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Volltext:abstraction, xi, xiii, xvii, 23,42,60,87,113, 116,140,143-45,151,156,174,184, 310-11,313,341 n54,342n66 and empathy, 132,143,145,152-54, 340n46 in the inorganic, 136,271 Abstraction and Empathy (Worringer) vii, xv, 4,128,130-45,151 -57,319n6, 338n6 Abstraction-Création group, 153,284 accessories, viii, x, xii-xiii, 31-37, 44, 48,50, 69,84,89,95,134-35, ¡43,237,251, 280,290 accessories-in-inertia, 290-96 accessories-m-motion (Bewegtes Bei­werk), 11,34-35,52-60,63,67-69, 84,263-64,270,287,290,296,307, 313,359n65 accessory (Bewerfe) as aesthetic concept, 64-65,104 Achilles (in Skyros), 61,66; fig. 1.13 adaptation (Anpassung), principle of, 128, 224 Adorno, Theodor, 26-27,323n63,352я32. See also Horkheimer, Max aesthetics, 115-16,128-30,132-34,143-45, 154,271,325n29,328n64,338n8, 343,361 aesthetic, science of, vii, ix, 22-23,46,57, 66,77,239,312 Aesthetics (Hegel), 64,68,329n81 (see also Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich) Aesthetics of Movement (Souriau), 71,83, 93,330nl (see also Souriau, Paul) notes on aesthetics (Warburg), 3l2n54, 330nl (see also Warburg, Aby) agency, vii, 1,4,6,23, 31,48,60,68-69,74, 78,88,232-41,257,304,313, 317, 323n6l 'in air, 58-59,237 in the inorganic, viii 'ofmovement, 10-11,15,46-47, 94, 98 of objects, 20-21,58-59,133,226 pneumatic, 104,126 agoraphobia, 115,144,342n66 air, 48,56,58-59, 95,126,130,168,170, 172,189,236-37,295,307; fig. 5.2 bottom. See also anemos; wind airplane, 82,172 Alabe rainforest (Madagascar), 177 Alberti, Leon Battista, 45,50,61,68-69,134, 270,293 Delia Pittura (On Painting), x, xvii, 7, S6-S8,237,320nl0,327nS6, 327n57,327n59,328n62 allegory, ix, xiv-xv, 7,68,142, 149,202,208, 219,235,242,272,322n53,328n68 cosmogonie, 313,330n92 America, Americans, ix, 80,84-85,88-89, 95,102,156,169,171,178,193-94, 235,266 Southwest, 88-102,336n78 ."Americana" (Zettelkasten). See Warburg, Aby "American Chapbooks" (Warburg), 95, 335n64. See also Warburg, Aby [ 363 ] American Queen (journal), 62-63 "amorous pursuit" (amorfugitivus, iconogra­phie theme), 67, 275, 301 Amravati (India), 74 Andler, Charles, 146, 342n74 analogical mentalities, x, 57, 68, 85,128 analogy, vii, ix, 53, 77, 96,162,265, 270 architectonic, 276 between objects, 253, 257 diagonal, 128 epistemological, 126,129, 150,164 historical, 128 material, 126,128 morphological, 117, 129, 140 See also polarity anemos, 7, 59. See also air; wind anima, 7,16-17,24,59, 223, 234,238, 352n52, 359n72 anima vegetativa (vegetal soul), 135,284, 339nl3 animal x, xi, xiii, 9,10-17,21 -22, 25,44-48, 57, 64, 68, 71-72, 77-82, 89-94, 98-104,109,117-18,125-26, 140, 142-44,175,187,197,205, 213, 220, 228,298, 301, 317,320n25, 321n28, 331nl9,338nl0 and biomorphism of machines, 95 mimicry, 222-24 movement, 62,347n59 ornament, 87-88,132,137-38,341n54. See also ornament symbols, 89; figs. 2.17,2.18 See also dogs; frogs; lizards; snakes (serpents) animalism, 10,223 animalization, 121,138,223 animation, vii-xv, xvii, 1-26,47-48, 59-60, 68, 96,116-19,164,191, 221, 232- 36, 241, 254-61, 264-65, 282,296 of crystals, 121,126,130-31,148 dynamic (Vignoli), 12-13,26; fig. 0.3 economic (re)animation, 168 extensional, 23-26,144,315-17 external animation (äussere Beweglich­keit), x-xi, 135,303,358n62 inner animation (innere Lebendigkeit), x-xi, 135 of the inorganic, vii-viii, xii-xiii, xvii, 116, 121,131-38,140, 142-45,148,151, 154-57,198,303,312-17,322n5S, 323n61,352n49 material, x, 68-69, 222, 265 non visual, 232-34 peripheral (accessories), xii, xiv, 31,270, 287 phobic, 15, 20-23, 144,315 static (Vignoli), 12-13, 25, 116, 195, 296; fig. 0.3 social (Dürkheim), xiii-xiv, 25-26 suspended, 26, 249 temporal (re)animation, x, 26, 69, 222, 265 versus empathy, 5-7,46-47,134 See also deanimation; inanimation; reanimation animatism (preanimistic stage), 16-17, 20, 125, 132,321n42 animism, vii, ix, xi, 10, 12, 16-21, 24, 26, 58, 64,68,85,126, 133,135, 143, 195, 216, 223,238, 265, 320n20, 321n31, 321n42, 347n74 animosity, ix, 16, 20,142, 228, 238-41 animus, 238, 352n52 anorganic, 78-79, 89, 100, 104 anorganicism, 98, 123 Anschutz, Ottomar, 62 anthropomorphism, ix, 19, 57, 230, 265, 325n34,328n64 antiquity, x, 50, 52-53, 60-61, 84, 266, 360n91 pagan (Warburg), 143, 323n6, 324nl2 Apollinaire, Guillaume, 172, 181, 185, 193, 197, 200,202, 206, 346n49 Les Peintres Cubistes, 180, 346n48 review of Salon des Independents (1911), 168,345nl2 Apollo, 67, 266, 268, 280-82, 292,315 and Daphne. See Daphne slaying python, 265 appendages, xii, 32, 35, 38, 89-91, 264, 270, 290,314 animal, 79-81, 85; fig. 2.5 Appia, Adolphe, 260 arabesque, 4,119, 150; fig. 3.2 Arbeitsrat für Kunst, 252 archaic, ix-x, xiii, 7, 15, 25, 77, 79, 82, 85,98, 143,172,181,191,193,206,208, 222, 331nl5, 334n52 Greek art, 85-88,98, 332n35; fig. 2.9 architecture, vii, xv, 213-61, 263-79, 312-17 animated, 221-23, 234, 254 art nouveau, 282-84 Baroque, 276 Christian, 117 [ 364 ] Index and darkness, 220,247-49 ethics of, 272 glass, 242-61 historicist, 217-21,256, history of, 74,240,2S9,272-76 and human sacrifice, 206-7 and financial exchange, 217 in film (Mumau, Wegener), 211-17, 224-31,256-61 and forests, 203-7,273 Indian, 75-76 and Kunstwollen, 142 modern, 23,149,150-51,216-17, 242-61,312 monumental, 75-76,117 origins of, 272-76, 279,311 in painting (Léger), 203-7 physiognomic, 225,229-32,238,279-81 psychological aspects, 220-25,229-32, 234-36,239-42,268-69,272, 282-85,289,312-17 tilting, 226-28 architecture parlante, 234,272 Argonne forest, 173-74,176,178-79,194, 203; fig. 4.8 Aristotle, 79,117,119,326n44,331nl9 De Anima (On the Soul), 16,117,296, 338nl2 Arizona, 88 Arnheim, Rudolf, 5,7,133,319n6 art nouveau, 64, 266,282-84,317,320nl4 Asclepius, 92-93,108,110 Athens, 20,93 auditory cognition, 10,17,47, 115,233-34 Augustine, Saint, 117,338nll Aztecs, 193-94 Bahnung, die (Freud, "pathway making" or theory of "facilitation"), 134,269-71; fig. 6.3. See also Freud, Sigmund Bandelier, Adolph, 100-101,336n78; fig. 2.18 Baroque, xiv, 62,108,134,147,219,265-66, 268,276,278,281-82, 284-85,299, 301,308,310,317 Bartning, Otto, 252-53,354n92; fig. 5.29 Bataille, Georges, xiii, 146,173,202,298, 345n27,359n74 Le Jesuve, 185-86,347n64 Baudissin, WolfWilbehn Graf; 73-74,78, 92-94,330n4,334nS6 Bauhaus, 223,249,353nó9; figs. 2.13,5.26 Baxandall, Michael, xvii, 58,327n59 Becquerel, Paul, 126,339nl6 Beham, Barthel, 306,360n9 3; fig. 6.28 Bewegtes Bemerk. See