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Volltext:Index of Proper Nouns and Titles Aarde, Treska van, 305-7 Abimeiech (biblical figure), 325-27,3331122 Achilles (Homeric figure), 125,135 Achsah (biblical figure),347-48,351-53,360, 362033 Adam,Jean-Michel, 105-6,139n2,13gnni0-12, I40ni4,141038 Adams, Parveen, 93015,38607 Adorno, Theodor W., 232n8 Africa, 189-90,192-93,195,197,201,256, 311ml, 444 Ahasuerus (biblical figure), 369-85,386-8709, 388n22 Alain (literary figure, Colette), 12,20-34,38037 Alberti, Leon Battista, 218 Albertine (literary figure, Proust), 69-73,75- 78,80,85-87,90-91,93ni6,97,102,107, 110-13,115-19,121,124,126 Alcoff, Linda, 23208 Alice (in Wonderland), 85 Alpers, Svetlana, 6307,94027,238-39,244, 246-54,256-61,262nn3-4,2621114,263017, 2631122,295,298,311116,331112,365; The Making of Rubens, 249,253,259; Tiepolo and the Pictorial Intelligence, 258 Alphen, Ernst van, 79,92m, 93ml, 13909, 23313°, 233n38,3Hni2,332n6,387nio, 387014,436 Alter, Robert, 354,362nn23-24 Althusser, Louis, 431,438016 Altieri, Charles, 416,419-20,423,43l_32; "Idea and Ideal of a Literary Canon" 419 America, 134,2331133,256,391 American Association of Art Museum Direc­tors, 165 American Museum of Natural History, xvii, 169-204,204m, 205ml, 205015,2o6-7n2g, 2861116; Official Guide, 170,172,174,201 Ames, Michael, 205ml, 205015 Amnon (biblical figure), 411 Amparat, Mme. (literary figure, Colette), 28 Anderson, Benedict, 443,448-49,451 Andrée (literary figure, Proust), 85,87, go Ankersmit, Frank, 412m Anscombe, G. E. M., 262113 Apollinaire, Guillaume, 295 Appadurai, Arjun, xxiv, 446-47,45603 Aristode, 138,183,200,272,281,422; Poetics, 138 Arnauld, Antoine, 108 Art Bulletin, 295 Asia, 180,183,256,448 Askew, Pamela, 232n24,4i2n2 Augustine, 46,54,59,63n7,64n2i Austin,J. L., 120,286114.342,355-56,36005, 366,401,432,438m8; How to Do Things with Words, 286114 Bach, Alice, 418; Women, Seduction, and Be­trayal in Biblical Narrative, 43705 Bacon, Francis, 92m, 154 Baker, Houston, Jr.: Opening Up the Canon, 437112 Bakhtin, Mikhail, 136,445,454 460 Index of Proper Nouns and Titles Bal, Mieke: "Aestheticizing Catastrophe" I4in30; Complexité d'un roman populaire, 381136; Death and Dissymmetry, 641130, 166116,3111114,360m, 438117,438015; Double Exposures, 2321119,311112,403; "His Master's Eye" 311114; Lethal Love, 3341124; The Mottled Screen, 92118,392,41309,437- 38116; Murder and Difference, 3621131, 4131119,438117; Narratologie, 35-361116; Narratology, 92117,1411142; On Meaning Making, 331m; Quoting Caravaggio, xx, 392,4381119; Reading Rembrandt, xix-xxi, 6309,2071131,2321119,252,2631123,291,296, 3321110,392,418; "Scared to Death" 63ml; Travelling Concepts in the Humanities, 2621113,2631120,2631124,4561112 Balzac, Honoré de, 103,448; Le père Goriot, 103 Banfield, Ann, 111,13905 Barak (biblical figure), 349,409 Bardenstein, B. Carol, 438ml Bardon, Françoise, 26205 Barnes, Djuna, xvi, 68,93ml, 100,103-8,110- 13,118,124,128,130; Nightwood, 68,92m, 93ml, 99-100,102-3,112 Barrington, Lowell, 456ml Barthes, Roland, 81-83,93n20,110,135,1411142, 142047,20507,303,318,322,332ni2 Bartsch, Shadi, 102 Bath (fictive name; biblical figure), 339,348, 350,360,361mg, 362033 Bathsheba (biblical figure), 263023,314,316, 3i9-30,334n25 Battenhouse, Roy, 64015 Battersby, Christine, 223,23207,232nni3-i4, 232025,2330035-36 Baudrillard, J ean, 277,286mg Baxandall, Michael, 248,252,254,256-58,261, 262n6,263ni7; Tiepolo and the Pictorial In­telligence, 258 Beek, Lies ter, 73-75 Bekkenkampjonneke, 429,438013 Benjamin, Walter, 41,62nn4~5,109,123, 141030,225,233039,309-10,433; The Ori­gin of German Tragic Drama, 62n4 Benjaminites (biblical tribe), 34g, 355 Benveniste, Emile, 183 Berg, Sandra Beth, 386m, 38609 Bergotte (literary figure, Proust), 119 Bernard, Claude, 172 Bernini, Gianlorenzo, 219-21,232028; Beata Ludovica Albertoni, 220,232n28; The Ec­stasy of Saint Teresa, 220,232n28 Bersani, Leo, 41306 Beth (fictive name of biblical figure), 339,341- 42,351-52,355-56,358,360,362n2i Bethlehem (biblical place-name), 358 Bhabha, Homi, 454 Bible, biblical, xx-xxi, 85,154-55,249,299- 300,315,317,319-21,323,330,333ni8, 333n22,348,36on6,365,368,392-94,409, 411,413mg, 415-37,43§n7; Hebrew, xviii, 180,360m, 36on8; New English Bible, 366; New English Bible with the Apocrypha, 38604 Bielstein, Susan, xvi "Birds of the World" (American Museum of Natural History), 189 Blanchard, Marc Eli, 137,142049 Blin, Georges, 5,9,35n9 Boijmans van Beuningen, Museum, 404-12 Bol, Ferdinand, 411 Bollas, Christopher, 413013 Booth, Wayne C., 4,5,34n7,263mg Borch, Gerard Ter, 320 Borges,Jorge Luis, 309-10; "Pierre Menard, Author of the Quichote"3og Borgman, Erik: Literary Canon and Religious Identity, 415 Bourdieu, Pierre, 275,333ni5,431; Distinction, 205ni3,286ni3 Bourgeois, Jean-Louis, 220 Bourgeois, Louise, 219-21,223,230,232n26; Baroque, 232n2Ö; Femme Maison, 219-20, 223,232n27; Homage to Bernini, 232n26 Bovary, Emma (literary figure, Proust), 98,103, 132,135-38 Bowers, A. Robin, 43-44,63009-10,64n2l Brams, Steven J.,36on8 Brazzaville, 444,451,453 Bremond, Claude, 284-85,287036 Breton, André, 139012 Britain, 65036,94026 Bronfen, Elisabeth, 231,2330042-44; Knotted Index of Proper Nouns and Titles 461 Subjects, 233042; Over Her Dead Body, 2331142 Brooks, Peter, 102,273,284,286n8,287035, 36int2,378 Browne, Robert M., 38038 Bruno, Giordano, 399 Brans, Gerald: "Canon and Power in the He­brew Scriptures" 41g Brutus (mythical figure), 58,60-61,65032 Bryson, Norman, 92 04,9309,93 ni4,206- 7029,295,332ni3,413014; "Perceptualism" 332M3; Vision, 2o6-7n29 Buddha, 177 Bullen,J. B., 13903 Burke, Kenneth, 304,332-33013 Buder, George, 300-301 Butlerjudith, 9205,433,438018,447,45604; Bodies That Matter, 92n5; Gender Trouble, 92n5 Calarne, Claude, 141036 Caleb (biblical figure), 347,351-52 Camille (literary figure, Colette), 20-23,25-33 Camille, Michael, 332-33013 Caravaggio, Michelangelo Merisi da, xxi, 214- 15,217-19,221-22,227,229,241-45,247, 250-51,253-55,2Ö2n7,262-63016,289-90, 297i393_412 41304,4l3niO; The Conversion of Saint Paul, 396-412; The Crucifixion of Saint Peter, 396-412: Death of the Virgin, 214-15,217,219,221-22,227;Judith Behead­ing Holophernes, 408; Medusa's Head, 289, 297; Narcissus, 241-42,251,255 Careri, Giovanni, 232:128 Carrier, David, 2o6n2g Caserio, Robert, 13905 Catal Huyuk (Turkey), 185 Céline, Louis-Ferdinand, 421 Central Park (New York), 169-70,173,175,177, 180 Cerasi Chapel (Rome), 396,403,405 Cervantes, Miguel de, g8,101; Don Quichote,310 Chambers, Ross, I3gn7 Chapman, Perry H., 31016 Chardin, Jean-Baptiste-Siméon, 70 Charles (literary figure, Proust), 135-37 Charlus (literary figure, Proust), 85,92 Chase, Cynthia, 33206 Chopin, Frédéric, 295 Christ. Aeejesus Christensen, Jeannette, 238-40,244-48,250- 5b 253-551258,262114: Tiden lager alle sâr, 239-40,244-45I251 Church of Santa Maria del Popolo (Rome), 396,403 Cinotti, Mina, 262ns Clark, Sir Kenneth, 316,331114 Clifford, James, 171,204-505,2050015-16,276, 286nl4,286ni8; "On Collecting Art and Culture" 276 Clines, David J., 388020,388022 Code, Lorraine, 232n6 Cohen, Ted, 334024,360118,372,387012 Colette, 11,20,33,37032; La Chatte, 11-12,20, 25-34,37nn3i-32 Collatine (mythical figure), 43,50-52,57-60, 63M3,121,123 Colomina, Beatriz, 453-54 Combray (place-name in Proust), 140026 Congo, 198,443,453 Conradjoseph: Heart of Darkness, 300,311ml Corbey, Raymond, 205ni2 CornsweetJ. C. and T., 334026 Cottard, Doctor (literary figure, Proust), 86,92 Crimp, Douglas, 182 Crow, Thomas, 263022V Cullerjonathan, 64030,151,161,164,166, i66n3,20402,262n6,269,286n3,332n6, 36on6,432,448-49,451,456114,456n8; "Literary Criticism and the American Uni­versity" 16603; On Deconstruction,36006; "Reading