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Volltext:Index Adriani, Giovambattista 191 Alberti, Leon Battista 3, 35, 39-41, 95 and ideas in della Pittura 35, 39-41 and self-portraiture 3 Alexander VIII, Pope 133 Allori, Alessandro 3-5, 168 and self-portraiture 3-5 Altoviti, Bindo, bust of (Boston, Gardner Museum) 153-4 Angélico, Fra 33, 35, 37 tomb of (Rome, S. Maria sopra Minerva) 33, 35 Antelami 81 Apelles 37, 65, 168 Aretino, Pietro 10, 14, 91-2, 94 poems 94 Sei Giornate 10, 14, 91-2 Aretino, Spinello 170 Ariosto, Ludovico 65, 184 Augustus, Emperor 189 Baffa, Franceschina 94 Baiardi, Andrea 109-10 Il Philogyne 109-10 Baldovinetti, Alesso 33-4 Bandello, Matteo 91 Bandinelli, Baccio 3-5,151-2, 155-6 Hercules and Cacus (Florence, Piazza della Signoria) 155 portrait guised as Joseph of Arimathea 4 portraits of 4 and printing 5 self-portrait (Boston, Gardner Museum) 3 self-portraiture 3-4 Barbo, Ludovico 132 Bartoli, Cosimo 182, 191 Discorsi Historici Universali 191-3 Bartolo, Taddeo di 36 Bartolommeo Veneto 93 Basil II, Menologion 81 Bellincioni, Bernardo 108-9 Bellini, Gentile 133 Beato Lorenzo Giustiniani (Venice, Gallerie dell'Accademia) 133 Bellini, Jacopo 38, 133, 137 Bembo, Pietro 7, 94, 182-3 Crin d'oro crespo 94 and literary and linguistic debates 182-3 Prose della volgar lingua 182-3 Benedict XI, Pope 19-20 Bentivoglio, Andrea 63 Bentivoglio, Giovanni II 63 Berain, Katherine, portrait of 204 Bicci, Neri di 34 Boccaccio, Giovanni 65, 190 Genealogia Deorum 190 Boiardo, Matteo Maria 184 Boldù, Giovanni and self-portrait 36 Boleyn, Anne 120, 124-5 coronation of 11, 120, 124-5 Borghini, Raffaele 92 Borghini, Vincenzo 6, 179-80, 182, 184, 191 234 FASHIONING IDENTITIES IN RENAISSANCE ART Botticelli, Sandro 4, 35, 68,132, 134-9 Adoration of the Magi (Florence, Uffizi) 4 and mythological subject-matter 33 painting of members of Pazzi conspiracy 68 Brescia, S. Piętro in Oliveto, paintings by Moretto for 132,134-9 Bronzino, Agnolo 3,150,154 Lamentation (Florence, Palazzo Vecchio, Chapel of Eleonora of Toledo) 4 Brunelleschi, Filippo 168,170,178 Burckhardt, Jacob xv-xvi Burton, Robert 203 Burton, William 203 Caravaggio, Michelangelo Merisi da 80 Caroto 111 Carpaccio, drawing and portrait in Vasari's Libro de' disegni 165 Cartesian mind-body dualism 198-9 Castagno, Andrea del 68,165 frescoes formerly in Villa Carducci 165 painting of conspirators 68 Castiglione, Baldassare 65,112 Book of the Courtier 112 elegy mentioning his portrait 112 ideas on beauty of 112 Cavalieri Gaudenti 19, 21 Cellini, Benvenuto 5, 13,149-56 Bust ofBindo Altoviti (Boston, Gardner Museum) 153-4 Diana of Fontainebleau (Fontainebleau, Château) 150 identity-fashioning of 11, 13 influence of Vasari's Vite on 149-50 Perseus (Florence, Piazza della Signoria) 13, 149-56 relationship with Cosimo de' Medici 150-56 relationship with other Florentine sculptors 152-4 rivalry with Vasari 150 Saltcellar