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Volltext:Q: quoted from Index II General Index abstract causality defined, 476; early intimations of, 498; in child art, 475f; necessary for printing, 147 fn. 62; 367, 456, 470, 494 Abstract Expressionism, 470, (by Rajah) abstraction, movement towards, 40f Ackerman, James S. Q10, 30, 33 Adams, John, 36, Q on art, 266 Addams, Charles, 170-172 advertising, see ARTS, POPULAR/ COMMERCIAL Aeneid, 67,144 Aeschylus, 284 aesthetics, discipline of, 290f., and Fine Arts, 357 Afghanistan, Buddha figures at Bamiyan, 64f Agra, Taj Mahal, 91, 92, 123, 128, 145 airplanes, design of, 360 Akhenaton, Pharaoh, 487, 490 Albany, N.Y., State Capitol, 125 Alberti, Leon Battista, 18 Albright, William Foxwell, 487, 499 Alexander the Great, statue, 143 Alice in Wonderland, 196, 197, 199, 200, 283, 300 All in the Family, 283 allegorical arts, 71f. Allendale Nativity (Natl. Gall., Washington), 30 Altamira, 36, 38, 50 Ambasz, Emilio, Q348, 350 Amerinds, origins, of 284; stereotypes of 136f; techniques unadopted, 458; see further ARTS, TRADITIONAL Amos 'n' Andy, 175 analogical thought in illustration, 153, 296, 367; in Pyramids, 484, 469, 470, 471, 473 analytical thought in beautification, 296f., 367; early unproved intimations of, 485-7; in Greece, 275f., 326f., 485f., 498, 469-70; 473-4 animals, anthropomorphic, 196, 286; totemic, 208f; worshipped in Egypt 209f. animated cartoons, evolution of, 198; nature of, 280, see also ARTS P/C Aquinas, St. Thomas, 123 Aristotle, 498 Armi, Clement Edson, 330, Q332 Armstrong, Neil, 158 Ars Moriendi, 289 art history, surveys of 4-8,25,70; unused by historians, examples 28f. Art Nouveau, 358 Asche, Kurt, 147 Assyrian arts, 278, 289, 364 Asterix, 218f., 279 Athena, Pheidias' status of ,60 Athens, Parthenon, 60, 70, 115, 116, model for 19th-century architecture, 115 Auerbach, Ernst, 32, 148 Augustine, St., 496 automobiles, design of, 327f.; history of, 359; racing, 222 axes, 314; design of 315 Bamiyan, great Buddhas, 64-5, 66, 263 Barasch, Frances K., 284 Barfield, Owen, Q33, Q482-3, Q498 Barks, Carl, 280 Barnum, P.T., 372, 374 Baroque art, nature of, 270; see also ARTS, TRADITIONAL base-line, 468; universal, 483 baseball, 220 Baudelaire, Charles, 281 Bauhaus, 302, 400; see \ also ARTS, AVANT-GARDE Baum, L. Frank, 94, 252 504 Index 505 Bayeux Tapestry, 203 Bayer, Herbert, 460 Baynes, Ken, 285 Baxandall, Michael, 14, 33 Beatles cards, 57, 58 Beaumetz, Etienne, 214 beautification, summarized, 353, 462; sub-functions, 301f; distinguished from aesthetics, 290f; protection from future shock, 357; in child art, 474f; in 4th millennium, 148, 486-8; in Greece, 357, 488; of objects, 293-4; of vehicles, 341; of furniture, 352; humanizing function, 324f. beauty, no longer objective of paintings, 33 Becker, Howard S, 35 Begley, Wayne, 145 behavioural space, 459 Bel Geddes, Norman, 334, 343, 345, 362 Ben Hur, 285 Benjamin, Walter, 34 Benny, Jack, 161, 176 Benton, Thomas Hart, 265 Berenson, Bernard, 4, 8, Q8, 9, 10, 495; biography, 29; writings on, 29; criticized by K. Clark, 31; inconsistencies, 30 Bettelheim, Bruno, 226 Biblia Pauperum, 274, 289 bilderbogen, 281 Billington, James, 305, Q249 Blackbeard, Bill, Q227, 279 Blake, Peter, 406 Blake, William, 154 Blanshard, Frances B, Q40 Blondie, 176, 238-40, 239, 286 Boas, Franz, 495 Bode, Wilhelm von, 4, 8, 9, 10, 495; biography, 29; criticized by Clark, 31 body painting, 358 Boehn, Max von, 144, 282 Borglum, Gutzon, 59 bottles, see vessels Boullée, Etienne, 132 Boy, Willem, 98, 99 Brandon, S.G.F., Q29 Breuer, Marcel, 429, 433 Brown, Lawrence, Q32, Q346, Q361, Q362 Brunsâker, Sture, 289 Buck Rogers, 362 Buddemeier, Heinz, 144 Buddha, 64f., 264, 288, 489 Burckhardt, Jacob, 16, 25-26, 28; biography, 33-34 burials, megalithic, 189; see also coffins Burke, Edmund, Q33 Burnett, Carol, 176 Burns, George, 176, 161 Burroughs, Edgar Rice, 