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Volltext:Index Page numbers in italics refer to illustrations or their captions. "Abduction of Amymone, The" (Dürer), 241 aeration, in aquariums, 48 Africa, 57, 240 agates, in mourning jewelry, 284 Age of Reason or Lights, 143 Albert, prince consort of England, 33, 282, 28g Alberti, Leon Battista, 123 Albertus Magnus, 210 Aldrovandi, Ulisse, 226 Alexander the Great, 148 alienation, 191 allegorization, process of, 117-74 mermaids and, 251-77 Nemo and, 175-98 allegory, 218. 252, 272 artificialization of nature and, 132-36 artificial ruins and, 147-74 Atlantis and, 1x7-30 Benjamin on, 123га, 125га derivative nature of, 126-28 fake ruins and, 140-46 fossils as, 233-34 loss and, 117-30 melancholic kitsch and, 123,125 naturalia as, 221-22 nostalgic kitsch and, 125 ruins and, 126-29 America, colonization of, 214 American Museum, 254, 256, 257, 258, 260 American Museum of Natural History, 260, 270-71, 273, 274 amusement parks, 36 analogy, principle of, 212 Andersen, Hans Christian, 242, 245, 265 anecdote, 212, 218, 222 anemones, see sea anemones "Angel of History, The" Benjamin's vision of, 129П-30П animal furniture, 42, 46 animism, 136 Anne, empress of Russia, 30га Anning, Mary, 281 anthropomorphism, 164, 184 Apocaliticci e integrate (Eco), 19га appearance vs. essence, 88, 89, n8n, 266-69 Applewhaite-Abbott, Mrs.. 66 3°7 Index aquarianists, 50,155,165 Aquarium, The (Gosse), 131 Aquarium, The (magazine), 49 aquariums, domestic, 48-54,49, 50, 55, 60, 70,131, 284 grotto-like decoration of, 151-54 invention of, 48 other terms used for, 51 peak period of popularity, 12, 50-51 ruins in, as threefold narrative of loss, !58 aquariums, public, 51, 53, 157, 174 grotto-like decoration of, 152-53, 154-58 as metaphor for the unconscious, 160 sea anemones and corals in, 162 aquavivariums, 51 Aragon, Louis, z6n arcades, 20-28, 21, 25, 28, 29, 31, 65, 89 activities found in, 22 Benjamin's study of, 20, 28 commodities and, 24 decline of, 26 description of, 20 outside France, z6n, 28, 31 period of popularity, 20 time and, 27-28 archaeological expeditions, 109,117 Arendt, Hannah, i6n Argenville, Dezallier d', 231 Argonauta argó, 178 art, nature in conflict with, 234 artifice: cultural shift to, 174 death and, 140 divine creation and, 215-18 nature and, 131-74, 209-36 as "second nature" 142 artificialia, 234,, 275 artificialism, 218 Atalantis (Simms), 111 Atget, Eugène, 90, 295 Atlantida (Honduran county), 11571 Atlantide, L' (Benoit), 111 Atlantis, 104-30,158,172, 239, 262 allegory, loss and, 117-30 catastrophic ending of, 106,109-11,112 commodification of, 123-26,130 conceptual attributes of, 114-16 Greek civilization and, 106 as legend found in many cultures, 106 in modern fiction, 111-12 myth and, 114П, 115 nineteenth-century popularity of, 104-5,108-9,174 as nostalgic kitsch, 119-22, 294 occultists and, 109,110 in Plato's writings, 105,106,112 search for, 112-14, u7 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea and, 108,111 Atlantis (Donnelly), 10671, 108 Atlantis, The (Prospero), 111 "Atlantis" (beach resort), 119,145 Atlas myths, 114П, 115 Au bonheur des dames (Zola), 2671, 29 Augustine, Saint, 215, 222 aura, 17-26, 45, 54, 222 Benjamin on, iqn, 87 debris of, 1971, 80-86, 291 definition of, 17-18 glass as, 27 shattered, 18, 1971, 20, 84 aureatic chambers (camere auree), 211 authenticity, 16-17,45 "Avant-garde and Kitsch, The" (Green­berg), 3971 "ave manucodiata" 223 Avenue de l'Opéra, 92-93 Babylon, 106,107 Baccarat, 59, 6571, 83 Bacon, Francis, 238 Balzac, Honoré de, 2371 308 Index barnacles, 