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Volltext:Index Abbey Church of St-Denis 75 Abbot Suger 75 Acropolis 152 Adam 70-72, 79, 81, 180, 182,183 Addison, Joseph 203 Adonis 154,157 Aeschylus 69 Aiken, Jane 8, 111 Alberti, Leon Battista 2-4, 6, 7, 9, 31-41, 77, 96-9,108,151,176,178, 195, 198 De pictura (Delia pittura) 3, 4, 6, 33, 96, 97, 151,176 Libri delta Famiglia 34 Alcina 156 Alethia 72 Alhazen (Ibn al-Haytham) 2, 4, 6, 11-13,15-25, 77, 78,104,108,151 The Appearance of the Stars 16 Discourse on Place 22, 25 Dubitationes in Ptolemaeum 16 Lemmas 16 On the Completeness of the Conies 16 Optics (Kitäb al-manäzir, De Aspectibus, Perspectivae) 3, 4,11-13, 18-20, 25, 77 The Proposition of the Bami Miisä 16 Treatise on Light 20, 78 Treatise on the Lights of the Stars 16 Treatise on Moonlight 16 Allori, Cristofano 6, 157 Judith with the Head of Holofernes 6, 157 Alpers, Svetlana 8, 190-93, 199 The Art of Describing: Dutch Art in the Seventeenth Century 191 Rembrandt's Enterprise: The Studio and the Market 190,191 The Vexations of Art: Velázquez and Others 191 Althusser, Louis 200 Ambrose 70,142 Amor 156 Amsterdam 156 Annunciation 74, 78-81,109-12,192 Anthologia Graeca 155 Aphrodite Morphe 156 Apollo 137,141 Apollonius of Perga 14,16 Cónica 16 Aquinas, Thomas 5, 33,120,121,125, 126 Commentary on the Sentences 120 Summa Theologica 121 Archimedes 14,155 Ariosto, Ludovico 156 Aristotelianism 11,14,17, 20, 22, 23, 25 Aristotle 6, 12,13,17, 20-25, 67, 71, 76, 77, 79, 80, 92,104,106,137-40, 144, 149, 151,197 De anima 17, 20, 76 Logic 67 Metaphysics 106 Meteorologien 71 Nicomachean Ethics 67,139 Physics 12, 17, 20-23, 67, 80 236 RENAISSANCE THEORIES OF VISION Articella 67 Assumption 127 Athens 144,152 Augustine 5,120,137, 142,143 De Civitate Dei 142 Ausonio, Ettore 12,173 Ausonius 152 Austria 2 Averroes 6,149,151 Avery, Charles 68 Avicenna (Ibn Sina) 2, 4,13, 21, 67, 76, 77, 80,108 Canon of Medicine (Liber canonis) 4, 13, 67, 76 Backer, Jacob 156 Bacon, Roger 2, 3,12, 77 Baconthorpe, John 73 Laus religionis Carmelitanae 73 Speculum de institutione ordinis pro veneratione beatae Mariae 73 Baghdad 16 Baghdad!, al-, Abd al-Latlf 25 A refutation of Ibn al-Haytham's place 25 Baldwin, William 174 A myrrourfor magistrates 174 Balibar, Etienne 200 Banü Müsä 3,11 Bargello 46, 47, 50, 51 Baroque 5, 8,101 Barovier, Angelo 69 Barozzi, Francesco 3,14 Admirandum illud Geometricum Problema tredecim modis demonstratum 14 Basilica of the Santa Casa at Loreto 119 Basle 12 Basra 11 Battista, Giuseppe 154 Beata Villana 53,56 Bellay, Joachim du 155 Jeux rustiques 155 Bellini, Giovanni 2, 5,123,124,127 Agony in the Garden 123 Coronation of the Virgin 123 Belsey, Andrew 177 Belsey, Catherine 177 Belting, Hans 8 Belus River 72, 73 Belvedere Villa 126 Benci, Tommaso 93, 94 Berger Jr., Harry 8,190, 191,193,196 Fictions of the Pose: Rembrandt Against the Italian Renaissance 190 