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Volltext:Index abstract art 23, 24 Academy 44, 149, 200 advertising 21, 22, 26, 46, 56, 58ff, 73, 106 Agitreklama 6 AIZ 9 Alciati, A. 115 allegory 49, 114-15, 155 Althusser, L. 17, 196 American Guide Series 5 Aragon, L. 10 Aretino, P. 149 Aristotle 34, 114, 143, 145, 146, 147 Arnold, M. 3 art history 38, 48, 149, 173-4 art schools 160-1 Austin, J. L. 179 auto-eroticism 122-3 avant-garde 2, 18 Barasch, M. 149 Barthes, R. 16, 19, 65, 71ff, 107, 113, 115, 119, 120, 158 Batteaux, C. 144, 147 Baudelaire, C. 151, 152 Baudrillard, J. 166, 169, 170, 172, 173 Bauhaus 3 Baumgarten, A. G. 149 Beardsley, M. 148 Bell, С. И, 31, 67, 147 Belsey, С. 156 Benjamin, W. 5, 20, 139, 200, 201 Bentham, J. 167 Berenson, В. 53 Black Panthers 61 Berger, J. 84 biologism 84, 100 Bloomsbury 31 Bojko, S. 9 Bosch, H. 136 Botticelli, S. 133 Boucher, F. 114, 150 Bourdieu, P. 185, 189, 190 Brecht, B. 9, 27, 37, 115, 140 bridge words 56 Brass, E. 141, 160 Bryson, N. 146 Cahill, H. 4 canon 159 castration 17, 20, 100, 106, 127, 133 cathexis 61, 85, 120 Cézanne, P. 11, 13 Chicago, J. 104 Chirico, G. de 171-4 Cimabue 13 216 Index 217 codes 20, 22, 72 code switching 24 collecting 152, 172 conceptual art 29, 34, 38-9, 47 condensation 55, 57 connotation 76, 77 considerations of representability 55, 56, 60 constituency 201-2 Constructivism 6 Courtenay, T. 58, 60 Co wie, E. 187 creativity 154 criticism 15, 89, 140ff, 149, 151, 158, 199-201, 202-3 Croce, B. 148, 154 Cubism 9, 11, 18, 36, 67, 68, 106 Culler, J. 194 Dadaists 9 Daguerrotype 36 David, J. L. 146 Davis, S. 4 day-dream 54, 60, 69, 82, 128 Debord, G. 169 decisive moment 19, 115 découpage 16, 19, 125 deferred action 127 Delaroche, P. 36, 179 demand 121 denotation 76, 77 Derrida, J. 31, 32-3, 73, 106, 112, 170, 193, 194, 197 desire 50, 96, 121, 124, 128, 163, 197, 199 Diderot, D. 19, 115, 119, 129, 146, 150 différance 112 différand 203 disavowal 48, 195 discursive formation 62, 100, 181ff discursive statement 200 Disneyland 170 displacement 55, 85, 120 documentary movement 5 Don Juan 102 Dracula 172 dream-work 55 Duchamp, M. 189 Eagleton, T. 156 easle painting 34-5 Eco, U. 18, 24 Eichenbaum, E. 15 Einstein, A. 54, 162 Eisenstein, S. 115 Egbert, D. D. 24 elementary signifier 85, 124, 130 enactive thought 53 Engels, F. 195, 196 Enlightenment 149, 164-5, 167, 168, 176, 177, 180, 181 Enzensburger, H. M. 28 Ermanox camera 8 essence 79 exchange 35, 169, 171, 172 expressionism 108, 156 expression theory 11, 148, 151, 156 expressive formalism 157 expressive realism 157 factography 7, 10 false consciousness 195, 196 fantasy (phantasy) 121ff, 194, 198 primal fantasies 127 Farm Security Administration 5 fashion 174-6, 177 Federal Art Project 4 Federal Theatre Project 5, 10 Federal Writers' Project 5 feminine language 104 feminism 161, 162, 201, 204 feminist theory 41 femininity 41, 104, 107 fetishism 19-20, 42-4, 48, 50, 102, 106, 108, 172, 195 commodity fetishism 195-96 Feuerbach, L. 25 218 Index Ficino, M. 119 filmic of the future 87 fine arts 144 fine print 19 Flintstones 142 formalism 11, 147, 151, 156 fort/da game 82, 86 Foucault, M. 32, 48, 167, 170, 183-84, 201, 202 Freud, S. 21, 32, 40, 42-3, 47, 49, 54, 55-6, 60, 69, 72, 82, 83, 98, 100, 101, 107, 121, 126, 128, 131, 132, 138, 194 Fried, M. 23, 38 Friedlander, L. 63 Fry, R. 11, 31, 147 Fuchs, С. 183 Fuller, P. 84 Futurism 7, 10 Gan, A. 6 genius 151 Giotto 13, 136, 137 Godard, J. L. 161 Goethe, J. W. von 155 Gombrich, E. H. 31, 70, 154 graffiti art 191 Gramsci, A. 192, 201 Green, A. 175 Greenberg, C. Iff, lOff, 23, 26, 29-30, 37, 39, 49, 66, 67, 68, 106, 147, 156, 177 Greuze, J.