as a Woman" 64030 Dällenbach, Lucien, 35MO, 362029,388021; Le récit spéculaire, 35010,388021 Damisch, Hubert, 232M6,243-44,247 Daniel (biblical figure), 409 Daniel, book of, 409 Dante, 132 Darwin, Charles, 172,198 David (king; biblical figure),316-17,320-22, 325-30,3331123 Davies, G. Henton, 38034,36on8 Deborah (biblical figure),349,362031 46a Index of Proper Nouns and Titles Delacroix, Eugène, 295 De Lauretis, Teresa, 41-42,62,63n6,64M8, 65037,139n4,261m; "Semiotics and Expe­rience" 64ni8,261m Deleuze, Gilles, 212,221-22,232ni2,233nn3i- 32,233n34 Delilah (biblical figure), 409-10,438n8 De Man, Paul, 62n4,139n8,151,160-61,164, i66mi, 232n20,332n6; Allegories of Reading, 62114,232n20 De Saussure, Ferdinand, 247 Derrida Jacques, 53,59,72,931113,96,105, 139112,159, i66n2,166n9,263n26,332n5, 332n7,3331114,357,362030,382,386n7, 404,41307,432,438ni8,45604; Dijférance, 93ni3; De la grammatologie, 159, i66ng; Margins of Philosophy, 93M3; "Nature, cul­ture, écriture" i66n9; "The Parergon" 41307; "White Mythology" i66n2 Descartes, René, 216 Descombes, Vincent, 232M6 Diacritics, 448,45607 Diamond, Stanley, 38607 Diderot, Denis: Jacques le fataliste, 14 Didi-Hubermann, Georges, 140027 Dionysius of Halicarnassus, 124 Dolezel, Lubomlr, 34n7 Donaldson, Ian, 6309 Don Juan (mythical figure), 356 Don Quixote (literary figure, Cervantes), 98 Douglas, Mary, 179 Douglass, Frederick, 133-34,14in45; Narra­tive of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave, Written by Himself, 133 Dubois, Pierre, 63n8 Dubrow, Heather, 58,65032,65035 Duncan, Carol, 232025 Dundas, Judith, 65033 Duras, Marguerite, 149,152,157,162; Le vice-consul, 149 Duro, Paul, 41307 Durost, Walter, 282,287033; Children's Collect­ing Activity, 287033 Dutoit, Ulysse, 4i3n6 Duvall, Robert: The Apostle, 393 Dyer, Richard, 418-19,422,435"37 Eagleton, Terry, 164 Eco, Umberto, 64ni8, i66ni2,205015,263017, 36on6; Foucault's Pendulum, 163, i66ni2 Einstein, Albert, 224 Elders (biblical figures), 409 Emile (literary figure, Colette), 30 Emma. See Bovary England, 139ns English Institute, 437n2 Ephraimite (biblical tribe), 350,357 Ernst, Max: La femme cent têtes, 219 Essenfeldt, Otto, 36007 Esther (biblical figure), 365-85,38603,38607, 386n9,388nni7-i8 Esther, book of, xxi, 365-85,387-88014, 388ni7; Esther scroll, 368-85 Ethiopia, 197 Eugène (literary figure, Balzac), 103 Europe, 211,254-56,391,444 Fabianjohannes, xxiv, 20506,232ni8,36ini6, 3881119,401,413015; Time and the Other, 205n6,388mg FACT, 210 Faulkner, William: Absalom, Absalom!, 13909 Felman, Shoshana 245,260-61,262012,341, 350,356,36on2,362ii27 Fenichel, Otto, 286n20 Fiedler, Lesley: Opening Up the Canon, 437n2 Fineman Joel, 43-44,46,51,59,62m, 62n4, 63013,64022,65033,141037; "The Struc­ture of Allegorical Desire" 62n4 Finkelman, Allan, 220 Fischer, Michael, 205nio Flanders (Belgium), 249,251 Flaubert, Gustave, xvi, 126,132,136-38,281; Madame Bovary, 103,132,134,138; Salammbô, 281 Fletcher, Angus, 62n4 Fogg, Phileas (literary figure), 10,18 Fokkelman J. P., 334024,43706 Forster, E. M., 10,64026,117 Fortune, Reo, 2051116 Fosterjodie, 210 Foucault, Michel, i66ni2,207033,283,295-96, 31108,334ti24i 362024,370-71,381, Index of Proper Nouns and Tides 463 387nnn-i2; La volonté de savoir, 362034; The Order of Th ings, 370 France, 122,453 Françoise (literary figure, Proust), 81 Freud, Sigmund, 53,20404,242,257,262M2, 278-81,284-85,286n20,304,332ng, 332nii, 361-62019,362028; "On Feminin-ity" 332ml; Studies in Hysteria, 278; "Taboo of Virginity" 361-62019,362028 Fried, Michael, 386n2; "Thoughts on Caravag­gio" 413010 Friedman, Norman,5 Frye, Northrop, 61 Fuss, Diana, 93017 Galand-Hallyn, Perrine, 139ml Galeria Nacional de Arte antiga, 241 Gallop,Jane, 232ng, 333017; Thinking Through the Body, 233033 Gaston (literary figure, U Tam'si), 450 Gautama (Buddha), 177 Geertz, Clifford, 449 Genesis, book of, 180,354,375,418,423,425, 43i,437n5 Genette, Gérard, 3-38,103,109,139M, I40n26, 141042; "Discours du récit" 6; "Frontières du récit"35ni3,139n2; "Frontiers of Narra­tive" 35nl3; Narrative Discourse, 3,34m, 34n3,34"5,36ni8 Gentileschi, Artemisia: Judith Beheading Holophernes, 408 Georgin, Rosine, 93016 Geuss, Raymond, 286017 Gibeah (biblical place-name), 354 Gide, André, 388021; Les faux-monnayeurs, 139116 Gilbert, Creighton E., 262-63016,413ml Gilberte (literary figure, Proust), 113 Gilead (biblical region), 356 Gileadite (biblical tribe), 350,357 Girard, René, 51; Deceit, Desire, and the Novel, 631113; A Theater of Envy, 631113 Glissant, Edouard, 447,45605 Goffman, Erving, 259 Gombrich, E. IE,206-71129,332-331113 Goodman, Nelson, 3321113,3341126 Goody, J ack, 38607 Graff, Gerald, 156,164, i66n3 Gray, Eileen, 453 Greece, 151 Gregori, Mina, 262ns Greimas, A. J., 204-5115 Grontkowski, Christine R., 232015 Groot, Carla de, 73,75-76; Series of posed portraits, 73 Guillory,John, 419,431 Habermas,Jiirgen, 332ng; Knowledge and Human Interests, 286ni7 Habsburg, 283 Hallberg, Robert von, 419 Haman (biblical figure), 365-85,386nn4-5, 386-87ng,388n23 Hamilton, Kristie, 139013 Hamon, Philippe, 129,139n2,141038,1410041- 42,204n2 Haravay. Donna, 173 Hardy, Thomas, 101,104-6,108; Tess of the d'Urbervilhs, 101,13903 Harter, Deborah, 128,1411140 Heald, David, 226 Hebb,D. 0.,334n26 Hector (mythical figure), 55,124 Hecuba (mythical figure), 55,57-58,60,124 Heffernan, James A., 141038 Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 372 Heidegger, Martin, 269; "The Age of the World" 286112 Helen (of Troy; mythical figure), 57 Hermitage (St. Petersburg), 365 Heron, W., 334026 Hiller, Susan, 2o6n28 Hippolyte (literary figure, Racine), 122-23 Hirsch, Marianne, 232ns Hitchcock, Alfred: Blackmail, 64017 Hider, Adolf, 445 Hodge, Robert, i66n6 Holland, See Netherlands Holly, Alexander, 204m Holly, Michael Ann, 204m, 249,262ml, 263018 Holophernes (biblical figure), 410-11 464 Index of Proper Nouns and Titles Homais, Monsieur (literary figure, Flaubert), 134 Homer, 125,182; Iliad, 125 Hooch, Pieter de, 320 Hooper-Greenhill, Eilean, 286n2 Hull, Gloria T., 232114 Hussein, Saddam, 155 Hutcheon, Linda, 371,387nio, 387013 Huysmans,Joris-Karl: A rebours, too Incarnile (place-name in Proust), 86 India, 88-90,94n26,370,45609 Indonesia, 94026 Ingarden, Roman, 205n8,437n6 Ingres, Dominique, 307 Innis, Robert E., 140mg Irigaray, Luce, 64030; "The Mechanics of Flu­ids" 233029; Speculum of the Other Woman, 2331129; This Sex Which Is Not Mine, 233029; "Volume without Contours" 233029 Irwin, Michael, 13903 Iser, Wolfgang, 263021,413016,43706; The Act of Reading, 20508 Israel, 317,327-28,352,386n8 Israelite (biblical term), 350,354,356 Jaafer (literary figure, 1001 Nights), 16 Jael (biblical figure), 406,409-11 Jakobson, Roman, 368 J ames, Henry, 448 James, William, 310 Jameson, Frederic, 204-505,332ng, 422 Japan,180,183 Jarman, Derek, 399,401; Caravaggio, 399 Jay, Martin, 93ni4,3iin8 Jed, Stephanie, 62:13,63ng, 64016,65032; Chaste Thinking, 6307 Jephthah (biblical figure), 339,347,349-51, 355-59,361M9,362031 Jerubbesheth (biblical figure), 325,327 Jerusalem (biblical place-name), 316,325 Jesus (biblical and mythical figure), 36inio, 422 Jew, 373-74,376,378-79,385 Joab (biblical figure), 316 Johnson, Barbara, 119,156 Joseph (biblical figure), 418,423,425-27 Judges, book of, xx, 311014,327,339-60, 362024,362028,409 Judith (biblical figure), xxi, 304-5,406-11, 438n8 Jupien (literary figure), 85 Kallah (fictive name of biblical figure), 339, 345-47,350,36o,362n33 Kamuf, Peggy, 332n7,382 Kant, Immanuel, 209,211,296,424 Kaplan, Jonathan, 210 Keller, Evelyn Fox, 152-53,157,16604,232n3, 23205,232n8,232ml, 232015 Kemp, Wolfgang, 263021 Kerr, Lucille, 45609 Kierkegaard, Soren: Stages on Life's Way 233035 Kilmartin, Terence, I40n2i