279, bio 283 Busch, Wilhelm, 160, 164 Bush, Donald J., 359, 360, 361 Cambridge, Mass., Gund Hall, 397 Canaday, John, 141 Canova, Antonio, 456 Cape Cod house, 437 Capaldi, Emilio, 395f capitols, state, 124f., 139,265; as meeting house types, 409; symbolism of, 149, 50 Capitol, U.S., Washington, 266-267, 123-4, 127 Capote, Truman, 227 Carpenter, Rhys, 35, 116-117 carriages, 327f. Carrol, John, 450, 461 Carroll, Lewis, 198, 200 cartoons, see ARTS, POPULAR/ COMMERCIAL Catholicism, objectives, 60 Catholic popular arts, 6, 60f Cemeteries, 93f. chair design, 347f., 349, 350, origins 351 Chambers, F.P. Q70 chateau-style hotels, 26 Cheret, Jules, 382, 384 Chesterton, G.K., 362, 495 Chinese civilization, 459; thought, 79; see also ARTS, TRADITIONAL. Chippendale furniture, 349 Christianity, changes in, 247; in comics, 252; illustrations of, 246; and sex, 189 Christmas trees, 302f., 303 Chrysler "air flow", 331, 360 Chuck Wagon diner, 127, 128, 374 Church, Catholic, see Catholicism CIAM, 459-60 circus wagons, 306, 307, 358 Cité Industrielle, 399 Clark, Sir Kenneth, 11, Q31, Q286, 463, Q495 class-structured society, theory of 201-2, on shipboard, 347, interior design for, 347 Clemens, Samuel, see Mark Twain Clockwork Orange, 406 Cluny, Abbey of, 402 Cocks, Jay, 280 coffins, 80, 90-91, 106, 107, 145, 147f. Cohl, Emile, 280 colonial style, 395 506 Learning to See columns, Greek, 114 comedy analyzed, 194 comics, see ARTS POPULAR/COM-MERCIAL, comic books, 160 conceptual thought, 60, 367, 469, 470, 471,480 concrete, use of, 456 Conrad, Paul, 387 Constantinople, Holy Wisdom, 402 continuity, loss of, 435; need for, 421; inculcated by Practical Reason, 450f Coomeraswamy, A.K., 282 copying, medieval theory of, 150 Corbusier, Le 227,345,400,406,420,429, 451, 457-60; housing for 422; at Chandigarh, 441 Coronation Chair, 350 corpses, painting of, 100; preservation of, 46 cosmic present, 275 Courbet, G. 35 n. 42; 299 Cranach, Lucas, 192 Craven, Thomas, Q146 Creative & Mental Growth, 496 "creativity" defined, 22 Crosby, Bing, 161 cross-cultural studies, institute, 491 culture, regional, 302 cultural expression, Ilf., criticism of methodology, 13 Currier & Ives, 172 Dahl, Frank, 173, 174 Dali, Salvador, 387 Daniels, Les, Q180, 279 Dante, 259 "darkey" comics, 205-6 Daumier, Honoré, 394 David, Jacques-Louis, 36, 348 death, conceptions of in Forest Lawn, 79-94; and sex, 94, 189 Declaration of Independence, 94, 450; in U.S. Capitol, 266; at Forest Lawn, 94; copies of, 268-9, 267 Delaroche, Paul, 168 Derôme, Robert, 268 development houses, 436, 437, 430 Dewey, John, 361 Dick Tracy, 223, 224; appeal of, 225 Dickens, Charles, 162, 175,180, 240; 279 diorama, see panorama Disney, Walt, 172, 180-181, 197, 198, 199, 280, 283 Doctor Doolittle, 199 dolls, 144-5; function of 75f; in tombs, 80- 82, 81 dolmen, 119 dome, origin and significance of 117f., 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 126; teepee exemplifies origins, 134; meaning changes, 125; modern symbolism, 127 Dore, Gustave, 160, 164 Domer, Alexander, 165 Dreyfuss, Henry, 49, 359 Dronke, Peter C., 282, 286 dualism, 226 Duchamp, Marcel, 36; and Burne-Jones, 141 Duerer, Albrecht, 490 Dupree, Nancy Hatch Q143 Duveen, Joseph, 29, 30 Dvorak, Max, 31, 279; bio, 31 Eastlake, Charles, 359 Eaton, Hubert, Q93, 94 Ecclesiastes, 79, 278 Eckardt, Wolf von, 361, 406, 407, 457 eclectic styles defined, 397, 407; historic uses of 405; inrestorations, 454; social function of 442f. Edinburgh, Waterloo Monument, 115 Education Through Art (Read), 495 education, art, need for integration, 464 education, architectural, 453 educational philosophy in school architecture, 411-12 Efron, Edith, Q238 Egbert, Donald Drew, 34,392,457, fn.14, fn.19 Eisenstein, Sergei, 216, 217 Eliot, T.S., 302 Ellenius, Allan, 34 fn.37, fn.41; 35 fn.45 Englishness of English Art, 360 Ensor, James, 387 entasis, 116 Erickson, Arthur, 447-9, 