of Francis I (Vienna, Kunsthistorisches Museum) 150 social status of 2 Vita 5, 13,149-56 wishes to be known as sculptor and not goldsmith 150-51 Cesena, Sanctuary of the Madonna del Monte, votive images in 67 Chagall, Marc 82 Charles I of England, collection of 83 Charles V, Emperor 3, 67, 189, 192, 194 Cimabue 168, 170 Clement VII, Pope 133, 194 Clough, Richard 204 Condulmer, Gabriel 132 Congregation of S. Giorgio in Alga 7, 131-9 anti-heresy stance of 7, 137-9 artistic patronage by 7, 132-9 Brescian visual identity of 134-9 origins of 132 Priors General of 134-5 spiritual ideals of 132,135-9 Venetian visual identity of 133-4 Coningsby, Philippa, portrait of 205-6 Correr, Angelo, later Pope Gregory XII 132 Correr, Antonio 132 Cosimo, Piero di, Madonna and Child with Saints (St Louis, Missouri) 53-4 Counter-Reformation 131 courtesans Antea 108 identities of 2, 91-100 Crocefissi, Simone dei 81 Cronenbergh, Adriaen van 204 d'Aragona, Tullia 94 d'Este, Cardinal Ippolito 150 d'Este, Isabella 65, 93 drawing by Leonardo da Vinci (Paris, Louvre) 93 studiolo of 65 d'Este, Leonello 37 da Caglia, Annibale 63 da Camarino, Triunfo 63-4, 70 da Ceresara, Paride 65 da Nono, Giovanni, De generatione 19-20 da Volterra, Michelangelo di Cristofano 40 Dali, Salvador 80 Dante Alighieri 20, 65,182-5 association with Michelangelo (Varchi) 182 Divina Commedia 20, 182-3 de Kooning, Willem 82 INDEX 235 degli Arienti, Giovanni Sabadino 64 Le Porretane 64 del Bene, Leonardo 68 del Germanino, Andrea 67 del Vaga, Perino 170 dell'Arca, Niccolô, Lamentation (Bologna, S. Maria delia Vita) 69 delia Rovere, Francesco Maria 109 Dioscuri 39 Dolce, Ludovico 197-8,113 on Florentine literature 184 on Parmigianino 107-8, 113 Donatello 152-3, 168, 170, 178 Cellini's opinions on 152-3 Judith and Holofernes (Florence, Palazzo Vecchio) 152 Zuccone (Florence, Museo dell'Opera del Duomo) 168 Doni, A.F. 94 Dossi, Dosso 86 Dürer, Self-Portrait (Munich, Alte Pinakothek) 36 Elizabeth of York 121 Essex, Earl of 205 Eugenius IV, Pope 37 ex voto images 14, 67-8, 70 Fernely, Anne 201 Filarete (Antonio Averlino) 3, 34, 36, 39 bronze of Emperor Commodus 39 praise for Gozzoli 34 self-portrait of (bronze doors of St Peter's, Rome) 3, 36 Firenzuola, Agnolo 93 Florence Accademia del Disegno 6, 166-7, 178-81 Accademia Fiorentina 5-6, 182-4 Compagnie di S. Luca 167 Convent of S. Marco 51 Garden of S. Marco 180, 195 Loggia dei Lanzi, Piazza della Signoria 151-2 Palazzo Medici, Cappella Medici 35-6 Palazzo Vecchio, paintings in 164, 189-95 S. Croce, tomb of Ghiberti 33, tomb of Michelangelo 168-9 S. Lorenzo 167, 180 - :• ' S. Maria del Carmine, Cappella :. dell'Annunciazione 68 S. Maria de Ughi 33 SS Annunziata, votive images in 67, Cappella di S. Luca in 167 Francis, St 14 " , Franco, Veronica 9-10, 91, 96-100 and Henri III of France 99 identity and contemporary visual imagery 96-9 identity and mythological imagery 0-9 identity and