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Volltext:Index aborigines, Australian, 391, 417П13 "Abstract Art" 207-8 Abstract Expressionism, 53, 143, 206, 212, 281 movement, 336 painting, 3i3f, 315-16, 323, 391 abstraction, 227, 240 activities, 172-3 as ambiguity, 210-12 in art, 171-2, 223-8, 224b 408t artistic, 218-19 attributes of, 173-4, J9° concepts, 172-3, 179, 191, 201-7, 416m conceptual vs. pictorial, 191-9, 192Í definition of, 170-2 end of art, 223-g, 224F feelings in, 212-20 levels of, 171, 176 materiality/objectification vs., 207-10 philosophy and, 169-70, 173, 175-91 processes, 171-2 of representation, 195 semantic complexity and, 194-8 vs. simplification, 199-201 symbol systems and, 170-2, 176 theory of, 168 thinking and, 29 words, 173 "Abstraction in Science and Abstraction in Art" 214-19 academia, 73, 400 FAC in, 82-3 Acheulean hand axes, 373-4 advertising, 40, 73, 80-1 aesthetics, 17, 355 in art/language, 89, 90-4, 167-8, 229- concept of, 415П6 definitions of, 230-3, 244-6 experimental, 337, 416П in figurative painting, 129 history of, 60 poverty of, 230-3 theory, 233-4 affirmation, 290-1 Africa, 21, 103, 350, 360, 374 aisthetikos (perceptible), 67, 67П Albers, Josef, 67, 390 alphabetography, 27, 227, 361, 371 Amazon, 103, 192, 374 analysis, 201-2, 206, 273 anamnesis, 182 Andersen, Hans Christian, 15 angles, 382-3 animals, 73-9, 131, 160-1, 192 footprints of, 348, 34gf, 419П6 prehistoric, 352-4, 363 anomalies, 46-7, 246, 301 anthropic cosmological principle, 292 anthropomorphs, 352 Apopis (Apep, Apepi, Rerek), 308t, 309 Appel, Kareł, 67, 116, 146, 216 works of, 306, 313, 322-3 Appleyard, В., ío Aquinas, Saint Thomas, 186 428 Index archaeologists, 376-7 Archimedean fulcrum, 400 "Architecture of Complexity, The" 337 Aristotle, 26, 31, 273 abstraction principle of, 175, 178-9, 185-6 concepts of, 332 empiricist worldview of, 179-90, 289-90 on poetry, 334 on words, 159, 173 Arman, Fernandez, 116, 328 armies, 82, 225 Arp, Jean, 108 art, 395-406. See also painting, prehistoric abstraction in, 171-2, 223-8, 224h 408t advertising/commercial, 40 aesthetics and, 90-4, 167-8 attributes of, 239-40 avant-garde, 11 butterfly effect of, 2 chance and, 141-6 characterization of, 257-62 collectors, 36, 49-52, 126-7 commercial/golden effect of, 124-8 concepts, 233-9 conceptual, 57, 121-2 connectivity in, 343 contemporary, 134, 246, 343 context change and, 140-1 conventionalism in, 150-1, 343-5 criticism, 47, 55 Cubism and, 7, 33, 66, 113, 244, 247 culture and, 49-50, 266-72 dealers, 13, 49-52, 126-8 definitions of, 19, 230-9, 252-3, 255-62 demarcations of, 55-63, 231, 250-1, 257, 29З. 343, 4°2 development of, 50 devolutionary process of, 51-2 documentation and, 120-3 education, 48-9, 60-1 emotions/feelings and, 109-17 end of, 20 establishment, 75, 249-51, 397 evolution of, 50-2 as experience, 111 experiments and, 151-2 genuine, 70 hierarchies in, 337-41, 340t history, 352-4 illusion of, 51-2 impressionism, 1-2, 37-41, 45-7, 69, 113, !36, !55-6, 3°2 knowledge and, 176 language and, 89, 90-4, 167-8, 229-30 lovers, 36 mindprints and, 8-9, 266-72, 277-92 names/classifications and, 152-5 neo-avant-garde, 11, 119 Neoclassical, 212 Neolithic, 209-10 nonobjective, 256 novelty/readability/intelligibility/ signification in, 155-60 as objects, 94-8, 107-9 order/disorder in, 303-7, 305t, 334-6 organization in, 53, 69 origins of, 266-71 paradigmatic crisis in, 18-20, 35-7, 44-55, 68-9 paradigms in, 13-14, 20-3, 34-5, 41-4, 246-9 randomness in, 143-4 Renaissance, 29, 33 representation principles in, 23-4, 69 researchers, 36 revolutions in, 1, 25-6 schools/movements in, 44-5, 45b 92 shapes in, 86, 90, 109, 200-1, 304 size effect in, 128-33 suppositions in, 167-8 symbols in, 91, 94, 98-102, 216 symmetry in, 391-4 textbooks, 48 theories, 233-44, 257-62 traffic signs as, 365-8 value-quality aspects of, 32 views on, 2-6 world, 251-3 art, abstract, 5, 11-12 abstraction in, 168-70, 198-9, 408t as art, 232-3, 260-1, 345, 393-4 Index 429 communication and, 367-8 confusions in, 201-7 connectivity/disconnectivity and, 4ogt-4i2t demarcations of, 56-7, 56f differences in, 67-8 exhibitions of, 113 hierarehy-randonmess/arbitrariness and, 4i3t-4i4t invention of, 52 language and, 159-60, 169 mindprints and, 278-301, 297b 2g8f, 4ogt-4i2t Modernism and, 4-6, 8, 25, 50 mysticism and, 220-3 novelty/readability/intelligibility/ signification in, 155-60 order/disorder and, 303-7, 305t, 308t, 334-6 stratification levels and, 312-20, 312b 313b 314b 320t symbols and, 296-9, 297b 2g8f art, figurative, 1. See also Realism abstraction and, 171, 198-9, 202, 207, 408t analysis/synthesis in, 202 aspects of, 85 attributes of, 85, 261, 270 as conceptual art, 121 connectivity/disconnectivity and, 299-302. 