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Volltext:Index (References to illustrations are in bold) Adriani, Giovanni Battista 69 Agatharcus of Samos 10 scene painting 14 Agucchi, Giovanni Battista 4, 138 art literature, contribution 132, 137 n. 56 as beholder 124, 128-9 Carracci, relationship 5, 123-42 Erminia among the Shepherds as beholder 124 specifications for 123-4, 125, 126-7, 131 impresa 124, 125, 126 motto 124, 125, 126, 131 Alberti, Leon Battista 41, 65, 79, 109 Aldobrandini, Piętro (Cardinal) 125 Anastasis fresco 16-17, 27 Anaxagoras14 Angel Gabriel 11-12, 17, 24 Apelles, Aphrodite Anadyomene 39 Aquinas, Thomas 18 Aretino, Pietro 4, 64, 110 Aristotle 12 De anima 130 Poetics 14, 89 Armenini, G.B. 88 art aesthetic response 3 dialogues 110 early modern period 3, 6, 7 idea of 3 reception 2, 3 viewing, and making 2 art academies 196 art literature Agucchi's contribution 132, 137 n. 56 imagination in 130-1 art works attributes 70-2 and culture 1 artist as beholder 103-15 patron, relationship 5, 123-42 artistic freedom Michelangelo 70 Renaissance art theory 70 Assumption, Feast of 172 attention and Chardin 188-90 Condillac on 186-8, 192-3 definition 183 eighteenth-century conceptions 184-6 226 THE BEHOLDER and inquietude 185 and memory 185, 193 and psychological empiricism 184-5 Wolff on 183, 190-2 Audebert, Nicolas 105 Augustine, St 144 Baciccio (Giovanni Battista Gaulli, called), fresco, Chiesa del Gesù 169 Barasch, Moshe, Theories of Art 2 Barberini Palace, Pietro da Cortona's fresco 166 Bataille, Georges, on nakedness 46-7 Battiferri, Laura 96 Battisti, Eugenio 123, 124 Battle of Alexander and Darius III at Issus 16, 17, 26 Baxandall, Michael 6, 183-94 Giotto and the Orators 1-2 Painting and Experience in Fifteenth- Century Italy 2 beholder 154 Agucchi as 124, 128-9 artist as 103-15 communicating to 69 as listener 146 Reynolds as 203 types of 53 viewpoint 1-2 see also vision; visual perception Bellini, Giovanni 70 Belting, Hans 2, 3 Belvedere Apollo 71, 74 Bembo, Pietro, epitaph for Raphael 67 Berger, Harry 87 Bernini, Gianlorenzo 203 Bini, Lucrezia 42 Bini, Piero 42 Blumenberg, H. 144-5, 150 Blunt, Anthony 143, 146 Boccaccio, Giovanni, Nastagio degli Onesti story 42-4 Bocchi, Francesco, on the Medici tombs 60, 64, 66, 113 Bonaventure, St 18 Borghini, Raffaello 69, 70-1, 72 II Riposo 110 Borghini, Vincenzo 89 Boschini, Marco 6 Boscoli, Andrea, Medici Madonna 107, 108, 109-10, 112, 120 Botticelli, Sandro The Birth of Venus 37-8, 50 desexualized 39 The Calumny of Apelles 40, 41, 51 The Story of Nastagio degli Onesti 4, 41, 52 characteristics 45-6 commissioning 42 contradiction 45 displacement 45 formlessness in 45 nudity 46 Bracciolini, Francesco 166 Brandi, Giacinto, fresco, S. Carlo al Corso 169 Brasavoli, Renato 175 Brescia Casket 17, 31 Bronzino, Agnolo 4, 88 poetry 96 portraits 4, 9, 87-8, 90-7 Christ in Limbo 63, 95, 101 Eleonora of Toledo 92, 93, 98 n. 23, 100 Lamentation 95 Lodovico Capponi 93, 