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Volltext:A Abrams, Harry N., 74 abstract art, 33 Abstract Expressionism, 8, 41, 51, 59-60, 63-65, 103, 119-20, 149 abstractionists, 31 "absurd" theatre, 85 Académie Julian, 54 action painters, 59, 65 Aeschylus, 89 Agam, Jacob, 29 Ajemian, Maro, 99, 101 Albers, Josef, 55-58 Alden, Persis, 156 A/den, Robert, 156 Allan Stone Gallery, 212 Alvin Theatre, 207 Alwin Nikolais dancers, 198 Andrews, Caroline Wolcott, 157 Apollinaire, Guillaume, 127, 136, J44 Appli, Eva, 25, 26, 27, 28 Aragon, Louis, 137 Arensberg, Louise, 132-34, 138, 141-42, 144, 147 Arensberg, Walter, 132-34, 138, 141-42, 144, 147 Arman, 20-21 Armory Show of 1913, 117, 129, 131, 136 Arp, Jean, 27 Artaud, Antonin, 101 Artists' Club, 63, 103 Art of This Century, 146 Art of This Century gallery, 95 Art Students League, New York, 56 Art Workers Coalition, 249 Ashton, Dore, 34, 35, 44 avant-garde, 28, 83, 96, 109-10, 210, 234 В Bach, Johann Sebastian, 88 Balanchine, George, 203, 206, 209-10 Ballet Society, New York, 98, 206 Balliett, Whitney, 14, 15 Baltimore Museum of Art, 117 Barr, Alfred H., Jr., 38-39, 7b 144 Barrett, J. W., 201-2 Barrett, Marjorie, 202 Bauhaus, 26, 55, 173 Beckett, Samuel, 85 Beethoven, Ludwig van, 82, 88, 93, 98-99, 105 Bell Laboratories, 36, 37, 113, 238, 239, 242, 261 Bennington College, 95 Bennington School of Dance, 202 Berio, Luciano, no Bernheim-Jeune Gallery, 124 Bernstein, Leonard, 82, 113, 114, 207 Bettis, Valerie, 203 Betty Parson's Gallery, 57-58, 60, 71 Biennale de Paris, 31-32 Bird, Bonnie, 92, 202 Black Mountain College, 55-56, 58-60, 98, 105-6, 207-8, 211 Blair, Shareen, 213 Blinken, Judith, 215, 217 Boccioni, Umberto, 21 Bonino Gallery, 238 - = , Boston idealists, 169 Botticelli, 73 Boulez, Pierre, 85-86, 99, 101, 196 Brancusi, Constantin, 27, 142 Brandeis University Festival of the Performing Arts, 207 Braque, Georges, 68, 117, 123 Breer, Robert, 28, 40-41, 237-38, 241-45, H7, 256-57, 262-67, 271, 275 Breer, Sophie, 265 Breton, André, 95, 122, 127, 137, 141, 143 Bristol University, 155 Brooklyn Academy of Music, 214 Brooklyn Museum, 242, 247 Brown, Carolyn, 77, 292-94 196-98, 200, 207, 211-13, 216-18, 220, 221, 223-24, 226-27, 230-31, 234 Brown, Earle, 63, 82-83, 86, 114, 196, 199, 226 Buddhism, 112. See also Zen Buddhism Bühlig, Richard, 89-90 С Cabaret Voltaire, 135 Cage, John, 59-60, 62, 66, 70-72, 75, 82-115, 195-96, 202, 204-9, 212, 214, 216, 219, 223, 225-26, 229, 231, 233, 239 Cage, John Milton, 87 Cage, Xenia. See Kashevaroff, Xenia Andreevna Calas, Nicolas, 139 Calder, Alexander, 21, 22, 28, 31, 142, 179 Canaday, John, 44 Carnegie Hall, 99, 220 Castagno, Andrea del, 14 Castelli, Leo, 64, 72-73. See also Leo Castelli Gallery C.B.S., 94 95 Center for Experimental Music, 112 César, 20 Cézanne, Paul, 123 Chamberlain, John, 34 Char, René, 101 Charlip, Remy, 207, 259, 266, 267, 27Г Cherry Lane Theatre, 102 Chicago Arts Club, 94 Chicago Institute of Design, 94 Chicago Symphony, 225, 