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Volltext:Index 'Abbasid caliphate 164-173 Abel 20 Abishag 69 Abraham 20, 167, 168, 175-180 Adam 13, 15, 16, 20, 21, 33 Adam of Saint-Victor 228 Adoration of the Magi 123, 124, 126 Adso de Montierender 53 Afghanistan 164-170 Ahadith 163 Agnes de Courtenay, first wife of King Amalric of Jerusalem 66, 68 Agony in the Garden 124, 125 Alan of Lille 226, 228 Albert of Aachen 55, 56, 58, 59 Alexander romance 161 al-Ghazali 167 al-Mu'tamid, Caliph 166 Althoff, Gerd 2 Amalric, King of Jerusalem 61, 64-66, 68 Amalric II, King of Cyprus 72 Amato, Piętro 24 Amberger, Christoph 143, 144. 147, 151, 152, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159 'Amr ibn Layth al-Saffar 165, 168 Andrea di Bartolo 127 Angelus 109, 136 Anne, St. 113, 114 Annunciation 118, 119, 120, 121, 126 Antichrist 54 Apafi Klára 108 Apafi Mihály 108 Aries 21 Armâçeni 131, note 76 Aron 21 Ashkenazi Haggadah 174 Assisi 10, 35 Assisi, San Francesco 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 29, 31, 35 Assizes of Jerusalem 50, 52, 53, 56, 57, 58, 59, 61, 62, 65, 66, 69, 73 Assumption of the Virgin 16, 17, 20 Athos 211 Augustine, St. 217, 219, 220, 225 Bacon, Roger 220 Bägaciu 117, note 30, 132 Baghdad 164-166, 170, 171 Bahr al-Favä 'id (Sea of Precious Virtues) 168 Baldwin 1, King of Jerusalem 53, 55, 56, 57, 58 Baldwin II, King of Jerusalem 53, 58, 59, 60 Baldwin III, King of Jerusalem 53, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65 Baldwin IV, King of Jerusalem 66, 67, 69 Baldwin V, King of Jerusalem 67, 68, 69 Balian of Ibelin 68 Bämler, Johannes 174 Baptism 182-184 Barbo, Ludovico, OSB 24 Basra 165, 166, 170 Beham, Bartel 149, 150, 154 Bellarmino, Roberto 15, 27 Bellini, Giovanni 24 Bellini, Jacopo 24 Bellotto, Bernardo, s. Canaletto Bells 109, 110, 111 Belting, Hans 221 Benedict XII, Pope 28 Benedict, St. 22 Benedictines 29, 34 Berthold of Regensburg 112 242 INDEX Bethlehem 55, 56 Biertan 117, note 30, 119, 131 Bistrita (Bistritz, Beszterce) 137 Black Death 31 Boian 117, note 30, 131, note 76 Bonaventura 27 Book of Hours 110, 130, note 72 Bourdieu, Pierre 166 Braccarense I, provincial synod 33 Brädeni (Henndorf, Hegen) 109 Braunfels, Wolfgang 23 Brethren of Common Life 95, 96, 97 Bridget, St. 117 Brown, Elizabeth A.R. 81, 82, 84 Brussels 103 Buddhism 164 Buoncompagno da Signa 28 Burgkmair, Hans 141 Burgundián Court 95, 96 Byzantium 123 Caesarea 50 Canaletto 46 Canonical system 9, 10, 12, 18, 26, 36, 40, 45 Cantilation, monastic 212-220 Cassinese congregation 24 Cassiodorus 221 Catherine of Siena, St. 127, 186 Certeau, Michel de 103, 104, 105 Chalcidius 219 Charlemagne 82, 85 Charles V, King of France 83, 84 Charles V., Emperor 155 Charles IV, King of Bohemia, Holy Roman Emperor 83, 84 Chenu, Marie-Dominique 31 Cherubim 33 Chretien de Troyes 222-225 Claire, St. 19, 20 Clark, Andy 206, 208 Clement, St. 47 Clovis, Kimg 80 Cluj (Klausenburg, Kolozsvár) 132, 137 Cohen, Meredith 91 Condivi, Ascanio 12 Confraternities 110, 111, 113 Conrad of Montferrat 72 Coronation of the Virgin 126 Corrozet, Gilles 79, 80, 82, 86 Council of Basel (1435) 30 Council of Buda (1279) 112, 129 Council of Florence ( 1441 ) 15 Council of Lyon (1274 ) 30, 111 