94, 100 Lucrezia Panciatichi 91, 92-3, 100 Martyrdom of St Lawrence 95 Brunelleschi, Filippo 19, 104 Bruni, Leonardo 66, 68 Burckhardt, Jacob 79 Index 227 Calasanzio, Giuseppe 169 Calcagni, Tiberio 75 Capponi, Lodovico 93, 94, 100 Cario, Ferrante 165 Carracci, Annibale, Sleeping Venus 132 Carracci, Ludovico Agucchi, relationship 5, 123-42 Erminia among the Shepherds 123, 128, 139-41 literary source 124-5 patron's wishes, interpretation of 131 Castelli, Bernardo 131 Castiglione, Baldassare 67 ceiling paintings, descriptions 165-7 Cennami, Pietro Antonio 174, 175 Cerrini, Gian Domenico 165 Chardin, J.-B.-S. 6 and attention 188-90 works The Rap 188 The Olive Jar 188 Christian meaning, pagan represen­tations 54, 70, 77 Christine de Pisan, Book of the City of Ladies 149-50 Cicero 147, 148 Cigoli, Ludovico, Medici Madonna 106, 119 Clark, Kenneth 38, 40 on empathy 39 Clement VII (Pope) 104, 112 Condillac, E. Bonnot de 6 on attention 186-8, 192-3 Traité des sensations 186, 192-3 on visual perception 186-7 Condivi, Ascanio Life of Michelangelo 75 on the Medici tombs 53, 54, 56, 57, 59, 60, 66, 72 connoisseurs 53 Contarini, Alessandro 63 Correggio, Antonio, dome, Parma Cathedral 171 Counter-Reformation 79, 144, 149 Croesus of Lydia (King) 12 Cropper, Elizabeth 87, 93, 132 cruelty and nakedness 41 and nudity 46 culture, and art works 1 Danti, Vincenzo 88, 95 David, Ludovico, dome painting, Collegio Clementino 167 Delia Porta, Guglielmo 64 descriptions, vs drawings 110-12 Diderot, Denis, on visual perception 188-9 Didi-Huberman, Georges 4, 37-52 Dioscuri sculpture 61 Dioscurides of Samos, Street Musicians 21 optical elements 10-11 disegno 37, 38, 41, 88, 110, 123, 131 Doges, tombs 53-4 Dolce, Ludovico 63 Aretino 110 Domenichino, frescoes, S. Andrea della Valle 171 Donatello, David 65 Doni, Anton Francesco 53, 63, 105, 110 I Marmi 64 Doria, Andrea 90 drawings as art experience 103 function 109-10 Medici Madonna 108-9 vs descriptions 110-12 Dubos, Abbé, Réflexions critiques sur la poésie et sur la peinture 185 Dulcini, Bartolomeo 123, 129 Dürer, Albrecht 67 228 THE BEHOLDER empathy, Clark on 39 The Emperor Justinian and his Retinue, mosaic 17, 30 epitaphs Julius II (Pope) 67, 68 Raphael 67 Renaissance tombs 66-8 Erasmus of Rotterdam 77 eroticism, and nudity 62-5 Este, Isabella d' 70 Euclid, Optics 12 Faber, Felix 53, 69, 70 Feigenbaum, G. 125 Ficchi, Giovanni Francesco 174, 175 Fichard, Johann 74 Ficino, Marsilio 39 Foucault, Michel 145 Fragonard, Jean Honoré 202, 203 Frangenberg, Thomas 1-7, 53, 165-81 Freedberg, David, The Power of Images 2-3 Freedberg, Sydney 87 Freud, Sigmund on isolation 40 The Interpretation of Dreams 45 Fried, Michael 18 Gainsborough, Thomas 198, 201 Reynolds on 199-200, 201 Galli, Jacopo 74 Ganymede 77 Gaston, Robert 96 genius, taste, relationship 195 geometry, Thaïes of Miletus 12-13 Gherardi, Filippo, ceiling fresco, S. Pantaleo, 166-7, 181 iconography 169 influences 169 light use 175 motifs 169 Gilio, Giovanni