448 erotic arts, 83, 184f., 281, 282 ethical values, 473 ethical relativism, inculcated by avant-garde, 1, 300, 370, 457; in school archi­tecture, 404,412, in Soviet Union, 439-40 Evans, Joan, 358 Evers, E.G., Q346 existentialism, 299 factories, as architectural metaphor, 406, 412; Wright's concept of, 402 fairytales, see folklore family in civilization, 240; imaged in Index 507 architecture, 424, and furniture design, 353 Farnan, Duncan, 457 feminism, 252, 351 festival arts, 79 Fiedler, Leslie, Q30 Fighting Temeraire, 342, 345-6 figure heads, 347 Field, Rohin, 283 Fine Art, see ARTS, AVANT-GARDE Fisher, Budd, 160, 164 Fisher, David Hackett, Q4-5, Q8 Fishman, Robert L 35, 406 Fletcher, Sir Banister Flight, 29, 453 Flintstones, 243 Foçillon, Henri, 332 folk art, 313, 422; origins of, 94; building, 426, 432, 458; traditions, 403, 404, 407; vessels, 296; compared to Popular Commercial arts, 357 folklore and fairy tales, 201f., 208, 226 237, 254, 302, 426, 432; folk heroes, 277, bibliography, 283 football, 221, 222 Forest Lawn Cemetery (Glendale, Ca.) 93f., 95, 96, 107, 189, 268 Form-Givers, impose own proportions, 426; Hero-Saviour complex, 441-2; versus Form-Finders, 22, 412, 413 formalism in architecture, 407-8, in architectural criticism, 460 Forsmark, 148 Forsyte Saga, 238, 240 Foster, Harold, 163, 164, 207, 279 fountains, symbolism of, 417 Frankfort, Henri, 485 Freising, Otto von, Q33 Frey, Dagobert, 36 Frog Prince, 208, 254 Fuchs, Edouard, 145 Fuchs, Wolfgang, 279 Fuller, R. Buckminster, 44, 331, 334 Fuller, Thomas, 125 funerary arts, see ARTS, POPULAR/ COMMERCIAL furniture, design principles, 348, 351 Future Shock, 356, 328 futuristic design, 362 futurity in avant-garde architecture, 447-9 Gablick, Suzi, 456 Gandhara, arts of 63, 64, 288; see also ARTS, TRADITIONAL, India Gardner, Helen, 8 Gardner, Martin, 283 Gamier, Tony, 399, 451, 457 gateway, symbolism of, 413, 458 Germany, postwar restoration principles, 454, 455 Gibbon, Edward, 124, 454 Gibson, Charles Dana, 172 Giedion, Siegfried, 429f., 460, 496; Space Time & Architecture, 6, 399 Gombrich, Ernst, 29, 31, 32, 43, Q70; Story of Art, 5, Q70 Goetz, Herman, Q63-64 Gothic Cathedrals, see ARTS, TRADITIONAL Gothic Revival, 359, 439; British symbol, 445 Gould, Chester, 223 Grandma Moses, 464 Grail, 325 Grant, George, 457 gravestones, 97 Griffith, D.W., 203, 381, 203 Grilli, Elise, Q203, Q283 Grimm's Fairy Tales, 200, 201, 202 Groenewegen-Frankfort, H.A., Q278, Q289 Gropius, Walter, 334, 400, 433, 460 grotesque, defined, 284; nature of, 209 Gudea, King of Lagash, 87-89, 89 Guernica, 365, 366, 368, 369 Habermas, John, Q450 Haberland, Wolfgang, 150 Hanna-Barbera studios, 172, 197, 198; technique, 283 Hârd af Segerstad, Thomas, 35,159,279 Hartt, Frederick, 144, Q288 Hayden, Dolores, 282 Hazard, Paul, Q136, 270 heaven-on-earth, see utopias Heer, Friedrich, 202, Q235-6, Q237, 287, 285-6, Q286, 460 Hegel and Hegelian theory, 11,29,32,34, 237, 450 Heilsreich, 253, 287 Herakles, 322, 323, 324; symbolism of, 206; labours, at Olympia, 206,207, 276; by Canova, 456-7 Herbert, Robert L., 36 Hereford, Cathedral, map, 87 Heywood, John, 280 High Art, engendering folk art, 94; and Low Arts, 1; see further Unchanging Arts High Culture and its defenders, 2, 34, 193, 286 508 Learning to See Hippie, 308 history, study of, horizontally, 27-28; Section VI passim, see also parallels, history, theology of 286-7; illustrations of, 241f, in popular prints, 281; our alienation from, 244 historians, non-use of art history, 3f., 8; examples, 28f. historicism (awareness of past as past) 243-4; popular, 196; not in medieval arts, 275 Hitchcock, Henry-Russell, 149-459 Hitchcock chair, 354 Hitler, Adolf, 231, 288 Hoebel, E. Adamson, 497 Hogarth, Burne, 163 Holloway, Thomas, 372, 374 Hollywood, Cal., Holiday Inn, 126; wax museum, 50, 52, 53: stars, 309 Holy Roman Empire, 253 Hook, Judith, Q146 Hope, Bob, 