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Volltext:The Preference for the Primitive 312 Index Figure and plate references are in bold Abrams, M.H. 43-4, 46, 49, 95 The Mirror and the Lamp 207 The Adoration of the Magi (ivory plaque) 291; 214 Aeschylus 15, 62 aesthetics 54—7, 177 Aetion 23 Africa, the Art of a Continent 196 African art 218, 229; 130 Agamemnon 62 Age of Faith 146, 150, 176 Agias of Delphi 127 Aglaophon 29, 31 Albani, Francesco, Dance of theAmorini around a Tree 281; 191-2 Alexander the Great 17, 21, 66 Altdorfer, Albrecht 131 American folk art 285—8; 200—1 Andrea del Sarto 105 Andrews, Keith 125 Angelico, Fra 147-9, 154,155, 162, 165, 170, 172,190, 205,219 Descent from the Cross 170; 95 Prophets 165; 91 Angkor Wat 199 Anglo-Saxon manuscripts 209; 116 antiquarian movement 298-300 Apelles 17,23,25,29,37 Apollo Belvedere 8, 149, 162 Apostles 138 Arch of Constantine, Rome 35, 288; 13—14, 203 architecture classical orders 29, 78 Gothic architecture 73-8, 101 Gothic Revival 78, 101, 127 Ariosto 72 Aristotle 15-17, 25, 35, 48, 87; 2 Poetics 62 Arpino, Giuseppe 69 Prophets and Sibyls 29 Part brut 113,265,268 Art Nouveau 300 art schools 214—15, 261 Arts and Crafts movement 188 Asianism 22, 26, 32—3, 93 Athenaeum 153 Athenodoros 98 Atticists 22, 25, 26—7, 30, 93 Augsburg Cathedral 132 Aus Kunst undAlterthum 129, 181 avant-garde 206-7 Baader 152 Bacchus at the Bentvueghels' Party (Anonymous) 177 Bach, J.S. 91—3 Bamberg Cathedral 229; 128-9 ‘les Barbus' 86 Barry, James 135 Baudelaire, Charles 236 Bavarian glass painting 126 beauty ascendency of sublime over 79 in Christian art 165 Greek sculpture 60—2 Plato on 11 primitive man and 60 sensualism 170 Wackenroder on 94 Beethoven, Ludwig van 93, 268 Belknap, W.P. 285 Bellini, Giovanni 106, 131, 137 Madonna with Saints 51 Index 313 Bentvueghels 261 Bergeret, Pierre-Nolasque, T?ie Studio of David 38 Bergson, Henri 264 Berlin, Isaiah, Vico and Herder 52 Bernini, Gianlorenzo 8, 69 Apollo and Daphne 28 Bible 86, 288; 202 Blake, William 101, 135 Descriptive Catalogue 122-5 S/r Jeffrey Chaucer and the Nine and Twenty Pilgrims on their journey to Canterbury 47 The Spiritual Form of Nelson Guiding Leviathan 61 Der Blaue Reiter 224-5 blind artists 233; 137 Boas, Franz 273, 280 Primitive Art 269—71 Boas, George 146, 161, 190 The Cult of Childhood 200 Primitivism and Related Ideas in Antiquity 9 Boccaccio, Giovanni 40, 72 Bodmer 52 Boeckler, Albert, Die Frühmittelalterlichen Bronzetüren 219 Boisserée brothers 105, 129, 181 Book of Kells 223, 291; 213 Borromini, Francesco 69; 30 Botticelli, Sandro 165—9, 170, 172-3, 219 Birth of Venus 166, 172; 92 Madonna of the Magnificat 174; 96 Madonna of the Pomegranate 169; 93 Venus and Mars 173; 97 Bouchardon, Edine, The Holy Virgin 137, 194; 76 Bouguereau, William, The Birth of Venus 203; 112 bourgeoisie 205—6, 268 Boydell 131 Brancusi, Constantin, The Kiss 194; 108 Breitinger 52 Brera Gallery, Milan 281 Brittany 190—1 Brown, Ford Madox, The Last of England 141 Browning, Robert 174 Men and Women 156—9 Brueghel, Pieter 117 Brunelleschi, Filippo 162 Brutus 22, 25 Bry, Theodore de, Aztec Natives as the Spanish Conquistadors Found them 32 Burckhardt, Jakob 37, 147, 174 Cicerone 162—6 The Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy 166 Burke, Edmund A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful 54-7 Reflections on the Revolution in France 113 Bushmen 280; 182 Byzantine art 8, 179, 181-2, 194; 99 Calamis 23, 30 Calon 30 Calvinism 49 Canachus 23 Canova, Antonio 137 caricatures 209, 211, 236, 243 Carpaccio, Saint Ursula 162 Carracci family 45, 48, 105, 106, 131 Carroll, Lewis Alice in Wonderland 259 Alice through the Looking Glass 259; 176 Casals, Pablo 275; 187 Castle Frome parish church 209 Catalan art 229; 136 cathedrals 39, 188, 199 Catholic Church 49, 137, 153, 194 Cato 22—3 Caus, Isaac de 18 Cavaceppi, Bartolomeo 66, 90 cave paintings 200, 274 Cellini, Benvenuto 261 censorship 11-13 Cézanne, Paul 201 Chartres Cathedral 188, 191—4; 106 Chateaubriand, François René,Vicomte de 101-4, 127,152 Génie du Christianisme 101, 102—4 Chaussard 113 childrens art 149-50, 189, 200, 236—41,261-3, 281; 192, VIII, X Chinese art 285; 195 Christ 138 Christ of Sacré Coeur 138; 80 Christenson, Lars 285—8; 201 Christian art 37—9, 94, 102—4, 147-9,150, 154-5, 162-5 churches 138 Cicero 7-8, 22-9, 30, 32, 203 Brutus 22—3 The Orator 25—6, 27 Cimabue 72, 179,219 Clark, Kenneth 35, 161 Clausen, George 189—90 Codex Amiatinus 291; 207 The Preference for the Primitive coins 65, 161-2; 25 Cologne Cathedral 129 Communists 214 conceptual art 201 connoisseurship 43—4, 46-9, 205 Constable, John 101, 135 Wiveiihoe Park 281; VII, VIII Cook, Captain James 209; 115 copying 108—13 Corinthian order 29; 11 Cornelius, Peter von 121-2, 129, 133, 205 Joseph Interprets Pharaoh's Dreams 62 Walpurgis Night - Faust Led by Mephisto 133; 71 Correggio 8, 105, 106, 115, 137, 156, 161 Coventry Cathedral 194 314 Crane, Walter 189, 214 Croce, Benedetto 146 Cruikshank, George 247-53 My Sketchbook 253; 166—8 Scraps and Sketches 247-53, 255; 163—5 Cubism 218 Curtius, Ernst Robert, European Literature and the Latin Middle Ages 233 Cycladic art 229; 134 Dada 259, 264 Dante Alighieri 72, 233 Purgatorio 39 Dark Ages 8,35,176,219 Darwin, Charles 221 Origin of Species 199-200 Daumier, Honoré, The Past, the Present, the Future 211; 117 David, Jacques-Louis 82-6, 91, 99, 113, 135, 205; The Rape of the Sabine Women 82; 36 decoration 184-8, 205 Delécluze, Etienne-Jean 82—6 Demetrius 17-19,31 Demosthenes 21, 52-4 Denis, Maurice 212 Deonna, Waldemar 225-9 Dettwang 124 devotional art 137—41 Dickens, Charles, The Chimes 259; 172 Dijon Academy 50 Dionysius of Halicarnassus 19-22 ‘disconnected'style 17-19; 3 Domenichino 105 St Agnes 49 doodles 243, 255 Doré, Gustave 288; 202 Doric order 29; 11 Doyle, John 253 Doyle, Richard 253—9; 171-3 A Book Full of Nonsense 253—5; 169—70 drawing childrens art 200, 236—41,281 copying from the antique 113 mimetic skill 271 nonsense imagery 243-61 outline drawings 99—101 dreams 235, 236, 247 Dresden 60 Dryden, John, Of Dramatic Poesy 50—2 Dubuffet, Jean 265 Geste et Parole 181 Duchamp, Marcel 265-8 Dura Europos 288; 290 Durer, Albrecht 76,96,97, 117, 131,138,241; 145 Adoration of the Trinity 57 Apocalypse, Saint John Devours the Book 285; 193-4 Bishops, Nicholaus, Ulrich and Erasmus 43 Saint Christopher 34 Dvorak, Max 35-7 Kunstgeschichte als Geistesgeschichte 229; 128 Dyck, Anthony