Berghof, Alice Crawford 6, 8,187 Berkeley, George 2, 6, 7,100, 187,188, 190, 194,195, 198-204, 206-8 A New Theory of Vision 188, 200, 202, 204 Bermingham, Ann 203 The Consumption of Culture, 1600- 1800: Image, Object, Text 203 Bernard of Clairvaux 74 Bernini, Gian Lorenzo 81,153 Biblioteca Ambrosiana 107,108 Bishop Maximinus 48 Bizri, El-, Nader 2, 3, 4, 7,11 Bloch, Amy R. 4, 7, 63 Book of Sidrach 72 Borgo Santa Croce 51 Boschini, Marco 189 La carta del navegar pittoresco 189 Boston Museum of Fine Arts 111 Botticelli, Alessandro 95 Birth of Venus 95 Bourdon, Sébastien 152 Bracciolini, Poggio 71 Bradley, Ritamary 183 Bramante, Donato 143,144 Antiquarie prospettiche romane 143 Brancacci Chapel 35 Brathwaite, Richard 174,175 The English gentlewoman 174 Brewer, John 203 The Consumption of Culture, 1600- 1800: Image, Object, Text 203 Bridget of Sweden 74 Revelations 74 Brinsley, John 174 A looking-glasse for good women 174 Bronzino 2, 6,153,160,161 Pygmalion and Galatea 6,160,161 Brunelleschi, Filippo 3, 31,101 Bruni, Leonardo 67 Brusati, Celeste 196-9 Artifice and Illusion: The Art and Writing of Samuel van Hoogstraten 196 Bryson, Norman 8,188, 191,192, 198, 200 Looking at the Overlooked 192, 203 Vision and Painting: The Logic of the Gaze 188,192,200 Caesar, Julius 144 Cairo 11 Calligram 198 camera obscura 172,192,198 Cangiari, Luca 157 Herodias with the Head of John the Baptist 157 Capitoline 144 Cappella delia Maddelena 46, 47, 49-52 Carafa, Cardinal Oliviero 125 Carafa Chapel 125,126 Caravaggio 157 Carman, Charles 3, 7, 31 Carmelite 73 Carruthers, Mary 8 Cassirer, Ernst 7 Castellini, Zaratino 154,155 Castello di San Giorgio 126 Castiglione, Baldessare 2, 6,153,156, 159,162,190 Libro del cortegiano 6,153 Cathedral of Parma 101 Catherine of Siena 126 Catholic 140 catoptrics 2, 3, 6,11,14,16, 21,172 Cats, Jacob 155,157 Catullus 70 Calvalcanti, Giovanni 89, 90 Cavalca, Domenico 49 Cavendish, Margaret 202 Cellini, Benvenuto 2, 6,157 Perseus 6,157 Cennini, Cennino 67 Libro dell'Arte 67 Cézanne, Paul 191 Chellini, Giovanni 4, 63-7, 69, 76, 77, 79, 80 Cheney, Liana de Girolami 5, 8, 103 Christ 4, 38, 40, 45, 46, 51-4, 56, 63, 65, 67, 68, 70, 74, 75, 78-81,101, 111, 112,119,124,126,128 Christ Church Library 109 Christian 36-8, 50, 69, 72, 75, 81,119, 120, 139,142,144 Church of San Lorenzo 112 Cicero 67 Clark, Stuart 8,173,180 Vanities of the Eye 180 Cole, Michael 120 Collegiata di San Gimignano 110 Comanini, Gregorio 2, 6,149-51,153, 154,157,159,160 Il Figino 6,149 commensuratio 96, 98 Communion 79 conics 14-16, 22 Cornaro Chapel 81 Correggio, Antonio 101 Assumption of the Virgin 101 Cosimo, Piero di 122 Counter Reformation 5 Crucifixion 53, 80 Cusanus, Nicolas (Nicholas of Cusa) 2, 3, 33, 37-41, 93, 99,139 On Conjecture 38, 39 On Learned Ignorance 37 On the Vision of God 38 Damian, Peter 74 Damisch, Hubert 8,121 David 157 David with the Head of Goliath 157 Davies, Sir