Petrarchan imagery 96 I n q u i s i t i o n t r i a l o f 9 1 , ¿ ' — and Marco Venier 96-7 portrait by Tintoretto 99 Terze rime 9-10, 96-100 Gaddi, Taddeo 168 Gambara, Cardinal Uberto 136 Gangalandi, commune of 51-2, 56 Gauguin, Paul 82 Gelli, Giovanni Battista 182 Ghiberti, Lorenzo 5, 33, 36, 41 autobiography of 5 self-portrait (Florence, Baptistery, Gates of Paradise) 36, 41 tomb of 33 Ghirlandaio, Domenico 53-7 Adoration of the Child (Rotterdam, Boijmans Museum) 53 Adoration of the Magi (Rome, private collection) 55 altarpiece for S. Maria a Lecceto 53-7 Giambullari, Pierfrancesco 182 Giorgione, male portraits by 111 Giotto di Bondone 19-20, 22-3, 168,170, 178,181 к frescoes in Arena chapel, Padua 19-20, 22-3 Giovio, Paolo 192-4 Elogia 193 Historiarum sui Temper is 194 Giselbertus of Autun 81 Giustiniani, S. Lorenzo 41, 132-7 association with S. Giorgio in Alga !32-3 canonization of 133 Della vita monástica 135 236 FASHIONING IDENTITIES IN RENAISSANCE ART Fasciculus amoris 135 representations of 133-6 Gozzoli, Benozzo 2, 11-12, 33-41 altarpiece for Compagnia della Purificazione 36 consciousness of self 35 drawings by 38-41 fresco cycle, Florence, Palazzo Medici, Capella Medici 35-7, 39-40 fresco cycle, Pisa, Camposanto 12, ЗЗ-41 Abraham and Lot in Egypt 39 Drunkenness of Noah 40 Joseph and his Brethren in Egypt 33 Marriage of Isaac and Rebecca 40 Meeting of Solomon and Sheba 33-4 Tower of Babel 40 description of by Michelangelo di Cristofano da Volterra 40 fresco cycle, San Gimignano, S. Agostino 35, 39 St Augustine's Departure from Rome 35- 39 inscriptions concerning 33-7, 40 knowledge of classical sculpture 37-40 relationship with ideas of Alberti 35, 40-41 St Sebastian for San Gimignano, Collegiata 34 self-portraits 35, 36 signatures by 35 tomb of 12, 33-5 Greek Anthology 65 Greenblatt, Stephen xv, 1 Gregory XII, Pope, see Correr, Angelo Gresham, Thomas, portrait of 201-4 Guerucci, Fra Domenico 51-2, 54-6 Guicciardini, Francesco 91,191, 192, 193, 194 Haydocke, Richard 199 Henri III of France 99 Henry VII of England 121 Henry VIII of England 10-11, 119-25, 201 and coronation of Anne Boleyn 124—5 Great Bible of 11,120,122 portraits on coins 123 Royal Supremacy of 119-25 Whitehall mural of 121-2, 125 historicism, new 1 Holbein, Hans the Younger 120-22 cartoon for Whitehall mural (London, National Portrait Gallery) 121 mural formerly in Privy Chamber, Whitehall Palace 11, 121-2 Horace, Ars Poetica 41 identity and artistic status 2-6, 34-7, 149-56, 163-70, 177-85 of audience for art 5, 64-70, 119-25, 139 and autobiography 5, 13, 149-56 and beauty 107-13 and the body 198-206 collective 6-8, 132-9, 163-70 confusions of 63-70, 107-13 and costume 22, 36, 53 and ex voto images 14, 67-8, 70 expressed in writing or in visual art 5-6 and gender 9-10, 91-100, 197-206, 201, 204-5 and guising 8, 53-7, 83, 97-9 between images and prototype 13-14, 64-70 and inscriptions 11, 21, 