van 44 easel painting 122, 186—8 Easter Island 125 ‘Eclectic School' 8 Ecuador 229; 131 Egyptian art 71—2, 154, 189, 271,274, 279; 184, II E.H. Gombrich at his Music Lesson (Elise) 275-7,280, 281; XI Eliot, T.S. 31-2 Elise (Gombrich family cook) 275—7, 280, 281; XI emotion,‘resonance'theory 264 Empire style 127 England antiquarian movement 298—300 connoisseurship 43—4, 46—9 rivalry with France 50—2 Enlightenment 52, 95, 97 Ennius 32 Epstein, Albert 194 Lazarus 194 Erwin of Steinbach 73 Euripides 86 Europa 104, 105,131 Index 315 Euthymides 37; 15 evolution, theory of 199-200, 271 Exposition Universelle, Paris (1855) 196 Expressionism 221, 223—9, 233, 263 Eyck, Jan van 113, 135, 184 Columba Altarpiece 181 Ghent Altarpiece 174 Faber, J. junior, Sir Isaac Newton 198 fairies 125 Falke, Jakob 188 Fauvism 215—17 Fernkorn 131 Ferronays, Comte de la 152 First World War 264 The Flagellation (San Zeno, Verona) 122 Flandrin, Jean Hippolyte 154 Flaxman, John 90, 99, 113, 134, 135, 137, 184-5,209 The Knight of the Blazing Cross 99; 45 Lectures on Sculpture 90 Thetis Bringing the Armour to Achilles 44 Florence 131, 147, 149, 154, 166, 169, 173 folk art 190-1, 214, 225, 285-8, 291,300; 119, 200-1,217-18 ‘formal values' 177-9, 181, 184 Fraenger, Wilhelm 285 France 152 dominance of the arts 69-70 eighteenth-century rivalry 50-2 François I, King of France 91 Frederick the Great, King of Prussia 69 French Academy 115, 125, 179 French Academy, Rome 137 French Revolution 81-2, 91, 96, 101, 102, 104-5, 106, 146 fresco painting 122-5 Freud, Sigmund 236, 241, 264 The Ego and the Id 235 Friedrich, Caspar David 133 Fry, Roger 196, 218 furniture 16, 216—18 Fuseli, Henry 131 Gabon 217; 120 Garger, Ernst von 288 Garofalo, Benvenuto Tisi, Virgin and Child 68 Gauguin, Paul 190-1, 201, 212-14, 215, 217, 261 Be Mysterious 178 Breton Calvary 191 Le Christ Vert (Green Christ) 191; 104 Gautier, Théophile 154 The Gentleman's Magazine 44 Germany and French dominance of the arts 69—70 Gothic architecture 73—8 medieval art 221—3 medievalism 125—9 Nazarenes 117-25 philosophy 162 Protestantism 49 rivalry with France 50 Ghiberti, Lorenzo 90—1, 135 Ghirlandaio, Domenico 147, 166,169—70, 173-4 Birth of the Virgin 169; 94 Gimpel, Jean 39 gingerbread moulds 288; 204 Giorgione 156 Giotto 40, 72, 117, 122, 131, 155,162, 184, 190,219 Giulio Romano 105, 117 Gladstone, William Ewart 153 Gmünd, Johanneskirche 291; 210 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von 69, 73, 89, 93, 96, 127-9,133, 146, 179-82,184, 203, 243, 300 Aus Kunst undAlterthum 129,181 Of German Architecture 73—8 Goldscheider, Ludwig, Zeitlose Kunst (Art without Epoch) 229; 132 Gorres, Joseph 121 Gothic architecture 73-8, 101, 188 Gothic Revival 78, 101, 127 Gothic sculpture 223, 225, 229 Gozzoli, Benozzo 141,147 Angels Worshipping 84 The Youth and Sacrifice of Isaac 82 graffiti 265; 180 Grand Tour 146, 205 Grandville, Un autre monde 243—7, 253; 157-62 Gray, Thomas,‘The Bard' 57, 58 Great Exhibition, London (1851) 185-6,196 El Greco 225 Greece 71—2,181, 196 literature 25, 62 musical modes 13 philosophy 11-16 rhetoric 17-22, 72 sculpture 16-17, 23, 29, 30-1, 606, 71-2, 137,149, 154 tragedy 15—16 vase paintings 91, 135, 189; 37,1 Gschnasfest 261 