4ogt-4i2t demarcations of, 56-7, 56f in eighteenth century, 32 as expressions instrument, 34 hierarchy-randomness/arbitrariness and, 4i3t-44t history and, 245-6 mind and, 8-9 mindprints and, 278-301, 4ogt-4i2t new paradigm for, 2-3, 6, 401-6 objects and, 344-5 order/disorder and, 303-7, 305t, 308t organization in, 86-9, 388 paradigm, 13, 20, 23-5, 35-7, 69, 244 pictorial language of, 27, 89 readability of, 6-7 representation and, 240, 344 stratification levels and, 312-20, 314b 316b 320t symbols and, 19, 118, 205-6, 222, 304-6, 305t, 310-11, 342, 346-9 symmetry in, 371-2, 390-1 visual thinking in, 23-4, 27-9 "Art History Doubles" 375 art, nonfigurative. See art, nonrepresentational; nonart art, nonrepresentational, 6-8, 250. See also art, abstract; Modernism; nonart abstraction and, 168-70 as art, 342, 393-4 mindprints and, 190 photography and, 39-40 symmetries and, 390 Art of love, III (Ovid), 70 art, twentieth century, 1, 371. See also art, nonrepresentational; nonart abstraction and, 173, 201, 225 commerce/economics and, 49-52, 63, 124-8 creativity/originality and, 137-40 crisis in, 20-3, 49-52, 231 as Dark Age, 64-6 evaluation of, 17-20 fallacy of, 90 history of, 2 methods/schools of, 44-6, 45f novelty and, 133-7 paradigms and, 249 production, 6-7, 17-20 views on, 11-13 artists, 1 in 1980s, 46 avante-garde, 10 conceptual, 121 on Modernism, 265-6 neo-avante-garde, 11, 119 Postmodern, 11, 99 publicity effect and, 117-20, 157 survival of, 75 in twentieth century, 90, 113-16, 239, 336 Artonomij, 340, 405 43° Index Artonomij: The Dark Side or Realism (Avital), 405 Asat (Vitra), 307-8, 308t Asha versus Drug, 307-8, 308t Asia, 350, 360 Augustine, Saint, 187, 221 Australia, 103, 350, 391, 417П Baldaccini, César, 116 Barrow, J. D., 419П2 Bateson, George, 216-17, 271, 337-8, 370, 385 Beardsley, Monroe C., 241, 250 behaviorism, 83-4 Being, 169, 386, 394 levels/phases of, 285, 291 mindprints and, 271, 288 randomness in, 141 world of Seeming, Becoming and, 180 Belting, H., 10, 246 Berkeley, George, 177 Berlyne, Daniel, 104, 415П2, 416П8 Bicycle Wheel (Duchamp), 64-6, 90, 94, 95f Big Bang Theory, 275, 287 biology, 75, 144 birds, 78, 131 Birds Buried in Snow (Kirkeby), 153 Biombos cave, 375-7 Bocliner, Salomon, 384 Bohr, Niels, 136, 278 Borglum, Gutzon, 130 Bosch, Hieronymus, 138 Botticelli, Sandro, 13, 116, 131, 304 Boyce, Sonia Untitledby, 154 brain, 27-8, 321, 382 symbols and, 99-100, 176 Braque, Georges, 151 Braun, Werner, 74f Brillo box, 244-6 "Broken Symmetries, On" 387 Brooklyn Museum of Art, 61, 113-14 Brooks, V., 351 Bruno, Giordano, 33, 130 Bull, 3i6f bulls, 192-6, 362, 364, 419П9 Bushmen, 350, 374 Butcher, S. H., 334 butterflies, 77, 392 Byrne, Richard, 79 Calder, Alexander, 130, 168-9, 3&5 Campanella, Tommaso, 33 Cape Town, 375, 380 Carse, James R, 133, 136 caves Biombos, 375-7 Chauvet, 89, 149, 349f El Castillo, 363 Lascaux, 250, 316b 349b 350 Pech-Merle, 363 Shanidar, 102 Cézanne, Paul, 33, 126 Vase of Flowers and Two Apples by, 153 Champollion, Jean-François, 158 chance, 141-6, 334 Chaos, 307-8, 308t chaos, 309 deterministic, 310 theory, 32, 309-10 Chauvet cave, 89, 149, 34gf China, 29, 102, 307-8, 308t Chipp, В., 208 Chomsky, N., 88-g, 416П5 Christianity, 103, 148 Christo, 130-2 civilizations, human, 25-6 classification, 273, 293 Codis. See mindprints, Connectivity-Disconnectivity (Codis) collectors art, 36, 49-52, 126-7 nonart, 396 colors in animals, 73-9 in art, 90, 109, 295, 304 organization of, 143, 200-1 in painting, 86 communications, 28, 54 complexity, 194-8, 313, 336-41, 416П composition, 201-2 Composition with Blue and Yellow (Mondrian), 154 Index 431 coneept(s), 177, 184-5, l88. 4i6n breached, 238-9 oí closedness, 234-6 Codis, 272-3, 292-301, 330-2, 334 formation, 201 of the garbage heap, 239 of identity, 357-8 language, 268 logic, 235 of mathematics, 235-6 meta, 268, 388 of openness, 233-9 of resemblance, 358-9 concrete entities, 207-10 Condon, J. C., 381 connectivity, 52-3, 356, 400 in art, 343 levels of, 176, 292-g mode of, 139, 171 principle, 388 recursive, 92, 330-6, 33if, 418П5 symmetry and, 281-2, 378-83 systemic, 118 Connectivity-Disconnectivity. See mindprints, Connectivity-Disconnectivity (Codis) contradiction, 359 conventionalism, 150-1 art and, 343-5 counterarguments to, 348-68 depiction of, 359-61 in prehistoric perspective, 345-8 Cornford, F. M., 182 cosmology, 22, 291-2 Cow Triptych (Lichtenstein), 201-5, 203b 417П10 Cowart, Jack, 203 cows, 192-6, 200, 207 creation, 287-8 creativity, 137-40 documentation and, 354 images and, 347 twentieth century art and, 137-40 creatures. See animals criticism of art, 47, 55 of Modernism, 9-13, 35-7. z29-3° critics, art, 17, 47, 49-52, 63 Critique of Pure Reason (Kant), 32 Cry, The (Munch), 111 Cubism, 7, 33 as art, 66 exhibitions of, 113 paintings, 244, 247 culture(s), 98 art and, 49-50, 266-72 branches of, 41-4, 170 communications and, 54, 112 development of, 33 Eastern, 288 evolution of, 176, 376 FAC and, 71-2, 160-1 history of, 167 human, 170, 291 mindprints and, 266-72 order/disorder