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Volltext:List of Performances Index Actio Naturale, Dóra Maurer (1970) 208 ActionT (ActiuneaT), loan Bunuj (1980) 85 Against cold, in general (Hideg ellen általában), Zsuzsa Szenes (1978) 212 Amateur Sportsman 5 (Complex sportive), Doru Graur (1987) 67,68 Annexation of the Landscape (Aneksja krajobrazu), Maria Pinińska-Bereś (1980) 180 Anniversary multimedia action (Actiune aniversarä), MAMŰ Art Collective (1982) 82 Annulment (Anulare), Lia Perjovschi (1989) 81 Antigona, Living Theater (1967) 36 Ballade of the Sad Café, Karla Woisnitza, Christine Schlegel, and Cornelia Schleime (1976) 223 Bauhaus, Bálint Szombathy (1972) 54 Betrothal of Spring (Snúbenie jari),Jana Żelibska (1970) 176 Between Us (Inter Nos), Sanja Ivekovic (1978) 191 Bianco (Bianco),Jan Mlcoch (1977) 247 Bianco (Bianco),The Rafani group (2004) 247 Bird and Image Story (Madár- [és kép] történet), Dóra Maurer (1998) 209,210 Body Imprints (Testnyomok), Gyula Gulyás (1972) 204 Boxing, Ion Grigorescu (1977) 80 Bucharest, My Love (In Bucure§tiul iubit), Ion Grigorescu (1977) 64 Casual Passers-by-series, Braco Dimitrijevic (1971) 53 Censored Self-Portrait (Autoportret cenzúrát), Geta Brätescu (1978) 64 Change (Zmiana), Ewa Partum (1974) 173 Change — My Problem is the Problem of a Woman (Zmiana. Mój problem jest problemem kobiety), Ewa Partum (1979 and 2006) 173,243 Clothespins Assert Agitating Action, Natsuyuki Nakanishi (1963) 216 Consumer Art series, Natalia LL (1972, 1974, and 1975) 176,177 Contact-Trans Idea, Constantin Flondor, Iosif Király, DoruTulcan (1982) 75,76 Cuts (Tagli), Lucio Fontana (1958-1968) 75,76 Dialogue with President Ceausescu (Dialog cu Prejedintele Ceaujescu), Ion Grigorescu (1978) 63,80,240 Diary (Dnevnik), Sanja Ivekovic (1975—76) 172 Dionysus 69, Richard Schechner (1969) 36 Do It!,The Pip Simmons Theatre (1971) 36 Double Reflection (Dvojité zrkadlenie), Michał Kern (1978) 155 Drangularium, RasaTodosijevic (1972) 189 Dream Has Not Died,The (Visul n-a murit), Alexandru Antik (1986) 83 Dreaming (Snienie), Karol Radziszewski (2014) 246 Dreaming (Śnienie), Natalia LL (1979) 246 Dream is not Dead, The (Visul nu a pierit), Alexandru Antik (1986) 66, 70 Drinking Water (Pijene Vöde), Rasa Todosijevic (1974) 187-189 Either/ Or, Kareł Miler (1972) 246 Emphatic Portrait (Portret emfatyczny), Ewa Partum (1978-1979) 173 Evas Marriage (Evina svadba), Alex Mlynárcik (1972) 106 254 List of Performances Index Exclusion Exercise-Punishment - Preventive Autotherapy (Kizárás gyakorlat: Biintenésmegelőző autoterápia),Tamás Szentjóby (1972 and 2005) 244 Execution (Abwicklung), Gabriele Stötzer (1982) 229 Expanded Media or New Art joseph Beuys (1974) 49 Experimental Flower,Vladimir Havlík (1981) 246 Face painting action (Gesichtsmalaktion), Karla Woisnitza (1978-79) 223-225, 228,232 Farewell to Spring (Pożegnanie wiosny), Pawel Althamer (1968) 241 Field Walking (Feldbegehung), Erika Stürmer-Alex (1985) 223^ Fuck Me (Jebite Me),Vlasta Delimar (1981) 193,194 Gift,The (Darul),Decebal Scriba (1974) 84,85 HAPPSOC, Stano Filko and Alex Mlynárcik (1965) 247 Homage to Gustav Oberman (Poeta Gustavu Oberirtanovi), Zorka Ságlová (1970) 160 Horizon (Horizont), L'ubomír Durćek (1984) 156 Hothouse (Treibhaus), Christine Schlegel (1985) 