Kiriath-sepher (biblical place-name), 347 Kittay, Eva, 16604 Klein, Melanie, 286nio Krauss, Rosalind, 233041; Le photographique, 93022 Kress, Gunther, i66n6 Krieger, Murray, 141038 Kris tal, Efrain, 45609 Kristeva, Julia, 362025,410,413020 Kubier, George, 224,233037 Kuhn, Thomas S., 158,162-65; "Objectivity, Value Judgment, and Theory Choice" 158; The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, 162 Lacan, Jacques, 72,108,244,289,324,373; "L'instance de la lettre" 333019 Lakoff, George, and Mark johnson, l66n2, 438m6; Philosophy in the Flesh, 233033 Lavin, Irving, 232028 Lawrence, Karen, 437m Leclerc, Annie, 333017 Le Corbusier (Charles-Edouard Jeanneret), 453 Leibniz, Gottfried, 212,216,221-22 Lemaire, Ton, 361016,38607 Lentricchia, Frank: Critical Terms for Literary Study, 431 Index of Proper Nouns and Titles 465 Léon (literary figure, Flaubert), 132 Leonardo da Vinci: Last Supper, 36inio Levin, Richard, 63n7 Lévi-Strauss, Claude, 43; 'TheElementary Structures of Kinship, 63nl3; "The Writing Lesson" 386n7 Levite (biblical tribe), 355 Leyden, Lucas van, 411 Lievens,Jan: portrait of Rembrandt, 33in2 Linneaus, Carl, 198 Littré dictionary, 4,7 Livy, 47-50,52,61,121 Lodge, David, 138,141042 Longino, Helen E., 232n8 Louvre (Paris), 214-19,230,232025,313,410 Lucebert, 163,167013 Lucrece, 40,43,46-48,51-54,56-62,6307, 63111112-13,64M5,64029,65 n33,123-26 Lucretia, 41-50,60-61,6307,63119,63M2,97, 121-23,214,307,333nl4,409 Lucretius, 54,57,65033 Luke (biblical figure), 411 Lynn, Greg: "Body Matters" 233n29 Maatje, F. C.,35nio Machiguenga (tribe), 449 MacKinnon, Catherine, 64017,210 Madonna, 193 Magny, Claude-Edmonde,38n4i Mailer, Norman, 421 Majewski, Henry F., 142048 Maleuvre, Didier, 41307,413018; Museum Mem­ories, 407 Malmaert Mangles (literary figure, Colette), 28 Malraux, André: Museum without Walls, 182 Mander, Karel van, 406 Manet, Edouard: Olympia, 292 Manhattan, 169 Mann, Thomas, 418,420-437; Joseph and His Brother, 418,420-437 Manoah (biblical figure),350,358 Marcel (literary figure, Proust), 68,70-72,81- 82, 85-87,90-91,113 Marin, Louis, 290,295,297,31107 Marini, Maurizio, 2Ö2n5 Marx, Karl, 269,278-79,280,281; Capital, 286m Mary (biblical and mythical figure), 193,394, 422 Mary Magdalene (biblical and mythical figure), 216,394 Matisse, Henri, 100 Maupassant, Guy de, 15 Maus, Katherine, 45,64019; "Taking Tropes Seriously" 62n2 Mayai (queen; mythical figure), 177 Mayes,AndrewD. H.,362031 McGann, Jerome J., 419 McHale, Brian, 71,93nio, 139119,387MO Mead, Margaret, 179,205nl6 Mechel, Christian von, 283 Medusa (mythical figure), 51,290-91,3iin2 Meijers, Debora J., 283,287034 Melas, Natalie, 447-48,45605-6,456MO Meitzer, Françoise, 140024 Melville, Herman: Billy Budd, 119; poetry, 119 Menard, Pierre, 309-10 Merewether, Charles, 225,2331140 Metropolitan Museum of Art (Met), 169-71, 177,182,201,204m, 205ni5 Meyer, Michel, and Alain Lempereur, 139ml Michele (film figure,Jarman),399 Middle East, 154-55 Miller, Arthur, 421 Miller, J. Hillis, 110,139113, i40nl5 Miller, Patrick D., Jr., 362020 Millett, Kate, 421 Millu, Liana: Smoke Over Birkenau, 435 Milton, John: Paradise Lost, 416,419 Mitchell, W. J. T., 64028,94027,132-34, 141034,141038,207032,279-80,286m, 286nn23-25,2870^0-31,325,3321113, 333n20; Iconology, 141044 Modleski, Tanja, 641117 Moglen, Helen, 23203 Moore, Carey A., 386-8709 Mordecai (biblical figure), 365-85,386-8709 Morgenstern,Julius: "Additional Notes on Beena Marriage" 360m mother (author's), photo with her babu, 89; photo with her mother, 88; studio portrait, 76 Moxey, Keith, 62m 466 Index of Proper Nouns and Titles Moyer, David, 179 Murphy, Roland E., 373,377,388ni7 Mut-em-enet (Koranic figure; literary figure, Mann), 422,428,431,433,437 Muybridge, Eadweard, 78-80; Wrestlers, 79 Nagy, Gregory, I40ni8 Nana (literary figure, Zola), 97,126-30,134, I4in39,I4in43 Nathan (biblical figure), 316 National Gallery of Art (Washington, D.C.), 307 Nead, Lynda, 4l2n3 Neale, Stephen, 139m Near East, 182 Nepal, 177 Nestor (mythical figure), 55 Netherlands (Holland), 94n26,453 New Museum of Contemporary Art, 226 Newton-de Molina, David, 26203 New York, 169,172,203-4,226 New York Times, 165 Nicole, Pierre, 108 Niditch, Susan, 154-55,157,3621122 Niën, Eva, 73,75,78 Oedipus (mythical figure), 33209,386-8709 Oosten,Jarich, 179 Osarsiph (biblical and literary figure, Mann), 423,427 . Othniel, 351-53 Otwell, J ohn, 388ni8 Ovid, 49,52,61,121 Owens, Craig, 61 Panofsky, Erwin: Perspective as Symbolic Form, 232ni6 Paris, 82,444,451 Parker, Patricia, 64mg, 64024,64031,64035; "Preposterous Events" 64014 Passepartout (literary figure, Verne), 10 Patterson, Annabel, 26203 Paul (biblical figure), 399-412 Pavel, Thomas, 286ml Payson Parton, Sara: "Leta: A Sketch from Life" 140013 Pearce, Susan M., 271,274-76,281,283-85, 286n7,286ng, 286ni3,287033; Museums, Objects and Collections, 271 Peirce, Charles Sanders, 61,64018,108,112, 140mg, 165-66,20404,20508,261m, 262n8,294-95,379 Perec, George, 106-7, H°i ^ vu mode d'emploi, 106 Perelman, Chaim: The New Rhetoric and the Humanities, 6308 Perry, Menakhem, 334024,334026,437n6 Perseus (mythical figure), 290-91 Persia, 373 Peter (biblical figure), 398-412 Philomela (mythological figure), 60,65033 Pietà (mythical topos), 422 Piles, Roger de, 246,253 Plato, 183,200,378; Phaedrus, 369 Poaty, Raymond (literary figure, U Tam'si), 443-56 Podro, Michael, 41305 Poe, Edgar Allan, 325 "Point of Theory" conference, 150 Polanski, Roman: Death and the Maiden, 210 Pollok, Griselda, 309,3linn3-4,311015; Differ­encing the Canon, 41305 Port-Royal, grammarians of, 107 Potiphar's wife (biblical figure), 418,420-21, 425-29 Potter, Elizabeth, 23208 Poullion,Jean,5,35n9 Poussin, Nicolas, 246; Arcadian Shepherds, 295 Prado (Madrid), 295 Pratt, Mary Louise, 413016 Prévost, Antoine François: Manon Lescaut, 5 Priam (mythical figure), 55 Prince de Guermantes (literary figure, Proust), I40n22 Pritchard, R. M.,334n26 Proust, Marcel, xvi, 36017,68-72,75,77-781 80,82,88,90,93ni2,93ni6,97,102-7, "O- 13,115-25,129-30,133,137-38, i4on20, 140024, i40nn26-27,160-61,163-64, i66nn,392; A l'ombre de jeunes filles en fletirs, 140025; La Prisonnière, 117; The Prisoner, 72,87; A la recherche du temps perdu, 4,36017,112,133,140ni6,160; Re­membrance of Things Past, 68-71,78,80, Index of Proper Nouns and Tides 467 82-83,87,90-91; Within a Budding Grove, "3 Pushkin Museum (Moscow), 365 Qur'an, 415-37 Racine, Jean, 122-23 Rahv, Philip: The Myth and the Powerhouse, 415 Rajchman,John,3iin8 Raphael, 216 Rastier, François, 204-505 Radiff,F.,334n26 Rawdon Wilson, Robert, 64n20,64023,64029 Reed, David, 401 Rembrandt van Rijn, xxi, 63:19.232mg, 246, 250,263023,291,294-95,299-300,305, 307-8,31106,311010,313-17,322,329, 33in2,33208,334025,340,344,353,36imo, 365-69,373-74,379,384,38603,387ml, 392,41305,420; Adoration, 332nlo; Beth-sabée au bain (Bathsheba),313-31,33301g-, The Blinding of Samson, 29g; Danaë, 329; Esther's Banquet, 365-67; Human's Down­fall, 365,368-69; Joseph, 332niO; Judith Beheading Holofernes, 305; Last Supper, 332niO; "The Levite Finds His Concubine in the Morning" 353; Samson Posing the Riddle to the Wedding Guests, 340,344, 36imo; "Sketch After Leonardo's Last Sup­per" 341,36imo; The Suicide of Lucretia, 307-8; Susanna, 3321110-, Syndics, 294; "To­bias Curing His Father's Blindness" (draw­ing), 332nio "Rembrandt" (as historical figure),315,317, 325,328,33102,332-331113 Rembrandt Research Project, 332n8 Richter, Wolfgang: Traditionsgeschichtliche Untersuchungen zum Richterbuch, 362031 Ricoeur, Paul, i66n2 Riggs,L. A.,334n26 Rimmon-Kenan, Shlomith, 93mg, 140017, I40n27 Riversjulius, 92n2 Rizaljosé: Noli me tangere, 449 Robbe-Grillet, Alain, 105-7,110-11; Instanta­nées, 