161 Hom, Maurice, Q278, 279, Q286 house-types, early & primitive, 458 n. 33, 35; development, see ARTS, POPULAR/COMMERCIAL; meta­phor of the family, 424 Howard, Ebenezer, 406 Huckleberry Finn, 162, 163 Hughes, Robert Q249, Q287, Q406 Hughes, H. Stuart, 29, 32 humor, nature of, 194, 284; in talking animals, 208-211; cultural conditioning of, 205-6, 210 Huot, Charles, 268 Huxley, Aldous, 93, 193 Iconoclasm, causes, 50 ideology dictates taste, 287 idols, 143; functioning of, 50 Ikhenaton, 487, 490 illustration, definitions, 152f; nature of 278-9; to promote conformity, 484; shifting forms of, 156; four variants of 179f., defined, 182; as substitute imagery, 183f; for beautification, 259f; on buildings, 265f; 289; as persuasion/conviction, 179f., 265, whom persuading? 289; summarized, 462; analogical thought in, 472f; earliest appearances of 483; analytical thought in, 472f. illustrations of religion, 246; of war, 213f. Images of American Living, 32; classical evolution tables, 352 imitation, principle of, 356 Impressionism, contradictions in, 300 Independence Malls, 395f., 396, 441 Indians, see Amerinds Inge, M. Thomas, 279 Ingram, C. W.; Q457 International Style, 6 Inuit art, see ARTS, TRADITIONAL Ise, Great Shrine of, 432 Ishtar, 188 Ivanof, Alexandr, 249 Ivins, William, Q22, Q41, Q42-3, 147, Q159 Janson, Horst W., 5, 29, Q247, Q290- 292 Jaynes, Julian, 496 Jelinek, J.; 497 Jerusalem, Holy Sepulchre, 124, 125 127, pilgrimage sites, 263 Johannesson, Lena, 35, 147, 281, 458 Johnson, Douglas, 36 Johnson, Philip, 29, 397-9, 440 Johnson, Samuel, Q233, 240-1, 259, 312, 359, Q406 Jones, Chuck, 172, 197, 198, 280, 283 Jouvenel, Bertrand de, 253 Joyce, James, 361 Julius II, Pope, as patron, 73f., 270f., 273, 288 junks, Chinese, 338, 339, 340 Justinian, 449-50 kamm-back, 360 Kandinsky Wassily, 302 Kanfer, Stefan, Q387 Kant, Immanuel, 290-291 Kellogg, Rhoda B., 466, 496 Kemble, Edward Winslow, 163, 279 Kennedy, John F., 47, 55, 459 Keypes, Gregory, 358 Khajuraho, 184f Kidney, Walter C., 460 Kirov, Sergei, Q438 kitsch, 287? 288, 406; defined, 259f Klee, Paul, 384-6 Kniffen, Fred, Q458 Knight, Richard Payne, 281 Koestler, Arthur, 233 Konarak, Surya Temple, 128, 129, 184 Kopp, Anatole, 438 Kouwenhoven, John A., 142 Krautheimer, Richard, 150 Kubert, Joe, 163 Index 509 Kubrick, Stanley, 406 Kunstegeschichte als Geistesgeschichte 11, 145 Kunzle, David, 273, 289 Kyoto, Conference Hall, 430f., 431 "Labors of the Months;" 203 language, see speech Lahontan, Baron, 136 Lankheit, Klaus, 34, 77, 146, Q281 Larrea, Juan, Q368 Larsson, Carl, 265 law, basic concept of, 449 Ledoux, Claude-Nicolas, 132 Leith, James A., 36 Lehmann-Haupt, Hellmut, Q279 L'Enfant, Charles, 149 Lenin, 59, 71, 72, 217, 233, 253, 287, 302, 305, 430; views on art, 392f. Leningrad, Bourse, 132 Leningrad, Museum of Religion & Atheism, 72 Leonardo da Vinci; 18, 267; map, 87, 88; Last Supper; 55; Anghiari, 269, Lethbridge, Alberta/University, 447-9, 448, 460 Levine, David, 389, 390 Levittown, 437 Lewis, C.S., 145 Lewis, Sinclair, 280 Li'l Abner, 252 Lincoln, Abraham, 123-4; in Forest Lawn, 94 Lindahl, Goren, 458 line-of-progress diagram, 5:149 Little Orphan Annie, 175 locomotives, design of; 317f., 319 Lowith, Karl, Q28, 32, 34, 143, 249 Q286, 287 Loewy, Raymond, 334 log-built house, forth-millennium reliquary; 107 log cabin, southern type, 425 Loos, Adolf, Q260 Louis XIV, King of France, 255, 460 Low, David, 365, 366-7, 392 Lowenfeld, Viktor, 467, Q468, 469, 471 Lower, Arthur, 32 Luther, Martin, 192 Ma Perkins, 176 Maass, John Q146, Q267-8, 288 ma'at, 427, 485 Macaulay, Lord, Q33, 199 machines, 301; design of, 317f. "Rube Goldbergs" 318, 320, 323 Mad magazine, 304, 305 madonnas, 60, 63, 61, 62 magic realism, 144; magical versus numinous, 65 Malcolm, Janet, Q43 Male, Emile, 32, 61,147, fn. 59,458 fn.36 "man the measure of all things" 68 Manet, Edouard, 298, 299 Mann, Dennis Alan, 36 