227 House pARTy, Calin Dan,Teodor Graur, Iosif Király, Dan Mihältianu, Wanda Mihuleac Andrei Oijteanu, Decebal Scriba, Nadina Scriba, and Dan Stanciu (1987-1988) 67,68, 81,82 Humour-Comic (Komik-Komisch), Erfurter Künstlerinnengruppe (1988) 231 f am an artist (Ja sam umetnik) (Ich bin Künstler [Ja sam umetnik]), Slavko Matkovic (1974) 55 I Am a Work of Art,Judit Kele (1980) 212, 214,215,217 I Love Dick (Volim Kurac),Vlasta Delimar (1982) 193 I Make up the Image of my Perfection/I Make up the Image of my Deformity, Martha Wilson (2009) 174 An Immaterial Retrospective of the Venice Biennale, Alexandra Pirici and Manuel Pelmus (2013) 248 Imponderabiha, Marina Abramovic (1977) 244, 249 Indoor Body Art (Body Art in interiorul casei). Ion Grigorescu (1976) 63 In the Hourglass (In der Sanduhr), Cornelia Schleime (1982) 228 Isolamento, Renate Eisenegger (1972) 216 jánosík,Vladimír Kordos (1980) 106 Kink Book (Mackenbuch), Gabriele Stötzer (1985) 230 Lady Godiva.Vlasta Delimar (2001) 247 Lake Book (Jazerá kniha), Peter Bartos, Lubomir Durèek, Stano Filko,Vladimír Havrilla, and Juraj Mihálik (1978) 159 Laying Out Napkins near Sudomer (KJadení plin u Sudomëre), Zorka Ságlová (1970) 162 Legality of Space (Legalność Przestrzeni), Ewa Partum (1971 and 2012) 247 Life [in progress],Janez Janśa (2008) 249 Lunch,The (In memóriám Batu Khan) (Az ebéd [In memóriám Batu Kán]), Gábor Altorjay and Tamás Szentjóby (1966) 129 Lunch (Obed),Temporary Society of Intensive Experience (1978) 110 Lunch I (Obed I ) ,Temporary Society of Intensive Experience (1978) 110 Lunch II (Obed II),Temporary Society ot Intensive Experience (1979) 110 Lying Naked on the Pavement, Kissing the Pavement (Zagreb, I Love You!) (Lezanje Gol Na Asfaltu, Ljubljenje asfalta [Zagreb,Volim Te!],TomisIav Gotovac (1981) 7, 88,92,247 Make-Up, Make-Down, Sanja Ivekovic (1976) 172 Male-Female (Masculin-Feminin), Ion Grigorescu (1976) 63, 240 Meat Jov, Carolee Schneemann (1964) Ш 193 Mechanical Views. May 1 С^5с'1ап'С^0ол) pohl'ady. 1. máj), Lubomir Durcek (1 6,1 Об' Metamorphosis II (Girls),Jana Żelibs a (1982) 176 Mirrors (Oglinzi), Ion Grigorescu (1975) 63 List of Performances Index 255 Mirrorspace (Tükörtér), Lujza Gecser (1980) 211 Mirror-Story (Spiegelgeschichte), Karla Woisnitza (1982) 224 Mount Triglav, OHO Group (1968) 244 Mount Triglav: Like to Like, IRWIN (2004) 244,245 Mount Triglav on Mount Triglav on Mount Triglav,Janez Janśa, Janez Janśa and Janez Janśa (2007) 244, 245 Mouth up, Eyes shut (Mund auf, Augen zu), Cornelia Schleime (1982) 228 No Air (Levegő nélkül), Gábor Attalai (1971) 216 Nude/Model (AktModell), Orsolya (Orshi) Drozdik (1977) 178 Once we went (Egyszer elmentünk), Dóra Maurer (1972) 204 On further good collaboration (Bis auf weitere gute Zusammenarbeit), Cornelia Schleime (1993) 233 On May 9, 1988 I walked from dawn to dusk, following the sun (9. kvétna 1988 sei od úsvitu do soumraku za sluncem), Milan Maur (1988) 154 Orange Dog and Other Tales, The (Even Better Than the Real Thing), Kontejner Collective (2009) 247 Pergamotten, Christine Schlegel (1983) 226 Pharaoh's Funeral,The (Pokop faraona), OHO Group (1968) 40 Poem by Ewa, Ewa Partum (1971 and 2006) 243 Postmortem Dialogue with Ceaujescu, Ion Grigorescu (2007) 240 Post-partum Document, Mary Kelly (1973-1976) 