accessories: accessories-in- motion Benzinger, Immanuel, 109,337nl00; fig. 2.22 Bergson, Henri, 134,348n97 Berlin, 115,146,176,225,242,244,246-47, 251-52,255,257-59 Berlin Archaeological Institute, 298-300 Bernini, Lorenzo, 281 Apollo and Daphne, 276,282,294-96, 304,307,356nl9,357n30; fig. 6.20 Bersani, Leo, 281 Bibendum (Michelin), 170-73,184-85,193, 195,202,208; figs. 4.5-4.7 Bible, the, 32,82,98,109-10,143,236-38, 337n97 Biese, Alfred, 57-58,325n34,328n64 Bing, Gertrud, 324n8,326n38,334n53, 334n54,334n58. See also Warburg, Aby Binswanger, Ludwig, 14,93-94,335n60 biocrystals, 121. See also crystals biology, 79,100,125-26,129,143,146,150, 164-65, 199-200,207,223,270, 332n31,339nl8 bipedalism, 185-86 Birth of Venus, The, x, 34, S3,84,287,290, 313; figs. 1.2,6.12; plate 2. See also Botticelli, Sandro Boccaccio, 53 Boll, Franz, 332n35 Botticelli, Sandro, xv, 11,50,52,59-60,64, 270,306,329n87,330n89; fig. 6.17 Birth of Venus, The, x, 34, S3,84, 287,290, 313; figs. 1.2,6.12; plate 2 Primavera (Spring), 34, 50,67-69,167, 286; figs. 1.2,6.31 school of, 60-61,66; fig. 1.13 Warburg dissertation on (see Warburg, Aby) Bötticher, Carl, 273,356n24; fig. 6.5 Bougereau, William-Adolphe, 189,266, 345nl4 Braque, Georges, 176,208,266 Brassai', 263,3S5nl Breton, André, 289,358nSO automatic writing, 288; 358nS9; fig. 6.14 convulsive beauty, 263,287-88,3S5nl Nadja, 312,36Ш107 [ 365 ] bdex Bronzino, Agnolo (fresco of the brazen serpent), 105-11, 337n94; figs. 2.19, 2.20 Brücke, Ernst, 62,329n77 Buddhism, 74 Burgess, Gellet, 95; fig. 2.12 Burmeister, Ernst, 37, SO, 326n45 Butler, Samuel, 42 Cahun, Claude ("Je tends les bras"), 289-90, 358n61; fig. 6.15 Caillois, Roger on insect mimicry, 175, 202,311, 346n32,361nl05 sociology of executioner, 190,348n79 Camera della Segnatura, Vatican library (Raphael), 40-41,324nl6; fig. 1.7 camouflage, 92, 174-75,193, 200, 225, 311, 345n30; fig. 5.9 capitalism, ix, 145, 148, 207, 343n83 caractère (character, theory of), vii, 281 Carlyle, Thomas, 66,69, 94 Sartor Resartus, 32,35, 37,42,323nl, 323n5; fig. 1.1 Casement, Roger, 176 Catherine ofSienna, Saint, 4-6, 8, 26, 319n8 Cats, Jacob, 106-7,337n95; fig. 2.21 Cendrars, Blaise, 176, 346n34, 349nl21 Cézanne, Paul, 163,165,179, 266, 345nl 1 Chantilly drawing (Achilles in Skyros), 60-61,66; fig. 1.13 Charcot, Jean-Martin, 282, 326n36 and Paul Richer (Les Démoniaques dans l'art), 8,320nl4 Chenevière, Jacques, 312, 361nl06 chiton, 66 chronophotography, 53, 55, 62-63 cinema, 62, 65, 212-61,287,339n22 cinematic movement, 237, 270 cinematographic projection, 116,121, 179,230,256,284 iconography (Daphne), 301, 303-4 stage sets, 212-17, 224-27, 229-32, 244, 257-61 Claudian, 55 colonies (in Africa), 135,168, 176,199, 349nl03 colonial wars, 176-79,346n42 commodities, ix, xiv, 237 fetishism of, 26, 14S Comte, Auguste (Philosophie Positive), 16 Congo, 176 coral, 147, 263, 296-98, 359n71; figs. 6.21, 6.22; plate 10 cosmogony, 7S-79, 198, 295, 312-13, 33In 14, 361nlOS cristaux plastiques. See crystals: liquid (flowing) crystals crystalline patterns, X, 8, 31,40, 116, 118, 125, 129-30, 140, 142, 146, 151, 162, 242, 300, 339nl8, 343n91 crystallization, xi, 62, 117-19, 129-30, 147, 164, 173, 190, 198, 201-2, 223 crystallography, 120, 129, 140, 164, 198-200, 343nS9, 34Sn99, 349nl03; fig. 4.21 crystals, ix, xi-xii, 142, 147, 157, 162, 168, 177, 203, 263, 288 biocrystals (Haeckel), 121 cristaux plastiques (liquid crystals), 198, 349nl00 Crystal Souls (Kristallseelen) (Haeckel), 123-25,199; fig. 3.7; plate 4 crystal worms, 123, 340n26; fig. 3.6 death crystal (Todeskristall), 148, 343n85 as divine feces, 202 liquid (flowing) crystals, 119-25,128- 29,140,146, 149-50, 199,343n88; figs. 3.4-3.6,3.15 living crystals, 125, 145, 148 metaphor for art, 117, 128-29, 132, 265-66,279,343n84,343n88 night of crystals (Kristallnacht), 148 political metaphors, as, 148; fig. 3.14 reproduction of, 120-21; fig. 3.4 rheocrystals (see crystals: liquid [flowing] crystals) soul, viii, 119, 123 Cushing, Frank Hamilton, 100 Cuvier, Georges, 80 D'Annunzio, Gabrielle, 303-4, 360n86 Dalí, Salvador, xii, 266, 272,289,306, 312 50 Secrets of Magic Craftmanship, 277, 279,357n39; fig. 6.6 "aerodynamic forms" theory of, 284, 286,314 and anthropomorphic architecture, 276, 279-81; fig. 6.8 on art nouveau ("modern style architec­ture"), 282-84,3S8n49 depiction of Daphne, 277,279, 357n38 Dream of Venus, The (pavilion), 285-86, 305; figs. 6.11,6.12 and fossilized automobiles, 287; fig- 6.13 [ 366 ] Index Hidden Faces (novel), 266,278,356n9; figs. 6.2,6.7 illustrations for Maldoror, 266 and Lacan, 276-77, 279,281,357n37 and Minotaure, 266,282,3S8nS3; fig. 6.9 and "putrefieds" 268 and tree women, 277-78 Damisch, Hubert, 166,304,320nl3,344n3, 345ni0,360n91 Daniel, book of, 32,35,37,42; fig. 1.1 Daphne, 4,67,183,263-317 aetiological myth, as, 265 and Apollo, 67,263,265,271-76, 281,290,294,298,301-2,306-8, 310-11, 355n3, 356n23; figs 1.4,6.1, 6.4,6.10,6.13,6.17-6.20,6.25-6.28, 6.30,6.32. See also Apollo arboreal appendages, xii, 263,290, 302, 317; fig. 6.32 architecture and, 265-66,272,275-76, 280-81,283-85,289,314-17 Bahnung, die, 269-71,288 bark of, 271,273,286,294 baroque, 276,284,301, 317 from "beyond" 312-14 cinematic, 301-4,360n86 and coral, 296-98,359n70; fig. 6.21 "crystalline" 300 cosmogonie origin, as, 312-14,361nl08 and Dalí, 276-82 (see also Dalí, Salvador) and D Annunzio (see D Annunzio, Gabrielle) depictions in medieval illustrations, 272-73; fig. 6.4 flight of, 287,298,301 garments of, 272,293-94 iconography of, 301,304,306,359n78 inorganic, 303 and Lacan, 268-76,279,282,306,314, 356nl0, 360n92,361nl09 ; as landscape, 307-8 as laurel, 275,280 in literature, 312,355n2 metamorphosis, xi, 290,301-3,311, 356n8 and Müller, Valentin, 298, fig. 6.23 myth of, 265,275,355n2 in opera, 266,309-12, 360nl02 "organic" 299 as ornament, 275,313 in Ovid, xi, 265,270-71,290 and pathology, 265, 268,270,284,314 and petrification, 268,271,287,289,312 and "presencing of pain" 268,271-72, 314 and Ste chow (see Stechow, Wolfgang [Apollo and Daphne]) and surrealists, xii, 266-68 spine of, 282 as tree, xv, 263,268,270-75,285,288, 306 and Warburg, 35,263,265,290-91, 298-302,355n3,358n62,3S9n76, 360n89, 360n98; figs. 1.3,1.4 (see also Warburg, Aby) Daphne (opera by Richard Strauss), 310-14, 36Inl03; fig. 6.31 : Daphne and Apollo (Bernini). See Bernini, ' Lorenzo: Daphne and Apollo Darwin, Charles, 16, 21,23,48,66,143,222, 359n71 Descent