229, 23b 23З-34 Chicago World's Fair, 180 Ciardi, John, 73 Cimabue, 14 Clark, Kenneth, 129 Clarkstown High School, 108-9 Clert, Iris, 29, 30, 31, 47 Coleman, Omette, 14 Collins, Richard J., 257, 268 Columbia University, 97 198 McMillin Theatre, 104 conceptual art, 8 Connecticut College, 213 Constable, John, 25 Constructivism, 26 Coomaraswamy, Ananda K., 97, 98 281 Copernicus, 165 Copley, William, 146, 147 Cordier & Ekstrom Gallery, 117 Cornish School, 92, 93, 95, 195, 202 Courbet, Gustave, 15, 118 Cousins, Norman, 182 Cowell, Henry, 90, 91, 93, 103-4 Cross, Lowell, 260, 268 Cubism, 21, 25, 68, 123-25, 127, 129-30, 136, 149 Cullberg Ballet Company, 206 Cunningham, Merce, 62, 70, 72, 76-77, 80, 95, 98-100, 105, 108-9, "3, 192-234 Cunningham Dance Foundation, 215, 217, 218 D Dadaism, 20, 24, 29, 34, 41, 127, 135-37, 41 44, 148 Dante Alighieri, 72-74 Dartmouth Conference, 163-66 Darwin, Charles, 170 De Antonio, Emile, 72, 108, 109 de Kooning, Willem, 63-64, 65, 149 de Massot, Pierre, 148 de Menil, John and Mrs., 217 de Mille, Agnes, 203-4 Demuth, Charles, 132 Denby, Edwin, 204 Denishawn troupe, 198 De Saint-Phalle, Niki, 75, 76 d'Harnoncourt, René, 35 Dickinson, Theresa, 225 Dillon, Fannie Charles, 87 Dine, Jim, 66, 72 Donatello, 14 Doré, Gustave, 73 Doxiadis, Constantinos, 157, 190 Dreier, Katherine, 135-36, 138, 141, 143-44, 47 Dreis, Hazel, 92 Duchamp, Gaston, 123 Duchamp, Magdeleine, 131 Duchamp, Marcel, 8, 15-16, 20, 22, 25, 28, 34, 58, 80, 95, 103, 115, 116-50 Duchamp, Suzanne, 123 Duchamp, Yvonne, 131 Duchamp-Villon, Raymond, 21, 25, 123, 128, 136 Dufy, Raoul, 15 Dunn, Judith, 207, 209, 210 Dunn, Robert, 210 E E.A.T. (Experiments in Art and Technology), 235-78 Echaurren, Roberto Matta (Matta), 125-26, 139 Egan, Charles, 64 Egan Gallery, 64-65 Einstein, Albert, 153, 173 Ekstrom, Arne, 117 Electric Circus, 241-42, 246, 248, 258-59 EI Greco (Doménikos Theotokópoulos), 80 Eluard, Paul, 137 Emergency Committee for American Trade, 267-68 Emmons, Beverly, 216-17, 22I 222, 225, 228, 229, 234 "Environments, " 118 Erdman, Jean, 95, 105 Ernst, Max, 94-95, 103, 120, 137, 141, 145-46 Experiments in Art and Technology. See E.A.T. Expo '67, 264 Expo '70, 235-77 Expressionism, 55 F Fahlstrom, Oyvind, 120 Farber, Viola, 76, 207, 210, 213 Fauvism, 123, 136 Feldman, Morton, 82-83, 10I 102, 103, 113, 114, 115, 196 Feldman, Morty, 102, 115 Fellini, Federico, III Festival of Two Worlds (Spoleto), 67 Fine Arts Workshop, 220 Fischinger, Oskar, 91 Forkner, John, 264, 265 Fort, Syvilla, 93 Foundation for Contemporary Performance Arts, 72, 212 Freeman, Stanton, 241, 246 French Impressionism, 25 Fujiyama, Katsuhiko, 269, 270 Fuller, Alexandra, 169 Fuller, Allegra, 169 Fuller, Anne, 156 Fuller, Buckminster. See Fuller, Richard Buckminster Fuller, Margaret, 169 Fuller, Richard Buckminster, 151-91, 244 Futurism, 21, 25, 91, 124, 125, 136 G Gabo, Naum, 26 Galbraith, John Kenneth, 164 Galerie Arnaud, 27, 28 Galerie Beaux-Arts, 147 Galerie Daniel Cordier, 