Manson, Charles, 251-2 Mao, Chairman, 58, 59, 71, 217, 253 maps, 87f Marcuse, Herbert, 356 Marey, Charles, 141 Mark Trail, 164 Marshack, Alexander, 497, Q147 Marx, Karl, and Marxism, 150, 180, 237, 248, 318, 450, 464, 495 Mary Tyler Moore Show, 176f., 177 Marzio, Peter, 157, 158, 159 mass-production, in ancient arts, 83 Master of Olympia, 289 Mathura, arts of, 63f., 64 Maya architecture, 112, 113 McAdow, Ron Q236, 237 McDonalds; architecture of, 374 Mcllhaney, Stirling, Q360, 361 McKim, Mead & White, 125 McManus, George, 152, 278 Mead, Margaret, Q44-45 meaninglessness, 300 mechanization of environment, 318 meeting houses of New England, 408f megalithic culture & arts, 128,186,188-9 Meissonier, Ernst, 213, 388 melodrama, 161; influence on movies, 166; on television, 175 menhirs, 128 mental levels, 142, 498; see further parallels Menzel, Heinz, Q83 metaphors, visual, 407 Meyer, Ursula, Q60 Michelangelo Buonarotti, 6,8,14,18,23, 270-273,275,287,288; compared to God, 14; Sistine Ceiling, 149, 270f Mies van der Rohe, 430 Milwaukee, Wis., Orthodox Church, 139 mimesis, defined, 108; examples, 109, 109f., 328, 486; stabilizing function of 357, 419; manifests analogical thought 483; in Assyria 364; in avant-garde, 459; mimetic materials, 437; social function of, 418f., in mobile homes, 418, 420 mimetic shapes, 407; preserved in popular/commercial, 408; in Taj Mahal 510 Learning to See 93; persuasive function of, 138-139 Mitter, Partha, 284 mobile homes, design of, 418f., 419, 420 Moby Dick, 362 modernism, see ARTS, AVANT-GARDE Moliere, 179 Monet, Claude, 299, 300, 318 money, origins of, 45 Monza phials, 264 Moos, Stanislaus von, 442, 459 morality, see ethical Morris, William, 265, 358 Morrison, Hugh, 458 Moses, 142, prohibition of "art" 50 Motherwell, Robert, 23 Mount Rushmore sculptures, 57, 59 movies, see ARTS, P/C Muggeridge, Malcolm, Q55, Q217, Q255, Q266, Q280, 282 Mumford, Lewis, 320, 406-7, 435, 446 Munich, Bavarian Motor Works, 150 mural painting, medieval, 273-5, 289 Murray, Peter & Linda, 31 Mutiny on the Bounty, 362 Mutt & Jeff, 160, 161, cf. Thimble Theatre 162, 164; relationship to stage, 166, 176, 206 mythology, Egyptian, 284 mythopoeic thought, 485-6 Napoleon Buonaparte, 213, 388 narrative painting, 166f. Nast, Thomas, 389, 391 Natural Goodness of Mankind, 136-7, 148, 191-2, 247f., 258, 306, 368, 381 470; effect upon design, 280; exemplified by Tarzan, 206 Natural Law, 80, 82, 427, 459, 473 natural rights, 231-2 naturalism in art, 40 Nature, disciplined by Man, 208 Nazis, affected by own propaganda, 288 Nelson, George, Q446 New England meeting houses, 408f. New York, A.T.&T. building, 440; TWA Terminal, 408 New Yorker, 146, 171 Newhall, Beaumont, 142, 279 Newhart, Bob, 194, 203 Newton, Isaac, 237; monument to, 132 Nietzsche, 450 Nilsson, Sten, Q441 nineteen-thirties, crisis, 361 Nineteen-Eighty-Four, 193, 217, Q231, 253, 282, 371 Nixon, Agnes, Q235 Nixon, Richard, 454 "Noble Savage" 134,136,139,165, 209, 355; exemplified by Tarzan, 206 non-verbal communicaton, 392 Nordhagen, Per Jonas, Q498 Norstrom, Bjorn, 35 novel, popular aspects of, 280 number symbolism, 416 Numinous, the 46, 63-67, 480 О God, 249 Oldenberg, Claes, 35 fn.42, 142 Oliver Twist, 162 Olympia, master of, 287 Olympia, Temple of Zeus 206f., 281, 289; decoration of, 488; sculptors of, 283-4 Olympic games, 220f ontogeny repeats philogeny, 465, 496 Oppenheimer, A. Leo, Q50, Q51, Q142- 143, Q147, 278, 486 ornament, avant-garde rejection of, 435; Celtic, 309f., 310, 311, 458; historic evolution of, 358; meaningless, 442; on buildings, 312; on autos, 330; super­fluous, 312; uncontrolled, hence discarded, 260 Orwell, George, 227, 282, 283, Q367, 371 Otani, Sachio, 430 Otto, Rudolf, 46, Q65 Oz, Land of, 94; Wizard of, cf. ditto of Id, 252, 259 pacificism, 231; in arts, 215f; relation to, violence, 217 packaging, 261 Painted Word, The 58-59 palaces, types of, 