in, 307-11, 308t pretense in, 72, 79-83 products of, 285-6 purpose of, 41, 159 revolutions and, 24-6 split, 34 symmetry and, 372-8 value and, 126 Western, 26, 288 Cupchik, Gerald С., 416П6, 419m curators, 49-52, 62 da Vinci, Leonardo, 13, 35, 49 Last Supper by, 129 paintings of, 108 Dadaism, 18, 92, 151 achievements of, 66 on art, 228 organization principle and, 141-6 Danto, Arthur, 6, 20, 232 historical context's width and, 247-9 theories of, 238, 240-51, 253, 255-7 Daoism, 220, 418П mindprints and, 272, 274-5, 285 mythology and, 307-10, 308t yin/yang in, 309 Dark Ages, 64-6 Darwin, Charles, 285, 332 David (Michelangelo), 129 432 Index Davies, Stephen, 259 de Kooning, Willem, 218, 313 on abstract art, 168-9, 212-14 Visit, The by, 153-4 De Stijl school, 169 Dead Drunk Danes (Jörn), 153 dealers, art, 13, 49-52, 126-8 deceit, 71, 75 decomposition, 201-2 deconstructivism, 55 deer, 278-9, 282, 361, 4i8n8 Delaunay, Robert, 90, 168 della Mirándola, Pico, 33 Delluc, Brigitte, 419П6 demarcations of abstract art, 56-7, 56f of art, 55-63, 231, 250-1, 257, 293, 343, 402 in design, 56-7, 56f Duchamp and, 59, 5gf of figurative art, 56-7, 56f Modernism and, 56-63, 56f of nonart, 55-63, 56f, 250-1, 257, 293, 343, 402 in paradigms, 55-63 in science, 60, 120 Democritus, 26, 177, 419П3 Demotic script, 158 Denis, Maurice, 93 depictions, 225-6 Descartes, Rene, 33, 285, 416П5 design, 108 branches of, 138 creativity in, 138 demarcations in, 56-7, 56f graphic, 138, 240 as nonart, 67 determinism, 112, 285-6 Diament, Alon, 418П2 Dickie, George, 6, 232 behavorial aesthetics and, 251-2, 417П5 theories of, 238, 241, 252-7 dimension, 364-5 discrimination, 171 dismantling, 206 disorder, 112, 219 art and, 303-7, 305t definition of, 307 element of, 335-6 doctrine of partaking, 181-2, 184 doctrine of Recollection, 182, 416115 documentation, 120-3 creativity and, 354 systems of, 225-6 domains, 18-22, 47, 113, 136 Dreyfus, Tommy, 392, 417П2 DS. See Duchamps Syndrome (DS) Duchamp, Marcel, 33, 253 achievements of, 64-6, 90 art s regression and, 114 Bicycle Wheel by, 64-6, 90, 94, gsf Fountain by, 59, 5gf, 96, 122, 140, 152, 239 objet trouvé and, 106 readymades and, 96-8, 101-4, 106 reduction/idealization and, 83-5, 161-2 works of, 151, 248 Duchamps Syndrome (DS), 83-6, 94 context change and, 140 function and, 123 knowledge and, 122 value and, 126 Egypt, 102-3, 209. 225, 258, 285 mythology in, 307-9, 308t, 332 pyramids in, 131 Einstein, Albert, 20, 336-7 relativity theories of, 149, 155, 267, 335, 385 space, time and, 42-3, 130 Eisenberg, T., 392 El Castillo cave, 363 electrons, 249, 372 elephants, 83, 105 embryo, 83-4 Emile (Rousseau), 70 emotions art and, 109-17 experiences and, 111 negative, 111-16 Emperor's New Clothes, The (Andersen), 15 Index 433 empiricist mode, 179-91 entities, 363 concrete, 207-10 representation of, 208 words and, 381 entrenchment, 342, 383 epistemology, 31-2 Escher, M. С., 392 Ethiopia, 351-2 Europe, 350, 360 museums of, 108, 138 Neolithic, 209-10 evolution of art, 50-2 biological, 50, 73, 84 concept of 32 Connectivity-Disconnectivity (Codis) and, 377 of culture, 176 of prehistoric art, 346-8, 352, 419П6 experimental aesthetics, 337, 416П explanations, 244-6 Expression Theory, 255 Expressionism, 33 Abstract, 53, 143, 206, 212, 281, 313, 323, 391 extinction, 75 faith, 71, 376 fallacy of affirming the consequent (FAC), 5, 69 in biology, 160-1 in culture, 71-2 in Modernism, 83-5, 93, 253-5 in nature, 4b 71-2, 74-5, 160-1 reductions and, 109-17 uses of 73, 80-3 fame, 117-19 feelings, 110-17, 212-20 Ferrari, M., 75 Field, Dick, 10, 49 fireflies, 78, 392-3 fish, 78 angler, 78 crossoptergians, 346 cuttle, 76-7 jelly, 77 puffer, 131 stone, 74Í Fleischman, Martin, 249 Florence, 116, 141 Flyer I, 405 footprints, 105-6 of animals, 348, 34gf, 419П6 mind and, 269-71 reading of, 375 Formative Causation hypothesis, 271 forms, 177, 184-5, x88 in art, 295 in painting, 86 Fountain (Duchamp), 59, 59b 96, 122, 140, 152, 239 foxes, 76, 78 France, 89, 350, 352, 363 Frey, Dagobert, 386 Fuller, Peter, 10 pornography of despair and, 112 Future of Man, The (Graham), 49 Galilean revolution, 26, 31-2 Galilee, The, 404-5 Galilei, Galileo, 25, 30-1 gallery owners, 49-52 General System Theory, 276 generalization, 171, 189, 201, 205, 273 as discourse, 227 of symbols, 221-2, 226 Geometric Abstraction, 209, 212 geometry, 236, 390, 417П2 Ghiberti, Lorenzo, 141 Gibson, J. J., 343, 364, 419П3 GIGO (garbage in, garbage out), 107 Gillespie, С. C., 31 giraffe (Idrin), 380 Glossary of Art, Architecture and Design (Walker), 4sf God, 33, 103, 170, 183, 190 Bible and, 287-8 concept of, 284-5, 308 mindprints and, 270 oracles and, 249-51, 257 Gombrich, E. H., 343 434 Index Goodman, Nelson, 9, 153, 415П2 on dimension, 364-5 on imitation attributes, 255-6 nominalist-conventionalist view of, 344-5, 354 on nonrepresentational art, 342, 350-2 on representation, 