Council of Vienne (1313) 30 Cranach, Lukas 153, 154 Creation 14, 20, 21, 33 Crusades 49-74 Crucifixion 121, 122, 123 Cund 121, note 42, 122, 124, note 46 and 47 Daimbert, Patriarch of Jerusalem 55 Daniel 32 David, King 64, 69 Davis, Michael 84 Denis, St. 87 Denzinger, Heinrich 15 Devotio moderna 95-97, 106 Dillon, Janette 205 Doane, Mary Ann 195 Dogmatic 9 Dominic, St. 127, 136 Dominicans 136, 137, 138 Donors 107, 108, 115, 116, 129, 131, 132, 135, 136 Drama, religious 191-207 Duccio 205 Dumoutet, Edouard 31 Dupuç 121, note 42, 122, 124, 125 Durand Guillaume, bishop of Mende 112 Dura-Europos 175 Dürer, Albrecht 142, 143 Ecclesiastical year 9 Ecclesia 16, 33 Ecclesiology 9, 12, 22 Edward the Confessor 85 Egbert, Virginia Wylie 88 Ehinger, Ulrich and Ursula 155, 156 Ekkehard of Aura 55 Eliezer bar Nathan, Rabbi 184 INDEX 243 Empedocles 224 Enguerrand de Marigny 78 Ettlinger, Leopold D. 12, 14 Eustace de Bouillon 58 Eve 13, 15, 16, 20, 21 Ferner, Luc 54 Figurae , music notational 210-220 Fiçer 121, note 42 Floersheim Haggadah 176 Flood 14 Florence, Baptistery 32 Florence, Santa Maria Maggiore 23 Florence, St. Peter's church 23 Folda, Jaroslav 66 Fra Angélico 33 Francis, St. 19, 20, 29, 35, 135, 136 Franciscans 20, 30, 113, 118, 136, 137, 138 Fröschl, Peter and Anna 144, 145 Fugger, Jakob 156 Fulcher of Chartres 5 5 Fulk of Anjou, King of Jerusalem 60, 61 Gabriel, archangel 33 Gallerani, Andrea 135 Gardner, Julian 21 Gamier, François 58 Genoa 138 Geoffrey of Vinsauf 224 Gérard de Frachet 137, note 95 Gerosa, Guido 9 Gestures 107-138 Ghazna 166 Ghent, Saint-Bavo cathedral 98 Ghent, Vijd Chapel 102 Ghent altarpiece 96-106 Giulio della Rovere 11 Gnadenstuhl 14 Godefroy de Bouillon, King of Jerusalem 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58 Golden Legend 226 Gonfalon 51 Goody, Jack 1 Gottfried of Strassburg 225, 227 Greccio 21, 31 Greenblatt, Stephen 169 Gregory the Great, Pope 30, 127 Groote, Gert 96, 97 Guillaume de Mende 30 Guillaume de Montferrat 68, note 59 Gutmann, Joseph 189, 190 Guy of Lusignan, King of Jerusalem 71 Hail Mary 109, 110, 114, 119, 121, 135 Hälchiu 121, note 42, 124, note 46 and 47 Hamburg Miscellany 174, 176, 177, 179-181, 184, 186-189 Harbison, Craig 96 Hartlieb, Johann 161 Hasenburg Missale 178 Henry III, King of France 76 Henry of Champagne 72 Hileq Bileq Haggadah 181 Hinduism 166 Hoffmann, Banesh 36 Holbein, Hans, the Older 160 Holton, Gerald 36 Honorius of Autun 225- 227 Horace 224 Horgán, John 44 Hospitallers 71, 72 Hugh Capet 82 Hugh of Saint-Victor 227, 229 Humbert of Romans 129 Humphrey of Toron, 72 Hunedoara (Eisenmarkt, Vajdahunyad) 132, 138 Hungary 136 Ibn Qudama 168 Idolatry, Islamic 164, 168-171 Ignudi 33 Imitaüo Christi 96, 106 India 164-171 Indulgences 109, 112, 136 Infanticide 184-186 Innocent III, Pope 30 Isabella, daughter of King Amalric of Jerusalem 68, 72 Isabelle, Queen of England 84 Islam, sumptuary taboos 167 Jacob, ОТ 177, 178 244 INDEX Jacques Androuet du Cerceau 76, 79 Jan van Eyck 95-106 Jaritz, Gerhard 7, 27, 214 Jean de Jandun 83, 85, 88 Jean Pelerin, also known as Viator 76, 79 Jeanne d'Evreux 84 Jewess of Aschaffenburg 184 Jerusalem 49-74 Jerusalem, Celestial 102 Jerusalem, Church of the Holy Sepulchre 50, 53, 55, 