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Volltext:Index 291 Gallery 283 Abbott, Berenice 74,127, 277, 278, 283 Abdu'Allah, Faisal 145 Acker, Kathy 57 L'Action Française 48 Adams, Ansel 3,5,39,256,264,269, 270, 271,285,327 Surf Sequence 192 Adams, Eddie (Edward T.), Execution of a Viet Cong Suspect 96,97, 206, 207, 320, 322, 323, 332-4 Adams, Lee 256 Adams, Robert 266, 270, 322 'Photographing Evil' 327-8 Ades, Dawn 46-50 'Photography and the Surrealist Text' 43,47 Adobe Photoshop 344 Agee, James 130-1 Let Us Now Praise Famous Men (with Walker Evans) 200 Albers, Josef 64 Alexander, Vikky 100,103,105 Allen, David W. 170 Allen, Woody, Manhattan (film) 63 Almost Grown (book) 241 American Container Corporation 38 American Indian Community House Gallery, New York 141 L'Amour Fou: Photography and Surrealism (book) 55 Annan, Thomas 279 anthropology/anthropometry 121, 132-61 Anxious Visions: Surrealist Art, exhibition, 1990, University Art Museum, Berkeley 55 Aperture (magazine) 3,246,271,337 Appiah, Kwame Anthony 159 Aragon, Louis 57 Araki, Nobuyoshi 289-92 New York 289 Tokyo: Private Opinions on a Flourishing Document (with Kobayashi) 291 Tokyo Life 289 Tokyo Novelle 280 untitled image from Tokyo Novelle 280,281 Arbus, Diane 121, 124-6, 129,172, 242, 249, 305 'Aperture Monograph' 116 Christmas tree in a living room in Levittown 124 Diane Arbus: An Aperture Monograph 125-6 Arena (magazine) 241 Arnold, Eve 310 Art Institute of Chicago 271, 277 Arte Povera 11 Ash-Can School 283 Ashbery, John 128 Atget, Eugène 42,46, 73, 74-5, 193,229, 244,279 Autograph (The Association of Black Photographers) 145 avant-garde 12,21-40,87,225 Avedon, Richard 128,225,242 William Casby, Bom a Slave 129-30 Baader, Johannes 27,159 Bailey, David 233,243 Baker, Caroline 242, 243 'Every Hobo Should Have One' (with Saul Leiter) 243 Balâzs, Béla 319 Baldessari, John 101,168 Ballard, J.G. 205 Baltz, Lewis 270 Balzac, Honoré de 195, 314 Bamgboye, Oladele 157, 158-9 Barbican Gallery, London 13 Barker, Martin 343 Index • 357 Barney, Matthew 55 Barthes, Roland xv, 17,91,99,119-20,129, 174,208,220,227,248,284, 307,354 'Camera Lucida, Reflections on Photography' 71,72, 75-9,114, 129-31,211 Mythologies 120 The Photographic Message' 71, 79- 81 S/Z 194 'The Rhetoric of the Image' 230-2 Bataille, George 54, 57 Batchen, Geoffrey 336 'Phantasm: Digital Imaging and the Death of Photography' 3 50-2 Baudelaire, Charles 87,120, 279 Baudrillard, Jean 97, 102, 103, 211,335, 339 Bauhaus xvi, 22, 33, 36-7 Bayer, Herbert 38, 127 Bayer, Jonathan 256 Beaton, Cecil 19,105, 225, 243 The Magic Image (with Gail Buckland) xiii Beckley, Bill 339 Bellmer, Hans 54, 56, 127 'La Poupée' 43, 56,127 Bellocq, Ernest 164,170-2 untitled nude 171 Benetton 232,233-4,240 USA, Benetton 234 USSR, Benetton 234 Benetton, Luciano 234-5 Benjamin, Walter xv, 87,121,175, 227, 259, 262, 279, 286 'A Short History of Photography' 71- 2,73-5 'The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction' 71,73, 227-30 Berger, John 73, 84-6,192, 235, 324-6 About Looking 323 'Photographs of Agony' 322, 325-6 'Understanding a Photograph' 85-6 'Ways of Remembering' 210, 214-17 Ways of Seeing 163,178-9 Berger, John X. and Richon, Olivier, Other than Itself 112 Berlin Dada group (Club Dada) 27 Berman, Wallace 128 Bernatzik, Hugo 28 Bernhard, Ruth 19 Bertillon, Alphonse 146, 147, 148 Bertillon card 148 Berton, Germaine 48 Beuys, Joseph 11,256 Bhimji, Zarina 145,154 Bien, Anna 222 Blade Runner (film) 211, 350 Blessing, Jennifer 55-6 Blomberg, Sven 216 Blossfeldt, Karl 44,73 Art Forms in Nature 48 Boal, Augusto 183 Boccioni, Umberto, 'Power of the Street' 31 Bogdanovich, Peter, The Last Picture Show (film) 63 Böhm, Dorothy 256, 257 Boiffard, Jacques-André 42, 46,172, 285 Bonitzer, Paul 174 Borenstein, Larry 170 Boutros, Nabil 155,156 Bracksieck, Renata 127-8 Brady, Matthew 335 Braestrup, Peter 332 Bragaglia, Anton and Arturo 203 Branco, Miguel Rio 311 Brandt, Bill 180, 241, 2 56, 267, 268 retrospective exhibition, 1970, Hayward Gallery, London 242 Scillies 49 Braque, Georges 258 Brassaï 46,171,280, 305 Paris by Night 285-6 Bravo, Manuel Alvarez 46,49, 59 Brecht, Bertholt 17,18, 183, 216 Breton, André 49, 54 'Beauty Will Be Convulsive ...' 44 L'Amour Fou 44-5 Manifesto of Surrealism 41 Nadja 42,46,285 'Souvenir of Mexico' 49 Bridges, Marilyn 271 Bright, Deborah 266, 269-72, 278 'Of Mother Nature and Marlboro Men: An Inquiry into the Cultural Meanings of Landscape' 270-2 Brigman, Anne 277 Brik, Ossip 22, 25-6 'What the Eye Does Not See' 26 British Council 241, 242 Browne, Malcolm 334 Bryson, Norman, Looking at the 358 • Reading Photography Overlooked - Four Essays on Still Life Painting 244, 245 Buckland, Gail, The Magic Image (with Cecil Beaton) xiii Bucklow, Christopher 55 Bull, Clarence Sinclair 127 Bürgin, Victor xi, 13,15,72, 73, 89-92, 122,132, 165, 307 Hotel Latone (book) 185,186,187 Hotel Latone series 'In the Hotel' 188 'Silent and all-encompassing woods...' 