354-7, 365, 368-9, 383 on resemblance, 357-9 theories of, 311-12, 318, 366 Graham, Robert K., 49-51 grammar, 86-9, 92, 210-11 graphic design, 7, 67-8 Greece, 21, 150, 219, 285 mythology in, 307-10, 308t science in, 30-2 speech in, 226 writing plioneticization in, 27 Greenberg, Clement, 111, 159-60 Guilford, J. R, 138 Guthrie, W. K. C., 177 Haaertz (newspaper), 351-2 Habermas, J., 10 Hägen, M. A., 351, 364 Hand Tools, Mind Tools (Avital), 405 handprints, 347-8, 34gf Hargittai, I., 419П2 Hargittai, M., 419П2 Harries, G., 418П5 hearing, 28-g Hebrew, 117 University (Jerusalem), 415П2 Hegel, Georg W. F., 267, 270, 418П2 Heisenberg, Werner, 136 uncertainty principle of, 268 Heizer, Michael, 123 Helion, Jean, 169 Henshilwood, Christopher S., 375-6 Hepworth, Barbara, 108 Heraclitus, 32 "all is change" and, 179-80, 282 views of, 272, 282, 288-9 hierarchy(ies), 306, 308t, 320t, 336-41, 340t in art, 337-41, 340t Comparison-Imparison (No Comparison) and, 338 Complementarity-Mutual Exclusiveness and, 275-6, 338 definition for, 330-2 Determinism-Indeterminism (Probability, Selection, Choice) and, 338 in figurative painting, 306-7 in symbols, 194 symmetry and, 389 Symmetry-Asymmetry and, 275-6 Transformation-Invariance and, 275-6 hieroglyphs, 158, 353 Higgs particles, 362-3 Hinduism, 307-8, 308t historians, 17, 241 art, 49-52, 62-3, 244-6 on Modernism, 265-6 history contemporary art and, 246 figurative art and, 245-6 Modernism and, 246-g philosophy and, 175, 190, 245 Hochberg, J., 351 Hofstadter, Douglas, 330 hologram, 197-8 Holon Academic Institute of Technology, 4l8n3 holons, 105, 202 cardinal, 317 nesting and, 332 pictorial, 313-15, 3!7, 327-9, 329t hominids, 26g, 347 homomorphism, 385 horses, 94-5, 99, 283, 349f humans, 174, 350 order/disorder, systems and, 175, 307-g, 308t reason, 33 Hume, David, 186, 270, 273, 285, 332 hunters-gatherers, prehistoric, 225, 352, 417П13 Hyperrealism, 38, 40 hypothesis, 152, 242-3, 380 definition of, 363 Formative Causation, 271 Sapir-Whorf, 381 thinking and, 347 Index 435 idealization, 160-2, 201 ideas, 182, ígo, 416П ideist mode, 130, 137, 179-91 identity, 171, 357-9 Ilan's Tree, 324-7, 326f image(s), 174, 186, 385 anthropomorphic, 352 definition of, 177 making, 347 relativism of, 381-3 symbols and, 244 words and, 356-7 imagination, 416П7 Imitation Theory of Art, 242-4, 255-6 immigrants, 351-2 Impressionism, See also Postimpressionism divergences of 47 exhibitions of 113 rise of 1-2 role of 37-41, 45-6, 136, 302 as supernova, 37, 69 works, 155-6 India, 285, 307-8, 308t, 360 induction, 185-6 insects, 73-9, 82 Institutional Theory of the Definition of Art, 6, 232, 417m Danto and, 240-1 Dickie and, 256-7 Duchamp and, 253 Modernism and, 254-5 institutions, 396-7 intelligence, 170, 183, 267, 292, 403 intuition, 416П7 inventions, 27, 30, 52, 419114 Iran, 103, 285, 307-8, 308t Islam, 103, 149, 392 isomorphism, 359-60, 368, 385 Israel, 58, 104, 115, 225, 258, 404-5. See also Jerusalem flag, 103 Museum (Jerusalem), 59h 95h 248 scientific community in, 248-9 Izfet, 308-g, 308t Janus Effect, 315, 317 Japan, 360-1, 380, 398 Jerusalem, 38, 269, 415П2 Israel Museum in, 59k 95k 248 National Library in, 399 Jewish Museum (New York), 93 Jones, R. K., 351, 364 Jörn, Asger Dead Drunk Danes by, 153 Judaism, 102-3, г4& Kandinsky, Wassily, 33 abstraction and, 168 achievements of, 64-6, 90 works of 151, 248 Kant, Immanuel, 26, 335-6, 381 Copernican revolution and, 32-3 on experience/impressions, 190-1, 416П mind, reality and, 32-3, 43, 268, 270, 273, 290 synthesis and, 345 "thing in itself' and, 42 Kennedy, M., 351, 361 King Must Die, The (Renault), 21 kings, 21-2 kirin (giraffe), 380 Kirkeby, Per Birds Buried in Snow by, 153 Kitty Hawk, 405 Klein, Yves, 116, 138, 279, 312, 3Mf knowledge art and, 176 conceptual, 381-2 Demonstration and, 185 development of, 143-4 DS and, 122 of matters/empirical world, 175 philosophy and, 176-91 sources of, 33-5, 179. 381 truth and, 71 unification of, 183 Koestler, Arthur, 84, 112, 202, 313-15 Koetsier, Hans, 143-4 Kosmos, 307-8, 308t Kriesberg, M., 114-15 Kuhn, Thomas S., 17, 20, 242 Kuspit, Donald, 10, 70, 97, 119, 135 436 Index Laetoli, 269, 347, 375 Langer, Susanne, 214-19 language(s) abstract art and, 159-60, 169 aesthetics in art, 89, 90-4, 167-8, 229-30 concepts, metaconcepts and, 268 Egyptian, 158 emergence of, 41 function of, 154 genuine, 112 grammar in, 86-9, 92 Greek, 158 natural, 53, 86-7, 90, 92, 217, 350 new, 159-60 node in, gi order in, 88-9 pictorial, 86-94, 91_4 iba, 2°6, 337 principles of, 49 private, 159 semantics in, 86-90, 129 spoken, 350 structure, 286 symmetry in, 372-3 syntax in, 86-90, 92, 129 universal, 169 verbal, 88-9, 318, 337, 381-2 visual, 69, 86-9 western, 272 Languages of Art (Goodman), 343 Lao Tzu, 220-1 Laplace, Pierre Simon, 285 Lascaux cave, 250, 3i6f, 349F, 350 Last Supper (da Vinci), 129 law of contradiction, 272 Leakey, Mary, 