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Volltext:Index Note: Page numbers in bold refer to illustrations. 69th Regiment Armory Building 127, 136, 325, 391 860-880 Lake Shore Drive 264, 271-2 1900: Art at the Crossroads exhibition 147 Aalto, Alvar 379, 380, 384-6, 387, 480 Aarhus Art Museum 229 Abbott, Berenice 181 Broadway and Rector from Above (1935) 181, 18Í Abelam91, 104 Abelardo L. Rodríguez Market, Mexico City 299-300 Abcrth, Susan L. 116 Aboriginal art 41-4, 46, 50 Aboriginal culture 38-9, 41, 43 About, Edmond 507 Abraham Lincoln High School 398, 402-3 Abramovic, Marina 43-4, 48 Abstract Expressionism 1, 393, 474, 485, 487 and Australian arc 332 as focus of modernism 10, 392, 400 political use during the Cold War 407 resistance to 403^1, 406 abstraction 59 abstract figurative art 219, 221 abstract murals 398—401, 402 American 213 Aubrev Williams's use of 414 and Australian art 322-3, 325-6, 328-31, 335 and capitalist commercialism 212 depoliticization through 212, 213 dominance 414 and the East-West binary 303 formalist 187 German 212, 214, 215 and Greek art 74, 80, 81-2, 84 hybrid 219, 221 and modernism 335 and the modernist aesthetic 331 and photography 176, 177, 192 and primitivism 46 representation as 220-1 set against realism 216-18 severe geometric 215 Soviet 212,215 as stranglehold 220 and Swedish modernism 366-9 absurdity' 48 abyss, existence as 20 académie 84-5 Académie Matisse, Paris 360, 362-3, 362 academies 446 Academy of Art, Australia 326 Academy of Tbinps, The exhibition (2014) 223 Accara (rebel slave) 411,418 Acropolis, Athens 76, 268 activism, grassroots 445 activist art 4, 391, 394-8, 414 Adams, Ansel 180 ADC see Art Director's Club adolescence 498, 503, 505, 506-7 Adorno, Theodor 58, 236 Adrian-Nilsson, Gösta 361 AEG see Allgemeine Elektricitäts-Gesellschaft Aesop's fables 432-3 aesthetic certainty' 2 aesthetic experience 21,25 aesthetic innovation 2-3 aesthetic life 18-19, 21,29 aesthetic orthodoxy 2 aesthetic radicalism 181 aesthetic values 418 aesthetics 5 adversarial 1 American Abstract Artists' 399—400 Asmat 100 display 127, 131, 133 Kantian 435-6 make-do-and-mend 138 Marxist 250 modernist 331 Nietzschean 17-33 photo-aesthetics 170, 173, 176, 177, ISO, 181 182 and primitivism 93, 95, 96, 100 relational 391 Romantic 18, 20, 24, 25 af Klint, Hilma 9, 360, 366-9, 439 At Work 369 Chimney Sweepers 269 A Companion to Modern Art, First Edition. Edited by Pam Meecham. © 2018 John Wiley St Sons, Inc. Published 2018 by John Wilev & Sons, Inc. 518 INDEX af Klint, Hilma (Continued] "excavation" of the works of 367 Grupp /Г, De tio Störstíi (1907) 366 Paintings for the Temple 367, 368 RestlessWork 370 Riddarbolmsfjdrden at Winter Time 369 Serie WU/Rosen, Grupp I (1906-1907) 366 Africa 61-5, 91, 104 ('entrai 61-3 myths of 59, 61-3 West 64 Africa museum, Tcrvurcn 61 African American artists 394-8,406 African art 441 African "backwardness", myths of 61-2 African man, representation 416 African Negro Art exhibition ( 1935) 65, 96 African people 60 Agamben, Giorgio, "What is the Contemporary?" 200-1 Agee, James 171 agency, Indian 486 agrarian economics, modernization 9, 375 agriculture, Cvpriot 348 Aho, luhani 382 AIZ (Arbeiter Illustrierte Zeitung] (magazine) 171 Al-Azzawi, Dia, Sabra and Sbatila Massacre (1982-1983)233 Alapuro, Kisto 375 Alaska 109 Albers, Anni 443 Albers, Josef 439, 443 Alberti, I.con Battista 167 Albertján perspective 78-9, 80, 83, 167 Albertinum Museum 218 Alfred Schmela Gallerv 428-9 alienation 46, 174, 283, 293, 296, 304 alienation effects 233 and modernism 300 and Noguchi 304, 312 allegorical mode 61 allegory 406, 411,453 Allgemeine Elektricitäts-Gesellschaft (AEG) 271, 3~8 AK:on. ( EiEcs 3‘ ", 40o M- den. Med::u¡;- • 1 c 4() 395-0, 395. 398, 403 Alic Pinakothek. Munich 1 3o Altschuler, Bruce 135 Amanamkai 99-100 ambiguity, institutionalization 431-2 America is I lard to See exhibition (2015) 146 American Abstract Artists, aesthetics 399-400 American Painting Today exhibition ( 1950) 137 American Scene painting 393 amor patriae tor an imagined fatherland) 381 anatomical knowledge 84 ancient Egyptian art 79 ancient Greek art as ancient modernism 5, 73-86 dixersitv 75-6 Anderson, Benedict 346, 380-1 Anderson, Wallace 334 Evacuation (1928) 332-3 Andre, Carl 253 angles of vision 168, 170, 173, 176, 179, 183 Anglo-Irish Revivalists 111 Angry Penguins 327-8 animism 27-8 annihilation 40-1, 215 "Anschauung" 435 Anthias, Tefkros 349 Holy Satan, Bless Me ( 1930) 349 Tbc Second Coming (1931) 349 anthropology7 43, 64-5, 304-5,455 and cultural equality7 340 and curatorial strategies 302 paradigm shift 304 and social constructivism 304 anthropomorphism 508 anthroposophy 438-9 anti-austerity7 protests, Greece 7, 257 anti-colonialism 110, 159,414,415,419,421 anti-fascism 215-16, 217 anti-monuments 335 anti-portraits 192-3 anti-war 233 Anzac soldiers 331, 333, 335 apartheid, end of 2 apartment blocks 386 Apollinaire, Guillaume 19, 365 Apollo 24, 27 Apollonian principle 21, 22, 24 Appadurai, Arjun 2, 304-5 Arab slavers 62 Araeen, Rasheed 302 Aragon, Louis 110 Paris Peasant (1926) 118 Aran islanders 111 Aranda (Arrernte) 38-9, 41,42 Arbeiter Illustrierte Zeitung (AIZ) (magazine) 171 archaic 5 Archaic (pre-Classical) Greek art 76, 77, 78, 81-5 and the modern 6, 109, 111, 112, 113, 117, 118 122-3 and the present 201 archetypal 20 archetypes 113 architectural modernism 7, 263-80 Dessau 268-9 failure 276 Finnish 379-80, 381-2, 384-7 functionalist 385 Glasgoxv 7, 274-5 Hollywood 266-7 IKEA Wuhan, China 7, 276-8 multiplicity 263-5 Paris 267-8 Richmond, California 270-1 Rio de Janeiro 269-70 St Louis, Missouri 275-6 Vienna 265-6 INDEX 519 architecture Art Nouveau 267 and Eurocentric histories 269 and photography 183M: "architecture" 240 Arget, Eugene 181 Argyrou, Vassos 341 Armory shows 127, 136, 325, 391 Armstrong, Tim 111 Arp 212,399,401 Arrcrntc see Aranda Arrie vases 83 "Art 8c Language" Index installations (earlv 1970s) 69 " Art of the Asm at, New Guinea: The Michael C Rockefeller Collection, The 102 Art in Australia (journal) 321 Art of Australia, The (178S-1941) (1941) 41 Art Director's Club (ADC) 405 art discourse apparatus 234 art education 10, 427—48, 473-9 alternative possibilities for 446 anti-intellectual 433—4 as a challenge to neoliberalism 446 and art as language 440-1,444 and art as unreachable 437 and the avant-garde 432, 440, 441, 445 and Bauhaus 436-8 and the beautification of the world 434-5 and the beaux-arts/fine art academic model 433 British 439-40 and charismatic tutors 428-31 conceptual leaps of 439 in different nations 434 early reform 432-3 early/proto-modern 433 and educational retreats 441-3 and the educational turn 445 elementary curriculum for children 435 exhibitions' focus on 445 and tables of modern art 427, 432-3, 443-4 and fees 432 and formalism 444 laissez-faire method 479 and modernism 10. 427-46? parables for 427, 428, 430, 431,445 and a pedagogy of ambiguity 431-2 Preliminary/Foundation Courses 428, 443 and social values 10 and teacher training 436, 441 Victorian reforms 433—4 why art is taught 439—10 Art Exhibition of the GDR, The 218 art gallery, Foucauldian notions 6, 127-8 art historiography, Cypriot 351 art history 57, 62-3, 145-6, 150, 153, 154 American 391-2, 406 Australian 321, 329 and Classical Greek art 77, 80 disciplinary changes 2 and the discourse of large exhibitions 217 and display 139 and the dissident's point of view 221 feminist 257, 368-9 Finnish 384 global 50 and globalization 233 and the installation shot 6, 127, 134 and neoclassicism 77 "neutrality" 223 and the Parisian hegemony of modern art 359 and photography 184 and Picasso's classicism 73 Southeast Asian 158-9 and Swedish modernism 359 see also social history of art Art Institute of Chicago 480 Art of Lake Sentani, The exhibition 96 Art in the Life of the Child exhibition, St. Petersburg (1908)475 Art Nouveau architecture 267 art objects dematerialization of the centrality of 431, 444 photographic reproduction 167-8 singularity/uniqueness (auras) 168, 172 Art of Oceania... exhibition (1969) 103 Art in Our Time exhibition (1939) 481 art pedagogy, international exchange 474, 486 Art of the South Seas, The exhibition (1946) 65,94,96 Art Styles of the Papuan Gulf exhibition 98 Art Teachers' Guild 440 Art Theory, and postmodernism 234 "Art of This Century" Gallery 139-40 Art of the Two Germany's exhibition 223 Art Work bv Children of Other Countries exhibition 480 art workers 253-4 see also artists "Art Workers" Coalition 253 art/artefact dichotomy' 146 Artaud, Antonin 19, 111-12, 122 Artek Company 379 artist-seer 20 artistic critique 248, 252-3, 255, 258 artistic production 7, 245-58 as aesthetically modern 247 in extensive modernitv 250-6 as historically modern 245, 252-3 artists artist as citizen 393 artist as emigré in the citv 283 characterization of modern 3 demographics and employment patterns 252-3 duty to tell the correct storv 215-16 failed 252, 257 mythology' of the modern artist 69 photographers as 170 primitive 361 as reproducers 257 artists' colonics Finnish 382, 384 rural 287 Artists Union 394 520 INDEX Arts and ('rafts movement 268, 80S, 434,437 Aryan body ideal 209 .Aryan ethos 217 Ascherson, Neal 212 Ascona 442 Ascott, Roy 444 Ashford, Doug 223 Ashmole, Elias 156 Asbmolcan 156 .Ashton, Jason 324 Asia-Pacific 5, 48 .Asia-Pacific Triennials of (Contemporary Art 47, 48 Asian Americans 304 Asmat Project 5-6,95-105 assimilation 344, 345 Astor, Mrs Brooke 103 Astram, Jo 218 Atlas inventory 188, 189, 194-5 atom bomb 404, 406, 407 Atta 418 Attica 77 attraction, and repulsion 45-6 Aubert, Dominique 498 audiences 4 curator-audience relationship 156 interaction 204 necessity 196 offending the viewer 202-4 participation 202, 255-6 passive 202-3 as producers 1 57 theater 202 and value neutral exhibitions 153—1 Auerbach, Erich 55-6 .Augé, Marc 251 auratization 192 austerity 7, 249, 257 Austerlitz, Noam 431 Australia 2, 5, 37, 38-9,41,43-6, 50 colonial past 323 and modernity 335 postcolonial 335 and the "tvranny ot distance" 323 .1 siuAcv exhibition '2013 i 322 Anoi'h.m art 4L 824 A::4r.4;.!u Ai'' ra/iiial An .md i'4- Application 4 I Air 11 alian Aboriginal culture 38 - 9, 4 1.46 Australian art authentic 324 see also Australian modernism Australian folklore 328-9 .Australian Impressionists 324 Australian Indigenous art 322, 324, 329 Australian modernism and the avant-garde 322, 324 and the center 323 and Cubism 325, 326, 332 definition 321 -4 and Expressionism 328 and figurative sculpture 331-2 formalist 324 and Indigenous artists 322 international nature 325 and landscape 323, 324, 330, 331 and the margins 323 multiple 321-37 and Surrealism 325, 326, 328, 332 and unity of purpose 322 and war 331-5 Australian National Gallery 330 Australian national identity 324-35 Australian outback 328-9, 330 Australian War Memorial 331-5 Hall of Memory 331, 333 National Collection 331, 335 sculpture garden 335 Austria 210 Austro-Hungarian Empire 174 authenticity 302 artistic 415, 421 children and 10 automatic modes 176 automation 343 automobiles 343—4 autonomous activity, art as 439 autonomy 239, 240 avant-garde 4 and American murals 398, 400, 406 and art education 432, 440, 441,445 and Australian modernism 322, 324 break up of the dominant paradigms of 190 and consciousness 257 continued engagement of modern art with 150 and Cypriot modernity' 340, 343, 349-53, 351 delayed return 453 expanded 152 and extensive modernity 256-8 and German modern art 215 heroic 366 Indian 347 and indigenous people 5, 37-44 and installation shots 134, 136 and Ireland 110, 112, 113, 117 and modern photographv 168, 169, 176, 177, 182,183 and Nictzschcanism 19, 28 anti non-Wcstcrn art 64 Parisian 324 and photo essavs 290 and photography 168, 169, 176, 177, 182, 183 in the plural 151 and primitivism 5, 45, 46, 55, 57, 58, 59, 63 and realism 221 relation to non-avant-garde art 59 suppression 364 and Surrealism 112, 113 and Swedish modernism 9, 359-61, 364, 366, 369-70 see also nco-avant-gardc Baader, Johannes 28 Bachofcn, Johann Jakob 117 INDEX 521 Bacon, Francis 154 Bade, Kurt 5Û9-10 Balicm Valiev 99, 100 Balka, Mirosław, Hoir It Is (2009-2010) 237-9, 240 Ball, Hugo 19,28 Balsón, Ralph 327 Baltic Exhibition, Malmo (1914) 9, 360, 369-70 Balzac, Honoré de 506 Bann, Stephen 154 Barcelona World Exposition, German Pavilion 271 Barlach, Ernst 332 Barnaby, Alice 131-2 Barnard, George Gray 136 Barnes, Julian 147 Barns-Graham, Wilhelmina 154 Barr, Alfred H., Jr. 139-40, 151-2, 156,443,481, 484 Barthes, Roland 193 Baselitz, Georg 187, 219, 220, 221 Picture for the Fathers (1965) 220 Baseman, Jordan 8, 294 I hate Poston and Boston hates me (2006) 294-5 Bashkirtseff, Marie, Woman Reading 504 Bass, Tom 331 Bastille 348 Bataille, Georges 19, 40, 458 Baudelaire, Charles 9, 11, 56, 169, 376-7, 383, 384, 493,498-502,505,506,510,511 and correspondence 493, 500 and hysteria in males 507-8 and modernism 501 "The Painter of Modern Life" (1863), "The Artist, Man of the World, Man of the Crowd and Child" 498 on Wagner 500 Bauhaus 175, 268-9, 271, 334, 384,385,399, 436-9,442,443 and art education 428 formation 437 and Froebcl 436 and IKEA 278 and new objectivity 173-4 and the New Photographer 201 pedagogy 437 Vorkurs 428 Baumeister, Willi 212, 21 ć-l 7 Bav Area 270 Bayer, Herbert 141 n.18, 174 Lonely Metropolitan (1932) 174 Metamorphosis ( 1936) 174 Baziotes, William 485 Bean, C. E. W. 333-4 Bearden, Romáré 396, 406 Beaucamp, Eduard 210, 219, 221, 222 beautification, of the world 434-5 beauty, disappearance 444 Becher, Bernd 187, 202 Becher, Hilla 187,202 Beck, Ulrich 344 Beckmann, Max 211,212 Beethoven, Ludwig van 236 Behrens, Peter 271,378 Beijing 8, 299, 306-7, 312 Belfast Blitz (1941) 113 Belgium 61-2, 112 Bell, George 327 Bell-Scott, William 434 Bellette, Jean 327 Bellows, George 83, 84 "belly