of Man, The, 9-10,320nl6 dog of, 9-20,26-27,236,314,320л J 7; fig. 0.4 experiment with decapitated frog, 102-3, 187, Expression of the Emotions in Men and Animals, The, 14,45,93,102,228, 234,321n29; figs. 0.4,1.19,5.15 evolution, theory of, 84. See also evolution rising of hair, 45 stimulus movements in plants, 118-19, 339Ш5 andWarburg, 14-15,103-4,109, 111, 321n30 deanimation, 226,233. See also inanimation, process of; paralysis De Brosses, Charles (Du culte des dieux fétiches), 16,321n36 decapitation, 190,255 of the divine king, IOS, 188 . of frogs, 102,33ćn84 Delaunay, Robert, 168,206 Deleuze, Gilles, xiii, 114,320n25,337n3 on the inorganic, 132,303,340n45 Delia Pittura. See Alberti, Leon Battista demons, 7,38,59,69,328n68 demoniacs (in art). See Charcot, Jean- Martin demonization, 8,59,191,229,239-40 Demoorjean, 84,332n3L See also Massart, Jean; regressive evolution (évolution régressive); Vandervelde, Emile department stores, 237 [.367 ] Index de Pisan, Christine (Letter ofOthea), 37, 272, 278,293, 355n3; figs. 1.4,6.4, 6.25 Der Golem, wie er in die Welt kam (Wegener, sets by Poelzig), 224-26; figs. 5.10-5.12 Der Sturm, 252, 354n90 devolution, 80, 84, 223, 298. See also evo­lution di Duccio, Agostino, 50, 52, 57, 326n44, 326n45, 326n46 Diana (goddess), 62, 66-67 Diana of the Ephesians (Freud), 194, 348n93 Dickens, Charles, 236-38, 352n48-49 dogs, 9-20,45,228, 320nl7. See also Darwin, Charles: dog of Domenichino, 62 Dora (Freud), 65 Dorians, 193 Doric style, 85 Dossi, Dosso, 307-8, 360n98; flg. 6.30 drapery, 45,48, 59 in Alberti, 56 in Riegl, 129-30 in Vignoli, 47-48 in Vischer, Friedrich Theodor, 46-47, 52. See also Vischer, Friedrich Theodor in Vischer, Robert, 45-46. See also Vischer, Robert in Warburg, 52, 56, 59, 84, 328n70. See also Warburg, Aby in Worringer, 38,135-36. See also Wor­ringen Wilhelm Dream of Venus, The (pavilion). See Dalí, Salvador Druids, 193,205 Duchamp, Marcel, 164, 287, 358n57 Dürer, Albrecht, 182, 290, 359n82 Dürkheim, Emile, ix, xiii, 17,19-21,26 Elementary Forms of the Religious Life, The, 24,165,167,190-94,200, 202, 322n48 Saint-Simon, and, 25,323n60 social animation, xiii-xiv, 25-26 soul, on the, 25,234 dynamogram, 88 ego, viii, 208, 259,281, 350nl23 Egypt, Egyptians, 77-79,113, 342n70 architecture, 130,197 art, 300, 342n70, 343n85 headdress, 136, 225 ornament, 118, 135; fig. 3.2 religion, 93, 301, 331nl5 Eluard, Paul, 263, 288, 355nl, 358n52 Eleonora of Toledo, Chapel of, (Palazzo Vecchio, Florence), 105; fig. 2.20 empathy, xiii, 3,48, 94, 97, 161, 268, 306 abstraction and, xi, 132-34, 153-54, 271, 319n6, 340n46 aesthetic theory of, vii, ix, 45-47, 240, 328n64 animation and, vii, 4-7,47, 71, 126, 144 negative, 71 Vischer, Friedrich Theodor, 22,47, 239-40. See also Vischer, Friedrich Theodor Vischer, Robert, 22,45-46, 328n64. See also Vischer, Robert Warburg, Aby, 23, 32,47, 98, 322n58, 322n34 Worringer, Wilhelm, 131-32, 135, 143, 338n6. See also Worringer, Wilhelm engram (Richard Semon), 15, 79, 103, 128, 148 Entfernung ("distancing") (Aby Warburg), 23 ethnography, xiii, 25, 66, 88, 99-102,125, 164,179,181,187,194,199-200, 207,333n43, 346n46 on animism, 10,16-17, 25,47,68, 321n34 Europa, 55 Eurydice, 310, 360nl01 Eusebius of Caesaria (Evangelical Prepara­tions), 78,85,95,331nl3-14,331nl8 evolution, 79-81, 83,90-91,109,128,134, 138,184-85,197,270-71,298,313, 352n45 regressive evolution, 83-85, 88, 184, 332n31 See also devolution; regressive evolution (évolution régressive) evolutionism, 11, 15,18,45, 62, 74, 79, 104, 137,146, 359n71 excitation (Erregung), 4, 15, 47-48, 190, 195, 269-70,272, 282, 292,312 execution (of the divine king) (anthropologi­cal account), 102, 188,190-91, 255, 348n79 expressionism, 115, 151,219,251-52, 343n83,350nl, 354n90 Expression of the Emotions in Men and Ani­mals, The. See Darwin, Charles extensional animation. See animation [ 368 ] Index Rittst (Goethe), 241,334n51,350nS Faust (Murnau), 213, 215-16,3S0n4; fig. 5.4 Fayer, James (The Thanatophidia o/India), TT, 331nlO Fcchner, Gustav Theodor, 16,119,321n33 Fellini, Federico (La dolce vita), 154-57, 344n97-100¡ figs. 3.17,3.18 Fergusson, James, 74, 87-88,92,98,109 Tree and Serpent Worship, 74-78,265, ЗЗОпб; fig. 2.3 fetishism, viii-ix, 12, 16, 23-26, 50,170, 181, 185, 321n36, 347n54. See also commodities: fetishism of Flaubert, Gustave, 167 Flora, 53, 67; fig. 1.10 Florence, 50,52,66-67,84,93,105,302-3, 319n5,324nl4,360n85 German Art Historical Institute (KH/F), 37-39,45,50,60,324nI5 National Library, 14, 102-3 See also Warburg, Aby Ford Pavilion ( 1939 World's Fair), 287 forest, x-xi, xv, 157,162,185,191,194-95, 197, 200-209 African, 176-79; figs. 4.9,4.10 in art, in, 165-67 in ethnography, 167, 178-79,194,205-6 European, 116,170,178-79 wars, 173-74,176-78 See also Léger, Fernand: Nudes in the Forest fossils, xii, 80, 82, 88,118,127,186,197, 203,208 fossilization, xi, 25,147,150,191,287-88 Foucault, Michel, 9,162, 320nl5 France, French, 170-71, 198,213 art, 145,165,194,207 colonies, 135,176-77 countryside, 168 language, 84,142,168,171,264,266 France, Raoul H., 223-25,258-59,351n25, 355п104,355nl06; fig. 5.9 Frazer, James George, 193,195,241 Golden Bough, The, 179,181,207 tree worship, 181-82,205-6 Freud, Sigmund, ix, 21,60,62, 87,162, 220, 259,268,277,282,315,334n51 Interpretation of Dreams, The, 65-66, 329n84 Jensens Gradiva, 185,266,347n68 "Mourning and melancholia, 242,272 Nachträglichkeit, 176 "On Narcissism" 259,355nl07 "overdetermined elements" xii, 65-66, 93, 133,272 "pathway making" (Baknung— theory of facilitation), 134,269-72; fig. 6.3. See also Bahnung, die (Freud, "pathway making" or theory of "facilitation" ) "Project for a Scientific Psychoanalysis" 269,3S6nl2 "protective shield" (Reizschutz), 271 Totem and Taboo; 17,240-41,255,259, 322n42 "Uncanny, The" 341n49 Freudian psychoanalysis, 149,240 Friedrichstrasse, 251,255,259-60,353n69, 353n73,355nlOO. See also Berlin frogs, 98-104,109,111,223; 336n75; figs. 2.17,2.18 in folklore, 100-102 scientific experiments on decapitated frog. 98/102-3,187. See also decapitation Frühlicht, 242-43,246-47,249,253-54,257, 353n68,355n97; figs. 5.20,5.23,5.32 G (Gestaltung) (journal), 255,355л99; fig. 5.31 : Gabo, Naum, 153 Gala (Dalí), 266,277,279-82; fig. 6.8. Ser also Dalí, Salvador .. Galeen, Henrik, 213,350nl, 351n27 Galliern, General, 177-79,346n42; figs. 4.9, 4.10,4.24 Galvaní, Luigí, 102,187,336n88 "Gates of Paradise" Florence Baptistery. See