-B. 115, 150 Guardian, The 175 Habermas, J. 164, 176-7 haiku 76-7 Hard-Won Image, The 46-7 Hausmann, R. 9 Heartfield, J. 9-10, 21 Heisenberg, W. 178 Hindess, В. 185, 186 Hirst, P. 185, 186 hermaphrodite 102 hierarchy of genres 33 hieroglyph 19, 115, 119, 129, 130 history of art 18, 143 history painting 114, 150 Hitchcock, A. 132, 133 Hitler, A. 2, 10, 165 Hjelmslev. L. 182 Horace 114, 145 Horowitz, M. J. 53, 57, 61 House Committee on unAmerican Activities 10 humanism 31-3, 49, 196-7, 200 ideational representative 124 ideology 16ff, 196-7 image 20, 21, 54, 102, 107 imaginary 17, 18, 19, 21, 82, 109, 130, 194, 202 imagination 80, 157 imitation 16 informant narratives 5 inner speech 21, 57 institution 192, 200, 201, 210 intentionality 80, 88 international style 45, 47 interprétants 21 intertextuality 20, 21, 73-4, 87, 125, 133 Irigaray, L. 104 Jakobson, R. 15, 22 Jameson, F. 163, 168, 169, 175, 177, 179, 197, 199, 200 Jetsons 142 Johns, C. 104 Jung, C. 210 Kant, I. 12, 99, 147, 148, 150-1, 155, 177, 180 Khrushchev, N. 24 Klein, M. 86, 123 Knight's move 14 Kristeva, J. 22, 73, 78, 84, 102, 104, 105 Kuleshov, L. 9 laboratory art 6 Index 219 Lacan, J. 17, 43, 72, 81, 83, 84, 96, 98, 100, 121, 123, 128, 130, 162 lack 43, 102, 104 Land of the Free 9 langue 182, 183 Laplanche, J. 124, 125, 127 Lautréamont, Comte de (Isidore Ducasse) 171 Le Brun, С. 145, 148 Leclaire, S. 124 Lef 6, 7, 190 legitimation (crisis of) 176ff Lenin, V. I. 6, 191 legitimating narrative 49, 137, 171, 182, 198, 200 Leica camera 8 Lessing, G. E. 19, 39, 115, 147, 157, 180 liberal arts 143 Lissitsky, E. 9 literarisations 21 Little Hans 47, 104 'Living Newspapers' 5 logocentrism 31-3, 34, 153, 193 Longinus 148 Löwy, M. 187 Lyotard, J.-F. 57, 176, 177, 178, 182, 198, 202 MacLeish, A. 9 McCullin, D. 157 making strange (ostranenie) 15 Malevich, K. 6 Malraux, A. 136, 171 Mandel, E. 169 Manet, E. 13 Manzoni, P. 189 Marx Brothers 101 Marx, K. 25, 40, 42, 43, 49, 169, 194, 195-6 Marxism 166, 187 Masaccio 13 mass culture 2, 3, 19, 45 mass media 18, 204 masterpiece 153, 159 masturbation 193^1, 104 Matisse, H. 44 materialism 25 Mayakovsky, V. V. 6, 7, 14, 21 mechanical arts 142 memory 198 metaphysics of presence 33 Michaeiangelo 13 micro-politics 165-6 mimesis 145, 156 mirror-stage 17 misrecognition 17, 21 modernism Iff, 11 modernity 7 Moholy-Nagy, L. 8 montage 8-10 Moore, G. E. 31 Morris, W. 3, 153 movements 13 Mozhukin, I. 9 Mukarovsky, J. 1, 16 Mulvey, L. 20, 102, 162 naturalism 68 need 121 Neo-Platonists 31, 70, 119, 147 New Economic Policy 6 Newton, H. 20 Olympia 97 Ophelia 109, 133 Orwell, G. 151 overdetermination 19, 55 Panopticon 167-8 parole 182 part-object 86 Pascal, B. 31, 156 Pater, W. 151 patriarchy 43, 47, 48, 127, 166 pattern painting 44 Peirce, C. S. 112, 128 Pêcheux, M. 183 