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Volltext:Index Note', references to illustrations and captions are in italic. There may also be textual references on the same pages. abstract art 183, 184, 190-1 and disinterest 184, 190 Abstraction, White Rose II (O'Keeffe) 46 aesthetic determinability 45-6, 115 aesthetic ideas 83 Flandrin 67 Kant 58-9 Pater 150 and readymades 179-80 in Runge 61-2 Aesthetic Letters (Schiller) 45, 115 Aestheticism 129, 152 aesthetics, beginnings of 40-1 African sculpture 169-70 agreeableness 43, 160 Ajitto (Mapplethorpe) 200 Anti-Aesthetic: Essays on Postmodern Culture, The (ed. Foster) 193 Apelles 17 Apollo Belvedere (anon) 19, 27, 28, 73, içç Winckelmann on 27—9 Apples (Cézanne) 170, 772, 174, 184 Arensberg, Walter 180 Arrangement in Grey and Black: Portrait of the Painter s Mother (Whistler) 148, 149 Arrival at Meknès (Delacroix) 8y art 12-13 autonomy of 75-6, 154-5 and literature 83, 88, 144 and modernity 103-9, 129-30 and music 143-8, 176, 184 and religion 74-6, 80-2, 97, 116, 126—7, 128-9 Art (Bell) 160, 167, 174 art criticism: formalist 182 homoeroticism in 29-30 Kant s effect on 47-9 Pater and 127-8 Swinburne and 124-6 Whistler and 141-2 see also Fry; Gautier; Greenberg; Stendhal art history 15-27, 193-204 art theories: art for art s sake {l'artpour l'art) 75-6, 97, 98-101, 140—i, 151—2 Baudelaire 102-6, 107-9 Courbet 91-3 Cousin 71-6, 77 Delacroix 82-6 in France 68-77 Greenberg 189-90 Ingres 89-90, 94 Quatremère 76-7 Staël and 68-71 Artist in Despair over the Magnitude of Ancient Fragments, T6e(Fuseli)j2, 200 Athlete Wrestling with a Python (Leighton) 145, 146 Attic Series III (Mangold) içy Attitudes of Lady Hamilton (Novelli) j8 Awakening Conscience, The (Hunt) III, 112, 113 Azaleas (Moore) 114, 115 Balvay, Charles-Clément, see Berne Bar at the Folies-Bergère, A (Manet) 157, 158 Bather ofValpinçon (Ingres) 98, çç Baudelaire, Charles 12, 124, 125 art theory 102-6, 107-9 on beauty 101-3, 107-9, 126 'The Painter of Modern Life' 102-3, 202 and realism 102 Baumgarten, Alexander Gottlieb 40 beau idéal76-7, 89-90, 94 beauty 160 Baudelaire on 101-3, 107-9, 126 Bell on 160-2 Cousin on 72-5, 77 Delacroix on 65, 82-7, 109 dependent 50, 51-4 and disinterest 43-4 double aspect of 86, 102 and eroticism 30-1; see also Cousin; Ingres; Gautier; Rossetti, D. G. free 50-1, 56-7 and French system of art-teaching 65-7 Fry on 160 219 homosexuality and 30-1 Ingres on 90-1 Kant on 41-3 Newman on 160 Pater on 152 return to 194-6, 200-2 and rules 47, 63, 65 Ruskin on 115-16 Swinburne on 152 Winckelmann on 17-18, 22, 28-9, 40, 47 Beerbohm, Max 161 Bell, Clive 160, 161, 167, 174 Belvedere Torso (anon) 19, 21 Bernini, Gianlorenzo 27 Bervic (Charles-Clément Balvay) Beyle, Marie-Henri, see Stendhal Black Square (Malevich) 176, /77 Blake, William 125 Blue Iris (Zaman) 44 Blue Poles: Number II, 1952 (Pollock) 180-1, 186 Blue Venus (Mein) 197 Bocea Baciata (D. G. Rossetti) 116, //7, 118-19, 145 Boccaccio, Giovanni 118 Bouillon, Pierre 39 Boulevard des Capucines (Monet) 108 Bowl (Song dynasty) 168-9, *68 Boyce, George Price 138-9 Braque, Georges 182-3, T$3 Burial at Omans, A (Courbet) 101, 108 Burne-Jones, Edward 136, /37, 139, 140, 140, W ASS in libel case 152, 154 Cameron, Julia Margaret: Call, I Follow, I Follow, Let Me Die 121 Carrying the Scrolls of the Law (Solomon) /20 