168,169 Barnum, P. T., 51л, 253, 254-60, 256, 259, 264, 275 Barthes, Roland, 71л "Bathos, or Manner of Sinking in Sub­lime Paintings, The" (Hogarth), 127 Baudelaire, Charles, 76л, 8o bear claw jewelry, 42 Benedict, Saint, 228 Benjamin, Walter, 13л, ión, 17л, 23л., 24л, 57, 63л, 8ол, 115л, 142л, 175, 177л on allegory, 123л, 125л "Angel of History" vision of, 129Л-30П on aura, 19л, 87 on culture as "petrified nature" 228л on dialectical images, 27л on dust as metaphor for kitsch, 87-89, 91' 94-95 on "furnished man" 184л on history, 75л, 83П-84П, 129Л-30П on modes of perception, 68-70 on Parisian arcades, 20, 28 on the souvenir, 76л on spleen, 75л on Victorian interiors, 175, 278 Benoit, Pierre, 111 Bergstrom, Evangeline, 62л, 63л, 64 Berlin, 31 Berry, Jean de France, Due de, 219-21, 222 Bert, Paul, 182 Betz, Ruin of, 141 Bible, Dore's illustrations for, 107 Bigaglia, Pietro, 57, 59л, 6o birds, on women's hats, 42 Blavatsky, Helena Petrovna, 109, no "blue distance" of dreams, 87 boredom, 91 Boucher, François, 231 Boullaye le Gouz, 253 Boutan, Louis, 196 "breast cup" of Marie Antoinette, 139 Breling, Heinrich, 135 Breton, André, 159 Brighton Aquarium, 51, 53 Broch, Hermann, 39л, 155 Buck-MoTss, Susan, 20л, 24л, 39л, 70л, 142л burial, 282-84 Butte des Moulins, 92-93 butterfly collections, 12,14, 50, 284 Byron, Joseph, 286 cabinet vivaria, 51 cabinets, 90 coral, 225 "cabinets de roi" ("cabinets curieux"), З34 cafés, 23 "cages à la Power" 48 camere auree (aureatic chambers), 211 capitalism, late, i8n Carcharodon megalodon, 274 carp paperweight, 235 cartes de visite, 14,15, 17л Casper, Geraldine J., 63л, 65л Catalogus de rebus noctu lucentibus el lunariis herbis (Gessner), 226 Catastrophists, 230 cave paintings, 132 Céline, Louis-Ferdinand, 21 Cemetery of the Innocents (Paris), 284 "Central Park" (Benjamin), 70л, 75л, 76л, 8on, 89л, 123л, 228л ceramic insects and reptiles, 223 ceraunic stone, 212 Challenger, 148 Charles Baudelaire (Benjamin), 13л, 23л, 24л Chicago Art Institute, 66 Chinese fortune cookie, 291 Christ, relics of, 219 Christianity, 136, 215-18, 228, 266 3°9 Index Christian Topography (Kosmas), 108 Church of the Innocents (Paris), 219 Cité de Limes (Normandy), 247 cities, restructured for leisure and specta­cle, 24; see also arcades City of Peking, 52 City of Tokyo, 52 classical age, 210, 214 Clichy, 55, 59, 6571 clutter, in Victorian interiors, 286, 288 coffee drinking, 23 Cole, Thomas, 72-73 Colette, 5671, 61, 66 collecting, 12,13, 67 objects turned into relics by, 52 relationship between collectors and collections, 17 similarity vs. uniqueness and, 14-16 collections: of naturalia, 209-35 Victorian interiors as, 278-90 "colonization of wonder" 214 "comicalities" animal, 40-42, 43 Commentary on the Metaphysics of Aris­totle (Albertus), 210 commodification, 286 of Atlantis, 122-26,130 as death, 78-79, 81 of mourning, 284 of naturalia, 214, 234 of natural objects, 52 of remembrance, souvenir as, 67-79, 80, 81, 84,122 commodities: failed, 28, 291 fetishization of, 24,118 presentation of, 31 Conchyliologie, La (d'Argenville), 231 conscious mode, of perception, 68-79 containers, 89, 287 copies: authenticity and, 16 without originals, 272 originals displaced by, 40 replication, seriality and, 272 and simulacra, 269-75 see also grottoes, artificial; mermaids, fake coral cabinet, 225 corals, 6,161,162,171,172,174, 213, 224 Cousteau, Jacques-Yves, 150 Cox, Alfred, 138 Crater Lake, 250 Creation, 228-30 Crete, 109 Critias, 105 crocodiles, embalmed, 214, 218 Crusaders, 214 Crystal City, The (Laurie), 112 Crystal Palace, 30-45,34-35, 46, 47, 