56, 60- 62, 64, 66, 68, 71, 73 Jerusalem, Church of Mary Magdalene 71, 72 Jesse 177 Jidvei 126, 133 Jimbor 131, note 76 Joel ben Simeon 174 John of Brienne, King of Jerusalem 72 John the Fearless, Duke of Burgundy 86 Johnoflbelin 50, 52, 57 John Scotus Erigena 228, 229 Jonah 13, 16, 17 Julius II, Pope 11, 12, 20 Jung, Ambrosius and Magdalena 159 Kabul 164, 166 Kantorowicz, Emst 23 Kästner, Erhart 211 Kaufmann Haggadah 172 Kazinczy codex 113, 114 Kirman 164 Kleplat, Hans and Anna, 147, 148 Krautheimer, Richard 23 Lacan, Jacques 193, 201 Lacaze, Charlotte 86, 87, 88, 89 Last Judgment 189 Leliceni (Csíkszentlelék) 136 Leprosy 67 Libri Carolini 223, 228 Ligsalz, Andreas and Apollomia 153 Ligsalz, Hans and Magdalene 150 Lindenberger, Herbert 43 Lobkowicz codex 113 Löcher, Kurt 144 Lollards 191 Louis, St., King of France 50, 78, 79, 84, 85 Louis of Evreux 82 Lucan 224 Ludolphus of Saxony 133, note 81 Ludwig, John 40 Maestro di San Francesco 35 Mainneville 78, 79 Mainz 177 Màlâncrav (Malmkrog, Almakerék) 107, 116, 117, note 30, 120, 124, 126, 130, 131, 136 Malkiel, David 181 Manasses de Hierges, constable of Jerusalem 62 Mann, Thomas 7 Manzoni, Alessandro 7 Manuel 1, emperor of Byzantium 64 Maria Comnena, second wife of King Amalric of Jerusalem 64 Marie de Brabant 81 Marie de Lusignan 72 Marie de Laxembourg 84 Married couples 139-162 Maupassant, Guy de 41 Media? (Mediasch, Medgyes) 115, 116, 121, note 42, 123, 134, 135 Melisende, wife of King Fulk of Jerusalem 60, 62 Meditaliones Vitae Christi 117, 121, 134, note 84, 136, 138 Mekka 166, 169 Mendicants 108, 109, 121, 135, 136, 137, 138 Merz, Wilhelm and Afra, 150, 151 Messiah 186-189 Michael, archangel 33 Michelangelo 11, 12, 16, 17, 32, 38, 39 Mielich, Hans 144, 145, 146, 153 Milites Christi 100, 102 Mirror 99, 100, 101 Mitchell, W.J.T 170 Monasticism 209-220 Moses 21 Mount of Olives 54 INDEX 245 Movile (Hundertbücheln, Szászhalom) 111 Muhammad 163 Muhammad ibn Tahir ibn 'Abdallah, governor of eastern Iran 164, 165 Muir, Edward 1 Multicolouredness 227-229 Münster, Sebastian and Anna 143, 144 Music 9, 221-227 Music, monastic 209-220 Music notation 210-220 Música Enchiriadis 223 Nablus, barons of 71 Nativity 116, 117, 118, 121, 12 6 Neudörfer, Johann and Magdalene, 149 Neuroscience 43 New Testament 22 Nicholas of Cusa 96-98, 103-106 Noah 13, 14, 20, 21, 28 Noë, Alva 206 Norway 30 Notre-Dame School 222, 227 Old Testament 15, 20, 22, 64, 68, 74 Ortalli, Gherardo 26 Ovid 224 Pal m ese I 186 Panofsky, Erwin 18 Pantanis, St. 182, 183 Paradise 13 Paris, Galerie des Merciers 86 Paris, Grand' Salle 75-93 Paris, Sainte-Chapelle 84, 86, 91, 92 Paschalis I, Pope 21 Passover Haggadah 173-189 Pater Noster 114, 136 Patterns 2, 3, 45, 48, 69, 73 Paul, St. 19 Pepin the Short, King 81, 82 Performativity 2 Perugia, Collegio di Commercio 21 Perugino 16, 20 Peter, St. 19, 37 Peter the Chanter 112, 126 Peutinger, Conrad and Margarethe, 157, 158 Pharao, bloodbath 180-186 Pharamond, King 76 Philip III, King of France 81 Philip IV, King of France 75, 76, 81, 84, 85, 88, 89 Philip V, King of France 88 Pianul de Jos (Deutsch-Pien, Alsópián) 111 Piero della Francesca 39 Plato 104, 221 Platvoet, Jan 139, 140, 148 Plinius 153 Polyphony 219-225 Pomposa 10, 18, 