Ghiberti, Lorenzo ("Gates of Para- • • dise" Florence Baptistery) Gaudi. Aniom, 240 Gaza. 109 Gea (Greek lemale deity), 296 "Geestelick Houwelijk." See Cats, Jacob Germany, Germans, 42, 88,116,142,151, 153-54,169-70,179,194,211-61, 299 art, 290,296, art history, X, xii, xv, 38,146,151,203 architecture, 220,241,249,252 language (including translations into German), 13,32,35,42,85,92, 103, 151,205.239.. ornament, 138,341n56 opera, 309-10 [ 369 ] Index Gestaltung (formation process), 216, 242, 253, 341n51 gesture, xv, xvii, 12-14,26, 113-14, 165, 172, 191,202,217, 232, 259,314-16 in art, 7-8,13,38,40,74, 182-83, 189- 91,195,211-16, 226,261,282-83 Ghiberti, Lorenzo ("Gates of Paradise" Florence Baptistery), 39-40,62, 324nl5; fig. 1.5 Ghirladaio, Domenico, 52 Giotto, 4-9, 44,58, 325nl6, 327n59. See also Navicella mosaic Glaeser, Ludwig, 251, 353n70 Gleizes, Albert, 168 Globus (journal), 102,336n82 Goethe, Johann Wolgang von, 32, 58, 241, 328n65, 334n51, 350n5. See also Faust (Goethe) Golem, The (Meyrink), 219,232, 351nll afflicted ghetto residents, 234 illustrations, 219, 351nl4; figs. 5.7, 5.19 representation of old houses, 219-20,257 wind movement, 236-38 Gombrich, Ernst, 67, 329n87 intellectual biography of Warburg, 22,48, 64, 320n23 Gothic, X, 131-37,140-46,151,154,156, 240,341n60,343n85,349nl 14 cathedrals, 113, 144,146,206, 254 Graces, 53, 67, 167 Gradiva, 185,266,347n68. See also Freud, Sigmund Graef, Werner, 242, 251,255, 353n70 Grammar of Ornament. See Jones, Owen ( Grammar of Ornament ) Grau, Albin, 213,218, 257 Greece, Greeks, 58, 143,145, 273 art, 299-301 language, 7,16, 32,35,64, 72,78, 85, 94-95,236,265 pottery, 85-88 religious mythology, 166, 321n31, 332n38 Gropius, Walter, 249, 251,354n86 Haeckel, Ernst, viii, 121,128, 132, 146, 149-50,340n29,342n71 Kristallseelen (Crystal Souls), 123-25, 199, 339nl9; fig. 3.7; plate 4 hair, х-xii, 11,42, 55, 64, 66-68, 126,157, 187, 230, 266,270, 275, 294-96,313, 347n72 as art historical subject, 39,42, 44-45, 48, 52, 135, 144, 147, 325n21 locks, xii, 59, 61, 2S0 moving by the wind, 34, 52, 56-57, 67, 290 microscopy, 42, 325nl9; figs. 1.6, 1.8 raising in moments of excitation, 45, 47; fig. 1.9 in Renaissance painting, xiv, 45, 53, 60, 135,292 style, 44,53,225, 325n21 wig, 44, 135-36 See also mustache; Warburg, Aby; Wor­ringen Wilhelm "hand-borrower" (Handwühle or [bijchirotes canaliculars), 82; fig. 2.7 headgear, 44, 178, 180, 187-88, 193, 231, 347n77 headpieces, 187-88 Hebraic Archaeology. See Benzinger, Imma­nuel Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 64,68, 154, 240, 329n81 Hepworth, Barbara, 153 Heraclitus, 119 Hermes. See Mercury Herzog, Oswald, 251-59,354n90, 354n93; figs. 5.28, 5.29 art theory, 253-54, 354n94, 355n97; fig. 5.30 collaboration with Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, 251, 254 collaboration with Otto Bartning and the Luckhardt brothers, 253, 354n92 sculpture, 252-53, 354n91 Hidden Faces (novel). See Dali, Salvador Hilanderas (Velasquez), 62, 329n78 Hirt, Walter, 130, 132, 143, 145-46, 161,222 Life of the Inorganic World, The, 125-28, 340n30 Hogarth, William, 77 "Homeric Hymn" to Aphrodite, 53 Homofaber, 202 Hopi, 88,96, 102. See also Moki; Pueblos (North America) Horace, 53 Horkheimer, Max, 26-27,323n63. See also Adorno, Theodor horror vacui, 113 Hulme, T. E., xi, 146-47, 151, 153, 164, 342n76, 342n78 [ 370 ] Index Hume, David, 16 hysteresis (inorganic memory), 128,149. See also inorganic: memory immobility, xi, 117-18, ¡21, 129. See also inertia inanimate, fx-.v, xvii, 5,10-11,61,68,89, 129, 132, 161,183,225,312 objects, viii, xi-xii, 12,17-20,56-58,64, 66,133,223,234-37 inanimation, process of, 234-35. See also animation; deanimation; paralysis India, Indians, 76, 126, 154, temples, 74-76 Indian rubber. See rubber industrial production, viii, 26,170,207 industrial standardization (Typisierung), 88 inertia, 12,23,118,175, 202, 296,311-12. See also immobility inhuman, xi, 146, 216 inorganic, vii-xiii, 64-65, 125,164,290, 296, 307 abstraction, 116, 132,271 accessories, xiii, 31, 45-47,57,64,89, 135-36 agency in, viii, 133 animation of, vii, xi, xvii, 116,131-34, 143,145,154,156,198,315,317 art, 23,118-19,128-30,143,149, 164-65,253,354n91 artifacts, viii, 89,149 Bataille, xiii, 146,342n75 behavior, 126-28,162, biology, 200 collectivity, 147 Deleuze, xiii, 132,303 (see also Deleuze, Gilles) Hulme, 146-47 (see also Hulme, T. E.) impulse, 133 Léger, in, 165,167,172,175,183-84, : 186,194,197,313 life, vii, 24,123, 125-28,146,149, 198-99 maternal bosom as, 146,202 matter, viii, 117, 121,125,128,140,146, 161,281,294 memory, 128,147-50 morphology, 117,338n8 mimicry, 200-202,222-26 mode of organization, 25,136,272 natural objects, 58 Nietzsche, 146,342n72,342n73. See also Nietzsche, Friedrich ornament, 131-33,145 pathology, 126-28,149; fig. 3.8 : progeny, 145-48 politics, 147 shield, 271 vestiges, 81,150 Worringer, xiii, 116-17,131-34,143, 151,303. See also Worringer, Wilhelm inorganicism, 23,123,135,143 Institute of Sociology at Brussels, 84 International Architecture exhibition (Gro-pius) 249 International Style (architecture), 151 Interpretation of Dreams, The. See Freud, Sigmund invertebrate organisms, 79 Italy, Italians, 154-57,169,228 art, 38-39,44,58,60,69,324nll language, 58,154,156,290,320n23, 327nSS literature, 55-57,303 opera and theatrical intermezzi, 290,309 Renaissance, X, 108,191, war, 223 Jairia temples, 75 Jamnitzer, Wenzel, 296-98, 359n70. See also coral; Daphne Janitschek, Hubert, 327n56,328n62 Japan, 2-3,169,319nl Jentsch, Emil, 133,341n49 Jones, Owen (Grammar of Ornament), 137, :. v. 341n53 Jünger, Ernst, 147 Jupiter, 67 Kahnweiler, Daniel Henry, 180,186,344n2, г - 347n50 : Kant, Immanuel, 64,68,329n80 Kepes, György, 150,343n89; fig-3.15 Kracauer, Siegfried, 144,352n32; fig. 5.2 Krampf, Gunther, (Nosferatu) 217 Krause, Ernst, (pseud. Carus Sterne) Natur und Kunst (Nature and Art), 62-64, ' 329n76; fig. 1.14 Werden und Vergehen (Becoming and Pass­ing Away), 79-82,84,91,331n21; figs. 2.5-2.7 [ 371 ] Index Kreuzlingen chapel, 108 lecture (see Warburg, Aby) sanatorium (Heilanstalt Belle-Vue), 14, 35,106,330n92,333n41,333n48, 337п92 Kristallnacht, 148 Kubin, Alfred "From Albania" drawing, 226; fig. 5.13 Other Side, The (Die Andere Seite), 219-21, 223, 229, 232-35, 241, 257, 259, 351nl4,351nl5, 351n29; figs. 5.7, 5.16 Kunstindustrie (art industry, Riegl), 23, 338n7 Kunstwollen, vii, 87,142 Küster, Erich (Die Schlange in