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Volltext:Index Note: page references in italics are to illustrations. abstract art 183-4 Adam, Paul 13 Agrippa of Nettesheim 174 alchemy xxi, 13-14, 47, 93-4, 134-5, 179 anarcho-syndicalism 3 Les Annales de Sciences Psychiques 14 Apollinaire, Guillaume Alcools 5, 47, 88, 91, 98, 136, 175, 176 apartments occupied by 19, 55, 59 astrology 138 astronomical phenomena 138-9 Le Bestiaire 4, 6, 19, 20, 45, 49-51, 53, 86- 7, 92, 97, 135, 138, 142, 176 calligrammes 44, 50, 97-8, 138-9, 172, 176, 178 as champion of cubism 15-18 'La Chanson de Mal-Aimé' 91 circle of 55-60, 81 'Cortège' 89 death of 173-4 'L'Enfer' 58 erudition xx 'Les Fenêtres' 95-6 head-wound 141 humanism xviii, xix-xx, 41-4, 53-4, 88- 90 idealization of Paris 1-5 identification with Orpheus 45-6 interest in the arcane 43 interest in emblematic literature 46, 57- 8 interest in mysticism 47 interest in the Renaissance xviii, 8-9, 4ï-4, 93 'Le Musicien de Saint-Merry' 5-6, 82, 86, 144-5 'Palais' 47 Les Peintres cubistes xvii, 17, 19-20, 49, 80, 90, 124, 136 personal library 42-4 Le Poète assassiné 44-8, 142-3, 176 'Le Pont Mirabeau' 58 'Prophéties' 58, 143 pseudonyms 14, 41 self-identity 46 surnaturalisme xxiii, 5, 18-19 sympathies with anarchism 3 'Les trois vertus plastiques' 19-20, 37- 8 , 1 7 5 'Vendémiaire' 3, 5, 89-90 'Zone' 5, 84 Aragon, Louis 141, 174 Archipenko, Alexander 87-8, 131 Aretino, Pietro 42, 174 Arnould-Grémilly, L. 183 Les Arts à Paris 14 Aurier, Albert 13 Bachelet, J. 149 Baraduc, H. 15 Baranoff-Rossiné, D.V. 145, 170 Barr, Alfred H. 183 242 APOLLINAIRE, CUBISM AND ORPIIISM Barzizius, Gasparinus 2 Barzun, Henri-Martin 136 Baudelaire, Charles 91-2, 97, 138 Bayle, Pierre 43 Beauduin, Nicolas 184-5 Bergson, Henri 3, 9, 14-15 Bernard, Claude 9, 11 Bernstock, J.E. xvi Berrichon, Paterne 59 Billy, André 57, 82, 173 Blanc, Charles 188 Blanche, J.E. 16 Boccioni, Umberto 87 Botticelli, Sandro 48, 97 Braque, Georges 29, 46-7, 54, 56, 188 Breton, André xix, 82, 174, 177 Brouault, J. 89, 114 Bruce, P.H. 132, 185 Buffet-Picabia, G. 79, 125-6 Cabbala, the 133 Caillet, Albert 12 Canudo, R. xxi, 1, 129, 131, 134-7 Cardanus, P. 43, 143-4, I( 7 Carra, Carlo 6 Carrieri, Rafaele 177 Cendrars, В. xxii, 91, 129, 134-7, 173/179 Cézanne, Paul 188 Chagall, Marc xxii, 33, 37, " 59-60, 70, 72, 74, 81-2, 90-93, 116, 118, 119, 133-8 passim, 155, 176, 179 Homage à Apollinaire xvii-xviii, 14, 129- 35/ 138-9/159 Paris Through the Window xvii, 95-7, 130, 134, 154 Le Poète 90-93 Chirico, Andrea, see Savinio Chirico, Giorgio de xxii, 6, 18, 37, 56-60 passim, 63, 76, 77, 79, 82-7, 97, 123-4, 142", 145-6, 148, 168, 169, 171, 172, 176- 9 Portrait prémonitoire de Guillaume Apollinaire xvii, 141-5, 164, 166 The Song of Love 127, 147 Cocteau, Jean 81, 141, 173 Colleoni family 127 Cologne cathedral 50 Conti, Natale 57 cubism xviii-xix, xxii-xxiii, 3, 6-12 passim, 15-18, 54, 176, 185^9 La Culture physique (periodical) 124 Curie, Pierre and Marie 14-15 Czyżewski, T. 174 Dalize, René 124-5 Dante 138 De Zayas, M. 83, 144 Debussy, Claude 54 Delaunay, Robert xxii, 37, 39, 42, 62, 6g, 87/ 95-7/ 129-30, 135-9/158/176-85 passim L'Équipe de Cardiff , 79-81, 132, 177, 182 La Ville de Paris xvii-xviii, 4, 51-4, 60, 64, 80, 188 Delaunay, Sonia, see Terk-Delaunay, Sonia Delaunay School 131-2 Denis, M. 189 Derain, André 18, 32, 82, 111, 142, 157 Diriks, C.