34, 94-5,121, 163, 201-3, 205 and intellectual status 3, 93, 203 manipulation of 17-25, 53-7, 91-100, 164,177-85, 189-95 of mercantile classes 8-9, 197-206 and names 53-5, 97 national 177-85 and patronage 8-9, 51-7, 131-9' *95 and personal devices and imprese 86, 169,189,192-3, 203 in portraiture 5-10, 17-25, 83, 86, 107-13, 131, 197-206 and printing 5 and Protestantism 198-206 and religious concerns 21, 53-7, 66-8, 70, 123-4, 133-9 198-200, 202-4 and religious groupings 132-9 of rulers 10-11, 121-4, 189-95 and self-portraiture 2-5, 12, 35-7 and sense of self 1, 34-7, 198-206 and signatures 12-13, 35-6, 79-86 and social status 17-25, 36,154-5 201 INDEX 237 in tombs 8,16, 33,168-9 and tradition 150,152-4, 168-70, 179-81 and virtue 21, 55,121, 156,192-5, 197-206 Imperia 91 Impruneta 66 I'MS patronatus 52, 57 Lapovera, Jacopino d'Antonio di Sertingo 66 Lecceto, oratory at 51-2 Lecceto, S. Maria a 51-7 Leland, John 124 Lenzoni, Carlo 182 Leo X, Pope 194 Leonardo da Vinci 10, 14,107-8, 170 anti-Petrarchan burlesque 108 drawing of Isabella d'Este (Paris, Louvre) 93 Portrait of Cecilia Gallerani (Cracow, Czartoryski Museum) 108 writings of 10,14,107 Leopold Wilhelm, Archduke 83 Licinio, Bernardino 93 Lippi, Filippino 35 The Apparition of the Virgin to St Bernard (Florence, Badia) 54 Lippi, Fra Filippo 36, 168 Lomazzo, Gian Paolo 199 Lotto, Lorenzo 2, 11-13, 83-6 Portrait of a Man (Berlin, Staatliche Museen) 86 self-portrait 86 signatures by 12-13, 83-6 Louis XIV, collection of 83 Luther, Martin 138 Macchiavelli, Niccolo 91-2, 193-4 La Clizia 95 Historia 194 Mantegna, Andrea 3, 34, 38-9, 40, 69 Camera Picta (Mantua, Palazzo Ducale) 69 Dead Christ with Angels (Copenhagen, Statens Museum for Kunst) 69 and paragone debate 69 St James Before Herod Agrippa (Padua, Eremitani Church, Ovetari Chapel) 38 Samson and Delilah (London, National Gallery) 69 S. Sebastiano (Paris, Louvre) 39 S. Sebastiano (Vienna, Kunsthistorisches Museum) 39 self-portrait 3 Triumphs of Caesar (Hampton Court Palace) 69 Mantua, Madonna delle Grazie, Curtatone 67 Marcus Aurelius 39 Marin, Pietro 133 Martini, Simone 108, 166 portrait of Laura 108 Masaccio 36, 168, 170, 178 Matisse, Pierre 82 Medici 2-6,1-11,19, 37, 39, 54, 164, 189-95 Alessandro 194 Cosimo II Vecchio 37, 164,194 Duke Cosimo I de' 2-6, 10-11, 149-56,164, 178-81, 185, 189-95 Ferdinando de' 190 Francesco de' 19 Giovanni delle Bande Nere 189 guised as Magi 54 Lorenzo II Magnifico 180, 194 Lorenzo di Piero di 36 patronage by 150, 195 Piero de' 37, 39, 194 role of family in Florence 192 Mercers' Company, London 201 Michelangelo Buonarroti 2, 110, 152-3, 155, 167-70, 177-85, 192 attitudes to portraiture of 192 David (Florence, Accademia) 152-3, 155 funeral of 167-8, 179 identification with city of Florence 178-85 identities fashioned for him in the sixteenth century 2, 177-85 maniera of 183 and the Medici 180, 185 praise for poetic achievements of 6 