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Volltext:327 INDEX Aalto, Alvar, 22 Abbot Suger, 163 abstract space, 15 Adorno, Theodor W., lx aesthetic analysis, 171 aesthetic appeal, x, 46-50, 235, 243, 245 aesthetic approach to architecture, 124, 236-262 aesthetic experience, 247, 257 aesthetics, xv aesthetic sensibilities, 245, 248 Age Reason, 24 Alexander, Christopher, 16 Alhambra, Court of the Lions, 236-243, 249, 252, 258 analysis, 113, 119, 169, 257 Annales group, 27 Aqulnls, Saint Thomas, 90 arbitrary beauty, 122-123, 124 arche, 308 Arles, Philippe, 28 Aristotelian system, 100 Aristotle, xlii, .xlv, xix, 41, 90-94, 97, 161, 227, 263. 294 arkltekton, 309-310 Arnhelm, Rudolph, 12 as-structure of Interpretation, 158, 164 authentic existence, 31 automaton, 117 Bacon, Edmund, 2, 16, 67, 75 Bacon, Francis, 90 Bamburg Cathedral. 130 basic concepts, 43-44, 47 "Battle of the Ancients and the Moderns, " lx Bauhaus, 186 beauty, xx, 48, 254 belng-covered-up, 61 being-ln-the-worId, xxi, 162, 253, 260 belng-towards-death, 277 Bergdoll, Barry, 174, 175 Bernstein, Richard, xxii ca bicycle shed, x, 46. 202, 203, 206-235. 243. 245, 254, 4dö, 260 Biemal, Walter, xvii Black Forrest farm house, 311-314 Bletter, Rosemary Haag, 186-187 Blumenberg. Hans, 96, 100, 276 328 Book of Nature, 102, 116 Book of Scripture, 102, 116 bounded space, 13-14 Brasilia, Brazil, 2, 15, 67-75 Braudel, Fernand, 27-28 bridge, as thing, 282-289 Broch, Hermann, 185 Brooklyn Bridge, 125-126 burying of phenomena, 61, 63 care, 146-147, 254, 257 Cartesian method, 103, 122, 197 Cartesian project, 91, 102-127, 191, 226, 294 Cartesian rationalism, lx, xix, xx Cartesian reduction, 102-127 Cartesian system, 167, 201, 278 cetacea, 85-87 Chlng, Frank, 11 СI AM, 15 circumspection, 153 circumspective understanding, 157, 166 City of God, 121 composition, 244, 245, 254. 255, 261 conceptualizing, in intuition, 65 conspicuousness, 222 Copernican revolution, 94-95 Copernicus, 90, 95, 114 Costa, Lucia, 2, 74 craftsman, 124 critical theory, ix Crystal Palace, 186 Cuvler, Geroges, 175, 186 death and dying, 280 Derrlda, Jacques, lx Descrates, Rene, 27, 49, 90. 94, 101, 102-127, 130, 131, 161, 164, 169, 173, 183. 184, 204. 225, 229. 232, 255, 271, 291 De St 1j1 , 1 0 de-structuring, 63 dif-ference, 290, 292, 293, 296, 297 dls-cover, 214, 223, 231, 264 divinities, xv, 267-316 Duby, Geroges, 29 durability, 57 duel 1 Ing, 23 , 267-269. 280-281, 297 , 311, 314-315 329 earth, xlv, xv, 267-316 Eco, Umberto, 133-142, 152 Ecole des Beaux Arts, 124 Ecole Polytechnique, 124 Eiffel Tower, 186 engineer, 124, 245 Enlightenment, 24 environmental behavior, 31 environmental crisis, 22 equipment, 206-235, 258-260 equipment, totality of, 213, 214, 227 equipmental context, 214, 215, 217, 220, 221, 226, 233, 234, 259 ethical function of architecture, xx, 257, 261 ethical questions, 34 ethical reflection, 36 ethical sensibility, 228 ethnic domain, 13 ethos, xx, 35, 232 experience, 104-108, 256-257 experiment, experimental method, 99 extension In space, x, xiii, xx, 49-50, 109-111, 119, 120, 196, 197, 199, 203, 232. 