John 2, 6,171,172, 175, 179-83 Nosce Teipsum 171,180 Orchestra 180 Dee, John 172 Propaedeumata Aphoristica 172 De inceptione ordinis 73 Dempsey, Charles 8 Deonna, Waldemar 8 Descartes, René 12, 15, 24, 172,196, 197,199-202, 204, 206 Optics 196, 201, 202 Diderot, Denis 199, 202 Didi-Huberman, Georges 191,192, 205 Fra Angélico: Dissemblance and Figuration 192, 205 Dijksterhuis, Fokko Jan 194,195 Leaves and Waves 194 Diogenes 140 Diophantus 14 dioptrics 2-4,11,12,14-16,19, 21, 22 Dolce, Lodo vico 156 Dialogo delia pittura 156 Dominican 48, 51, 53-5,125,126 Donatello 2, 4, 63, 64-9, 79, 81 Chellini Madonna 4, 63-70, 75, 78-81 Coronation of the Virgin 68 Crucifix 68 Piot Madonna 68 Donne, John 157,160 Dürer, Albrecht 176,197 Eastlake, Sir Charles Lock 195 Methods and Materials of Painting 195 Edgerton, Samuel 7,31, 32, 45, 50, 52 The Heritage of Giotto's Geometry 31 Egypt 172 Elijah 73 Elisha 73 Elizabeth 1180 Elyot, Sir Thomas 173,174 A Castell of Health 174 Dictionary 173,174 England 2, 172 Enlightenment 188 Epistolae decretales 144 Eucharist 4, 40,47,48,112, 136,139, 140,142 Euclid 11, 14, 16, 17, 24, 96, 98,104, 141-3,145 Data 24 Elements of Geometry 16, 24, 96, 98, 141,142 Optica 96 Eve 70, 72, 79, 81, 180,182,183 Expulsion 72, 79 extramission 2, 4, 6,17, 76,150,151, 154,162,181 Falcucci, Niccolo 67 Medical Sermons 67 Fârisî, al-, Kamâl al-Dïn 12,13,15,17, 20,21 The Revision of Optics 12,15, 20 Feinberg, Larry 45 Fermat, Pierre de 172 Ferrara 127 Festus, Pompeius 67 On the Signification of Words 67 Ficino, Marsilio 2, 4, 6, 7, 9, 89, 92, 95, 96,142, 149-51, 153, 154 De amore 4, 6, 89-92, 94, 95,153 Theologia Platónica 6, 96, 149 Figino, Giovan Ambrogio 149,160 Flinck, Govaert 159 Florence 2, 4,11, 35, 45-8, 50, 51, 54, 55, 67-9, 77, 79,103,109,112,126, 127,161 Florence Cathedral 68, 69 Fra Angélico 2-5, 45-7, 51-6,110,192 Annunciation 54, 55,110 Dead Christ in front of the sepulcher (Lamentation) 53, 54, 56 Lamentation over the Dead Christ 45, 46, 51-3 Fra Bartolommeo 5,126,127 God the Father with Saints Mary Magdalene and Catherine of Siena 126,127 Fra Filippo Lippi 110,112 Annunciation 110,112 Fra Girolamo di Giovanni 53 Fra Jacopo Passavanti 48 Index 239 France 189 Francesca, Piero della 4, 7, 96-9,108 De prospective pingendi 4, 96-8 Franciscan 3,12,143,144 Frederick II 72 Freud, Sigmund 37,100,101 Frick 201, 207 Fromann, Johann Christian 152 Tractatus de fascinatione 152 Gabriel 54, 55, 70,109,110, 112 Galatea 160,161 Galen 6, 67, 76, 80,108,149,151 Galileo 12,138,172,173 Sidereus Nuncius 173 Galleria dei Disegni e Stampe degli Uffizi 109 Galleria degli Uffizi 103, 108,109,160, 161 Galleria Doria Pamphili 110,158 Garden of Eden 72, 79,180 Genesis 70, 72,139 Gerard of Cremona 11 Ghazali, al-, Abu Hamid 152 Ghiberti, Lorenzo 3,12, 67, 77 Commentaries 77 Commentario Terzo 12 Ghirlandaio, Domenico 109,110 Annunciation 110 Giles of Viterbo 142-4 Gill, Meredith