207,210 Practice Makes a Master (Übung Macht den Meister), Sanja Ivekovié (1982 and 2009) 190,242 Printing till Exhaustion (Nyomtatás kimerülésig), Dóra Maurer (1979) 204 Proportions (Arányok), Dóra Maurer (1979) 180, 181' Pyjamas (Pijama), Ion Grigorescu (1974) 62 Quantity tables (Mennyiségtáblák), Dóra Maurer (1972) 208, 209" Real Space-Time Poïpoïdrome.The, No. 1. (Poïpoïdrome à Espace-Temps Réel No.l.), Robert Filliou and Joachim Pfeufer (1976) 23 Red Apples (Mere rojii), Dan Perjovschi (1988) 69 Replaced-Bmo-2006, Barbora Klímová (2006) 246 Rhythm 2, Marina Abramovié (1974) 53 Rhythm 5, Marina Abramovié (1974) 47,49 Rhythm 10, Marina Abramovié (1973) 50,51 Searching a Shadow (Hl'adanie tieña), Michał Kern (1980) 154 Second Life, Eva Mattes and Franco Mattes (2007) 244 Self-Portrait towards White (Autoportret cätre alb), Geta Brâtescu (1975) 64 Seven Easy Pieces, Marina Abramovié (2005) 244 Seven Words,The, Fred Holland Day (1898) 144 Shockheaded Peter (Janko Raśćupanko), Tomaż Kralj (1971) 36 Spatial Concepts (Concetto spaziale), Lucio Fontana (1958-1968) 211 Spatial Poem-series, Mieko Shiomi (1965- 1975) 11, 19,24,25,27,28 Stone Ceremony (Kamenny obrad), Milan Knizak (1971) 152-154 Street Stone Action (Utcakő akció), Dóra Maurer (1971) 204 Street Theatre Week,Temporary Society of Intensive Experience (1979) 110 Studio,The (Atelierul), Geta Brâtescu (1978) 64 Svengun (Svenpistolj), Sven Stilinovié (1984-1986) 195, 196 Symposium ofYoungVisual Art and Art Criticism, Studio 35 (1986) 66 Telepathic Music (Telepatikus Zene), György Galántai (1979) 11,19,23,24 Test of Sleep,The (Testül sonmului), Lia Perjovschi (1988) 81,86 That which used to be in daily use is now a piece of ornament (Ami korábban használati tárgy volt, most dísz), Zsuzsa Szenes (1975) 212 Touch (Dotyk), Michał Kern (1982) 158 Towards White (Cätre alb), Geta Brâtescu (1976) 64 Traces in the Sand (Stopy v piesku), Michał Kern (1976) 158 Triangle (Trokut), Sanja Ivekovié (1979) 6, 93,94, 171, 191,242 256 List of Performances Index Triangle 2, Sanja Ivekovic (2005) 242 Tnglav, OHO Group (1969) 40, 244 Under White Cloth (Unter weißen Tüchern), Cornelia Schleime (1983) 228 Un Jour Violente, Sanja Ivekovic (1976) 172,173 Untitled (Bez názvu), Daniela Barácková (2011) 247 Untitled (Bez názvu),Jirí Kovanda (1977) 247 Untitled (Bound Figure), Sven Stilinovié (1980) 194-196 Visitor (Five visits) (Návstevník [Päf návstev]), Lubomir Duréek (1980) 107 Voices of textile (Textilhangok), Anikó Bajkó (1978) 212 V.'s May First March on Artificial Ground (V. május 1-i felvonulása mesterséges talajon), Dóra Maurer (1979) 204 Waiting for Godot,Vasilije Popovié (1955) 33,37.38,41 Wedding of Jesus Christ, The 0ëzus Kristus kázas), Andris Grinbergs (1972) 142,143 Women Interpret the Bible differently (Frauen interpretieren die Bibel anders), Erfurter Künstlerinnengruppe (1988) 231 Women is the Nigger [sic!] of the World, Karla Woisnitza (1986) 224 Women Together (Frauen miteinander), Gabriele Stötzer (1982—1983) 229,230 xxx. I carry some water from the river in my cupped hands and release it a few meters downriver... (xxx.Vodu z reky prenásím v dlaních o nekolik metru dál po proudu. . .),Jífí Kovanda (1977) 159 Zalesie Ball (Bal w Zalesiu), Pawel Althamer (1968 and 2006) 241 Names Index