276, 293 attendance figures for, 32, 36 "comicalities" exhibited at, 40-42,43 description of, 32 design of, 3271, 34Л-3571 destruction of, 37 dust control in, 91 exhibits in, 32-33 glass in, 30, 31, 32, 3571 as kitsch, 38 modern era and, 31 New York City's replica of, 3871 organic ornamentation in, 38-40, 41 Queen Victoria and, 32, 33-36 ruins of, 37П-3871, 38 social aspects of, 36 at Sydenham, 36-37, 51,154 Crystal Palace Aquarium, 51, 156,157 "cultural fossils" 70 cult value, 88 Cuvier, Baron, 230 Daguerre, Louis-Jacques, 23П daguerreotypes, 13, 1471, 82 310 Index "dark" ages, 210 Daumier, Honoré, 18 death, 123, 128, 129, 291, 292 artifice and, 140 and burial, 282-84 commodification as, 78-79, 81 dust exuded by, 91 fake mermaids and, 276-77 fake ruins and, 146 mermaids and, 243, 265 and mourning, 282-84, 283 relics and, 80-81 of remembrance, 80-81 return from, 7 Rodney and, 4-5, 7, 67-70, 74, 75-76, 78, 85-86, 301-5 souvenirs and, 81 suspension of, 301-5 debris of the aura, 1971, 80-86, 291 decompression chamber, 182 De imagine mundi (Honorius), 108 department stores, 26, 29 Des monstres et prodigies (Paré), 238 Devonian period diorama, 273 dialectical images, 26-27,$4 Dialectics of Seeing, The (Buck-Morss), гоп, 2471, 39л, 70П, 14271 Diluvialists, 228 dioramas, 13, 237г, 257, 270-77, 273, 275-76 disenchantment, age of, 233 Disney, Walt, 17671,190-91, 245-46, 27971 "divine horror" 132 diving armor, 750 diving bells, 148-50 domesticity, women and, 281 Donnelly, Ignatius, 10671, 108,110 Doré, Gustave, 107 Dorfles, Gillo, 3971 dream images, 24, 84-85 "Dreamkitsch [Traumkitsch]" (Ben­jamin), 87,18471 "dream spheres" 57, 62 Dream Worlds (Williams), 1371 dredging, of ocean floor, 148 Dürer, Albrecht, 241 dust, 1911, 24, 54, 87-95, 292 Benjamin on, 87-89, 91, 94-95 death and, 91 preventing accumulation of, 89-91 time and, 95 Eades, Captain, 254 Earth, age of, 228 East, John M., 37 Eco, Umberto, 1971, 6271,11971 Edward, prince of England (later Edward VIII), 28g Egypt, 56' 105'106 Egyptomania, 22 Eidophusikon, 257 Eiffel, Gustave, 77 Eiffel Tower, 77, 82 Elaine, James, 28171 electricity, gaslight replaced by, 26 England, 12, 30, 57,133,142 Enlightenment, 214, 233 ermines' tea party, 40-42,43, 276-77, 293 essence vs. appearance, 88, 89, n8n, 266-69 Eugénie, empress of France, 61 "ever-always-the-same" new as, 89 evil eye, 57 exchange value, 16,1871, 80, 88, 95 experiential vs. essentialist approach, 12371 eye, as "organ of marvelousness" 222, 2237г "Fading Away" 283 fake mermaids, see mermaids, fake fantasy gardens, 131,142,145,151 Feejee Mermaid, 259, 260 feminization of the ocean, 191-94 3n Index fern mania (pteridomania), 12, 47, 50, 52 offshoots of, 47-48 peak period for, 47 fetishes: commodities as, 24,118 souvenirs as, 76 fetuses, malformed, 253,255 Fingal's Cave, 155 flamingo diorama, 270-71 flaneurs, 23, 2371 Fleischer, Richard, 176л flowers: in funeral wreaths, 285 reproduced in paperweights, 55~s6 flying-deer horns, 221 follies, 142 Fond de la mer, Le (Sonreí), 124,149 fossils, 227-36, 229, 275, 281, 284 as allegory, 233-34 competing interpretations of, 227-33 popular collecting expeditions for, 235 France, 30,132,142 freaks, 238, 258 French Revolution, 20,142,144 French Second Empire, 57 arcades and, 19-26 Freud, Sigmund, 74л frigger (offhand) paperweights, 59-60 friit-medley (macedoine) paperweights, 60 Fulton, Robert, 23,150 funeralia, Victorian, 284 "furnished man" Captain Nemo as, 184-86 furniture, animals and plants used in, 42, 44-46 Galerie de Bois, 22 Galleria Umberto I, 28 "gallerye aux joyeusetés" 133 gardens, fantasy, 