74 Galerie Iris Clert, 29, 31 Galileo, 162, 165 Galleria dell'Obelisco, 61 Galleria Schwartz, 117 Garmire, Elsa, 262, 268, 270, 274 Geodesies, 171 Giacometti, Alberto, 48 Gibson, Leslie, 158 Giotto di Bondone, 80 Godbout, Van, 273 Goeritz, Mathias, 40 Goodman, Benny, 14 Gorky, Arshile, 148 Graham, Martha, 70, 95, 195, 197, 202-3, 204 208, 209, 210 Grand Shinto Shrine of Ise, 82 Green, Wilder, 215 Grieg, Edvard, 88 Gropius, Walter, 173 Grossman, Tatyana, 80 Guggenheim, Peggy, 94~95 146 Guggenheim Foundation, 83, 99 Guggenheim Museum, 115 Guston, Philip, 64 282 H Hamilton, George Heard, H3 147 Hamilton, Richard, 147 Happenings, 106, 118, 207, 242 Hardie, Pearl, 156, 158, 179, 191 Harper Theatre Dance Festival, 2Г4 Harrison, Carla, 256 Harrison, Lou, 105 Harrison, Newton, 263 Hard, Leon, 133 Hartley, Marsden, 132 Harvard University, 161 Haus Lange Museum, 46 Hawkins, Erick, 203 Heisenberg, Werner, 167 Hélion, Jean, 206 Heraclitus, 21 Hesse, Eva, 9 Hewlett, Anne, 168-69 Hewlett, James Monroe, 168-69 Hiraga, Sebastian, 257 Hofmann, Hans, 55 Holm, Hanya, 202 Hopps, Walter, 117, 139 Houston Contemporary Arts Museum, 117 Hoyle, Fred, 166 Huelsenbeck, Richard, 34, 135, 139, 148 Hugnet, Georges, 137 Hultén, К. G., 19, 28, 29, 246 Humphrey, Doris, 202 Humphrey-Weidman studio, 204 Hunter College Playhouse, 205, 214 Huston, John, 186 Ichiyanagi, Toshi, 196, 216, 223, 225, 229, 231, 233, 234, 255 Impasse Ronsin, 27 Impressionism, 119, 123 Institute of Contemporary Arts, 32 International Association of Art Critics, 67 International Exhibition of Surrealism, 147 International Union of Architects' Eighth Biennial World Congress, 176 Ionesco, Eugène, 85 Italian Renaissance, 14 Ives, Charles, 103 J Janis, Sidney, 146, 148 JDR 3rd Fund, 196, 212 Jeffries, Carson, 260 Jewish Museum, 49-51, 64, 244 Johns, Jasper, 9, 34, 51, 65-66, 71-72, 76, 109, 120, 211, 239 Johnson, Philip, 44, 80, 215, 216-17 José Limón company, 207. See also Limón, José Judson group, 210 Judson Memorial Church, 210 Julesz, Bela, 19 К Kaei, Pauline, 14 Kandinsky, Wassily, 27, 29 Kansas City Art Institute, 54 Kantor, Morris, 56 Kaplan Gallery, 32 Kashevaroff, Xenia Andreevna, 91, 94 97 Kazanjian, Dodie, 15-16, 17 Keats, W. Perry, 275 Keeper of the Chants, 151, 184 Kelly, Ellsworth, 9 Kendall, Donald M., 267-69, 270, 271, 273, 274 Kendall, Mrs., 268 Kenison, Alphonse, 156, 179 Kenison, Rosie, 156, 158, 177, 179, 180 Kheel, Theodore W., 240, 249 Kirkpatrick, John, 88 Kirstein, Lincoln, 98, 203 Klee, Paul, 26 Klein, Yves, 20, 30 Kline, Franz, 64 Klüver, Billy 0ohan Wilhelm), 36-38, 40-45, 238-40, 242-43, 247-58, 260-62, 268, 270-77 Knoedler, Roland, 144 Koch, Kenneth, 76 Koch, Richard, 35 Komuten, Takenaka, 257, 267 Kramer, Hilton, 139 Krebs, Rockne, 263 Kunstschule, 24-25 L LaForgue, Jules, 123 land art, 8 language art, 8 Lasker, Edward, 140 League of Composers, 101 Lebel, Robert, 119-20, 147 Le Clercq, Tanaquil, 206 Lee, Gypsy Rose, 95 Léger, Fernand, 123 Leo Castelli Gallery, 47 