-E. xxi-xxii Divoire, Fernand 11-12 du Bellay, Joachim 4 Duchamp, Marcel 6, 14, 56, 87, 93-4, 187 Apolinère Enameled 94 Dufy, Raoul 30, 34, 35, 36, 45, 49-50, 86- 7, 92, 156 Duhamel, Georges xx Dumont, Pierre 137 Dürer, Albrecht 75, 82 Durville, G. and H. 12 Eiffel Tower 5-8, -50-54 passim, 60, 70, 80-81, 95, 97, 132, 177 erotica 59, 124 L'Esprit Nouveau (periodical) 8 Euclidian space 9 Fabre, G. xix Fantasio (periodical) xviii, xxi Faure Favier, Louise 79 Fechner, Gustav 187 Felix Féneon, M. 94 Férat, Serge 60, 173 Figuière, Eugène 12 Filia, Emile 182 First World War 79 Fleuret, Fernand xxi, 13, 42, 44, 59, 173 Fludd, Robert 13, 47, 66, 67, 96, 155 Fort, Paul 57, 173 Index 243 fourth dimension, the i6-i8, 176 France, Anatole 88 Frost, A.B. 52, 132 futurism 3-4, 6, 134 Galerie des Machines 8 Gauguin, Paul 96 geometry, use of 16, 188 Gerebtsova, Anna 145 Gilles, Pierre 89 Gleizes, A. 16, 56, 82, 188 La Gnose (periodical) 18 Goethe, J.W. von 143-4 Golding, J. xix Goloubeff, Victor 93 Gordon, Jan 176 Gothic art 137 Goujon, Jean 41, 53 Gourmont, Remy de 43, 86 Grasset, Eugène 137 Gregh, Fernand 41, 173 Gris, Juan 17, 56, 58-9, 90, 102 Hommage â Picasso 38, 96, 110 Gryphius of Lyon 44 Guillaume, Paul 14, 79, 141, 145, 173-7 Les Halles 7 Haussmann, Georges 5 Hautecoeur, Louis 130, 189 Haven, Marc 14 Henderson, L.D. xix Henry, Charles 93-4, 187 Heraclitus of Ephesus 45, 178 Herbert, G. 125 Holbein, Hans 82 d'Honnecourt, Villard 131, 137 Horapollo 31, 34, 49-50, 59-60, 73, 97-8 Huysmans, J.K. 137 iconography and iconology xix idealism xx, 10 Ingres, Jean 131 Jacob, Max 13, 16, 56, 58, 79, 173, 175, 179-80 Kandinsky, Wassily 52, 185 Klinger, Max 123-4 Kosiński, D.M. xvi Kostrowicki family 175 Kupka, F. xvii, 29, 181-6 Lacuzon, Adolphe 38 Laurencin, Marie 41-2, 46-9, 52, 79, 89, 94, 99, 105, 106, 107, 130 portraits of Apollinaire 47-9 Laut, Ernest 92 Lavater, Johann Caspar 143 Lefevre, André 176 Leonardo da Vinci 9, 12, 187 Levi, Eliphas 11, 14, 80 Lipchitz, Jacques 131, 163 Lombroso, Cesare 14 Lorraine, J. 55 Macdonald-Wright, S. 132 Maison cubiste 8 Mâle, É. 137-8 Mallarmé, Stéphane 13-14, 54, 97-8, 175 Manet, Edouard 10, 92 Mantegna, Andrea 87 Marcoussis, L. xix-xxi, 10, 56, 61, 71, 83, 87-90, 93, ni, 115, 157, 179, 174-5 portraits of Apollinaire 88-9, 174-5 Mare, André 8 Marinetti, F.T. 3-4, 86 Massys, Quentin xx, 89, 113 Mediterranean identity 3 Ménard, Louis 57 Mercereau, Alexander 11-13, *6, 55, 176, 183 metaphysical art 178-9 Metzinger, Jean 4, 16-17, 45-6, 56, 92-3, 109, 121, 131, 173 Man with Pipe as possible portrait of Apollinaire 