button" shots 173 Belting, Hans 6-7 Benin bronzes exhibitions (2008) 5, 64, 65, 66-9, 70 Benin City7 64, 66 Benjamin, Walter 167-8, 172-3, 178,250,251 "Author as Producer" (1934) 7 "The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction" (1936) 191 Benn, Gottfried 19, 25, 32 n.25 Bennett, Susan 202 Bennett, Tony 157, 446 Bennington College, Vermont 442 Berbice rebellion 411,414, 418, 421 Berger, John, A Seventh Man: A Book of Images and Words about the Experience of Migrant Workers in Europe (1975) 8, 284, 289-94, 296 Berkeley, Bishop 110 Berlin 65, 66, 169, 218 West 222 Berlin Wall 190,214,222 Berliner Illustrirte Zeitung (magazine) 174 Berlin Dada group 172 Bernheim-Jeune 360 Beroud, Louis 129 Beuys, Joseph 43, 48, 221,222, 428-9 Ring Discussions 429 Bhabha, Horni К. 305 Biddle, George 392 Biennale of Svdnev (1979)43 (1988)43 biennials 247, 255, 302 see also Venice Biennales Bÿïnwo 7,229, 232-5, 240 Bildung 432 binaries east-west 6-7, 187, 190, 214, 219-23, 300, 303-1, 312 inside/outside 234 Old versus New 397-8 West-Third World 488 Binyon, Laurence 306, 307 biomorphic elements 399, 401 Birken, Jacob 153 Bishop, Olive 335 bisj poles 100-2, 105 bispoles 98 "Bitterfield policy" 217, 219 Björk, Oscar 370 Black, Dorrit 326 black history 394-8 Black Mountain College, North Carolina 442-3 Blackett, Patrick Maynard Stuart 195, 199 522 INDEX Blarney, George 323 Blake, William 30 n.7, 31 n. 15-18, 32 n.21, 33 n.30 Bland) Konstsalong 368 Blavatskv, Helena 438 Blevl, Fritz 134 Bliss, Lillie 476 Bloch, Ernst 19 Bloch, Lucienne 394 Evolution of Music 398 Block, Ernest 394 Bloomsbury Group 440 Blume, Anna 1S7 Blume, Bernhard 187 Blume, Peter 405-6 77л- Ruck (1944-1948) 405, 405, 406 Blümel, Carl 77-8 Blythe, Ronald, Akcnfitiä (1969) 286 Bo Bárdi, Lina 148, 263 Bode, Arnold 211,212 bodv 17,20,23,24,26,28-9 Boer War 286 Bois, Yve-Alain 458 Bolotow sky, Ilya 399, 400-1,400, 404 Untitled (1936) 399 Boltanski, Luc 251,252 77л- Луп' Spirit of Capitalism (1999) 248 Bonnard 232 Borgliim, Gutzon 299 Bosch, Hieronymus 404 Boston, Lincolnshire 294 Boston Museum of Fine Arts 129 Bottazzi, Eugene 340 Bouguereau 147 Bourdelle, Antoine Dying Centaur (1911-1914) 80 llera kies the Archer (1909) 75, 76, 79-80 Bourdieu, Pierre, Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgment of Taste ( 1979) 157 bourgeois 8, 57, 59, 60-1,63 Bourriaud, Nicolas 249, 391 "Altermodcrn Manifesto'* 249 Boutet de Monvcl, Louis Maurice 499 Bovary, Emma 506 Bowden. I lan'\' 399 In ma c:i. Melia 324 I'm a kv 1 cdjc Маи ¡r.'/h/be Dmikc'. 333 Th:' 7eitr ЕгоАчш.с 333-4 Boyd, Arthur 327, 328, 329 Bovd, Daniel 47 Brancusi. Constantin 78, 232, 299, 306, 307 h:dai 1926) 300 Brandes, Georg 19, 25, 27 Braque, Georges 146, 363-4, 436 Australian influence 326 ('orner Relief Construction 11914) 463 Homage to J. S. Bach (1911-1912)460 and the invention of Cubism 10-11 and Pablo Picasso 10-1 1,458-64 Brasilia 263, 272-4,273 Brassai H 8 Bravo, Manuel Alvarez 6, 182 Mannequin with Voice (1930s) 183 Market Closing, Tehuantepec, Oaxaca (late 1920s) 182-3 The Black Grief (1939) 183 The Earth Itself (1930s) 183 Brazil 263, 269-70, 272-4 Brazil Builds exhibition (1943) 269 Brecht, Bertholt 171, 177 Breton, André 46, 50, 110, 114-17, 121, 122, 323 Anthology of Black Humour 110, 111, 115 Brcttell, Richard R. 150 Bridge, The 351 see also Die Brücke Bring, Maj 363 Brinton, Crane 17, 30 n.l Bristol 295 Bristol City Choir 296 Britain 109, 110, 112-13, 117 architectural modernism 264 and art education 439-40 Britain at War exhibition 480 British Board ofFiim Censorship 41 British colonialism, and Cypriot modernity' 9, 340, 345-8 British Commonwealth 8, 332 British Museum 65, 129-30, 306 British Surrealist Group 112 Brok, Ossip 178 Bronsterman, Norman 436 Broodhagen, KarJ 415 Brooklyn College, New York 429 Brooklyn Museum 65 Brooks, James 394, 402 Hű//# (1940) 394,401 Brown, Terence 112 Browne, Byron 399 Browning, Colleen 406 Bruegel the Elder, Pieter 284, 404 Bruhlische Terrasse, Dresden 218 Brunius, August 366 Brunt, Peter 45 Brutalists 263 Bryan-Wilson, Julia, Art Workers... 253 Bryggman, Erik 384, 385 Brvson. Norman 310 Buber, Martin 19 Buchenwald concentration camp 216 Buchloh, Benjamin 190, 194, 197-8 Budgen, Sebastian 248 Bunuel, Luis 169 L'Aged'Or({93Q) 177 Burgtheater, Vienna 24 Burrowes School of Art, Guvana 416 Butler, Rex 322-3 Byrne, Gerard 6, 109, 117-18, 120-3 A Man and a Woman Make Love (2012) 120-2 120 Cabaret Voltaire 39 cadaver dissection 84 INDEX 523 Cahan, Susan E. 147 Cahiers d'art (journal) 40 Caillebotte, Gustase 133 Paris Street: A Rainv Dar 497 Caillois, Roger 455-6 Cain 60 Calder, Alexander 330 Caldesi, Leonida 129 camera technolog}' 167 "camera-eye" 168, 173, 175, 178, 181-2, 183 Campfire group 43 cannibalism 112, 115 canon 1 of American art 146 of art history 3, 4 expansion of European 354 modern art 145, 148-50, 152-3, 156 Canova, Antonio 78 Cant, James 325 capital 245-7, 248 cultural 157 global 250 and labor 251 capitalism 245-8, 250-2, 257 and alienation 296 brutality 251 and Fordism 293 global 245-9,251,254, 291 modernism as tool of 407 and nationalism 346 and participation 256 and the pastoral 289 and precariousness 251-2, 253 socio-historical reality'' 239 Soviet movement against 232 and Surrealism 110 totalizing tendencies 248 and women 499 Carew, Jan 414 Caribbean, decolonization 411,414 Caribbean slave rebellion ethnic diversity of the rebels 418-19 materialization 412 visualization 10,411-23 Carpenter, Rhvs SO, 82, S3, 84, 85 Carr, E. H. 16S Carrington, Harold 114, 115 Carrington, Leonora 6, 109, 113-17, 119-23 En Bas 114 Grandmother Moorhead's Aromatic Kiteljen (1975) 117 "The Debutante" 115 The Hearing Trumpets (1976) 116 The House Opposite ( 1945 ) 116 The Meal of Lord Candlestick (1938) 115 The Sidhc, the White People ofTuatha Dé Danann 115, 116, 117 Three Women with Crows (1951) 117 Carter, Huntley 31 n.16 Cartier-Bresson, Henri 183 Casement, Roger 62 Caskey, L. D. 83 Cassel, Anna 368 Castelli, Leo 137-9, 140, 141 n.16 Castle, Geoffrey 111 Casuarina Coast 100 Catholic Church 381 Catlett, Elizabeth 147 cave-men 60 Celant, Germano 140 Celtic mythology 111, 114 Celtic Revival 110, 114-15, 116, 118, 122 Celticism 118 Cendrar, Blaise 361 censorship 213, 214, 309-10 center 2, 3, 5, 8, 37, 46, 50 and Australian modernism 323 Cyprus and the 340 and Irish art 117 see also periphery center-periphery paradigm, and Swedish modernism 9, 359, 360, 36^1 Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) 213, 392 Central School of Arts and Crafts, London 428 "Centre 5" group 321-2 Cernuschi, Claude 407 Cezanne, Marie 508 Cezanne, Paul 2, 3, 79,85, 136, 139, 461 A Modern Olympia 511 Australian influence 324, 326 and the family 507-9 and hysteria 507-8 illegitimacy 508 and Impressionism 509 and interiorization 502-5 "mature" 493 and modernism 11, 493, 500, 501, 503-4, 508, 509-10 Portrait of my Father (1862) 508 and primitivism 5 Reading PÉrénement (1866) 508 Realist work 509 Romantic work 509 Young Girl at the Piano (The Overture to ^Tannhäuser) (c. 1869) 11,493-511,494 Cezanne, Rose 498 Chaces, The 266-7 Chardin, Jean-Baptiste-Siméon 460 Chatwin, Bruce 43 Chelsea Book Chib 65 Chenncvicres, Philippe de 130 Chiapello, Eve 251,252 The New Spirit of Capitalism (1999) 248 Chibber, Vivek 246, 250 Chicago 271-2 child development 435, 461 child psychology 435, 455, 481 child, the/childrcn 435-6, 479, 498 construction of the modern child 475 and creativity 11,473, 479, 481-2, 484-7 as expressive foil 10 and fables 432 524 NDEX child, the/children {Continued) and imagination 455, 481-2, 485 and Romanticism 454 marginalization 10 minds 454 child's mind conflated with the "primitive mind" 454 role in modernism 10 teaching of modernism to 427 childhood 498 constructions of 10 progressive ideas regarding 476 return towards 11 Children of England Paint exhibition (1941) 480 children's art 10, 435, 440-1,453-5, 475 draw ing 454, 455, 456-7 education 473-89 exhibitions 441,475 figuration 456 as form of learning and meaning-making 454 as free 455 gestural mark-making 456-7 as homogenized, contextualized other 455 naivety 441 children's play 10, 432-3, 453-69, 485 authenticity 453 as basis for adult invention and exchange 10-11, 45S as the construction of "an imaginary situation" 456,457 fictive space of 456 as form of embodied truth 453 as improvisation 10-11,455, 461-6 learning through 433 and objects 456, 457 representation 457 rules 457 strategics of play within Modernism 458 as transitional process 456 China 234, 245, 306, 307 images of 312 and Japan ЗЮ, 313 as ( )iher 3 1 0 l 'S cult ural attacks on 40/ ( |i cm. 1 rcdcrK 502. 506 ( I:: :\ -15. 62 ( hn !o\ r.akargicv ( aitilxn 209 Chronic Disease Hospital 400-1,400 Chi o Dc lat 24/ (lnu Mia lec 1 г 9 Churberg, l'anny л8л Church of Cyprus 346, 348, 349, 354 CIA .err Centra) Intelligence Agency Ciacclli, Arturo 360, 361,366 (JAM '('eneres Internationaux d'Architecturc Modernet 385 cinema, Finnish co 8 city, the dependence on the rural 293 and the modern 283-4, 286, 293, 497, 499 ci\il culture 434 civil unrest 1 "civilized", European notions of 39, 46 ('izek, Franz 441, 453 Clair, René, Entr'acte ( 1924) 176 Clark, Kenneth 310 Clark, T. J. 235, 239, 247, 287, 459, 460, 496, 500, 508,509 Farewell to an Idea: Episodes from a History of Modernism (1999) 236 Picasso and Truth: From Cubism to Guernica 7, 229,230,231, 232, 236-7 77/c Sight of Death: An Experiment in Art Writinn 236 Classical Greek art and abstraction 74, 80, 81-2, 84 modernity of 74, 77, 85 naturalism 78 peculiarity 78 as realism 78 réanimation 5, 73-86 technique of 77-8 classlessness 386 classroom, as microcosm of democratic living 483—4 Clausen, George 286 High Mass at a Fishing Village on the Zuyderzee (1876)287 clay models, small-scale 77 Clifford, James 92, 301, 305 close-ups 176 Co-operative Republic of Guyana 415 Cockcroft, Eva 407 Cohn, Ola 334 Cold War 6, 213, 214, 217, 223, 237, 473, 474, 485,488 end of the 2 rhetoric 407 "Cold War warriors" 394 Coldstream, William 428 ('ole, Henry 433-4, 435, 439 Drawing for Children 433 Coleman, A. D. 182 collaboration 459-62 "colonial exhibitions" 59 colonial exploitation 37-8 colonial model 245 colonial oppression 416 colonial rule 454 colonialism 37-8, 44, 45, 55, 159, 245 and Australia 323 and Cypriot modernity 9, 340, 345-8 in India 486 see also anti-colonialism colonization 233, 487 Spanish 182 colony, the 8, 487 ('olor Field approach 330, 487 colour theorv 437 combination printing 170 commemoration and art 412-17, 421 efficacy 412-13 commodification, and the gallery 213 INDEX 525 commodification of everything 67 commodities, art as 247 commodity aesthetics 94 communication, infant 456 communism 159, 238, 256 fall of Soviet 237 fight against 213 ideology 217 Communist Part)7 349 communists 215-16, 238, 239—4-0 communities alternative 442 imaginary 381 Conceptual Art 4, 68-70 conceptualism 429, 444 conflict, and visualization in commemorative art 417-19 Congo 62 Congress for Cultural Freedom 392 Conil, Maxime 498 Conrad, Joseph 62 consciousness 504 avant-garde 257 revolutionary 257 conservatism 1,5, 440 Constructivism 325-6, 400 consumer goods 293 consumption, of art 247 contemporary, the, definition 200 contemporary art 66, 69, 70, 233-5, 238-9, 240 differences from modern art 391 first phase 248 and modern art 245, 247 and postmodernism 248-9 Contemporary Art Society 326, 327 Contemporary City 272 Contemporary Group 324 Cooke, Ebenezer 435 Cooks, Bridget R. 406 Corlett, Peter 333 Cormon, Frederic 60 correspondence 493, 500 Corrodi, Hermann David Solomon 340 Corsaro, William 464 cosmopolitanism 117, 300, 302, 303, 304 Cossington Smith, Grace 324 The Sock Knitter (1915) 324, 325 Costa, Lucio 269, 272—1 Praça dos Trés Poderes, Brasilia (1960) 273, 273 Costello, Diarmuid 203 Cosway, Maria 129 Cottington, David 158, 360 counter-cultures 38,44 counter-ideology 63 coup d'oeil 177 Courbet, Gustave 2, 131, 136, 229, 235, 236, 497 craft, disappearance 444 Craig, Gordon 27 Cranach, Lucas 221 Craven, David 407 creation 300 see also self-creation creative freedom 484, 485 creative power 20 creative teaching practices 487 creativity' 30 in the modern child 11,473, 479, 481-2, 484, 485,486-7 Nietzsche on 23, 25 spontaneous 5, 18, 29 Vygotsky on 455 Creed, Barbara 41 Cremer, Fritz 216, 218 Cremin, Lawrence 478 Crimi, Alfred 396, 397 Criss, Francis 399 critical paradigm, delegitimation 155 cross-cultural exchange 39, 44 Crow, Thomas 289, 291 Crowley, Grace 325, 326 crystal 26-7 Cubism 4, 74, 79, 234, 457-62, 466 in Australia 325, 326, 332 beginnings of 232 hermetic 459,462 invention 10-11, 464 and Moholy-Nagy 201 and New Deal abstract murals 399, 400, 402 and play as improvisation 10-11 re-thinking 459 retrospective 9, 363-6 synthetic 459, 462 true 146 truth to reality' role 239 see also proto-cubism Cubism and Australian Art exhibition, Victoria (2009-2010)321 Cuffv (rebel slave) 411, 414-19 likeness 416-17 Cultural Bolshevism, modern art as 211 cultural capital 157 cultural catalysts 18 cultural deference, rejection 3 cultural difference 305 cultural diversity 63, 66, 70, 252, 305 cultural equality; of the Other 340 cultural hegemony 157, 211, 341,344, 488 cultural homogenization 158, 159 cultural imagination 38, 39, 42, 44 cultural life 18 cultural marginality 5, 50 cultural reversal 3, 5, 46 cultural transformation 432 cultural worldviews 42-3 culturalism 249-50 culture 3, 305 customary 48-9 dominant 1,63 high S stepping outside one's own 44, 45, 48 Cunningham, Imogen ISO 526 INDEX curating anthropological 302 at the Tate Britain 154 avant-garde 147 and cultural homogenization 159 and the curator-audience relationship 156 and the curatorial role 156 and the Documenta exhibitions 211, 213, 218 and the expansion of the modern art canon 155 and GDR artworks 221-2 and globalization 159 medium