der griechischen Kunst [The Snake in Greek Art]), 85-88,102, 140,332n35; fig. 2.9 L'Abondance, 168,195,202,348n97; fig. 4.18 Lacan, Jacques, 268, 350nl23 "actualization of pain" (présentiftcation de la douleur), 268-69,271-72, 275, 282, 290,312,314 on architecture, 268-69, 272-73, 275, 279, 281,306,312 on the Baroque, 282,357n30 on the "beyond" (au-delá), 313 and Dalí, 276-79, 281,289,357n37 (see also Dalí, Salvador) on Daphne, 268-76,282, 306, 313-14 douleur (pain), 268, 271 "limit of pain" 282 on petrification, 268-69,298 seminar on Anxiety, 306, 360n92 seminar on The Ethics of Psychoanalysis, 268-76, 314,350nl0 seminar on Identification, 313,361nl09 "Thing, The" (Das Ding), 269 La Dolce Vita. See Fellini, Federico La Mettrie, Julian Offray de (L'Homme Machine), 187 Laocoön, 74,104,108-9, 313 latent life (vie latent), 118, 126. See also Becquerel, Paul Late Roman Industry. See Riegl, Alois Laugier, Marc-Antoine, 143,272, 342n65 Laurencin, Marie, 168 Lautréamont (Maldoror), 266 Le Fauconnier, Henri, 348n96 legendary psychasthenia, 311. See also Caillois, Roger; mimicry Léger, Fernand, xii-xiii, 162-209, 218, 223, 244,265-66, 271,312-13,315 and Apollinaire, 168, 172, 180, 193 and architecture, 203-7, 349nl09 and Cendrars, 176, 346n34, 349nl21 Grand Parade (La grande Parade), 202, 220 on influence of Rousseau interviews, 175-76, 208, 344n6 L'Abondance (drawing), 195-96; fig. 4.19 La Danse, 189, 348n78; fig. 4.16 Le Pont, 200; fig. 4.22 Les Constructeurs, 180, 193, 202 and Metzinger, 164 Nudes in the Forest (Nus dans la forêt), ix, xi-xii, xv, xvii, 95, 162-209, 265-66, 271,312-13, 344n2; figs. 4.1,4.11, 4.14,4.15, 4.20,4.23,4.27,4.29; plates 5-7 and Picasso, 166-67, 176,208 Rosenberg correspondence, 163-64; 344nl Salon des Indépendants (1911), 168 and science, 164-65, 184,200, 344n4, 349nl05 Seamstress, The (La Couseuse), 183 Smoke over the Rooftops of Paris (Fumée sur le toits), 203; fig. 4.26 as soldier, 173,178-79 and unanimism, 164, 344n5 wartime correspondence, 173-74, 344n25 wartime drawings, 173-74, 344n24; fig. 4.8 Lehmann, Otto, 130, 140,145 liquid crystals, 119-25, 128,132, 146, 148-50,198,339nl8,343n89. See also crystals Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm (Monadology), 16, 320n25 Leonardo (da Vinci), 52,164-65, 328n72 Levy-Bruhl, Lucien, 194, 322n42, 334n51, 348n89 life (Leben), 22-23, 129, 322n54 inorganic, vii, 24, 123 of the inorganic world (Hirt), 125-28 "life-in-motion" (Bewegtes Leben), 22, 62-64,98,328n74 liveliness (Lebendigkeit), xi, xiii, 23, 129, 131,135,302,322п51 philosophy of (Lebensphilosophie), 253 [ 372 ] Index Life of David. See Ghíberti, Lorenzo Life of the Inorganic World, The. See Hirt, Walter Lippi, Filippino, 37-39,49-50,59,3Z4nI I, 326n41; fig. 1.10 Lippi, Fra Filippo, SO, 326n42 liquid (flowing) crystals, 119-25,128-29, 140,146,149-50,199,343n88; figs. 3.4-3.15. See also crystals; rheocrystais living crystals, 125,145,148. See also crystals lizards, 71,80,82,88-89, 111, 332n25;figs. 2.7,2.10 Lombroso, Cesare, 228,239,35 ln31 Loos, Adolf, 273,357n25 Lorenzo di Medici, 306,360 Lubbock,John, 10 Lübeck, 217-18,228,257,350n9, 350nl0; fig. 5.6 Luckhardt brothers, 253,354n92; fig. 5.29 Luini, Bernardino, 307-8,314, 360n96 Lukács, György, ix, 343n8S microcosm and macrocosm, x, 32,97,335n72 Madagascar, 177-78, 346n38; figs. 4.9,4.10, 4.21,4.24,4.28 Madness and Civilization. See Foucault, Michel magic, 187,202,259,277,279,321n31, 347n77 "contagious" xiii, "imitative" xiii, "sympathetic" 195,348n95 Mainland, W. F., 92, 334nS4 Malagasy, 193 maliciousness, 26,219,228-29,234,237-41, 254,256,259-60,314-15,352n54 of objects, 20,238-39. See also Vischer, Friedrich Theodor Mandragora, 284; fig. 6.10 Manet, Edouard (Dejeuner sur l'Herbe), 304, 360n91 Mannhardt, Wilhelm, 102,336n84 Mantegna, Andrea, 52 Marey, Étienne-Jules, 53,64,164 Marx, Karl, ix, 154,183,347n 63 Massart.jean, 84,332n31. See also Demoor, • Jean; regressive evolution (évolution régressive); Vandervelde, Emile Mastroianni, Marcello, 154 Matisse, Henri, 266 Maudsley, Henry (Body and Mind), 102-3, 187,336n86 Mauss, Marcel, 17,323n60 Mebes, Pau! (Um 1800), 220,241, 351nl9 memory,xv, 15,25,39,65,91,103,115-16, 179-80,231,236,282,307,313 cultural, 79,149 image, 48,60,104,113,180,329n77 inorganic, viii, 128,146-50 organic, 12,144,147 Memory Atlas. See Mnemosyne Atlas (Memory Atlas) (Warburg) Mercury, 53,67-68,78,287,328n67, 330n90 Metamorphoses. See Ovid metamorphosis, 202,276 cinematic, 303-4 Daphne, xi, 276,281,290,293,296, 301-2,311, 313-16,356n8; figs. 6.17,6.25 in music, 309, 311, 360nl02,361nl03 in Ovid, 265-66,270,301,303,331n21 Metzinger, Jean, 164-65,168, 183,198,200, 207-8,344n4 Meyrink, Gustav (The Golem), 219-21, 223-26,229-38,241-42, 257,2S9, 314,351nll, 352n40,3S2n45 translations of Dickens, 237,352n48 Michelin (company), 169-73,177,193, 345nlS; figs. 4.4-4.7 Michelin, André and Edouard, 169,345n 14 microphysics, 97,335n71 Mies van der Rohe, Ludwig, xii, 242-61 1922 glass skyscraper model, xv, 242-61 ; figs. 5.20-5.27,5.31,5.32 Archive, Museum of Modern Art, 246-47,249,251,3S3n73 correspondence with Walter Gropius, 249,251,354n86 collaboration with Oswald Herzog, 251-54,257 Friedrichstrasse skyscraper project, 242, 353n69; figs. 5.20,5.33 in Friihlicht, 242,247; fig. 5.20 and G, 255; fig. 5.31 interest in natural philosophy, 258-59 in Qualität, 244,3S3n74; fig. 5.22 Riehl house, 255 Seagram Building, 256 mimicry,92,94, 111, 175,200,230,288,311, 346n32. of the inorganic, 200,222-25 (see also [ 373 ] index Francé, Raoul H.) See also Caillois, Roger; camouflage mineral, viii, x-xi, xvii, 26, 118, 121,126-27, 138, 140,171-72,175,177-78,195, 197 origins, 146,197-200,202,206,208, 223, 281-82, 296,317 mineralogy, 126,130, 164-65,198-99, 349nl03 Minotaure (journal), 263, 266,276,282-83, 287,311,355nl; figs. 6.9,6.13,6.14 Mnemosyne Atlas (Memory Atlas) (Warburg), 50, 290, 326n46; figs. 1.11, 6.17. See also Warburg, Aby mobility, xiii, 60-61, 66, 68, 135, 221, 303, 307. See also movement Moeschke, Marianne, 224 Moholy-Nagy, Laszlo (von material zu architektur), 95, 172, 335n67; fig. 2.13 Moki, 88-89,102,194,111, 332n40 Monadology. See Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm Mondrian, Piet, 153, 268 monism, viii, 68,119,125, 128-29,132, 143, ISO, 157,164-65,200,224 Monistic Psychology of Art (Warburg), 22, 89, 322n51,326n40. See also Warburg, Aby Monteverdi, Claudio, 310 Moore, Henry, 153 Morandi, Giorgio, 