105; La jalousie, 105; Le mannequin, 105; Le voyeur, 105 Robert (literary figure, Proust), 78,80-82,91, 112-13,116 Robert dictionary, 17,30 Robert, Hubert, 120,140n22 Robin Vote (literary figure, Barnes), 96,98- 100,104,108,112,118,124,126 Roder,J. H. de, 435 Rodolphe (literary figure, Flaubert), 135 Roman Republic, 42,48,60,169 Rome, 241,396,400 Roosevelt, Theodore, 173 Roosevelt Memorial, 173,175 Rose, Jacqueline, 332ml Rotterdam, 404 Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 132,16609,382,38607 Rousseau Douanier (literary figure, Barnes), 101 Rubens, Peter Paul, 239,246-48,250-51,255, 259; Kermis, 251 Russell, Bertrand, ili, 129,139m Russia, 185 Ryer, Pierre du, 122-23; Lucrèce, 123-24 Saha (literary figure, Colette), 29,31,38032 Said, Edward, 438ml Saint-Loup, Robert de. See Robert Salcedo, Doris, 224-25,226,228-30; Irre­versible Witness, 227,229; Unland: The Or­phan 's Tunic, 226-30 Salome, 411 Salomon, Charlotte, 93n9,233030 Samson (biblical figure), 239,339,342-50,358, 360,36007,361010,362033,408-9,438n8 Samuel, book of, 316,319,321,324-30 Sasson, Jack, 386-8709,388n20 Satin (literary figure, Zola), 14103g Scarry, Elaine, 36003,422 Scheherazade (literary figure, 1001 Mights), 16 Schmid, Wolfgang, 3407,35 ni4 Scholes, Robert, 37027 Schor, Naomi, 141036,142048,281,286n2i, 287032,318,332010,438010 Schwarzenegger, Arnold, 300-301 Scott, Joan, 13904 Scott, Patricia Bell, 23204 Searle, John, 295-98,3im9,334n24,37i"72, 387012 468 Index of Proper Nouns and Titles Sébastien (biblical figure), 444 Sebeok, Thomas, 20404,205n8,205015 Sedgwick, Eve Kosofsky, 51,62,360114; Be­tween Men, 63013,341 Semeia, 154 Shakespeare, William, xvi, xx, 40-42,45-46, 48-50,52,56,59-60,62,6309,63012, 65033,121-24,126,129,141028; Rape of Lu­crèce, 40-42,44-50,55-56,58,61-62,6307, 6309,63nni2-i3,64020,64030,65032,121- 22,126,140nn28-2g; poetry, 40-41,45,47- 48,50,55,58,61-62; Venus and Adonis, 140029 Silenus (mythical figure), 239,26204 Silverman, Kaja, 93n2i, 262nio,332ng, 427, 438ni6; Threshold of the Visible World, 9203 Sinon (mythical figure), 54-57,65033,125 Sisera (biblical figure),348-49 Sluijter, Eric Jan, 316,320,33in3 Smith, Barbara Herrnstein, 232n4 Snow White (fairy-tale figure), 136 Snyder, Joel, 334024,372,387012 Socrates, 183 Sodom (biblical place-name), 362024 Solomon (biblical figure), 197 Sommers, Doris, 449,45609 South Africa, 301,421 Speckaert, Hans: Jael Showing the Body of Sisera to Barak, 406-9 Spitzer, Leo, 123,141030 Spivak, Gayatri Chakravorty, 6204,92n6, 205012,232ni7; "Can the Subaltern Speak?" 214; "More on Power/Knowledge" 207033 Sprague Becker, Andrew, 141038 Stanzel, F. K.,5 Stein, Gertrude, 68 Steinberg, Leo: Sexuality of Christ, 295 Steiner, George, 435 Stendhal: Souvernirs d'égotisme, 13906 Stengers, Isabelle, 151,158-59, i66n8 Sternberg, Meir, 334024,43706 Stock, Brian, 6307 Stoffels, Hendrickje (figure, Rembrandt), 315- i6,33i-32n4 St. Petersburg, 329 Summers, David, 263020 Susanna and the Elders (biblical topos), 316 Susannah (in book of Daniel), 409 Sweelink, Gerrit Pieterszoon -.Judith Showing the Head of Holophernes, 405-12 Talmon, Shemaryahu, 388017 Tamar (biblical figure), 411 Tanner, Tony, 13903 Tarquin, Tarquinius (mythical figure), 43-44, 46-49,51,54-57,59-60,63ni3,121,123, 125-26 Tess (literary figure, Hardy), 104-5 Thebez (biblical place-name), 325,327 Thésée (literary figure, Racine), 123 Thousand and One Nights, 5-6,11,16 Tickner, Lisa, 65036 Tiepolo, Giovanni Battista, 248,252,254-57 Treppenhaus frescoes (Würzburg), 254 Titian: Rape ofLucretia, 44 Todorov, Tzvetan, 16,37n28 Tompkins, Jane, 141046,388ni6,413016 Torgovnick, Marianna, 2o6n28,232nni-2 Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri de, 292-94; The Bed, 293 Treffers, Bert, 2Ö2n7,262-63016,4i2n2,4l3n8 Trible, Phyllis, 362032 Troy (mythical place-name), 47,50,52-54,58, 119,125,182 Turkey, 185 Uganda. 198 United States, i66n3,211,437n2,446,453 Uriah (biblical figure), 316,321-22,325-28,330 Uspensky, Boris, 37031 U Tam'si, Tchicaya: Ces fruits si doux de l'arbre à pain, 443-56 Van Zoest, Aart, 38038 Vargas Llosa, Mario, 449-50; El hablador, 449, 455 Vashti (biblical figure), 377,379,381-82,385, 388ni8,388n22 Velazquez, Diego, 298,307,370-71; Las Meni-nas, 246,295-98,303,334024,37°-7b 3^1, 387ml Venus (mythical figure), 130,307 Verhoeff, Nanna, 75-76,456m Index of Proper Nouns and Tides 469 Vcrmeer. Jan, ng, 1401127,320; Woman Writ­ing a Letter, 333M7 Vickers, Nancy, 45,64mg, 64027; '"The Bla­zon of Sweet Beauty's Best,'" 63013 Vigar, Penelope, 13903 da Vinci, Leonardo. See Leonard da Vinci Vinteuil, Mile, (literary figure, Proust), 85-86 Virgil, 106-7, Gönn; Aeneid, 106 Volkbein, Felix (literary figure, Barnes), 99- 101,104 Voltaire, 386-8709 Vries, Hent de, 438n Wagner, Peter, 141033,141035,141038 Ward, Graham: The Blackwell Companion to Postmodern Theology, 392 Washington, D.C.,332nio Watteau,Jean-Antoine, 247 Wetering, Ernst van de, 334025; Corpus, 332n8 White, Hayden, 120-21,140022,205012, 286n6; Metahistory, 6308; Tropics of Dis­course, 6308 Winnicott, Donald W., 286mo Woolf, Virginia, 261m Yael (biblical figure), 348-49,438n8 Yahweh (biblical figure), 349 Yewah, Emmanuel, 445 Yohannan,John, 424,438ng Yonville (place-name in Proust), 103,134 Zakovitch, Yair, 361M5 Zappler, Georg, 20403 Zizek, Slavoj, 280,286-87nn26-29 Zlotowitz, Rabbi Meir,388n22 Zola, Emile, 97,101,124,126-29,132-33,135, 172; L'Assommoir, 135; Le ventre de Paris, 128,135; Nana, 127-29,131-32,138 Index of Terms and Concepts abandon, 239-41,245,248,250,257,260 abduction, 282,350,453 abjection, 362n25 aboriginal culture, 183,448. See abo First Na­tions absence, 83,278,282; one's own absence, 83 absorption, 4l3nio, 436,450 abstraction, 165,295 abuse, 56,58-59,62,210,347,352,355,35, 369,384. See also sexual violence academic politics, 211,214,236,444; progres­sive, xx, 236,415-16,446 actant, 12,36ni9-20,37n26 actantial function, 35111g actantial position, 436 action, 4,12,14,16,36ni9,50,55,96,97,156, 326 activism, 400; and art, 225 actor, 12-14,36020,156,216,272 adaptation, 198,202 address, 105-6,108,119,197,351,355,3^3,449 addressee, 64029,106,184-86,189,290,297, 326,343-46,349,358-59 adultery, 421,429,437 advertisement,302-4 aesthetics, go, 55-56,68,70,77,82,106,108, 114,125,175,186,205n8,205nni4~i5,248, 255,274-75,282,313,316,33in2,331114,393, 406,412,416,420-21,424,427,430,435, 45b 454-55 affect, 69,77,80,82,247,256-57,284 affection, 75,80,88 affirmation, 7,3508,426 affirmative action, 211,223 African American culture, igo, 202 agency, 45,55,59-60,63013,120,174,202,237- 38,243,245,251,259,272,281,367-68,374, 376-77,381,383-85,417,431-33,437,448, 451 agent, 19-21,36n20,36023,37026,37032, 38n39,114,120,156-57,184,218,256,270, 272,281,285,290,310,342,347,373,375, 381-83,452,455; narrative, 3,5-7,10,12-16, 18,34113,351114,381137,132,270,282-83,381 ahistoricism, 107,215,408,433 alienation, 83,197 allegory 41-43,60-61,6204,113,121,125,213- 14,218-19,223,229,281,325-26,433-34, 436-37,443,445,450,452,455; allegorical reading, 6i, 328; allegorizing allegory, 60; al-legorogene detail, 61 allochthonous, 435 'almah, 348,360114 alteri ty, 68,202,276,427,450,454,45609 ambiguity, 75,106,119,140027,239,246,260, 357,370,3871112,408,410,427,434,436, 444,449,45° ambition, 406-7,411 ambivalence, 6307,90,377,379,434 American culture, 169,202 amnesiac effect, 225 anachronism, xx, 154-55,243-44,26209,310, 370,372,374,379,384,388120,395,413114, 434,436 472 Index of Terms and Concepts anacoluthon, 383 analepsis, 103 analysis, cultural, xxi, 42,44,46,236-38,260- 61,391,393,403,407,445,448,451_52 androcentrism, 354 androgyny, 246 angel, 426 animal, 170-71,174-75,177,179-80,183-84, 198,204m, 205014,205-6ni6 