specific 146, 147 "non-hierarchical" narrative curatorial strategies 6, 148,151, 154 radical strategies 154 reductive 152-3 value-free narratives 6 curator-managers 69—70 curatorial gaze 67 Curry, Calendonia (Swoon) 391 Curtis, Penelope 156 customary culture 48-9 Cypriot identity 339-42 as half-oriental 339^0, 341, 343 Cypriot modernity 9, 339-56 and automobiles 343-4 and the avant-garde 340, 343, 349-53, 351 and British colonialism 9, 340, 345-8 denial of 340-2, 346-7 as empowering and emancipating 348 and European modernity 340 Fathers of Modern Cypriot Art 351, 354 and Greek nationalism 9, 340, 343, 345-8, 354 and the labor movement 9, 340, 345, 348-53 and the Left 9, 340, 345, 348-53 and the local 340, 343, 351, 354 Cypriot postmodernity 355 Cypriot renaissance 345, 354 Cypriotness 354-5 Cyprus agriculture 348 alternative modernity of 340, 348, 349-53 British rule 339, 345 and the center 340 coffeehouse 349, 350-1 cxotic/romanticizcd notion of 340, 341-2 farmers 348 and Greece 354 independence (1960) 345 and the Middle East 345 modernization 345, 350-1 and the orientalizing gaze 9, 340 Ottoman rule 339, 340, 345, 346, 347 as premodern 340, 341, 345, 346, 354 primitiveness of 340 "purity" 340, 346-7, 350, 354 and tradition 340, 346, 354 Turkish invasion 1974 354 Cyprus Mining Corporation 348 Cyprus Museum, Nicosia 347-8 Cyprus Problem 354, 355 Czechoslovak Radio 214 Czerny, Carl 504 Dachau, liberation 209, 223 Dada 28, 39, 172,210 Dadaism 19, 25 Dadswell, Lyndon 334 Munition Workers (1942) 334 Daguerre, Louis 167 Daguerreotype 167 Dali, Salvador 112, 113, 326 Dalwood, Hubert 428 D'Amico, Victor 473, 474, 478-80, 481-7, 488 D'Annunzio, Gabriele 19, 27 Danos, Antonis 345, 347, 352 Dardel, Nils 359 darkness 23 Darrington Hall School 442 Dartington School of Arts 442 Darwin, Charles 20 Datillo Rubbo, Antonio 435 Davidson, John 32 n.26 Davis, Stuart 394, 399, 400, 401 Świną Landscape 399 Davis, Whitney, A General Theory of Visual Culture 2 Davis, Wyatt 401 Day, Selma, Mother Goose Rhymes 397 de Balzac, Honoré 502 de Chirico, Giorgio 5, 29, 33 n.36 De Duve, Thierry 236 de Goncourt, Edmond 496, 502, 506, 507, 510, 511 de Jonghe, Gustave Leonard 496 de Kooning, Willem 220, 330, 399, 405 de Mestre, Roi 324 de Quincy, Quatremcre 128 de Stijl 278 de Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri 384 De Unąa ("The Young") 363, 368-9, 370 de Vlaminck, Maurice 360 de Zurbarán, Francisco 460 de-industrialization 245 Deacon, Richard 431 Dcbay, Dr 507 Debord, Guy 194, 496 debt, pauperization bv 251 Dccannalc exhibition 147 dccentering approach 193 decolonization, Caribbean 411, 414 décor 133-5, 139 defector dialectic 7, 220-1 Degas, Edgar 132-3, 136, 147, 326 Madame Camus at the Piano (1869) 496, 497 Delacroix, Eugène 136, 360, 500 Delaunay, Robert 360, 361 Delaunay-Terk, Sonia 360, 361 Deleuze, Gilles 507 Deliss, Clementine 67, 69 democracy 246, 474, 483-6 African-American struggle for 406 and participation 255 democratic hanging systems 147, 149, 160 n.16 INDEX 527 democratic potential of dialogue 154 democratization of art 178, 254, 255 denationalization 146 denaturalization 154, 193, 203 Denning, Michael, "Wageless Life" 252 Dennison, George 404 Déonna, Waldemar 75, 76, 77, 79 depoliticization 211-12, 213 Der Blaue Reiter circle 127, 361, 453 Der Sturm (The Storm) gallery 361 Derain, André 360 Derkert, Siri 9, 360, 363-6, 370 Carvings in Natural Concrete (1962-65) 364 Nature Morte (1915) 364 Self-Portrait (1915) 364, 365 Self-Portrait with Parasol (1916) 364 desire 41, 46, 109, 121 Dessau 268-9, 385 Detroit 270 Development of Drawing and Art Teaching, London 440 Dewey, John 442-3, 483-4 d'Harnoncourt, René 93-7, 102,103 dialectical form-dynamics 172 dialogue, democratic potential 154 Diamantis, Adamantios 9, 340, 346-7, 350, 353 The World of Cyprus 346 Die Brücke exhibition, Dresden 1906 6, 134-6,135, 137 Diederichson, Dietrich 203 difference 63, 70 "Dig where you Stand" movement 3 Diller, Burgoyne 398-9, 400 Dine, Jim 223 Dion, Mark 223 Dionysian art 20, 21-6, 29, 30 n.10, 31 n.13—14, 33 n.33 Dionysus 25 Diploma in Art and Design (Dip AD) 428, 430 "direct carving" 77 directional straightness, rule of 79, 80 discontinuity 194 discourses hegemonic 158, 248-9 historical 121 imperial 343 and primitivism 56-7, 64 discussion 429 displacement 304, 305 display 4, 6-7, 125-223 commercialist displays/hangs 131-2 contemporary displays of modern art 6,145-62 democratic hanging systems 147, 149, 160 n.16 display aesthetics 127, 131, 133 English examples 132-3 in-the-round 187, 195-6, 198-9, 200-1, 204 installation shots 6, 127-41 patrician displays/hangs 131-2 photographic installation strategies 7, 187-206 of primitive art in western institutions 94, 95, 96 proscenium 187, 198-9 thrust (reverse) 187,199 white cube 136-7, 139 dissident paradigm 7, 217, 220 Dix, Otto 211, 212, 214 Dixon Hunt, John, The Pastoral Landscape ( 1992 ) 288 Documenta exhibitions, Kassel 7, 194, 209-15, 217-23,247 Documenta 1 exhibition (1955) 211,212, 214, 215 Documenta 2 exhibition (1959) 212,213-14 Documenta 5exhibition (1972) 214, 218 Documenta 6 exhibition (1977) 7, 218, 219, 220, 221-2 Documenta 11 exhibition (2002) 247 Documenta 13 exhibition, (2012) 7, 209, 210, 211,223 "The Brain" 209, 212-13, 214, 217, 219, 223 "The Brain's" Ur memory 209, 223 Documenta 1 exhibition (1977) 7 Documenta X exhibition, Kassel 194 documentary 174, 176-7, 183 Documents (journal) 40 Doezema, Marianne 332 Dombrowski, André 495, 501, 504 dominance and abstraction 414 and aesthetic values 418 and culture 1, 63 European 414 male 309 and social class 157 see also hegemony Donaldson, A. D. S. 323 Door Exhibition, Dresden 222 double exposure 176 Douglas, Aaron 406 Downtown Group 137 Dreaming narratives/placcs 42, 47 Dresden 213, 219, 222 Dresden Art Academy 190 Dresden Art School 216, 223 Drohojowska, Countess Antoinette Josephine Françoise Anne 499, 504 Dubuffet, Jean 91,454, 475 Duchamp, Marcel 69, 176, 232 Fountain (1917) 247 Dumas, Alexandre 502 Duncan, Carol 254 Duncan, Isadora 478 Dupain, Max 327 Dupanloup, Bishop 504 Durand-Ruel, Paul 133, 360 duration 201 Dürer, Albrecht 221 Durrell, Lawrence, Bitter Lemons ( 1957) 341-2 Dutch New Guinea 96, 100 duty, of the artist 215-16 Dwyer, iMikala 47-8 Dymschitz, Alexander 214-15 dynamic art 82 528 INDEX dynamic symmetry 83—4-, 326 dystopia 1, 174 Eagleton, Terry 110-11, 256 Eames, Charles 94 easels, glass 148 East German Art Exhibition 218 East German Artists Association 218 East Germany 7, 190, 214, 215, 216-20, 223 see also German Democratic Republic east-west binary 6-7, 187, 190, 214, 219-23, 300, 303^/312 eastern European art 6-7, 213, 217-20, 223 and Soviet Socialist Realism 215 valorization of the artists of 7 Ebergood, Philip, Story of Richmond Hill ( 1938) 397-8 Eboreime, Joseph 5, 66 economy 253-4, 277-8 art as driver for economic development 158 economic crises 348-9 economic depression 176 Edgeworth, Maria 114 education kindergarten 436 working-class 445 see also art education Education Project 479 educational programming 11, 473-89 educational turn 156 educationalists, progressive 11,476, 478, 483^1 Edward VIII 115 Edwards, Steve 149, 288-9, 291 egalitarianism 301 Eggeling, Viking 176, 177 ego 47 Einstein, Albert 28 Einstein, Carl 67 Eisenhower, Dwight D. 406 Eisenstein, Hester 247 Eisenstein, Sergei 173, 177 Battleship Potemkin (1925) 177 ekphrasis 59, 64, 232 Electrical Inspection Authority 379 electrification, Finland 9, 376-9 Elger, Dietmar 191 Eliasson, Ólafur, The Weather Project (2003-2004) 238 Eliot, T. S. 56 elite tastes 416 Elkins, James 150 Ellis, Havelock 23 Elmhirst, Dorothy 442 Elmhirst, Leonard 442 Éluard, Paul 40 emancipation 1, 2-3, 415 empire 55 "civilizing" mission 61-2 Empson, William 289 en-face portraits 195, 199, 201 enculturation 457 energ)' 20, 21, 24, 25, 26-7, 29, 32 n.20 primitivist 39-41 English Civil War 2 Engstrom, Leander 362, 370 Enlightenment 1, 57, 436 enosis movement 346, 352, 354 Entartete Kunst exhibition (1927) 210, 211, 214 environmental awareness 391 Enwczor, Okwui 153 epistemological impossibility 46, 48 Epstein, Jacob 334 Ernst, Max 114, 115 Erro, After the Bullfight (2012) 233 Erster Deutscher Herbstsalon (1913) 361 esscntialism, challenging 8, 299-314 Etchells, Frederick 267 eternity 25, 26 Ethnarchy 354 ethnocentrism 44, 48, 91 ethnographic museums 66 ethnographic naturalism 60-2 ethnographic science 60 ethnography 40, 45, 64-5, 91, 340-1 ethnology, museums of 95, 96 Euroccntrism 9, 37, 39, 60 histories of, and architecture 269 norms of, and primitivism 43 Europe, complexities 3 European domination 414 European expansionism 340 European Imperialism 347 European modernity' and Greek-Cypriot locality' 9, 339-56 hegemonic homogeneity' of 341 European Union (EU) 354 Evans, Frederick 170 Evans, Walker 171, 180-1 Evcrgood, Philip 403-4, 406 Eily and the Sparrows (1939) 404 Renunciation (1946) 404, 406 The Story of Richmond Hill (1938) 404 "everyman" character 289, 291 Ewer, Ray, Australian Serviceman (1957) 334 excretion 47-8 Exhibition 1, Sydney (1939) 327 Exhibition of British Contemporary Art (1933) 325 Exhibition of French and. British Contemporary Art (1939)326 exhibition-making, Cypriot 339 "Exhibitionary Complex, The" 6, 446 exhibitions establishment of modernist 137—40 hegemony 247 as true aesthetic 247 see also specific exhibitions existence, as abyss 20 exotic, the 37, 58, 65 "experience economy" 156 Exposition Anti-impérialiste (1933) 38 Exposition Coloniale (1931) 38 INDEX 529 Exposition Universelle (1855) 129 (1900)147 Expressionism 4, 19, 25, 26-7, 211 Australian 328 Finnish 383 German 134, 136, 215, 351 late 220 and primitivism 45, 48 Scandinavian 359, 364 see also Abstract Expressionism; neo-Expressionism "Exprcssionisterna" 370 externality 233, 235 f64 180, 181 Fabian, Johannes 340-1 factory work 292-3 Fairweather, Ian 330 faith, in the efficacy of art 420 families 386 Fanipdas (carver) 101 Fant, Âke 368 Fantin-Latour, Henry, Tannhäuser on the Venusberg 501 FAP see Federal Art Project Faragó, Claire 427 Farancz, Alan 396 Farm Security Administration (FSA) 181 Farnese Bull 81 fascism 364, 406 see also anti-fascism father, absent 190 Faure, Élie 311-12 Fauves 351 F. E. McWilliam Studio Gallery 109 Federal Art Gallery, New York 399 Federal Art Project (FAP) 393-6, 398, 401, 402, 404,407 Federal Emergency Relief Act 392 Federal Emergency Relief Administration 392 Federal Republic of Germany 211 Federal Security Administration (FSA) 171 Federici, Silva 246 Fehn, Sverre 364 Feint, Adrian 324 female sexuality 505, 506-7, 510 femininity piano playing as metonym for 495, 505 Surrealist representations of 114, 116, 119, 120, 123 feminism and the artist 252 Cypriot 352 transnational 250 feminist art history 257, 368-9 fennne-enfant 114, 116 femme-Sorcière 116 Fenton, Roger 129-30 Ferguson, Anne, Women's Services Memorial(1999) 335 Ferrero, William 506 Field, The exhibition 329 figuration, and Guyana 414, 416 Film und Foto exhibition, Stuttgart 1929 176 fin de siècle Symbolism 19 Fineberg, Jonathan 454,455 Finland artists' colonics 382, 384 "backwardness" 377 desire to be part of Western Europe 378, 384 electrification 9, 376-9 folk poetry 375, 380, 381 as heterogeneous society 382-3 independence (1917) 375, 376, 381, 387 modernization 9, 375-9, 387 nition/Kulturnation 375-6 national values 386-7 and nationally defined art 381 Russian control 375, 386 state 376 utopian fantasies 379-83, 385, 386, 387 Finnish Association of Architects 385 Finnish Civil War 1918 375, 376, 383, 384, 385, 386 Finnish identity 376 Finnish literature 384 Finnish modernism 9, 375-87 as counter-narrative to the heroicizing narratives of modernism 376, 383-7 and the electrification of Finland 9, 376-9 utopian fantasies of 379-83, 385, 386, 387 Finnish Parliament 381 Finnishness, notions of 376, 380, 381 Fiquet, Hortense 508 First International Surrealist Exhibition 1936 113-14 First Papers of Surrealism exhibition 1942 140 First World War 169, 286, 331,332, 369, 441 aftermath 168, 172, 173 veterans 210-11 Fisher, Jean 301, 302 Fizelle, Rah 327 flâneur 11, 497, 499 Flaubert, Gustave 505, 506 Fleming, John, A World History of Art 302 Flemish Gallery 133 Fogel, Seymour 394, 398, 401-2, 404 Primitive Music (1938) 402-3 Rehabilitation of the People 403 Religious and Modern Music (1938 ) 402-3 Tlx Wealth of a Nation (1941) 403 folk art 215, 308 folk culture, Irish 110 folk poetry 375, 380, 381 folklore, Australian 328-9 Fondation Le Corbusier 268 Fonssagrives, Jean-Bapristc 505, 506 Fontana, Lucio 213-14 Ford Foundation 392 Ford Motor Company plant, Richmond, California 270-1 Fordism 293 Foreign Exchange exhibition (2014) 5, 66-9, 68, 70 530 INDEX Föreningen Svenska Konstnärinnor (FSK) 368-9, 370 form 1 and photography 182, 184 formalism 92, 93, 95, 96 and art education 444 play as other to 458 former Yugoslavia 294 Fort Nassau 411 Fortune (magazine) 171 Fortuyn (rebel slave) 418 Foster, Hal 55, 59, 63, 149, 155, 256, 453, 465 Foster, Robert 94 Foto and Film festival, Berlin ( 1929) 169 Foucault, Michel 127-8, 341, 446, 508 and the "pedagogical machine" 127 Fougstedt, Arvid, Matisse's School (1910) 362 Fourteen Americans 302-3 fourth wall 199, 204 Fox Talbot, Henry 167 Frampton, Kenneth 263, 269 France 109, 112, 113, 114, 306, 310 Francesca, Piero della 396 Franco, Francisco 114, 239 Fraser, Andrea 155, 256 Untitled (2003) 255-6 Fraser, Nancy 247 Frederick, Michael 104-5 "free art" 55 Free International University 429 free market 252 freedom American 484 creative/of expression 484, 485 Western 234 French Communist Party 239 French, Leonard 331 French Revolution 348 Freud, Sigmund 57, 265, 454, 506, 511 Totem and Taboo 39, 45 "Uncanny" (1919) 511 Fridericianum Museum, Kassel 209, 211, 212-13, 217,219 Fried, Michael 203, 421, 503 Friedrich, Caspar David 475 Friedrichstrasse, Berlin 