Leonardo da Vinci, 14, 80 Les Six, 98 Levy, Julien, 140-41, 144 Lévy, Lazare, 88 Limón, José, 199, 209 Lincoln Center, 113 Lippold, Richard, 86, 101, 212 Lloyd, Barbara, 199, 212, 216, 220-21, 224, 226, 230, 233 Lloyd, Benjamin, 225 Lloyd, Lewis, 217-18, 223, 233 Los Angeles County Museum of Art, 263, 264 Louise and Walter Arensberg Collection, 117, 124, 147 Lye, Len, 21 M Mace, Thomas, 97-98 Macmillan Company, 186 Malevich, Kazimir, 27 Mallarmé, Stéphane, ioi Malraux, André, 32 Malthus, Thomas Robert, 169-70, Г89-90 Man Ray (Emmanuel Radnitzky), 56, 117, 120, 138, 142, 144 Maoris, 151, 152, 184 Marey, Etienne, 124 Marks, Robert W., 172 283 Martha Graham company, 95. I95 203, 207. $€e ak° Graham, Martha Martin, Agnes, 9 Martin, Anthony, 258-59, 267 Martin, Julie, 256, 260 Marvel, Lucilla, 156 Mason, Francis, 240 Masselos, William, 101 Mathews, Max V., 19, 113 Mathieu, Georges, 85 Matisse, Henri, 54-55, 120, 126 Matta. See Echaurren, Roberto Matta (Matta) Maverick Concert Hall, 106 McCarthy, Paul, 15-16 McDermott, David, 252 McMillin Theatre, 104 Mee, Thomas R., 251, 253, 260, 261-62, 265, 274, 277 Melsher, Jo Anne, 207 Merce Cunningham Dance Company, 98, 99, 100, 198-202, 206-34. See also Cunningham, Merce Metropolitan Museum of Art, 66 Metropolitan Opera, 235 Meyer, Leonard В., 85 Michelangelo Buonarroti, 14 Michener, James, 164 Mies van der Rohe, Ludwig, 46, 173-74 Milhaud, Darius, 98 Mills College, 197, 200, 202, 215 minimal art, 8, 9 Miró, Joan, 214 Modern Museum (Moderna Museet), Stockholm, 22, 246 Moholy-Nagy, Laszlo, 26, 94 Mondrian, Piet, 95, 146 Monnier, Jackie, 145 Montreal Festivals Society, 113 Montreal World's Fair, 172 Moore, Gene, 57, 71 Moore, Henry, 200 Motherwell, Robert, 86 Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 82, 88, 103 Mulreany, Robert, 275 Mumford, Lewis, 14 Mumma, Gordon, 216, 221, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 231, *33-34 Murray Theatre, 225, 226 Musée d'Art Moderne, Paris, 31-32 Museum of Modern Art, New York, 8, 34, 35, 38-39, 57, 7L 74-75, 95-96, 125, 144, 147-48, 215, 239, 246-47 musique concrète, 99 Myers, Forrest (Frosty), 242, 244-45, 247, 262, 264-65, 266, 269 N Nakaya, Fujiko, 250-51, 255, 260 Nakaya, Ukichiro, 250-51, 256, 260, 261-62, 277 National Academy of Arts and Letters, 83, 99 Neels, Sandra, 192-94, 197, 199-200, 217-21, 224, 226, 230, 232, 233 neo-Dada group, 20, 34-35, 39 New Century Studios, 225 New Journalism, 9 New Music Society, 104 "new novel, " 85 New School for Social Research, 90, 111 Newton, Isaac, 153 New York City Ballet, 209, 210 New York Mycological Society, 107 New York Philharmonic, 82-83, П3-14, "5 New York Society of Independent Artists, 134 New York State Council on the Arts, 240 New York State Theatre, 214 New York World's Fair, 275 Nichols, Betty, 206 Nicolle, Emile-Frédéric, 123 Nigg, Serge, 99 Nilsson, Bo, 196 Noguchi, Isamu, 179, 206 Nordenström, Hans, 29 Notre Dame, 208 nouveaux réalistes, 20-21 О Oeri, Georgine, 40 