131,142, 145,151 gaslight, 22, 26 gender distribution, 278 Genesis, exact date and time of, 228 German Room, The (Hirth), 190 Gessner, Conrad, 226 ghost ships, 168, 250 Gilgamesh, epic of, 106 glass, 14 as aura, 27 commercial expansion of, 30 commodification of natural objects facilitated by, 52-53 in Crystal Palace, 30, 31, 32,3571 tax on, 48 glass bells, 148 glass globes, see paperweights glassmaking industry, 58, 59, 60 golden ages, 294-96 goldfish, 52 Gosse, Philip, 131,162П, 230 "Great Wave, The" 267 Greece, ancient, 106,118 Greenberg, Clement, 390 grotesque, derivation of term, 132 grottoes, artificial, 48, 52,131-36,134, Ж aesthetic of, 131-32, 137 aquariums decorated as, 151-58, J52"53 history of, 132-36 two styles of, 133 hairwork, 284 Hall, G. Stanley, 11m Hall, Mrs. S. C., 147 Halley, Sir Edmund, 148-50 hamlet, of Marie Antoinette, 138 Hanover aquarium, 154 Harper's magazine, 195 Haussmann, Baron Georges-Eugène, 26, 57, 92~93 Havre Exhibit (1867), 155 312 Index hermitariums, 70-71 hermit crabs, 69,189, 201-6 in aquariums, 165 fad for live specimens, 70-71 molting by, 205-6 shell domains of, 175' 2oi~6 sociability of, 203-4 Spencer on, 201-6 see also Rodney hermits, 133 Hesdin, Castle of, 133 Hibberd, Shirley, 48га, 153й Hirth, Georg, 190 Históriáé animalium (Gessner), 226 history, 123,128,142 attempted recovery of sense of, 130 Benjamin on, 75a, 8371-84, 129га- 3°n cyclical view of, 83-84, 89 Hogarth, William, 127 Honduras, 115га Honorius of Autun, 108 Howell, Troy, 244 humbug, Barnum and, 254, 260 Hyde Park, 34га ice palace, 3011-31 Illuminations (Benjamin), 16, 70га, 75, 84га, 130га, 177га Illustrated London News, 30, 37 image-making techniques, 13 Imperato, Ferrante, 218, 224 industrialization, 75, 82,118,142, 286 "Innocent" (embalmed child), 219 Innocents, Cemetery of the (Paris), 284 insects, ceramic, 223 "Interior, Traces, The" (Benjamin), 175' 278 interiorization, 191 interiors, Victorian, 89, 90,114, 275, 2^lł 282, 285-90, 286 "intoxication of modernity" 24 "Invasion" war shows, 37 Italy, 30, 57, 249 Japan, 52,196 Jargstorf, Sibylle, 57га, 59га, 62га jewelry: mourning, 284 tiger and bear claw, 42 vegetable, 47 "jewels of the sea" 160 Jouvenel, Colette de, 5511-56, 66 Keats, John, 131 kelp ornament, 266-67 Kiklinger, Clement, 213 Kircher, Athanasius, 252 kitsch: aquarium ruins as, 147-58 as artificialization of nature, 159-74 as commodification of the souvenir, 74-79, 80 Crystal Palace as, 38 determination of, 278 dust as metaphor for, 19га, 87-89, 91, 94-95 eternal nature of, 12 etymology of term, 38П-39П as failed commodity, 28, 291 mass-culture products as, 19 mermaids and, 252-76 rejection of, 155-56 Rodney as, 86 ruins as, 140 as shattered aura, 78-84 stillborn nature of, 67 time and, 28-29, 97_io°,122, 292 see also melancholic kitsch; nostalgic kitsch Kitsch: The World of Bad Taste (Dorfles), 39n "Kitsch and Art-with-a-Message" (Broch), 39га 3T3 Index Kosmas, 108 Krakatoa, 213 Kuntzkammern, 212 labor, i8n, 5971, 60, 82 Laborde, A. L. J. de, 141 Lacan, Jacques, 6071-6271 Lamballe, princess of, 1437г, 144 La Motte-Fouqué, Friedrich, Baron de, 26571, гббп Lanvin, Jeanne, 61 Laurie, André, 112 Lazar-Moro, Abbot Anton, 227 Le Gray, Gustave, 267 leisure, 24, 289 leisure class, 48 Leonardo da Vinci, 150, 222 Leoni, Mrs., parlour of, 286 Leucosia, 249 Lewis, Ida, 195 Libri de piscibus mariais (Rondelet), 226 Ligeia, 249 Linderhof, Castle of, 135 Lisbon, 220-21 Lister, Susanna and Anna, 281 Little Mermaid, The (Andersen), 242, 245, 265, 278-79 Little Mermaid, The (Disney), 245-46 Lloyd, William Alford, 154,155-56 Lloyd's