Abramovié, Marina 47,49-51,53,57, 181, 192, 199,241,243,244,249 Althamer, Pawel 241 Altoijay, Gábor 129,131, 132, 134-136 Ansone, Elita 140, 141 Antik, Alexandria 66, 67, 70, 82-84 Arendt, Hannah 20,26, 102, 112, 115 Ash,Timothy Garton 103, 112, 113, 118, 122, 124 Attalai, Gábor 25, 216 Austin,John L. 119 Bago, Ivana 169, 200 Bajkó, Anikó 212 Barácková, Daniela 247 Baran, Paul 21,28 Bartosová, Zuzana 109, 154 Becker, Lutz 186,199 Beckett, Samuel 33, 37, 38, 42 Веке, László 23, 25 Benda,Václav 4, 5,104 Benjamin, Walter 97, 138, 162,185 Beuys,Joseph 21, 43, 49, 55, 57, 83, 187, 189, 199,223,244 Biermann, Wolf 229, 233 Bishop, Claire 14,147 Bitzan, Ion 61, 62 Blazevic, Dunja 187, 189, 199 Blume, Eugen 219,232 Bogdanovié, Slavko 48, 57 Brajoveanu, Mädälina 75, 77, 79, 82, 84, 85 Brätescu, Geta 62,64 Bredekamp, Horst 155, 156, 162 Bucan, Irina 248 Budajján 109,110 Büngerová,Vladimira 169, 175 Bunus, loan 82, 85 Butlerjudith 191 Cagejohn 131, 135, 155 Ceausescu, Nicolae 3, 60,61, 63,64,66,70, 75-77,80, 82,86,240 Chalupecky Jindrich 25, 113, 160 Dali, Salvador 129, 131 Damnjan, Radomir Damnjanovié 51 Davis, Douglas 21 Davor, Maticevic 196 de Certeau, Michel 79,105 Demarco, Richard 46, 49-53, 61, 187 Denegri, Jeśa 32, 34, 48, 49, 54, 57, 88, 92, 199 Denes, Oto 51, 52 Drakulić, Slavenka 184, 198 Drofa, George 24, 25 Drozdik, Orsolya (Orshi) 11, 169, 178, 179, 203,213 Dubćek, Alexander 27 Duchamp, Marcel 155, 189 Durcek, Lubomir 6, 106, 107, 109, 156, 157, 160, 162 Erdély, Miklós 130, 135 Farocki, Harun 248 feLugossi, László 67, 84 Filko, Stano 162, 247 Filliou, Robert 11,19, 21-25, 27-30 Findeisen, Leo 19,28 Fitz, Péter 211 Flondor, Constantin 66, 67, 75, 76, 86 Foucault, Michel 63, 185, 199 Fraser, Nancy 3, 26,91,94,99,115, 124 Gabriel, Else 228, 232 Galántai, György 11, 19,21,23,24, 203, 204 258 Names Index Gálik, András 244 Gecser, Lujza 211 Gerhardsjürgen 116,117 Ginsberg, Allen 127,128,131,135 Gniech, Klemens 118,119 Gorbachev, Mikhail 60 Gorky, Maxim 140 Gotovac,Tomislav 6,7,35, 56,88-100,192, 247 Graur, Doru 67, 68 Graur, Teodor 66, 67, 77, 82 Grigorescu, Ion 61-64,70,80,81,83,86,240 Grinbergs, Andris 138,142-147,149 Grotowski, Jerzy 37, 42 Groys, Doris 8, 32, 78 Gudkov, Lev 140, 141 Gulyás, Gyula 204, 216 Habermas jürgen 2, 3,26,91,92,94,96, 98-100, 104, 111, 124, 168 Hajas,Tibor 11,133 Halász, Péter 1 Hankiss, Elemér 6,7,78 Haraszti, Miklós 7, 14,109,113 Hardt, Michael 20, 26,185 Havas, Bálint 244 Havel,Václav 4, 6,7,14,103—105, 111—113 Havlík,Vladimír 246 Híggins, Dick 142,221 Hock, Beáta 4,171,179, 181,216,217,220 levins, Atis 143,147 Irigaray, Luce 189,190 Ivekovié, Sanja 6, 35,56,93,94,100,169, . 171-175, 190-192,198,199, 242,243 Janośek, Ćestmir 24 Janosik,Juraj 106 Janśa Janez 245,249 Jirous, Ivan M. 4, 5, 104 Jones, Amelia 75,170,242, 244 Kaiser, Paul 219,222 : Kazovszkij, El 1 Kelejudit 181,212,214-216 Kelecsényi, Csilla 211 Kelly, Mary 182, 206-208, 210 Kemp-Welch, Klara 14,27,86,240 Kern, Michał 154-158,162 Király, Iosif 65-67, 75, 76, 82, 86 Klein,Yves 229 Klímová, Barbora 246 Kluge, Alexander 26,88-90,96-100 Knízak, Milan 152-154, 157, 162 Kolár Jirí 24, 25 Konrád, György 7,112 Kordos,Vladimír 106 Kostolowski, Andrzej 11,19 Kovandajiíí 11, 159,246,247 Kożelj, Marinela 187—189 Kozłowski, Jarosław 11, 19 Kralj,Tomaz 36, 41 