience Music Project 36, 38 fascism and art history 74-5 feminism and Artforum 105, 117 first Mirror Displacement (Smithson) n4 Flavin, Dan no formalism 108, 154 Foucault, Michel 65 archival relations 80 on Borgessencyclopedia 98-100 ethics 22 Frampton, Kenneth 30 Freud, Sigmund on the artist 40 Fried, Michael 68, 100-1 dialectic of modernism 126, 154 and Greenberg 109-u on Minimalism 120 on the significance of Artforum 116, 117-21 Gangsta rap 9 Geffcn, David 6 Gehry, Frank 22, 24 evolution 29-36 Bilbao Guggenheim Museum 27-9.35 35-6 38'41 Fish Sculpture 34 34-5 proposed NY Guggenheim 36, 38-40.39 Santa Monica residence 2 29 Winton Guest House 3'. 3' Géricault, Theodore The Raft of "The Medusa" 67 Germania (Haacke) 3 Germany 130. 3 Gesamtkunstwerk Art Nouveau 3—5 Ghost Dog (film) *34 The Giant (Wall) 99 Gober, Robert 131-4, '33 Gonzalez-Torres, Felix 4 Good Looking (Stafford) 93 Gottlieb, Robert 146-7 Great Leap Forward (Koolhaas) 54-62 Greenberg, Clement 8, 86, 104 Art and Culture 107 and Artforum 107-12, H9 120 "Avant-Garde and Kitsch 162-3 on modernism 84, 126, 154 "Modernist Painting 107 Gropius, Walter 47 Gruen, Victor 55 Guattari, Felix 24 on minor literature 169 Guggenheim Museum, Bilbao 27-9.35.35-6, 4' Guggenheim Museum, New York (proposed) 36, 38-40.39 Guggenheim Museum (Wright) 39- 40, 61 Gursky, Andreas Untitled V 20-1 Haacke, Hans Germania i3* Hammons, David 141, И2 Hardt, Michael 54 Harrison, Wallace 47-8 Harvard Design School Gutde to Shopping (Koolhaas) 54-62 Harvey, David 23 174 INDEX Hauser, Arnold 86 Haussman, Baron 61 Hegel, Georg W. F. 93 on history 124 Heidegger, Martin Alexandrian archive 162л "The Age of the World Picture" 94 Hendrix, Jimi 38 Hess, Tom 108 Hesse, Eva Contingent 115 highbrow/lowbrow 146 Seabrook's Nobrow 3-12 Hirst, Damien 105 history and trauma 130-5 see also art history Hoffmann, Josef Art Nouveau interior 16 Hollier, Denis 163м Hong Kong 58-9 Hood, Raymond 47-8 Horkheimer, Max culture industry 11 House (Whiteread) 136, 136-7 Ibsen, Henrik The Master Builder 26 Identity 7-8 individuality and expression 40-1 Island Within an Island (Orozco) 143, 143 Izenour, Steven Learning from Las Vegas (et al) 33, 47 Jacobs, Jane 57 Jameson, Fredric 38 Jarmusch, Jim 134-5 Jerde, Jon 55 Johns, Jasper 111, 113 Johnson, Denis 131 Johnson, Philip 22 Judd, Donald 110, 119, 124 Kant, Immanuel 93 "What is Enlightenment?" 102 Karlsruhe Center for Art and Media Technology 48 Kentridge, William 137-8 Klee, Paul Angelus Hovus 76, 77 Koolhaas, Rem on Bigness 51, 57 Delirious Hew York 43-7, 51—4 60 Great Leap Forward 54-62 Harvard Design School Guide to Shopping 54-62 S, M, L, XL 22, 45, 51-2, 57 Seattle Public Library 24 Koons, Jeff 105 Kosuth, Joseph 124 Kozloff, Max 108 and Greenberg 109 md Artforum 116 Kracauer, Siegfried 23, 75 Kraus, Karl 14, 17, 72 Krauss, Rosalind and Artforum 105, 107, 108, 116, 119, 120 dialectic of modernism 117 and Greenberg 109-11 "Sculpture in the Expanded Field" 126-7 Krier, Leon and Rob 47, 48 La DS (Orozco) 142 language Lévi-Strauss