of London, 167 London, 27,31, 51, 253, 257, 260 Long Revolution, The (Williams), 137г looking, 13,14, 22 pleasure of, 212 loss, 117-30,146, 262, 265 allegory and, 117-30 aquarium ruins' threefold narrative of, 158 Atlantis and, 117-30 "style of" 159, i6on Louis XIV, king of France, 219, 257 Ludwig II, king of Bavaria, 57,134,135 Lukács, Georg, 17771 Lyceum of Natural History, 260 macedoine (fruit-medley) paperweights, 60 Mad Love (Breton), 159 madrepores (stony corals), 6,159, 262, 162,171,174 Magellan, Strait of, 168 Magnes, sive de arte magnética (Kircher), 252 Maillet, Benoit de, 237 Mami Wata (mother of waters), 240 Mannerism, 133 Marie Antoinette, queen of France, 6471, 238, 239,143, 144 Marville, Charles, гбп, 92-93 Marx, Karl, i8n mass culture, 12,19, 60 mass production, 14,16,18, 32, 60, 81, 95' 292 materialism, 186 Medici, Francesco I de, 132 "melancholia artificialis" 140 melancholic kitsch, 5671, 57, 67-95 allegory and, 123,125 fake mermaids as, 264, 276-77 nostalgic kitsch vs., 125, 292-98 source of, 292 time and, 122 "Melancholy Objects" (Sontag), 1371 Melusine, 241-42, 245 memorial paperweights, 59, 85 memories, 5, 6-7 memory: modes of perception and, 68-70, 292 mythical, 291-98 remembrance, 71-78 reminiscence, 67-71 merchant fairies, 247 "Mermaid of Gollerus, The" 244 3*4 Index mermaids, 239-51, 249 death and, 243, 265 in Irish legend, 244 locations of bodies of, 249 metamorphoses of, 247-51 in modern fiction, 242-47, 265-69, 278-79 myths about, 239-42, 241 in Nordic mythology, 248. Spanish sailors' sworn avoidance of, 253 women and, 279-81 mermaids, fake, 251, 252-63, 259, 261, 264-77, 279' 293 appearance vs. essence and, 272 death and, 276-77 exhibitions of, 253-60, 256 ingredients of, 254 as melancholic kitsch, 265, 276-77 modernity and, 265-66 seriality and, 272-74 time and, 262-63 merman, fake, 261, 262-63, 2^5 metamorphic rocks, 168-71, 249 Midas, King, 78 Middle Ages, relics and "mirabilia" in, 210-21 middle class, 24, 47, 50 Milan, 31 millefiori paperweights, see paper­weights, millefiori miniaturization, 13 Minoan culture, 109 mirabilia, 211-21 "Model Dwelling House" 33 modernity, 11-95, 2^4' 27& anthropomorphism and, 184 Atlantis and, 117 authenticity and, 16 commodification of, 14 commodities and, 24 as displaced time, 129-30 fake mermaids and, 265-66 linear history and, 83 looking, collecting and, 13 monarchic and aristocratic values and, 27 nature as viewed in, 45 project of, 188-89 time orientation of, 81-82. 89, 289-90 monkey furniture, 42 Montez, Lola, 25871 Moon, the, 248 Morand, Paul, 67 Morgana, Aimée, io6n Moscow, 31 mountain cave grottoes, 133 mourning, 282-84, 2&3 Mulertt, Hugo, 49 Murray, J., 254 museums, 223-24, 260, 281 Mysteries of Udolpho, The (Radcliffe), 131 Mysterious Island, The (Verne), 176л myth, 28, 7m Atlantis and, 115 mythical load, 83 Mythologies (Barthes), 7171 "N [Theoretics of Knowledge, Theory of Progress]" (Benjamin), 27/1 Nana (Zola), 29a Naples, 28, 31, 249 Napoleonic Wars, 22 natural curiosities, 237-38 natural history: collections, 209-35 museums, 260, 281 "national crazes" 50 women and, 235, 280, 281 Natural History (Pliny), 226 naturalia, 210-26, 213, 218, 275, 276 as allegory, 221-22 artificialia compared with, 224, 236 Christianity and, 215-18 3X5 Index naturalia (continued): classification of, 226 commodification of, 214, 234 religious, 219 in wonder chambers, 211-26 "naturalism of the boudoir" 281 "naturalist school of ornament" 39 natural theology, 154-55 nature: art conflated with, 234, 236 artificial reproduction of, 13, 38-40, 41,131,166 culture and, 211 disappearance