188 'Seeing Sense' 89-92 What does possession mean to you? 15 Burke, Vanley 158 Burnett, David 312 Burroughs, William 18,168 Burrows, Larry 321 Cahun, Claude 55, 56, 115-16 Que veux tu? 116,116 Self-portrait 115 Callahan, Hany 2, 3,29, 37, 38, 39-40, 59 Detroit, 1941 39 Calle, Sophie 57 Camera Austria (journal) 112 camera obscura 24, 83 Camera Work (magazine) 86, 87, 250 cameras 166 technical developments 12 Cameron, Julia Margaret 1,20,206 Sir John Herschel 345 Campus, Peter 340 Capa, Robert 298, 313, 320, 321, 339 Caponigro, John Paul 270 Caroli, Patty 18 Carter, Angela 57 Cartier-Bresson, Henri 67, 250, 268, 285, 286, 290, 298, 305,311 The Decisive Moment 254 Cassatt, Mary 69 Casset, Mama 157 Cather, Willa 274 Cézanne, Paul 69 Chadwick, Helen 13, 14 Chadwick, Whitney, Women Artists and the Surrealist Movement 55 Charcot, Jean-Martin 47 Chevier, Jean-François 126-7 Chicago Association of Arts and Industries 37 Chicago Institute of Design 23, 33, 34, 37-40 Chirico, Giorgio de 268 Chodorow, Nancy 271 Chris, Cynthia 165 'Witkin's Others' 175-8 Cibachrome 312 city 279-97 City Limits show 297 Cixous, Hélène 108 Clarke, Graham xi, 116, 121-4, 279, 281 'Public Faces, Private Lives: August Sander and the Social Typology of the Portrait Photograph' 121-4 'The City in Photography' 282-4 Clift, William 270 Club Dada (Berlin Dada) 27 Coburn, Alvin Langdon 283 Coke, Van Deren 7, 8, 9 Cole, Ernest, The House of Bondage 147 Coleman, A.D. 3,16-20,61-5 'Colour Photography: The Vernacular Tradition' 59,62-3 'Is Criticism of Colour Photography Possible?' 59, 63-5 'The Directorial Mode' 3, 16, 193, 196 'The Image in Question: Further Notes on the Directorial Mode' 16-20 Collection to Find My Best Signature, exhibition, Museum of Modern Art, New York 58 Collins,Jane 135,136-9 'The Photograph as an Intersection of Gazes' (with Catherine Lutz) 136-9 colour 59-70 Colvin, Calum 13,14,18 Comme des Garçons 225 commercial photography xvi, 225-45 Comrie, Bernard, 'Aspect' 194, 196 Conceptual art 2,3,9,11,13,350 Connor, Linda 271,277,278 Conrad, Joseph, Heart of Darkness 153 Constantine, Elaine 241 Constructivism xvi, 11, 22, 24, 25 Contact: Photojournalism since Vietnam, exhibition, 1987 312 Contact Press Images 312, 313 Convulsive Beauty 45 Coplans, John 191 Cory, Kate 141 Index • 359 Cosindas, Marie exhibitions George Eastman House 60 Museum of Modem Art, New York 60 Cowin, Eileen 197 Crane, Barbara 277 Crane, Stephen 283 Crary, Jonathan 166 Techniques of the Observer 165 Crash (film) 55 Crazy Horse (Oglala warrior) 141 Crewdson, Gregory 194 Crimp, Douglas 72, 97, 98,105 'Pictures' 98 'The End of Painting' 98 'The Photographic Activity of Postmodernism' 98-100 Crookston, Peter 242 Crum (magazine) 155 Cumming, Robert 339 Cunningham, Imogen 5, 277, 278 Northwest Native 268 Curtis, Edward 141 Dadaism 11, 22, 27,41, 56, 57, 225, 347, 348 Daguerre, Louis 24, 84 daguerrotypes 83, 87, 261 Dali, Salvador 46 Damisch, Hubert 73,81-4 'Five Notes for a Phenomenology of the Photographic Image' 82-4 Darwin, Charles 148 Dater, Judy 277 Daumier, Honoré 215 Davidov, Judith Fryer 266, 274, 276-8 'The Body's Geography: Female Versions of Landscape' 276-8 Davidson, Bruce 226, 311 East 100th Street 312 Subway 312 Davies, John 265 Davis, Lynn 168 Davis, Melody D. 165,189-91 Introduction to The Male Nude 190-1 'Day in the Life of America' 338 Dazed and Confused (magazine) 241, 243 Deadman, Patricia 272 Deal, Joe 270 Debierre, Charles Marie, Le crâne des criminels 147 Debord, Guy, The Society of the Spectacle 11-12,97, 102 DeCocki, Liliane 277 Dennett, Terry 165,182-5 'Remodelling Photo History (with Jo Spence) 183-5 Derrida, Jacques 43, 350 Desnoes, Edmundo 322, 329-31 Desnos, Robert 57 Dews, Peter 104 di Grappa, Carol, Landscape: Theory (book) 266 Diallo, Mody Sory 156-7 diCorcia, Philip Lorca 194 directorialism 16-20 Divola, John 270 Dix, Otto 126 Dixon, Daniel, 'Photographing the Familiar' (with Dorothea Lange) 252-4 documentary photography 241-3,298- 319 Documents (review) 44,46,49 Donovan, Terence 242, 243 Dos Passos, John, Manhattan Transfer 283 Dreiser, Theodore 283 Druckrey, Timothy 336, 347-50 'From Dada to Digital: Montage in the Twentieth Century' 348-50 Du Pont, Diana 7 Duchamp, Marcel 9,45, 55,62 Duffy, Brian 243 Dureau, George 191 Duve, Thierry de 194, 206-9 'Time Exposure and Snapshot: The Photograph as Paradox' 207-9 Dyer, George 190 Eastman, George 12, 247 Eco, Umberto 122 Edelson, Mary Beth 277 Edwards, Elizabeth 153-4,336 Edwards, Steve 97,103-6 'The Snapshooters of History: Passages on the Postmodern Argument' 104-6 Eggleston, William 59, 244, 247 exhibitions 1976, Museum of Modern Art, New York 60,61,68,254 1983, Victoria and Albert Museum, London 60 Guide 69,70 360 • Reading Photography The Democratic Forest (book) 246, 254-6 Eisenstaedt, Alfred 269 Eisenstein, Sergei 9,319 Ektachrome 63 Elle (magazine) 243 Ellis, Havelock, The Criminal 148 Ellul, Jacques 317, 318, 319 Eluard, Paul 41 Emerson, Henry 335 Emerson, Peter Henry 266 Engels, Friedrich 314 Enwezor, Okwui 135, 152, 153-7 'Colonial Imagery, Tropes of Disruption: History, Culture and Representation in the Works of African Photographers' (with Octavio Zaya) 15 3-7 Ernst, Max 55 Erwitt, Elliot 168 Evans, H., Eyewitness 334 Evans, Jason (Travis) 241 Evans, Walker 11,100,101,130,156, 200-1,256 Brooklyn Bridge 200 Let Us Now Praise Famous Men (with James Agee) 200, 201,201 Many Are Called series 114, 129, 130-1,200 The Face (magazine) 241,243 Faller, Marion 277 The Family of Man, exhibition, 1955 216, 298 family photos 211, 218, 221, 249, 259, 261-3 Fani-Kayode, Rotimi 158 Fargue, Leon-Paul, Le Piéton de Paris 286 Farm Security Administration (FSA) 223, 298,301,302,314-16,316,317 Farocki, Harun, Bilder der Welt und Inschrift des Krieges [Images of the World and the Inscription of War] (film) 165, 166 fashion photography 241-3 Feininger, Andreas 99 Fellig, Arthur see Weegee femininity/feminism 105, 106-10, 163-91 Fenton, Roger 320 Valley of the Shadow of Death, 1855 345 Ferguson, Russell 280 fetishism 172-5, 186, 187, 236, 237 Feurer, Hans 242 Ffotogallery, Cardiff 16 Film und Foto, exhibition, 1929, Stuttgart 35 fine art photography 1-2 Firstenberg, Lauri 135,150-3 'Representing the Body Archivally in South African Photography' 151-3 Fischli, Peter and Weiss, David, Airport 245 Flanagan, Barry 15 Flusser, Vilém 73 'Photography' 93-4 Towards a Philosophy of Photography 93 Fontcuberta, Joan 336,340-2 'Pedro Meyer: Truths, Fictions, and Reasonable Doubts' 341-2 Fosso, Samuel 133,154 The Chief: The Ones Who Sold Africa to the White People a Century Ago 134 Foucault, Michel xiv, 135, 314, 315, 316 Fralin, Francis (ed), The Indelible Image (book) 322 Francis, Armet 158 Frank, Robert 59, 242, 290, 305 The Americans 258,280 Franklin, Paul B. 135, 160-2 'Orienting the Asian Male Body in the Photography of Yasumasa Morimura' 160-2 French, John 243 Freud, Sigmund 7,41-2,71-2,89,91, 106,169,190, 206, 207,319 'Fetishism' 172-3 Friedlander, Lee 2,165, 170,180-2, 254, 305 'Madison, Wisconsin, 1966' 90 Nudes 180 Self Portrait ( book) 90 untitled nude 181 Frizot, Michel 2 Fulton, Hamish 13 Fuss, Adam 55 Futurism 24,31,225 Gallagher, Carole 272, 273-4 Animal Cages, Frenchman's Flat, Site of 27 Detonations, Nevada Test Site 275 Index • 361 Galton, Francis 146,147,148,149 Criminal Composites 148 Gammell, Linda 277 Gardner, Alexander, A Sharpshooter's Last Sleep 320 Garner, Gretchen 277, 278 Garnett, William 269 Gasteli, Jellel 154 Geesaman, Lynn 277 George Eastman House 60 Gertrude Posel Gallery, University of Witwatersrand 151, 152 Giacomelli, Mario 20 Gibson, Ralph 54 Gilbert and George 13,14 Angry 14 Bloody Life 14 Bolloocks 14 Dead Boards 14 Piss 14 Gilpin, Laura 141,277 Godard, Jean-Luc 12 The Gods Must be Crazy (film) 153 Godwin, Fay 257 Goffman, Erving 17, 235 Gender Advertisements 235-6 Goldblatt, David 150,154, 156 Goldin, Nan 247 Ballad of Sexual Dependency 241 Goldsworthy, Andy 13,14 Gombrich, E.H. 92 Gosani, Bob 155 Goya, Francisco, Don Manuel Osorio De Zuniga 175 Grady, Dennis 141 Gräff, Walter 35 Es kommt der neue Fotograf! 35 Graham, Dan 10,11 'Great Ideas of Western Man' (for American Container Corporation) 38 Greenberg, Clement 112 Griffiths, Philip Jones 321 Grimes, John 39 Gropius, Walter 23, 36 Grosz, Elizabeth, 'Bodies-Cities' 296 Grosz, Georges 27 'Group f64' 5 Grundberg, Andy 43, 54-6, 300, 308-14, 335, 336 'Ask It No Questions: The Camera Can Lie' 337-40 'On the Dissection Table: The Unnatural Coupling of Surrealism and Photography' 54-6 'The Foreign and the Fabulous' 308— 1 1 'The "New Photojournalism" and the Old' 311-14 Guggenheim Museum, New York xiv, 55, 153 Gupta, Sunil 132,158 Gursky, Andreas 265 Guzman, Antonio 110-13 Haddon Library, Cambridge 145 Haeberle, Robert, People About to be Shot 322 Half Moon Photography Workshop 18 3 Halin, Betty 277 Hallin, Daniel, The Uncensored War 333, 334 Hamilton, Richard 226 Hamilton, Robert 332-4 'Image and Context: The Production and