anonymity, 183,339 antagonism, 423 antecedence, 5 anthropology, 151,155,177,179-80,182,188, 193,197-98,200,205-6m6,214,232nl8, 277,279,360m, 368,375,377-78,388ni9, 392,402,4i3m5,4381115 anti-hero, 101 anti-Semitism, 421 anxiety, 219,283 aporia, 56,87,138 apostle, 216,399,401 appropriation, 61,631113,156,276,291-93,303, 322,329,349-50,369 arbitrariness, 102,104,113 archaeology, 182,195 architecture, 172,220,233n2g archive, 200 art, xvii, 40,54,65033,170-71,204m, 2o6n28, 215,226,232025,237,270,292-93,298; American, 169; archaic, 169; autonomous, 263020; contemporary, 238,271,392-93; foreign, 169; high, 177,201,218,301-2,392, 412; hyper-figurative, 215; Italian, 216; nonfigurative, 215; not-art, 182; old, 238; as theoretical object, 254-55,450,452,455; verbal (see under verbal); western Euro­pean, 169 Art-Culture System (Clifford), 171 art history, xviii, 206-7029,216,219,237-38, 248,260,2Ö2n6,2Ö2-63nni6-i7,263020, 290-91,293,295,303,306,309,315,371, 374,392-95,399,403,407,41305,413012, 433 artifact, xvii, xx, xxii, 46,171,177,188-89,195, 201,20508,252,270,409 artificiality, 118-19,126,130,135,398-99 artist, 58,237-38,241,245-47,250,252,262nl6 Asian peoples, 183-84 as if, 49,99 assassination attempt, 29,31,33. See also mur­der assimilation, 407,449-50 asymmetry, 344,36ong atheism, 391,394 attention, 229,248,259 attribution, 190,251,2Ô2n5,310,317 Augustinian argument, 46,54,59,6307,64n2i aura, 281 authenticity, 276,377,449,455; non-authenticity, 450 author, xx, 13,19,24,36016,37031,75,77,96, 155,161,250,257,317,332n7 36mi5,375; implied, 19,37n3i, 250,252,254,263mg authoritarian, 378,412 authority, 41,80,174,200-201,250,259,317, 348,377,396,412,432,449 autobiography, 25,57,59 autochthonous, 435 autonomy, 53-54,80,223 babu, 89 background, 103,169,186 banality, 70,136 banquet, 365,368,375,386m, 426 baroque, 122-23,214,218,241,395; philosophy (see under philosophy) beach, 86,113 beauty, 43,50-51,55,57,77-78,97,114,126-27, 131,134,137,225,237,239,241,307-8,316, 320,371,408-9,416,451 becoming, 222,231 beginning, 101,273-74,281 behaviorism, American, 108 beheading, 410-11 being, 96,112,118,140ni7,222,231; unbearable lightness of, 78 belief, 280,391,424 belonging, 444; unbelonging, 90 bethulah,2jôva\4 binary opposition, xxii, 223,246-47,294,376, 429 binding, 103,251,429-30; double, 429-30 biography, 69,315,317 biology, 153,179,198,205-6ni6 Index of Terms and Concepts 473 black hole, 216,400 blindness, xxi, 87,273,300,305,311010,365- 67,373-74,376,384-85,401,448,454 blood, 60,240,427,429-30 boasting, 48,51-52 bodily, 159,403; contiguity, 354; illusionism, 396; integrity, 352; metaphors, 231 b°dy, 43,46-47,51,54,62,68,87,92,99-100, 137,210,213,215-16,218-20,223,227,229- 31,239-40,244-46,259,274-75,278,306, 320,329-30,341-42,351-55,357-59,380, 382,384,394-96,400-403,405,410-11,418, 420,422-24,426-27,429-30,432,435,437, 455; female, 50,61,89,2o6n25,278,294, 315,320,328-29,33i-32n4; language, 342, 35°-54,380; male, 278,328,394; in move­ment, 254; parts, 128,130,229 bodybuilding, 300-301,311012 bondage, 358 boredom, xvi, 102,139n6,398 boule, 244 boundary, xvii, 443-56 brain drain, 446 breast, 87,91-92,130 brushstroke, 298 Buddhism, 177,179-80,183,204m camera, 73,84,89; lucida, 81; obscura, 90 candle, 131-32 cannibalism, 179 canniness, 111 canon, 69,219,376,404-5,415-37,437, 437113,438ni3; religious, xxi, 415-37 capitalism, 233033,281,285,294; mega-capitalism, 445 carnivalesque, 410 Cartesian: anti-Cartesian, 209; cogito, 213, 232ni6; post-cogito, 216,218 castration, 405; anxiety, 332ml, 408 cat, 20,29,37-38032 catachresis, 279 catastrophe, 122-23 categorization, xvii, 64030,205~6m6,273,313, 316,323,33g, 454. See also classification; order causality, 47-48,123,224,241-43,25b 253, 262n6 cavalier servant, 423 censorship, 43,273,451,453 chance, 100-101,381 change, xxi-xxii, 156-57,174,240-41,433 character, xvi, 5-13,16-22,25,27-29,32-33, 36017,36n20,37n26,37031,37-38032,40, 48,58,6307,64015,65032,78,80,96-97, 101-103, no, 112,114,119-21,127-28,130-32, I40n20,140026,216,256-57,291,341,348, 360,375,382,427-28,444-45,453 character-narrator, 16,25 character-subject, 16 chastity, 44,47-48,52,6309,641121,65033 chiaroscuro,241 child, 54-55,88,90,99,104 Christianity, 177,193,197,204,206-7029,391- 412,395,415-37,445 chronicle, 369,377-79,381,383 chronology, 54,103,120,206n2g, 273,401 church, 403,41307 cinema, 456m circumcision, 357 circumstantial evidence. See under evidence citation, 201. See also quotation citationality, 432-33 city life, 109,428 civilization, 182-83,185-86,195,200,368, 431 class, 93ng, 140023,211,277,298,333017,377, 4i7,423,425,43i-32 classical: age,371,387ml; text,xx-xxi classification, 205-6m6,271; Linnaean, 198 claustrophobia, 400 cliché, 108,164,292,303,445 clitoral, 46 close reading, 177,238,248-50,449,451; of so­cial process, 259 closeted, 69,71,78,85,90 close-up, 70,73,87,103 code, 270,290,310,313,315-17,322,329,368, 380. See also mastercode coevalness, 388mg, 402,413ms cogito. See under Cartesian coherence, 7,29,104,309,318,322,324,329, 351,384,430; counter-coherence, 309, 3Ö2n20. See also unity; wholeness collage, 90,119 474 Index of Terms and Concepts collecting, xix, 172,200,20509, 269-86,408; anti-collecting, 283 collection, 172,269-86,405,411 collective drive, 275 collective memory, 172,369 collectivity, xx, 223,432,447 collocation, 174,179 colonialism, 170,172-73,177,184,190,192-93, 200-203,205ni2,285,303,403,436, 438ni7,445,448-49 color, 101,105,112,306,322 comic, comical, 270,378,399 commission, 252,26207,290 commodification, 133 commodity, 279,280-81 common sense, 251,313 communication, 291,294-95,342,377-78, 429 community, 275,399,427,434,436,443,448. See also collectivity; imagined community comparison, 202,279,327-28,406,447-48, 455 competition, 40,60,62n3,153,274,285 complaint, 64029,65035 complicity, 6307,64022,172,377,383-84, 386n7 composition, 243,303,319,328,360,411 concentration camp, 435 concepts, xxii, xxiii, 92n7,149,151,157-62,164, 212,236-37,250 conceptualism, 221,423 concubine, 341-42,360m confrontation, 272,366 connaissance par les lèvres. See "knowledge through the lips" connoisseurship, 259,316 connotation, 322,332nl3 conquest, 301 consciousness, 133,174,333017,448; false, 281 conservatism, 166,416,420 conspiracy theory, 419 constative, 119-20,193,270,286n4,432 consumer, 291,302 context, 40,162-63,205ms,263020,276,290, 292,309,341,348,3611113,444 contiguity, 41-42,44-45,48,61,278,298,350, 354-59,380,382 convent life, 393 conversion, 394 copy, 119,188,270 corps morcelle, 244 correlativist relation, 222-23 corruption, 450 Counter-Reformation, 395 coupure, 356 courtisane, 129 craft, 298,303,419 creative therapy, 308 credit line, 200 crime, 354,379,443; against humanity (see under humanity) critic, xxii, 13,20,27, ill, 250,252,297,370, 374-75,384-85,386-8709,407 criticism, 41,370,375,384-85,446 critique, 172,359,372,378,411-12,416,434- 35 cropping, 400 crucifixion, 399 cultural: analysis (see analysis); diversity, 184, 447; mixing, 426; politics, 45,256; process, 309; relativism, 361013; similarity, 180; stud­ies, 14U144,260,392,450-51 culture, xvii, 42,45,47,58,90,155-57,162, 169-71,174,177,179-80,182-84,189,197, 205M6,218,270,276,277,299,369,38607, 392-93,412,444,447,456010; contempo­rary, xx, 40-41, 189,393,412,443; as nature, 175; post-Enlightenment, 392; popular, 300, 302,412,456mo; public, xx; of rape, xx; wars, i66n3. See also American culture; Eu­ropean culture; Western culture curtain, 215-16,318 dagger, 43,46-47,509-61 danse contre seins (dance against breasts), 86 darkroom, 81,90 de, 106 death, 41,43,47,50-51,54,56,75,80,83,86, 98,122-23,131,134,136,138,151,166m, 216, 224-25,227,239,284,321-22,325,327,330, 333tn8,339,341-42,344,346-47,349-50, 