437f. Panofsky, Erwin, 31, 145, 279, Q90; on aesthetics, 357; cf. Male 32; on autos, 360; accepts avant-garde assumptions, 360 panoramas, see ARTS, P/C papacy, powers of, 202; symbols, as dynasty, 149 Paulsson, Gregor, 16, 30, 34; biography, 34 Paul, Jürgen, Q454, 461 Parallels in Universal History, 147, 148 parallels in history, 494; mental levels, 109f., 132, 498; 4th & 3rd millennium, 154, 356-357, 477-489, 60-400, 488-489, 498; abstract causal thought, 147fn. 62,367f„ 498; 13th century, 281-2, 185, 187; class-structured societies. Index 511 202; Japan and Europe, 205; Old & PreColumbian New World, 284; pro­tective feline motif, 208 Paris, Ste-Chapelle, 128, 130 Parthenon, see Athens Pascal, 496 Pausanias, 148 Peanuts, 252 peasant painters of Huhsien, 250 Perret, Auguste, 457; fn.19 persuasion/conviction, defined, 363, 489-90; summarized, 463; varieties of, 371; reinforces ruling class 269-70; function in Baroque art, 270, cf. mimetic substitute imagery, 138-139 Pevsner, Nikolaus, 360 Pheidias, 60 Philadelphia, Independence Hall, 395 philosophy, Chinese, 309 photography, see ARTS, Р/С/ Piaget, Jean, 472; developmental stages, 477f Picasso, 38, 39, 155, 292, 369, 440, 463, Q494-5 Pilgrims, American, 233 Pittsburg, Alcoa Building, 374 Plato, 40, Q141, 498 play, metaphor in architecture, 150 Pliny, Q281 poets, traditional role of, 240 political cartooning, see ARTS, POPULAR/COMMERCIAL Pollock, Jackson, 265 Polykleitos, 67, 68, 144 "Pop" art, see ARTS, AVANT-GARDE Popeye (strip), see Thimble Theatre Popeye, cf. Herakles, 284 pornography, see ARTS, P/C Porter, Edwin S, 168, 203 postage stamps, 105, 101-105, 147 posters, 382 pottery, origins of, 110 Pottier, Edmond, Q148, 278, 486 prehistoric, credulous belief in, 244, satirized, 228; cf. primitive, 495; arts, see ARTS, TRADITIONAL power, nature of, 253, 255; symbols of, 322, 323; auto, 333, Roman, 285. Practical Reason, 447, 473 preservation/conservation, principles of, 453-4, in postwar Germany 454 primitive peoples, cf. prehistoric, 495; see also ARTS, TRADITIONAL Prince Valiant, 163, 165 printing, origins of, 103, 147 fn.62 prints, as substitute imagery, 41 progress, utopian view of, 253; satirized 255 proportional systems, 459; regional, 426 puppets, 76f Pyramids of Gizeh, 82, 446, 483, 484; parallels elsewhere, 487 Quebec, Prov. Parliament building, 268 radio, see ARTS, P/C railroad stations, 444, 445 Ramsden, Mel, 60 Randall, Lillian, 202-3, 204 Raphael Sanzio, 6, 288; Stanze, 73f., 73, 149, 173f„ 272, 273, 275 Rasmussen, David M; 141 Read, Herbert, Q154, 155, Q292 reality, as artistic concept, 33; defined by painters, 299 rebus puzzles, 44, 142 Red Riding Hood, 201 Reformation, Protestant, 74, 123; arts, 192 Reinhardt, Ad, Q35 Rembrandt van Rijn, anticipates avant-garde, 35, 286; culture hero, 245, 247-8; character, 286 Rescued from an Eagle's Nest, 169, 170 Restless Art, 33, Q358 revered objects, 301f., 303 Revesz, G, 141 revolutions, nature of, 228, 233; futilitiy of, 258 Reynolds, Sir Joshua, 9 Reynard the Fox, 202 Reitberger, Reinhold, 279 religion, definition of, 187-8; essence of, 252; egalitarian, 194-7; utopian, 191-2; see further utopias; of Science, see further Science; & rites in Mesopotamia, 51 Richardson, H.H., 125 Rieke, Herbert, 147 Riegl, Alois, 3, 91 rightness, images of, 424, 427, 459, 485 Rivington, James, 157,158 Robinson, John, 496 Rockwell, Norman, 175 Rodtschenko, Alexsandr, 36 Rogers Pass monument, 413, 458 Rogers, Will, 231 Rome, Basilica Nova, 492; Castel S. Angelo, 149; Column of Trajan, 289; Old St. Peters, 492,493; St. Peters dome, 122, 512 Learning to See 123, 127; symbolism, 149; relation to U.S. Capitol, 149. Rome, Vatican, Augustus of Prima Porta, 67f., 68, 306, 308; Stanze 73f., 73, 149; analy, 173f., 272, 273, 275; Sistine Ceiling, 4, 270f., 271 Roosevelt, F.D., 231, 285, 335 Roots, 245 roots, images of, 404 Rosenfield, John, 143, fn.13, fn 