Cézanne, Paul 166, /67, 170, /72, 174, 184 Bell on 167 Fry on 165-7, Х1°~Ъ Greenberg on 185 Cézanne (Fry) 170, 173 Changing Things (Hodges) 195, 196 Chardin, Jean-Baptiste-Siméon^#, 49 Charles Baudelaire (Manet) 102 Charles-Marie-Jean-Baptiste Marcotte (Ingres) 90, 91 Chatillon, Auguste de 96 Cicero, Marcus Tullius 17 Clark, Kenneth 27, 28, 29, 158 Colvin, Sidney 139, 159 commercialism 182-3 Composition VI(Kandinsky) 176, ij8 Composition ij (van Doesburg) 176, /77 Corinne (Staël) 68 Corinne at CapeMiseno (Gérard) 68, 69 Cornforth, Fanny ну, 150 Courbet, Gustave /00, /о/, io8, 121, 122 art theory 91-3 and realism 100 Cousin, Victor: art theory 71-6, 77 on beauty 72-5, 77 erotic in art, objections to 72, 98 Critical Termsfor Art History 203 Critique of Judgement (Kant) 40-7, 49, 50, 52-3, 54, 69-70, 178, 182 genius 58-9, 62-3 intentionality 56-8 sublime 56 Cromwell (Hugo) 82 Crouching Vernes (Anon) 18 Cubism 57-8, 176 Cutting the Ties That Bind (Duffy) 200, 201 Daedalus and Icarus (Leigh ton) íjé Danto, Arthur C. 196 David, Jacques-Louis 33, 48, 50, 54, 73, 74 Dawn (Solomon) 136, ij8 De Г Allemagne (Staël) 68-9 Death of Socrates, The (David) 73, 74 Decameron (Boccaccio) 118 Delaborde, Henri 90 Delacroix, Eugène 77-8, 79, 80, 8y, 88, 89 art theory 82-6 on beauty 65, 82—7, 109 and ideal 84-8 in North Africa 86-7 Denis, Maurice 176 design 160, 161, 166 didacticism 11, 49, 113-14 disability 200 disinterest: and abstract art 184, 190 and beauty 43—4 formalism and 173, 174-5 Kant on 43-5, 46-7 dream imagery 57-8 Du vrai, du beau et du bien (On the true, the beautiful and the good, Cousin) 71, 100 Duchamp, Marcel 49 readymades 57-8, 178-80, /79 Duffy, Mary 200, 201 Dumas, Marlene 195 Duve, Thierry de 193 Emeric-David, Toussaint-Bernard 76, 135 eroticism 30-1, 72, 94-5, 97~8, 132 Essay on the Nature, the End and the Means of Imitation in the Fine Arts (Quatremère) 77 Fantin-Latour, Henri /07 Farnese Hercules 20, 21 Fazio's Mistress (Rossetti, D. G.) i2j, 145 Flandrin, Hippolyte 65, 66, 67, 124, 200 220 INDEX Fleurs du та/, Les (B audelaire) ioi, 124, 125 folk art 188 formalism 12, 159, 161-2 associated ideas 162, 164, 166-7, 173-4, 175 Colvin and 139 and disinterest 173, 174-5 Fry and 162—73 Gautier and 98 Greenberg and 190 Kant and 59 and prejudice 169-70 Whistler and 148-9 formalist aesthetics 161—2 formalistcriticism 182 Foster, Hal 193 Fountain (Duchamp) 178-80, 179 Frankenthaler, Helen 186, 187 Friedrich, Caspar David 53—6, 57, 58-9 Rückenfigur 54-6 Fry, Roger 12, 157-8, 159-60, /59 on African sculpture 169—70 on beauty 160 on Cézanne 165-7, 170-3 on design 160, 161, 166 An Essay in Aesthetics' 160, 175 formalism 162-73 on Giotto 162-4 on Post-Impressionism 167-8 on Song bowl 168-9 Fuseli, Henry32, 200 Gaskell, Ivan 203 Gauguin, Paul 12, 165 Gautier, Théophile 67, 88 erotic in art 94-5, 98 and formalism 98 on Grande Odalisque 94-5 on Ingres 94-8 l'artpourVart%(), 94-9, 101 genius 58-9, 62-3, 76 Gerard, François 68, 69 Gćricault, Theodore 74, 75, 83, 84, 84 Giotto 162-5, I^9 GirlRunningwith Wet Canvas (Rockwell) 182-3, Girl with a Basket of Fruit, A (Leighton) 119, 120 Girodet-Trioson, Anne-Louis52, 53, 54 Glass of Water and Coffee Pot (Chardin) 48, 49 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von 27, 29-30, 38 Grande Odalisque (Ingres) 95 Greenberg, Clement: on abstract art 