and signatures 80 tomb of (Florence, S. Croce) 168-9 and Tommaso de' Cavallieri 110 and Vasari 167-9, 178-82 238 FASHIONING IDENTITIES IN RENAISSANCE ART Monson, Richard 120 Moretto (Alessandro Bonvicino) 131-9 co-ordinated altarpieces by 131-2, 134-9 and patrons in Brescia 136 Scenes from the Story of Simon Magus and SS Peter and Paul Supporting the Edifice of the Church (Brescia, Seminario Vescovile Diocesano) 138 The Trinity Crowning the Virgin with SS Peter and Paul and Allegories of Justice and Peace (Brescia, Centro Pastorale Paolo VI) 136-8 use of assistants 139 Virgin and Child in Glory, with St John the Evangelist, the Beato Lorenzo Giustiniani, and Divine Wisdom (Brescia, Palazzo Vescovile) 134-5 Virgin and Child in Glory with Saints, S. Andrea, Pralboino 136 and visual construction of a group religious identity 134-9 Moscus, Demetrius 65 Murillo, self-portrait (London, National Gallery) 86 Myron, bronze heifer of 65 Naldini, Battista 169 Nicholas V, Pope, Chapel of 37 Nola, Leone da 65-6 Notari, Beatrice de' 65, marble bust of 65-6 Orcagna, Dormition and Assumption of the Virgin (Florence, Orsanmichele) 4 Order of Santiago 3 Ovid, Metamorphoses 95 Padua 17-25, 132 Arena Chapel (S. Maria della Carita) 17-25 dedication and consecration ceremonies 20 Dedication Scene by Giotto in 17, 19-20 Founder Statue of Enrico Scrovegni (now in Sacristy) 17-18 indulgences for visitors 20 niche once occupied by Founder Statue 18 tomb of Enrico Scrovegni in 18, 21 S. Giuistina 132 Palma il Vecchio 133 Panormita, Antonio 41 paragone debate 69,107 Parmigianino, Francesco 2, 9, 107-13, 111-13 ideals of beauty in portraits by 107-13 opinion of Lodovico Dolce on 107-8, "3 Portrait of Antea (Naples, Museo di Capodimonte) 9, 108-9, 1г1 "3 Portrait of Count Galeazzo Sanvitale (Naples, Museo di Capodimonte) 111 Portrait of Lorenzo Cybo (Copenhagen, Sta tens Museum for Kunst) 111 Portrait of a Man (Florence, Uffizi) 111-13 Self-portrait in a Convex Mirror (Vienna, Kunsthistorisches Museum) 37, 112 Parrhasius 37, 65, 168 Perkins, William 198 Petrarch (Francesco Petrarca) 14, 65, 94-5, 100 and beauty 108-9,112 influence of 94-6, 107-9 judgements on language and style of poetry of 183-4 and Laura 94-5, 100, 108 Rime sparse sonnets: no. 213 94 on his portrait of Laura 108 and task of poet 14 Philostratos, Imagines 65 Piero della Francesca, Death of Adam (Arezzo, S. Francesco) 38, 40 Pisa, Camposanto, frescoes by Gozzoli 33-4' 40-41 Pisanello 37 Pisano, Giovanni 11, 81 in Arena Chapel 22 Pistoia, S. Domenico 33 Pius II, Pope 76 Playfere, Thomas, sermon of 198 INDEX 239 Pliny the Elder, Natural History 13, 64, 66 Plutarch 69, 190 Life of Aemilius Paullus 69 Poliziano, Angelo 36 Pollaiuolo, Antonio 34, 38 Pontormo, Jacopo 3-4 Adoration of the Magi (Florence, Pitti Palace) 4 Entombment of Christ (Florence, S. Felicita, Capponi Chapel) 3 Pordenone 133, 137 Beato Lorenzo Giustiniani with Saints (Venice, Gallerie dell'Accademia) 133 portraiture (see also self-portraiture) audience reactions to 13-14, 63-9, 95, 107-13, 121-4, 200-206 and collective identity 6-8, 19, 133-5, 164-7, 169-70, 197 conflict between imitatio and ritratto in 110 costume in 22, 35-6, 92-3,108, 111 and ideal beauty 93-5, 107-13 and individual identity 17-25, 35-7, 53-7/ 93-5/107-13,164-70, 197-206 memento mori type of 6, 197-206 and poetry 94-5, 107-13 purposes of 6, 8, 13-14, 107, 120-25, 198-206 and religious contexts 6-9, 11, 17-25, 53-7' 67"8, 121-4,133-5' 197-206 of rulers 11, 121-4, 264, 189 series of portraits 164-6, 170 Prato, Madonna delle Carceri 66-8 Praxiteles 65, 168 Cnidian Aphrodite 65 Satyr 168 Pugliese, Niccolö di Piero del 53-5 Pugliese, Piero del 51-7 building of S. Maria a Lecceto 51-2 chapel at S. Maria alle Campora, Florence 54 commissions The Apparition of the Virgin to St Bernard by Filippino Lippi (Florence, Badia) 54 commissions Madonna and Child with SS Peter and Nicholas by Piero di Cosimo (St Louis, Missouri, Art Museum) 53-4 guised portrait as St Nicholas 54-5 identity shaped through patronage 51-7 • : —;-: praise for his giving by Fra Domenico Guerucci 55-6 • - ' Puligo, Domenico" 92-6,100-101 Portrait of a Lady with a Music-Book (private collection) 9-10, 92-6, 99-100 " " " Pygmalion 108,110 Raffacani Salutati, Barbara 9, 91-5, 99-100 Raphael (Raffaello Sanzio) 13, 93, 101, • 111-12, 170, 182 Leo X and Two Cardinals (Florence, Palazzo Pitti) 13, 93 - -* Portrait of Baldassare Castigilione (Paris, Louvre) 112 - Portrait ofBindo Altoviti (Washington, National Gallery) 111 Portrait of Tommaso Inghirami (Boston, Gardner Museum) 101 n.16 and self-portraiture 3 " Rauschenburg, Robert 82 Renier, Federigo 133 Riccio, Pier Francesco 156 Rinieri, Antonfrancesco 193 Romanino, Girolamo 136 Romano, Giulio 170 Rome 33, 37-8 S. Maria sopra Minerva, tomb of Fra Angélico 33 SS Apostoli 37 Vatican Palace, Chapel of Nicholas V 37 Rosso Fiorentino 170 Salviati, Frances со 170 San Gimignano 34-5, 39 Collegiata of, St Sebastian by Gozzoli for 34 Priors of 34 S. Agostino, frescoes by Gozzoli in 35, 39 Sansovino, Jacopo, Minerva (Venice, Piazza S. Marco, Loggetta) 99 Santacroce, Girolamo da 133 240 FASHIONING IDENTITIES IN RENAISSANCE ART Sarto, Andrea del 4, 170 Procession of the Magi (Florence, SS Annunziata) 4 Savallo, Donato 136 Savoldo, Giovanni Girolamo guised self-portraits 83 signatures by 83 Savonarola 192 Scrots, Guilliam 201 Scrovegni, Enrico 8,10,17-25 and the Cavalieri Gaudenti 19 construction of identity through patronage 17-25 construction of identity in portraits 17-25 construction of public persona 20-25 costume and identity of 22 endowment of Arena chapel 19 inscriptions concerning 21, 24 knightly status of 21-2, 24 piety of 21-2 posthumous refashioning of his identity 24-5 sponsoring of religious activities 20-21 wills of 19 Scrovegni, Ugolino 24 Sebastiano del