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Volltext:Index Abstract painting, 99, 321 п. 7 Adorno, Theodor, 273, 277, 301 Aesthetics: discipline of, 12-14; its tradi­tional concepts of art and beauty, 342 nn. 4, 5 Aiken, Henry, 305-6 Alloway, Lawrence, 248 Avant-garde: its aim of embodiment, 5, 8, 35, 127, 310 n. 8; contemporary inheri­tance of its theoretical practices, 17, 234, 271-73, 298-301; its game with objects, 227-31; its game with theory, 4, 9, 33-5, 61, 137, 228-9; limits of its theories, 179-81; its mentality, 3-5, 126; its utopi-anism, 8-9, 19, 33, 35, 71-2, 127, 228-9, 257; various senses of the term, 309-11 n. 8. See also Bauhaus; Bürger, Peter; Cage, John; Cruz-Diez, Carlos; Constructivism; Danto, Arthur; De Stijl; Gabo, Naum; Lis-sitzky, El; Lyotard, Jean-François; Mayak-ovsky, Valdimir; Moholy-Nagy, László; Mondrian, Piet; Perloff, Marjorie; Soto, Je­sús; Tatlin, Vladimir; Theory; Van Does-burg, Theo; Warhol, Andy Baudrillard, Jean, 272, 284-7 Bauhaus, the, 1, 56, 67-9. See also Galison, Peter; Gropius, Walter Baxandall, Michael, 2 Benjamin, Walter, 239, 240-3, 273, 344 n. 14 Berger, John, 288 Buchloh, Benjamin, 248 Bürger, Peter, 34, 310 n. 8 Cage, John, 6, 8, 140-73, 223, 230, 272-3, 277, 306; his anarchism, 166-8; 4.33, 150-2, 155, 162-3, 173, 230; his Mes-ostics, 329 п. 2; his musical innovations, 143, 333-4 п. 33; his skepticism, 7, 142, 147-8, 152-4; his utopianism, 142, 154, 165; his Zen voice, 162-4 Cavell, Stanley, 157, 218, 240, 243, 327 n. 41, 328 n. 49 Constructivism, 33-92; its cartesianism, 44- 6, 51-3, 87; its general idea of the art­work, 36, 38; as the laboratory for the new, 8, 88-9; its scientific conception of art, 64-76; its use of biological theory, 61-7; its utopianism, 46, 90-91. See also Cruz-Diez, Carlos; Gabo, Naum; Lissitzky, El; Lucefta, Victor; Mayakovsky, Vladimir; Moholy-Nagy, László; Soto, Jesús; Tatlin, Vladimir Cornell, Joseph, Fig. 228 Crone, Rainer, 249-50 Crow, Thomas, 236-7 Cruz-Diez, Carlos, 77, 81. Fig 80. See also Constructivism Cucchi, Enzo, 301. Fig. 302 Cukor, George, 345-6 n. 38 Curtis, Jackie, 256 Cutrone, Ronnie, 252 Danto, Arthur, 24-32, 177-231; his concept of the artworld, 209-11; his concept of theory, 5, 16, 28-9, 181-2, 184, 194-8; as critic, 337-8 n. 13, 347-8 n. 9; his Hegeli-anism, 11, 25-6, 31; influence of Quine on, 186-92, 337 n. 10; his metaphysical distinction between artworks and things, 213-26; his reading of the avant-garde, 14-15, 25-32, 189, 214, 226-31; his reading of postmodernism, 17-18, 31-2, 281-4; his reading of Warhol, 12-14, 26, 29-30, 188, 190, 198-202, 232-4, 249, 267-9; as recipient of the avant-garde's mentality, 11, 16, 32, 191-2, 269; his thought experiments, 202-5; his utopian­ism, 21-32; 281-2 Derrida, Jacques, 289, 340-1 n. 25 Descartes, René, 48-53 De Stijl, 6-7, 93, 108. See also Mondrian, Piet; Van Doesburg, Theo Dewey, John, 218, 224 351 352 / Index Dickie, George, 209, 341 п. 30 Doesburg, Theo Van. See Van Doesburg, Theo Duchamp, Marcel, 1, 29-31, 230, 232, 237, 255, 274, 290. Fig. 30, 290 Dummett, Michael, 156 Feminism, 274; and art history, 287-91; fet-ishization of female film stars, 344 п. 11 Film, 239, 240-5, 344 nn. 11, 14. See also Benjamin, Walter; Cavell, Stanley; Cukor, George; Lanzmann, Claude; Tashlin, Frank; Warhol, Andy Fisher, Philip, 211, 229-30, 343 n. 12 Foundationalism in philosophy, 47, 316 n. 20, 317-18 n. 26. See also Constructiv­ism, its cartesianism; Descartes, René; Gabo, Naum, his cartesianism Gabo, Naum, 27, 34, 63, 98, 273, 297; his cartesianism, 44, 46, 48, 50-1, 54-9; as philosopher of art and culture, 81-87; as sculptor, 40-44; his use of theory, 61. Figs. 43, 45, 57. See also Constructivism Galison, Peter, 190, 192-3, 211, 315-16 n. 16, 320 n. 30 Greenberg, Clement, 11, 312-13 n. 17. Gropius, Walter, 67-9, Fig. 68. See also Bauhaus Hegel, G. W F., 25, 281. See also Danto, Ar­thur, his Hegelianism Heidegger, Martin, 6 Hess, Thomas, 248 Holston, James, 19 Holzer, Jenny, 19, 280, 291, 293, 298. Fig. 292 Ives, Charles, 169-70 Jaffé, H. L. С., 96-7, 