233, 243, 258, 263, 267, 269, 273, 278, 281, 293, 315 Fell. Joseph, xvi 11, 143 figurative architecture, xxi fore-conception, 156, 160, 163, 198 fore-having, 154, 160 fore-sight, 155, 160 fore-structure of understanding, 156, 168 form-matter structure, 91-95 , 205 , 263 , 267 , 269 , 281 for-the-sake-of-which, 227 fourfold, xv, xvi 11, 267-316 Frampton, Kenneth, xxii, 27 freedom, as a result of objectivity, 107-108 Gabo, Naum, 10 Gadamer, Hans-Georg, ix Galileo, 26, 90, 94-96, 98 gathering and presenting, 286-289, 291, 293, 296, 300, ЗЮ genius loci, 22 geography, 31 Gledlon, Siegfried, 6, 19 gift, the given, 273-274 God as deceiver, 103 330 Gropłus, Walter, 11, 186 Habermas, Jurgen, lx harmonic proportion, 121 Harries, Karsten, xvlll-xx, 34, 35, 48, 125, 131, 185, 231, 232, 248-249, 257, 261-262, 289-290, 296 having, in Intuition, 65 Hawksmoor, Nicholas, 20 Heidegger, Martin, ix-xxiil, 23, 42-45, 47, 51, 53, 57, 61-63, 88-91, 97, 128, 132, 133, 144-159, 155-159, 185, 201, 204, 205, 236, 249, 252, 254, 257, 257, 259, 260, 263-316 hermeneut leal 'as', 158, 251, 269, 280 Herrmann, Wolfgang, 123 hierarchy, 93, 100, 123 Hlldebrand, Adolf, 10 homelessness, 314-316 Hood, Webster, xix Hughes, Robert, 4, 15, human Ism, xx 111 Husserl, Edmund, xvii, hypotheses, 116 Inauthentlc existence, ln-order-to, 215, 226 Interpretation, 161 Intuition, 60, 65 Irving, Washington, 236-243, 249, 250, 252, 256 Jencks, Charles, 15-16 Jonah and the Whale, 78-82 Jonas, Hans, 113, 119, 120, 169 Kant, Immanuel, xv, xix Kahn Louis, 11, 22 Kepler, 90 Kockelmans, Joseph, xvi II, xix, 95, 99 Langer, Suzanne, 12-13 language, linguistic, xvi, 289-291. 293. 295, 297, 303, 304 Laugler, Marc-Antoine, 24, 131 Le Corbusier, 22 Ledoux, Claude-Nicholas, 192 LesnIkowsk1, Wojclek, 27 67, 75 24 31 331 Lincoln Cathedral, x, 46, 202, 235, 243, 247-248 linguistic space, 290, 313 Lodoll, Carlo, 24, 131 logos, 53 Lynch, Kevin, 16 Lyotard, Jean-Francois, lx machine, 117, 175, 232-233 Maholy-Nagy, Laslow, 11 making, 120, 230-231 Malraux, Andre, 128-130, 201, 202 maps, as metaphors for theory, 35-43, 263, 315 mathematical building, 173-201 mathematics, 108-114 meaning, 104-105, 197, 215, 247, 254, 256, 260 meaning, loss of, 106-107 measure, 275, 277, 283. 297, 299, 311, 316 measuring and calculating, 112 mechanical model, 117, 169, 182, 183 Medieval thought, 91 Mehta, J., xv 11 Melville, Herman, 83-85 metaphysics, metaphysical, xl, xlii, xix, xxi, xxiii method, xxii Mies van der Rohe, Ludwig, 15 Moby Dick, 83-85 models, 116 modernism, xxii modern science, xv, xix, 89-101 mood, or state of mind, 134-151, 166, 168, 169, 247, 249, 250, 253, 254 morphology, 23 mortality, 56 mortals, xv, 267-316 Mugerauer, Robert, 32 Murdoch, Iris, 206-206, 216 Murray, Michael, xvi 11 mystery. 274, 291, 292 "The Name of the Rose, " 133-142 narrative function of architecture, 234 natural place, in Aristotle's physics, 93, 95 nature, 229-230, 273, 291 nature. In Descartes, 103-104, 116 nature as mechanical system, 117 Newton, Isaac, xlv, 41, 94, 96, 98, 99 Nicholas of Cusa, 90 332 Nlemeyer, Oscar, 74 Nietzsche, Friedrich, xv Norberg-Schulz, Christian, xix, 22-24 obligation, 273, 274, 278, 279, 296 objective presence, 167, 168, 172, 196, 197, 199, 203 objectificatIon of architecture, 164-173 objectifIcatlon of art, 130 objectivity, xxii, 104-114, 124 objects, context for, 167 obstinacy, 225 obtruslveness, 224 O'Conner, Flanery, 1 Okrent, Mark, 228 ontology, X, xlv opacity, 221 organism, 175, 233 ornament, xx Paestum, Temple of, 130 Palmer, Richard, xxi 11 Panofsky, Erwin, 246, 248 Parthenon-, 6 Perrault, Claude, 122-126, 130, 184 Perez-Gomez, Alberto, 24 Pevsner, Antoine, 10 Pevsner, Nikolaus, x, 46. 