Piombo 181 Segar, William 203 self-fashioning in life 11-14,19-21, 91-2,198 and social status 2-6, 20-22 and the status of the artist 34-7, 149-56,170 in visual imagery 2-6, 53-7, 96-100 with words 13, 21, 53, 96-100,149-56 self-portraiture 2-6,11-12, 35-7, 41, 86, 112-13,170 and autobiographical writing 5, 200 autonomous 2-6,112-13 within a portrait series 170 within a religious work 3-4, 11-12, 35-7 Seymour, Jane 121 Sforza, Galeazzo Maria 39 Sidney, Sir Philip 205 Signoreili, Luca 170 Sixtus V, Pope 133 Solario, Andrea 93 Solomon, Song of 94,100 Solsterus 81 Spoleto cathedral, cenotaph of Filippo Lippi 33 facade mosaic 81 Strozzi, Ercole 65 Strozzi, Filippo 51-3, 55-7 and building of S. Maria a Lecceto 52-3 commissions altarpiece from Ghirlandaio for S. Maria a Lecceto 53-4 guised portrait as shepherd 53-7 identity shaped through patronage 51-7 inscription attesting pride 53 manipulates records of his patronage of S. Maria a Lecceto 56 Suetonius 190 Tarsia, Giovan Maria 179 Tebaldeo 66 Tintoretto, Jacopo 96, 99 Minerva Repelling Mars, while Protecting Peace and Abundance (Venice, Doge's Palace, Sala di Anticollegio) 99 Portrait of Veronica Franco (lost, or identity uncertain) 96, 99 Titian 3-6, 82-3, 94, 96, 109, 96, 181 La Bella (Florence, Palazzo Pitti) 109 Danae (Naples, Capodimonte) 181 Gloria (Madrid, Museo del Prado) 83 Rape ofLucretia (Cambridge, Fitzwilliam Museum) 83 and self-portraiture 3-6 Vatican Altarpiece (Vatican, Pinacoteca) 83 Venus of Urbino (Florence, Galleria degli Uffizi) 96 Toledo, Eleonora of, Duchess of Florence 4, 151, 189, 194 Trent, Council of 52,135 and ius patronatus 52 Ubaldini, Piero delli 63 Uccello, Paolo 33, 168 Udall, Nicholas 124 Urbino, Palazzo Ducale, studiolo 165 INDEX 241 Varchi, Benedetto 179, 182, 184 Due lezioni 6, 182 Vasari, Giorgio and the Accademia del Disegno 8, 166-7, 179 artistic identity of 2-6 on Caroto 111 and the funeral and tomb of Michelangelo 8, 167-8 Libro de' disegni 8, 165-7 Lives (Le Vite... ) 3, 92, 111, 149-50, 163-6, 170, 178-82, 190,195 and the Medici 164, 178-81, 189-93 and Michelangelo 178-82 paintings of artists in the Casa Vasari, Arezzo 170 paintings in Palazzo Vecchio, Florence 4, 164, 189-91, 194-5 Cosimo and His Artists 4, 164 on Peruzzi 166 on Puligo 92 Ragionamenti 10-11, 189-95 visual memorials of artists 4, 8,164-6, 170 visual self-images of 4 woodcuts for 1568 edition of Le Vite 163-5, 17° Venice 19, 132-4, 137 Accademia 133 personification of 99 Madonna dell'Orto 133-4, 137 : S. Giorgio in Alga 132 : S. Niccolô al Lido 132 Scuola della Carita, relief of the Madonna della Misericordia 19 Villani, Giovanni 191 Virgil 163, 168 Aeheid 95, 163 Whistler, James McNeill 82 Whitehall, Palace of 121 Whythorne, Thomas 200, 205 Willigelmo 81 • " . Wisdom of Solomon 135 Zeuxis 65, 110-11, 168 ,,, and the maidens of Croton 110-11 Zuccari, Federico 3
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