347 Lebanon, 115, 225, 258 Leibniz, Gottfried, 383, 416П5 Lemaitre, Georges, 136 Lenneberg, E.H., 88-9 Les Demoiselles ({"Avignon (Picasso), 108, 247-8 Les Trois Frères, 352 Lévi-Strauss, Claude, 170, 239, 377 Li, 307-10, 308t Lichtenstein, Roy Cow Tripti/cli by, 201-5, 203b 317П linguistics, 89, 200 literacy footprints, 266, 347-8 print, texts and, 29 visual, 346-7 literature, 166, 352 Locke, John, 186, 419П3 Lockean epistemology, 31-2 logic, 69, 72 abstraction and, 169-70 concepts, 235 Greek, 272 Logos, 307-8, 308t Louis, Morris, 67 Lucie-Smith, E., 135 Lyons, J., 89 Maat (Ma'at, Mayet), 308-9, 308t Magritte, René, 153, 335 Pleasure Principle, The by, 139 Malevich, Kazimir, 90, 168, 208-9 works of, 248, 327 mammals, 131, 174 mapping, 365, 373 Marini, Marino, 108 matching, 362-4 materiality, 207-10 mathematics, 169-70, 235, 332, 384 matryoschka (Russian dolls), 314-15, 330 McCracken, John, 216 McLuhan, Marshall, 28, 30, 415П2 mediation, 177, 181 Mendieta, Ana, 112 Mesopotamia, 102, 225 metaconcepts, 268, 388 metaphorization, 347 metasymmetry, 376 Meyer, U., 121 Michelangelo, 108 David by, 129 Milkmaid, The (Vermeer), 281 mimicry, 71, 73-9 mind, 177, 183, 190, 403, 416П7 art, culture and, 266-72 definitions of, 267-9 footprints and, 269-71 Index 437 human, 112, 176 mindprints and, 266-72 reality and, 33, 266-72, 339 terms for, 267 mindprints, 9, 34, 400, 416ml abstract art and, 278-301, 297b 2g8f, 409t-4i2t accumulation in, 276-7 art and, 8-g, 266-72, 277-92 culture and, 41-4, 266-72 derivations/relations among, 274-5 figurative art and, 278-301, 4091-412t figurative painting and, 50, 319-20, 320t mind and, 266-72 properties of, 332-6 symbols and, 279, 293-5 table, 265, 272, 303 mindprints, Comparison-Imparison (No Comparison), 8, 265, 272, 347, 393 accumulation in, 276, 418П5 art and, 290-1 hierarchy and, 338 mindprints, Complementarity-Mutual Exclusiveness, 8, 265, 272, 393 accumulation in, 276 art and, 278, 281 hierarchy in, 275-6, 338 mindprints, Connectivity-Disconnectivity (Codis), 8-9, 41, 272, 386, 393 accumulation in, 276-7 art and, 278, 280-2, 292-302, 409^-412t as concepts, 272-6, 292-301, 330-2, 334 evolution of, 377 as unity-plurality, 265 mindprints, Determinism-Indeterminism (Probability, Selection, Choice), 8, 265, 272, 393 art and, 285-6 hierarchy and, 338 mindprints, Hierarchy-Randomness (Antihierarchy, Disorder), 8-9, 265, 272, 347, 393 art and, 280-1, 301, 4131-414! complexity of, 275-7, 336-41, 340t as recursive connectivity-disconnectivity, ЗЗ0-6, 33if, 418П5 mindprints, Negation-Affirmation (Double Negation), 8, 265, 272, 393 accumulation in, 276 art and, 286-90 mindprints, Open-Endedness-Closed- Endedness, 8, 134, 137, 275, 347, 393 art and, 279, 285 integration and, 274 recursion and, 338 symbols and, 163-5 mindprints, Recursiveness (Recurrence)-Singularity, 8, 265, 272, 275, 393 art and, 280-1 mindprints, Symmetry-Asymmetry, 8-9, 42, 265, 272, 347, 393 accumulation in, 276-7 art and, 281-2, 288, 301 hierarchy in, 275-6 mindprints, Transformation-Invariance, 8, 265, 272, 347, 393 art and, 281-4, 418П5 hierarchy in, 275-6 minimalists, 53, 281 Mitchell, W. J. T., 356 Modernism, 1, 395-406, See also art, abstract; art, nonrepresentational; nonart as art, 4-6, 8, 25, 50 attitudes on, 63-8, 65b 265-6 collectors, 127-8 communication in, 54-5 criticism of, 9-13, 35-7, 229-30 definition of, 11 demarcations of, 56-63, 56f economics of, 124-8 FAC and, 5, 83-5 feelings/emotions and, 109-17 founders of, 6, 118 history and, 246-g importance of, 118, 165-6 innovation/novelty in, 135-7 Institutional Theory of the Definition of Art and, 254-7 objects and, 94-8 Index Modernism (cont.) order/disorder in, 307-11 organization in, 90, 145-6 painting and, 86-9 paradigmatic crisis in, 46 pluralism of, 4 pretense and, 71, 83-5, 165-6 as pseudo-art, 416ml as Reductionism, 83-5, 90-109 rejection of, 9 relativism and, 252-3 as revolution, 2-4 signs and, 104-7 symbols and, 19, 53-5, 94-102 symmetries and, 389-91, 394 theories and, 245-6 truth/sincerity and, 146-50 Modus ponens (inference rule), 72 Moira, 307-8, 308t Moles, A., 129, 4i6n8 Mondrian, Piet, 2, 7, 33, 405 abstraction and, 168-9 achievements of, 64-6, 90 Composition with Blue and Yellow by, 154 methods/school of, 44 Tree Series by, 205 works of, 112, 146, 151, 162, 239, 248, 327, 335 Monochrome, 6, 44, 312Í Monod, Jacques, 144 Moorman, Charlotte, 135 Morgan, R. C., 10, 126 morphology, 87-9 Morrison, Philip, 383-4, 387-8 Motherwell, Robert, 169, 214, 218, 220 multiplicity, 182, 189 Munro, T., 52 Murakami, Saburo, 139 museum(s), 397-8 curators, 94-5, 124, 134 directors, 49-52, 62, 113-16, 134, 239 economics and, 125-8 of Europe, 108, 138 exhibitionism and, 123-4 mythology, 42, 170, 377 culture and, 307-10, 308t, 332 Eros, 221 myticism abstract art and, 220-3 mind and, 268-9 Nagy, D„ 34, 418П5 names, 103-4, x86, 192 class, 207, 260 National Library (Jerusalem), 399 nature, 270, 311 FAC and, 4f, 71-2, 74-5, 160-1 pretense in, 73-9, 74Í of Surrealism, 53 survival in, 73-80 Nature, 375 Ne'eman, Yuval, 418П3 negation, 286-gi Neoclassical art, 212 Neolithic art, 209-10 nesting, 330-2 New Guinea, 374, 417П13 New York, 61, 93 Museum of Modern Art, 112, 168 Newman, Barnett, 146, 216, 312 Newton's Law of Gravitation, 162, 389 Newton's mechanics, 36, 42-3, 243 Nicholson, Ben, 169 Night Watch (Rembrandt), 129 Nitsch, Herman, 112 Noland, Kenneth, 390 nonart, 6, 398-9 absurdities of, 122 definition of, 11, 231-3 demarcations of, 55-63, 56f, 250-1, 257, 293. 