J. 137,140,142 Giorgione 124 Adoration of the Shepherds 124 Giotto 198 God 4, 31-4, 37-41,46, 49, 70-72, 74, 75, 78, 79-81, 89-92,107,109,112, 113,119,120,124,126,140,173, 175, 180,182, 183 Goeree, Willem 156 Golden Age 136,138,139,144,145,192 Goldin, Frederick 178 Gombrich, Ernst 8 Grabes, Herbert 8,172,176 The Mutable Glass: Mirror-imagery in Titles and Texts of the Middle Ages and English Renaissance 172 Grafton, Anthony 7, 32 Leon Battista Alberti: Master Builder of the Italian Renaissance 32 Greek 24, 67, 69, 71, 89,137,141,144 Greenblatt, Stephen 179 Gregory 144 Gregory of Nyssa 71 De Beatitudinibus 71 Grootenboer, Hanneke 188,191 The Rhetoric of Perspective 188 Grosseteste, Robert 3,13 Guazzo, Stefano 149 La civil' conversazione 149 Guercino 156 Guignon, Charles 136 Gumpp, Johannes 2, 6,171,172, 175, 178, 179, 182,183 Self-Portrait 171 Gutiérrez, Juan Lázaro 152 De fascinatio opusculum 152 Harries, Karsten 7, 32 Infinity and Perspective 32 Harriot, Thomas 15 Heidegger, Martin 8, 135, 136,188 Poetry, Language, Thought 188 Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich 100 Hendrix, John 4, 7, 89 Heninger, S. K. 31, 32 Proportion Poetical 31 Heron of Alexandria 14 Hesiod 69 Hildebert of Lavardin 74 Hobbes, Thomas 194,195 Hogers, Jacob 157 Salome 157 Hölderlin, Friedrich 135 Holofernes 157 Holy Grail 143 Holy Scripture 183 Holy Spirit 80,109,112,123 Hooche, Pieter de 197 Hoogstraten, Samuel van 2, 6,150,160, 187, 191,193, 194,196-202, 206 Inleyding tot de Hooge Schoole der Schilderkonst 196 240 RENAISSANCE THEORIES OF VISION Hooke, Robert 188,195 Horace 70, 201 House of the Pharisee 48, 49 Husserl, Edmund 8,138,141 Huygens, Christiaan 12,194,195 Hypnerotomachia Poliphili 143 Incarnation 73-5, 78, 79, 81 Innocent VIII 126 Insulis, Alanus de 183 intromission 2, 4-6,13,15,17, 76-8, 107,150, 153, 156, 162 Io 181,182 Ireland 179 Isidore of Seville 71, 73 Etymologies 73 istoria 34,191 Italy 48, 70,124,172, 176 James VI and 1180 Jansen, Katherine Ludwig 56 Janson, Horst Waldemar 8 Janus Quadrifrons 144 Jeremiah 205 Jerusalem 73 Joannitius (Ibn Ishäq) 67 John the Baptist 126 John the Evangelist 80, 81 Joost-Gaugier, Christiane 8 Judea 72 Julius II136,143,144 Juno 90 Jupiter 90 Kant, Immanuel 95, 99 Critique of Pure Reason 99 Keele, Kenneth 8,104 Kemp, Martin 7, 8, 31,107, 111 The Science of Art 110 Kepler, Johannes 11,12, 77,172 Kindi, al- 2, 3,13 De Aspectibus 13 King Lear 175 Kinney, Arthur 182 Kleinberg-Levin, David Michael 8,135 Gestures of Ethical Life 135 Kleinbub, Christian 5, 8,117 Köninck, Philips 154 Sleeping Venus 154 Koyré, Alexandre 7 Krieger, Murray 203, 204 Ekphrasis: The Illusion of the Natural Sign 203 Kristeller, Paul Oskar 7 Kristeva, Julia 198 Kunsthistorisches Museum 177 Lacan, Jacques 99,101 Laertius, Diogenes 67, 79 On the Lives of Philosophers 67, 79 Layzer, David 97 Cosmogenesis: The Growth of Order in the Universe 97 