183, 184, 187-8, 189, 190-1 art theory 189-90 Avant-Garde and Kitsch' i8r, 182, 188 on folk art 188 and formalism 182, 186, 190 on Impressionists 185 on Kant 186—7 on modernism 183-5, ^6-7, 188 'Modernist Painting' 185, 186, 188 on music and art 184 on Pollock i8o, 185-6 on taste 181-2 'Towards a Newer Laocoön 183-4, 185, 187-8 Grosvenor Gallen' 152 grotesque 82 Guys, Constantin 103, 104, 105 Hamilton, Sir William 37 Hart, Emma (Lady Hamilton) 36, 57, j8 Head of a Woman (Burne-Jones) 140 Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich 11, 68 Hickey, Dave 194-5 hierarchy 11-12, 49 Hiffeman, Jo 121, 122 Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Washington, DC 194 History of Ancient Art (Winckelmann) 17-19, 24"5 32-3 40 Hodges, Jim 195, /96 homoeroticism 29-31 Hugo, Victor 82, 85 Hunt, William Holman III, 112, 113, 119 ideal 54 Cousin on 73-4 Delacroix on 84-6 and genius 76 Ingres on 80-2, Quatremère on 76—7 Staël on 70-1 Illustrated London News 103 imitation 59, 85, 90, 102 Immanuel Kant (Schnorr) 41 Impressionism and Impressionists 57-8, 165, 185 Ingres, Jean-Auguste-Dominique 77-8, 80, 124 art theory 89-90, 94 on beauty 90-1 and eroticism 94 Gautier on 94-8 imitation, theory of 90 intentionality 56-8, 178-80 Invisible Dragon: Four Essays on Beauty, The (Hickey) 194-5 Iznik pot II, 72 Jo, the Beautiful Irishwoman (Courbet) /2/, 122 Johann Joachim Winckelmann (Kauffman) 16 Johann Joachim Winckelmann (Mengs) 16, 33-4 Judgement of Paris, The (Rubens) 72 judgement of taste 45-7, 49-50, 179-80 Jupiter and Thetis (Ingres) 9 3, 94 INDEX 2 2 1 Kandinsky, Wassily 176, 178 Kant, Immanuel 40, 41, 69-70, 83, 97, 170, 188-90 aesthetic ideas 58-9 agreeableness 43, 115, 122 art criticism, effect on 47-9, 68-71, 75 on beauty 41-3, 75, 77, 97, 103, 107, 196 disinterest 43-5, 46-7, 173 genius 58-9, 62-3, 106 Greek sculpture, beauty of 54 Greenberg on 186—7 human figure 52-3 intentionality56-8, 105 judgement of dependent beauty 50 judgement of free beauty 50, 85-6, 161 judgement of taste 45-7, 49-50, 179, 181-2, 186 originality 63 and Romanticism 59 sublime 56, 161 Kauffman, Angelica /6, 36, 37, 70 Klee, Paul 189, 190 Klein, Yves /97 Kounellis, Jannis 199-200, 199 Laocoön 14, 22-7, 25, 26, 38 Laocoön (Bervic) jp Laocoön (Rubens) 23 Laocoön, or On the Limits of Painting and Poetry (Lessing) 27, 183 Lawrence, Thomas 37 Leighton, Frederic 119, 120, 139, 140, 142, ИЗ nudes 132-4, ij2y 136 sculpture 145, 146, 147 Leonardo da Vinci 65, 66, 130, 149-51 Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim 27, 183 literature, art and 83, 88, 144 Little White Girl, The {Symphony in White, No. 2, Whistler) /22, 123-4, 144 Lysippus 24 'Ma Jolie' (Picasso) 176 MacCarthy, Desmond 158, 161 Male Reliquary Figure (Fang, Gabon) 170, /7/, r74 Malevich, Kasimir 176, 177 Manet, Edouard 42, /02, /об, 157, 158 Greenberg on 185 and modernism 157 Manet and the Post-Impressionists exhibition I57"8 Mangold, Robert 196, 197 Mapplethorpe, Robert 200, 200, 201 Marius the Epicurean (Pater) 128 Martin, Agnes 202—3, 204 Mengs, Anton Raphael /6, 33-4, 33 Mimesis (Paolini) 198—9, 198 mirrors 90 symbolism of 122-4 Modern Painters (Ruskin) 115—16 modernism 161-2 end of 10, 193-4 Greenberg on 183-5, ^6-7, 188 Manet and 157 modernity 103-9, 129-30 and antiquity 106, 108, 157 Mona Lisa (Leonardo) 130, 149-50 Mondrian, Piet 