271 Friend, Donald 325 Froebel, Friedrich 436-7, 454 frontality 80, 81 Frot, Terry 428 Fry, Roger 65, 327, 440 FSA see Farm Security Administration; Federal Security Administration FSK see Föreningen Svenska Konstnärinnor fu (hunting horn) 98 Fukuyama, Francis 239 The End of History and the Last Man (1992) 249 Fuller, Buckminster 303, 306, 436 Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth (1968) 303 functionalist architecture 385 Füssl, Karl-Heinz 443 Futurism 4, 5, 19, 25, 58, 201 Futurist Manifesto 58 Gabié, Neville 8, 294 Cabot Circus Cantata (2007) 295-6 Canteen - Cabot Circus (2008) 295, 295 "Galerie d'Orléans" 131 Galerie Durand-Ruel 133 Galerie Georges Petit 133 Gallen, Axel 381, 382 Gallery 291 391,475 Gance, Abel 177 Napoléon (1927) 177 Gandhi, Indira 473, 474, 485, 486 Gaonkar, Dilip Parameshwar 344 Gardner, Robert 102 Garnert, Jan 378 Gauguin, Paul 57, 58, 136, 139, 308, 326 gaze 8,128,196,201,312 child's 498 curatorial 67 male 352, 496 Orientalist 310, 312 orientalizing 9, 340, 343 Surrealist 110 GDR see German Democratic Republic Geelvink Bay 97 gender politics gender inequality 439 gender roles 234 and Surrealism 6, 109, 118, 123 General German Art Exhibition, Dresden 1953 214-15,216,218,223 geometric bias 84 Geometric period (ancient Greece) 80, 81, 82, 84 geometry 47 George Washington High School 398 Georgetown 417 Gerbrands, Adrian 99-100, 101, 102, 104, 105 Gerhard Richter Archiv, Dresden 194 German Condor Legion 239 German Democratic Republic (GDR, East Germany) 212, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221-3 see also East Germany German Expressionism 134, 136, 215, 351 German Modernism 210, 212, 220 German New Guinea 37 German Renaissance art 221 Germany 38, 43, 209-23, 237, 343 migrant workers 292 reunification 222 see also East Germany; German Democratic Republic; West Germany Gérôme, Jean-Léon 59, 60 Gesellius, Herman 378 Gestalt 437 gestures, infant 456 Geyer, Ernst Moritz 24 Gibbons, Luke 110 Gibson, David 274-5 Gide, André 27 INDEX 531 Giedion, Sigfried 269 Gill, Eric 27, 325 Gilligan, Melanie, Popular Unrest (2010) 251-2 Gilmore, James H. 156 Gilmour, Leonie 299 Gilot, Françoise 237 Life with Picasso (1964) 237 Gioni, Massimiliano 369 Giotto 83 Girandy, Danièle 84 girls 498'9 hysteria 505-7 reading for 504 see also young female piano players Gladwcll, Shaun 329 Glasgow, municipal housing projects 7, 274-5 glass easels 148 Glaszner Studio 343 Gleeson, James 323, 325 Glcizes, Albert 326, 366 Glendinning, Miles 275 global art history 50 Global Art World 233 global capitalism 246-7, 251,254, 291 global turn 299 Globalism, Utopian 232, 237, 238-9, 240 globalization 4, 7-8, 48, 49-50, 63, 245, 249-50 and art as driver for economic development 158 capitalist 245, 248, 249, 254 and cultural homogenization 159 discourses of 233, 234 horrors of 247 institutional knowledge regimes 245 and the re-assessment of modernism 7, 229-12 Globalized Art 1, 233 Godfrey, Mark 122 godmanliness 415-16 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von 23 "Theory of Colours" 437 golden ages 55 of modern art 4 golden section 84, 86 n.5 Goldman and Salatsch Building (Looshaus), Vienna 1910 265 Goldwater, Robert J. 5-6, 55, 63, 92-105, 104 Gombrich, Ernst 81 The Story of Art 2 Goncharova, Natalia 454 Gonzales, Eva, In Secret (1877-1878) 504, 505 Gonzalez, Julio 78, 214 Homme gothique (1937) restaging 213 Tete plate ( 1930) restaging 213 good, social 434 goodness of humanity 475 Goodwin, Philip L. 269, 480 Goodyear, A. Conger 477 Gorky, Arshile 304, 392 Newark Airport mural 401 Gottlieb 404 Gowing, Laurence 510 Goya, Francisco de 136 Graham, Martha 478 Graindorge, Frederick 496, 505, 507 Grainger, Percy 39 Gramsci, Antonio 177 Grass, Günter 222 Gratry, Père 504 Graves, Robert, The White Goddess (1948) 117 gray 191 Great Depression 9, 392, 393, 402, 441,476 Great Exhibition (1851) 129 Greaves, Stanley 417-18 Greco-Roman Art 73, 76, 77, 78, 79, 82 Greece and Cyprus 354 see also ancient Greek art; Archaic (pre-Classical) Greek art; Classical Greek art; Hellenistic Greek art Greek Brotherhood of Alexandria 345 Greek nationalism, and Cvpriot modernin' 9, 340, 343, 345-8, 354 ' Greek-Cypriot modernity 9, 339-56 Greekness, idea of 346, 347, 351,354 Green, Christopher 146 Green Museum 391 Greenberg, Clement 329-30, 407, 438-9, 444, 458, 487,503 Art and Culture (1965) 429—30 Greene, Balcomb 399-400 Greenwich Village, New York 478 Grenier, Catherine 146 grid constellations 194, 198-9, 202, 204 Gronert, Stefan 193 Grooms, Red 402 Gropius, Walter 270, 378-9, 386, 437, 439 Dessau building 269 "Theory and Organisation of the Bauhaus" 437 Grosvenor Gallery, Svdney 324 Grosz, George 210-12 Grotowski, Jerzy 197 Grovs, Boris 209, 213, 215, 216, 247, 432 Gruner, Elioth 324 Grünewald, Isaac 359, 361, 362-3, 362 363 366 370 Guattari, Félix 507 Guevara, Che 349 Guggenheim Museum 147 Guggenheim, Peggy 137, 139—10 Guilbaut, Serge 407 Gullichscn, Maire 377 Gummerson, Carl 360, 361 Gitmmessons Konsthandel 261, 360 Gumpert, Jane 363 Guston, Philip 393, 394, 402, 403, 404 Maintaining America 's Skills 403 Work and Play ( 1940-1941 ) 394 Gutbrod 212 Guyana decolonization 411 and figuration 414, 416 532 INDEX Guyana {Continued) independence from Britain 411,413, 415 "national school" of art 415 post-independence 411 slave rebellion 411-23 Haacke, Hans 213, 214, 217, 253 Weite und Vielfalt der Bigade Ludwig... (1984) 222 Haapala, Pertti 382 Hadjinicolaou, Nicos 235 Hadrianic Greek art 76 Hadow Report 441 Haefliger, Paul 327 Haftmann, Werner 211, 212, 213, 214 Hagelstein Brothers 136 Halbertsma, Marlite 149 Hald, Edward 361, 363 half-tone print process 171 Hallett, Mark 131 Hällfors-Sipilä, Greta, Same Day's Evening at Tiva's and Halle's... (1930) 380 Halonen, Pekka 382 Halperin, Julia 149 Halpert, Edith 406 Hambidge, Jay 82-4, 85 Hamilton, George Heard, Painting and Sculpture in Europe, 1880-19402 Hamilton, Richard 428 Handke, Peter, "Offending the Audience" (1965) 202-1 haptic 79 Hardt, Michael 247 Harlem Art Workshop 406 Harlem Artist's Guild 395 Harlem Hospital, Manhattan murals 9, 394-8, 395, 403 "Mural Pavilion" 396-7 New' Patient Pavilion 397 Harris, Jonathan 407 Harris, Max 327-8 Harrison, Charles 510 Hartigan, Grace 485 Harvard Peabody expedition 99 Harvcv, David, The Condition of Postmodernity (1991)249 hashish for women, making piano music as 11, 510-11 Hauser, Arnold 235, 236 Hausmann, Raoul 28, 172 Hawarden, Lady Constance 170 Hawes, Joseph 476 Hawkes, Gay, Off to the Gulf (1990) 335 Hayden, Hans, Modernism as Institution 381 Hayes, Vertis, The Pursuit of Happiness 396, 397 Hazlitt, William 128 head-hunters 97 Heartfield, John 171-2, 212 The Meaning of the Hitler Salute ( 1932) 172 Heckel, Eric 134 Hedvall, Eivor 369 hegemony cultural 157,211,341,344,488 European 341 and exhibitions 247 hegemonic discourses 158, 248—9 of modernism 11, 341 of postmodernism 248-9 Western 344, 488 see also dominance Heide circle 327-8 Heide Museum of Modern Art, Bulleen 321 Heidegger, Martin 285 Heidelberg School 323—1, 326 Heinkel bureau 270 Heisig, Bernhard 217, 218, 219, 220, 222 Heizer, Michael 240 Hellenic culture 346, 347-8, 354 Hellenistic Greek art 76, 77, 81 Hemingway, Andrew 407 Hcnningsen, Frantz, Deserted (1888) 229-30 Henningsen, Poul 379, 385 Henry, Paul 112 Hepworth, Barbara 323 Herakles the Archer ( c. 480-70 BC) 75, 75, 82, 83 Herder, Johann Gottfried 25 Herman, Josef 154 Hermannsburg School 42 Hermitage Museum, St Petersburg 495 Heroes we Love exhibition, Maribor (2015) 223 "heroic worker" figure 285, 293 heroicizing narratives of modernism, counter-narratives 376, 383-7 heroism 57, 420 Hess, Thomas 303, 304 Hester, Joy 327, 328 heterogeneity 21,24, 118, 194 heterosexuality' 121 Hietala, Marjatta 376 High Net Worth Individuals 256 Highmore, Ben 291 Hightower, John 488 Hildebrand, Adolf von 79, 80, 81 Hillier, Tristam 112 Hilma af Klint - Abstract pioneer exhibition (2013) 366 "De fem" (Thefive) 367-8 Hinder, Frank 325-6, 327 Hinder, Margcl 326, 334 Hiroshima 299 Hirschfeld-Mack, Ludwig 334 historical discourse 121 historicism 151 historiography of modern art 3, 145 of Noguchi 299, 300, 302-3 Swedish 360 history of art 247 hierarchies of modern art 6, 148, 152, 153, 154, 157 of loss 247 INDEX 533 of modernity 248 repressed 3 see also art history Hitchcock, Henry-Russell 379 Hitler, Adolf 172, 209, 210, 211, 270 Hitler-Stalin pact 1939 392 Hjertén, Sigrid 361, 362, 363, 366, 370 Höch, Hannah 5, 172, 211-12, 217 Cut with the Dada Kitchen Knife... (1919) 172 Cat with the Kitchen Knife... (1919-20) 28-9, 28 Hoffman, Werner 24 Hollywood, architectural modernism 266-7 Holt, Ysanne 286, 287 homes, modern 9, 385-6, 387 homoeroticism, pédérastie 77 homogenization 21, 139 of children's art 455 cultural 158, 159 of European modernity 341 homosexuality 121, 122 homosociality 120 Honecker, Erich 222 Honisch, Dieter 195 Honour, Hugh, A World History of Art 302 Hopkins, David 120 Hopkins, Harry L. 392-3 Ноша, Kati 114, 117 Horni man Museum, London 5, 66 Hornsey College of Art, London 428 Houdon, Jean-Antoine 84 Houghton, Georgiana 439 Hoving, Thomas 104 Hudson, Tom 428 Huizinga, Johan 455, 459 Hultcn, Pontus 364 human development, stages theory of 57 human interest documentary modes 174 humanizing strategies 130, 296 Hungarians 174 Hunter, Sam 303^ Huxley, Aldous 481 Huyssen, Andreas 487 hylozoism 25 hypotactic 79 hysteria 505-8 and males 507-9 modern nature 506 Hyvinkäa 384 I-beams 271 idealism 57 identity conceptual agrarian 375 see also national identity ideology, primitivist 58, 63, 64 IKEA Wuhan, China 7, 276-8 Ikuma, Arishima 308 Spring in Jiannan (1938) 310 The Memorial of Kantó Great Earthquake 309 Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT), Chicago 271 illusionism 418, 419-20, 458 imagination 5, 18-19, 29, 157 children's 455, 481-2, 485 cultural 38, 39, 42, 44 and mvth 17, 24 IMEX 97 IMMA (Irish Museum of Modern Art) 109, 113, 118 Immendorf, Jörg 187 imperialism 1, 2, 55, 58, 60, 61-3, 232, 233 imperial discourses 343 Japanese 306-7, 310, 312 and Surrealism 110 Impressionism 216, 439^10 see also Post-Impressionism Impressionist exhibition (1877) 133 Impressionists 136, 324, 497, 509 see also Neo-Impressionisrs; Post-Impressionists improvisation 459-62 "in-painting" 191 India 234 and the avant-garde 347 Children's Art Carnival, New Delhi 473, 474, 474, 485-8 development of democracy 474, 485-6 and Indian agency 486 modernity' 347 postcolonial 486 and primitivism 347 Indian Art of the United States exhibition (1941)94 Indian Arts and Craft Board 94 indifference 191,192, 193, 195 Indigenous art 41-4,46, 50 Australian 322, 324, 329 two wav/bi-cultural functioning 42 indigenous people and the avant-garde 5, 37—14 and colonialism 37-8 as counter-image to the modern world 38 individualism 128 industrial modernity, Nietzsche's critique of 18 industrialization 245, 247, 376, 378, 387 industry, emancipation from 20 infants communication 456 gestures 456 mark-making 456-7 inferiority', naturalness 293 Ingres, Jean-Auguste-Dominique 136 Inishmore 111 inner experience 17, 21, 24, 25, 30 innovation 376, 377, 381 aesthetic 2-3 and indigenous art 42-3 inside/outside dyad 234 installation shots 6, 127—И 48 Portraits (1972, 1998) 188-9 domains of the 128—34 and establishment of the modernist exhibition 137-10 forerunner 129 installation 127-8 and large abstract paintings 139 534 INDEX installation shots (Continued) as metaphor for gallery space 129 shock of 134-7 instinct 24-5 institutionalization of art 128, 155 intellectual cosmopolitanism 18 interiorization 502-5 internalization 461 international, the 3 International Alliance of Woman Suffrage 369 international art biennials 302 International Exchanges: Modern Art and St Ives exhibition (2014) 150 International Exhibition of Modern Art (1912-1913) 136, 141 n.14 International Exhibition of Modern Art (1913) 325 International Program and Council (1952) 485 internationalism 238, 303 intoxication 20 intuition, as source of art 25 Inventing Abstraction 1910-1925 exhibition (2012) 151-2 invisible phenomena 438 Ioannou, Constantinos 343 Ireland Partition 1922 112 Surrealist 6, 109-23 Irish folk culture 110 Irish Free State 112 Irish Museum of Modern Art (IMMA), Dublin 109, 113,118 Irish navvies 293 Irishness construction of notions of 111 and the fantastic 110, 114, 115 and Surrealism 109, 111, 113, 115-16, 122 Iron Curtain, fall of the 214 irrational, the 109, 110, 117 Irwin 151 Retroavantgarde (1996) 151 Isamu Noguchi/Qi Baishi/Beijing 1930 exhibition (2013-2014)306,312 Islamophobia 63 Italian Renaissance 77 Italy 300, 310 iterative process 429 Itten, Johannes 428, 437-8, 438, 439 Itten School, Berlin 438 Ives, Charles 478 J. Nehru University, Delhi 234, 235 Jagamara, Michael Nelson 43 Jagan, Cheddi 417 Jamaica 415 Jameson, Fredric 248, 249 A Singular Modernity 248 Postmodernism... (1991) 249 jams/blocks, artistic 236 Japan 8, 300, 301,306-12 architectural influence 266 and China 310, 313 Japanese Orientalism 310 Japanese-Amcricans 8, 300, 302-4, 312 Järnefelt, Eero 382 jazz 392, 399, 403 Jeanneret, Charles Édouard (Le Corbusier) 267 see also Le Corbusier Jencks, Charles 276 Jennings, Humphrey, May the Twelfth (1937) 290 Jewell, Edward Alden 399 Jews, annihilation 215 John, Augustus 287, 325 Johns, Jasper 220 Johnson, George 46 Johnson, Neville 112, 113 Johnson, Philip 139, 140, 443 Johnson, Richard 445 Johnson, Tim 43 Johnson, Vivien 42 Johnson, William H. 406 Jolin, Einar 361, 362, 370 Jones, David 326, 327 Jones, Owen 93, 98 Jones, Rachel 435 Jordanites 415-16 Jorn, Asger 229-30, 232, 234, 454 The Avant-Garde Doesn't Give Up 230 Journal of Design and Manufacturers 433 Joyce, James 118 József, Attila 290 Jubelin, Narelle 44 Jugendstil 134-5 Julliard Foundation 476 Jungian archetypes 113 Justi, Ludwig 136 juxtaposition 193 and