Leeuwenhoek, Antoni van 188,202 Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm 24 Leo X144 Liber ad Almansorem (Book of Medicine) 67 Lievens 206 Lindberg, David 7, 78 Lippershey, Hans 172 Lippi, Filippino 2, 5,125-7 Delphic Sibyl 125 Locke, John 199, 200, 202 Lomazzo, Gian Paolo 2, 6,154 Trattato della pittura 6,154 Lombard, Peter 120 Sentences 120 London 63-6 Lotto, Lorenzo 111 Holy Family 111 Lucretia 205 Lucretius 71,121 De rerum natura 71 Madrid 110 Malebranche, Nicolas 194 Manet, Edouard 192 Mann, Nicholas 176 Mantegna, Andrea 2, 5, 119,120, 122, 124-6 Friedsam Madonna 119 Index 241 St Sebastion 122 Trivulzio Altarpiece 124-7 Mantua 126 Marino, Giambattista 153,154, 157, 160,162 La galería 153 Marsuppini, Carlo 92, 93 Marsuppini, Cristoforo 94, 95 Martinengo, Ascanio 149 Ma'rüf, Taql al DTn Muhammad ibn 12 Mary Magdalen 46-9, 52, 53, 65,126 Masaccio 31, 35, 40 Tribute Money 35, 40 Trinity 31, 35, 40 Maurolico, Francesco 12 Medici 89 Medici, Giovanni de' 111 Medici, Piero de' 111 Medusa 157 Meiss, Miliard 74 Menelaus of Alexandria 14 Merleau-Ponty, Maurice 191 Mesue (Ibn Mâsawaih) 67 Michelangelo 155,159 Middle Ages 1, 71, 73, 77,120,139 Milan 35,101,108 - Miller, J. Hillis 195 Illustration 195 Minerva 33-7,137,141,152 Mirándola, Giovanni Pico delia 139 mirror 2, 6, 9,14, 48, 53, 56, 77, 78, 93-5, 101,102,107,150,151,171-83 Morelli, Giovanni 80, 87 Moses 139,140,152 Mount Carmel 72, 73 Murano 69,126 Musée du Louvre 109, 111 Museo del Prado 110 Museo San Marco 46, 54, 55 Narcissus 35-7,41,171,172 176 National Gallery 202 Negative Theology 101 Neoplatonism 2, 96,139,142,143,178 Neptune 90 Ness, Christopher 174 A chrystal mirrour 174 Netherlands 2 Nettesheim, Agrippa von 2, 6,151,152, 160 De occulta philosophia 6,151 New Testament 74,109 Newton, Isaac 195 Nicholas V 136 Nolan, Edward P. 8,171 Norton Simon Museum 206 Old Sacristy 111 Old Testament 72, 73,126,157, 206 optics 2-6, 8,11-20, 25, 77, 104, 108, 111, 172, 187, 188,190,191,194-6, 198, 200-202, 205-7 Oratory of the Tempio 46, 47, 51, 52, 56 Oresme, Nicolas 67 Traité de la Sphère 67 Ovid 36, 69, 70, 152,161 Metamorphoses 70 Ovide moralisé 70 Oxford 109,179 Oxford English Dictionary 174,181 Pacioli, Luca 108 Padua 68 Palace of Justice 46, 47, 49 Palma, Giacopo 154 Panofsky, Erwin 7, 31, 32, 33, 37, 75 Paoletti, John 68 Pappus of Alexandria 14 Paradiso 48 Park, Katharine 67 Parmenides 140 Parmigianino 176,177 Self-Portrait in a Convex Mirror 176, 177 Parrhasius 197 Pausanias 156 Paz, Octavio 149 Peckham, John 2, 3,12 Pelacani da Parma, Biagio 12, 77 Persia 172 242 RENAISSANCE THEORIES OF VISION Pesaro 123 Petrarch 137 Phaedrus 89 Philo 70 Questiones et Solutiones in Genesin et Exodum 70 Philostratus 121 Phoenicia 72 Piazza Santa Croce 51 Piombo, Sebastiano del 157 Salome 157 Pisa 110 Plato 2, 6, 69, 71, 76, 89,90,92, 95,136, 137,140-15,149,151, 154,179, 181-3 Meno 138 Republic 93 Symposium 89,154 