343, 4°2 design as, 67 documentation and, 121-3 era of, 13 FAC and, 72, 74Í informational processing and, 129-30, 416П pretense in, 84-5 publicity effect and, 117-20 rubbish and, 107 size effect and, 128-33 objectification, 207-10 objects, 94-8 Index 439 as art, 94-8, 107-9 class of, 199-200 of high quality, 107-9 symbols and, 98-104, 371-2 objet trouvé (found object), 106 O'Keefe, Georgia, 169 Old Testament, 102, 392 onomatopoeia, 419П5 Op Art, 138 order, 112, 219 art and, 303-7, 3°5t definition of, 307 formal, 364 spatial, 364 organization in art, 53, 69, 85, 141-6 colors in, 143, 200-1 Dadaism and, 141-6 in figurative art, 86-9, 388 in Modernism, 90, 145-6 in painting, 87-9 resemblance and, 361-5 orientation, spatial, 364-5 originality, 137-40 oxymorons, 272, 332. See also concepts Pagels, H. R., 419П2 painting(s), 23, 385 action, 391 as art, 232 attributes of, 271-2 Cubist, 244, 247 definition of, 93 drip, 391 images in, 174 monochrome, 67 organization in, 87-9 portrait, 388-9 Postimpressionist, 244, 247 randomness and, 142-3, 321-9, 322f-323f 324f-325f, 326f, 329t Surrealist, 244, 352, 365 symbols in, 68, 86-9, 94 as visual system, 28-9, 230 painting, abstract, 154 as art, 260-2 connectivity in, 53, 366 order/disorder and, 303-7, 305t randomness and, 321-9, 322f-323f 324f-325f, 326f, 329t size/reproduction and, 130 painting, figurative, 28-9, 40, 48. See also mindprints attributes of, 50, 86-7, 270 connectivity levels of, 52-5 hierarchic structure in, 306-7 informational processing and, 129-30, 416П as metapattern, 385-7 mindprints and, 278-301 names/classifications in, 153 order/disorder and, 303-7, 305t organization in, 88-9, 364 perception of, 86 as pictorial language, 86-g, 91-4, 165, 206 randomness and, 321-9, 322h 329t representation in, 161-5, 355_7 science and, 30-2 size effect of, 128-32 stratification levels and, 312-20, 314b 3i6f, 320t synthesis in, 202 painting, prehistoric, 26-7, 34, 38, 89, 102, 149, 171, 352, 419П6. See also caves conventionalism and, 345-8 pictorial symbols in, 89, 175-6, 227-8, 352-4 as term, 227 Pan, Marta, 108 Panofsky, E., 31 paradigms achievement in, 18 in art, 13-14, 20-3, 34-5, 41-4, 246-9 attributes of, 20-3, 46-7 crisis levels in, 24-5 definition of, 18 demarcation in, 55-63 domains and, 18-20, 22 in figurative art, 13, 20, 23-5, 35-7, 69, 244 functions of, 47-8, 248-9 Newtonian, 36, 42-3 reality and, 42-4 in science, 18-20, 35-7 44° paradigms (cont.) symbol systems and, 244 theory V, 241-4, 249-51 twentieth century art and, 249 Parmenides, 32 "One, The" and, 42, 179-82, 184, 288-90 views of, 282, 288-90 Pattee, H. H., 303, 336 Pech-Merle cave, 363 perceived complexity, 194-7 perceptions, 167 as cognition mode, 171 relativism of, 379-83 sensory, 184-95 Phaidon Dictionary of Twentieth Century Art, 45h 207-8 philosophy, 1, 166. See also Plato; Socrates; Sophists abstraction and, 169-70, 173, 175-91, 416m Greek, 26, 310 groups, 186-8 history and, 175, 190, 245, 270 Kantian, 419П3 knowledge and, 176-81, 268 print and, 29 suppositions in, 167 phoenix, 43-4 phonemes, 89, 195 phonology, 87-90 photography, 33 customs, 103, 351-2 documentation and, 120—3 as pictorial representation, 197-8 role of, 37-41 physics, 1, 332, 389, 418П3 Aristotelian, 25, 31, 35, 340 of Einstein, 20, 25 Galilean, 340 modern, 285, 288 Newtonian, 20, 25, 42-3 Picasso, Pablo, 7 achievements of, 64-6, 151 Les Demoiselles d"Avignon by, 108, 247-8 works of, 203, 355 Planck, Max, 136 Index plants, 73, 75-6, 160-1 Plato, 26, 31-2, 97 abstraction and, 175, 177-8 art and, 230 concepts of, 332 Forms, Ideas and, 177, 188, 282, 289-90 Heraeleitan Flux's principle and, 179 ideist worldview of, 130, 137, 179-go on madness, 221 on relativism, 150 Pleasure Principle, The (Magritte), 139 pluralism, 48, 239 Po Chu-i (poet), 220-1 poetry, 39, 121 pollination, 75-6 Pollock, Jackson, 66, 146 works of, 162, 211, 313, 314b 335 Pons, Stanley, 249 Pop Art, 138 Popper, Karl, 100 Postimpressionism, 244, 247 Postmodernism, 11, 99 prehistoric art. See painting, prehistoric pretense in culture, 72, 79-83 logic of, 69 Modernism and, 71, 83-5 modes of, 71, 75 in nature, 72-9, 74f in nonart, 84-5 as survival principle, 70-9 Prigogine, I., 285 Primary Structures, 93 printing, 26, 120 computerized, 120 invention of, 27, 30 