on signification 86-7 Le Corbusier 47 and Dali 60 Learning from Las Vegas (Venturi et al) 33, 47, 52 Leavis, F. R. Scrutiny 108 Leider, Philip and Artforum 105, 114-17 and Greenberg 109, 111-12 Lévi-Strauss, Claude on signification 86-7 LeWitt, Sol 127 Life Style (Mau) 22-5 Lille "Euralille" 49, 50 51 literature "minor" defined 169 trauma and narrative 131 Loos, Adolf "Ornament and Crime" 14-16 Louis, Morris Aleph 110 Louvre IV (Struth) 66 Lucas, George 6 Lukács, Georg 72 MacDonald, Dwight 8 McEwan, Ian 131 McLuhan, Marshall 24 Malraux, André 70-1, i57", 158П on the mechanical reproduction of art 77-8 The Voices of Silence 79 84, 94 Manet, Edouard 126 and Baudelaire 67-71 Déjeuner sur l'herbe 68, 69 70 Fried on 112 Marcus, George 91 Marx, Karl commodity fetishism 72 101 The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte 128 "Theses on Feuerbach" 129 Marxism 125 The Master Builder (Ibsen) 26 Mau, Bruce Lifestyle 22-5 Mauss, Marcel Essai sur le don 86 INDEX 1 7 5 Medvedev, Pavel 83 Memories of Mike (Bell) na Michelson, Annette and Artforum 105, 108, 113, 116 Minimalism 110-11, no, 126 in Artforum 114-15 Miss, Maty 127 Mnemosyne Atlas (Warburg) 69.73 mnemotechny 67-5) modernism in American and European architecture 47-8 dialectic of 117-22, 126 Greenbergon 84 and postmodernism 126-9 modernity social transformations 60 Monte, James 106 Moore, Charles 30 Morris, Robert 111 Morrison, Toni 131 Mrs. Dalbway (Woolf) 134 museums 1570 without walls 70-1, 77-8, 84 see also archives; Guggenheim Musil, Robert 15, 25 Negative Dialectics (Adorno) 129 Negri, Antonio 54 neo-avant-garde 141-2 and avant-garde 127-9 Neutra, Richard 29 New York City and Abstract Expressionism 106 Koolhaas's Delirious New York 43-54 Manhattanism 43-6, 57, 59 proposed Gehry Guggenheim 36, 38-40. 39 skyline and dirigible 44 The New Yorker Seabrook's Nobrow 3-6 Newhouse, Si 146-7П Newman, Amy Challenging Art: Artforum 1961-74 104-5, 116 Newman, Barnett 106, 107 Nietasche, Friedrich ethics 22 Nobrow: The Culture of Marketing, the Marketing of Culture (Seabrook) 3-12 Noland, Kenneth no, 119 O'Brien, Tim 131 October 18, 1977 (Richter) 131 O'Doherty, Brian 116 Office for Metropolitan Architecture (OMA) 45, 48-53, 60-1 Bibliothèque de France 49 "Euralille" 49.50 51 Seattle Public Library 53 O'Hara, Frank 108 Oldenburg, Claes 32, 37 Olitski, Jules 110, 117 "Ornament and Crime" (Loos) 14-16 Orozco, Gabriel 141, 142-3 Island Within an Island ИЗ. 43 La DS 142 Yielding Stone 142-3 Overture (Douglas) 140, 140-1 Painting and Experience in Fifteenth-Century Italy (Baxandall) 88-9 Panofsky, Erwin 74-5, '°8 symbolic form 86, 87-8 pathetic fallacy 101-2 Pemiola, Mario 95 Polke, Sigmar 78 Pollock, Jackson 106, 107 performative 111 Pop and architecture 30-2, 37-8 and modernism 111 Portman, John 52 postmodernism architecture 37-8 Gehry's architecture 32-4 and modernism 126-9 nonsynchronous forms 141-2 poststructuralism 125 power relations and hierarchy of taste 9 Prada 60-1 Prináples of Art History (Wölfflin) 73-4, 85, 94 