Timaeus 71, 89, 90, 93, 96,138-40, 142,154,179 Platonic Academy 4,144 Pliny the Elder 72, 73,121 Plotinus 2,4, 7, 89, 90, 92, 93, 96-101 Enneads 93,95,96,98,100 Plutarch 152 Pluto 90 Polymnia 197 Porta, Giambattista della 172 Magia Naturalis 172 Porta Triumphalis 144 Posner, Donald 189 Praxiteles 155 Eros 155 Proclus 96, 98 Commentary on the First Book of Euclid's Elements 96, 98 Prometheus 69, 70 Protestant 173 Pseudo-Dionysius 2, 4, 75 Ptolemy 11,13,14,16,17 Almagest 16 Optics 16 Planetary Hypotheses 16 Pygmalion 160-62 Pythagoras 136,141-3,145 Quattrocento 4,107,119,122 Qùhï, al- 3,11, 21 Qurra, Thäbit ibn 3,11,16 Radcliffe, Anthony 68 Ramus, Petrus 200 Raphael 2, 5, 6, 35, 40, 111, 118,127, 128,135,135- 7, 140,143-5, 160 Disputa 5, 35, 40, 127, 136, 138, 140, 142,144,145 Holy Family 111 Jurisprudence 136,144 Madonna di Foligno 118,128 Parnassus 136 School of Athens 5, 6, 35,135-45 Sistine Madonna 128 Reformation 173 Renaissance 1-9,11,12,14, 25, 31-3, 35-7, 47, 89, 92, 95,107-11,117, 119-21, 128, 135, 136, 138, 139, 142-1,150,171,172,174,175,179, 187,188,197, 200-202 Resurrection 112 Revelation 73 Rhazes (Ibn Zakarïyâ al Razi) 67 Riche, Barnabe 174 My ladies looking glasse 174 Richter, Irma 8,103 Rijkmuseum 205 Rijn, Rembrandt van 2, 6, 150, 156,159, 176,187-99, 201, 202, 204-7 Bathsheba at Her Bath 197, 201 Jeremiah Lamenting the Destruction of Jerusalem 193,195, 206 The Jewish Bride 193 Lucretia 205 The Night Watch 193 Portrait of a Bearded Man in a Wide- Brimmed Hat 206 Portrait ofHaesje van Cleyburgh 194 Portrait of Margaretha de Geer 194 Portrait of a Woman 206 Salome 157 Self Portrait 195, 201, 207 The Syfidics 196 Index 243 Titus 206 A Woman Bathing 195, 202 Ripa, Cesare 154 Iconología 154 Risner, Friedrich 12 Roman 67, 69, 72,135,141,144,192 Romans 70 Rome 2, 69, 81,110, 118,125-7, 144, 145,158 Rossellino, Antonio 66 Rossellino, Bernardo 66, 67 Rowland, Ingrid 8 Royal Society 197 Rubens, Peter Paul 6,152,157 Judith with the Head ofHolofernes 6,157 Sacristy of San Giovanni 119 Sahl, Ibn 3, 11,12,14,15,19, 21 Saint Dominic 53, 56 Saint Matthew 142,143 Saint Paul 180,181 Saint Peter 143 Saint Peter Martyr 53, 55, 56 St Peter's Basilica 144 San Bartolomeo di Monte Oli veto 109 San Marco 52-4 San Miniato al Tedesco 66 San Pietro Martire 126 Santa Maria del Carmine 35 Santa Maria della Croce al Tempio 45 Santa Maria della Vittoria 81 Santa Maria delie Grazie 35,101 Santa Maria Novella 31, 48,125 Santa Maria sopra Minerva 125 Sañudo, Marino 69 Sartre, Jean-Paul 50 Saturn 90 Savonarola, Girolamo 126 Scythia 152 Sea of Galilee 113 Serapion 67 Practica 67 Shakespeare, William 154,155,157, 159, 160,182 The Rape ofLacrece 160 Venus and Adonis 155 Sha kir, Müsá ibn 16 Shearman, John 8, 68 Shuger, Deborah 8,176,177,180 Shusterman, Richard 7, 47, 48 Signoreili, Luca 119 Sijzl, al- 3,11 Simons, Patricia 7, 50 Sinän, Ibrahim ibn 16 Sixtus IV 136,143 Smith, Pamela 