photography 172, 174, 176, 177, 183 Kafka, Franz 195 Kahn, Albert 270 Kahnweiler, Daniel-Henry 459-60 kairos 201 Kaiser, Paul 222 Kalevala epic of folk poems 380, 381 Kamoro festivals 97 Kandinsky, Wassily 210-12, 360-1, 367, 369, 399 436-7, 439, 475 Kant, Immanuel 460-1 Kantian aesthetics 435-6 Kaoru, Kojima 310 Kardia, Peter and Kantian aesthetics 435-6 "Locked Room" experiment 430-1, 435 Karelia 380, 381-2 Karim, Farhan Sirajul 486, 488 Karlholm, Dan 369 Art History... (2009) 249 Kassel, Germany 209, 211-13, 217, 218, 219 Katsiaounis, Rolandos 348 Kavanaugh, Mary 114 Keating, Seán 112 Kelpe, Paul 399-400 INDEX 535 Kennedy, Jacqueline 473, 474 Kenning, Dean 446 Kent-Hughes, Wilfred Selwy n 333^1 Kentridge, William 223 Kenzo, Ueno 309 Kert, Bernice 476 Kertész, André 174-5 Лих Halles (1928) 175 Fork (1928) 175,175 The Eiffel Tower (1929) 174-5 Kessler, Count Harry 25, 33 n.30 Nietzsche Memorial 27 Key, Ellen, Century of the Child (1901) 475 Kiefer, Anselm 43, 187 kindergarten education 436 King, Inge 321 Kings Road House, Hollywood (1922) 266-7 Kirchner, Ernst-Ludwig 61, 211 Male figure (Adam) (1920-21) 56 Kirkpatrick, John Simpson 333 Kirkwood, Ian 431 Kissane, Seán 114-15 Kissonergis, Ioannis 9, 340, 342 Turk with Nargile (1945^48) 342-3, 342 Kivirinta, Marja-Terttu 383 Klafki, Wolfgang 432 Klatzin, Amy 203 Klauke, Jurgen 187 Klee, Paul 82, 211, 214, 399, 402, 436, 437, 439, 454,475 Klein, Melanie 47 Klimt, Gustav 5, 29 Altar of Apollo (1886-1888) 24 Altar of Dionysus (1886-1888) 24 impact of Nietzsche on 24 Lore(1895) 24 Pan (1895)24 pictorial logic 24 Tragedy (1897) 24 Kline, Franz 137, 138, 299, 485 Klinger, Max 27 Klippel, Robert 323, 325, 332 Knight, Trevor 119 knowledge, photographic 168 Koch, Ed 396 Kołakowski, Leszek 44-5, 48 Rollwitz, Käthe 212, 214, 332 Konstföreningen ("The Art Association") 368 Konstnärsforbundet 359, 363, 368, 370 Kooijman, Simon 96-9,105 Kooning, Willem de 429 korai 76 Korea 306, 310, 311,312 Korvenmaa, Pekka 378 Korwar figures 97 kouros 73y 76y 84, 86 n.l Kozloff, Max 407 Krahmer, Gerhard 79 Krasner, Lee 402 Krauss, Rosalind 198, 331,458, 462 Krupp family 171 Kubitschek, Juscelino 272 Kuhn, Tom 203 Kuniyoshi, Yasuo 308 Kunstakadmaie Düsseldorf 428, 429 Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen 145 Kupka, Karel 46, 50 Kusama, Yayoi, Infinite Obsession 153 LA County Museum 223 La Révolution Surréaliste (journal) 121 labor artistic 247-8, 252, 253^, 256 brutal nature of rural 286, 289 and capital 251 devalued 245, 246, 247, 250, 251-2 division of 246 feminization 254 hidden value 258 of love 255-6 products of 283 rural supply of urban labor 293 social critique of 248 social labor 257 wage labor 252 women's labor 246, 252 labor movement, and Cypriot modernitv 9, 340, 345, 348-53 Labour 275 Independent Labour Party 275 labyrinth 29 LaGuardia Airport, Marine Air Terminal 394, 401 Lahey, Vida 324 Lake, Carlton, Life with Picasso ( 1964) 237 Lake Tuusula artists' colonv 382, 384 Lalwani, Bharti 159 Lambert, George 323, 324 Lamoureux, Johanne 150 Lampenfabrik Karl-Max Seifert, Dresden 134-6, 135 landscape and Australian modernism 323, 324, 330, 331 Cypriot 342 and indigenous art 42 Lang, Karen 220-1 Lang, Lothar 219, 220, 221 Lang, Nikolaus 43 Lange, Dorothea 180—1 Lange, Eleanore 326 Lange, Julius 79 language, art as 440-1, 444 Larinov, Mikhail 454 Larnaca, Cypriot 343—4- Latham, John 429-30 Art & Culture (1966-1969) 429-30, 430 Latour, Bruno 155 Laurens, Henri 80 Lawrence, Jacob 393, 395, 406 Laxton, Susan 460-1 Le Corbusier 263, 264, 267-8, 271,275, 378-9, 385,436 and aircraft 270 and IKEA 278 536 INDEX Le Corbusier {Continued} and the Ministry of Education and Science 269 and urbanism 272 Urbanisme: The City of To-Morrow and its Planning (1987) 268,272 Vers Une Architecture {Towards a New Architecture) 267-8, 385, 386 Le Grav, Gustave 130, 131 The Salon of 1852 131-2, 132 Leach, Bernard 308 Leduc, Renato 114 Lee, Russell 180-1 Lefebvre, Charles 131 Lefebvre, Henri 291 Lefkoniko, Cyprus 341 Left 248, 256, 257, 392, 407 and Cypriot modernity 9, 340, 345, 348-53 Léger, Fernand 360 Ballet Méchanique 177 influence on others 326, 399, 401 Léger, Marc James, Brave New Avant Garde (2012, 8)256-7 legibility 132, 133 Legouvé, Ernest 499, 503, 507 Leiden Museum 102 Leighton 147 Leila, Michael 417 Leipzig School 218, 219 Lenbachhaus, Munich 194 Lenin, Vladimir 177 Lennon, John, "Bed-In for Peace" 239, 240 lenses 167 Leonora Carrington: The Celtic Surrealist exhibition (2013)113 Leopold Wilhelm, Archduke 129 Les XX 133 Lescaze, William 398 L'Esprit Nouveau (journal) 267 Lévi-Strauss 47 Levine, Jack 406 Levine, Sherry 168 Levy, Ellen K. 391 Lewers, Margo 323 Lewis, Mary Tompkins 509 Lewis, Wyndham 10 LeWitt, Sol 47 Lhotc, André 326, 360 Liào, Zhèng 309 Life (magazine) 102, 171 life-force 21, 24, 26, 28 light 23 Lightfoot, Elba 397 lighting 131-2, 134, 135 and modernization 377-9 patrician 132 Lili, Jin, Longing for Peace (1985) 233, 234 Limassol, Cyprus 348, 351 Linde, Ulf 364 Lindgren, Armas 378 Lindqvist, Sven, Gräv dar dît star: hur man utforskar ett job 3 Lindsav, Lionel 326 Addled An (1942) 326 Lindsay, Norman 327 Lindt, J. W. 45 "line, the" 93, 130-1, 136 line of sight 79, 80, 86 n.4, 193 line of vision 198 linear-perspective 78-9 Lippard, Lucy 253 Lipschitz, Jacques 80 literacy, visual 171 Littérature (journal) 110 Littré, Émile 495 Liucci-Goutnikov, Nicolas 158 Lloyd Wright, Frank 436 local, the 2-3, 330 and Greek-Cypriot modernity 340, 343, 351, 354 locality' 8, 304-5, 312 Locke, John 432-3, 435, 442, 446, 475 Loizidi, Niki 351 Loizos, Peter 348 Lombroso, Cesare 506 London County Council 264 Long, Richard 43, 430, 444 Long, Sidney 327 Look Magazine 405 Loos, Adolf 265, 270, 278 Ornament und Verbrechen ("Ornament and Crime") 265-6 Loritja culture 39 Louis Salvador, Archduke 340 Louvre 129, 130 Lovell, Dr. Philip 266 Lowenthal, David, The Past is a Foreign Country 1 Lowry, Glenn D. 152 Lowry, L. S. 154 Löwy, Emanuel 78, 80-1, 82 Lübbren, Nina 287, 382 Ludwig, Peter 222 Liipcrtz, Markus 219, 220-1 Soldier-Dithyrambic II (1972) 221 Luquet, Georges-Henri 454 Lurçat, André 385 Liithi, Urs 187 Lye, Len 45, 48, 50 n.2 Tusalava (1929) 39-41,40 Lyford, Amy 120, 304 Lyotard, Jean-François 2 MacDonald, J. S. 326 Macdonald, Stuart 427-8, 444 The History and Philosophy of Art Education (1970) 428 Macqueen, Kenneth 324 macro experience 291 Maddox Brown, Ford, Work (1852-1863) 293 Madge, May the Twelfth (1937) 290 magazines 171 Magdalenberg plantation 411 magic realism 404 Magiciens de la Terre exhibition (1989) 44, 301-2 INDEX 537 Magritte, René 121 Maher, Alice 6, 109, 117-23 Becoming (2012-2013) 118 Flora 119 67^(2001) 119 L'Université 118 Portraits series (2003 ) 118 The Double (2009) 119-20, 119 The Music of Things 119 The Thicket (1991) 119 Mahler, Alma 437 Mahler, Gustav 27 Mahon, Christy 111 xMaillol, Aristide 27 make-do-and-mend aesthetic 138 male dominance 309 male gaze 352, 496 male norms 505 Malevich, Kazimir 146, 232, 367, 432 Black Square (1915) 215 Manchester Art Treasures Exhibition (1857) 129 Manchukuo 306, 312 Manchurian Incident 306-7, 312 Manet, Édouard 56, 136, 229, 233, 235, 236 Olympia (1863) 247, 497 Manifesto of Surrealism (1924) 110 manners 499 Mannheimer, Charlotte 363 Mantovani Tourist Agency 343 manufacturing 245 Mao 232, 233, 256-7 Maori 39,48,57,58 Marc, Franz 360 marginalization, of the child 10 margins, the and Australian art 323 and Australian identity 322 cultural 5, 50 and Irish art 117 see also periphery Marin, John 478 Marinetti, Filippo Tommaso 58 Mafarka the Futurist (1909) 58 Marion, Fortune 494-5, 498, 501, 508 mark-making 456-7 Markclius, Sven 385, 386 maro barkcloths 97 Marsio, Aku 379 Marsio-Aalto, Aino 379 Martin, lean-Hubert 44 marvelous, the 6, 109-12, 116, 117, 118 Marx, Karl 57, 255, 256, 293, 310, 349 Marxist aesthetics 250 Marxist pastoral 289 Marxists 239M0, 253 masculinity, Surrealist representations of 120-1 Mass Observation 290 mass production 437 mass reproduction of art 290 Masschelein, Anneleen 45 Masterpieces of African Ari (1954) 65 masturbation 506 Matisse devenía (students of Matisse) 360, 363 Matisse, Henri 61, 63, 91, 136, 232, 504 Australian influence 8, 323, 326 and children's art 475 Dance (1) (1909) 481 Nordic students 359, 360, 362-3, 362 Nú (Carmelita) (1903) 309 The Blue Window (1913) 481 Matjemos (indigenous carver) 100 matriarchal religion 117 Mattar, Sinead Garrigan 111 Mattheuer, Wolfgang 218, 219 Matton, Arsène 61 Belgium Brings Security to the Congo... (1910-22) 61,61 Slavery 62 Matulka, Jan 399 Maturin, Charles 110 Mauperin, Renée 502, 506 Mayo, Daphne, Tiro Jolly Sailormcn (1942) 334-5 Mazdaznan sect 437 McBride, Henry 399 McCarthy, Senator 213 McCarthyism 484 McCaughey, Patrick 329 McClellan, Andrew 139 McEvilley, Thomas 92 McLean, Ian 42 McMahon, Audrey 398 McNeil, George 399 meaning, obtuse 193 mechanization 286 Medical Care of Homeless People 251 Meere, Charles 327 Meeson, Philip 444 Megali Idea (Great Idea) 346 Meiklejohn, Alexander 442 Melanesian art 91, 93 Melbourne 323, 327 Meldrum, Max 326, 327 memorials sec monuments and memorials memory, blind 420 memorv-picrures 80 men of 1909 361,362-3,370 Meneghelli, Enrico 129 mental illness 351 Menzies, Robert 326 Mesch, Claudia 212, 220, 221 Mesens, E. L. T. 323 Metabolism 25 Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York 94, 95, 96, 99, 100, 102-3, 137 American murals 400, 406 Junior Museum 480 Michael C Rockefeller wing 103-5, 103 no-narrative strateg}' 154 Reimagining Modernism: 1900-1950 147 Mexican colonial/popular art 94 Mexican Communist Party 179, 180 Mexican Mural Movement 299-300 538 INDEX Mexican photographers 6, 182-3 Mexican Revolution 178, 182 Mexico 94, 111, 114-17, 168, 179-80, 182-3, 237 Mexico City 115, 180, 300 Michalski, Sergiusz 335 Michelangelo 396 micro experience 291 Middle East 345 Middleton, Colin 6, 109, 112-13, 116-17, 120-2 Paysage des Rêves Mauvais 113 Spain: a Dream Revisited 112 Strange Openings 113 Winter 112, 113 Middleton, Maye 113 Micko, Takeda 309 Mies van der Rohe, Ludwig 263, 271-2, 378-9 860-880 Lakeshore Drive, Chicago (1951) 264, 271-2 migrants 6, 169, 171, 174-5, 251-2 rural economic 8, 290, 291-6, 292 Miller, Dorothy 302, 485 Miller, Lee 209, 210, 223 Lee Miller in Hitler's Bathtub, Munich, Germany 2945209,210,213,214 Millet, Jean-François, Gleaners (1857) 285, 285 Millidge, David 431 Mimika 97, 98 mind 18 children's 454 and nature 23 primitive 454-5 Mingei 308 minimalism 429 Ministry of the Colonies 61 Ministry of Education and Science, Rio de Janeiro 269-70 Minotaure (journal) 118 Miró, Joan 399, 401, 402, 454, 462, 475 mistrust manifestos 428 Mitter, Partha 441 models Classical 77 neoclassical 77 Modern Art Centre, Sydney 326 Modern Art in the U.S. exhibition (1956) 485 Modern Art in Your Life exhibition (1949) 93-4 modern period, multiple genealogies 6 modern revival 248 modern society 344 modern, the and the archaic 6, 109, 111-13, 117-18, 122-3 and the city 283-4, 286, 293, 497, 499 and emancipation 2-3 images of 383-7 and inclusion 2 Other as 55-6 and prostitution 497, 499 relation to the primitive 45-6, 48 Moderna Museet 364, 366, 369 modernism 1^, 5, 497-8 and abstraction 335 alternative notions of 391 American-influenced 220 as antagonist culture 1 and art education 10, 427-46 and autonomy 10, 455 canonical 3 in the Caribbean 411-23 of Cezanne 11, 493, 500, 501, 503-1, 508, 509-10 characteristics 264-5 and children's art 453 and children's play 453-69 classic 37 classicism's redefinition of 5, 73-86 complexity 3, 411 as contested term 283 counter-narratives to the heroicizing narratives of 376, 383-7 and creativity 10, 455 crossing point with postmodernism 7, 187, 193-4, 200-1 as cultural movement 283 and denaturalization 154 and the development of democracy 474 disciplinary categories 2 failure 276 German 210, 212, 220 grand narrative 384 hegemony 11, 341 high 4 ideology7 as urban phenomenon 283 and the installation shot 128, 129, 131, 136-7 Irish 109-13, 118 localizing 299-314 as a matter of tectonics 263 metanarratives 2 militant 3, 4 and MoMA's education programming 473-89 monolithic 8 multiple 3, 8-10, 10, 321-37, 391 narrow definition 392 and originality 10, 455 as panacea 211-12, 222 and photography 167-84 pluralizcd narratives of 301-2 political 237 and Postmodernism 154, 249, 284 and the primitive 41-3, 46-7, 49, 55-6, 58-9, 64 rational nature of 278 re-assessment in an era of globalization 7, 229—42 redacted 223 rehabilitation 211 restored 223 and the role of the child 10 and rural locations 7-8, 283-96 social locations 411 and social transformation 265 timelines 2 as tool of capitalism 407 INDEX 539 transecting the border 218-19 as unfinished project 7 universal superiority of 91 universalism 304, 429 values 2 of Wagner 500, 501 see also architectural modernism; Australian modernism; Finnish modernism; Swedish modernism modernist aesthetic 331 modernist exhibition, establishment 137-40 modernist impulses 201-2 modernist narratives 2 Modernités plurielles 1905-1970 146-7 modernity alter-modcrnity 3, 344-5 artistic production in 250-6 Australian 335 and the avant-garde 256-8 complexity7 248 "elsewhere" 2 end of 249 extensive 7, 245-58 four theses on 248, 249 and Futurism 58 and globalization 146 grand narratives 289 historical 256, 257-8 identification as being outside 2 industrial 18 modern art as response to 56 Nietzsche's critique of 18 and photography 167, 169-70 plurality of 344-5 and primitivism 40, 58-9, 63 second 344 shortcomings 344 social 18 technocratic 21 and Utopian Globalism 238 and young female piano players 11, 493, 495-7, '499 youth as emblematic of 11,497-9, 504 see also Cypriot modernity7 modernization and Classical Greek art 85 Indian 486 technological 9, 376-9 Moderns, The exhibition (2010-2011) 109 Modigliani, Amedeo 365 Modotti, Tina 178-80, 182 Glasses (c. 1925) 179 Man Carrying a Bearn (c. 1927-1928) 179 On Photography (1929) 180 Äo.