156 Moses, 91,108,110 movement, 17,25, 31, 37, 52-66,69,118, 226,253,266,269,300-301,358n62 of accessories. See accessories agency of, 9-11, 98 of air (wind), 46, 50, 58. See also air of animals, 81, 102,118, 331nl9, 338nl0 anorganic, 78,92-94,102-4 of drapery. See drapery of human bodies, 8, 56, 59,64,182,184, 189-90,216,292,341n61 inorganic, 131,133 internal, 7,117, 303 latent, 116-19,123,126,136 life-in-movement (Bewegtes Leben), 62-66 mannerism of, 59-62 of objects, 12,17,25,56-57,126,133, 237-38 in plants, 118,222,249, 339nl3, 339nl5 pneumatic, 78, 134 psychological, 45,269-70,275, 322n54 reflex, 102-3 representation in painting, 38, 62, 301-2, 329n77 simulation of (Beweglichkeit), vii, x-xi, xiii, 135, 303, 358n62 of snakes, 57,71-85,88,91-93, 104; fig. 2.8 See also mobility; snakes (serpents) Müller, Max, 193, 348n87 Müller, Valentin (study on Daphne) 298; fig. 6.23 Munch, Edward (drawing of buildings in Lübeck), 217, 350nl0 Murnau, Friendrich Wilhelm, 314-15 Faust, 215-16, 350n4; figs. 5.4, 5.5 See also Faust (Murnau, Friedrich Wilhelm) Nosferatu, 211-32,235, 238, 241, 244, 257-61, 350n2, 350n3, 351n27. See also Nosferatu (Murnau) mustache, 42; fig. 1.6 Muyhridge, Eadweard, 53, 62-64, 164, 183-84,329n79,347n59,349nl06 Myth and Science (Mito e Scienzia). See Vignoli, Tito Nagas (India), 74-75 Nash, John, 153 Native Americans, 88,102 natural history, xiii, 66,79, 82, 88-89,109, 150, 222 Navicella mosaic, Saint Peter's Cathedral, Rome, 4, 6-9, 319n9; figs. 01, 02 Nebensachen (accessories), 64. See also accessories Neptunists, 198, 348n99 New Mexico, 88, 97 Nicholson, Ben, 151-53, 343n90 Nietzsche, Friedrich, xiii, 146, 202, 207, 238, 342n72, 342n73, 342n74, 342n75 North America, 80, 88-91, 169,194, 333n42. See also America, Americans: Southwest Northerners, 132-33, 140-45, 152-53,156, 194 Northern ornament, 131, 133,137,138, 140,341n54,341n55,341n57 Northern painting, 108,278 Nosferatu (Murnau), 211-32, 235, 238, 257-61,315,350nl, 350n3,350n5, 351n22, 351n27; figs. 5.1-5.3, 5.8, [ 374 ] Index 5.14,5.16-5.18,5.32 and animation, x, 222-23 gestures, xiii, 211-17,235,255,260-61, 315,3S0n2 houses, 211-12,217-19,228-32, 257-58 publicity images, 218,232; fig. 5.19 See also Murnau, Friedrich Wilhelm Novembergruppe, 251-52, 354n89 Nudes in the Forest (Nus dans la forêt) (Lé­ger), ix, xi-xii, xv, xvii, 95,162-209, 265-66,271,312-13,- figs. 4.1,4.11, 4.14,4.15,4.20,4.23,4.27,4.29; plates 5-7 and architecture, 203,208 comments by Apollinaire, 168,170 earlier titles, 163,344n2 iconography, 165-67,178,183 landscape, 163,176,195-202 reviews, 168,170 See also Apollinaire, Guillaume; Léger, Fernand nymph (nimfa or ninfo [Warburg]), xi-xii, 35,67,100,157,263,265-76, 281-82,285,288-90,294,296-99, 301-2-311,314-17,344n99, 358n62 running, 53, 67,263,266,268,302-3 See also Daphne; Warburg, Aby O'Gallop, Marius Rossillon (affichist, Biben-dum), 170 objectivity, ix, 338n8 Oceania, 85 olfactory perception, 232-34 Ophites, 75 optically stimulated epilepsy (Pokémon), 2, . 3 J 9n2 Oraibi, 93,333n41 organic, 25, 55,64-65,74,78-85,121,129, 142,145-47,154,202,205-6,240, •. . 269,271,300-301,343n83,348n97, • 355nl04 bodily extensions, 64,183-84,190-91, 304 form, 22,117,145,147,197,300-301, 33S8 ideology, 25,147,207,255 and the inorganic, ix-x, 25,45, 89,125, , : 131-34,157,164,175,222,224, 288,294 • life, 22,89,131,198-99,225 memory, 12,144,147 organicism, xi, 147, 207. See also anorganic: anorganicism; inorganicism ornament, viii, xi, 39-44,49,55,65,84-85, 116-19,130-46,187,275, 284,308 animal, 137-40,142,341n55,341n57 architectural, 74,187,197,225,240,275, 279-80 bodily, 61,69,89 crystalline, x, 119,140 geometric, 87,135 ornamental motifs and patterns, ix, 39-42,62,87,98,118,131-40,142, 150,310,341nSl Northern, 131-33,137-40 rhetorical, 115 spiral, 8, 41-42, 62, 85,118,225,320n] 1, 332n37; fig. 2.9 vegetal, x, 55,116,118-19, 136,225, 276,332n37 See also Germany, Germans; Greece, Greeks; Northerners; Pueblos (North America) ornamentalism, 62,64,329n82,329n83 Orpheus, 104,182,290,304,306,310, 358n62,360nl01 Other Side, The (Die Andere Seite), 219-21, 223, 229,232-35,241,257,259, 351nl4,351nlS, 351n29; figs. 5.7, 5.16. See also Kubin, Alfred Ovid, S3,55,278,288, 290, 36In 103 Metamorphoses, xi, 55,67,263-66, 270-72,275,295,298,301, 303-4, 306,310,313,331n21,355n3,356n5, 356n8,357n28,3S9n64,359n65, 361nl08; figs. 6.1,6.10,6.16. See also metamorphosis pain, 39,89,173,238,241 actualization of pain in architecture (Lacan), 268-75,279,281,284,290, 314,317 and animation, 12,21,93 building in, 272,275,356n21 limit of, 269,282,314 produced by or projected on objects, 12, 15,18-19,241 stimuli, 21,104,269-71,356n 12 Palazzo Vecchio, 105; fig. 2.20 panic attacks, 220,234 [ 375 ] Index Panofsky, Erwin, 301,335n71,350nl22, 359n82 paralysis, xi, 1,4-5, 26, 35,168, 26, 232, 234-35, 265-66,312-13. See also petrification parasol, 9-12,14-15,20,23, 26-27,47,236, 314 Pathosformel (pathos formula), 13, 104,182, 216,304. See also Warburg, Aby Pauli, Gustav, 34 Peneus, 296, 304, 307, 360 Peri, Jacomo (Dafne opera), 360n99 Perle (Kubin, The Other Side), 219, 233-35, 256,259 Peter, Saint, 8,44 Petrarch, 306-7,312,360n95 petrification, 26,268-69,271-72, 314-15. See also Daphne Pflüger, Eduard, 102-3, 337n91 phantom limb, 104 pharmakopoieia, Warburg Library section on, 92 Philo ofByblos (Phoenician History), 72-74,77-79, 85,91-94,98-99, 104,109-11,236,330n4,331nl2, 331nl4,331nl7,331nl8; fig. 2.2 phobic animation. See animation: phobic Phoebus, 62. See also Apollo Phoenicians, 74,77-78, 104 Phoenician History. See Philo ofByblos (Phoe­nician History) physiognomy, vii, ix, 225-34,238, 240,281, 352n32 depictions of anger, 228 Picasso, Pablo, 165-67,176, 189,194-95, 208, 266,344n8,344n9, 345nl 1, 346n36; figs. 4.2,4.3,4.18 Piper, Reinhard, 137,140 Pliny, 273 Pluto, 67 pneuma, 78,104,168, 236 pneumatic, 226, 266 agency, 104,126,134 movement, 78-79,95 "Representation of the Spheres" (War­burg), 50, 326n46 technology, ix, 98, 207 pneumatics, 95,168-67,171-72,177, 193, 200,202, 208 pneumatism, vii Poelzig, Hans (set designs for Der Golem by Wegener), 224-26, 240,244, 257, 260; figs. 5.10-5.12 Pokémon (animated television series), 2-5, 8, 21, 23, 26, 319nl, 319n2, 319n3, 319n4 polarity, 57,68, 89,97,129,143,153,253, 314,323n57, 342n78,343n91. See also analogy; Warburg, Aby Poliziano, Angelo, 53, 55, 66, 329n86 Pollaiulo (Apollo and Daphne), 290, 303 polyp, 222, 258 postimpressionism, 