Reproduction of The Execution of a VC Suspect by Eddie Adams' 332-4 Harbutt, Charles 311 Progresso 312 Travelog 312 Hardy, Bert 242 Harper's Bazaar 225,249 Harris, Lyle Ashton 56, 159 Hausmann, Raoul 23, 27-9 'Photomontage' 27-9 Haworth-Booth, Mark 245, 256-9 Hayashi, Masumi 222, 224, 272 Gila River Relocation Camp 223, 224 Minidoke Relocation Camp, Visitor's Waiting Room 224 Hayward Gallery, London 242 Heart of Darkness (film) 15 3 Heartfield, John 27, 35,45 Heidegger, Martin, 'The Age of the World Picture' 107 Hester Street (film) 63 Heyman, Abigail 311 Dreams and Schemes 312 Growing up Female 312 Hill, David Octavius 74 Hiller, Susan 14 Hilliard, John 13 Hine, Lewis 68,298, 327 Immigrants Going Down Gangplank, New York 86 362 • Reading Photography Hinsie, Leland and Campbell, Robert, Psychiatric Dictionary 168,170 Hirsch, Marianne 246 'Unconscious optics' 259-61 Hitchcock, Alfred 268 Hoch, Hannah 27 Hockney, David 203, 204 Hitch-Hiker, Hollywood Steering Wheel-L.A. 1985 204,205 Luncheon at the British Embassy, Tokhyo, Fdebruary 6th 1983 204 Nude, 17th June 1984 206 Photographing Annie Leibovitz while She Photographs Me, Mojave Desert, February 1983 204 The Desk, fuly 1st 1984 205, 206 The Skater, New York, December 1982 204 Walking in the Zen Garden at the Ryoanji Temple, Kyoto, Feb 21st 1983 204 Hofer, Candida 257 Holborn, Mark 68, 246, 254-6 Holmes, Claudette 159 Hopkins, Godfrey Thurston 242 Horowitz, Mardi J. 89 Horst 241 Hoyningen-Huene, George 241 Huebler, Douglas 10 Hughes, Jim 338 Hulick, Diana Emery 336 'The Transcendental Machine? A Comparison of Digital Photography and Nineteenth Century Modes of Photographic Representation' 345-7 Hutton, Kurt 242 Huxley archives 145 i-D (magazine) xiii, 241,243 ICP/Midtown 313 Ikon Gallery, Birmingham 157 Imperial College, London 145 The Impossible Science of Being: Dialogues Between Anthropology and Photography 144-6 In-sight: African Photographers from 1940 to the present, exhibition, 1996, Guggenheim Museum, New York 153 Irigaray, Luce 187 Itten, Johannes 64 Jackson, William Henry 266 Jameson, Fredric 95 Jardine, Bob 256 Jarmusch, Jim 289 Jeffrey, Ian 59, 245, 266-9 'Articulating the Commonplace' 256-9 introduction to Landscape 267-9 Landscape (with David Plowden) (book) 266 Jencks, Charles, What is Post-Modernism? 112 Jenkins, William 270 Josephson, Kenneth 265 Wyoming (History of Photography series) 265,265 Joyce, James 290 Jung, Carl 7 Jussim, Estelle 300,316-19 'Propaganda and Persuasion' 317-19 Justice, Donald 201,202 Käsebier, Gertrude, Indian with Feather Bonnet 141 Kawakubo, Rei 225 Keita, Seydou 154,157 Kelley, Mike 245 Kelly, Mary, 'Post-Partum Document' 107 Kenichi, Kimura, The patient's skin is burned into a pattern 321 Kent, Sarah 3,13-15 'Taking Issue: Artists as Photographers' 13-15 Kepes, György 39 Kertész, André 42,127, 305 Killip, Chris 241 Klee, Paul 258 Klein, William 225,242,280 Life is Good and Good for You in New York: Trance Witness Revels 225 Klett, Mark 270 Knorr, Karen 97,110-13, 303-6 Belgravia 110 Connoisseurs 110 Gentlemen 110, 111 Marks of Distinction 110-13 Kobayashi, Nobuhiko 290, 291 Tokyo: Private Opinions on a Flourishing Document (with Araki) 291 Kodachrome 63, 66 Kodacolor 67,70 Index • 363 Kodak 12,61,247,262,336 Kodak Hula Show, Hawaii 240 Kolbowski, Sylvia 103, 105 Kolodny, Annette 274 Koons, Jeff 226, 245 Kozloff, Max 61, 66-8,192, 194,197-9, 313-14 'Photography: The Coming of Age of Colour' 66-8 'Through the Narrative Portal' 198-9 Kracauer, Siegfried 212-14 'Photography' 213-14 Krauss, Rosalind 42,43-6, 72 'The Originality of the Avante-Garde: A Postmodern Repetition' 104 'The Photographic Conditions of Surrealism' 44-6 Krims, Les 16,17,18,54,100 Kruger, Barbara xii, 57, 100, 105, 109, 120,165,186, 225 Buy Me • I'll Change Your Life 226, 227 State of the Art 226-7 Untitled (You Art Seduced by the Sex Appeal of the Inorganic 187 We Won't Play Nature to Your Culture 187,187 exhibition, 1983 185 Kubier, George 346 Kuhn, Annette 163,164, 212 Images from Annette Kuhn archive 211,218, 220 'Remembrance' 218-20 Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg 290 Lacan, Jacques 95, 127, 236-7 Four Fundamental Concepts of Psycho- Analysis 165,166 Lally, Mark 241 Landscape: Theory (Lustrum Press) 270 landscape xvi, 264-78 Lange, Dorothea 3, 223, 224, 246, 277, 278 Migrant Mother 300,301-3 'Photographing the Familiar' (with Daniel Dixon) 252-4 'The Assignment I'll Never Forget 301-3 Lartigue, Jacques-Henri 129, 248 The Last Picture Show (film) 63 Laughlin, Clarence John 2 Lawler, Louise 108 'A Movie without the Picture' 108 le Gac, Jean 339 Le Gray, Gustave 1 Lee, Russell, Instruction