The Preference for the Primitive 316 Gugale, Francesco 211 Hagesandros 98 Hallam, Henry 153 ‘happenings' 268 Haskell, Francis 40, 298 Hausenstein, Wilhelm, Barbaren und Klassiker 229;130-1 Hauttmann, Max 219 Hegel, G.W.F. 149-52,154,162, 169 Philosophy of History 169 Heine, Heinrich 268 Deutschland:A WintePsTale 127 Heraclitus 62 heralds 298 Herder, Johann Gottfried 69—73, 76, 300 Correspondence concerning Ossian and the Songs of Ancient Peoples 69 Of German Character and Art 73 The Voice of the Nations in their Songs 94 Hesiod 14 Hiroshige, Ando 190 Hogarth, William 97, 236 Analysis of Beauty 97,134-5 Modern Moral Subjects 97 Hokusai, Katsushika 190 Holbein, Hans 44 Homer 14, 32, 58, 60, 62, 79, 86, 99, 113 Hoppner,John 101 Hugford, H. Ignace 90 Huizinga, Johan 174 humanism 147 Humbert de Superville, David-Pierre 90 humour 207-9, 236, 241,243, 247-61 Hunt, William Holman, The Hireling Shepherd 141; 83 Huy, Reiner van der 291; 208 Hyperides 52-4 Ife 271; 186 illusion 273-4, 279 Impressionism 201,214 India 199 Indians, North American 271; 183 Indochina 199 Industrial Revolution 185,205 Ingres, Jean-Auguste Dominique 135 Mme Rivière 113; 55 innocence, loss of 159—62 insanity 261-3, 264—5 Institut de France 113 Ionian order 29; 11 Islamic art 217 Isocrates 21 Italy 150-2 France acquires artworks from 104—5 Grand Tour 146, 205 ‘Italian Primitives' 155, 156, 162, 169 Jakobsen, Roman 280 James, Henry, The Europeans 280 Japanese art 189-90, 191, 214, 217 Japonisme 189-90, 201 Johnson, Dr 79 Jones, Owen, The Grammar of Ornament 186; 103 Jones, William 199 Julius II, Pope 90 Junius, Franciscus, The Painting of the Ancients 33-4 Kafka, Franz 259 Kant, Immanuel 81, 177 ‘Keepsakes' 125; 64 kitsch 7, 194,211 Klages, Ludwig 264 Klee, Paul 259,261-3,297 Klosterbrüder see Nazarenes Kneller, Sir Godfrey 44 Kraft, Adam 138 Kris, Ernst 247 Kwakiutl Indians 271; 183 La Fage, Raymond de 62 Camillus and the Schoolmaster of the Falerii 24 Landseer, Edwin, The Old Shepherd's Chief Mourner 162; 90 language 70-1, 280—1 Lanzi, Abbate Luigi, History of Painting in Italy 89 Laocoön and his sons 179; 98 Lasinio 141 ‘law of gravitation' 281-97 le Breton, Joachim 113 Lear, Edward A Book of Nonsense 259; 174 Nonsense Botany and Nonsense Alphabets 174 Lenoir, Alexandre 91 Leo X, Pope 72, 90 Leonardo da Vinci 8, 145, 156, 179 Adoration of the Magi 291—7; 215 Leda 170 Levine, Joseph 300 Liège, Church of St Bartholomew 291; 208 Lindisfarne Gospels 223, 291; 123, 206 Lindsay, Lord 154-6, 159, 161, 162, 173 Progression by Antagonism, a General Law of Index 317 the Moral Government of God 154,155—6 Sketches of the History of Christian Art 154-5 Lippi, Filippo 156-9 Saint Stephen's Martyrdom and Funeral 86 Locke, John 78 Lombardi 138 Longinus 52, 54, 72, 95 Longinus On the Sublime 32 Loo, Carle Van 50, 82, 205 Resting from the Hunt 35 Lorenzo Monaco, Coronation of the Virgin 87 Louvre, Paris 104, 105, 106, 108 Lovejoy, Arthur O. 16, 161, 190, 233 Primitivism and Related Ideas in Antiquity 9 Löwenfeld, Victor, The Sculpture of the Blind 233; 137 Lübeck 133 Luini, Bernardino, The Burial of Saint Catherine 281; IX, X Lukasbund 115 Luther, Martin 49 Lyall, Sir Charles 199 Lysias 22 Lysippus 17, 23, 29, 31 Apoxyomenos 