167 Poussin, Nicolas, 208, 350nl22 Prague, 219-20, 259, 336n84, 351nl7 preanimistic stage, 17,20, 322n42. See also animatism (preanimistic stage) Pre-Raphaelites, 64 Preuss, Konrad, 102, 336n82 Primavera (Botticelli). See Botticelli, Sandro Primitive Culture. See Tylor, Edward (Primi­tive Culture) projection cinematic, 121,230,256,284 as formal protrusion, 185, 228, 285 geometric, 296 as psychological process, 5, 21, 59, 65, 240,259-61 Proserpina, 55, 67 prosthesis, 89, 98, 104,172, 184 Proust, Marcel, xv psychology, 5, 7,140, 219, 265, 269, 340n34 aesthetics (psychological), vii, 22,45, 71, 89,132,146,153,304,319n6, 322n51, 338n6 animal, 11-12,47 empathetic, 45-48,133, 239 experience (psychological), 5, 8,45,117 of expression, x, 45,144, 304, and race, 142-43, 322n42, 341n61 responses (psychological), x, 12,15,128, 228,269,275,292,307,311 psychoanalysis, ix, xiii, 21, 315, 321n31, 341n50 Freudian, 65,149, 240-41, 269, 348n93. See also Freud, Sigmund Lacanian, 268-77,282, 313, 350nl23. See also Lacan, Jacques Pueblos (North America), 69, 89-91, 95, 98, 100,102, 321n30 costume (Tracht), 89-90 dance rituals, 15, 84, 109,172, 190 pythons, 80-81; fig. 2.6 [ 376 ] Index radiolarians, 125, ISO, 340n29 Rank, Otto, 147,343n82 Raphael, 40-42,46,167, 304,325n32 Read, Herbert, 147,151-54,156, 340n44, 342n76,342n80,343n90,343n94, 344n95,354n91 réanimation, X, xiv, xv, 11,15,25,140,143, 148,151,157,168,221-22,229,233. See also animation regressive evolution (évolution régressive), 84-85,88,184,332n31,332n33 Reinitzer, Friedrich, 119 Rembrandt, 108-9,219,337n96,337n97 Renaissance art, vii, x, xiv, 8,38,44-47, 52-53 renewal [Erneuerung], x, 85,191 repression, xii, 149,352n33 rheocrystals, 120-21,125,140. See also crys­tals: liquid (flowing) crystals Richter, Hans, 255 Riegl, Alois, x-xiii, 87,114,128,132,134, 136,140,150,162,198,300 Late Roman Industry, 116-17,129-31, 142,335n71,338n7 Questions of Style (Stilfragen), 44,118-19, 320nll, 332n37; fig. 3.2 review of Salins Thierornamentik, 138, 341n55 Rimini church, 50,51,57,326n44,326n45, 326n46; fig. 1.11 Rodin, Auguste, 189 Rohmer, Eric (organization of space in Mur-nau's films), 213-16; fig. 5.3 Rome, 4,35,104,129,154,157,275,299 Rosenberg, Léonce, 163,167,185, 203, 32Inl,321n2 Rothko, Mark, 151 Rousseau,Henri, 168,179 rubber, 95,169-73,177, 185,235,347n69 car tires, 169-70 Ruegenberg, Sergius, 247; fig. 5.24 Ruskin,John, 121 Sachlichkeit, ix. See also objectivity Saint Peter's Cathedral, Rome, 4, 8, 117 Saint-Simon, 2S, 177,207, 323n60 Salin, Bernhard (Die Alt-Germanische Their- Ornamentik), 138,142,341n55; fig- 3.11 Salon des Indépendants (1911), 168,183 San Francisco, 93,97 r- Sanchi (Indian temple), 74,75 Sanchuniathon, 78-79,33lnl4 Sartor Resartus (Carlyle), 32,33,42; fig. 1.1. See also Carlyle, Thomas Saxl, Fritz and Aby Warburg, 98,102,108-9 on Bronzino and Laocoőn, 108,337n97 correspondence with Stechow, 298-99 Schiavone (Apollo and Daphne), 281,290, 294; fig. 6.19 Schmarsow, August, 50,66, 216 and Warburg, 37-39,41 -42,44-45, 48-49,59-60,69,93,135,324n 11 Schnellkraß (speed power), 92,94, 104 Schoenberg, Arnold, 151,157 Schultze-Naumburg, Paul, 220,241 ; fig. 5.7 Schütz, Heinrich (Daphne opera), 309 Sedlmayr, Hans, 149,343n86,343n87, 352n32 seizures, 2-3,26 Semon, Richard, 128, 147 Semper, Gottfried, 88,121,273,338nl0 Semrau, Max, 38,324n 11 Seneca, 67 serpent. See snakes (serpents) Silverman, Kaja, xvi, 270,323n58, 356nl4, г. 357n29,360nl01 Sinimel, Georg, 115,116,135,144, 145, 312, 342n67 Simplícissimus, 147,148,201; fig. 3.14 Sito (Egyptian serpent god), 79 Sixtus, Saint, 46 Smith, Tony, 151 snakes (serpents), 17, 76,88-92,98, 109-11, 123, 149,172,223,313, 330n9, 330nl0,332n2S; figs. 2.5,2.6,2.22 antidotes, 333n58 motifs, x-xii, 37,85-89,140,151,302, ". 313,332n35; figs. 2.9,2.11 movement of, 57,71-85,88,91-94,104; fig. 2.8 snake dance ritual, 88-95,140,334n52, 33Sn68; fig. 2.14. See also Pueblos . (North America) storyofthe "brazen serpent" 104-9; figs. . 2.19-2.21 worship (cult) of, 72-79,90,109-10, 263, ЗЗОпб Soul of Plants. See Fechner, Gustav Theodor sound, agency of, 17,47, 58,113,115,128, 156-57, 207, 233-36. See also agency Souriau, Paul, 93 [ 377 ] Index Aesthetics of Movement, 71, 83, 330nl; fig. 2.8 Spencer, Herbert (Principles of Sociology), 10-15,18-19 spirals, xii, 8-9, 71,108-9, 156, 261, 266, 268, 302,337n97 as ornaments, 8,41-42, 62, 85,118, 225, 320nl 1, 332n37; fig. 2.9. See also ornament spiritism (spiritualism), vii, 18, 322n44 Spring (Botticelli). See Botticelli, Sandro Stalli, Georg Ernest, 16 Stechow, Wolfgang (Apollo und Daphne), 298-99, 301-4, 306-7, 309; figs. 6.4, 6.10,6.13,6.18,6.19,6.24-6.30,6.32 Steiner-Prag, Hugo (illustrations for The Golem), 219,232; fig. 5.19 Steiner, Mr. (La dolce vita character), 154, 156. See also Fellini, Federico (La dolee vita) Sterne, Carus. See Krause, Ernst (pseud. Carus Sterne) Stoker, Bram (Dracula), 213,350n3 Stokes, Adrian (Stones of Rimini), 326n44 Strachey, James ("facilitation"), 269 Strauss, Richard (Daphne), 310-14, 361nl03; fig. 6.31 Stultifera Navis, 9, 191. See also Foucault, Michel superorganic, 25, 89,134,183. See also inor­ganic; organic surrealism, surrealists, x-xii, 153,266, 268, 272,281,287, 317, 356n8, 358nS0, 358n52 Taautos. See Thoth (Taautos) tadpole, xiii, 99, 100,104,290, 336n75; figs. 2,16,2.18 Tanagrea statuettes, 189 Tanala tribesmen (Madagascar), 177 Taut, Bruno, 242, 249. See also Frühlicht Tehua symbols, 100; fig. 2.18 telegraphy, 335n66, 335n69 Thoth (Taautos), 78,331nl5 Titian (The Assumption of the Virgin [Assunta]), 46 tools, 20, 89,184, 276. See also Warburg, Aby: and implement Totem and Taboo (Freud), ix, 17,240-41,255, 259, 322n42. See also Freud, Sigmund transparency (architectural) 238, 247, 259-60 tree worship, 11, 74, 181-82, 265, 273, 330n6, 336n84, 356n24; figs. 2.3, 6.5 Trocadéro Museum, 115-16,133, 135, 144, 199, 341n52, 349nlll Tylor, Edward (Primitive Culture), 10, 16-21, 184, 193, 207, 321n34 Tzara, Tristan, 281, 284 Ulmann, Hermann, 50, 327n47 uncanny (unheimlich), concept of, vii-viii, 24,80,131,132,133,134,143, 154, 156, 341n49 Vaihinger, Hans (The Philosophy of As If), 121,334n51,339n22 vampires, X, xii, 211, 213, 216-18,221-22, 226, 230, 242,257, 260 Vandervelde, Emile, 84 van de Velde, Henry, 216, 350n7 van Haarlem, Cornelis (Massacre of the Innocents), 108 Vasari, Giorgio, 129 Velasquez, Diego (Hilanderas), 62 Venus, X, xii, 34, 50, 52, 55, 66-69, 