at Home, Transylvania, Louisiana 316,317 LEF ('Leftist Front for the Arts') (magazine) 25 Lefebvre, Henri 284 Leiter, Saul 242, 243 'Every Hobo Should Have One' (with Caroline Baker) 243 Lerski, Helmar 28 Lévi-Strauss, Claude 43 Levine, Sherrie 57, 98, 98-100, 104-5, 106 'A Picture is No Substitute for Anything' (with Louise Lawler) 108 Lewen, Lisa, Three Mile Island Calendar 270 Lewis, Dave 144-6 Life (magazine) 240,334,338,339 light-sculpture 23 Ligon, Glenn, Self-Portrait Exaggerating My Black Features/Self Portrait Exaggerating My White Features 133, 133 Linked Ring 86, 225 Linker, Katie 102 Lippard, Lucy 135,139-42, 266 'Doubletake: The Diary of a Relationship with an Image' 139-42 'Undertones: Nine Cultural Landscapes' 272-6 Lisswitzky, El 22, 36 Lister, Martin 336 'The Photographic Image in Digital Culture' 342-5 Livingston, Jane, 'Thoughts on War Photography' 322-4 Lomax, Yve 106 Lombroso, Cesare 147 Criminal Man 148 Long, Richard 10, 14 Loock, Ulrich 281 'Photos of the Metropolis' 287-9 Look at Me: Fashion and Photography 1965 to the Present, exhibition, 1998, British Council 241,242 Los Angeles Museum of Contemporary Art 9 Lotar, Eli 46, 285 Luchasz 283 364 • Reading Photography Lumière, Louis and Auguste, L'Arroseur Arrosé 196 Lüscher, Max, The Lüscher Color Test 64 Lutz, Catherine 135, 136-9 The Photograph as an Intersection of Gazes'(with Jane Collins) 136-9 Lyford, Amy J. 43, 50-3 'Lee Miller's Photographic Impersonations' 50-3 Lynch, Dorothea 311 Lyons, Nathan, Social Landscape, exhnibition, Eastman House 270 Lyotard, Jean-François 95, 107 MacAdams, Cynthia 277 McBean, Angus 19 MacCannell, Dean 239 McCauley, Elizabeth Anne 118 McCullin, Don 321,325-6 The Destruction Business 325 McMurdo, Wendy 335 Magnum photo agency 66, 298, 299-300 Magritte, René 48,49, 56 Magubane, Peter 155 Makavejev, Dusan 191 Malanga, Gerard 165, 168-70 'Anatomy of the Gaze' 168-70 Scopophilia: The Love of Looking 168 Malcolm, Janet 60, 247, 346 'Color' 69-70 Mallarmé, Stéphane 127 Manet, Edouard, Olympia 160-2 Manhattan (film) 63 Mann, Sally 241 Mapplethorpe, Robert 54, 115, 117 exhibition, National Portrait Gallery 105 Marey, Etienne Jules 203 Mark, Mary Ellen 311 Marker, Chris, La Jetée 194 Martin, Rosy, Pathways and Traces: Engendering a Sense of the City 297 Marville, Charles 279 Marx, Karl, The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Napoleon 119 Masson, André 285 Max Factor Lipstick advert 236-8,237 Mayne, Roger 241 Means, Russell 141 Meatyard, Ralph Eugene 16.17 Meiselas, Susan 312,322 'A Portfolio on Central America' 329-31,331 Nicaragua 196,309-11 memory 210-24 Mendel, Gregor 148 Mercer, Kobena 135,157-9 'Home from Home: Portraits of places in between' 157-9 Meskimmon, Marsha 280-1,295-7 Engendering the City: Women Artists and Urban Space 296-7 Messager, Annette 57 Collection to Find My Best Signature, exhibition, Museum of Modern Art, New York 58 Metropolitan Museum of Modern Art, New York 242 Metz, Christian 165, 172-5 'Photography and Fetish' 173-5 Meyer, Adolf de 172 Meyer frères et Pierson 118 The Prince Imperial on His Pony 118, 119, 119 Meyer, Pedro 336, 340-2 'Mexican Migrant Workers, California, 1992 340 Truths and Fictions 340 Meyerowitz, Joel 59,61,64,66 Cape Light 60 Provincetown 60 Michals, Duane 2, 3,16,17, 18, 54,100, 168,192 I Build a Pyramid 35,245 The Bogeyman 197 Michelangelo 346 Mieth, Hansel 223 Miller, Lee 43, 50 Untitled (nude, bending forward) 51,52 Miller, Nancy K. 58 Miller, Sue, Family Pictures 259-60 Minotaure (journal) 42,46,49 Mirrors and Windows, exhibition, 1978, Museum of Modern Art, New York 117 The Misfits (film) 108 Mishkind, Mark 190 Misrach, Richard 265 Boojum No.2 268 Mitchell, William, The Reconfigured Eye 335, 344 Model, Lisette 125,246, 248 Aperture 249—50 Modernism 21, avant-garde photography 21-3 Modernism 2-3,7,9, 33,97, 102 Index • 365 Mofokeng, Santu 135,150, 151-3,155, 156 Black Photo Album/Look at Me [Politics of Representation: Images of Seifand Family History of Black Urban South Africans: 1890-1950] 150,151 Chasing Shadows 150, 152, ] 52 Distorting Mirror/Townships Imagined [The Private and Public Images of Soweto] 151 Like Shifting Sand 151 Men at Work/On the Tracks 150 Moholy-Nagy, Laszló 11,21, 23-5, 33, 34-40,41, 127,225 Bauhaus Balconies 22 Marseilles, Port View (Old Harbour) 22 Painting, Photography, Film, [Malerie, Fotografìe, Film] 21, 34 'Photography' 23, 24-5 Radio Tower, Birds Eye View 32 'Space-Time and the Photographer' 31-3 'Unprecented Photography' 21 Untitled photogram 32 Mohr, Jean 216 Mohr, Max 192 Monet, Claude 69 Monroe, Marilyn 108, 206 Moon, Sarah, Little Red Riding Hood 197 