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Volltext:Index Abraham 205 Adam 49-50 Addams, Charles 191 Adler, Stella 185 Aesop 48, 59 Agam, Jakov 147 Alice (Lewis Carroll character) 188 Allebé, August 61-2 Allington, Edward 17-18, 23, 253 Althamer, Pawel 21 Anderson, Laurie 21, Andrews, Archie 83, 247, 251 Anouilh, Jean 185 Antenna Theatre 25, 210, 212, 219 Antinous (mythological figure) 167 Apollinaire, Guillaume 149 Apollo Belvedere 167, 171 n29, 172 Apollo de Medicis 167 Archipenko, Alexander 98 Aristotle 72 Arman, Armand Pierre 147 Arp, Jean 98, 147 Artangel (gallery) 158, 241 Ashhery, John 190 Auden, W.H. 185, 190 Avedon, Richard 191 Baird, John Logie 90 Baixas, Joan 18 Balanchine, George 190 Baldinucci, Filippo 29-30, 33 nlO, 43 n26 Baldwin, James 191 Bankhead, Tallulah 190 Barber, Samuel 190 Barberini, Maffeo 29, 41, 45 Barboutau, Pierre 57 Barr, Alfred 96 Barras, Paul François, Vicomte de 61 Barthélémy, François 61 Barthes, Roland 167, 168 ni9 Bateman, H.M. 95-6, 111 Bates, Harry 111 Baudelaire, Charles 51 n5, 165 nn 9-10, 175, 176 n35 Bayes, Gilbert 98 Beagles (John) & Ramsay (Graham) 21 Beckett, Samuel 200 Beecroft, Vanessa 25, 160-2 Bel Geddes, Barbara 190 Bell, Alexander Graham 64, 73, 76, 104 Bellori, Giovanni Pietro 52 Benjamin, Walter 51 n5, 100 ni 5, 164, 165 nn9-10, 171, 177 n39, 204 n2 Bergen, Edgar 84, 87, 104-5, 110, 111 n34, 247 Bemini, Gian Lorenzo 22, 29-31, 33-9, 41-3, 45, 256 Bernstein, Leonard 190 Bewley, Marius 191 Bill, Stookey 90 Bishop, Elizabeth 190-1, 201 Blanchot, Maurice 163 Blumberg, Bruce 91 Boigne, Comtesse de 172-4 Borghese, Scipione 29 Borromini, Francesco 34, 36, 39 Botticelli, Sandro 160 Bourdelle, Emile-Antoine 98 Bowles, Paul 191 Brancusi, Constantin 98 Brassai", 107 Breakwell, Ian 18, 23, 26, 253 260 Index Breton, André 103 nl9, 149, 151 Brisset, Jean Pierre 151 Brough, Peter 26, 83-4, 87, 247, 251 Brougham, Lord 177 Brown (née Jackson), Camilla 18 Brown, Charlie 86-9, 91, 247 Brown, Jemima and Dolly 21 Brown, Tony 21 Browne, Thomas 68 Buddy Big Mountain 24, 119, 121 nl Buffet, Gabrielle 149 Bunyan, John 203 Bures Miller, George see Cardiff, Janet Burns, James 85 Bums, Stanley 89 Bury, Pol 147 Bush, George 92 Calder, Alexander 147-8 Callipides (actor) 52 Callot, Jacques 59 Calvino, Italo 151 Capek, Karel 140 Campbell, Joseph 89 Camper, Petrus 61-2 Canova, Antonio 160 Cardiff, Janet, and George Bures Miller 26, 221-9, 231-2, 240-6 Carnot, Lazare 61 Catling, Brian 18, 23, 253 Cézanne, Paul 146 Champollion, Jean François 35 Chaney, Lon 107 Chardin, Jean-Baptiste Siméon 53-4 Charoux, Siegfried 98 Chekhov, Anton 184 Chevallier, Jean Alexandre 59 Chia, Sandro 144 Chion, Michel 19, 95 nl, 99, 100 nl3, 113 Cicero 49, 205 Clert, Iris 143, 147-8, ISO Clio (muse of history) 53 Compton-Burnett, Ivy 186 Condillac, Etienne Bonnot 169 Connor, Steven 18-23, 94 nl, 170, 213, 253 Constable, Rosalind 191 Cooke, Lynne 18 Cooke, William 166 Cooper, John 85 Cooper, Tommy 250 Coyne, Kevin 249 Cunningham, Chris 92 Cupid 205 Daguerre, Louis 177 'Daisy May' 86-7 'Dame Folly' 50, 56 David, Jacques-Louis 55-6, 256 De Chirico, Giorgio 160—1 De