Andrea 69 Ginzburg, Silvia 132 Giotto Confirmation of the Rule of St Francis 19, 34 Vision of St Anne 18, 32 Gombrich, E.H. Art and Illusion 1, 107 The Heritage of Apelles 9, 10 Studies in the Art of the Renaissance 9 Grazzini, Anton Francesco 77 Greece, ancient, stage design 4 Griggi, Francesco Maria 175 Günther, Hubertus 4, 53-85 Hansmann, Martina 5, 6, 123-42 Hazlitt, William, on Hogarth 199 hearing and spiritual insight 143-4 vs vision 145 Heemskerck, Marten van 73, 74 Hilles, Frederick 196 Hogarth, William Hazlitt on 199 Reynolds, relationship 197-8 Reynolds on 198 works 'Apology for Painters' 197 The Analysis of Beauty 184, 197 Hollanda, Francisco de, Discussions on Painting 70, 73 House of Ganymede, meander border 17, 29 Hugh of St Victor 18 Humphrey, Ozias 201 idealizations 41 ignudi, Sistine Chapel 75 ignudo, meaning 85 n. 126 illusion creation of 14, 18 etymology 14 theatrical origins 10, 19 Index 229 imagination, in art literature 130-1 Innocent XI (Pope)170 inquietude, and attention 185 isolation, Freud on 40 istoria concept 69, 88, 95, 125 Jackson, William 201 John of the Cross, St 150 Judovitz, Dalia 5, 143-63 Julius II (Pope) 70 character 55 epitaph 67, 68 tomb 53, 54 La Tour, Georges de 5 biblical allusions in 153 influences on 143 light, use 143 mirrors, use 151-3 vision and insight 155 and sound 146-8, 154-5 works The Hurdy-Gurdy Player 146-7 Hurdy-Gurdy Player with a Dog 146 The Magdalene at the Mirror 150-1, 151-2, 160 The Magdalene with a Smoking Flame 153, 154, 162 The Magdalene with Two Flames 151, 152, 161 The Repentant Magdalene 153, 154, 163 St Jerome 147-9, 153-4, 158-9 Lanfraneo, Giovanni 165 laymen 53 Leo X (Pope) 57, 70, 104, 112 Leonardo da Vinci 75, 88 Mona Lisa 90 light use by Gherardi 175 by La Tour 143 listener, beholder as 146 Locke, John 185 Lorenzetti, Ambrogio, Presentation in the Temple 18, 33 illusion in 19 Lorenzo the Magnificent see Medici, Lorenzo de' Mahon, Denis, Studies in Seicento Art and Theory 132 Malraux, André 143 Marchi, Giuseppe 202 Marriage Procession 23 Martelli, Niccolö 76, 88-9 Martial de Brive, R.P. 155 Mary Magdalene, significance 149-50 Masaccio, Trinity 19, 35 Maya painting, Ritual Torture and Execution of Prisoners 11, 22 Mazzei, Carlo 174, 175 meander border, House of Ganymede 17, 29 meaning, and art-historical inquiry 1 mechanical art, painting as 19 Medici, Alessandro de' 90, 91, 104, 113 Medici Chapel (New Sacristy of San Lorenzo) 5, 70, 72, 77, 88, 89, 90, 91, 103, 104, 113, 116-17 description 104 Michelangelo's work on tombs 104 public access 104-5 Zuccaro's drawings 105, 116-17 Medici, Cosimo de' 90, 93-4 Medici, Giuliano de' 58, 66, 104, 105 Medici, Lorenzo de' (Lorenzo the Magnificent) 40, 47, 104, 105 Medici Madonna Boscoli 107, 108, 109-10, 112, 120 Cigoli 106, 108, 119 drawings, style 108-9 Michelangelo 104, 118, 119, 120 230 THE BEHOLDER Popp on 111 Raffaello da Montelupo 106, 108, 109, 118, 121 Vasari on 110-11, 112 Medici Venus 39, 47, 48 n. 