10 Macaulay, Thomas Babington 153 MacGregor, John, The Discovery of the Art of the Insane 263 Macke, August 224—5 Macpherson, Janies 57—8, 73 Madonna of Lourdes 138; 81 The Magi Following the Star (stained glass) V Majorelle, Louis 216 Malcolm, J.P., An Historical Sketch of the Art of Caricaturing 209, 218; 115 Malraux, André 94, 217 Le Musée imaginaire 233; 138 Manet, Edouard 201, 207-9, 211 Olympia 205-6; 114 ‘manner', avoidance of 134—7 Mannerism 58 Mantegna, Andrea 89, 131 Saint James on the Way to Execution 39 manuscript illuminations 209, 223; 116,123, rv Maori art 185, 291; 212 Marc, Franz 221 Masaccio, Tommaso Giovanni di 48, 90,170 masks, tribal 217—18, 229; 120,130, 133 Matisse, Henri 211, 215-17 measuring proportions 279 Medici, Lorenzo de' 166 Medici family 72, 154, 169 medieval art 35, 37, 39—40, 99, 104, 125, 170, 221-3,229, 233,288-91; 138 medievalism, Germany 125—9 Meissen 23 Mendelssohn family 104 Mengs, Anton Raffael 106, 125, 131 mental illness 261—3, 264-5 mental sets 211—12, 218—19 Meryon, Charles 185 Sketch of Maori canoe prow 102 Mesopotamian art 229; 135 metaphor 59—60 Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York 176 Metsu, Gabriel 186 Meyer, Heinrich 134 Neudeutsche religios-patriotische Kunst 129-33 mezzotints 285 Michelangelo 8, 41, 58, 79, 80—1, 91, 102, 115, 134, 135, 145,147, 156, 237-41; 144 The Crucifixion of Saint Peter 54; 19 Michelet, Jules 147 Milton, John 52, 78 mimesis 186—8 conflict with formal harmony 179, 184 and decoration 188—9 Greek art 14, 17 Japonisme and 190 and perception 277, 279—80 as progress 271-3 reduction of images 281—91 rejection of 219-21 Renaissance art 145—6 Minotaur 265; 180 modern art, development of 201-3, 206—18 Montalembert, Comte de 153, 155, 194 On Vandalism and Catholicism in Art 137 Montfaucon, Bernard de 40 Montor, Artaud de, Les Peintres primitifs 125 Moore, Henry 194 Moretto da Brescia, Santa Giustina 115; 56 Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, The Magic Flute 93 Munich 152 Münz, Ludwig, The Sculpture of the Blind 233; 137 Murait, Ludwig von 52 Museum of Modern Art, New York 201 music 13, 44, 91—3 Music Lesson: a Pupil Learns to Play the Lyre (Greek) I Mycenae 4 The Preference for the Primitive 318 Myron 23, 29, 30 mystical art 153-4, 173 Napoleon I, Emperor 102, 104—5, 113, 121, 127,129 The Nativity 285; 195-6 naturalism 147—9, 159, 162 Nazarenes 117—25, 133, 135, 137, 141, 146, 150,152,153,155,170 Nazis 214 ‘Negro art'196, 217-18; 109 Nelson, Professor 285 ‘neo-Attic' school 29 neo-classicism 82,137 Neoplatonism 15, 166, 221 Nero, Emperor 37 Netherlands 147,181 New England 285 New Zealand 185 Nicomachus 23 Niobe 66; 27 Nolde, Emil 223-4 nonsense imagery 243-61 Nuremberg 138 Oliphant, Laurence, Piccadilly 259; 173 Olivier, Heinrich, The Holy Alliance 127; 66 Olympic Games 37 opera 206, 214 optical illusions 279 oratory 11, 17-23, 25-9, 30, 31-3 Orcagna 131 orders, architectural 29; 11 Ossian 57, 73, 76, 86, 300 Ottley, William Young, An Inquiry into the Origin and Early History of Engraving 90 outline drawing 99—101 Overbeck, Friedrich 115, 117, 129, 133, 135, 137 The Finding of Moses 67 Madonna vor der Mauer 72 Peter of Amiens Nominates Godfrey of Bouillon as the Leader of the Christian Army ... 