84,157, 266, 282, 285-87,290, 323. See also Botticelli, Sandro: Birth of Venus, The; Botticelli, Sandro: Primavera (Spring); Dalí, Salvador: The Dream of Venus (pavilion) Venus flytrap, 222,225; fig. 5.8 Vespucci, Simonetta, 67 Vidier, Anthony, xvii, 272 Vignoli, Tito, 11-15, 22, 66, 191, 236, 320n23; fig. 0.3 theory of "static and dynamic animation" 12,25,315. See also animation Viollet-le-Duc, Emmanuel, 121 Vischer, Friedrich Theodor, 22, 38, 325n32, 353n58 "Das Symbol" 46-47, 52,325nn28-29, 325n30 the maliciousness of the object (Die Tücke des Objekts), 20,239-40, 253, 322n50,324nl3,3S2n55 Vischer, Robert, 22,45-46, 325n25 Vitruvius, vii Vlaminck, Maurice de, 168 von Kleist, Heinrich, 282 von material zu architektur (Moholy-Nagy), [ 378 ] Index 95; fig. 2.13 Wagner, Frite Arno, 217 Warburg, Aby, xii accessories-in-motion (Bewegtes Beiwerk), vii, xi-xii, xiv, 11, 34-35,38, 52-60,63,67-69,84,263-64,270, 287,290,296,307,313,359n65 and Alberti's Della Piüura, 56-57,293, 327n56. See also Alberti, Leon Bat-tista "American Chapbooks" 95, 335n64; fig. 2.12 American trip, 15,88-89,95-97,333n44 and animation, 22-23, 26,48,68-69, 130,321n51 and animist mentality, 47,143 autobiographical accounts, 15,233, 321n30 and Biese, Alfred (on anthropomor­phism), 57-58,328n64 and Bing, Gertrud, 324n8,326n38, 334n53,334п54,334п58 and Binswangen Ludwig, 93,335n60 and the book of Daniel, 32-33,35, 37; fig. 1.1 andBronzino,Agnolo, 104-9, 111, 337n94,337n97 and Carlyle (Sartor Resartus), 32,42, 323nl,323n5 and cosmological themes, 69,330n92 and clothing costume (Tracht), 89; fig. 2.11 and dlAnnunzio, Gabrielle, 303 and Daphne, 35,67,263,265,290-91, 298-302,355n3,358n62,359n76, 360n89, 360n98; figs. 1.3,1.4,6.16, 6.17, 6.18. See also Daphne and Darwin, Charles, 14-15,45,102-3, 109, 111,321 n29,325n23,337n91 and di DucciOjAgostino 50; fig. 1.11. See also di Duccio, Agostino dissertation on Botticelli (published), X, xv, 11,32,35,37,48,67-69,135, 140,302, 323n6,326n37; fig. 1.2 dissertation on Botticelli, personal copy (Handexemplar) addenda, 32-35, 263, 272, 323nl; figs. 1.1,1.3,1.4 dissertation on Botticelli, early drafts (un­published), 50, 52-53,313, 324n7, 324n34,326nn47-48,326n49, 326n50,328n70,328n72 and empathy, 23,322n53 engram, IS, 128 and fabrics, 32-39,46-48,59-62,135, 239,249, 326n36. See also drapery and Flemish tapestries, 191-93,348nS5; fig. 4.17 Florence, 37-42,50,103,303 and frogs, 98-104, (87,336n7S; figs. 2.16,2.17 Four theses appended to dissertation, 59-60 and Freud, 60, 65-66, 334n51 and hair, 39,42,44-45, 59,280, 32Sn21 historiographie method, xii, xv, 48,50, S3,64-66,68-69,91,93-94, ¡04, 109-11, 301 and iconographie problems, 67-68, 360n91 and implement (Gerät), 84, 89,184 and Kant, Immanuel, 329n80 Kreuzlingen Bellevue sanatorium, 14, 35,94,106, 108,330n92,333n41, 333n48,337n92 lecture on Pueblo dance rituals (1923, published 1939), 88,92, 102, 190, 332n41,334nS2 lecture on Pueblo dance rituals (1923, unpublished drafts), 91,97-98, 321n30,333n48,333n50, 334n54; fig. 2.15 andLaocoön, 104,108-9 and Lippi, Filippino, 38-39,49-50,59, 326n41 ; fig. 1.10 and Manet, Eduard (Dejeuner sur l'herbe), 304,360n91 and mannerism, 60 Mnemosyne Atlas, 50,290,326n46; figs. 1.11,6.17 Moki snake dance, 88,111 "monistic psychology of art" project on aesthetics, 22-23,49,89,104, 322n51,322n54,326n40 and Northern Baroque, 106-7 and nymph (nimfa), 67,290 and ornament, 39-42, 44,64-65,69, 329n83 and Ovid, 55,359n64,359n65 and pagan antiquity, x, 61,85,98,193 Pathosformel, 13, 104,182,216, 304 and Philo ofByblos, 72-74,92-94,109; fig. 2.2 and philological research, 72-74,91-94, 98,109-11,334n56 379 ] Index and polarity, x, 57. See also polarity and regressive evolution (évolution régres­sive), 84,332n33. See also regressive evolution (évolution régressive) and Rembrandt, 108-9,337nn96-97 on representations of "life-in-motion" (Bewegtes Leben), 62-64, 328n74, 329n77 Rome, 35, 104, 157 Saxl correspondence and collabora­tion, 98,102,108, 298-99, 335n72, 336n73,337nn97-98,359n76 and Schmarsow, August, 37-42, 50, 60, 135, 324nll, 324nl5; figs. 1.5-1.7. See also Schmarsow, August and snakes, 73-74, 88,90-93,97-98, 104-11,334n53,334n58 tables and diagrams, 52-55, 67-68, 327n51; fig. 1.12 Theatrical Costumes for Italian Intermezzi, 69,290,358n63 and Vasari, Giorgio, 50 and Vignoli, Tito, 11-15, 22, 25, 236, 320n23, 326n35; fig. 03. See also Vignoli, Tito and Vischer, Friedrich Theodor, 22, 46-47,325n28 and Vischer, Robert, 22,45, 327n56, 328n64 and wind (in the Gospel), 236, 352n47 and wireless communication, 97-98, 335n66 Zettelkästen (index card boxes with research notes), 72-73,89,92,99, 103-4, 236, 290, 321n28, 330nl, 330n4, 333n42,333n45,334n57, 336n77,337n91,337n99,337nl02, 341n62,352n47,3S8n62,359n67, 360n98; figs. 0.3,2.1,2.2,2.11, 2.16, 2.19; plate 3 Warburg, Marietta, 336n75 Warburg, Mary, 333n48,336n75 Warburg, MaxAdolf, 333n48 Warburg Institute, London, xvi Warburg Library in Hamburg (KBW), xi, 84-85, 88,92,106,109,298-99, 329n77,330nl, 332n35,332n40, 335n71,336n72,337n94,342n62 Wegener, Paul (Der Golem, wie er in die Welt кат), 224-26; figs. 5.10-5.12 Werden und Vergehen (Becoming and Passing Away). See Krause, Ernst Winckelmann, Johann Joachim, 74, 109 wind, 7, S, 16, 34, 45-47, 52, 55-59, 226, 236, 237, 311. Sec also air; anemos wind-gods, 7, 58-59 window frame (Nosferatu), 211, 213, 230, 257-58, 260-61, 350n3 wireless communication, 97-98 World War I, 146, 151, 172, 176 World War II, 143, 151,276 World's Fair, 1939 (Long Island, NY), 285-86 Worringer, Wilhelm Abstraction and Empathy (including doctoral dissertation), vii-viii, xi-xii, xv, 4,128,130-45,151-57,319n6, 338n6 "animation of the inorganic" ix, xii—xiii, xvii, 116, 121, 131-38, 140, 142-45, 148,151,154-57,198,271-72,303, 312-17,322nS5, 323n61,352n49 on drapery and hair styles, 135-36; fig. 3.9 on empathy theory, 131-32, 135, 143, 338n6 and expressionism, 115 Form Problems of the Gothic, x on liquid crystals, 128-29 on monism, 128-29 on northern ornament, 87, 131-34, 137-42 photographic portrait of, 113-16; fig. 3.1 race psychology, 142-43 reception (England), 146-49, reception (postwar), 151-57, 343n86, 343n91,344n95 and Riegl, Alois, 114, 131,228 and Simmel, Georg, 115-16,144, 342n67 and Warburg, Aby, 146, 341n62 Wundt, Wilhelm, 17 Zephyrus, 53, 56, 67 Zettelkästen. See Warburg, Aby Zuni artifacts, 100,103 [ 380 ] Index
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