Krasiński, Edward 241 Krauss, Rosalind 138, 139,162 Kreicbergs Jänis 146, 147 Kristeva Julia 184, 185 Kruger, Barbara 138,206,207,216 Kukurová, Lenka 247 Kusy, Miroslav 103—105, 109, 112 Kwiatkowski, Fine 227, 232, 239 Kyselka,Verena 231, 233 LaBruce, Bruce 196 Ladik, Katalin 203 Lancmanis, Imants 138, 145—147 Landsbergis,Vytautas 25 Latour, Bruno 21, 28 Lefebvre, Henri 79,105,113 Lindenberger,Thomas 3,4 Lippard,Lucy 168, 171,182 LL (Lach-Lachowicz),Natalia 168, 169,174, 176-178,181,246 Martek/Vlado 35,56,93,194 Marx, Karl 124, 194, 195,199, 215 Masaryková, Herberta 24, 25 Matkovic, Slavko 54-56, 58 Mattes, Franco 244 Maur, Milan 153, 154 Maurer, Dóra 180, 181, 204-206, 208-210, 213,214 Meitzer, Eve 209, 210, 216 Michnik, Adam 112 Mihaltianu, Dan 66, 67, 82,83 Mihuleac, Wanda 66, 67, 82, 83 Miler, Kareł 246 Milev.Yana 223, 232 Mlynárcik, Alex 106-108,176, 182,247 Muschter, Gabriele 219 Nagy, Árpád 82 Negri, Antonio 20, 26, 185 Negt, Oskar 26, 88-90, 96-100 Neidhardt, Friedhelm 116, 117 Nietzsche, Friedrich 187, 189, 190 Norman, Beret 233 Names Index 259 O'Doherty, Brian 157 Oijteanu, Andrei 82 Oliva, Achille Bonito 49, 57 Paik, Nam June 21, 28 Pane, Gina 43, 57, 244 Paripovic, Nesa 51,199 Parks, Lisa 20, 21 Partum, Ewa 169, 173—176, 243, 247 Paulsen, Kris 20 Pejić, Bojana 94, 100, 167, 175, 192,199, 216,220 Pelmu§, Manuel 248, 249 Perjovschi, Dan 69, 70, 249 Perjovschi, Lia 81, 86, 169 Petrarch 152,153 Pinińska-Bereś, Maria 169, 179, 180 Pintilie, Ileana 3, 64, 75, 76, 80 Piotrowski, Piotr 14,27, 78, 79, 88, 167, 170-172, 176, 192,219 Pirici, Alexandra 248, 249 Podkalne, Inara 149 Pollock, Jackson 179, 182,227 Popovic, Aleksander 38, 43 Popovic, Mica 37,43 Popovic, Zoran 51, 57,199 Pregrad, Sonja 243 Radovanovic, Radomir 196, 199 Radziszewski, Karol 246 Rarnet, Sabrina Petra 193,194,198 Rancière, Jacques 92, 99 Rousseau, Jean-Jacques 158 Rusinová, Zora 103,169,175 Ságlová, Zorka 159—162 Schapiro, Miriam 205, 216 Schlegel, Christine 223-227,232, 233 Schleime, Cornelia 221, 223-225, 228-230, 232 Schneemann, Carolee 174, 192, 193,199 Schöllhammer, Georg 195,196 Schwitters, Kurt 55,129,135 Scriba, Decebal 67, 81, 82, 84,85 Scriba, Nadina 67, 81, 82 Seneca 152, 161 Shimamoto, Shozo 66, 86 Shiomi, Mieko 11,19,24,25,27,28 Simecka, Milan 5, 102, 111 Simicié, Darko 95 Smithson, Robert 157,206 Stalin,Joseph 56, 161 Stanislavski, Konstantin 8 Stephan, Heike 228,230, 232 Stiles, Kristine 10,11,81,192,198 Stilinovic, Mladen 11,35,56,57,93 Stilinovié, Sven 56, 194, 195—198, 200 Stipancié, Branka 191, 195 Stötzer, Gabriele 228-233 Stürmer-Alex, Erika 222, 223, 232 Suvakovic, Misko 4, 46, 47, 49, 53—55, 57, 93,193,203,245 Süvecz, Emese 178, 179 Svede, Mark Allen 143, 167, 170 Szenes, Zsuzsa 212 Szentjóby, Tamás 127, 129-135,244 Szombathy, Bálint 54-56 Tabaka, Maija 147, 149 Talbot, Henry Fox 155 Timotijevié, Slavko 186, 199 Titojosip Broz 45,56,90,93,99, 171, 186, 191,193,242 Todosijevic, Rasa 50, 51, 53, 57,185—190, 198, 199 Ujica, Andrei 248 Ulay 57,241,249 Urkom, Gergely 50, 51 Valoch,Jirí 25 Végh, Dr. László 131, 132,136 Vejś,Vilnis 139,148 Walentynowicz, Anna 116,124 Wałęsa, Lech 118, 121, 123, 124 Warhol, Andy 148,196 Warkjayne 170,171 Warner, Michael 3, 26, 79 Wilson, Martha 174 Woisnitza, Karla 223-225, 232 Wyszkowski, Krzysztof 117, 121, 122 