352,374,409,422,434,436,453 decay, 239-41 deceleration, 100 Index of Terms and Concepts 475 decidable, 281 declarative verb, 8,16,21 decoding, 321 deconstruction, 151,214,241,317,331-3204, 332n6,370,407,412 defamiliarization, 70,82,85 deferral, 284,378 defloration, 430 deictic, deixis, 103,106,136-37,171,190,200, 309; internal deictic function, 103; intra-novelistic form of deixis, g8 delay, 257,374-75,378-79,384 democracy, 369 dependence, 16,35MO de-personification, 276 deprivation, 283 depth, 69,72,78,82,91,216,219,386-8709 description, xvii, 8,19,35013,96-99,101,103- 19,121-31,133-34,136-38, l39nnl-2,13906, 139ml, 140017,140023,140026,141038,155, 198,204n2,331,445; de-scription, 104; pre-description, 113 desert people, 2o6n24 desire, 22,43-44,5b 57,59,62,68-69,70,77- 78,80,82,90-91,93023,116-17,137,239- 40,284-85,320,349-52,421-37; triangula­tion of, 43,631113. See also erotics; homo-social desire; lesbian desire; male desire; object of desire detail, xvii, 8,46,99,124,126,128,130-31,136, 138,195,229,256,313-14,317-18,320,322, 325,327-29,332nio,424-25,427,429, 438M0,350; anti-detailing, 131 developmental narrative, 275,280 devil, 53 diagonal line, 323,330 dialogue, xix, 124-25,349 diary, 25 diegetic, diegesis,3-4,7-9,20,130,132,138, 366,448; focalization (see under focaliza-tion); focalizer (see under focalizer); gaze (see under gaze); level, 6,12,21,29-30, 37026; world, 71,130,135 differance, 2o6n22 difference, xxii, 41,156-58,180,190,207032, 210-11,218,223,230,239,275,375,433-34, 447 dimensionality, 254 disciplinary traditions, xxiii, 237,450,452. See also academic politics; interdisciplinarity discourse, 8,23,56,82,97,113,136,203,294, 297-98,301,306-7,371; direct, 4,8,16,23, 366; free indirect, 21; indirect, 190,406 discovery, 163 discursive, 202,270 discursivity, 98,202; mode, 269; situation, 171; web, 456 disease, 20404; dis-ease, 204114 disembodiment, 400 displacement, 45,151,278,327,328-29,455 display, xvii, 48-49,51,60,173,382,388n22, 405,409 disputatio, 50,52,54-55,59,64029,124 dissemination, 93M3 disséminé, 72 dissymmetry, 342,344"45,36ong distance, 3,7,9,33,35015,73,75,86-87, 7, 190,2o6n22,213-14,216,228,231,259, 3611113,400 distinction, 113-14,116-17,179,205M3,431 distortion, 314,328-30 division of labor, 203 DNA, 153 document, 237-38,241-42,248,262M6,450 dogma, 159,394,396 domestic, 93n9,407; intimacy, 71,9309 domination, 20509,275-76,285,3Ô2n2i, 38607,416,422; male, 86,382 Donjuan method, 135 doppelroman, 35MO double binding. See under binding downfall, 365-66,385 doxa, xix, 300,319-21,324-25,329 doxic,doxical,333ni5; memory,300; remem­bering, 325; story, 325,332-33m3 drama, 122-23,365,408-9 dream, 12,24-26,32,38033,380036-37,277, 304; hypo-narrative, 25; image, 155 duration, 3,224-25,227,229,396,399; of fold (see under fold) Dutch, 94n26; art, 246; imagination, 94026; seventeenth-century Dutch genre painting, 70 dystopia, 109,114,122,131 476 Index of Terms and Concepts ear, 105-6,139010 education, 172,391-92; educational institution, 201,203; educational purpose of museum (see under museum) effect, 70-71,131,241,246-47,262-63016,296, 302,394,399 effet de reel (effect of the real), 175,205n7,322, 332012,407,428 ekphrasis, ekphrastic, 65033,97,99-101,121, 124-25,138,141034,141036; description, 50, 120,124; digression, 52; fear, 52,64028; hope, 52,64028 elite, elitist, 140016,369,432 embodiment, 159,375,398,402-3; of spirit, 418,422,424,432,435,437 empathy, 407 empirical analysis, 150-51,165,437n6 encounter, vxiii, 116 ending, 284,378 endogamy, 350 enemy, 304 epideixis, 125-26,128,136,138 epistemic break, 283 epistemology, 68-69,70-72,76-77,82,84-85, 91,111,186,189,209-14,219,222,230, 232n8,245,281,348,369,386115,402 erotic(s), 44,72,129,132,240,262ni3,277-78, 281,313,315,317,33in4,349,371,395,401-3, 405 essentialism, 72,77,112,209,212,230,275,277, 434 estrangement, xvi, 69,80,84,449 ethical, ethics, 127,140023,154,277,281,420- 37,450,454-55; indifference, 281,420, 424; non-indifference, 420-37; of reading, 132 ethnic, 423,430; denigration, 425; protection­ism, 421; purity, 350; stereotyping, 180 ethnicity, 416,434,446 ethnocentrism, 155-57,348,361013,361M6, 388n20 ethnography, 69,77,81,85-87,119,20506 être defuite, 71,75 Eurocentrism, 183,256,447 European culture, 183 event, xvi, 4,6-12,19,24-25,41,6i, 96-98,222, 241,272,280,282-85,290,326,328,331, 340-43,352,356-57,359,379,383,396, 400,450,454-55 everyday, 392-93 evidence, 6307,64017,124,205ms, 248, 362031,406,424; circumstantial, 383,424, 428 evil, 428,455 evolution, 153,171-72,174,182-84,204,370, 386n7 excess, 55 exhibiting, 171 exhibition, 55,201,226,392,404; practice, 404-5 exhibitionism, 330 exotic, exoticism, 171,180,203,303 experience, xx, 5,44-45,49,52-53,56-59,61, 64M7,64n29,123,132,139114,157,183,200, 204n2,224,261m, 274,275,277,283,394- 95,403,436,443 expertise, 87,89,285,447 explanation, 202,276,343 exploitation, 291,369 explorer, 69 exposing, exposition, 40-45,50,52,55-56,58- 62,171,201,329,341 expository: agency, 200-201; agent, 41,50,58, 172-74,184-85,190,198,200-202,206026; discourse, 51,174,185,203 exposure, 40-41,50,56,59-60,330; double, 62; indecent, 41 expression, 42,58,270,291; discontinuous, 72 exteriority, 56-57,68,76,87,90,94n27,253, 257-58 extermination, 376,378 extradiegetic: motivation, 131; world, 130,132 eye, 21,26,52,73,75,83,84,92,103,114-16, 119-20,123,137,224,246,249-50,290,330, 334125,387011,400-402 fable, 316,421,427 fabliau, 386-8709 fabula, 14-15,38n39,59,97,101-2,105,112-13, 115,130,132,134-36,138,140n20,156,215, 272,284,304,320,325,418 face, 51,53,55,80,97,99,103,117,120,125,127, 131,216,290,306,321,33112,366,370, 38605,400,408,411 fact, 60-61,270 Index of Terms and Concepts 477 failure of vision, 87 failure-to-know (manque-à-savoir), 87 fairy tale, 85,136,450-51 familiarity, 69-70,81-82,84; unfamiliarity, 90 family, 69,72,75,77-78,82,89,190,198,209, 219; album (see photo album); familial, 69, 71,75,77,78,80-82,84-86,88,90,92 fantasma, fantastmatic, 373-74 fantasy, 274,296,303-4,402-3,408,455; erotic, 136; fantastic narrative, 127,128; fem­inized, 80; of lesbianism, 77; masturbatory, 85 fate, 368,374,381 father,54-55,69,14in3i, 340,347,350-59, 36M14,444-45; Achsah's, 351; Beth's, 351, 358; Lucrece's, 47,65033; Lucretia's, 42,54 faun, 410 fear,5i,62,289 feeling, 22,28,410 female. See woman femininity, 174,180,209,211,218,247,423 feminism, feminist, xviii, 70,93ni3,13904,151, 209-31,232n5,232n8,233030,416,421,423, 429; divisions, 209-13; postcolonial feminist theory, g2n6,413016; theory, xvii-xviii, 43, 68-69,83,13904,210,223-24,231 femme fatale, 289 fetishism, 149,275-85; capitalist, 285; com­modity, 279; female, 286n2i; feminist cri­tique of, 286n2i; psychic, 285; visual aspect of, 280 fiction, xvi, 85,98,106,108,111,119,132,135, 8,175,180,184,190,197,204,225,250-51, 256,269-71,277-78,289,310,393,397, 438014,455 field 9,17,35n8,20509 figuration, 45,70,72,85,93ml, 120,221,329, 355-56,398-99 figurative, 45,49,255,281,290,397~98 figure, xvi, 18,26-28,29,34n2,35™5,38n37, 78,169,202,212-13,244,291,301,315,399 film, xxiv, 75,215,270 First Nations, 448,456ml first-person. See under narrative fixation, 171,278 fixing, 72-80,85,119 flashback, 103 flash-forward, 103 flatness, 70,72,76,82,86,117-19 Flemishness, representation of, 249 flesh, 29,92,131,220,241,243,247-48,347,355 focalization, xvi, 4-5,7,9-10,17-19,23,25-28, 30-33,34n8,64ni7,100,126,131,134,136, 256,263024,270,272,281,304,326,333n2i, 36M19,423,427,444-45,448; change in levels, 19-24,26-27; diegetic, 103,126,128, 130; focalization on, io,36ni8; focalization through, 10,36ni8; narrative with external, 5,10,17-19; narrative with internal, 5,9-10, 17-20,445; nonfocalized narrative, 5,9-10, ig; zero-focalization, 