Process art 126, 128 Proust, Marcel on museums 1531 Remembrance of Things Past 140-1 and Valéry 71-3 The Raft of "The Medusa " (Géricault) 67 Raimondi, Marcantonio 70 Ratcliff, Cater 108 Rauschenberg, Robert 78, 111, 113 Remembrance of Things Past (Proust) Douglas's installation 140-1 Richter, Gerhard 78, 131 October 18, 1977 131 Riegl, Alois 84, 90 on autonomy 103 Kunstwollen 86-7 The Rings of Saturn (Sebald) 169-70П Rockefeller Center 47 Rose, Barbara on Abstract Expressionism 106 and Artforum 107, 108 and Greenberg 109-11 Rosenberg, Harold 104 and Artforum 107-8 176 INDEX Rosenblum, Robert 109 Rossi, Aldo Architecture of the City 52 S, M, U XL (Koolhaas) 22, 45, 51-2. 57 Sahlins, Marshall on anthropology 92 Sassen, Saskia 23 Schapiro, Meyer 107 "The Social Bases of Art" 41 Schjeldahl, Peter 108 Scorsese, Martin 134 Scott-Brown, Denise Learning from Las Vegas (et al) 33, 47 Seabrook, John Nobrow: The Culture of Marketing, the Marketing of Culture 3-u Seattle Public Library 53 Sebald, W. G. 131 The Emigrants 170П The Rings of Saturn 169-70 n Semper, Gottfried 87 September и attacks 43-4, 43 Serra, Richard 37, 111 Untitled щ Shenzhen 57-9 Simmel, Georg 23 Smithson, Robert 112, 127 First Mirror Displacement 114 "The Social Bases of Art" (Schapiro) 41 The Society of the Spectacle (Debord) 41-2, 127 Stafford, Barbara Maria Body Criticism 89, 93 Good Looking 93 Statue of Liberty 37-8 Stella, Frank 70, 119, 126 Darabjerd I tu and Greenberg 110-11, 112 Stern, Robert 30 Stewart, Martha 18, 22 Struth, Thomas Louvre IV 66 Surrealism Benjamin on 138-9 and design 19 and fetishism 102-3 Koolhaas and 45, 52 and modernism ш symbolic logic in anthropology 92 taste The New Yorker 5 Techniques of the Observer (Crary) 89 technology computer-aided architecture 34-6, 40 computers 93-8, 162 "The Age of the World Picture" (Heidegger) 94 Theory of the Avant-Garde (Bürger) 128 "Theses on Feuerbach" (Marx) 129 "Theses on the Philosophy of History" (Benjamin) 75, 76 Tiravanija, Rikrit 141, 142 trauma 130-5 use value and art value 17 Valéry, Paul 78 Venice Biennale 131 Venturi, Robert Learning from Ixts Vegas (et al) 33, 47.48, 52 Vidier, Anthony 162 View of an Ideal City (anonymous) 96-7 Virilio, Paul 53 Vitra International Headquarters 33 The Voices of Silence (Malraux) 79, 84, 94 Walker, Kara 137 Wall, Jeff The Giant 99 Warburg, Aby 90, 155 Mnemosyne Atlas 69 73 Warhol, Andy 78 Brillo Box 124 and cultural marketing 12 Warnke, Martin 74 "What is Enlightenment?" (Kant) Ю2 Whiteread, Rachel 134, 135-7 House 136 136-7 Winton Guest House 31 Wolfe, Tom 119 Wölfflin, Heinrich 84 Benjamin on 100 and formalism 154л and modernism 126 Principles of Art History 73-4. 85, 94 psychobioiogy of artists 88 Woolf, Virginia 134 "The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction" (Benjamin) 75-8 World Trade Center attack on 43-4 Wright, Frank Lloyd Guggenheim Museum 39-40 Wu, Gordon 58-9 Yielding Stone (Orozco) 142-3 Zeebrugge sea terminal 48 Zhuhai 57-8
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