Załuski,Tomasz 242,243, 248 Zelibská, Jana 169, 175, 176 Terms Index action art 10,12,151,154,157,170,202, - 213,230 activism 5, 19,43,51,105,135,169-171, 215,240,242,247 agent 7,215, 217; double 9,61; secret 70, " 93,127-134,242 : agitation 2,199,216 agonism 13 ambiguity 65, 80,106 antagonism 90, 98,100, 144,171 anti-feminist 193 antiformalism 2 anti-form art 39 anti-ideological 11, 143, 144 apolitical attitude 4, 153,157 applied arts 210,211,214 appropriation 96,138,139,143-149, 198, 247 archive 24,75,95,129,130,134-136,199, 204,213,214,240,248 arte informel 223 arte povera 39,40,47,189 art market 6, 10,27,70,157,221,241 . as-if ideology 103 assemblage 216 authorities 7, 11,36, 46,61, 66, 67, 84,90, 92,93, 111, 131,132,141,148, 176,211, 228,239,242,243 authorship 28, 78,139,203,213, 241,243 auto-aggression 162 Bauhaus 54 body art 10,11,39, 40,43,46, 51, 55,63, ; 65,170,171,180-202,204,216, 221, 229,230,240 ; social 215 border-crossing 60,62,232 bourgeoisie 2,3, 26, 34,38, 88-100,124 bureaucratic control 33 camouflage 105,128,132, 146, 148, 174 canvas 148,154,155, 157,158, 212, 227, 230, 249 censor 7,61,124 censorship 1,3,10—12,14, 32, 38, 61, 62, 64-66,68,77,79, 107,124,125,139, 157, 203, 244; self- 104, 111 ceremony 107,152-154 choreography 99,145,154 class equality 90, 97 collage 62,64,66,70,91, 142,195,222, 224,228 collective art event 81, 82 colonization 27 commune 39,40, 42 communism 27, 60, 69, 70, 84, 140, 168, 181,184, 186, 247; actually existing 6; post- 239, 249 conceptual art 9, 23, 39, 46—48, 53, 56,57, 70,75, 85, 90,174,210, 246, 249 conformism 80, 84, 151, 248 corporeality 11, 88,96,179, 185,229 critique 10,22,26,28,34,38,47,94,105,107, 172,173,176,184,185,193,194,198,207, 221,240-242,247,249; heteronormative 13; institutional 47,53,55,157,198 cross-border activities 55,217 Cubism 129 cultural periphery 138,139, 142 culture: alternative 3, 6,7,33, 76; consumer 97, 172; counter-culture 8,13, 19, 21, 40,54,132,135,148,168, 186, 202, 206, 213, 219, 232; parallel 6,9, 12,61,69, 112; patriarchal 172 cybernetic 21, 22 Dada 39, 43, 47, 61, 67, 82, 84, 129 dance 36, 37,99,191,220, 224,226,227,242 Terms Index 261 democratic: public space 94; social structure 6 desire 2, 21, 26,75, 82, 97, 109, 112, 148, 170, 176, 179, 184, 191-196,213, 240-243 destabilization 129,208 dialectics 22, 88, 90, 92, 97-100, 159 dictatorship 3,34, 60, 61, 66, 70, 115,186 dissident 3,8, 109,112, 113, 133, 168, 175, 229 ecology 158,175 emancipation 3, 9, 45, 48, 56, 124,174, 185, 213 embodiment 45, 97, 195, 198 environment art 37, 40, 42 event-based art 4, 9, 10, 13, 54, 60, 62, 63, 66, 69, 75, 78, 79, 85, 138, 220, 224,229 exclusion 7,10, 89-91, 94, 96, 97, 102, 115, 152, 193,244 experimental art 35,48,78,80,168, 171, 181,186,190,220,226,239 fashion 139, 141,231, 240; -show 231 femininity 169, 171, 172, 187, 216, 222, 224, 229, 230, 246 feminism 167,169-171, 173, 175-177, 181, 192,193, 205,207,208; proto- 13,170, 202 feminist art 168-172,174,176,179-182, 190, 202,203, 205-208,210, 212, 246 film 142,148,186,199; black wave in film 42,43 Fluxus 10, 28, 39, 43, 47,142, 204, 206, 221, 233,241 folklore 113 Frankfurt School 45 Futurism 129 gender: critique 208, 219; relations 91, 93, 181, 202, 219; roles 167,169-172 globalization 28 graphic art 210, 221 