109,126,129,131,134 focalized, 15,17-19,23,25-26,31,37n24,38n39, 106,110,130,197,272; imperceptible focal­ized, 19-20,22,25-28,31-32; perceptible fo­calized, 19,22,25,27,32-33 focalizer, 13-15,17-18,20-24,26-28,31-32, 36023,37031,38039,70-72,81,85, g2n7, 99-101,104-6,110,117,120,130,132,136, 156-57,173,270,272,281,445; anonymous, 18-19; anonymous external, 129; diegetic, 104,106,126,128-29,131-32; external, 134; extradiegetic, 20; focalizer-narrator, 26-27, 33; homodiegetic, 26; intraheterodiegetic, 33 fold, 212-15,218-22,224,227,229,231,232M2; baroque, 216,219; duration of, 224; enfold­ing, 218,222,224,227,230; spatial aspect of, 223 folktale, 101,285 food, 179,239,359,366 force, 342,345-47,35b 354,45i foreign, 192,197,392; art, 169; culture, 201; for­eigner, 434; influence, 201; peoples, 174, 180,183 forgetting,308 form, 47,99,225,241,244,253,325,419,435! formlessness, 241 formalism, 205ni5,253,258,451; Russian, 449 fountain, 120,140n22 fragility, 116,227-28 fragmentation, 128,244,371 frame, framing, xxii, 40,69,85,98-100,103-4, 107,110,112-13,118,125,128,130,137,158, 180, igo-g5,214,243,251-52,259,263020, 478 Index of Terms and Concepts frame, framing (continued) 290-93,299-305,319,326,355,396,399, 403-12,413071431,433,437; of reference, 152,242,298,433,436; reframing, 292,294- 95,298,307 freedom, 133-34,249,392,445 free indirect: discourse, 256; focalization, 256- 57,259; style, 5 French, 388015,444-45; Freudian view, 277 future, 53,58-60,62,80,224,231,310,345,347, 360,380 gap, 253,331,419,425,437"38n6 gay, 68-69,71,77,113 gaze, 17-18,50,53,57,69,71-72,75,78,80,82- 85,88,90,102-3,116,120,128,134,218,289, 294,307-8,317,320,322-24,326; closeted, 71,80,90; disembodied, 83,402; introspec­tive, 314-15,322 gender, xvii-xix, 38032,53-54,63013,78,112, 153,163-64,180,198,203,211,218,230-31, 232025,246-47,249,275,277,282-85,291, 298,318,321,327,36M12,371,377,385, 388n22,417,422,430-34; ambiguity, 246; bending, 246,249,259; ideology, 328,386- 8709,388022,425; as masquerade, 69, 92n5; reversal, 247 genealogy, 249 genocide, xxi, 385 genre, xix, 315,321,325,342,407,427,444,454; label, 313,315-16,330; in painting, 71,321 geography, 185,328-30,4381117,448 gestalt shift, 331 gesture, 184,272,352-54,360,370; pictorial, 246; symbolic, 354-55 ghostwriting, 296-97 gibbor, 345-46,348-50,353,355,357-59,361ml gift, 347-50,352,355,360 glamour, 77,82,88 glance, 319,402 global, 426,429,433,453 globalization, xxiv, 445-46 God, 316,391,395-96,412 gospel, 393 gossip, 406 grace, 401 grammar, 6,13gn8,160 grammarians, 107-8 grandmother, 69,77-78,80-86 Greek, Greeks, 53,120,169,182-84,195, 206029,258 grief, 57-58 ground, 108,112,140mg, 26208,313 guilt, 31,47 Gulf War, 155 gynophobia, 354 hair, 26,31-34,130,227,230,406 hand, 99,216,323 hanging, 214,229-30,396,406 happiness, 116,284 "harlot" 356 hell, Dante's, 132 heritage, 189,393 hero, 5,85,304,339,345,358,361ml, 386- 8709,410. See also anti-hero heroine, xxi, 40-42,101,323,410; Bathsheba, 327; Jael, 409; Judith, 304-5,409; Lucretia, 41-42,121,125 heterocentrism, 354 heterogeneity, 97,116,136-38 heteropathic identification, 83-84,86,93n2l, 427,429,435 heterosexuality, 354,399,422 history, 41,53-58,60,65032,100,107,136,163, 170-72,174,185-86,189,195,197,200-201, 215,229-30,240,247,259,251,260,262- 63016,269,273-74,280-81,285,292,299, 301,308-10,342,348,351,356-58,368-69, 371,374-75,377-78,382-85,386n8,391, 395,406-7,412,412m, 415,419,433-34; di" achronic, 251; histoire,natural, 192, 201,204; natural non-history, 186; of novel, 100-101,107; oral, 369,386n8; painting (see under painting); political, 283,340,351; so­cial, xvii, 340,351,41305; synchronic, 251. See also preposterous history Holocaust, 225,436; post-Holocaust, 426,433; pre-Holocaust, 426,433,435; representa­tion, 225,233n38; scholars, 435 holy war. See under war home, 81; violation of, 225 homophobia, 354,362024 homosexuality, 68-69,78,85,87,90,92,112, Index of Terms and Concepts 47 9 304,410-12; closeted, 78; desire, 69, 362024; rape (see under rape). See also gay; lesbian homosocial: bonding, 86; collaboration, 87; desire, 43,51 horizon, 453-56; of expectation, 444 horror, 75,123,132,225,278,300,306-7, 3ilnn,4o8 hospitality, 358 house, 219-20,223,230,242,423,425 household utensil, 405,409 human, 110,131,179-80; rights, 155 humanism, 105-6,110-11,117-18,246,250,300, 323,420,435 humanities, xxii, i66ni2,237,262n3,452 humanity, 170-71,180,195; crimes against, 425 husband, 40,330,340,342,35i"53,355,358, 36ini4,372,388ni8,421-23; Bathsheba's, 321,327; Lucretia's, 42,50,54,121 hybrid, 2o6n20,280-81,283 hymen, 430 hypo-diegetic narrative, 16 hypo-discourse, 16 hypo-focalized narrative, 26 hypo-narrative, 16,25-26,36mg hypo-sign, 34 hypo-story, 23-24 "I" 104,159,171-74,179,183-84,186,190,193, 200,204,259,290,296-98 icon, 57,205n8,294-95,324,384; diagram­matic, 28,38n38 iconicity, 47-48,55-56,61,294,379"8l iconography, iconographie, 6309,248,259, 262-63M6,306-7,313,319-21,324,395-96, 401,422,437; analysis, 252,4i3ni2; reading, 253,399; tradition, 43,290,321 iconophobia, 72,931114,424 "iconotext" 141035 idea, 171,183,252-53,257,282,452 idealism, 430 idealization, 284,419,427 identification, 37n3i, 57-58,80,83,85-86, 931121,127-28,184,291,315,319,346,378, 391,407,419,427,433; heteropathic, 83-84, 86,93n2i; idiopathic, 83,93n2i identity, 12,36n2i, 54,75,80-81,84,129, 209,211-12,273,348-50,355-56,379,383, 415-37,438ni4,444; politics, xx, 214, 401 ideology, 10,36017,37031,90,115,149,164-65, 174,248,255,269,279-80,285,291,307, 317,324-25,328-29,331,333ni5,369,380, 382,385,393-94,403,411-12,4i3n7,419, 423,426,428,431-35,43711 idiopathic identification, 83,931121 idiosyncrasy, 293,309 idol, 281 idolatry, 140024,424 illegality, 444 illicit viewing, 316 illiteracy, 186 illiterate language, 431 illiterate naturalism. See under naturalism illiterate response, 45 illusion, 118,128,159,280,376,396,398-99 illustration, 248,252 image, xv, xvii, xix-xx, xxii, 43,45,48,50-51, 53-61,69,72-73,76,80-81,83,86,117,122, 124-26,130-31,140024,141032, i4inn34-35, 169,184,186,193,200,203,218,222,225, 238,246-48,250-55,257,259,262-63016, 270,272,28g, 292,294-95,298-99,30', 303-10,31015,313,318-20,325,329,332- 33M3, 334n25,365,368,370,387ml, 394, 437n4- See also visual image imagery, 65^6,393,400,403,408,444 imagetext, 141035 imaginary, 277,391-92,427-29 imagination, xv, 13906,274,427,429-31, 436ni5,437,447-49- See also research imagi­nation; visual imagination imagined community, 443-56 imitation, 8 immortality, 275,284 immutable object. See under object imperialism, 422 impotence, 163,358-59,379 incarnation, 418,422 incest, 77,205nl6 incommensurability, 447-48,450,452,456ng indeterminacy, 333014,344,348-49 index, indexicality, 57,61,80,20508,227,368, 379,381-82,383-84 480 Index of Terms and Concepts Indie, 94n26 Indiërs, 94n26 individualism, xx, 58,96,111,202,209,211-12, 222-23,236,270,276,281,382,385,411, 429,447-49 influence, 395,411 information, 4,8,9,20,158,173-74,185,195, 198,315,406-7 information technology, 375 informer, 4,8,9 innocence, 47,64017 instance narrative, 34n3 . institution, 276,301,341,417,419,43i"33,436- 37,453 intensity, 100,399-400,434 intention, xvii-xviii, 45,159-61,202,236-38, 241-55,259-61,261-62M, 262113,2Ö2n7, 262ni3,263M7,263020,292-93,302,305, 3341125,384,394,406,433,445; anti-intentionalism, xviii interdisciplinarity, xvi-xvii, xix, 63010,151,158, 252,387M2,392,450,452,456012 interdiscipline, 261 interdiscursivity, 298,303-4,307 inferiority, 253,258 intermediality, 141035 internalization, 274 internationalism, 448 Internet, 443 interpellation, 438016 interprétant, 108,2Ö2n8 interpretation, 13,26-27,29-30,381137,43,47, 61,77,87,150-51,154,157,165,237,241, 244,247,250,254,277,290,292,296,314, 