of mystical attributes of, 136-37 as icon of itself, 44,165 made into artifice, 132-74, 209-36 perishability of, 54 petrified, see fossils philosophers of, 226 "second nature" artifice as, 142 traditional vs. modern views of, 45 Nautilus (Fulton's model submarine), 150 Nautilus (Nemo's submarine), see 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea Nautilus pompilius, 178 nautiluses, 175,176,178 neoclassicism, 119,132 Neptunists, 230 Neri, Antonio, 57 Neuville, /\lphonse-Marie de, 180,185,192 New Atlantis (Bacon), 238 newness, as commodity, 14 New York, N.Y., 254, 260 Crystal Palace replica in, 38л public aquariums of, 5m nostalgic kitsch, 42л, 74л, 119-25, 276 allegory and, 125 Atlantis as, 119-22, 294 description of, 292-93 melancholic kitsch vs., 125, 292-98 static nature of, 122 novels, time and, 177л novelty, 81, 89 occult sciences, 136,137, 215 occultists, Atlantis and, 109,110 "ocean-cities" (ocean liners), 52 oceanic architecture, 147-58 oceans: exploration of, 147-51,149,150, 252 floor of, compared with human anatomy, 164л and projection of interiority, 151 rising level of, 124 shipwrecks and, 167-68,169,170,173 as topography of the unconscious, 159-74 in 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, 176-78,191-94 viewed as magical garden, 160 "oculus imaginationis" 223 offhand (frigger) paperweights, 59-60 Ophüls, Max, 258л Orbigny, Alcide d', 230 orchids, 55 organic, loss of, 42-44 organic ornamentation, 38-40, 41 "organ of marvelousness" eye as, 222, 223л Oriental bazaars, arcades compared to, 22 ornament, 39, 46,132,140 ostrich-egg cup, 213 Ovid, 133, 239 oxygenation, in aquariums, 48 palingenesis, 7 Palissy, Bernard de, 223 paludariums, 51 "Panorama de Paris" 23 Panorama of the Nineteenth Century (Stemberger), 13л panoramas, 22, 23 pansy paperweights, 60 316 Index Pantin, Cristalleries de, 65 paper nautilus, 178 paperweights, 55-66, 235, 262, 284 as "dream spheres" 57, 62 as hand-coolers, 56 memorial, 85 rock, 65, 83 see also snow globes paperweights, millefiori, 55-59 collectible value of, 66 famous collectors of, 61 history of, 56-58 peak period of popularity, 65 producers of, 59, 65 time and, 65 types of, 60-61 paperweights, souvenir, 59-62 oneiric quality of, 61 "sentimental geography" of, 59 Paperweights (Jargstorf), 5771, 6271 Paré, Ambroise, 238 Paris, 77, 219, 284 arcades of, 20-28, 21,25, 29 cafés of, 23 department stores of, 26, 29 Eastern influence on, 22-23 Haussmann's redesign of streets, 26, 57, 92-93 number of bathtubs in, 22 Sonrel's underwater depiction of, 124 Paris aquarium, 152—53,154 Paris Exposition Universelle (1878), 62, 65,152-53 "Parisiens en promenade" (Daumier), 18 Paris Peasant (Aragon), 28a Parson, James, 253 Parthenope, 249, 249 Passage de Choiseul, 21 Passage de l'Opéra, 28 Passage des Panoramas, 23, 25, 29 Passage Jouffroy, 25 Paxton, Joseph, 3271,34 Peale, Charles Willson, 257 pearl divers, 796 pearls, in mourning jewelry, 284 Peintre de la vie moderne, Le (Baude­laire), 80 Pentreath, Dolly, 32 perception, modes of, 68-79 Perle, La (Boutan), 196 Perón, Eva Duarte, 61 pétrifications, 227-36 see also fossils Phantom Ship (Crater Lake), 250 Philippe, Jeanne, 117 philosophers of nature, 226 photography, 1771, 60, 63-65, 267 distorted images and, 82-83 exposure time and, 25 picture albums and, 13-14, 25, 36 post-mortem, 1777, 285 pre-industrial world registered through, 13 phrenology, 2237г picture albums, 13-14, 25, 36 Piranesi, Giambattista, 14371 pittura grottesca, 132 plants, in Wardian cases, 46, 47, 48, 55 see also flowers plastic, in snow globes, 66 Plato, 105, 106, 