63 Self-Portrait 74 Ovid 73 paganism 146,155, 159,166,173 Palladio, Andrea 161 Pallas Albani 66; 26 Panofsky, Erwin 191 Paris 102, 104 Louvre 104, 105,106,108 Père Lachaise cemetery 194 Trocadéro 199, 217, 221 Parmigianino, Moses 57; 21 Parnas, Leslie 275; 187 Parrhasius 37 Patch, Thomas 90-1 Pater, Walter, The Renaissance 172 Paul and Barnabas at Lystra (stained glass) VI Pausanias 17 perception 273-4 ‘perceptual constancies' 277-9 Percy, Thomas, Reliques of Ancient English Poetry 300 perfection 23-6 Pericles 86 ‘periodic' style 17-19; 4 perspective 273, 277-80 Peru 271; 110,185 Perugino 91, 106, 115, 117, 131, 190 Madonna with Saints 52 Petrarch 72 Petronius 32-3 Pforr, Franz 115-17,133 Entry of Rudolf von Habsburg into Basle in 1273 115-17; 58 Rudolf von Habsburg and the Priest 115—17; 59 Saint George and the Dragon 117; 60 Phidias 19,25,31,66 philosophy, Greek 11-16 photography 199, 225-9, 275-7, 279 Picasso, Pablo 221, 229, 236-7, 241, 285, 297 Les Demoiselles d'Avignon 203, 217—18; 113 The Dream and Lie of Franco 140 Nude with Raised Arms 121 sketches for Guernica 237; 139, 141—3 Pierre. Jean-Baptiste-Marie 50 Piggott, Stuart 298 Piles, Roger de 40—1 Pindar 70 pious art 137—41, 150 Pisano, Nicola 219 plaster casts 199 Plato 11-15, 16, 22, 25, 37, 62, 203, 235; 1 Laws 11,14 Republic 11, 13 Platonism 44-5 Pliny 37, 40, 45-6, 179 poetry Greek poetry 25 links between language and 70—1 metaphor 59—60 Ossian 57—8, 300 ‘possession' and 235 Index 319 sincerity in 207 the sublime 54 Polycleitus 23, 25, 29, 30—1, 66 Doryphoros 8 Polydoros of Rhodes 98 Polygnotus 23, 31 Polymedes of Argos, The Youth Biton 7 Pompadour, Madame de 82, 205 Pope, Alexander 79 Poppelmann, M.D. 60 Popper, Karl 177 Pordenone 115 Portrait of a Man (Anonymous) 199 ‘possession', states of 235 Poussin, Nicolas 41, 106 Praxiteles 23, 31 Apollo Sauroktonos 9 Pre-Raphaelites 141, 162 Previtali, Giovanni 134 Lafortuna dei primitivi 90 ‘les Primitifs' 86, 113, 125, 134, 135, 205 primitive, preference for definition of primitive 8 ‘foundation charter' 108 German medievalism 125-9 in Greek art 30—2 ‘hard' and ‘soft' 8, 161 negative qualities of 7, 117-21, 162 regression 235—41, 243—68 Victorian touchstone of 155, 165 primitive man art of 200, 221-3, 274 evolution 199-200, 269 ‘law of recapitulation' 200 mentality 58—60 prints, Japanese 189-90, 191 Prinzhorn, Hans, Bildnerei der Geisteskranken 264, 265; 179 ‘progress' in art 8, 15-17, 23—5, 35-6, 40, 65—6, 269-71 proportion, and perspective 279—80 Protestantism 49 Protogenes 23, 25, 37 psychoanalysis 235 Pugin, Augustus 185 Punch 255—9; 171 Puritans 11—13, 44, 172 Pyreicus 17 Quarterly Review 159 Quay, Maurice 86, 96, 113 Quintilian 30—2, 72 The Rape of Persephone (Greek) 6 Raphael 8, 30, 41, 45, 48, 79-80, 81, 87, 89, 91, 97,102, 106-8, 115, 117, 121-2, 125, 131, 134,135, 145,147, 150, 153, 156, 170, 179, 205, 223-4, 236-7 Disputa 91, 131; 69 The Entombment 91; 41 The Expulsion of Heliodorus 91; 42 Galatea 170 Transfiguration 91, 106; 53 Virgin and Child 54 The Vision of Ezekiel 57, 58; 20 Rapport sur les Beaux Arts 113, 125 Rawson, Rev. Grindall 200 Read, Herbert 8, 236, 269 ‘recapitulation', law of 200 reduction of images 281-91 Reformation 