grotesque 34, 37, 86, 88,91, 179 happening 7, 10, 36, 39, 40, 47, 49, 56, 64, 66, 70, 90, 91, 98, 106-108, 110, 113, 119, 122, 127-136, 142-144, 147, 162, 175, 193, 202-204, 213, 247, 249 hippie 36,40,42,142,144,150,175 homoeroticism 194, 198 homogenization 140, 141, 148 homosexuality 144, 149,196, 198 Homo Sovieticus 138, 140, 141, 144—146, 148 hybrid 3-6, 42, 138, 139, 142,144-148 iconoclasm 180,242,244 imitation 10, 48, 53, 56, 66,138,141 immobility 27,85,228 improvisation 142,145, 147,159, 226 improvised community 85 industrialization 158 inner emigration 8 installation 39, 51,61,65,67, 69, 82, 83, 145,175,179,186,199, 241, 249 intermedia 139, 142, 146,220-224, 227-229,231,232 intermediality 60, 66, 69,138, 139,142, 144-148,220 intimacy 62, 80, 81, 192 labour 7, 23, 88-90, 92, 95-100, 141, 195, 198, 199,249 land art 39, 47, 69,151, 156-158, 162,180, 222 223 literature 35,41,140,159 live art 11,13, 43, 75,203,213,239-242, 249 liveness 11 mail art 170, 178-179, 195, 196, 198, 202, 206, 212-214, 216,219, 221,230 male gaze 100, 172, 228 manifesto 11,12, 19, 26, 27,109,168,174 Marxism 185, 191 masculinity 171, 185, 190, 194—196, 198, 216 mask 95-98,109,146, 212, 223, 224,228, 240 media: -art 43,232; mass media 2, 96, 115-119,121, 124,172,174, 175; media nomadism 151; mixed media 61 memory 51,53,160,162,224,240, 241 mimicry 105 modernisation 35 Moscow conceptualism 113 multiculturalism 36 multimedial 145,227 narcissism 192 nationalism 9,100,193 262 Terms Index neo-constructivism 43 neo-liberalism 6,13,90,249 network:The Eternal Network 11,19, 22-24, 27,28; peer-to-peer networks 19,25,28; tactical networking 4, 32, 36, 41,42 new art practice 45, 47, 48,57 non-alignment 12,32,45 non-art art 129 nonconformist 2,80, 142,231 normalization 102,103,105, 111, 118,175, 247 nudity 6,7, 13, 36, 62, 66, 83, 84, 88, 91,92, 93,94,96, 98, 140,144,173,174,178, 179,193, 195,196,198, 212, 222,230, 243,247 objectification 189,193,195 obscene 190 opposition 8,10,13,26,29,55,63,77,99, 117,118,120,128,135,168,170,184,240 pain 51,85, 125,131,213 painting 2,8,37, 43, 53,61,79,139,142, 145-149,154,156,179, 181,204-206, 214, 220-229,232,241, 249 panorama 104-106, 109, 111 parallel polis 5,104, 111, 112 participation 3, 28, 48,105, 106, 116,138, 139,142, 148 patriarchal order 128,172-174,176,179, 180, 196,198,213,222,224 performance: colportage- 95-98,100; delegated 247; documentation 11,14, 161; photo- 54,57, 63, 64, 81, 212; video 172,176 permanent creation 22-24 phallocentrism 168,170,171 photography 61, 65,69,70,80,91,144,146, 147,155,156,158,220 poetry 24, 40,43, 84,142; concrete 39, 51; ludic 40,42 politics: bio- 100,245, 247; identity- 3; of melancholia 151,159 pop art 39,128,133 pornography 175,192,196 post avant-garde 19,22, 23,26, 28,29 Postfordism 97,100 post-object art 47,55 Prague Spring 27,154,161, 162,175 process-based 23,145,147,148, 223, 232 propaganda 2,12, 19, 28, 60,107,124, 128,131 protest 10, 20, 27, 79, 116, 117, 119, 144, 161, 174, 184, 199, 229, 233, 246, 248; mass 4 public: counter- 3, 7, 12, 13, 19, 26, 28, 88, 90,94,98,99,115-117,119,122,124; pseudo- 105, 111 public sphere: alternative 34, 39, 43, 111, 184; bourgeois 88-90,96,98, 100; first 1, 2, 6, 7,10,12,13, 32-34, 36, 37, 39,40, 42,47, 60, 62, 64,69,99,104, 105,110,140,146,148,171,219,221, 