149, 185, 189 Monet, Claude 108 Moore, Albert/j^, 135, 136, 139, 152 music, art and 114, 115, 142, 143, 144 morality 74-5, 98-9, 101, 126 Morning (Runge) 6/, 62 Morris, William 128 Mountains and Sea (Frankenthaler) 186, 187 music, art and 143-8, 176, 184 Music in the Tuileries (Manet) 106 Musicians, The (Moore) 142, 143, 144 neoclassicism 32, 33-4 Newman, Barnett 160, 161 Night Sea (Martin) 204 Nocturne in Black and Gold (Whistler) 152, 133, 44 155 Noli me tangere (Mengs) 34, 33 Novelli, Pietro Antonio 38 Nude, The (Clark) 27 nudes: female 98, 131-8 male 136-8 Oath of the Horatiiy The (David) 48, 50, 54 objets trouvés 57-8 O'Keeffe, Georgia 46 Old Water-Colour Society 136 originality, genius and 63 Oxford Book of Modern Verse, The (ed. Yeats) 151 Paolini, Giulio 198-9, 198 Pater, Walter 127-8, 130 art for art's sake 128-9 beauty 152 on Leonardo's Mona Lisa 149-51 music and art 184 'The School of Giorgione' 144-5 perception 40 Phidias 17, 94 photography 119-21, 200 Phyllis andDemophoön (Burne-Jones) 136, *37 Picasso, Pablo 13, 176 Pietà (Giotto) 162-5, 163, 189 Pine Tree Landscape (Sugimoto) 202—3 Planche, Gustave 99 222 INDEX Plato 71-2, 73-4 Pliny the Elder 15 Poe, Edgar Allen 126 Poems and Ballads (Swinburne) 126 Pollock, Jackson 175, 180-1, 180-1, 186 Greenbergon 180, 185-6 Polyclitus 17 Pool at the Jas deBouffan, The (Cézanne) 165 Porcelain bowl with green glaze and gold rim (Rie) 169 Portrait of Emma Hart (Lawrence) 37 Portrait ofJean-Baptiste Belley (Girodet- Trioson)52, 53, 54 Portrait ofP.-J. Prottdhon in 1853 (Courbet) 100 Portrait of Théophile Gautier (Chatillon) 96 Portrait Photograph of the Painter Frederic Leighton (Wynfield) 121 portraits 90, 149-51 Post-Impressionists and Post-Impressionism 165, 167-8 Pot Decorated with a Woman s Head (Gauguin) 12 Praxiteles 17 Prix de Rome 65 Proudhon, Pierre-Joseph 100 Pygmalion 29 Quatrcmère de Quiney, Antoine- Chrysostome 90, 94, 135 art theory 76-7 Quintilian 17 racial issues 53-4 Raft of the Medusa, The (Géricault) 74, 75, 84 Raphael 33, 34, 62, 73, 80, 81 readymades 57-8, /79 and taste, subjectivity of 179-80 realism 100-1, 102; see also Courbet Reflections on the Imitation of Greek Works in Painting and Sculpture (Winckelmann) 23Gi"2, 33 Regarding Beauty: A View of the Late Twentieth Century exhibition 194 religion, art and 74-6, 80-2, 97, 116, 126—7, 128-9 Revue des DcuxMondes 85, 97 Rie, I mcie 169 Rockburne, Dorothea 196, 197 Rockwell, Norman 182-3, 183 Romanticism 59, 79-80, 82 Rose Garden (Klee) 190 Rossetti, Dante Gabriel 131, 132, 139, 140 and eroticism 132 and Venetian Renaissance painting 116-19, 117, 123, 145 Rossetti, William Michael 119, 126-7 Rubens, Peter Paul 23, 72 Runge, Philipp Otto 50, 3/, 59, 60, 61-2 Ruskin, John 151 on The Awakening Conscience III—13 on beauty 115-16 Whistler's libel case against 152-5 St CeciliaAltarpiece (Raphael) 73 Saturday Even i ng Post 18 2-3, 183 Scene from Tannhäuser {Fantin-Latour) 107 Scenesfrom the Massacres of Chios (Delacroix) 78, 79, 80, 82 Schelling, Friedrich Wilhelm von 68 Schiller, Friedrich 45-6, 115, 196 Schnorr von Carolsfeld, Hans Veit 41 Schopenhauer, Arthur 68 Self-Portrait (Fry) 139 sexual imagery, beauty and 30 Sherman, Cindy 193 significant form 160, 161, 174 Significant Form (Beerbohm) 161 SistineMadonna (Raphael) 33, 34, 62, 80 Sluggard, The (Leighton) 145, 147 