Moore, Raymond 256, 257 Morath, Inge 310 Moravia, Alberto 99 Morimura, Yasumasa 56,135,160-2 Portrait (Twin [Futago]) 160,161, 161 Psychoborg series 160 Slaughter Cabinet II, 96, 97 The Sickness Unto Beauty series 96 To My Little Sister: for Cindy Sherman 91 Morris, Wright 200, 268 'photo-texts' 194,199, 200-3 God's Country 200 My People 200 The Home Place 200 The Inhabitants 200, 202 Untitled from The Inhabitants 203 Mulvey, Laura 113,165, 185-9, 238 'Dialogue with Spectatorship: Barbara Kruger and Victor Burgin' 186-9 Munkacsi, Horst and Martin 225 Museum of Modern Art, New York 58, 60, 68,90,91,117,254, 292,304.61 Muybridge, Eadweard 11, 127, 203, 259 Myers, Joan 277, 278 Nachman, Jerry 305-6 narrative 192-209 The National Enquirer 338 National Geographic 135,136-9, 338 National Portrait Gallery, London 105 Nauman, Bruce 10 Failing to Levitate 5 Naville, Pierre 47 Neo-Classicism 24 Neshat, Shirin, Untitled, Women of Allah series, 1996 frontispiece Nettles, Bea 18 'Neue Sachlichkeit' movement 24 Neusiiss, Floris 127 New Documents, exhibition, 1967 305 'New Objectivity'movement 21 New Photography U.S.A., exhibition, Museum of Modern Art 90,91 'New Vision' 21 Newhall, Beaumont, History of Photography xiii Newman, Byron 242 Newsweek 338 Newton, Helmut 242 Nickel, Douglas R., 'The Snapshot - some notes' 247-9 Niepce, Nicéphore 83 Niiya, Brian 223 Nikon 12,13 Nixon, Nicholas 244 The Brown Sisters 117 Noggle, Anne 222 Norfolk, Simon For Most of It I have No Words (book) 193 Staircase from a prison block, Auschwitz 193,193 North, Kenda 64 Nova (magazine) 241, 242,243 O'Donell, Ron 13,18 Opie, Catherine 56 Orlan, Pierre Mac 285 Ortner, Sherry B. 271 Orvell, Miles 292-5 'Weegee's Voyeurism and the Mastery or Urban Disorder' 281, 293-5 366 • Reading Photography Osborne, Peter D. 227, 238-41 'Travel Products promoting the tourist vision' 239-41 O'Sullivan, Timothy, 'A Harvest of Death' 266, 335 Oswiecim Prison Camp Clean-up (Glasses) (unknown photographer) 324 Out of Africa (film) 153 Outerbridge, Puai 172 Owens, Craig 97,106-10,120 'The Discourse of Others: Feminists and Postmodernism' 107-10 Packard, Vance 64 Paepcke, Walter 37 Panzani 230-2 Paris: Capital of the Arts, exhibition, 2002, Royal Academy of Arts, London 284 Parkinson, Norman 242 Parr, Martin 241,266 Patterson, Marion 277 Paul, Kathryn 277 Pearson, Karl 148 Peccinotti, Harri 242 Peck, Mary 277 Peirce, Charles Sanders 341 Logic as Semiotics: The Theory of Signs 71 Pentax 12 Peress, Gilles 312, 321 Telex/Iran - In the Name of Revolution 299-300 Péret, Benjamin 47 'La Ruine des mines' 49 Pfahl, John 64 Power Places 270 Phillips, Christopher xii, 72 Photo League 256 Photo Secession 225,251 photo therapy 2 59-60 photo-collages 17, 204 'photo-conceptualism' 9, 10 Photo-Realism 68,69,70 Photo-Secessionists 5, 86 photocollage 22, 23 photograms 9, 22, 23, 31, 55 Photographers' Gallery, London 145 Photography: A Facet of Modernism (Coke and Du Pont) 2, 7 Photojournalism in the 80s, exhibition 314 photojournalism 10, 309 photomontage 8,17, 22, 23, 27-9, 204, 347 Picabia, Francis 9 Picasso, Pablo 237 Guitar 205 pictorialism 1, 10, 204, 241-2 Picture Post 241-2 Pilgaard, Jan, Airbags series 193 Pinney, Christopher 142-4 'The Parallel Histories of Anthropology and Photography' 142-4 Pitt Rivers Museum, Oxford 145 Plato, Phaedo 92 Plowden, David 268, 270 Hand of Man on America (book) 268 Landscape (with Ian Jeffrey) (book) 266 Polaroid 13,128, 262 Pollarde, Ingrid 157,158 Pollock, Griselda 163, 235-8 'Missing Women: Rethinking Early Thoughts on Images of Women' 227, 236-8 Polytechnic of Central London 13-15 Popart 2,226,347,348 Porter, Elliot 99,105,270,271 portraiture xv, 114-31 Post-Modernism 8, 95-113 Pre-Raphaelites 160 Prescott, William History of the Conquest of Mexico 205 History of the Conquest of Peru 205 Price, Mary 114,129-31 'Mask as Descriptive Concept' 129-31 Prince, Richard 98,100, 102-3, 105 propaganda 28,317-19 PSA Journal, 'Equivalence: The Perennial Trend' 3 Quetelet, Adolphe 146 Qwik-Print process 18 Ramamurthy, Anandi 227,232-5 'Constructions of Illusion' 2 3 3-5 Rangel, Ricardo 155 Rankin (J.R. Waddell), 'It's Not What you Wear But the Way That You Wear It' 243 Rauschenberg, Robert 101 Ray, Man (Emmanuel Radnitsky) 11, 22, 29-31,42,43,46,49, 50, 54, 225, 290 Index • 367 Enigma of Isidor Ducasse 47 La Prière 51,51 Moving Sculpture 47,48 'The Age of Light' 29-31 The Marquise Casati 42 and Lee Miller 50-3 'rayogram/rayograph'technique 22, 55 Realism 315 Recht, Camille 74 Reclaiming Paradise: American Women Photograph the Land, exhibit, Tweed Museum of Art, Duluth 274 Reed, Roland W. 141 Reijlander, Oscar G., the