22; 282, fn.38, fn.48 Rosenberg, Harold, 30, Q142 Rosenblum, Barbara, 35 Rosenblum, Robert, 75 Roskill, Mark, 10, 30-31 Ross, Harold, 171 Roth-Lindberg, Orjan, 35 Rotterdam, 454 Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 258, 356 Rousseau, le Douanier, 464 Rowlandson, Thomas, 160 Rubin, Barbara, Q93, Q94 Ruskin, John, 318, 358, 454 Russell, Bertrand, 283 Saarinen, Eero, 408, 458 Sagan, Carl, 496 saints' attributes, 309 Saint Louis, arch, 408, 413; Pruitt- Igoe, 429 sarcophagi, see coffins Schafer, Heinrich, 487, 490, 498 Schapiro, Meyer, 279 Schechter, Harold, Q285 Schimmel, Annemarie, 282 Schlesinger, Arthur, 335, 361 School of Athens, analyzed, 73f. school-house types, 4Ilf. Schmidt, Robert Rudolf, 496 Schroeder, Fred, 29, 160, Q193, 220, 361 Schwartzschild, Leopold, 234 Science, religion of, 189, 244, 341, 362 381; revealed in humor, 194; in Wizard of Id, 252f., 254, 256; and Establish­ments, 287; in Corbu's Ville Radieuse, 457-8. scientific method, exemplifies abstract causality, 476 scientific instruments, 359 Scott, Walter Dill, 381, Q381-2 Scribe, Louvre, 48 Scrooge McDuck, 180, 178 sculpture, see ARTS, TRADITIONAL Seale, William, 149 seals, 101L, 104, 147; fn.61, fn.62 Segal, Erich, 240 Segar, E.C., 164, 233; life, 227 self-consciousness, 14, in history 33; in Greece, 70 Sesame Street, 201 sex, and death, 189; in Forest Lawn, 94, 96; rituals, 188; mystique of, 282 shamanism, 165, 205f; origins, 208; bibliography, 284 Shakespeare, 162, 175, 241; anticipates popular/commercial arts, 176-179, 280; violence in; 225 Shelton, Gilbert, 224 ships, design of, 338f., 342, 343; metaphor of modem architecture, 442 Short, Robert, 252, 278, 283 Signing of the Declaration of Independence, 94, 450, in U.S. Capitol, 266; copies of, 268-9, 267 Simon Fraser University (Burnaby, B.C.), 447 Simson, Otto von, 26, 333 Sinclair, Upton, 227 skyscrapers, model for Soviets, 438-9 slide projectors, 359 Sluter, Klaus, 77 Smith, E. Baldwin, 35,185,Q105-6, Q112, Q117, Q120, Q150, Q413, 486-7; appreciation of, 147; work, 148 Smith, Norris K., Q9,33, Q34, Q128,150, 333, Q401, 33, 457-8, 460, 498 soccer, 222 supermen, 222 social functions of art, general theory, 4, summarized, 462f., methodology defined, 15-16, 17-18; coordinated with thought processes 478; successive appearance in history, 27, 480f. Social Radicalism & the Arts (Egbert), 34 socialism, 199, 392 "socialist realism" 393 Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr I., 259 sophists, 68 souvenirs, 263 Soviet arts, see ARTS, TRADITIONAL Space Time & Architecture, 429, 496 speech and thought, 141 Spengler, Oswald, 12, 29, 33; method­ology criticized, 13, 22; and Wolfflin, 32 Sprigge, Sylvia, 29 Squire, Geoffrey, 358 Stalin, 59, 305 stamps, see postage stamps, 101-105; 147 Stijl, De 265 statuary, public, functions of, 103f. stave churches, 358-9 Index 513 Steinberg, Saul, 293, 297, 298, 299, 300 stereotypes, use of, 178f. streamlining, 359 Strich, Fritz, 30, 34 Strickland, William, 125, 395 strip-tease, 282, Roman, 187 style, shifting with ideology, 490, 491, 494 substitute imagery, summarzied, 462; and conceptual thought, 471-2; sub­ordinate functions and importance of, 41-2, 51; matrix of art, 43, 44; commemorative, 54f; didactic, 60f; hortatory, 89f; basis of historic architecture, lllf; on vessels, 83; permanent vs ephemeral, 57f; and idols, 143; in advertising, 372f.; aversion to based on inverted religiosity, 51. see further mimesis. Sullivan, Louis, 400, 442 Superman, 222, 277 surrealism, 387 Susa A pottery, 110, 148, 278, 482 swords, 314, 315, 316, 317, 318 Sweden, church murals in, 274 Sweeney, James J, Q369 Swift, Jonathan, Q44 symbolism and symbols, distinctively human, 39; architectural 125, 150; of saints, 358; of actors, 358; Symbol Sourcebook, 44 Szarkowski, John, 43 tableaux, see panorama tabloids, 381 Taine, Hippolyte, 358 Taj Mahal, 91, 92, 123, 