222, 227, 229, 231, 232, 233; official 1, 6,11,39,41,51,61,65,94,133,158; proletarian 88—90,92,94,96-99; semi- 80, 109 queerness 149, 198 ready-made 91, 92, 110, 189 rebellion 8, 9, 36, 179,194—196 re-enactment 13, 14, 239-249 religion 127,140, 143, 187,193, 199 re-performing 242, 244, 246 repetition 63, 241, 247 reproduction 20, 28, 76, 89, 96, 100, 138, 155,242 resistance 10, 47, 53,77, 80, 84, 88,103, 113,160,184-186,195, 198,228,232 reticence 9, 86, 171 revolution: Hungarian 19; sexual 144,175 ritual 6, 36, 39, 40,63,77,78, 80,84, 86,90, 104-107, 109, 113, 142, 145, 175 samizdat 11,43, 111, 112, 135,239 scenography 145 sculpture 2, 61, 79, 139, 180,204, 212, 221-224, 229, 249; social 223 Second World War 115, 133, 140, 185, 186 secret police 14,61,70,93,186 self-management socialism 33,42, 90,97 self-referentiality 10, 85,172,180,210 semi official artistic scene 46, 104, 202,203 sexuality 62, 89, 96,144, 149, 169, 175, 176, 181, 184, 185, 192, 193,195, 198, 200, 205,206,219,229,230 simulacrum 156 singularity 1, 88, 91, 175, 186, 208, 216, 240,241,243 Situationist International 56,109, 113 socialist: realism 2, 33, 34, 37, 38,77, 102, 103,141, 151, 154, 210; state 3, 13,20, 26,27, 85,90,109,115,132,151,184, 186,187,196,202,210,211,220,232 Terms Index 263 society: alternative 6; self-creative 7; self-managed 32, 33 Solidarność 116, 120 sound 8,24,84,96, 110, 135, 175,210,212, 220,243,244 space: isolated public 84; private 26, 33, 36, 37, 40, 62, 69, 81, 82,162, 168,179, 190 spatial dimension 13 sphere: counter- 96, 97; private 6,9, 25, 26, 29, 35, 62, 66,80, 93,94,109, 127,134, 192,239 stage 7,11, 36, 37, 39, 40, 41, 43, 75, 80, 92, 106, 118,119,121-124,135, 142, 145, 214, 221, 226,227,231,239, 241, 243, 244, 246, 247 staged body 11 Stalinism 2, 60,77; De-Stalinization 21 state apparatus 34,93,106 state property 6 State Security Service/Secret Service 12, 121, 122, 125,127-136,144, 149,219, 223,228,229,231,232,233 stereotypes 6, 61,80 strike 115-125 subaltern 26, 115 subcultur 33, 142,219,232 subversive affirmation 9,105 Surrealism 82, 129 surveillance 1,14,27,29, 32, 80, 84, 93, 97, 127-129, 132-134, 161,186, 191, 223 system change 4 tableaux 159 taboo 62,63, 138,198 textile art 210-212, 216 theatre 1,2,9, 10,34-38,40-43, 95, 110, 111, 118, 139, 142, 144, 149,222-224, 226, 247; amateur 33; para- 33, 36,39, 40, 43; post-dramatic 43 theatricality 4, 10,13, 36, 41, 42, 95, 115-117, 123,124, 157, 161,248 Third World 32,36,42,45 totalitarian: post- 5, 14, 112, 113; semi- 10 trans-cultural 10 transgressive 11, 29, 40, 80, 221, 240 transnationalism 3, 12-14, 55, 115, 116,124 underground 3, 5,8,9, 13,27, 33, 38,46, 48, 57, 61, 69, 76, 77,83, 103, 104,128, 130, 158,199, 203,204, 219, 232 unofficial artistic strategies 102 utopia 6,9,13,21,97,156,159, 162,192, 216,247 video art 53, 65, 67, 70, 82, 172, 176,180, 190-192,240,242-244 violence 11,93,127, 128,189-191,195,243 visual: art 9, 10, 32, 36, 66, 70, 102,104, 142, 156,173, 181, 203, 214, 216; poetry 25 voice 25,84, 117,118, 121, 175,179,182, 190,203,212,240 vulnerability 42,127, 191, 195, 228, 246 Warsaw Pact 32,93,102,162 West Germany 9, 21, 23, 24, 55, 196,216, 217,219,220,232,233 working class 32, 90, 96, 97, 100, 118, 124
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