linguistic-conceptual thinking in, 28-9 progression, 418П5 prose, 39, 121 prostitution, 126-7 "psyehopathology in artistic disguise" 112 public, 396-7 public relations, 80-1 artists and, 157, 249-50 nonart and, 117-20 Index 441 publicity, 117-20, 157 Pythagoreans, 181 quantum mechanics, 32, 35, 249 Ra (sun god), 43, 308-9, 308t randomness, 141-6, 416П8 as antihierarchy, 332 in art, 143-4 in painting, 321-9, 322f-323f, 324f-325f, 326f, 329t rationality, 219, 416П readymades, 96-8, 101-4, 106, 122 Real Work of Art, A (Wallinger), 94-5, 99 Realism, 202, 302 history of, 365 symbols of, 365, 368 theories, 344-5 reality 30-1, 307 interpretation of 43 mind and, 33, 266-72, 339 paradigms and, 42-4 views of 33-5, 345-6 virtual, 40 recursion, 330-6, 33if, 338, 418П5 Reductionism, 201 affect/effect in, 109-46 chance and, 141-6 context change and, 140-1 conventions in, 150-1 creativity/originality and, 137-40 documentation and, 120-3 Duchamp and, 83-5, 161-2 idealization vs., 160-5 in Modernism, 83-5, 90-109 names/classifications and, 152-5 novelty and, 133-7 novelty/readability/intelligibility/ signification in, 155-60 size effect and, 128-33 truth/sincerity and, 146-50 types of, 109 regicide, 21-2 relation(s) identity, 357-9 of resemblance, 358-9, 361-5 between sexes, 73 similarity, 357-9 social, 73 relativism, 148-50, 154 of images, 381-3 sources of, 382 subjectivism and, 368-9, 384-5 religions, 25 abstraction and, 170 print and, 29 Rembrandt Night Watch by 12g Vision of Daniel, The by, 197 works of 317 Renaissance, 29, 33 Renault, Mary, 17, 21 representation, 296, 415112 abstraction of, 195 in art, 23-4, 69, 296, 304 of entities, 208 figurative, 192-3, 350-2 in figurative art, 240, 344 in figurative painting, 161-5, 355~7 function of 354-7 incompleteness principle of 163, 209 matching and, 362-2 pictorial, 197-8, 345, 393 principles, 23-4, 69 symmetry and, 246 resemblance, 357-9, 361-5 revolution(s), 1-2 computer, 34 Copernican, 32-3 cultural, 24-6 French, 1 Galilean, 26, 31-2 Modernist, 2-4 Russian, 21 structuralism, 34 Richter, Hans, 10, 18, 96, 142 Riley Bridget, 390 Riopelle, Jean-Paul, 322-3, 3241-3251) 418П3 Ripley, D., 10 Rita (Rta), 307-8, 308t Romanticism, 33, 212, 219 442 Index Rorschach test, 279, 296 Rosetta Stone, 158 Ross, A. S., 351, 361 Ross, F., 10 Rothko, Mark, 306, 314h 327 Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 70, 73 rubbish, 106-7, 122 Russell, В., 268-9 Russia, 1, 21 Russian dolls (matryoschka), 314-15, ЗЗО Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, 381 Schrodinger, Erwin, 136 Schwartz, Arturo, 59h 95F science, 166, 267 abstraction and, 170, 214-19 behaviorism in, 83-4 demarcation in, 60, 120 dynamic-evolutionary approach in, 26 experiments in, 151-2 Greek, 30-2 modern, 30-2, 377 paradigms in, 18-20, 42 print and, 29-30 suppositions in, 167 symmetry and, 373, 384 transformation and, 282-3 Science, 375 Scully, Lariy, 379-80 sculptures, 23 as art, 261 figurative, 417П4 images in, 174 in Judaism, 102-3 symbols in, 94, 176 Sedgely, Peter, 390 seeing, 419П3 seeing-as, 379, 419П3 self, 33 transcendental, 416П7 semantics, 86-90, 129 complexity, 194-8 Sensation, 61, 113-15 sentences, 88, 91 Serra, Richard, 130 Seth, 308-9, 308t, 332 sex, 70, 110 Shakespeare, William, 49, 336 Shalev, Ilan, 324-7, 326h 418112 Shanidar cave, 102 shapes in art, 90, 109, 200-1, 304 in painting, 86 Sheldrake, R., 271 Shilluk tribe, 21-2 Shinar, Pessah, 416П3 Side of Beef ( Soutine), 111 sight, 28-9, 174 signification, 155-60, 217 signs graphical convention, 365-6 pictorial, 365-6 public, 367 symbols vs., 104-7 traffic, 106, 365-8 verbal/numerical, 365-6 Silk, J., 419П2 Silvers, Anita, 253-4 similarity, 371-2, 385 Simon, Herbert A., 292, 336-7, 339 simplification, 199-201 sincerity, 146-50 Smithson, Robert, 123 Spiral Jetty by, 123 snakes, 77-8 Snow, C. P., 34 Socrates, 32, 97, 221 teachings of, 179-80, 184 Sokal affair, 120 Sokal, Alan D., 120 Songe of Papua, 351, 361 Sophists, 150, 180 soul, 182-3, J-Qo South Africa, 76, 375, 379-80 South America, 76-7, 350 space, 42-3 speech, 29, 88-9, 210-11, 226 spiders, 76, 82 Spinoza, Baruch, 130, 285, 332 Spiral Jetty (Smithson), 123 Index 443 Stamps, Jeffrey, 337-8 Stella, Frank, 390 Stellenbosch University, 379 Stiles, Kristine, 96 Stoics, 187 stratification, 347 abstract art and, 312-20, 3i2f, 313b 314b 320t figurative art/painting and, 312-20, 314b 316b 320t signs and, 366 of symbols, 194 structuralism, 93, 416П5 in figurative art, 306-7, 311 in language, 286 of prehistoric art, 346-8 Structure of Scientific Revolutions, The (Kulm), 242 subjectivism, 148-50, 154, 368-9, 383-5 Super-realism, 53 suppositions, 167-8 Surrealism nature of, 53 paintings and, 244, 352, 365 role of, 37-41, 136 survival, 73-80 symbol(s), 163, 216-17. See also systems, symbol abstract art and, 296-9, 297b 2g8f art, 91, 94, 98-102, 216 attributes of, 98-9, 105 brain and, 99-100, 176 