Kooning, William 191 Dean, Mark 21 Debord, Guy 225-7, 231-6, 238-40, 244, 246 Delacroix, Eugène 54 Delia Porta, Giambattista 65 Delsarte, François 180-1 Denby, Edwin 191 Desdemona 187 Dezeuze, Anna 18 Dick, Philip K. 148, 154 Diderot, Denis 167-8, 174 Dietrich, Marlene 187 Digby, Kenelm 68 Domitian 35 Don Quixote 144 Donna Olimpia 36-7 Drury, Alfred 98 Duchamp, Marcel 21, 24, 96, 98, 102, 110-13, 143, 147-51 Duclos, Rebecca 18, 24, 103 nl9 Dumas, Alexandre, fils, 185 Duncan, Isadora 175 Duval, Armand 187 Index 261 Edison, Thomas Alva 64, 74, 75 Einstein, Cari 97 El Greco 47 Eliot, T.S. 101 Enright, Robert 231 ni6, 242 Ensor, James 211 Epstein, Jacob 98 Epstein, Jason and Barbara 191 Etchells, Tim 18-19, 21, 24, 27, 115 ni, 117-21, 254 'Euphonia' 22, 63-4, 80, 104 Eve 49-50 Evelyn, John 66 Faber, Professor 22, 63—4, 80, 104 Fauré, Gabriel 184 Feeke, Stephen 20 Field, Kate 76 Filliou, Robert 151-4 Finn-Kelcy, Rose 21 Fiorelli, Giuseppe 178 Firbank, Ronald 186 Fizdale, Robert 190 Flavius 42 Florian, Jean-Pierre Claris de 22, 47-9, 51, 53-5, 57-8, 61-2 Forced Entertainment (performance en­semble) 24, 117, 154 Ford, Harry 191 Foreman, Richard 200 Foss, Lucas 190 'Frank Byron Jnr' 85-6 Frankenstein 64 Freud, Sigmund 104, 109, 210, 254, 257 Friar Bacon 66-7 Friar Bungay 67 Fried, Michael 97, 167 nl8 Frobenius, Leo 89, 90, 93 Fullard, George 107-8 Furlong, Bill 21 Garber, Marjorie 15 Gardzienice Theatre 208 Garrick, David 166 nl5, 167, 169, 170 n24 Gaudier-Brzeska, Henri 98 Gauguin, Paul 146 Gilbert, Alfred 98 Gill, Alison 21 Giselle 184, 187-8 Giudiccioni, Giovanni 30 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von 170-4 Golaud 188, 195 Gold, Arthur 190 Goldblatt, David 19 Gonzalez, Julio 98 Gordon Craig, Edward 200, 209 Gorey, Edward 186, 191 Gotthold Ephraim Lessing 51, 167 Gottlieb, Robert 191 Graham, Dan 21 Grandville, J.-J. 51 n5, 54-5, 57 Graves, Robert 90 'The Great Lester' 85-6 Gross, Kenneth 6, 7, 18, 20, 24, 170, 255 Gräting, Asta 18, 21, 24, 26, 102, 109— 10, 115, 121 nl, 254 Guidiccioni, Lelio 29 Gunning, Lucy 21, 102 Hall, David 21 Hall, John Hancock 140 Hamilton, Ann 21 Hamilton, William 170-2, 174, 175 n34 Hamlet 184 Han-ko, Kadji-ta 57-8 Hardman, Chris 210-12, 218, 220 Hart, Emma 170-5 Heard, Mervyn 18 Henry V 185 Hepworth, Barbara 98 Heron of Alexandria 65 Heston, Charlton 139 Hine, Daryl 190 Hippolytus 197-8 Hollander, John 190 262 Index Hollingshead, John 63, 64 nl, 80 Hopkins, Gerard Manley 71 Howard, Richard 190 Hubbard, Andrew 18 Huet, Christophe 48 Hughes, David Edward 76 Hulks, David 257 Hulten, Pontus 140, 142-3, 146 nl8, 147 nl9, 153 n28 Huyghe, Pierre 21 Ingres, Jean-Auguste-Dominique 54 'The Invisible Girl' 79 Jacqueau (monkey in the fable) 47, 49, 52-3, 56-8, 61-2 Janson, Horst Woldemar 52, 53 n9 Janus 44 Jaquet-Droz, Pierre 143 Jarry, Alfred 151, 200 Jaxon, Frankie 'Half-Pint' 249 Jesus Christ 34, 37, 42, 209, 211 Johnson, Denis 208 Johnson, Samuel 203 Joseph 205, 215 Judd, Donald 144 Juliet 187 Kahn, Douglas 19, 99 nl2 Kaistone, David 191 Kandinsky, Wassily 145 Kant, Immanuel 145 Kantor, Tadeusz 200 Katz, Alex 191 Kauffman, Angelica 172 