^(1924) 178-9 Workers' Hands (1926) 179, 179 Mohanty, Chandra Talpadé 250 Moholy, Lucia 169, 180 Moholy-Nagy, László 169, 171, 175-6, 183 Multiple Portrait (1927) 201 Painting Photography and Film (1925) 175 "Port of Marseilles" (1929) 176 Radio Tower Berlin (1928) 174 Mohr, Jean A Seventh Man: A Book of Images and Words about the Experience of Migrant Workers in Europe (1975) 8,284,289-94,296 Turkish Workers Being Medically Examined... (1975)292 Moldovan, Sacha 398 MoMA see Museum of Modern Art MONA see Museum of Old and New Art Mondrian, Piet 146, 232, 367, 399, 436 Monet, Claude 326,497 montage 172, 173,177,193, 290, 296 Warhol's 201-2 Montecchi, Mattia 129 monuments and memorials 10 and Australian art 331-5 and the commemorative efficacy of art 412-17 and conflict and visualizat ion 417-19 failure to be modern 332 glorification 332-3 and heroism 332, 333 Hiroshima memorial park 299 natural conservatism 332 political usefulness 412 and visualization of the Caribbean slave rebellion 10,411-23 Moore, Philip 10, 412-15, 421 The 1763 Monument (or the Cuffy Monument) (1976) 10,411,413,413,415-17,419-20 Moorhead, Grandmother 114 Moorhead, Maurie 114 Moorhouse, Paul 200 moral certainty- 2 moral values 434 Moretti, Franco 152-3, 154 Morley, Eugene 399 Morny, Count 131 Morocco 110 Morris, Robert 253 Morris, William 434, 437 Morstatt, Heinrich 494-5, 501 Morton, John 38 Mosch, Clara 222 Moscow 218 Mose, Eric 403 Motherwell, Robert 485 Motley, Jr., Archibald 406 MPA see Museum of Primitive Art Mukhina, Vera, Industrial Worker and Collective Farm Girl (1937) 334 Müller-Lever, Franz Carl 386 multiculturalism 302, 304, 312-13 multiple domains 2 Mumford, Lewis 332 Munch, Edvard 5, 25-7, 29, 147, 368 Oslo University Murals ( 1909-1914) 25-6 The Human Mountain (c. 1910)26 The Scream (1893) 25 The Sun (1909-1911)26,26 540 INDEX Mundugumor head-hunters 97 Muneyoshi, Yanagi 308 Munich 75, 210 " Munter, Gabriele 360, 361,454 murals abstract 398^-01,402 American 9, 393-407 Murdoch, Sir Keith 326 Murrell, Sara 397 Musée d'Art Moderne, Paris 485 Musée du quai Branly, Paris 105 Musée National D'Art Moderne Centre (Pompidou), Paris 146, 158 muses, Surrealist 113, 114, 116 Museu de Arte de Sào Paulo (MASP), Brazil 148, 149 Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 83 Museum of Finnish Architecture, abacus series 379-80 "museumglobal? 2016: Multiple Perspectives on Art 7904-7950" conference 145 "museum global?" project 145 Museum of Indigenous Art 95 see also Museum of Primitive Art Museum Ludwig, Cologne 198-9 Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), New York 11,41, 46, 55, 65, 73, 82, 84, 91, 93, 94, 96, 99, 102, 105, 154, 159 n.8, 405, 406, 459, 460 Art & Culture (1966-1969) 430 Brazil Builds (1943) 269 Children's Art Carnival 11,473, 474, 474, 480, 481-6, 483 Department of Education 474 educational programming 11,473-89 Family of Man touring show 182 as feminized space 476-7 Fourteen Americans 302—3 and installation shots 139 Inventing Abstraction 1910-1925 (2012) 151-2 Jacob Lawrence exhibition 393, 406 as laboratory 156 Magiciens de la Terre exhibition (1989) 301-2 as masculine space 477 Modern Contemporary: Art at MoMA since 1980 152 opening 476 People, Places and Things (2000) 152-3 as peripheral space 476-7 philanthropic and social aims 476 and photography 180, 181-2 as pioneer of modern art exhibitions 139, 140 "Primitivism" in 20th-Century Art: Affinity of the Tribal and the Modern exhibition (1984) 55, 65,91,301 progressive foundation 476-9 Two Decades of American Painting exhibition (1967)330 Young People's Gallery 474, 479-81 Museum of Old and New Art (MONA), Hobart 329 "museum paintings" 129 Museum of Primitive Art (MPA) 5-6, 93-105 Museum van Iledendaagse Kunst, Utrecht 194 museums, as laboratory 156-9 music 402-3 atonal 392 indigenous 39 modernist 392 Mussolini, Benito 406 Mvcenaeans 75 Myllyntaus, Timo 376, 377 Myrdal, Alva 386 Myrdal, Gunnar 386 mysticism 437-8 myth 5, 17, 24 of Africa 59, 61-3 Celtic 111, 114 of the modern artist 69 narrative 85 mythos 18, 24, 30 nakedness 310-11 Namatjira, Albert 42 narrative of modern art 3, 145-9, 154, 157 grand 145, 149 non-linear 148 traditional 1 narrative myths 85 Nash brothers 325 nation 380-1 German 212 Indian 486 nation building 8-10, 323, 331 nation-state 2, 110, 146, 344, 486 national character 332 National Children's Museum 487 National Design Diploma (NDD) 428 National Endowment for the Arts (NEA), Artists in the Workforce: 1900-2005 253—4, 255 National Gallery of Australia 322, 329 National Gallér)', East Berlin 222 National Gallery, London 158 National Gallery Singapore (NGS), Reframing Modernism: Paintings from Southeast Asia, Europe and Beyond (2016) 158-9 National Gallery of Victoria 326-7, 329 National Geographic Magazine 341 national identity Australian 324-35 Cypriot 339 42, 343 Finnish 376 National Library of Australia 331 National Library, Mexico City 180 National Museum of Ethnology, Leiden 96, 99 National Portrait Gallery (NPG), London, 48 Portraits (Richter) 7, 186, 187-206 National Socialism attack on modern art 210, 211, 212, 218-19 cultural oppression 217 dream of 209 heroic art of 209, 211, 215 wounds of 217 see also Nazis INDEX 541 National Socialist Party 217 national, the 3 Nationalgalerie, Berlin 136 nationalism 250, 411, 416 European 380-1 Finnish 381, 382 folly of 335 Greek 9, 340, 343, 345-8, 354 Indian 486 nationalist purpose of art 324 nationality^ 381 nationally defined art, Finnish 381 Native American arts 94 natural history museums 95 naturalism 78, 154, 414, 417, 418 nature 20 alienation from 293 and Classical Greek art 81, 84 Munch on 25 relationship with mind 23 Nature Philosophy 23 Nazis 171, 190,217 ideolog)' 212, 214, 215 imagery 221 see also National Socialism NDD see National Design Diploma Ndojokor (carver) 100 NEA see National Endowment for the Arts Neel, Alice 406 negation 193^4 Negri, Antonio 247 Nehru, Jawaharlal 486 neighborhoods 305 neo-avant-garde 364 neo-Expressionism 220 Neo-Impressionists 133 neo-primitives 43^1 neo-Romantics 20, 23 neo-socialist realism 214 neo-vitalism 21, 25, 31 n.12 neoclassical technique 77-8 neoclassicism 73, 77-8, 270, 332 neoliberalism 10 Nesbit, Molly 461 Netherlands New Guinea 99, 102, 105 Neutra, Richard 266, 267 neutral palettes 133 New American Painting, The exhibition (1958-1959)485 New Burlington Galleries 113 New Deal Projects 9, 392-407 New Guinea 37, 45, 66, 96-105 New Hebrides exhibition (2013) 47 New Human 201 "new objectivity", of photography' 168, 170, 173-5, 183 New Painting 501 New Photographer 201 new world 323 New York 175, 181,299, 306 New York Art Strike 253 New York City, murals 394-404 New York Citv Mural division 398 New York School 137 New York Times (newspaper) 391, 399, 402, 404 New Zealand 5, 37, 48-9, 51 n.8 Newark Airport 401 Newhall, Beaumont 181 Newman, Barnett 393 Newman, Oscar 276 newspapers 170-1 Newsweek 92 Newton, Douglas 98, 104 NGS see National Gallery Singapore Nicholson, Ben 323 Nicolaidou, Loukia9, 340, 351-3, 354 Nude 352, 353 Nicosia, Cyprus 341, 342, 344, 347, 348, 351 Nicosia Municipal Arts Centre (NiMAC) 339 Niemeyer, Oscar 269, 272-3 Praça dos Tres Poderes^ Brasilia ( 1960) 273, 273 Niepce, Nicéphore 167 Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm 5, 17-21, 23-30, 232, 237 and Apollonian art 21, 22, 24 and the body 17, 20, 23, 24, 26, 28-9 Collected Works IS and Dionysian art 20, 21-6, 29, 30 n.10, 31 n.13-14, 33 n.33 and energy 20, 21, 26-7, 32 n.20 "Gospel of Nietzsche" 29 as incendiary iconoclast 25 and the labyrinth 29 memorials to 27 and mythos 18, 24, 30 and science and technology 20, 21 The Birth of Tragedy 20, 21,23, 24 "The Giant" 24^ Tims Spake Zarathustra 20-1,24, 25, 26, 27 and "Untruth" 231,236 and vitalism 18-29, 31 n.I2 Nietzsche cult 23 Nietzschean aesthetic 17-33 Nietzschean art 5 Nietzscheanism 21, 23, 24, 28-9 Nietzscheans "gentle" 17 "tough" 17 Nigeria 66, 104 Nigerian diaspora 66 Nigerian human forms 91 Nijinsky, Vaslav 27 Nika Art Exhibitions 307, 311-12 Nika Association 308-9, 311 Nikita, Eleni 351 NiMAC see Nicosia Municipal Arts Centre Ninmatsu, Uno 308 Ninth Street Show, New York (1951 ) 6, 137-8, 138 "no narratives" 147 noble savage 55, 57-8 noble or savage 454 Nochlin, Linda 55, 494 542 INDEX Noguchi, Isamu 8, 299 alienation 304, 312 in Beijing 306-7 Chinese Girl 8, 301, 307, 308, 309-10, 309, 311-12 crossing of national borders 300 historiography 299, 300, 302-3 Isamu Noguchi: A Sculptor's World (1968) 303 Japanese-American-ness 300, 302-4, 312 Miss Expanding Universe (1932) 303 and the "Orient" 300-1, 306, 312 as Orientalist 304 Otherness 300, 304, 312 Portrait ofR. Buckminster Fuller (1929) 307 rootlessness 303 state of exile 303 Tamanishiki 309 as traveler 299-300, 303-6 universalism 302-4, 312 "world citizen" status 303, 304, 312 Nolan, Sidney 230, 327, 328, 330 Boy and the Moon (c. 1939-1940) 328 Gallipoli series 335 Ned Kelly series (c.1945-1947) 328-9, 329, 335 Snake (1970-1972) 329 Noland, Kenneth 47 Nolde, Emil 37-8, 40, 45 nominalism, radical 29 non-belonging 304 "non-hierarchical" narrative curatorial strategy 6, 148,151, 154 non-Western, as the Other 301, 302 non-Western art, display in Western museums 5, 64, 65,66-9 Nordin, Alice 370 norms, male 505 Northern Ireland 109, 112-13, 122 nostalgia 340, 382 "November Group" 383 nudes 310-11, 363 Cypriot 352-3 male 359 Nya Konstgalleriet 360, 361 NYC Art Commission 396 nvmphomania 505 Oba's palace, Benin 65, 66 objectivity, and photography 168, 170, 173-5, 183 O'Briain, Art 111 occult 117, 439 Occupy Wall Street movement 155 Oceania 41,46, 57, 91 Oceanic Display, Metropolitan Museum 100 October (journal) 155 October group 57 O'Doherty, Brian 128-9, 139, 443, 444 Inside the White Cube (1976) 427 Official Artists Association 220 Official War Art Scheme 331 Ogden, David 295-6 Ogg, Kirsty 121 Old versus New binary 397-8 Olson, Gösta 360-1 Olynyk, Patricia 391 Omadesep 102 Omer-Charlct, Tout Passe 131 Önningeby artists' colony 382 Ono, Yoko, aBed-Infor Peace" 239, 240 Open University 168, 497-8 oppression 211, 217, 416 optic 79 optical unconscious 173 optics 167 Orient 300-1, 306, 312, 339—10 Orientalism 55, 301, 307, 310-13, 343 orientalizing gaze 9, 340, 343 origins of modern art 2 ornament abolition of 265-6 freedom from 268 Orthodox Church 345-6 Osborne, Peter 193—4- Ostojic, Tanja, Looking far a Husband with EU Passport (2000-2005) 247 Other Australia as 37 China as 310 cognitive 454 construction of the 305 cultural equality 340 engagement with through art 66 exotic inferior 344 geographic 310, 311 Japan as 310 and mainstream modernizing paradigms 344 and the margin 344 non-Western as 301,302 Orientalist imaginings of 307 play as other to formalism 458 Other Indications exhibition (2013) 339 otherness ofNoguchi 300, 304, 312 of primitivism 59, 111 of women 505 outside 233, 234 Oyobc, Natsu 307 Ozcnfant, Amédée 267, 360 Packard, Artemus 477-8 Packard Report 477-8, 488 painting Jorn on 229 and photography 7, 168, 170, 176, 177, 183-4, 187, 190-1, 193^, 196-7, 203 resistance to the movement away from 414, 420- truth in 231 and visualization of the Caribbean slave rebellion 10,414 Palais-Royal 131 Palme, Carl 362-3, 362 Panayiotou, Andreas 348 Papua New Guinea 45, 66 ÍNDEX 543 Papunya Tula painting movement 42-4, 47 parables 427, 428, 430, 431, 445 paradigm shifts 304, 441 paratactic 79 Paris 8, 56, 97, 109, 110, 114, 118, 146, 169, 174-5,181,239,299, 306, 359, 364-6 architecture 267, 269, 275 demi-monde 11 free academies 363, 366 Plan Voisin 267 Paris Opéra 499-500 Paris Salons 130-3, 138 (1851-1853)130-2 (1852)6, 130, 131-2,133 Paris World Fair 1900 378 Paris-Journal (newspaper) 132 Parker, Roszika 504 Parthenon 73 participation 157,255 particularism, universalised 301 Pasadena Art Museum 182 Pasmore, Victor 428 Pasmore, Wendy 428 past imagined 380-1 and the present 201 unstable conjunction with the future 58 pastoral, the 8, 284, 288-9, 292, 294-6 Marxist 289 radicalization 289 Patel, Gieve 487 Patel, Nilkanth 149 patriarchy 117, 121 patriarchal status quo 507 Patterson, Ambrose 323 pauperization-by-debt 251 Peabody Museum 102 "peasant painting" 8, 284-90, 292, 296 "peasants11 111, 112,296 as belonging to another time and place 290 Cypriot 347 as "everyman" character 289, 291 idealization 347 as loaded term 284 and modern art 284-94 Pechstein, Max 45, 369 "pedagogical machine" 127 pedagog)' 10, 427, 445-6, 478, 483, 487 alternative 446 of ambiguity 431-2 and Bauhaus 437 international exchange 474, 486 museum as pedagogical site 445 transformative 432 Pedrosa, Adriano 148 Peereboom 419 Penck, A. R. (Ralf Winkler) 217, 219-20, 221 Penguin 290 Penn, Alan 277 Pentecost, Samuel 47 People's Progressive Party 417 Perceval, John 327, 328, 335 Péret, Benjamin 114 performance 429 periphery 2, 3, 8, 123, 152, 217, 284, 302, 310 cultural 5, 37, 39, 42, 50 and Irish art 117 and Japanese art 312 and modernism 110 see also center; margins, the perpendicular 79, 80 Perrot, Michelle 502 Persianis, K. Panayiotis 347 perspective 83 Alberti's system of78-9, 80, S3, 167 perspectivism 29 Pestalozzi, Johann Heinrich 435-6,443, 454 "object lessons" 435 Peters, Gary 464 Petrograd 238 Petrus, Anna 366 phantasmagoria 117,122 philosophical thought, and the aesthetic life 18 photo essays 8, 171, 284, 289-94, 296 photo-aesthetics 170, 173, 176, 177, 180, 181, 182 photo-reportage 171 photograms 175, 176, 184 photographers, as artists 170 photographic blurring 191 photographic views of displays sec installation shots photography and abstraction 176, 177 and American formalism 6 and angles at' vision 168, 170, 173, 176, 179, 183 art museum collections 168, 180-3, 184 and authenticity 170, 176 and the avant-garde 168, 169, 176, 177, 182, 183 