49 regression 235-41, 243—68 religious art see Christian art Rembrandt 41, 137, 186, 264 Renaissance 8, 58, 105, 146—7, 159-61, 169-74 Reni, Guido, The Toilet of Venus 48 ‘resonance' theory 264 Reynolds, Sir Joshua 79—81, 97, 134, 203—5 Rhineland 105 Richardson, Jonathan 46-9, 52—4, 87, 97, 203 Riegl, Alois 35, 221—3 Riepenhausen, Franz and Joseph, Count Siegfried Departs from Genoveva 133; 70 Rio, François 152—4, 155, 159, 161, 162, 166-9,170, 172-3,205 Essai sur l'histoire de l'esprit humain 152 On Christian Poetry 153—4 Rococo style 82, 131,146, 203, 205 Rodin, Auguste 138, 194 The Kiss 194; 107 Rogers, Samuel 153 Roman art 72, 181, 288; III Romanesque sculpture 191—4, 291; 105-6 Romantic movement 43, 52, 95, 96, 101, 121, 149, 150, 154,179-81, 207, 214, 243 Rome 45,117,131,135-7, 152, 261, 298 Casa Bartoldi 125 Casino Massimo 125 chapel of St Sylvester 99 Roth, Bishop Wolfhart 132 Rousseau, Henri ‘Le Douanier', Portrait of Child with Puppet 285; 197 Rousseau, Jean-Jacques 49-50, 69, 76, 82, 96, 159 The Preference for the Primitive 320 Royal Academy of Arts 79, 82, 189 Rubens, Peter Paul 41, 44 Rubin, William 201, 212, 217, 218, 263 Rumohr, Carl Friedrich von 147, 152, 153 Drei Reisen nach Italien 133-4 Italienische Forschungen 147-9, 182-4 Runge, Philipp Otto 125-7, 133 Ruskin,John 141, 159-62, 172, 174, 186, 188, 205 Modern Painters 159, 161, 162 Praeter i ta 161-2 Seven Lamps of Architecture 159 The Stones of Venice 159 Russian art 214, 285; 119,194 Saint Veronica 181-2; 100-1 Salon des Refusés 209 Salon painting 7, 8, 203, 206, 211 San Zeno,Verona 219; 122 ‘Sansculottes' 80 Sapir, Edward 280 Savonarola, Girolamo 154, 169, 172 Scheffer, Ary, Christ the Redeemer 77 Schelling, F.WJ. 149, 152,177 Schiller, Friedrich 133 Ode to Joy 268 On Naïve and Sentimental Poetry 93 Schinkel, Karl Friedrich 127 Medieval City beside a River 127; 65 Schlegel, Friedrich 104-8, 113, 117, 129, 131-3, 146 On Raphael 106-8 Schnaase, Karl 219 Schnorr von Carolsfeld, Julius 137 Schongauer, Martin 131 Scott, Walter 255 sculpture African 218 Gothic 223,225,229 Greek 16-17, 23, 29, 30-1, 60-6, 71-2, 137,149,154 illusions 273-4, 279 mimetic skill 271 Romanesque 191—4, 291; 105-6 truth-to-material 194,218 Sebastiano del Piombo, Martyrdom of Saint Agatha 106; 50 secularism 147 Seekatz, Johann, Goethe Family Portrait 76; 33 Seneca 32, 72 Seroux d'Agincourt, Jean-Baptiste-Louis- Georges 90,181 Serret 212 Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper, Third Earl of 60, 96, 97,203 Letter Concerning the Art, or Science of Design 44-6, 48, 49 The Moralists 52 Shakespeare, William 50—2, 73, 79 Siena 149, 154 sincerity 214-17 Smith, Bernard 194, 218 Modernism's History 177 Society of Antiquaries 298 Socrates 37, 62 Soldi, Emile, Les Arts méconnus 199; 110—11 Sophists 11, 21, 203 Sophocles 15 Oedipus Tyrannus 16 South Sea Islands 190-1, 214 Spanish Civil War 237 The Spectator 44 Spirit 149-52, 162 spirituality 170, 174-6 stained glass 188—9; V, VI Steinle, Eduard von, The Holy Virgin 137, 194. 