Oldenburg, Claes, 66 Olson, Charles, 105 Owens, Larry, 258, 261, 266, 267, 271, 272-73, 275 Ozaki-san, 256 P Pach, Walter, 131, 132-33 Pan, John, 242, 244 Pantheon Books, 102 Paper Bag Players, 259 Parinaud, André, 74~75 Paris Biennale, 35 Paris International Dance Festival, 214 Park Place Gallery, 240 Parsons, Betty, 57 Pasadena Art Museum, 116-17, 120, 147 Patchen, Kenneth, 94 95 Paxton, Steve, 76, 210 Pearce, John, 243-44 247-48, 256, 258, 260, 265, 266 PepsiCo International, 235-77 performance art, 8 Pevsner, Antoine, 26 Philadelphia Museum of Art, 117, 124, 138, 147- $ee also Louise and Walter Arensberg Collection Philharmonic Hall, 113-14. 214 Phillips, Ardisoti, 252-53, 266 Picabia, Francis, 126, 137 Picabia, Gabrielle, 127 Picasso, Pablo, 54—55 68 "7. 123, 146, 204 Piero delia Francesca, 102 Planck, Max, 173 Poe, Edgar Allan, 122 Pollack, Reginald, 27, 28, 30 Pollock, Jackson, 50, 65, 78, 85, 146, 211 Pomona College, 88 Poole, Peter, 255 Pop art, 8-9, 51, 118-19, 148. 238 Pop Art Festival, Washington, 76 post-Pop, 238 284 Pottasch, Alan M., 236-37, 246-47, 252-54, 265, 268-69, 271, 274-77, 276 Preger, Marianne, 207 Preston, Stuart, 58 Prout, Ebenezer, 89 Puteaux Cubists, 124 Q. Quatre-Saisons gallery, 46 Quickley, Charles, 265 Quinn, John, 142 R Rachmaninoff, Sergei, ioo-ioi "radical empiricism, " 85 Rainer, Yvonne, 210 Raphael Sanzio da Urbino, 14 Rauschenberg, Christopher, 57 Rauschenberg, Robert, 34, 39, 42, 49-81, 105-6, 109, 120, 211-13, 238-40, 243-44, 247, 250 Ravinia Music Festival, 220, 222-34 R.C.A., 104 Reid, Albert, 216, 217, 220, 226, 234 Renaissance, 85 René, Denise, 28, 29 Restany, Pierre, 20 Ribemont-Desaignes, Georges, 137 Richards, Mary Caroline, 105, 107 Richter, Hans, 103 Rigaut, Jacques, 137 Riopelle, Yseult, 192, 193, 194, 197, 199, 218, 230 Ris, Julia, 24-25 Robbe-Grillet, Alain, 85 Roché, Henri-Pierre, 132 Rockefeller, David, 164 Rockefeller, John D., Ill, 196, 212 Rockefeller Panel Report on the Performing Arts, 208 Rockland Foundation, 108-9 Rose, Barbara, 269 Rosen, Sidney, 158, 159, 162, 166, 277 Rothko, Mark, 146 Rue des Beaux Arts, 29 Russolo, Luigi, 91 Ryde, John, 263 S Sadao, Shoji, 172 Saint-Phalle, Niki de, 21 Salle Gaveau, 137 Samlaren, Galleri, 29 Sanouillet, Michel, 147 Sarabhai, Gita, 212 Sarabhai, Vikram, 274 Sarrazin-Levassor, Lydie, 141-42 Satie, Erik, 98-99, ioi, 208, 223, 227 Sattler, Alexina (Teeny), 120 Saul, Peter, 199, 215, 225 Savard, Skip, 271 Scarlatti, Domenico, 99 Schaeffer, Pierre, 99 Schjeldahl, G. T., 252, 261 Schoenberg, Arnold, 60, 83, 89, 90-91, 92, 93 School of American Ballet, 203, 206 Schwitters, Kurt, 24, 137 Scriabin, Alexander, 88 Sélavy, Rrose, 142. See also Duchamp, Marcel Selz, Peter, 35, 38 Setterfield, Valda, 199, 216, 230 Seurat, Georges, 126 Shannon, Claude, 19 Shimazu, Hisanaga, 270 Shintoism, 269-70 Sisler, Mrs. William, 117 Snow, C. P., 160, 163 Snyder, Robert, 156 Solomon, Alan, 51 Solomons, Gus, Jr., 198-99, 216, 218, 220, 223, 230, 232, 234 Sonnabend, Ileana, 