performative 179 peripateia 114, 115, 129, 130, 147 phallocentrism 43, 48 220 Index phallus 43, 100, 102 phenomenology 53, 77, 79-80, 83, 87 photo-montage 18 photo-novel 89 Piaget, J. 57 Picasso, P. 2 Plato 31, 34, 119, 144, 147, 169 Plotinus 119, 147 poetics 1, 15, 16, 25 politics of representation 39, 106 Pontalis, J. B. 127 Pop art 45 Popova, L. 6 popular pre-conscious 58-59, 65, 70 positivism 24 Poster, M. 167, 168 postmodernism 29, 45-6, 49, 162, 163ff, 168, 197-9, 204 post-structuralism 75, 199 Prague School 22 preconscious 83 pregnant moment 115, 129 presence 44 primary processes 22, 55, 57, 84 progress 13 Proletkult 111, 190 propaganda 195 psychic bisexuality 100 psychical reality 138, 196, 198 psychology of perception 53 punctum 78-9, 85, 119, 124, 130 Pythagoras 143 quadrivium 143 Raphael 13 real 21, 22, 41, 82, 130 realism 11 reality 41, 138, 178 rebus 69 recognition semes 19 Repin, A. 2 representation 16, 40-1, 65, 138 reviewing 141, 151-2 Ribettes, J.M. 128, 130 Richardson, T. 58 Ripa, С. 115 Rodchenko, A. 6 Romanticism 30, 33, 38, 148, 150, 151, 153, 155, 156, 157-8, 187-8, 197, 203 Rousseau, J.-J. 150, 193 Royal College of Art 36, 45 Rubens, P. P. 114 Ruskin, J. 3, 153, 156 Russian Formalism 1, 12, 14-16, 22, 25 Ryle, G. 195 Sacher-Masoch 105 Salomon, E. 8 Sartre, J.P. 79, 80, 83 Saussure, F. de 11, 49, 73, 124, 182 Sayre, R. 187 Schelling, F. W. von 155 scopic drive 83 Scrovegni Chapel 136-7 secondary processes 57 secondary revision 55, 56 semiology 72, 75, 90 'semiotic' (Kristeva) 22, 84 semiotics 73 sexism 100, 187 Shahn, B. 5 Shakespeare, W. 40 Shklovsky, V. 14, 15, 16, 22, 101, 161 signifiance 22, 78, 84, 85, 87 signification 22 Sillitoe, A. 58 simulacra 3 simulacrum 169-70, 174, 176 social realism 4 Socialist Realism 10, 24, 180 Socrates 31, 70 Index 221 specific intellectual 201 specificity 47, 68, 138-9, 177, 180 stained glass 36 Stalin, J. 2, 10, 24, 27, 165 Stedman-Jones, G. 162 Steiglitz, A. 67 Stendhal, M. H. B. 152, 153 Stott, W. 9 studium 78-9, 84, 130 subject 17, 40-2, 50, 65, 69, 98, 138, 168, 198, 199 sublime 148, 177 supplement 170, 193ff, 197 Surrealism 10 surveillance 166-8 symbol 155, 156 symbolic 17, 18, 22, 82, 130 symbolic capital 190 Symbolism 12, 15 Szarkowski, J. 65-7, 68 tableau 19, 129, 130, 133, 136 Tate Gallery 46 technology 34, 36-7, 49 Telingater, S. 9 Tendenzkunst 9 terrorism 166 text 23, 65, 73 theory 89-90 Tocqueville, A. de 2, 26 Todorov, T. 12 tradition 12 trivium 143 tuché 81, 82 unconscious 55, 69, 83, 108, 126, 137, 196 collective unconscious 210 trans-individual unconscious 113, 127, 128 universal intellectual 201 usage 182 ut pictura poesis 114, 130, 147, 180 Van der Zee, J. 85, 86, 120 Vasari 13, 154 Venturi, L. 154 Vertigo 99, 132-3 Vertov, D. 8 visual 52ff, 64, 82, 104 Vogue 174 Volks-Illustrierte 10 Vygotsky, L. 57 Warburg Institute 39 Watts, A. 81 Weiss, P. 176 Weston, E. 20 Williams, R. 3, 32, 140, 151, 153, 155 Winckelmann, J. 149 Wind, E. 13 Winogrand, G. 63, 68 Wittgenstein, L. 160 Woolf, V. 103 Women's Liberation Movement 63 Wordsworth, W. 151, 155 Works Progress Administration (Works Project Administration) 4ff, 205 Zeuxis 102 Zhdanov, A. 10, 146
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