Two Ways of Life 20, 335 Rembrandt 160 Renger-Patzsch, Albert 21,28 The World is Beautiful (Die Welt ist Schön) 297 Révés-Biró, Emery 127 La Révolution Surréaliste (review) 42,46, 47,49,50 Riboud, Mark, Visions of China 309-11 Richards, Eugene 311 Exploding into Life 311 Richon, Olivier and Berger, John X, Other than Itself (book) 112 Riis, Jacob 108,281,282,298 How the Other Half Lives 284, 306 Ristelhueber, Sophie 222 Ritchin, Fred, 'In Our Own Image: The Coming Revolution In Photography' 337-8, 340 Robertson, Grace 242 Robins, Kevin, 'The Virtual Unconscious in Post-Photography' 348 Robinson, Henry Peach 20, 266 Rodchenko, Alexander 22, 25, 26, 33, 34, 248 Chauffeur 35 Rodger, George 298 Roegiers, Patrick 170-2 Roh, Franz 35,127 Foto-Auge 35 Rolling Stone (magazine) 312, 338 Romanticism 87 Rorty, Richard 60 Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature 59 Rosenblum, Walter 292 Rosier, Martha xiii, xv, 298, 300, 301, 303-6 'In, around, and afterthoughts (on documentary photography)' 304-6 The Bowery in two inadequate descriptive systems . 107-8, 304 Ross, Judith Joy 241 Rothstein, Arthur 316 Rowe, Dorothy 281 Royal Anthropological Institute 132, 143, 145-6 Anthropometric image 134 Royal College of Art, London 13-15 Rrose is a Rrose is a Rrose: Gender Performance in Photography, exhibition, 1997, Guggenheim Museum, New York 55 Rubinstein, Meridel 277 Broken Landscape 273,274 Critical Mass 273 Ruscha, Ed 225 Ruskin, John 118,347 Russell, Theresa 206 Russian Constructivism 25 Russian photography 37-8 St Martin's School of Art, London 13 Salomon, Erich, Marlene Dietrich telefoniert mit ihrer Tochter [Marlene Dietrich telephones her daughter] 197 Samaras, Lucas 128 San Francisco Museum of Modern Art 7 Sander, August 21, 28, 73,116,121-4, 124, 130 Face of Our Time (book) 121 People of the Twentieth Century 121 The Last People 123 The Master Tiler [The Master Roofer] 122-4,123 Unemployed Man [Jobless] 123-4, 123 Sartre, Jean-Paul 83 Sassoon, Joanna 336, 352-5 'Photographic Materiality in the Age of Digital Reproduction' 353-5 Saudek, Jan 172 Saussure, Ferdinand de 103 Sayre, Henry M. 116, 117-21 'The Rhetoric of the Pose: Photography and the Portrait as Performance' 117-21 Schadeberg, Jürgen 155 Scharf, Aaron 2, 7-9 'Modernism; Photography; Art' 7-9 368 • Reading Photography Schell, Orville 310 Schiller, Friedrich 12 Schmid, Joachim, Pictures from the Street 244 Schwartz, Tony 317,354 Scott, Clive 194, 203-6 'The Narrative Resources of the Photograph' 204-6 The Spoken Image 203 Seabrook, Jeremy 212 Sekula, Allan 72, 86-8,135,146-50, 354 'On the Invention of Photographic Meaning' 73, 86-8 'The Body and the Archive' 147-50 Sellars, Wilfrid 59 Serrano, Andres 54 History of Sex series 54 The Morgue series 54 Seymour, David 298 Sharpe, Géraldine 277 Sheeler, Charles 268 Sheridan, Sonia 64 Sherman, Cindy 56, 57, 58,97,98,100, 103,105,106,108,117, 164,192, 194, 197, 225,335 'Film Stills* 105 Untitled m 97 Untitled colour photograph #263 56 'Untitled Film Stills' 339 Untitled Film Stills series 115 Shore, Stephen 61,66,67 Amarillo Tall in Texas 67 Sidibé, Malick 154-5 Siegel, Arthur 37, 38 'In Search of Myself 39 Right of Assembly 36 Silver, Joan Micklin, Hester Street (film) 63 Silverman, Kaja 165, 165-7 Male Subjectivity at the Margins 166 'The Gaze' 166-7 Threshold of the Visible World 165 Simon, Paul 63 Singh, Raghubir 60 Sippress, Clara 277 Sischy, Ingrid 180-2 Siskind, Aaron 37, 38 Skoff, Gail 277 Skoglund, Sandy 257 'Revenge of the Goldfish' 339 Slavin, Neal 61,64,66,67 Smith, David, 'Medals for Dishonor' 327 Smith, Henry Holmes 38, 313 Smith, Kiki 57 Smith, W. Eugene 327, 338 Smithson, Robert 10 snapshots xii, xvi, 17, 34,118, 119,206, 207, 208, 244-63 colour 59, 62, 63, 64,66, 70, 241 Sobieszek, Robert A. 116,126-9 'Other Selves in Photographic Self- Portraiture' 126-9 Solnit, Rebecca 273 Solomon-Godeau, Abigail xv, 23, 33-40, 72,97,100-3, 298, 300 'The Armed Vision Disarmed - Radical Formalism from Weapon to Style" 34-40 The New Vision (book) 33 'Who is Speaking Thus? Some Questions about Documentary Photography' 306-8 'Winning the Game When the Rules have been changed: Art Photography and Postmoderns' 101-3 Sommer, Frederick 54 Sontag, Susan 72, 132,318, 335,346 Spence, Jo 164,165,182-5, 222, 260 'Photo Therapy' 183, 259-61 Putting Myself in the Picture 211, 259-61 'Remodelling Photo History (with Terry Dennett) 183-5 Triptych/Victimisation' 184 Spero, Nancy 57 Spillers, Hortense 160 Stallabrass, Julian 281 'Paris Pictured: Street Photography' 284-7 Starba (journal) 37 Starkey, Hannah 241 Steadman, Ralph, And Another 45,000 of this Baby Here 333 