112, 11971,154, 240 Pliny the Elder, 226 Ploucquet, Hermann, 40,43 Plutonists, 230 polyurethane, in souvenir paperweights, 66 Pompeii, 109, 249 "Pompeiian decoration" 133-36 postcards, 14 Power, Jeannette, 48,178 pre-Columbian empires, 109 Pression barométrique, La (Bert), 182 pre-symbolic stage (Lacan), 60, боп-6271 3!7 Index production, modes of, 17-18 Prospero, Peter, 111 "psychological gardens" 142 pteridomania, see fern mania Radcliffe, Ann, 131 Rambouillet, 139,144 "rapture of the deep" (nitrogen narcosis), 15° Rariteinkammern, 212 rational, the, 114,132, 218 Recreations of a Psychologist (Hall), inn Regent's Park Zoological Gardens, 51 relics, 52, 80-81, 237 religious, 218-19 see also naturalia remembrance: souvenir as commodification of, 67-79, 8° 84,122 three deaths of, 80-81 reminiscence, 68-70, 292 Renaissance, 40,132,133, 211, 212, 219, 222, 236, 237 repetition, 14 replication, 272 reptiles: ceramic, 223 in paperweights, 65 Retz, Le Desert de, 142a, 143 Riou, Edouard, 180,185, iqz Robert, Hubert, 141 Robinson, Henry Peach, 283 rocaille, 133,166, 232 rock paperweights, 65, 83 rocks: metamorphic, 168-71, 249 as ruins, 168-72 Rodney, 3-9, 87, 293 bed-and-breakfast home of, 3-4 death and, 4-5. 7, 67-70, 74, 75-76, 78, 85-86,301-5 as dream image, 85 emotional and psychological effects of, З-9 eyes of, 3, 8, 68, 86 three deaths of, 85-86 time and, 5 various perspectives on, 78 see also hermit crabs Roman d'Alexandre, Le, 148 Romanticism, 45, 82, 143, 184, 211, 218, 236, 269 Atlantis and, 114, 116,118 nature's mystical attributes in, 137 Rome, ancient, 118,119,132 Rondelet, Guillaume, 226 rose paperweights, 60 Rubloff, Arthur, 66 ruins, 137-40, 265, 291 beginning of modern fascination with, 142 of Crystal Palace, 37^-3811,38 derivative nature of, 126-28 fake, 141,142-46,155,158, 159-60 time and, 129, 145-46,156 underwater, 168-72 Ruskin, John, 47,154-55 Saint-Cloud, 295 Saint Louis (manufacturer), 59, 65П saints, relics of, 219 "sand dunes" paperweight, 83 San Pedro de Alcántara, shipwreck of, 173 Saturnalia, 115 Schatzkammern, 218-19 science, 114,118, 211 artificialism and, 218 exclusivity and, 47П transition from wonder to. 227, 233 "sciences curieuses" 215 scopophilia, 212 sea anemones, 50, 52,162-65, ^3, 174, 224 in domestic aquariums, 51, 55 318 Index as "living objects of the sea" 164 longitudinal section of, 164 in public aquariums, 162 survival skills of, 165 sea conch, 201-2 sea cucumbers, 165 seahorses, 268 "second nature" artifice as, 142 "sentimental geography" of scenic paperweights, 59 sentimental value, 17 Sept Péchés capitaux, Les (Morand), 67 seriality, 272-74 shattered aura, 18, ign, 20, 84 Shedd Aquarium (Chicago), 5171 shells, 231, 284 collections of, 12, 14, 50 decoration with, 48,133-36,166, 232 as homes for hermit crabs, 175, 176-77, 201-6 shipwrecks, 6-7, 167-68,169,170,173 shopping malls, 36 shop windows, 14 "Short History of Photography, A" (Ben­jamin), 13П, 1771, 8371 Sicily, 249 Siebe, Augustus, 150 "Silent Alarum Bed" 33 Silverman, Kaja, 6271, 119л Simms, William G., 111 simulacra, 272, 275 sirenoform infants, 253, 255 Sirens, 239-40, 242, 248, 262 Smithsonian Institution, 260 snow globes, 62-66, 82,115,174 featuring Marie Antoinette, 64 invention of, 62 plastic used in, 66 umbrella figures in, 62-63 Solon, 105,106 Sonreí, L., 124,14g Sontag, Susan, 13ц, 11571 soul, 265-69 souvenir, the, 67-79,1^0' 292 Benjamin on, 76a as commodification of remembrance, 67-79, 8°, 81, 84,122 death and, 81 empathic capacity of, 78 as fetish, 76 first use of term, 59 French meaning of term, 78 kitsch as commodification