92-3 Meyer, F. xvii Michelet, V.E. 1, 13 Modigliani, Amedeo 182 Moffitt, J.F. xix Montjoie! (periodical) 131, 137 Morice, Charles xxi, 14, 57 Morris, William 93 musical motifs 54 Napeoleon III 7 nationalism xxiii, 4 Nebesky, V.M. 183-4 neoplatonism xvii, 3, 37, 39, 51, 54, 57 Nerciat, Andrea de 42 244 APOLLINAIRE, CUBISM AND ORPHISM Nietzsche, Friedrich 3, 84-5, 142, 144 Noszlopy, G.T. xvi Notre Dame, cathedral of 8, 50 Obsequens, Julius 43, 162 occultism 11-15, 55~8 Offenbach, Jacques 1-2 Olivier, Fernande 47-8 Orphism xvi-xvii, xxii-xxiii, 4-5, 18, 37- 9, 44-5, 50, 125-7, 132/ г7^ 181-6 Paladino, Eusapia 14 Panofsky, E. xix Papus [Gérard Encausse] 12-14, 50, 56- 7 peintre-poésie 138 Péladan, J. 11-13, 45 47' 5°' 5* / 98, 134, 187 Perceau, Louis xxi, 42, 59 Picabia, Francis 87-8, 94, 122, 124, 126, 144, 152, 153, 175, 184 Picasso, Pablo xxi-xxii, 4, 18, 38-9, 44-60 passim, 68, 79, 83-93 passim, 101, 103, 124-7, 143' 165, 173, 175, 179, 188 Acrobate à la boule as idealized image of Apollinaire 46 Pieret, Géry 85 Piobb, Pierre 13 Plan, Pierre Paul xxi, 43 La Pléiade, cult of 41-2, 44 Pliny 43, 142-3 Poincare, Raymond 9, 14-15 Point, Armand 12 pornography 92, 94 Poussin, Nicolas 49 Princet, Maurice 16-17, г7^ Proust, Marcel 146 Raphael 84-5 Raynal, Maurice 10, 17-18, 59 realism xx Richet, C. 14-15 Riemann, Georg 9 Rimbaud, Arthur 2, 10, 58-9, 175 Ringbom, Sixten xix Ripa, Cesare 30, 97-8, 135 La Rochefoucauld 98 Romains, Jules 57, 174 Röntgen, W.C. 15 Rouanet, Leo xxi, 43 Rousseau, Fîenri (Douanier) 46, 49, 53, 60, 97, 108, 117 portraits of Apollinaire 49 Rousseau, J. Jacques 151 Roussel, Raymond 88 Rouveyre, A. 15 Roy, Pierre 83, 166 Russell, Morgan 132 Sacré-Coeur, church of 7 Sade, Marquis de 42, 174 Salis, Rodolphe 137 Salmon, André 47, 56, 60, 85, 131-2, 173- 6, 185, 188 Savinio, A. 6, 82, 141, 144-5 Schuré, Edouard 11, 50 Schwabe, Carlos 98 Schwarz, A. xix scientific ideas 9-12 serio ludere xviii Serlio, Sebastiano 78, 84 Sérusier, P. 187, 189 Seurat, Georges 10, 93, 188 Severini, Gino 80, 86-7, 92, 100, 173 Siblik, E. 183 Les Soirées de Paris (periodical) 5, 58, 60, 124-5, 136-7, 144, 185 Spate, Virginia xvii Stein, Charlotte von 143 Stein, Gertrude 52 Stein, Leo 52 Steinlen, T.A. 7, 111, 137 symbolism 10-11, 13 Terk-Delaunay, Sonia 129-30, 132 theosophy 11 Three Graces, the 53-4, 177 Trismegistus, Hermes 38, 174 Trismosin, Salmon 135 Turpin, Georges 183 Tyard, Pontus de 53 Vachtovà, Ludmilla 186 Vaenius, 0.160, 161 van Bever, Adolphe xxi van Cleve, Cornelius 6 Vanderpyl, Fritz 176 Vasselot, comte de 98 Vauxcelles, Louis 3, 15-17, 38, 42, 184, 187-8 Versailles 6 La Vie Mystérieuse (periodical) 12, 15 La Vie Parisienne (periodical) xxi, 12, 15, 2 5 , 2 7 La Vie Parisienne (operetta) 1-2 Vigenère, Biaise de 44, 50 Villon, Jacques 82, 181, 188 Vromant, Marc 10 Vulliaud, Paul xxi, 12 Index 245 Waiden, H. 59, 129, 134-7 Whistler, James 54 X-rays 13 Zervos, C. 173 Zola, Emile 7, 9
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