Steichen, Edward 216,225,283 Stein, Sally 306 Sterling, Charles, Still Life Painting: from Antiquity to the Twentieth Century 245 Stewart, Susan 211 Stick, Sidra 55 Stieglitz, Alfred 1, 3,40, 101, 225,248, 250, 264, 267, 271,281,282, 327 Camera Work 86 'Equivalents' 1 Index • 369 The Flatiron 283 The Steerage 86 Stone, Sir Benjamin 130 Stott, William 316, 317 Strand, Paul 1, 1-2, 3, 37,101, 246, 256, 266, 270, 271,344 Aperture 250-1 Blind Woman 251 Wallstreet 251 White Fence 251 Strba, Annelies, Shades of Time series 244 Streetman, Evon 277 Struth, Thomas 281, 288-9 Stryker, Roy 298,314, 315, 317 Sudek, Josef 269 Suleiman, Susan Rubin 43, 56-8 'Dialogue and Double Allegiance' 57-8 Subversive Intent (book) 57 Sunday Times Magazine 242 Surrealism 8,11, 22,41-58, 225, 285, 286, 348 Le Surréalisme au service de la révolution (magazine) 46,49 Sweabrook, Jeremy 220-2 'My Life is in that Box' 221-2 Symbolism 87 Szabo, Joseph 241 Szarkowski, John 39, 69,117, 304, 305 Tabard, Maurice 42 College of Fashion series 163-4,164 Tabrizian, Mitra 163 Tagg, John xiv, 72, 132,136-9, 300 'The Currency of the Photograph: New Deal Reformation and Documentary Rhetoric' 314-16 Tarde, Jean-Gabriel de 147 Tate Britain, London xiii Tate Gallery, London 256 Tenger-Patzsch, Albert 267 The Terminator (film) 211 Theatre of the Oppressed 183 Thinking Photography (book) 15 Thompson, Florence 301, 303 Thompson, Hunter, Rolling Stone 312 Thomson, John 279 Through the Looking-Glass (exhibition catalogue) 13 Tice, George 266, 270 Tillmans, Wolfgang xii-xiii Time Out (magazine) 13 Tokyo Novelle exhibition, 1995-6, Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg 290 Tolstoy, Leo 314 Toscani, Oliviero 233, 235 Trachtenberg, Alan 194,199-203 'Wright Morris's "photo-texts'" 200-3 True Stories and Photofictions, exhibition, Ffotogallery, Cardiff 16 Turbevelle, Deborah 172 Tuyl, Gijs van 289-92 'Life and Death Photography: Nobuyoshi Araki' 290-2 Tweed Museum of Art, Duluth 274 Ubac, Raoul 42,46,49 Uelsmann, Jerry 54 United Colors of Benetton 232 University Art Museum, Berkeley 5 5 Van Elk, Ger 339 Varnedoe, Kirk 128 Vasulka, Steina and Woody 273 Vertov, Dziga 22, 25, 26 Victoria and Albert Museum, London 60 Vida 277 A Vision of Nature, exhibition, 1985, Art Institute of Chicago 271,277 Vogue (magazine) 225, 243 voyeurism 168-70 Vroman, Adam Clark 141 Wagner, Cosima, Diaries 205 Walker, Maxine 157, 159 Black Beauty series 159 Wall, Jeff 3,9-13,257 'Marks of Indifference: Aspects of Photography in, or as, Conceptual Art' 10-13 war photography xvi, 320-34 War Relocation Agency 223 Warhol, Andy 101,127-8,133,168, 225, 226,256 Warner, Edith 273 Warren, Mary Sharpies Schaffer 141 Sampson, Frances Louise, and Leah Beaver 139-41,140 Watkins, Carleton E. 266 Webb, Alex 60, 312 Webb, Boyd 13,18 Weegee (Arthur Fellig) 280, 281, 292-5 Coney Island (Life Saving Attempt) 114,115 370 • Reading Photography exhibition, Museum of Modern Art, New York 292 Naked City 292-5,294 Weem, Carrie Mae, Untitled (Kitchen Table series) 259 Wegman, William 117, 335, 339 Weiner, Laurence 11 Weiss, David see Fischli, Peter Wenders, Wim, Until the End of the World (film) 127 Weston, Edward 1, 2, 5-7,19,101, 244, 250, 264, 266, 267, 270, 271 Neil 99,100 'Seeing Photographically' 5-7 Tomato Field 267 Wharton, Edith 274 White, Minor 1,2,3-5,40,271 'Equivalence: The Perennial Trend' 3 'The Camera Mind and Eye' 3-5 Wilde, Oscar 162 Williams, Val 212,222,227 'Fashion was the Least Important Thing' 241-3 'The Unredeemed Past: Enigmas of Collective Memory' 222-4 Warworks 222 Williams, William Carlos 327 Williamson, Judith 235,246 'Family, Education, Photography' 261-3 Winogrand, Garry 67, 90-1, 117, 120, 254, 280, 304-5 Democratic National Convention 298 Public Relations series 298 Winterson, Jeanette 57 Witkin, Joel-Peter 2, 16, 17—18, 54, 117, 165, 172,175-8, 335 Choice of Outfits for the Agonies of Mary 175 Counting Lesson in Purgatory 176 Harvest 175 Hermes 176,177 I.D. Photograph from Purgatory: Two Women with Stomach Irritations 176 Manuel Osorio 175 The Prince Imperial 119,119 Woman Masturbating on the Moon 176,177 Witkin Gallery 99 Wolcott, Marion Post 277 HarvestScene 317,318, 319 Wollen, Peter xiv, 72, 173, 194-7, 244 'Fire and Ice' 194,195-7 Wood, Nancy 141,315 Woodman, Francesca 56, 57, 115, 168 Woods, James, Salvador 313 Workers Library, Johannesburg 151 The World of Cartier-Bresson (book) 242 Young, Lola 144-6 Zaya, Octavio 135 'Colonial Imagery, Tropes of Disruption: History, Culture and Representation in the Works of African Photographers' (with Okwui Enwezor) 153-7 Zweig, Ellen 273
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