16 memory, and attention 185, 193 Mengs, Anton Rafael 198 Merleau-Ponty, M. 152 on vision 156 Michelangelo 4, 5 artistic freedom 70 Medici Chapel 5, 72, 77, 91 Medici tombs 53, 54-6 Bocchi on 60, 64, 66 Condivi on 56, 57, 59, 60, 66 iconography 60, 70, 75 Michelangelo's notes 66 sketches 54-5 Vasari on 55-7, 58, 59, 60, 62, 74 nudity, problems with 78-9 portraits, dislike of 88-9 on sculpture 91-2 Sistine Chapel, ignudi 71 works antiquity, references 74-5, 77-8 attributes 70-4, 75 Aurora 62 Bacchus 73, 74 David 60-1, 64-5, 71, 73, 74, 76, 77 Dawn 105 Day 59, 74 Entombment of Christ 78 Fame 72-3 Last Judgement 64, 65, 71, 72, 76, 78 Medici Madonna 104, 118, 119, 120 Moses 54 Night 59, 60, 61-2, 72, 74, 91, 104 Slaves 54, 55, 72, 73 Sleeping Cupid 74 Times of Day 58-9, 60, 72, 73, 104 Victory 54, 55, 76 see also New Sacristy of San Lorenzo (Florence) mirrors, in La Tour 151-2 Montorsoli, Giovanni Angelo, St Cosmos 104 nakedness Bataille on 46-7 and cruelty 41 vs nudity 4, 38-9 nudity celestial 37-8 in churches 79 and cruelty 46 and eroticism 62-5 Michelangelo's problems with 78-9 The Story ofNastagio degli Onesti 46 vs nakedness 4, 38-9 optical elements 9 optical plane 9, 11, 12, 16, 17, 18 concept 3 and skenographia 10 see also meander border optics, classical 12-13 orthographia, Vitruvius on 16 Ovide moralisé 77 pagan representations, Christian meaning 54, 70, 77 painting ceilings, descriptions 165-7 as mechanical art 19 nature of 155-6 Panciatichi, Bartolemmeo 93 Panciatichi, Lucrezia 91, 92-3, 100 Panofsky, Erwin 69, 72 Studies in Iconology 39 Pariset, F.-G. 154 Parker, Deborah 87 patron, artist, relationship 5, 123-42 Index 231 Paul III (Pope) 64 Perini, Giovanna 6, 7, 195-205 perspective 19 Perugino, Pietro 70 Petrarch, Trionfi 68 Phidias 61 Piarists 167, 168, 169, 170 Pico della Mirándola, Giovanni 39, 68 Pietro da Cortona, frescoes Barberini Palace 165-6 Chiesa Nuova (S. Maria in Vallicella) 167, 169 Piles, Roger de, Cours de peinture par principes 184 Pino, Paolo, Dialogo di Pittura 110 Pirckheimer, Willibald, on Dürer's death 67 plane floor 16 ground 3 tactile 3 tactile-optical 3 see also optical plane Plato 13, 18 Symposium 37 Podro, Michael 6 Politian, Stanze 39 Popp, Anny, on the Medici Madonna 111 portraits aims 4-5, 90 Bronzino's 9, 87-8, 90-7 idealism, vs naturalism 87-97 Michelangelo's dislike of 88-9 Pozzo, Andrea, fresco, S. Ignazio 167 Praxiteles 61 Aphrodite of Cnidus 62-3, 64 Price, Uvedale 200 psychological empiricism, and attention 184-5 Pucci, Giannozzo 42 Pygmalion myth 61-2, 63, 91 Raffaello da Montelupo Jupiter Kissing Ganymede 108, 122 Medici Madonna 106, 109, 118, 121 St Damian 104 Raphael apotheosis 67-8 Bembo's epitaph 67 representation aims 5 modes 89 systematicity 88, 99 n. 33 see also portraits Reynolds, Joshua as a beholder 203 Discourses 6, 196, 197, 200, 201, 203 on Gainsborough 199-200, 201 on Hogarth 198 Hogarth, relationship 197-8 President of the Royal Academy 200 sketchbooks 201-2 