Kempelen, Wolfgang von 63, 85 Kimber, Bobbie 247 King, Elizabeth 21 Kingsley, Peter 203 Kirbye, G.W. 70 Kircher, Athanasius 35, 45 Klein, Yves 147 Kleist, Heinrich von 161 Kollewitz, Käthe 98 Kübler-Ross, Elizabeth 216 Kushner, Tony 208 L'Isle-Adam, Villiers de 64 La Fontaine 48, 51 n6 La Forge, Jules 151 Lacan, Jacques 223-4, 230, 244, 246 Lacey, Bruce 108-9 Lambert, Maurice 98 Larevellière-Lépeaux, Louis Marie de 61 Laurel, Stan 81 Laurens, Henri 98 Lebel, Robert 147 Lecoq, Anne-Marie 54 Lefebvre, Henri 223, 224 n4, 231, 233 n22, 237-8 n29, 239 Lehman, Robin 184 n2, 188, 192-3 Lenya, Lotte 190 Leroi-Gourhan, A. 19, 95 nl Lewis, C.S. 207 Lewitt, Sol 112 Lincoln, Paul Etienne 21 Lipchitz, Jacques 98 Little Players ('The Standwells') 25, 183-5, 187-93, 199-201 Louis-Philippe, King of France 54 Lowell, Robert 190 Ludlam, Charles 191 Lumet, Sidney 190 Mabou Mines (theatre company) 208 Macbeth 169, 172, 185, 187 Maddin, Guy 208-9 'Mademoiselle Garonce' 187-8, 193 Maeterlinck, Maurice 184, 195-6, 200 Maillardet, Henri 143 Malevich, Kazimir 145-6 Marat, Jean-Paul 50, 256 Maréchal, Sylvain 56 Marforio 36 Marie-Antoinette, Queen of France 49 Marini, Marino 98 Index 263 Marveil, Andrew 194 Mary (mother of Jesus) 108, 205, 215 Mary, Queen of Scots 187 Masson, André 146 Mathews, Harry 185 Mauss, Marcel 104 McCarthy, Charlie 84, 247 McLean, Bruce 108 McQuillan, Melissa 18 Medea 173 Medusa 169 Mélisande 183, 187-8, 195 Menard, Pierre 144 Menotti, Gian Carlo 190 Merleau-Ponty, Maurice 101 Merrill, James 190, 193^1, 196, 199 Metella, Cecilia 42 Mestrovic, Ivan 98 Meun, Jean de 205 Michaux, Henri 145-6 Michelangelo, Buonarroti 30, 92, 166 Mille, 139 Milles, Carl 98 'Miss Elsie Lump' 183, 188, 197 Mona Lisa (da Vinci painting) 92 Mondrian, Piet 145-6 Mongez, Angélique 55 'Monsieur Alexandre' 71, 79 Montaigne, Michel de 183 Montalescot, Louise 139, 149 Montoya, Pedro de Foix 29 Moore, Henry 19, 23-4, 26, 79-80, 96, 98, 108, 113, 115, 121, 223, 251, 256, 257 Moore, Thomas 79, 80 n25 Morgan, Wendy 119 Mori, Masahiro 23, 91-2 Morris, Robert 21, 102, 111-13 Mounier, Jean Joseph 60, Müller, Heinrich Anton 151-4 Munari, Bruno 24, 140, 146, 151 Munoz, Juan 21, 102 Murdock, William 184 nl, 185, 192-3, 196, 200-1 Mynniscus (actor) 52 Nauman, Bruce 111-13 Nelson, Victoria 17, 18, 20, 24, 103, 255 Neo (Matrix character) 207 Neptune 43^1 Nin, Anai's 191 Niobe 163-4, 170, 173, 177-9 Nisenson, Samuel 110-11 Noah 43 Noguchi, Isamu 147 O'Hara, Frank 190 Onslow Ford, Edward 98 Ophelia 184 Othello 185 OuLiPo (Ouvroir de Littérature Poten­tielle) 151, 185 Oursler, Tony 21 Ovid 163, 164 n8, 166 nl6 Paik, Nam June 21, 102 Pamphili, Innocent 35-7, 43-5 Pamphili family 34-5, 36 nl4, 38-9, 43 Pandora 111, 113 Pasquino 22, 29, 31-8, 41-5 Pelléas 183, 187-8, 195 Penalva, Joäo 21 Perec, Georges 151 Peschka, Francis 25, 184, 185, 189, 193— 4, 196, 198, 200-1 Phaedra 184, 188, 196-9 Phelan, Peggy 180 Picabia, Francis 149 Picasso, Pablo 98, 107, 108 n32 Plato 151-3 Poe, Edgar Allan 72, 85 Poirier, Richard 191 Pollock, Jackson 146 Posada, José 211 Potts, Alex 97 n6, 103, 257 264 Index Poulenc, Francis 184 Powell, Sandy 248-50 