of, 74-79, 80 miniaturization and, 13 spectacle, city as, 24 Spencer, Mary, 201 spirituality, 45 spleen, 75-76 starfish, 165 stereographs, 1471 Stemberger, Dolf, 1371 stores, department, 26, 29 streets: illumination of, 23, 26 pre-industrial conditions of, 20 reconstitution of, 13 strolling, urban, 20 "style of loss" 159,16071 Subject of Semiotics, The (Silverman), 627г, 11971 suffering, Christian ideology of, 266 Surrealists, 27 swans, 134, 135 Sydenham Crystal Palace, 36-37, 51,154 symbol: and allegory, 118-28, 143-46 essence vs. appearance, 11971 symbolic stage (Lacan), 627г symbolism, 136, 218, 233, 272 "talking telegraph" 33 taxidermy, 40-42,43 tears, pearls as, 284 telegraph cable, underwater, 14g Зг9 Index Telliamed (Maillet), 237, 238л theology, natural, 154-55 Theory of the Novel (Lukács), 177л Theory of Semiotics, A (Eco), 62л, 119л Thompson, N. W., 285 thunder, concretization of, 212 Thuringia, 62 Thynne, Anna, 48 tidal wave, 120-21 tiger claw jewelry, 42 time, 123, 233 arcades and, 27-28 dust and, 95 early photography and, 15л fake mermaids and, 262-63 kitsch and, 28-29, 97"ioo, 122, 292 modernity and, 81-82, 89, 289-90 modernity as displacement of, 129-31 modes of perception and, 68-79 novels and, 177л paperweights and, 65 Rodney and,5 ruins and, 129,145-46,156 Victorian interiors and, 288 Titanic, wreck of, 169 tradition, 75, 81, 82, 84, 91,142,189, 278, 290 "transcendental homelessness" 177 trompe Toeil, 140 Troy, 1O0 Tupac Amarú, José Gabriel, 173 Turf Coffee House (London), 253 turtle strolls, 71 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (Verne), 104,174-98,181,185,192, 278-79 Atlantis and, 108,111 film versions of, 176л, 190-91, 279л "furnished man" concept in, 184-86 mermaids and, 243 Nautilus's role,in, 179-80,183,185, 186-87, 1&9* 197-98 ocean as home in, 176-78 publication of, 176л social metaphor in, 179-80,183-89, 190-98 women in, 193-94 unconscious, the, 81,114, 252, 269, 292 imaginary topography of, 159-74 reason for denial of, 251 unconscious mode of perception, 68-79 undersea grottoes, 133 "Under the Falls, Catskill Mountains" 280 Undine (La Motte-Fouqué), 265-69 unicorn horns, 212 uniqueness, 16-17 use value, 17,18л, 88, 95 Vallisner, Antonin, 253 "Van Gool" 246л "vegetable jewelry" ferns as, 47 "Venetian balls" 57 Venus grotto, 135 Verne, Jules, 104, 108,111, 176, 279л Verona, 235 Vesuvius, Mount, 249 Victoria, queen of England, 32, 33-36, 282, 289 "Victorian funeralia" 284 Victorian interiors, 89, 90, 114, 275, 278, 282, 285-90, 286 Vienna Fair (1845), 57 Volca sediments, 235 "Voyage of Life, The: Childhood" (Cole), 72-73 voyages of discovery, 214 Ward, Nathaniel, 46, 47 Wardian cases, 46, 47, 48, 55 Warington, Robert, 48 "Warrington case" 48 water, symbolism of, 247-48 Williams, Raymond, 13л 320 Index Williams, Rosalind H., lßn window shopping, 22 wish images, 24, 28, 39, 68, 78 "witch-balls" 56 women: domesticity and, 281 glassmaking by, 58, 59л. mermaid lore and, 279-81 natural history and, 235, 280, 281 pearl diving by, 196 in 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, x93"94 wonder: age of, 211, 214 signs of, 237-38 transition to science from, 227, 233 wonder chambers (Wunderkammern), 211-26, 216-17, 233' 275 evolution of types of, 218-20 other names for, 212 visual orientation of, 222-23 wonder commodified in, 214 "Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction, The" (Benjamin), ión, iyn, 63П world's fairs, 32, 39П, 40 wreaths, funeral, 285 Wunderkammern, see wonder chambers Zola, Emile, 20n, 29 zoophytes, 164 321
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