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Volltext:INDEX Agrippa of NetteJsheim 193 Alberti, L. B. 6, 5 8 z\ntwerp Cathedral 35, Plate 8 Apelles 18 /Architecture, relation of interior and exterior 20, 34, 37, 4off., -¡6S. Aretino, P. 155 Aristotle 6, 29, no, 165, 199 Arnolfini, G. 164 Art, the conception of xv—xviii, xxiif., 4, 6ff., 15ft, 27ff., 41, 49, 205, 207, 21 aff. theories of its historical change xxiiifft, 20-4, 33-40, 52-8, 68, 71, 9 5 ff\ 99ft, 104, 110, 128ft, 133-43, 201-2, 212, 215 Astrology 168—74 Aztecs 3 Bartolomeo, Fra 115 Bing, G. 177 Botticelli, S. 158-64, 167, 170, Plate 58 Bramante, D. 140 Brunelleschi, F. 156, 138, 140, Plates ib Í2 Burckhardt, J. xxiv, 8, 24, 64, 69, 99, 112, 114—16, 136, 167, 168 Büdiger, M. 71 Carracci, A. 144 Cassirer, E. 178, 181ft Castiglione, B. 155 Cimabue 30, 185 Cole, H. 45 Cossa, F. 168-70, Plate 64 Courbet, G. 70 Critical history, concept of xviii-xxii, 97' 99' M3' 177, 209ft'. Croce, B. xxi, 212 Cuvier, G. 44 de Piles, R. 4 Descartes, R. 187 Diderot, D. 69 Dittmann, L. 195, 198 Duccio 30, 151, 210, Plate 57 Durer, A. 149, 172, 178, 180, 185, 191, 193, 195, 205, Plates 66, 68, 69, 70 Dvorak, M. 66 n4 Empathy theory 100ft, 103ft, 176 Euclidian optics 187ft Exemplification of concepts 192-9 Eyck, J. van 164, 198, Plate 71 Ficino, M. 167, 193, 195 Fichte, J. G. 19 Fiedler, K. 69ft nof. Flaubert, G. 70 Fragonard, J. H. 180 Francastel, P. xxi Francia, F. 115 Frankl, P. 145ft, M9 French Revolution n6f. Freud, S. xxii, 6, 176, 214 Fry, R. xxi Focillon, H. xxi Fortuna 167 Giotto 29ft, 132ft, 158, Plates 47, 53 Ghiberti, L. 132ft, Plate 48 Ghirlandaio, D. 138, 168, Plates 55, 63 Ghirlandaio, R. 124, Plate 44 Goes, H. van der 164ft, Plate 62 Goethe, J. W. 1, 13, 43, 62, 178, 218 Göller, A. xxiiift, 55-8, 100 Gombrich, E. H. 215 Goy en, J. van 140 Grünewald, M. 180 Hauck, G. i86f. Hegel, G. \\". F. xv, xxift'., 4, 7, 3 iff., 44, 6if., 66, 83, 110, 152-4, 1-8, 199, 205, 209, an Heidt, R. 195, 198ft Herbart, J. F. xxi, xxiii, $6f., 62, 68, 71ft 256 THE CRITICAL HISTORIANS OF ART Herder, J. G. if., 8 Hildebrand, A. xxv, 66, 69, 73, 110-12, 114, 117, 144 Hirsch, E. D. Jr 214 Jacobsz., D. 84, Plate 23 Kant, I. xxi, 2, 6ff., 9-11, 15, i8f., 28h, 30, 61, 181, i88f., 191 Keyser, T. de 84, 88f., Plates 25, 26 Kugler, F. xx Language, analogy with visual forms or style 52ff., 5 5h, 104, 158, 160, 175, 212, 2l6f. Leonardo da Vinci 62 Lessing, G. E. 28 Mantegna, A. 124, 128, Plate 43 Mannheim, R. 205 Medici family 160 Medici, Lorenzo de' 165 Memlinc, H. 164h, 176 Michelangelo 131, 144 Midas, Tomb of, 47 Minerva. Medica, Temple of 80, Plate 20 Nietzsche, F. 16, 172 Ovid i6of. Pächt, O. 195, 198 Painting and the viewer's role 22, 24, 62 see also Perspective Panofsky, E. xv, xxii, 24, 62, 75, 178-208, 2ioff. Pantheon 76, 80, Plate 19 Parthenon 49 Pater, W. xxi Pathosformel 175 F Perspective 42F, 75, 81, 186-91 Perugino, P. 115 Phidias 49 Pirenne, M. 187F Plato 6, 199 Poliziano, A. 158-61 Polygnotus 205 Poussin, N. 4, 180 Psycho-analysis see Freud Quitzsch, H. 52 Raphael 4, 18, 69, 114, 118, 124, 144, 157, 170, 174, 193, 211, Plates 38, 42, 65, 67 Rembrandt xvff., 4, 88F, 94F, 118F, 124, 129, 131, 180, Plates i, 27, 28, 29, 39, 40, 45 Reynolds, J. 180 Riegl, A. xv, xxivff., 7, 24, 40, 51F, 62, 69b, 71-97, 8$, 99 D2 *78, 182, 191, 209-15 Rousseau, J. J. 69 Rubens, P. P. 3F, 64, 69, 115h, 124, 129-31, 214F, Plates 3, 13, 14, 46 Rucellai, G. 167 Rumohr, K. F. von xv, xxii, 2, 27-30, 48, 70, 205, 218 Ruskin, J. xxi San Gallo, G. da 168 Sansovino, A. 112, Plate 37 Santa Costanza 80, Plate 21 Sassetti, F. 165ÊF., 175F Saxl, F. 177, 193 Schifanoia, Palazzo 168-70, Plate 64 Schiller, F. xxi, xxiii, 6, 8, 11-15, 19, 30, 155, 172 Schlosser, J. von xxi, 212, 216 Schmarsow, A. 51, 143-9 Schnaase, K. xxiiif., iff., 6, 31-43, 44, 55, 66, 68, 70, 72, 81, 96, 99, no, 15Í Schopenhauer, A. 184 Sculpture, Egyptian contrasted with Greek xv., if., 2off., 75b, 182, 190, 211 relief xxv, 62, 66, 73-6, 110-12 Seaton Délavai House 49, Plates 11, 12 Semper, G. xxiiif., 7, 44-58, 70, 72, 99, 158, 161, 209-11, 215, 218 Semper, H. 48 Shakespeare xviii, 18 Sophocles 18 Springer, A. xxiv, 30, 152-8, 174, 216 Taine, H. xxi Tani, J. 165 Teleology in art history xxv, 27, 33-7, 57, 2I7 Teunissen, C. 84, Plate 24 Titian xvff., 124, 128, 155, Plate 2 Vanbrugh, J. 49 Vasari 185b, 191 INDEX Velâzquez, D. 69 Venturi, L. xxi Verrocchio, A. it 2, Plate 36 Viollet-le-Duc, E. xxi Waetzoldt, W. 5 if. Warburg, A. xv, xxiv, xxvi, 4, 8, 70, 152, 158—77, 205E, 218 Weber, M. 178E 257 Wickhoff, F. 69 Winckelmann, J. J. if., 4, 8, 28 Wittgenstein, L. 218 Wölffiin, H. xv, xxivff., 57E, 66, 69E, 98-151, 152, 178fr., 209-12 Xenophon 192 Zimmermann, R. 71
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