class-names and, 363 definition of, 372-3 denotation and, 370 figurative, 371-2 in figurative painting, 52-3, 304-6, 305t, 311,355-7 formal, 200 frequency, 372-3 generalization of, 221-2, 226 geometrical, 372 hierarchy/stratification of, 194 images and, 244 mindprints and, 163-5, 279, 293-5 modernism and, 19, 53-5, 94-102 objects and, 98-104, 371-2 organization principle of, 373-4 of Realism, 365, 368 signs vs., 104-7 stratification of, 194 sub, 87, 317 super, 317 synthesis and, 202 thoughts and, 110-17, 374-5 as universal, 111, 227 verbal, 99-100, 121 symbols, figurative art, 19, 118, 205-6, 222, 304-6, 305t, 310-11, 342 as arbitrary, 342, 346-9 order/disorder and, 304-6, 305t, 310-11 origins of, 346, 419П symbols, pictorial, 19, 30, 68 in figurative art, 121, 312, 317-20 in linguistics, 88-9, 99-100 literal/metaphorical use of, 352-7 in painting, 68, 86-9, 94 in prehistoric painting, 89, 175-6, 227-8, 352-4 world of, 195 symmetry(ies), 338, 368, 384 in art, 391-4 asymmetry, 256, 281-2, 288, 374-8, 386"7. 393 attributes of, 358-9 broken, 387-91 connectivity and, 281-2, 378-83 connectivity and relative, 378-83 culture origins and, 372-8 dualism of, 383-5 in figurative art, 371-2, 390-1 hierarchies, 389 in language, 372-3 of light, 30-1 meta, 376 Modernism and, 389-91, 394 physical, 372 principle, 246 science and, 373, 384 thinking in, 374 syntactic complexity, 194-8, 313 syntax, 86-90, 92, 129 444 Index synthesis, 183, 199, 273 in abstract art, 201-2 Kantian, 345 Syria, 225, 258 system (s) coding-decoding, 160 documentation of, 225-6 prehistoric paintings and, 89, 175-6, 227-8 symbol, 38, 52-3, 105, 118, 170-2, 176, 230, 244 writing, 158-9, 226-7, 353-4 "Systemic Art" 341 systems, symbol, 38, 52-3, 105, 118 abstraction and, 170-2, 176 painting and, 28-9, 230 paradigms and, 244 Tanzania, 269, 347, 375 technology, 56-7, 56f, 108 abstraction and, 170 experiments and, 152 texts, 91, 120 art, 48 Greek, 158 textures, 365 Theogony of Hesiodos, 309 theoreticians, 238, 241, 244-6, 248 tlieory(ies), 30-1, 152 aesthetics, 233-4 art, 233-44, 257-62 Big Bang, 275, 287 Chaos, 32 chemistry's phlogiston, 35 Expression, 255 general system, 276, 337-8 Imitation Theory of Art, 242-4, 255-6 of innate ideas, 182, 416115 Institutional Theory of the Definition of Art, 6, 232, 240-1, 253-5, 417m paradigms vs., 241-4, 249-51 quantum, 33, 35, 249 relativity, 32 science, 241-3 twentieth century, 244-6 thinking. See also worldviews abstract, 29 conceptual, 28-9 hypothesis and, 347 patterns of, 24, 226, 381 relational/structure-oriented, 32, 34-5 in symmetries, 374 systemic, 32 visual, 23-4, 28-9 thoughts, 110-17 time, 4i8n8 dynamics and, 32 functions and, 346 space-, 42-3 totemism, 170, 377 traffic signs, 365-8 transformations science, 282-4 social, 346 Tree Series (Mondrian), 205 tribes, 351, 374 truth, 32, 70-1, 146-50 Turner, Joseph M., 37, 151 20th Century Art Book, The, 99 Uffizi (gallery), 116 universal(s), 185-6, 189 conceptual/formal, 200 figurative representation as, 350-2 levels of, 207 pictorial, 200 universe, 42-3, 275, 292, 418П3 values, 32 van Doesberg, Theo, 168 van Gogh, Vincent, 13, 122, 304, 357 V a s e w i t h S u n f l o w e r s b y , 2 9 6 , 2 9 y f , 2g8f Woods and Undergrowth by, 321-2, 322f-323f works of, 151, 155-6, 314h 317, 335 Varagnac, André, 209 of Flowers and Two Apples (Cézanne), 15З with Sunflowers (van Gogh), 296, 297h 2Q8f Index 445 Vera, Silvia, and Arturo Schwartz Collection of Dada and Surrealist Art, 59f 95f Vermeer, Jan, 131-2, 281, 291, 336 Milkmaid, The by, 281 Woman in Bine by, 154 works of, 355 Vision of Daniel, The (Rembrandt), 197 Visit, The (de Kooning), 153-4 von Neumann, John, 136 Waddington, C. H., 271 Wallinger, Mark, 94-5 A Real Work of Art by, 94-5, 99 warfare, 73, 80-2 Warhol, Andy, 253 water, 260 Webster's Dictionary, 172 Weitz, Morris, 5-6 antiessentialist view of, 232 concepts of, 233-9, 250-1, 253, 255-7 Weyl, Hermann, 372-3, 384 "What Abstract Art Means to Me" 168-70 Whitehead, Alfred North, 111, 173, 187, 270, 309 Whiten, Andrew, 79 William of Ockham, 271 Wilson, Andrew, 416П6 Winner, Ellen, 419m Wittgenstein, L., 221 Wolfe, T., 10 Woman in Blue (Vermeer), 154 words, 159, 347, 419П5 abstraction, 173 of blessings, 104 definition of, 91, 105 as descriptions, 356 entities and, 381 images and, 356-7 patterns of, 88 reading of, 28-9 worldviews, 24. See also thinking content-oriented/static, 26 culture and, 26 empiricist, 178 ideist, 178-83 relational/structure-oriented, 26 Western, 33-5 Wright, Orville, 405 Wright, Wilbur, 405 writing alphabetographic, 27, 227, 361, 371 artistic, 39 history of, 26-7 journalistic/technical, 39 pictographic, 361 syllabographic, 27, 371 systems, 158-9, 226-7, 353~4 as visual phenomena, 28-9 Young, Thomas, 158 Zahavi, A., 73 Zemach, E., 355-6, 419П8 Zoroastrianism, 307-8, 308t Zulu tribe, 380-1
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