8 Snellius, Willibrord 15,172 Snell's Law 15,172 Sohm, Philip 189,190,197 Pittoresco 189 Somaesthetics 3, 7, 47, 48 Spiller, Elizabeth 173,175 Stafford, Barbara 189 Stanza della Segnatura 35, 136, 137, 140,142,143 Strozzi Chapel 125-7 Stubbes, Phillip 182 Anatomie of Abuses 182 Suarez, Francisco 208 On Efficient Causality 208 Syria 72 Syson, Luke 176 Tafuri, Manfredo 136 Taylor, Paul 189 Temple, Nicholas 5, 6, 8,135 Temptation 79 Terence 67 Terpstra, Nicholas 45, 49 Terry, Allie 3, 7, 45 Tertullian 70 Tetractys 141 T. H. 174 A looking-glasse for women 174 Theodoric of Freiberg 3,12 Tiberius 150,154 Tintoretto 152 Titian 2,6,124,126,127,156-8,198, 205 Assunta 124,126,127 Salome 6,157,158 Trinity 145 244 RENAISSANCE THEORIES OF VISION trompe l'oeil 128,197, 199 Tubalcain 72 Tudor, Faye 6,8,171 Turchi, Alessandro 156 Turner, JMW 195 Tuscany 157 Tùsï, Nasïr al-Dïn 13, 21 Uranus 90 ut pictua poesis 196,201 Vaenius, Otto 155 Amorum emblematu 155 Valckert, Werner van den 156 Vasari, Giorgio 2,122,127, 142,143, 160,161,197 Vite 160,197 Vatican 35,126, 136,137, 144 Vatican Library 136,144 Vatican Museum 118 Velázquez, Diego 6,187,188,191,192 The Spinners 191 Veltman, Kim 31 Venice 68, 69, 126,127, 173 Venus 154,156,157,160 Vermeer, Johannes 189,192,199,201 The Artist in His Studio 192 Girl with a Pearl Earring 195 View of Delft 195 Verona 124,126 Verrocchio, Andrea 109, 111 Vesely, Dalibor 7 Via dei Malcontenti 51 Via del Neri 51 Via del Proconsolo 51 Via Triumphalis 144 Victor, Claudius Marius 71, 72 Victoria and Albert Museum 63-6 Vienna 122,177 Vincent of Beauvais 72 Vinci, Leonardo da 2, 5, 8, 35, 40, 77, 101,103,104,106-13,122,143,173, 177 The Draughtsman Using a Transparent Plane to Draw an Armillary Sphere 108 Last Supper 35, 40, 101 A Lily 109 Model of the Eye and Diagram of a Visual Path 108 Notebooks 5,103 Studies of Hands 109 Study of Drapery 109 The Study of Drapery of a Figure Kneeling 109 A Study for a Man's Head in Profile 104 Study of a Sleeve 109 Treatise on Painting 5,103, 106,108, 110 Two Views of the Skull 104, 105 Uffizi Annunciation 5,103,108,109, 111-13 The Vitruvian Man 111 Virgin Mary 4, 51, 54, 55, 63, 67, 68,70, 73-5, 79- 81, 109-13, 119, 123-5, 126, 128 Vondel, Joost van den 154,159 Vorstellung 93 Vorstellungsrepräsentanz 93,100 Vulcan 90 Vulgate 180 Wagner, Michael 99 Concepts and Causes: The Structure of Plotinus' Universe 99 Westermann, Mariët 205, 207 Weststeijn, Thijs 6, 8,149 Wetering, Ernst van de 8,191,193-9, 201 Rembrandt: The Painter at Work 193 Wheelock Jr., Arthur K. 195 Vermeer and the Art of Painting 195 White, John 198 The Birth and Rebirth of Pictorial Space 198 William of Champeaux 74 Wind, Edgar 8 Windsor Castle 104,105,107-9 Witelo, Erasmus 2, 3,12 Perspectivae 12 Wölfflin, Heinrich 189, 193 Zeus 69 Principles of Art History 193 Zeuxis 197 Woods-Marsden, Joanna 176
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