48, 52, 202, 203, 235, 243, 247, 260 phenomenological Investigation, movement of, 59 phenomenology, lx, xx, xxlll, 52-76, 223, 230, 266 phenomenon, 53, 91, 99 philosophy, 34-51 place, concept of, xvii I, xx, xxi, 15-33, 161, 228 placelessness, 31 place, loss of, 22, 232 Plato. 275 Poggeler, Otto, xvii positive beauty, 122-123 post-structuralism, lx power over nature, 112-113, 273. 299 practical behavior, 153, 164 presenclng, 268, 269, 272, 280, 281. 292, 293, 301 present-at-hand, 225-226, 266 pre-theoretlcal, 44, 60-61 prior. In phenomeno1ogocal Investigation, 59 private 1 lfe, 29 production, 114-127 333 proportional systems, 122 Ptolemy, 114 PSFS Bui 1 ding, 20 Raum, xxii _ ready-to-hand, handy, 218-226, 232, 234, 259, 260, 293 reference, 49, 215-217, 220, 225, 228, 231, 232, 233, 243, 249, 250, 258-260 Relph, Edward, 31 representation, 35-37, 49, 80, 94, 97, 99, 116 revealing, 284, 286, 301 Rlbélro, Darcy, 67 Richardson, W., xvii Rlegl, Alois, 10 Rio de Janeiro, 67-75 Roman architecture, 179-182 Romanesque world, 142, 145, 163 Rykwert, Joseph, 24, 122, 123, 124 Saint Denis, Abbey Church of, 163 Schama, Simon, 77-83 Schmarsow, August, 10 scientific Investigation, movement of, 59 Seamon, David, 32 Sedlmayr, Hans, 125 seeing, in intuition, 65 Selbert, Charles, xix Semper, Gottfried, 186-188 senses, questionableness of, 102-103 sensual world, loss of, 11-112 setting-Into-place, xxi sky, xv, 267-316 Soane, John, 20 space, concept of space, xlii, xix, 2-15, 34, 47, 61, 62, 131, 196, 200, 204 space, theory of in architecture. 184 spatial consciousness, 10 Spiegel berg, H., xvii Stelner, George, xvi, xviii style. 187 subjectivity, xxiii, 124 taste. 123 Team Ten, 15, 19 techne, xvi, 302-303 technology, xv, xviii, xix, 120 334 temporal dimension of architecture, 239-241 temporality, xxi, 57, 242, 253, 261, 272 Thaïes, 275 theoretical Intentions, 40 theory, 32-33, 39-44, 52, 61 thing, X, xlii, xix, xxi, 46-50, 52, 88-91 thing-concepts, 264-267 thing as formed matter, 91-95 thing as gatherer and presenter of the fourfold, 263-316 thing, man-made, 117 thing, natural, 117 thinking thing, 103, 111, 288 thrownness, thrown-projectIon, 143, 145, 151, 162, 172, 253 topology, 23 "To the things themselves", 63 Trachtenburg, Marvin, 125-126 trans-technological aim of equipment, 227 transparency, 219-222, 233, 235, 258-259, 260, 293 truth, absolute. In Descartes, 103, 110 Tycho Brahe, 114 typology, 23 understanding and Interpretation, 151-168, 204, 218, 232, 247, 250, 252, 253, 254, 271, 288, 306, 315 universal availability, 167, 197-199, 204 University of Oregon, 16 unreflected experience. 64 useful thing, xl, 46-50 useful buildings, 206-235, 243, 258-259 values, 56, 112 values, In Aristotle's physics, 93 Van de Ven, Cornells, 10, 184, 187 Vanbrough, John, 20 Van Doesburg, Theo, 10, 188-192 Van Eyck, Aldo, 16, 19 Venturl, Robert, lx, 19, 41 Vidier, Anthony, 27 violence. In Aristotle's physics, 93 Viollet-le-Duc, Eugene Emmanuel, 174-184, 186 virtual space, 13 Vltruvlus, 14, 41, 182 Vycinos, Vincent, xvi 11 Watkln, David, 27 Weiss, Paul, 13 335 whales, 77-87 Windelband, W., 91 Wissenschaften, 43, 53 Wolfflln, Heinrich, 10 work of art, xlv, xvi II, 236, 242, 255, 256, 259 world, xlv, xxi, 161, 162, 228-229, 232, 232, 234, 249, 254, 257, 259-260, 290-292, 295, 297, 300 Wright, Frank Lloyd, 11, 174 ZevI, Bruno, 4
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