Solomon, Simeon 120, 127, 136, 138, 139 Solomon and the Queen ofSheba (Veronese) 116 Song dynasty bowl 168-9 soul 70-1, 86 Spanish Dancing Girl (Leighton) 142, 143, 144 Spray of Leaves with Orange-Lily (Runge) 50, 51 Staël, Madame de (Anne-Louise-Germaine Necker, baronne de Staël-Holstein): art theory 68-71 and ideal 70-1 and Kant's Critique of Judgement 69—70 and soul 70-1 Standing Soldiers (Guys) 103, 109, 105 Steiner, Wendy 10, 195 Stendhal (Marie-Henri Beyle) 79, 82 Still Life with Compotier \Fruit Dish] (Cezanne) 170-3, 172 Still Life with Green Pot and PewterJug (Cezanne) 165-6, 166 Studies in the History of the Renaissance (Pater) 128, 130, 149, 152 Study (Flandrin) 65, 66, 67, 200 Study of Truncated Limbs (Géricault) 83, 84 sublime 56, 161 Sugimoto, Hiroshi 202-j Sunflowers (van Gogh) 42 Surrealism 11, 58 Swinburne, Algernon Charles 115, 123 on art for art's sake 124-6 on Baudelaire 124, 125 on beauty 152 William Michael Rossetti's defence of 126-7 Symbolism 57-8 symbolism 30, 62 mirrors 122-4 INDEX 223 Symphony in White, No. y (Whistler) 142, 143, 144; see also The Little White Girl (Symphony in White, No. 2) Symposium (Plato) 71 taste: Greenberg 011181-2 Kant's judgement of 45-7, 49~50 subjectivity of 179-80 Thomas (Mapplethorpe) 201 Times, The\\i Times of Day, The (Runge) 59, 60, 61 Titian 116, 117-18, 118, 189 Transfiguration (Raphael) 80, 81 Trouble with Beauty, The (Steiner) 10, 195 Two Seated Women (Delacroix) 8y Uberti, Fazio degli 145 universality 46-7 Untitled (Kounellis) 199-200, 199 Untitled Film Still It 14 (Sherman) 143 van Doesburg, Theo 176, ryj van Gogh, Vincent 42, 165 Venetian Renaissance painting 116—18 Venus, A (Moore) 134, 135, 136 Venus (Whistler) 133, 136 Venus de Milo (anon) 134, 135, 200 Venus de'Medici (anon) 30, 31, 135 Venus Disrobingfor the Bath (Leighton) 132, J34 Venus' Mirror ( Burne-Jones) 152, 134, 155 Venus ShowingAeneas and Achates the Way to Carthage (Kauffman) 36 Venus Verticordia (Rossetti, D. G.) 131, 132 Veronese, Paolo 116 Verrocchio, Andrea del 149 Vicomtesse Othenin dHaussonville (Ingres) 90, 92, 108 Vision and Design (Fry) 162, 165, 168, 173 Vitruvian Man (Leonardo) 65, 66 Vow of Louis XIII, The (Ingres) y 8, 80-2 Wagner, Richard 107 Walter Pater (Solomon) 727 Wanderer above the Sea of Fog (Friedrich) 33-6, 5M Watts, George Frederic 139, 140, 141, 197-8 Whistler, James McNeill 121, 122, 123-4, 139, J43 44 and art for art's sake 141-2 formalism 148-9 libel case against Ruskin 152-5 'The Red Rag' 145-8, 149 White Peonies (Manet) 42 Widow of an Indian Chief Watching the Arms of Her Deceased Husband, The (Wright) 5J Wife of Pygmalion, The (Watts) 140, 141, 197-8 Wilde, Oscar 129 William Blake (Swinburne) 124, 126 Winckelmann, Johann Joachim 12, 15, 32-3, 196 on Apollo Belvedere 27—9 art history 15-27 on beauty 17-18, 22, 28-9, 32-6, 40, 47 and contemporary art 31-5 38 homosexuality of 29-30 on Laocoon 22-7 on Raphael 33 on Venus de'Medici 30 Woman atan Easel (Braque) 182-3, 7^J Woman at the Window (Friedrich) 57 Woman with a Mirror (Titian) 118, 189 Women of Algiers (Delacroix) 87, 88, 89 Wright of Derby, Joseph 33 Wynfield, David Wilkie 119, 121 Yeats, William Butler 151 Zaman, Muhammad 44 Zeuxis 36 Zeuxis Selecting Models for His Painting of Helen of Troy (Kauffman) зу, yo 224 INDEX
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