128, 145 Tange, Kenzo, 460 tao, 459 Tarzan, 161, 163, 164-5, 207, 279; as cultural expression, 164-5; implausi­bility of, 206 tatooing, 102 Taut, Bruno, 400 Taylor, A.J.P., 285, 286, Q282 Teague, Walter Dorwin, 334, 360 teepee, as shape, 119, 133, 134f; 137, 138; Busby Montana, 151 television, see ARTS, P/C Tenniel, John, 200, 279, 389, 393 Tennyson, Lord, Q439 Thimble Theatre (Popeye), 161, 162; publications of 279; humor in 194f; animation 195; Pool of Youth, 227f., 229, 230; violence in 283 thought, related to speech, 141 Tod, Ian, 282 Toeffler, Rudolphe, 142, 160 Toffler, Alvin, 356 Tokyo, International Academy of the Sacred Heart, 460 tollhouses, 412 tombs and tombstones, 54, 79-82, 97, 98, 99; zoomorphic furniture, 87; Mao's, 58; Nelson's, 149; Roman, 79, 80; Washington's, 149; see also Forest Lawn Cemetery tools, 301 torpedo tourer, 330, 332 towers, symbolism of, 364 Town & Davis, architects, 125 Tour de France, 218, 219 Toynbee, Arnold, 12, 22, 33, 185 trade cards, 159 Trotsky, 392 Trumbull, John, 36, 266-67 Turgot, 123, Q149 Turner, J.M.W., 341 Twain, Mark, 161, 175, 279 typewriters, 320, 321, 359 Ucello, 269 Unchanging Arts, summarized, 1, 141, 146, 252; on P/C arts source for A/G, 35; defended, 33 Uppsala, Kontvetenskapliga Institu­tionen, 34, 35, 159, 279 urban design, 428-429 Uncle Tom's Cabin, 166, 167 underground comics, 165 Upstairs Downstairs, 238, 241f., 242 utopias, 406, 457; data on, 282; in 1930s, 227; relationship to avant-garde, 191, 258-9,399,450f; in literature, 193; mood, 220; end of materialism, 255; satirized in Popeye's Ark, 232f., 232; in Wizard of Id, 253-259 Urban Utopias, 406 Vardac, A. Nicolas, 161,166, 167 Vasa, Gustavus, King, 98, 99 Vasari, Giorgio, 4, 9, 14, 29, 290 vases, see ARTS, TRADITIONAL, Greek Valasquez, 269, 270, 447; Breda, 268 Vercingétorix, 218, 219 Vermeule, Cornelius C., Q144 Versailles, palace, 460 vessels & lamps, popular/commercial, 83-86; labelling of 261; design princi­ples of, 294, 295, 296; 514 Learning to See revered 301 Vico, Giambattista, 11; theories and bibliography, 31-32 Victoria, University of, 457, 491 Vidler, Anthony, Q287-8 Vigerio, Marco, 74 Ville Radieuse, 400, 404, 457-8 violence, function of, 227; related to pacificism, 217; in comics, 283; on TV, 223 Viollet-le-Duc, Eugene, 119, Q317-8, 328, 358, 359 Virgil, 67 visual metaphor in architecture, disappears, 125 Vitruvius, 112, Q148 Vogt, Adolf Max, Q132, Q150, 399 Vogt, Joseph, Q28, 32 WPA murals, 265 wallpaper, 335; replaces mural­painting, 265-6 Walker, John, 29, 30 war, images of, 214; in palaces, 269; games substitute for, 220, 223 Warburg, Aby, 12, 32 Warhol, Andy, 8, 9 Washington, George, 149 Washington, U.S. Capitol, 123-3,127,149 fn.78, fn.79, fn.81; decoration of, 266-267 Waxworks, see ARTS, POPULAR/ COMMERCIAL, varieties Webb, Beatrice, 217, 227 Webb, Sidney, 261 Wells, H.G., 193, 228 Wheeler, Michael, 282 White Castle hamburger stands, 374, 375, 457 Wilder, Laura Ingals, 355 Williams, Carol Traynor, Q176 Williams, Duncan, Q218 Wilson, Colin St. John, Q460 Wilson, Edmund, 71, Q358 Wilson, John A., Q210, Q284, 427 Winckelmann, Johann J., 9, 11; biography, 30 Winnie-the-Pooh, 79 Wizard of Id, 252f„ 254, 255, 256, 257, 278 Wölfflin, Heinrich, 9, 10, 11; principles, 31, 269; criticized, 31; analysis, 30; and Spengler, 12, 32; and Burckhardt, 34 Wolfe, Tom, 9, Q35, 58-59, Q180, 280 words, use of, 141; magical qualities, of 480; as substitute images, 483 work, as architectural metaphor, 150, 399-400 Worringer, Wilhelm, 34, 16, 143, 486 Wright, Frank Lloyd, 139, 150, 227, 402, 406, 433 writing, 109, 147; origins of, 43f., 45; in illustration, 154f., 278; early uses of, 278; supersedes art, 474 Zarathustra, 226 Zeitgeist, 11, 14, 427; not same every­where, 273; fallacy of, 405, 446 ziggurats, 82, 487 Zukor, Adolf, 168 Zurich, Giedion's hs 429-30
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