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Volltext:INDEX Académie française 2-3, 12, 19, 25 Académie Royale de Peinture 1, 38, 108, 111 Accademia di San Luca, Rome 18 Affetti 35, 37, 81, 108 Alberti, L.B. 2-3, 17, 34, 40, 57 Algarotti, F. 131 Amelot, M. xi d'Argenville, D. 125 Aristotle 1-37, 51, 57, 101 Artis et Naturae foedus, frontispiece from de Piles' Cours de Peinture 60, Plate 12 d'Aubignac, F.H. 2, 27-8, 51-3 Balance des Peintres 42 Balzac, J.L.G. de xi Batteaux, Ch. 127 Bellori, G.B. 48-51, 54 Bienséance 25-8, 51 Boethius 32 Boileau-Despréaux, N. xi, 52, 105-6, 115 9, 122 Bosse, A. 96-8 Boucher, F., The Rising of the Sun 134, Plate 24 Bouhours, D. 57, 61, 105-6, 110-17 Burckhardt, J. 94-6 Caravaggio 78, 120 Chantelou, P.F. de 19-20, 29, 31, 34, 36 Chapelain, J. xi, 2, 52 Chardin, J.B.S. 129 Cochin, Ch.-N. 135 Convenance 24-6, 29, 35, 40-41, 75, 86 Corneille, P. 2 Correggio 78, 120 Cortona, P. da 18-19, 98 Coypel, A. 30-31, 34, 39, 126, 131 Coypel, Ch.-A. 126, 131, 138 Dandré-Bardon, M.-F. 125, 131 David, J.L., The Lictors Return to Brutus the Bodies of his Sons 133, Plate 23 Delacroix, E x, 31, 37, 120-21, 130 Descartes, R. 57 Diderot, D. i, 10, 125-6, 129, 133-4, 136 Dolce, L. 57 Domenichino 98 Dubos, Abbé J.B. 125-31, 138 Dufresnoy, Ch.-A. xi, 39, 50, 96 Félibien, A. x, 1-37, 39-40, 42, 45-6, 54, 60, 75, 78, 84-6, 111, 123, 126, 132-3 Fénelon, F. de Salignac de la Motte- 12-15, 21, 24 Fosse, Ch. de la iv Gibson, J.J. 84-5, 94 Giorgione 78, 120 Gombrich, E.H. 1—2, 89, 93 Hagedorn, Ch.-L. von 125 Hardouin-Mansart, J. xii Horace 34, 57 Idealism 48-50, 70 Illusion 46-8, 52-54, 56, 64, 71, 89 Kant, I. 130 Lacombe, J. 125 La FontdeSaint-Yenne 126-7, 130, 135-8 Lamy, B. 14, 61-3, 65 Lanfranco, G. 98 Laugier, Abbé M.A. 135-7 Lebrun, Ch. ix, 1-37, 38, 40, 100-101, 103 Lee, R.W. 6-8 Leonardo 8, 12-13, 40, 102-3; The Last Supper 90, 100, Plate 16 Lesueur, E. 37 Locke, J. 129 Longinus 106, 117-18 Mambrun, P. 16-17, 21, 23 MaroIIes, Abbé de xi Masaccio 100 Ménage, G. xi Méré, A. Chevalier de 114 Michelangelo 42, 57 Modes 30-37, 39-40, 78 Nicole, P. 25-6 Opinion commune 51 Optische Ebene 94-5 Paragone literature 8, 12, 96, 101 Pascal, В. 109-10, 114-15 144 ROGER DE PILES' THEORY OF ART Peripeteia 15 Pernety, A.J. 125, 133 Perspective 96-101 Piero della Francesca 100 Plato 32 Pliny 22, 48 Poussin, N. 2-37, 42, 75, 85, 97-8, 103, 123, 133; Gathering of the Manna 4-12, 15-17, 22-4, 36, Plate 1 -, Landscape with Hercules and Cacus 36, Plate 8; Landscape with a Snake 12-15, 21, 24, 36, Plate 2; Massacre of the Innocents (Chantilly) 19- 21, 23, Plate 3; Massacre of the Innocents (Paris, Petit Palais) 20-21, Plate 6-, Plague at Ashdod 19, 22, 36, Plate 5; Rebecca 24, 36, Plate 7 Pozzo, A. 99 Pythagoras 32 Quintilian 60 Racine, J. 19 Raphael 42, 54; Stanza della Segnatura 55, 104, Plate 11; Crucifixion 90, Plate 14 Rembrandt 47-8, 54-5, 90-2; Portrait of fan Six 91, Plate 15 Reni, G. 78, 120 Reynolds, Sir J. 91, 131 Richardson, J. 125 Richelieu, Duc de xi, 53, 92, 130 Riegl, A. 94 Rubens, P.P. 19, 38, 42, 45, 53-4, 60, 90, 92-5, 130; Bacchus 95, 130, Plate 20; Battle of the Amazons 95, 130, Plate 19; Fall of the Damned 53, 130, Plate 10; Four Penitents 96, Plate 21; Idonhunt 95, Plate 18; Massacre of the Innocents 19, Plate 4; Rape of the Sabine Women 92-3, 130, Plate 17 Sacchi, A. 18-20, 98 Salon exhibitions 26, 126 Schiller, F. 130 Scudéry, M. de 117 Sens commun 25-6 Tasso, T. 65 Tesetelin, H. 98, 100-101 Timanthes 22 Titian 45, 78, 87, 92, 120 Tortebat, F. xi Unities of Tragedy 3-4, 51 Veronese, P. 25 Visual field 84-5, 87-8 Voiture, V. xi Watelet, C.H. 125-6, 132, 134 Zarlino, G. 32 Zeuxis 47-8 Zumbo, Abbé, The Entombment 41, Plate 9
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