direct reproductions 170-1 experimentation 6, 167, 168, 176, 177, 179, 182, 183 installation strategies 7, 187-206 in itself 180 and juxtaposition 172, 174, 176, 177, 183 limits 168 mass reproducibility 6, 168, 169, 170-3, 183 and modernization 170-1 and objectivity 168, 170, 173-5, 183 and painting 7, 168, 170, 176, 177, 183—1, 187, 190-1, 193-1, 196-7,203 photographic knowledge 168 photographic seeing 170, 173-8, 183 potential 168 reproduction of art objects 167-8 and socio-political change 6, 168, 173, 176, 177, 178, 180, 183 staging 170, 173 street 174 transnational development 173—1 vernacular Cypriot 343—1 as visual art 6, 167-84 photojournalism 183 photomontage 168, 171-3, 174, 175 544 INDEX photorealism 187 Piaget, Jean 454, 455, 461 piano playing and expression of the self 502 as hashish for women 11,510-11 young female piano players 11, 493, 495-7, 499, 502-7,509 Picasso, Pablo 3, 47, 55, 146, 229-42, 360, 363-1, 365,441,454,459-60,475 Australian influence 326 Boy Leading a Horse (1906) 73, 76 and classicism 73 and Cubism 10-11, 269 demonization by Hitler 211 and the Documenta exhibitions 212 and Georges Braque 10-11, 458-64 Girl Before a Mirror (1932) 211 Guernica 233, 236, 239 Guitar and Mandolin on a Table (1924) 239 Head of a Jester (1905) 309 Les Demoiselles DAvignon (1907) 234, 235, 352 Ma Joli (1911-1912) 459, 460 Max Raphael on 240 Nude on Black Armchair (1932) 231, 232 Pipes of Pan (1923) 5, 73-4, 74, 76, 84 and Stuart Davis 399 use of planes 84 Violin (1912) 462 pictorial art 74, 75, 78-85 Picture Gallery in Transformation exhibition 148 picture journals 171 Picture Post (magazine) 171 Pin Yin 7,229,232 Pinder, Wilhelm 85 Pine, II, Joseph 156 Piotrowski, Piotr 151, 217, 359 Piper, Adrian, Catalysis IV ( 1971 ) 247 Pissarro, Camille 57, 508 Pistone, Danièle 495 Pitt-Rivers Museum, Oxford 65 planes 79, 80, 83, 84, 86 n.4, 93 plaster casts 77 play strategies of play within Modernism 458 see also children's plav Play School Movement 478 Playboy magazine 121 Plein air painting 359 poetry, Finnish folk 375, 380, 381 Polisi, Joseph 393 political modernism 237 politicization of art 213, 414, 419, 421 politics and art 1, 177-8, 211, 212 diversity 213 and photography 168, 176, 177-8 Polke, Sigmar, Baumhaus (1976) 45 Pollock, Griselda 504 Pollock, Jackson 213-14, 232, 236, 299, 393, 485 Blue Poles (1952) 330 Polynesia 63, 109 poor, the, Irish 112, 115 Pop Art 487 Poppelreuter, Tanja 386 popular taste 416 Portinari, Candido 269 positivism 57 post-Fordism 248, 251, 252 Post-Impressionism 440, 497 Australian 324, 327 Post-Impressionists 133, 135, 136, 351 postcards 343-4 postcolonial theory 246 postcolonialism 2, 58, 63 posters 172 postmodernism 233, 239 and Art Theory 234 and Australian memorial art 335 Cypriot 355 death of 249 and the decentered subject 249 dismissal 248 as the end of modernism 249 failure 344 as hegemonic discourse 248-9 and the instability of meaning 249 and modernism 154 postmodern parenthesis 249-50, 256 and primitivism 58 and Pruitt-Igoe 276 and the renunciation of totality 249 postmodernity Cypriot 355 and the modern 248-50 Potts, Alex 419 Poussin, Nicolas 229, 235, 236 The Sight of Death: An Experiment in Art Writing 232 Power, J. W. 325 power and art 309, 439 creative 20 spontaneous 5, 18 Power Institute 330 Powlesland, Greg 431 Poynter, Edward 440 Praça dos Trés Poderes, Brasilia ( I960) 273, 273 Prague Spring (1968) 214 Prakash, Vikramäditya 486 Pratt, Caroline 478 pre-Columbian art 94 Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood 434 precariat 155 precarity 251-2, 253, 257 prehistory/prehistoric 55-6, 201 present, the 58-9 Preston, Margaret 41-2, 44, 324 Preziosi, Donald 427 Primary School Report (1931) 441 "primitive artists" 361 primitive mind 454-5 primitives, modern, and children's minds 454 INDEX 545 primitivism 4-5, 301-2, 402-3, 461 academic 59-63 and aesthetics 93, 95, 96, 100 African 396 appropriations 41-4 and the avant-garde 5, 45, 46, 55, 57, 58, 59, 63 and children's art 441, 454, 455, 458 and color 93 complexity 91 constructing primitive art 65 counter-projections 41-4 creation of twentieth-century 91-3 of Cyprus 340 discourse 56-7, 64 dualist structure 301 Eurocentric distinction with "civilized" 39, 46 and Futurism 58-9 ideolog)' 58, 63, 64 and India 347 intertwining with the modern 44 and Ireland 111, 112, 115 and modern art 5-6, 55-8, 91-105 the modern primitive 5, 37-51 organic/holistic nature 93 otherness 59, 111 Picasso and 47 primitive creative power 37 primitive as natural 37, 38 and Surrealism 5, 37-8, 40, 46, 50 n.l, 97, 123 Synge's 111 Western displays of 5, 64, 65, 66-9, 70 "Primitivism* in Twentieth Century Art: Affinity of the Tribal and Modern exhibition ( 1984) 55, 65,91,301 primitivist energy 39-41 primordial forces 23, 25 Prins (rebel slave) 418 printing press 345-6 Private Views 129 Proctor, Thea 323, 324 production conditions of 257 consciousness of 257 forces of 255 relations of 255 see also artistic production Progressive Association, The 23 progressive educationalists 11, 476, 478, 4833 Progressive Era 476 proletariat 348, 349 prophetic-outsider 20 prostitutes, and the modern 497, 499 Protestant work ethic 434 proto-cubism 234 proto-writing 456-7 provincial 148 provincialism 322 Pruitt-Igoe, St Louis, Missouri 275-6 psychoanalysis 168, 173, 454 psychoanalytic theory 507 psychology, child 435, 455, 481 public art,'US 9-10, 391, 392-107 Purrman, Hans 362 Putnam, Sam 99 Qi Baishi 306, 307 Quai Branly, Paris 65, 66 Queensborough Public Library 402 Richmond Hill Branch 397-8, 404 Queensbridge Housing Project 394 Queneau, Raymond 121 race 60 race-hate 294 racism 60-1, 294, 394-5, 398 "civilized" 62-3, 64 Radio Station WNYC 400 radios 350-1 Rah Fizelle School, Sydney 326 Rahmani, Aviva 391 Rancière, Jacques 155, 177 Rand, Ayn 263 Raphael, Max 240 Rassool, Ciraj 67 Rauschenberg, Robert, Erased de Kooning (1953) 429 Rawson, Albert Leighton 340 Ray, Man 169, 176383,211 Emak Bakia (1926) 176 The Indestructible Object ( 1932 ) 210, 22 3 Raymond, Emmeline 499 Ravograms 176 Read, Herbert 325, 441 reader-response theory 202 reading, for girls 504 realism 1,154, 402 abstraction set against 216-18 and the avant-garde 221 disruption 221 and Greek art 78, 82-3, 84 metaphoric 218 modern classicizing 84-5 and "peasant" subjects 285 and photography 176-7 and pictorial representation 85 re-evaluation 7 and Richter 193 see also Socialist Realism realist social-democratic art 229-30 Really Useful Knowledge exhibition (2014-2015) 445-6 "Realschule" 434 reason 18 "Recherches sur la sexualité" 121-2 reconstruction, struggle for 406 recontextualization 194 Red Road flats, Glasgow 274-5 Redgrave, Richard 433, 434 Reed, John 327 Reed, Sunday 327 Reff, Theodore 507 546 INDEX Reframing Modernism: Paintings from Southeast Asia, Europe and Beyond (2016) 158-9 Refregier, Anton 403 Reimagining Modernism: 1900-1950 exhibition 147 Reina Sofía National Art Centre, Madrid 445 Reinhardt, Ad 4, 429 Rejlander, Oscar 170 Two Ways of Life (1957) 170 relational aesthetics 391 Renaissance 2 Renoir, Pierre-Auguste 326, 496, 508 reparative function of art 47, 51 n.6 reportage 169, 177 repoussé 78 Republic of Cyprus 351, 354 repulsion, and attraction 45-6 resistance commemoration 415, 417, 421 textualization of 249-50 to the movement away from painting 414, 420-1 resources, plundering of 245 retail space 135-6 retreats, educational 441-3 retrospection 412 Revold, Axel 363 revolution 168, 178 revolutionary consciousness 257 Rewald, John 495 Reynolds, Sir Joshua 57 rhythm 21, 23, 31 n.16 rhythmic vitality 21, 29, 31 n.16 Ricci, Carlo 80 Ricci, Corrado 454 Rice, John Andrew 443 Richardson, John 460 Richardson, Marion 440-1, 444 Richebourg, Pierre-Ambroise 130 Richmond, California, architectural modernism 270-1 Richter, Gerhard 213-14, 216, 217, 219-21, 223 48 Portraits (1972, 1998) 7,186, 187-206 anti-aesthetic sources 189, 191 the Archive 189-90 Atlas inventory 188, 189, 194-5 audience interaction 204 as cenotaph 202 encyclopedic alterations 189-94 exhibition versions 188 grid constellation 198-9 in-the-round 187, 195-6, 198-9, 204 indifferent choices 189-90 installation shots 188—9 installation and spatial orientation 194-200 as memorial 202 modernist impulses 201-2 Museum Ludwig 198-9 museum theater 202 offending the viewer 202^1 painting photography 190-1, 192 performative nature 189 personal history 189-90 photo version 197 photo-edition 199-200 portraiture as non-likeness 192-3 post/modern negation 193-4: proscenium 187, 198-9 recontextualization as work 193 reproduction 191-2 thrust (reverse) 187, 199 view ing relations 200-2 white borders 196-8 Eight Student Nurses (1966) 202 Uncle Rîtdi (1965) 220 Richter, Gisela M. A. 81, 84-5 Richter, Hans 176, 177 Rhythm 21 (1921) 177 Richter, Irma 84 Richter, Petra 429 Ricketts, Charles 5, 29, 31-2 n.18, 32 n.20 Shelley 21-3, 22, 24 Riegl, Alois 79 Rif area, Morocco 110 Right 392, 407 Rio de Janeiro, architectural modernism 269-70 Rise and Fall of Modernism, The exhibition ( 199ç\ 222 risk-taking 431-2 Rissier, Ange 131 Rivera, Diego 178, 360, 396, 397, 403 The Making of a Fresco Showing the Building ofa Czry(1931) 178 Rizzio, Thomas 464 Roberts, John 153, 154, 290 Roberts, Priscilla 406 Roberts, Tom 324 Robinson, Walter 147 Rockefeller, Abby 476, 488 Rockefeller, Michael Clark 98-105 Rockefeller, Nelson 94-9, 102^, 104, 476 Rockefeller Center murals 396 Rodchenko, Alexander 173, 178, 215 Rodin, August 308, 311 Romans 76, 77, 79 Romantic aesthetics 18, 20, 24, 25 Romantic discourse 18 Romantic sublime 20 Romanticism 2,4-5, 17-33, 57, 454 critical assertions 17 magical quest of 23 Roopnaraine, Rupert 416 Roosevelt, Franklin D. 333 relief programs 9, 392 rootlessness 303 Rose, Barbara 137 Rosenberg, Harold 239, 402 Rosenberg, Paul 360 Rosenberg, Valle 364-5, 370 Rosier, Martha, The Bowery in Two Inadequate Descriptive Systems (1974-1975) 288-9, 290 Ross, Denman 83 Rothko, Mark 330, 393, 404, 485 Rothstein, Arthur 180-1 INDEX 547 Rousseau, Jean-Jacques 432, 435, 454 Émile, or On Education (1762) 475, 506 Rousseau, Theodore 131 Rowland, Benjamin 73 Royal Academy of Arts, London 131, 322 1900: Art at the Crossroads 147 Royal Agricultural and Commercial Society 417-18 Royal Art Academy, Stockholm 359, 363, 364, 366, 368,369 Royal Festival Hall 264 RTE 122 Rubin, William 44, 46, 51 n.5, 91-2, 153, 301 rural locations and artists' colonies 287 and the dying out of the rural way of life 286 and modernism 7-8, 283-96 as outside modernity 290, 292 rural proletariat 348 Ruskin, John 433, 434-5, 439, 443, 454 Russell, Francis 132 Russell, John-Peter 323 Russia 237, 484 and Finland 375, 381, 386 Russian decorative art 327 Russian Empire 375, 381 Russian folk art 215 Russian Revolution (1917) 178, 215, 238 Ruttman, Walter 173 Ryzik, Melena 391 Saarinen, Eero 94 Saarinen, Eliel 378 Sadayuki, Ameda 311 Sade, Marquis de 110 Sahasrabudhe, Prabha 487 Said, Edward 55, 340-1 "late style" 236 St Louis, Missouri 275-6 St. Martins School of Art, London 429-30, 444 St. Turba, Tamás, brick radios 214, 215, 217 Salcedo, Doris, Shibboleth (2007-2008) 238 Salkey, Andrew 415, 416 Sallinen, Tyko 383 Salon 494,'496, 501 Salon des Enfants, Paris ( 1909) 475 Salon des Independents 137 Salon des Refuses (exhibition of rejects) (1863) Paris 2 Sam Bunton Associates 274 Samuels, Emerson 417 San Francisco Art Institute (SFAI) 178 San Francisco Golden Gate Exposition (1939) 94 Sanchez Prado, Ignacio M. 44 sanitization of modern art 211-12 Santesson, Ninnan 366 Santiniketan 442 Saussure 57 savage, the 46 Savoy magazine 23, 32 n.21 Sayre, Henry 201 scaffolding 456 Schäfer, Heinrich 79, 80 Schapiro, Meyer 285, 301,407, 507 schema 81 schematism (the conceptual image) 81,82, 86 n.3 Scherman, David E., Lee Miller in Hitlers Bathtub, Munich, Germany 1945 209, 210 Schiele, Egon 265 Schindler, Rudolf 266, 267 Schjerfbeck, Helene 383-4 Schlemmer, Oskar 268 Schmidt-Rottluff, Karl 214 Schneckenburger, Manfred 218 Schneede, Uwe 218, 219 School of Paris 401 Schopenhauer, Arthur 503 Schroderus, Emil 378 Schumacher, Fritz, Nietzsche temple plans 27 Schwedishe Expressionisten (1915) 361 Schwitters 47, 232 science 18, 20, 65 Scotland 274-5 sculptors, neoclassical 77 Seabaldt, Otto 135 Seabrooke, George, Recreation in Harlem 396-7 Seagram building, New York 271-2, 274 Secession group 24 Secessionists 475, 480-1 Second RedScare 484 Second World War 41, 112-13, 209, 214, 215, 239, 270, 299, 326, 327, 328, 333, 334, 350-1, 364, 375,392, 404, 406, 407, 484, 485 SED see Socialist Unity Party of Germany Sedlmeyr, Hans 216-17, 218 Sehgal, Tino, This is So Contemporary (2004) 200-1 Seifert, Karl-Max 134, 136 Sei fu, Tsuda, Bourgeois Diet and the Lives of the Masses (1931) 309 Selected Works / exhibition 95 self 47 collective national 416 Nietzsche's concepts of 19 primal annihilation 40-1 within 503 self-actualization 432 self-consciousness 504 self-creation 21,23H-, 29, 432 self-formation 432 self-identification 414, 416 self-reflexive methodologies 203 self-ruling 239 self-shape 41 semi-surrealism 404 semiosis childhood 454 and photography 171, 172 sense-perception/sensorv perception 21,23, 435, 436 Sentani, Lake 97, 98 Sepik River area 47, 66, 97, 98 Seuphor, Michel 323 Seurat, Georges 133, 136, 139, 140,497 548 INDEX Sevenni, Gino 83-4 sexuality 507 female 505, 506-7, 510 and Surrealism 121, 122 SFAI see San Francisco Art Institute Shahn, Ben 213, 393, 403-5, 406 Sacco and Vanzetti series 404-5 shaman-artist role 48 shields 97, 98, 105 Shiff, Richard 503 Shirakaba group 308 Sbirakaba (periodical) 308 Sholette, Greg 257 Dark Matter 232, 254, 256 Shore, Arnold 327 Shuji, Tanaka 311 Sbiinpja 310 Sibelius, Jean 381, 382 Sickert, Walter 325 Sidhe 114, 115, 116, 117 Sierra, Santiago 255 Signac, Paul 133, 136 Simon, Nina 157 Simonsson, Birger 363 simulacra 66, 192, 197 Singerman 