19, 31 Pomposa, Benedictine abbey 21, 22 Portraits 139-162 Praglia, library 21 Prejmer 121, note 42, 122 prie-dieu (prayer desk) 114 Procession de Mercare 46, 47 Proçtea Mare 131, note 76 Psalms 209, 211-215, 219 Ptolemy of Lucca 46 Putman, Hilary 34 Quam laudabiliter 33 Quintilian 220 Qu'ran 163, 167, 168 Rashi 186 Ratzeburg, cathedral 31 Ravenna 22 Raymond of Tripoli 53, 68 Reformation 15 Regalado, Nancy 84 Renaud de Châtillon 71 Repetitiveness 2 Reuß, Stephan 153 Revelation 19, 20, 22 Rites des passages 140 Rizin Prayer Book 181 Roadeç 121, note 42 Rogier van der Weyden 103, 197, 200 Roman Church 8, 9, 11, 12 Rome 22 Rome, San demente 16, 18, 47 Rome, San Giovanni in Laterano 23 246 INDEX Rome, St. Peter's basilica 23 Rome, Scala Sancta 26 Rome, Sistine Chapel 10-43 Rosary 110, 111, 114, 120, 133-137 Rosary confraternities 111, 137 Rosso, Fiorentino 35 Rothschild Miscellany 172 Çaeç (Schaas, Segesd) 116, 122, 124, note 46 Saffarids 163 Sailer, Hieronymus and Felicitas 146, 147 Saint-Denis 219, 225 Saint-Jean-d'Acre 50, 69 S am arra 164 Scheit, Onophrius and Anna 154, 155 Schellenberger, Hans and Barbara 141, 142 Schönborn, Christoph 26 Schwarz, Matthäus and Barbara 156, 157 Schwarz, Ulrich 156 Schwerin, cathedral 31 Sebe? 117, 126 Second Darmstadt Haggadah 176 Second Nuremberg Haggadah 181 Seine 88 Seisenegger, Jakob 147 Sibiu (Hermannstadt, Nagyszeben) 112, 121, note 42, 124, note 46 and 47, 132, 133 Sibylle, daughter of King Amalric of Jerusalem 68, 70, 71 Sibylline books 21 Sind 164 Simon, Herbert Alexander 36, 42, 43 Sîntimbru. 117, note 30 Sistan 164, 165, 170 Sisters of Common Life, s. Brethren of Common Life Sixtus IV, Pope 12, 14, 20, 136 Sixtus V, Pope 29 Çmig 117, note 30, 121, note 42, 131, note 76 Smith, Cyril 44 Solomon, Temple of 52, 59, 69, 73 Speculum humanae salvationis 179 Sorel, Julien 15 Soroçtin 117, note 30, 121, note 42, 124, note 46 and 47 Stendhal 15 Suger of Saint-Denis 221-224, 227 §umuleu Ciuc (Csík Somlyó) 116, 131, 136 System elaboration 10, 35, 36, 38, 39, 43 Tâtârlaua 126, 133 Tegernsee, Benedictine abbey 103, 104 Teleki codex 113 Templars 52, 71, 72 Tertiary orders 110 Third Order 137 Thomas Aquinas 27, 46 Thomas à Kempis 95, 96, 97, 106 Toulouse, Saint-Sernon 30 Tradition 9, 10, 12, 14-16, 29, 32 Transylvania 107-138 Trastevere, Santa Maria 30 Trexler, Richard 26 Trinity 14, 15, 30-33, 37 Tucher, Hans and Felicitas 142, 143 Tucher, Hans and Anna 145, 146 Tyre 50, 52 Tyre, Church of the Holy Cross 72 Urban VI, Pope 112 Ursula, St. 182, 183 Vallepietra 32 Varga, Kibedi 192 Venice 9, 14, 23, 24, 45-47 Venice, chapel of Saint Clement 47 Venice, San Marco 24-26, 32, 46, 47 Venice, Santa Maria Maggiore 24 Verona, St. Zeno 16 Viator, see Jean Pelerin Vincentius, master 115, 116, 131 Viollet-le Due 77, note 4, 78 Vir Dolorum 132, 133 Volterra 35 Wandel, Lee 170 Weiss, Martin and Barbara 160 INDEX 247 William, Patriarch of Jerusalem 60, 62 William of Tyre 54, 55, 58, 61, 62, 64, 68, 70 Wittgenstein, Ludwig 37, 38, 45 Wolfram of Eschenbach 182, 183, 226 Wyclif, John 191 Y ahuda Haggadah 181 Yaq'ub ibn Layth 165, 166, 169 Zirlin, Yael 174 Zorer, Georg and Helena 152 Zurich 170 0degaard, Äse 24
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