Wilson, misunderstanding 200-1 Riario, Raffaele 73 Riccio, Pier Francesco 105 Richardson, Jonathan 196 Riegl, Alois 3 ritrarre, imitare, distinction 88, 89, 95 Ritual Torture and Execution of Prisoners (Maya painting) 11, 22 Robert the Wise of Naples (King) 66 Romney, George 201 Room of the Masks, wall painting 15-16, 25 Rosa, Salvator, Temptation of St Anthony 202 Rosenberg, Raphael 5, 6, 103-23 Rosichino, Mattia, ceiling painting, Barberini Palace, description 166 Royal Academy of Arts 198, 200 Savonarola 38, 40, 64, 65, 79 Schapiro, M. 151 232 THE BEHOLDER sculpture, Michelangelo on 91-2 Sebastiano del Piombo, Anton Francesco degli Albizi 90, 100 Shearman, John, Only Connect 2 Silvester II (Pope) 67 Sixtus IV (Pope) 56 skene 13-14 skenographia 12, 16, 19 and optical plane 10 Vitruvius on 14, 20 n. 8, 16 skiagraphia 16, 20 n. 16 Society of Artists of Great Britain 197, 199 Society of Arts 196 Society of Dilettanti 196 Soldani Benzi, Massimiliano 203 Solkin, David 200 sound, and vision, in La Tour 146-8, 154-5 La Specola museum 47 stage design, ancient Greece 4 style 107-8 Summers, David 3, 9-35, 53 Susini, Clemente, Venere de'Medici 47 Tasso, Torquato, Gerusalemme liberata in art 124, 133 n. 8-9 Erminia, source 124-5 taste, genius, relationship 195 Tebaldi, Antonio, on Raphael's death 67 Thaïes of Miletus, geometry 12-13 Thanatos 41 theatre and origins of illusion 10, 19 Western tradition 18 Theatre of Dionysus, Athens 13-14 theatron 14 Tibaldeschi, Filippo, Virgin Mary, poem 175-6 Titian Charles V at Mühlenberg 90 Pardo Venus 63 Venus ofUrbino 60 Tolnay, Charles de 111 Tondini, Cristoforo 169 touching taboo 40-1 and vision 186, 187-8 Trent, Council of 64 Tribolo 58, 104 Trivulzio, Gian Giacomo 75 Vannugli, Antonio 123 Varchi, Benedetto 91, 96 Vasari, Giorgio 37, 38, 41, 71, 88, 90 Fra Bartolomeo, biography 64 on the Last Judgement 76 on the Medici Madonna 110-11, 112 on Michelangelo's Medici tombs 53, 54, 55-7, 59, 60, 74 on Raphael's death 67 Venus 41 Vertue, George 196 Vettori, Maddalena 93 The Virgin and Child 17, 28 vision elements 10 and insight, in La Tour 155 Merleau-Ponty on 156 and sound, in La Tour 146-8, 154-5 and touching 186, 187-8 vs hearing 145 Zanoni on 173 see also beholder visual perception 2 Condillac on 186-7 see also beholder Vitruvius 10 on converging lines 15 De architectura 14, 15 Index 233 on orthographia 16 on skenographia 14, 20 n. 8, 16 Vorágine, J. de, Tire Golden Legend 149 Warburg, Aby 37, 44 Whitfield, Clovis 123, 124 Williams, Robert 1-7, 87-101 Wilson, Richard 200, 202 Reynolds, misunderstanding 200-1 Wolff, Christian on attention 183, 190-2 Psychologia Rationalis 183, 190-2 Zanoni, Pietro Francesco 165 ceiling, S. Pantaleo description 166-7, 168, 170-6 iconography 171-2, 175 Mariology 171, 172 Virgin Mary, poems 172, 173-6 Polygraphia sacra 169, 173 teaching career 168-9 on vision 173 Zuccaro, Federico, New Sacristy 110, 116-17
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