437 Sinophilia 310 Siskind, Aaron 138-9 Sitte, Willi 217, 218-19, 220 as State Artist 219, 220 Situationism 155 Situationists 229 Slade School of Fine Art, London 440 slavery 62 see also Caribbean slave rebellion Smith, Bernard 321, 322, 324, 330 Antipodean Manifesto (1976) 330 Place, Time and Tradition (1945) 321 Smith, David 299, 393 Smith, Peter Purves 325 Smith, Sydney Ure 321 Smith, Terry 152, 330 Smithson, Robert 240, 330 Soby, James Thrall 405 social agendas 1 social categories, '■‘'zombie" 344 social change 211 social class, dominant 157 social constructivism 304 Social Darwinism 38, 454 social documentary 171 social good, art and 434 social history of art 7, 229, 230, 235-6, 237 social inclusivity 6, 148, 398 social modernity, negative impact of 18 social order, rejection 5 social progress 1 social reproduction, art as form of 254-5 Social Security Building, Washington, DC 403 social values 10 socialism, revolutionary 57 Socialist Realism 177, 187, 190, 212-16, 219-20, 222-3,231,237 and American murals 393, 400, 402, 403-4, 406 backwardness/visual blandness 393 Communist 215 Soviet 215 US attacks on 407 Socialist Unity Party' of Germany (SED) 217, 218, 219,221,222 socialization, and the gallery 213 socially engaged art 391, 392—407 society' as collective ontology 18 modern 344 socio-political change, and photography 6, 168, 173 176, 177, 178, 180, 183 Söderberg 364 solarization 176 Soldan-Brofeldt, Venny 382 Sontag, Susan 171, 191 Sorenssen, Henrikk 363 Sotokichi, Katsuizumi 306, 307 sound art 39—40 Soupault, Philippe 110 South Kensington Museum 129 South Pacific 37-40, 43, 45-7 Southeast Asia 310, 311 Southeast Asian art history 158-9 Soviet Constructivists 178 Soviet Union 212, 214-16, 220, 237, 455 movement against capitalism 232 US cultural attacks on 392, 407 and utopia 239 Spain 114,239 Spanish Civil War 112 spectacularization 249-50 spectator-creator fusion 133 Speer, Alfred 270 Spencer, Baldwin 39 Spencer, Herbert 454 Spijker, J. J. 97 spiritual values 437-8 spiritualism 367-8, 437-9 Spivak, Max 401-2 Mardi Gras402 Puppets 402 spontaneity 18, 24, 29 Stalin, Josef 215 Stalinism 213, 237, 250 Stalinist art 392 Stalinists 190 Stallabrass, Julian 245 standardization 277, 343 Staniszweski, Mary 139 Stasi 219 stasis 440 State 45, 217, 219,221 see also nation-state state art 221 State Gallery of Contemporary Art, Nicosia 342, 351-2 index 549 Stathis, Costas 9, 340, 349-51, 353^ In the Coffee Shop VII350, 350 status quo 59, 63 antagonism towards 8 and the avant-garde 150 modernism's opposition to 1 patriarchal 507 rejection 1, 2 Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam 145-6 Steedman, Carolyn 503 Steichen, Edward 182 Stein, Leo 362 Steiner, Rudolf 368, 438 Stendhal 56 Stenman, Gösta 383 Stephens, Chris 150 Stephens, James 110, 114 Stieglitz, Alfred 180, 391, 441, 475, 478 Paris (1911) 176 Still, Clyfford 485 Stockholm 294, 364, 366, 368, 386 and the international art market 360-2 Stölzl, Gunta 438 stone carving technicians 77 Stone, Edward Durrell 480 Storr, Robert 189-90, 197 Stott, Edward 286 Strand, Paul 180 street photography 174 Streeton, Arthur 324 Strehlow, Carl 39 Ström, Elsa 360 struggle 17-19, 21, 23, 24, 26, 249, 250, 257 stories of 415 stucco casts 77 studio critiques 429 subcultures 349-50 subject, Nietzsche on/potential of the 18 subsumption, real 253 subversion 351 Suffolk, rural 286 suffragette movement 369 Sullivan 476 Sully, James 80, 435, 463 Summerhill 442 Summers, David, Real Spaces, World Art History and the Rise of Western Modernism 2 Summers, Marion 404 Sunday Times, The (newspaper) 174 Surrealin Irish Art, The exhibition (2011) 109, 118 Surrealism 59 1920s 2 in Australia 325, 326, 328, 332 and the avant-garde 112, 113 and contemporary Irish art 117-22 Cypriot 351 and desire 109, 121 and gender politics 6, 109, 118, 123 and the irrational 109, 110, 117 and the marvelous (rejection of the rational) 6, 109-12, 116, 117, 118 muses of 113, 114, 116 and photography 169, 174, 176, 177, 181 and politics 6, 110 and primitivism 5, 37-8, 40, 46, 50 n.1,97, 123 representations of femininity 114, 116, 119, 120, 123 representations of masculinity 120-1 and sexuality 121, 122 Surrealist Ireland 6, 109-23 and temporality 109, 118, 123 Surrealist Exhibitions 1930s 127 Surrealist gaze 110 Surrealist Map of the World (1929) 37, 38-9, 38, 40, 44-5,49-50, 109, 110, 117, 123 Svensk-Franska Konstpalleriet 360 Sweden 379, 382, 387 Swedish modernism 9, 359-71 and abstraction 366-9 and the avant-garde 9, 359, 360, 361, 364, 366, 369,370 and the center-periphery paradigm 9, 359, 360, 361 and Stockholm and the international art market 360-2 Swift, Jonathan 110, 112, 114-15 "A Modest Proposal" 112, 115, 122 Gulliver's Travels 114-15 Swinden, Albert 399M4H) Swoon 391 Sydney 323,324,326, 327 symbolism 93, 464 symbols 219, 221 syncretic view 3 Synge, John Millington 110-12, 114, 122 Szarkowski, John 181-2 Szeemann, Harald 214, 218 taboos 44, 45, 46, 50 tabula rasa 453, 503 Tagore, Rabindranath 442 Taguatinga 274 Taidetakomo Kürti Company 378 Taine, Hippolyte 496, 503, 505, 506, 507 Taito Company 379 Taiwan 306, 310, 311,312 Takeji, Fujishima, Perfume (1917) 310 Tan, Eugene 158 Taniguchi, Yoshio 152 Tansey, Mark, Picasso and Braque (1992) 464, 465 Tarahumara 111 taste 157 Tate Britain 249 BP Walk through British Art 153—1 Tate Modern 147, 153 Turbine Hall 238, 240 Tate St Ives 150 Tatlin, Vladimir 215, 232 Model for a Monument to the Third International (1919) 237-9,240 Taut, Bruno 26-7 Alpine Architecture 27 550 INDEX teacher training 436, 441 technocratic modernity 21 technology 20 combination with art 378-9 domestic 254 low 378 technological modernization 9, 376-9 as threat to rhe sensuous subject 18 1'cniplc of Aphaia, Aegina 75, 75, 82, 83 temporality 109, 118"123, 146, 152, 158,427 Teniers, David 129 textualization, of resistance 249-50 Thatcher, Margaret 250 theater 187, 195-6, 198-204 theosophy 438-9 Thiel, Ernest 25 Third International world communist movement 238 Third Reich 78, 209-10, 215, 217, 441 Third World 488 Thomas, Daniel 43 Thompson, ('baríes Thurston 129 Thorncycroft, Hamo, 7be Mower ( 1884) 333 Thorvaldsen, Bertel 75 Thubron, Flarrv 428 Tiffany 83 lime (magazine) 171 Tiren, Stina 370 Tissot, James 60 Tjapaltjarri, Clifford Possum 42-3, 44 Man's Lore 5mfv(1973) 43 Tokyo 299,306, 307 Tokyo Art School 311 forr, Helen 147 "toral work of art" 378 trade union movement 348, 349 tradition/traditional 2, 42-3 translocality 305 transnationalism 250, 302 transparency 154, 156 travelers 299-300, 303-6 Treasury Section of Fine Arts 393, 402, 403 tribal affinity with the modern 92 complexity 91 Triple-Goddess 1 16 111 ipcnmmeum. Amsterdam ' 6. 'AS. 1 ()() 1 n iisk\. 1 i m 2 1 ? truth ". 229 42 in painting 231, 236 truth to rcalitv role 239 see also "Untruth" Tscluidi, Hugo von 136 Tuatha de Danann 114, 115, 117 Tiibke, Werner 217, 218, 219, 221 Ibe Réminiscences of' Dr. Schulze III ( 1965) 221 Tucker, Albert 327, 328, 330 Tuckson, Гопу 46 Tugenhat House, Brno 271 Tulcnkantajat literary group 384 'Turkish Cypriots 340 Turku, Finland 384-5 Turun Sanomat newspaper building 385 Twelve Modern American Painters and Sculptors exhibition (1953) 485 Two Decades of American Painting exhibition (1967) 330,487,488 Tynell, Paavo 379 Tzara, Tristan 39, 47, 110 Ueno Park Tokyo Art Museum 308 Ulay 43 Ulbricht, Walter 216, 217 Ulster Unit 112 unconscious discovery of 503 optical 173 Unilever 238 United Nations (UN) 251 United Nations headquarters, New York 269 United States 9-10,237, 391-407, 484 golden era of the art of 392 and Noguchi 300, 306 Universal Exposition, Paris (1867) 132-3 univcrsalised particularism 301 universalism 18-19, 301,302-5, 312, 429 universe living 25, 26 primal oneness 26, 27 University College Dublin (UCD) 118 "Untruth" 231, 236 Upike, John, Seek My Face (2002) 231, 232 "ur" moments 453 urban center 148 urbanism 272 urbanization 343, 348-9, 376, 379, 382, 387 utopian art education 444 utopian communities 442 utopian fantasies, Finnish 379-83, 385, 386, 387 Utopian Globalism 232, 237, 238-9, 240 utopianism 44, 221, 239 Valery, Paul 128, 133, 136, 140 value neutral exhibitions 6, 153-Л values aesthetic 100 reduction to reason 18 rejection of academic 1 social 10 Van den Berg, Hubert 151 van der Velde, Henry 27 Van Gogh, Vincent 136, 139, 285, 308 A Pair of Shoes (1886) 285 influence on Australian modernists 324, 326 The Potato Eaters (1885) 285 Van Hoogenheim, General 411,419 van Rcnselaar 100 Van Rijn, Rembrandt 460 van Wijk97 Vanuatu 47 Tarierestmagazine) 37, 40, 109 Varley, Lucy 440 Varnedoc, Kirk 5, 152 INDEX 551 Varo, Remedios 114, 117 Vassilieff, Danila 321, 327, 365 Veit, Walter 39 Velazquez, Diego 460 Venice Biennales Venice Biennale (1954) 405 Venice Biennale (1962) 364, 366 Nordic Pavilion 364 Venice Biennale (1972) 191, 195, 196, 196,200, 203 German Pavilion 188, 189, 199 Venice Biennale (1986) 299 Venice Biennale (1989) 44 Venice Biennale (2005), German Pavilion 200 Venice Biennale (2013), Central Pavilion 369 Vermeer, Jan 170 Vertov, Dziga, Man with a Movie Camera (1929) 173 Verwocrt, Jan 429 Vesna, Victoria 391 Vico, Giambattista 55-6 Vienna 24, 65, 66, 251 architectural modernism 265-6 Viennese Secessionists 475, 480-1 Villa La Roche 268 Villa Savoye, Poissv 268, 274 Villa Schwob 267 ' Vinçotte, Thomas-Jules, Monument to the Pioneers of the Belgian Congo 62 Viot 97 vision 132, 133 visual literacy 171 vitalism 5, 18-29, 31 n.12 Vollard, Ambroise 498 von Dardel, Nils 370 von Jawlensky, Alexej 369 von Marées, Hans 85 von Schukzenheim, Ida 370 Vorticism 19 И/(magazine) 171, 174 VTV(journal) 114 Vygotsky, Lev 10, 454-8, 461, 463-5 Wadsworth, Edward 112 wagelessncss 252, 255, 256 Wagner, Richard 503, 507, 510 modernism 500, 501 music of the future 493, 500 Tannhäuser 493, 494, 499-502, 500, 511 Wagnerism 501, 510 Wakelin, Roland 324 Waldeck, Jean-Frederic, Use artist carried in a sillero... (c. 1833) 59-60 Walden, Herwarth 361 Walden, Nell 361 Wallace, Ian 212 Waller, Napier 331 war 233 and Australian modernism 331-5 realities of 333 Warburg, Aby 67 Ward, Herbert A Congo Artist (1910) 60-1 The Idol Maker (1906) 60-1 Warhol, Andv, Thirteen Most Wanted Men (1964) 201-2 Wasastjerua, Torsten, The Skating Rink in the North 1 labour of Helsinki (1890s) 377, 377 Waterfield, Giles 129 wax models 77 Wealleans, Rohan 48-9 Paint Ritual (2009) 48-9, 49 Webb, Mary 323 Weber, Max 362, 376, 478 Weimar Republic 212 Weiss, Christian Samuel 436 welfare state 392 Wells, H. G. 27, 29, 32 n.19 Weltkulturen Museum, Frankfurt 5, 66-9, 68, 70 Werner, Bruno 78 Werner, Michael 220 West, "cultural superiority'" of the 341 West Africa 64 West Germany 190, 212, 214-17, 219, 220 West New Guinea 96-7, 99 Westerholm, Victor 382 Western cultural hegemony 344 Western Desert 42 Western imperialism, modern art as form of 55 Westernization 310-11, 347 Weston, Edward 179, 180 "What, How and for Whom" (WHW) 445 Whistler, James Abbott McNeill 133—4,136 At the Piano (1858-1859) 503 white backgrounds 136 white cube display 136-7, 139 White, Patrick, The Vivisector (1970) 230, 231, 232 Whitechapel Gallery 122 Whitney, John Hay 485 Whitney Museum of American Art 146-7 wholeness 26, 27, 55 WHW see "What, How and for "Whom" Wikström, Emil 382 Wilde, Oscar 114, 131 wilderness studios 382 Wilhelm II 437 Wiljancn, Anna-Maria 382 will 20 Williams, Aubrev 10, 411,412-13 Revolt (I960) 10, 411, 412, 413-14, 416, 417-18,419-21 and the value of painting 420-1 Williams, Denis 415 Williams, Eve 415 Williams, Fred 330 Williams, Mavnard Owen 341, 343, 344 Williams, Raymond 287, 288, 293, 296, 304, 510 Border Country (1960) 284 The Country and the City (1973) 284, 289 When was Modernism? 283, 284 Williamsburg Housing Project 398—101 552 INDEX Winckelmann, Johann Joachim 73, 77 Winter, Fritz 211 Winthcr-Tamaki, Bert 306, 307 Wirz, Paul 97 Wisconsin Experimental 442 Wissenhof housing estate, Stuttgart 385 witch-hunting 246 Wittgenstein, Ludwig 265 WochenKlaiisiir 251 Wolcott, Marion Post 180-1 Wellheim, Richard 508 women and the American New Deal 397-8, 406 artists 9, 360, 363-9, 397-8, 406 and capitalism 499 double burden of 254 and the family 386 Finnish women artists 382, 383-4 and gender inequality in the art world 439 of the Global South 250 labor of 246, 252,254 making piano music as hashish for 11, 510-11 men's infantilization of 505-6 and music 505, 506 otherness 505 status in Asian society 234, 235 and Swedish modernism 9, 360, 363-9 and theosophy 439 young female piano plavers 11,493, 495-7, 499, 502-7,509 Wood, Paul 190, 194, 407 Woodruff, Hale 406 Woods, Paolo, Cbinaafrica photo series (2007) 245, 246 Working Men's College, London 434, 435 Works Progress Administration (WPA) 393-6, 398 401-4,406,407 building 403 "world citizens" 303, 304, 312 World Trade Center, New York 276 World's Fairs Brussels (1958) 485 New York(1939-1940)403 worldviews, cultural 42-3 WPA see Works Progress Administration Xiangming, Wang, Longing for Peace (1985) 233, 234 Yamasaki, Minoru 275-6 Yeats, Jack B. Ill Yeats, W. B. 30 n.2, 110-11, 114 Ycvonde, Madame 170 Yonejirö, Noguchi 299 Yoruba tribe 104 Yoshihide, Egawa 311 Yoshinori, Kinoshita, Female Nude 309 young female piano players 502-7, 509 as emblematic of modernity 11,493,495-7, 499 and hysteria 506 liberation of 502-3 piano playing as metonym for femininity' 495, 505 Young, James E. 332 Young Women's Christian Association (YWCA) 476 youth, as emblematic of modernity 11,497-9, 504 Ytizö, Fujikawa, Old Man Working 311 Zadkine, Ossip 309, 334 Zarathustra 20-1, 26, 27, 28 Zegwaard 99 Zeit (newspaper) 218, 220 Zeitgeist 441 Zcrvos, Christian 40 Zhdanov, Andrei 215 Zola, Émile 501, 506 "zombie categories" 344 zone of proximal development (ZPD) 461,465 Żorach, Dahlov 480 Żorach, William 478,480 Zweig, Stefan 265
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