Prince, Arthur 70, 71 nl5 Professor Echo 107 Punch and Judy 185, 189, 190, 249 Pygmalion (and pygmalionism) 25, 30, 98, 164-6, 171-2, 174 Queneau, Raymond 151 Racine, Jean 197 Raphael Sanzio 54 Ray, Man 147 Rée, Jonathan 19, 98 Reichardt, Jasia 91 Reubell, Jean-François 61 Richard III 187 Rio della Plata (Bernini figure) 34, 39 Robbins, Jerome 190 Robinson Crusoe 191, 201 Rollig, Stella 18, 24, 27, 115, 255 Romney, George 172 Rorem, Ned 190 Rosenberg, Harold 191 Ross, Kristin 233 n22, 237-8 Rosso, Medardo 98 Rousseau, Jean Jacques 166, 174 n32 Roussel, Raymond 24, 149-51 Saint Phalle, Niki de 24, 142, 154-5 Saki 185 Sanouillet, Michel 149 Santarelli, Alex 18 Santarromana, Joseph 21 Sargent, John Singer 177 Satz, Aura 15-18, 20-2, 24, 26, 256 Saveen, Albert 86-7 Schafer, R. Murray 26, 228 Schiller, Friedrich 185 Schneider, Gregor 25, 158-9 Schonberg, Harold 190 Schubert, Franz 184, Schumann, Peter 200, 211 nl3 Schuyler, James 190 Schwitters, Kurt 98 Sconce, Jeffrey 20, 99 ni 2 Scott, Kitty 241 Scott, Ridley 148 Seers, Lindsay 21 Self, Will 203 Senor Wences 26, 86-7, 247-8, 250 Serres, Michel 78 Shaffer, Peter 191 Shakespeare, William 184, 216, 255 Shapless, Edward 85 Shaw, George Bernard 196 Shershow, Scott Cutler 16 Silverman, Kaja 230 Simmons, Laurie 21 Situationist International (SI) 26, 221, 223-7, 229-35, 237-8, 245 Sixtus V, Pope 35 Smith, George 70, Smith, Marquard 16 n5, 18 Smythe, Jonathan 187-8 Socrates 115 Sondheim, Stephen 190, Sontag, Susan 175, 192 Soto, Jesus Rafael 147 Spears, Britney 92 Spenser, Edmund 203 Spoerri, Daniel 151—4 St Agnes, figure of 39 Stafford, Jean 191 Standwell, Isabelle 184, 186-8, 190, 195, 197 Stebbins Genevieve 180-1 Steinberg, Saul 191 Stelarc (performance artist) 21 Sterne, Jonathan 19, 95 n2 Stevens, Gary 25, 157, 158 nl Stidworthy, Imogen 21, 102 Stuart, Maria 185 Sweeney, J.J. 149 Symons, Arthur 179 Szeemann, Harald 21 Index 265 Talbot, William Henry Fox 177 Tallis, Raymond 106 Teniers, David 52-3, 61 Theseus 187, 197, 198 Thompson, Emily 19, 99 nl2 Thornycroft, William Hämo 98 Tinguely, Jean 21, 24, 142-8, 150-1, 154 Toft, Albert 98 Toro, Guillermo 208 Trier, Lars von 208-9 Tzara, Tristan 147 Underwood, Leon 98 Urban VIII, Pope 29, 42 Vaneigem, Raoul 226 n8, 236-7 Vasarely, Victor 147 Vaucanson, Jacques de 85 Venus 205 Vidal, Gore 191 Vigée-Lebrun, Elisabeth 172 Voltaire 48-9 Wachowski, Andy and Larry 207 Walken, Christopher 81 Wall, Jeff 21, 103, 110 Warhol, Andy 191 Warner, Marina 20 Warwick, Genevieve 21, 256 Watteau, Antoine 53 Wearing, Gillian 21 Weerasethakul, Apichatpong 208 Weinstein, Richard 185 nl, 190 Weston, Helen 16, 18, 21, 256 White, Edmund 191 White, Michael 18 Whitman, Robert 21 Wilbur, Shawn 225 Wilkins, John 66 Willis (ghosts of unmarried girls) 188 Wilson, Edmund Wilson, Jane and Louise 21 Wollaston, William Hyde 143 Wolman, Gil J. 234 Wood, Gaby 20, 103 n20 Wood, Jon 15-18, 20, 22-4, 26, 257 Wood, Julia 141, 146 Woodrow, Bill 21, 98 Woolner, Thomas 98 Worsley, Arthur 23, 81, 83, 85-9, 91, 93, 247 Zadkine, Ossip 98 Zeus 197 Zogheb, Bernard de 196-7, 199
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