118. See also Mon­drian, Piet Jameson, Fredric, 272, 286-7, 347 n. 6 Jones, Caroline, 265, 343 n. 5 Kant, Immanuel, 56, 151, 156, 222, 278, 320 п. 26, 325 п. 27, 330-1 п. 12 Kelley, Mike, 295-6 Kertész, André, Fi g. 94 Kiefer, Anselm, 276, 278. Figs. 276, 279 Koons, Jeff, 294 Krauss, Rosalind, 42 Lanzmann, Claude, 254 Lissitzky, El (Lazar M.), 37, 61-4, 80-90, 272. Figs. 60, 65 Longo, Robert, 296 Luceña, Victor, 92. See also Constructivism Lyotard, Jean-François, 2, 17-18, 269-70, 272, 274-81 Malanga, Gerald, 248 Manet, Eduard, 288 Marx, Karl, 9, 62, 71 Mayakovsky, Vladimir, 37 Modernism, 17-18, 191, 291; various senses of the term, 311 n. 8. See also Avant-garde Moholy-Nagy, László, 41, 61, 64-76, 87, 181, 297, 319 п. 13. Figs. 73, 75. See also Constructivism Mondrian, Piet, 6-7, 93-139, 180, 297-8; the demonstrative character of his paint­ing, 101-2, 110, 127-32; emotion in art, his conception of it, 114-16; his essential-ism, 323-4 n. 22; harmony between his theory and his painting, 122-25; nature, his conception of it, 117-21, 326 n. 36; his pictorial innovations, 95, 102-3, 104- 8; his platonism, 27, 95, 108-10, 113-14, 125-6, 127; his utopianism, 96-7, 127- 35; the writer, 95. Figs. 105, 106, 123 Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, 293-8, 301 Music, and expression, 148-50. See also Cage, John; Ives, Charles; Schoenberg, Ar­nold Newman, Barnett, 99, 101, 136. Fig. 100 Panofsky, Erwin, 239, 240 Perloff, Marjorie, 34, 40, 227, 314 п. 24 Philosophical theory. See Avant-garde, its game with theory; Theory Picasso, Pablo, 40, 103, 180, 227, 298, 309- 10 n. 8. Fig. 215 Postmodernism, the artworld of, 207-8, 213; Danto as representative of, 213, 271, 297; in science, 192-3; theoretical analysis of, Index / 353 17-18, 301-3. See also Avant-garde, con­temporary inheritance of its theoretical practices; Baudrillard, Jean; Danto, Ar­thur, his reading of postmodernism; Lyotard, Jean-François; Museum of Con­temporary Art, Los Angeles Poststructuralism, 20. See also Avant-garde, contemporary inheritance of its theoreti­cal practices; Derrida, Jacques; Lyotard, Jean-François; Postmodernism Prina, Richard, 295. Fig. 295 Proust, Marcel, his conception of theory in art, 304-7 Pyrrho of Elis, 153-4. See also Cage, John, his skepticism Quine, Willard Van Orman, 186-92, 195-7, 337 n. 10 Russell, Bertrand, 47, 49 Schoenberg, Arnold, 141 Schorske, Carl, 169 Seeing-as, in art, 195, 197 Sontag, Susan, 253-4 Soto, Jesús, 76-8. Fig. 79. See also Con­structivism Swenson, G. R., 250, 260-2 Syrop, Mitchell, 294 Tashlin, Frank, 346-7 n. 39 Tatlin, Valdimir, 41, 63. See also Construc­tivism Theory, 16, 137-8, 178, 193, 348 n. 18; con­temporary uses of it by the artworld, 17- 19, 121, 213, 269-307; genealogy of, 3; as interpreted through the artwork, 39; its relation to the visual artwork, 185-6, 54- 9, 95-8; as repressive of the artwork, 303-4, 306-7. See also Avant-garde; Danto; Postmodernism; Poststructuralism Thoreau, Henry David, 167-8, 171 Toulmin, Stephen, 313 n. 20, 318 n. 26, 327 n. 45, 328 n. 48 Utopianism. See Avant-garde, its aim of em­bodiment, its utopianism; Cage, John, his utopianism; Constructivism, its utopian­ism; Danto, Arthur, his utopianism; Mon­drian, Piet, his utopianism Van Doesburg, Theo, 93, 110. See also De Stijl; Mondrian, Piet Venturi, Robert, 4 Verheggen, Claudine, 329 n. 49 Warhol, Andy, 232-68; and America, 234-6, 250-2, 257, 345-6 n. 38, 346-7 n. 39; his Brillo Box, 16-17, 31, 188, 190, 198-202, 267; his contributions to the avant-garde, 245-6; his Death and Disaster series, 260-5; and film, 239-46; his inheritance of avant-garde practices, 236-9, 249; the postmodern character of his art, 249, 272, 281-3; the underdetermined character of his art, 232-3, 247-50. Figs. 24, 241, 252, 259, 264. See also Danto, Arthur, his reading of Warhol Williams, Bernard, 10 Wittgenstein, Ludwig, 6, 20, 47, 90, 155-8, 165, 197, 205-8, 221, 240, 301, 322 n. 10, 323-4 n. 22, 332 n. 23, 341 n. 30 Wollheim, Richard, 289, 340 n. 24
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