75 Stonehenge 54 Stoss,Veit 138 Stothard, Thomas 99 The Canterbury Pilgrims 101 The Pilgrimage to Canterbury 46 Strasburg Minster 73-5, 76; 31 the sublime 32, 52-4, 57—8, 75, 79 Surrealism 247, 259, 264 Sutherland, Graham 194 Symonds, John Addington 172-3 Tacitus, Dialogue on Oratory 30 Taine, Hippolyte 173 Voyage en Italie 169-70 technology 271-3 Tenniel,John 259; 176 Tennyson, Alfred, Lord 153 Thoré, Théophile (W. Bürger) 196 Thorvaldsen, Bertel 135—7 Christ and His Apostles 137 Hope 137; 73 3-D representations 273—4 Three Men in a Fiery Furnace (Roman) III Thucydides 26 Tieck, Johann Ludwig 95 Franz Sternbald's Wanderings 131 Tiepolo, Doge Jacopo 161-2; 88 Tietze, Hans 225 Index 321 Timanthes 23 Tintoretto 115, 162 Tiryns 3 Tischbein, Johann Heinrich Wilhelm 131 Titian 89, 105, 106, 115, 134, 137, 153, 156, 161,186 The Miracle of the Jealous Husband 40 Tolstoy, Leo 264 What is Art? 214—15 TöpfFer, Rodolphe 217, 247 Dr Festus 243; 147-56 Essai de physiognomie 243; 146 traditionalists 206—7 tragedy, evolution of 15-16 tribal art 76, 184-5, 186, 196, 199, 201, 203, 209, 214, 217-18, 263, 269-71; 102,103, 115,120,125, 130,133,182-3 Trocadéro, Paris 199, 217, 221 ‘truth-to-material' 194,218 Turner, J.M.W. 159, 162 2-D representations 273-4 Umbria 154 unconscious mind 235, 236 untutored art 274—7, 281 Ussher, Bishop 199 Üxküll, Count 117 Van Gogh,Vincent 190, 263 The Potato Eaters 212; 118 Varro 298 Vasari, Georgio 23, 35, 40, 66, 89, 90, 91, 95, 108, 145-6,147, 155, 156,159,165, 166-9, 173, 179,237-41 Lives of the most Excellent Painters, Sculptors and Architects 8 Venice 137, 138, 161—2 Venus de Milo 8, 215 Verdi, Giuseppe 206 Vermeer, Jan The Astronomer 279; 190 The Music Lesson 277—9; 188—9 Verona 219 Veronese, Paolo 115 Solomon and the Queen of Sheba 161; 89 Vico, Giambattista 69 The New Science 58—60, 65; 22 Vienna 261 Vienna Gallery 115 Viollet-le-Duc, Eugène Emmanuel 199 Dictionnaire raisonné de Parchitecture française du Xle au XVIe. siècle 186-8 ‘Vitrail' 188 Virgil 31 virtual reality 273 ‘virtuous' style 137-41, 194 Vischer, Peter Saint Simon 79 SebaldusTomb 138; 78 Vitruvius 29, 33, 78 Vlaminck, Maurice de 217 Vöge, Wilhelm, The Beginnings of the Monumental Style in the Middle Ages 191—4 Voltaire, François Marie Arouet de 69 Wackenroder, Wilhelm 104, 105, 117, 121, 131 155 Monument in Honour of Albrecht Durer 97 Outpourings from the Heart of an Art-loving Monk 93-6, 182 Wagner, Richard 206 Wales 153 Walpole, Horace 57, 78, 300 Warburg, Aby 169, 173-4, 203 Warburton 102 Watteau, Antoine 93 The Love Lesson 17 Weimar 129, 134 Wells Cathedral 90 Westminster Abbey, London 102 Weyden, Rogier van der Adoration of the Magi (Columba Altarpiece) 150; 85 Last Judgement 174 Whitehead, Alfred N. 11 Wilde, Oscar 194 Winckelmann, Johann Joachim 33, 60, 70-1, 72, 75, 87, 95, 96, 99,135, 137,146, 149, 203 History of Ancient Art 65—6, 90 Remarks on the History of Ancient Art 66—9 Thoughts on the Imitation of Greek works in Painting and Sculpture 60—5 Wittkower 8 Woermann, Karl 218 Wölfflin, Heinrich, Classic Art 173 woodcuts 285 Wordsworth, William 135, 153 Worringer, Wilhelm 229 Abstraction and Empathy 221 Problems of Gothic Form 221—3 Wyatt, Digby 186 Xenophon 62 Yoruba masks 133 The Preference for the Primitive Zervos, Christian 229; 134-6 Zeuxis 23, 29, 37 Zola, Emile 215,217, 268 Mon Salon 205-6, 207-9, 214 L'Oeuvre 209-11 322
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