74 Soto, Raphaël-Jesus, 29 Southern Illinois University, 152, 175-76 Soutine, 80 Spoerri, Daniel, 21, 27 Stable Gallery, 62 Staempfli, George, 33, 35, 43, 4446-47 Staempfli Gallery, 35 Stanton, Frank, 240 State Department, 212, 214 Stedelijk Museum, 18, 21 Steegmuller, Francis, 127 Stein, Gertrude, 89, 100 Stella, Frank, 222, 223, 228, 230, 233 Stella, Joseph, 132, 134 Stenlund, Sigvard, 253, 258, 260, 261, 274 Stern, Gerd, 241-42, 244 Stettheimer, Ettie, 133 Stettheimer, Florine, 133 Still, Clyfford, 146 Stockhausen, Karlheinz, 85-86 Stockholm, Modern Museum in, 19, 246 Stravinsky, Igor, 83, 88 Suga, Princess, 270, 271 Suprematicism, 26 Surplus Dance Theatre, 77 Surrealism, 29, 94, 103, 118, 120, 125, 127, 141, 143-44 147 Suzuki, Daisetz T., 97 Sylvester, David, 41 Synergetics, Inc., 171 T Tamai, Sachiko, 255 Tamiya, Yasuharu, 266 Tanguy, Yves, 120 Tate Gallery, 117 Tatlin, Vladimir, 26 Taylor, Paul, 70-71, 207, 209 Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Ilyich, 82, 113-14 Teshigahara, Sofu, 82 Theatre de Lys, 62, 208 Thomas, David, 236-38, 241-42, 245-46, 249 Thomson, Virgil, 93, 95 96, 98, 99, 103, 104, in Tinguely, Jean, 15-16, 18-48, 75-76, 119-20, 239 Titian (Tiziano Vecelli), 14 Toklas, Alice В., 206 Torrey, F. C., 129 Tuchman, Maurice, 263-64 285 Tudor, David, 75, 82, 101, 105-7, 115, 212, 216, 225-26, 228-29, 231, 233, 242, 254, 256, 260, 267 Türkin, Marshall, 229 Turner, J. M. W., 25 Twombly, Су, 9, 62 Tworkov, Jack, 51-52, 60, 64, 68 Tynan, Kenneth, 41 Tzanck, Daniel, 137 Tzara, Tristan, 135, 137 U Ulanova, Galina, 201 Ultvelt, P. O., 77 United States Institute of Behavioral Research, 153 University of Auckland, 151 University of California, Los Angeles, 90 University of London, 168 University of Southern California, 90, 92 "Up with People, " 237 usco group, 241 Utrillo, Maurice, 15 V VanDerBeek, Stan, 214 van Gogh, Vincent, 80 Várese, Edgard, 60, 82, 91 Vasarely, Victor, 28 Vasari, Giorgio, 14 Velvet Underground, 217 Veneziano, Domenico, 14 Venice Biennale, 213 video art, 8 Villon, Jacques, 123. See also Duchamp, Gaston Vivaldi, Antonio, 113-14 Vytlacil, Vaclav, 56 Warhol, Andy, 239 Warren, Peter K., 246, 269 Washington Gallery of Modern Art, 76 Webern, Anton, 60, 99, 100 Weidman, Charles, 202 Weil, Sue, 55 Weinrib, David, 107 Weiss, Adolph, 90 Wesleyan University, 112 Wesleyan University Press, 112 Whitechapel Gallery, 50 Whitman, Robert, 238, 242-45, 247, 253-55, 260, 263, 265-66 Williams, Paul, 105, 107, 112, 113 Wilson, Edmund, 14 Wolff, Christian, 101, 196, 207 Wolff, Kurt, 101-2 Wölpe, Stefan, 82 Wood, Marilyn, 207 World Design Science Decade, 17Ó Y Yale University Art Gallery, 117, 136, 147 Yates, Peter, 91, 201 Y.M.H.A., 205 Z Zeller, Gary, 225, 227, 228, 230, 233 Zen Buddhism, 85, 97, 200 Ziegfeld Theatre, 206 W Wagner, Richard, 93 Waldhauer, Fred, 238, 242, 249, 250, 260, 265-66, 271 Warburg, Edward M. M., 203 Ward, Eleanor, 62 286
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