317-18 intersubjectivity, xvi, xxii, 261,270,309; ob­jects and, xxii intertextuality, 291,306-7,372,387ml intimacy, xvi, 238,399; critical, 238,261; do­mestic, 71,9309 invisibility, 224,293,295,371 irony, 6307,128,130,132-34,137,185,201-2, 301,303,383,387112,396,427 Islam, 193,417,422,424-25,428,434 Italian art, 216 iterabili ty, 432-33,447 jargon, 150 jealousy, 29,72,87,90,97,112,117-18,209 Jell-0,238-40,247,258-59 jephtha, 352 Judaism, 197,370,417,422,424-25,428,434, 436,450 judge, 340,357-58,445 judgment, 102,109,119,127,140023,254,310, 359,36M16,386-8709,411,419-20,423-24, 447,451,455 juridical, 392 justice, 64ni7,443,445,450,453 kanon, 415,424. See also canon hatsin, 356 killing, killed, 119,126,289,304,326-28,339, 350,355-59,362033,376,386ns, 388n22, 408,410 kiss, 91,92. See also "knowledge through the lips" knee, 241-45,250,255,330,422 knowledge, xxiv, 10-11,18,77,87,90-91,99,165, 183,185,188-89,197-98,201-2,204,210,219, 236,245,249,261,271,280,283,358,392, 402,410,443-56; corrupted, 245; impossible, 87,113,116; knowing, 5,77,154,261,2621112, 347,349,410,446; lack of, 154; limits of, 262nl2; local, 449; "through the lips" 91 Koryak group, 188 krittein, 359 lady killer, 408,411 landscape, 103,407 language, xv-xvii, xix, 38032,41,45,48-49,52, 54-55,57-60,65033,70,84,119,133,136, 139m, 149,152-54,157162,238,252,258, 270,286n4,294,297,299,332ni3,341,348, 350-51,354,356-57,359,362024,368,376, 380,383-84,387ml, 431,444,447 law, 151,350,369,373,375,377,379,382, 388ni7,393,415,424,428,444 lehem, 358 lesbian, lesbianism, 68-69,75,77,80,84,86, 90-91,293,141043,3nn5; dancing lesbians, 91; desire, 70-71,90-91,93ml; as model for looking, 93ni7 Index of Terms and Concepts 481 letter, 43,45,59,314,319-20,322,324-31, 3331118,373,375-78,380-81; instance of, 324-25 libidinal, 68,71,84-85,91 lie, 348-49 life, 4,71,84,153,170,174,352,374,434 light, 72,105,160,215,239,254,401,410 likeness, 56,295 linear perspective. See under perspective linguistic, linguistics, 151,270,296,299,341- 42; bias, 43; discourse, xix, 124; domain, 252; imperialism, 291,294,318; model, 4, 35",35'II6 lips, 59,91. See also knowledge list, 275 literacy, 368,38611117-8,415,431,455; visual, 412 literary, 70-71,151,165,269,315,315,393,415- 37; analysis, xvii, 413016; source, 248; stud­ies, 1411144,151,309,392,438n6; text, 10,41, 43,45,641115,70,161,325,371; theory, 151, 258,446 literature, xv-xvii, 40,42,54,65033,111,118, 151,161,200,204112,2o6n28,215,270,330, 360118,370,392,415-37,452,455i peri-mental, 102,105-6,110-11,118; modern, xxi; premodern, 386-8709; realist, 98,101,103, 112,117,387014; theoretical, 102; Western, 96,121,124 locus amoenus, 131 locus horridus, 132 locus terribilis, 132 togic, 351m, 101-3,253,26°, 285,291,296,319, 325,328,340,343,345,347,350,354,417, 455 logorrhea, 48-52 logos, 50 loneliness, 276,429 look, looking, 69,72,75,85,90,125,212-13, 222,229,289,290-91,298,317,319-20,323- 24,330,398,400,402,406; back, 69; as form of killing, 75 iot, 367,370,373,375-76,378,381,385 love, xx, 29,68,82,86,89,112-13,116,120, 1401120,278,422,425,427,429,434; clan­destine, 321; letter, 333M7; object, 69,72, 78,80,97,110,112-13; story, too, 120,132; triangle, 82 lovemaking, 91,93^4 lover, 49,69,85-86,137, i4in39 'ying, 56,651133,348-49 magic, 85,443,445,454-55 magnifying-glass effect, 70 maid, 409. See also servant maker, 241-42,254,256,258 male, 328,377; bonding, 423; desire, 307; sexu­ality, 244,37 maleness,359,434 maman,80 man, men, 59,110,173,182,185-86,212-13 manipulation, 273,317,319,356,451 manque-à-savoir. See failure-to-know marriage, 303,341,344,346,349,43° martyrdom, 450,453 Marxism, 151,275,277 masculinity, 54,164,173-74,241,247,278,358, 437; insecure, 49 mask, 76,202 masochism, 85,92 master, 90,242,252,298 mastercode, 313-15,317-19,329-30 masterpiece, xix, 300,406,416,420,422,428 mas terplot,317,33209 master-slave dialectic, 372 mastery, 83,219-20 masturbation, 85,93n23 materiality, 220,222,231,258,270-71,274,325, 348,350,352,355,357-59,380 matriarchy, 360m maturity, 348,36tnt4 meaning, 30,32,34,35n8,41-43,50,6o-6t, 63010,108-10,137,140019,149,152,156-60, 162,177,180,184,20507,2051115,243-45, 250,252-57,260,270,282-83,286,28604, 290,292,298-99,304,306-7,309,313,316- 18,321-23,329,333015,342,345-46,347, 353,358,362033,393-94,435,444,455; ar­chaeology of, 172; production, xix, 204-505, 227,246-47,252-53,255-56,270,276,283, 313-14,360; "to mean"250; "to mean to" 250; unification of, 255 482 Index of Terms and Concepts meanwhile, xxiii, 444,448 médias res, in, 273,282 mediation, 326,345,347,351,359,368 medical discourse, 87 medicine, experimental, 172 medium, 13,3403,55-56,70-71,185,200,270, 29t, 294,297,324,332-33H13) 365-66,368, 392,396,417,443 Medusa head, 303 melancholy, 41,225,315,320-22,323-24,326, 33 0 mémoire, 72 memory, 44-45,56,72,78,80,82,132-33,283, 308-9,319,358-60,362M8,369-70,378- 79,383,386n8,411,432,436,447,455. See also collective memory message, 326,342 metacriticism, 373-74 metadeixis, metadeictic, 103,126,137,138 metadiscourse, 35ni5 meta-fiinction, 174 metanarrative, 5,8,11,15,35011,36019, 37nn26-27,97; commentary, 126; speech, 8 metaphor, xvii, xxii, 41-45,47-49,61-62, 641119,64030,99,101,116,131,149-65, l66n2, t66n7, i66mo, 184,211-12,216,218, 231,232ml, 233n33,240,277-78,282,305, 325-27,329-31,334024,356,387ml, 421, 426,429,434,43807,438m6,445,448,453 metaphysical mystification, 280 metempsychosis, 179 methodology, 163-64,236-38,313,43706 methods, xix, xxii-xxiv, 151 metonymy, 45-47,49,61-62,641130,160-61, 188,278,282,305,346 metropolis, 449 Midrashic tradition, 419 migration, 212,417,426,429,433 militar)', 192,195; rhetoric, 48-49,51 millennial anxiety, 391 mimesis, 3-4,7-9,16,21,84,128,135,398 mimeticism, 47 mimicry, 226 mind, 46,55,108,216,241,245-49,253,262118; mind's eye, 130,325 miniature, 362029 minority, 152,446 mirror, mirroring, 47,53-56,65033,85,184, 193,195,202,206n20,290,295,306-8,310, 365-66,372-78,384-85,388015,451 mise en abyme, 6,11-12,35nio, 78,100,118,357, 378,388021 mise-en-scène, 122-23,13°, 135,398 misfiring, 291,348-49,355,359,383 misfit, 325,329-30 misogyny, 46,93nl6,132,230,300,304,354, 405,408,418,420,423,425,430; post-misogyny, 394 mixed media, 189,270,395 modernism, modernist, 68,71,75,97,100-101, 105-7, m, 133,139115,140016,406; histori­ography, 396; theology, 394,401 modernity, 109, ill, 445,451,453 mono-discipline, 237 monogamy, 362028,399,421,430,437,438117 monography, 404-5,451 monotheism, 179,339,418,422,43°, 437 monster, 26,93ni6,134,289-91 "monstration" 204 monumental, 171-72 mood, 3-4,7,9,11,13,34H5,101,139113,225 morality, 40,43,51,64ms, 155,281,392,395, 399,403,412,413114,421-22,427-28,435, 447 mother, 82,88-90,278,352,410 motif, 321,326-27 motivation, 45,1411138,20402,273-76,281, 283,285,323-24,328-29,342,346-47,356, 382,415,421,424 mourning, 57,216,330,421 mouth, 75,350,355-59,366,406 movement, 78,80,113 multiculturalism, 416,434 murder, xix, 60,105,119-22,325-27,33°, 339, 341,355-56,358,388n22,410-11,443,445, 453-55; of the self (see suicide) muscle, 399 museologist, 273 museum, xvii, 169-75,177,179,182-85,189, 195,197,200-204,205ml, 205nni4-i5, 2061126,206-71129,225,227-28,271,403, 405-6,412; diorama, 174-75, ]77,179,186, 190,197-98,200-201,206nn24-25; display, 170-74,177,179,180,184,188-90,192,195, Index of Terms and Concepts 483 200-201,203,2o6n25,403; educational pur­pose, 174,179,189-90; effect, 70-71; exhibit, 188-90,192-93,195,197-98,203; hall, 182; meta-museum, 172-73,195,198,202, 205ml; panel, 174,179-80,183-86,188-90, 192,198,202-3; ritual function of, 403; visi­tor, 170,173-75,180,184-85,193,195,197, 200,202,2o6n20,25g, 396,406,411-12; walking tour, 173,188,197; wall, 173-74, 406-8,411 muteness, 252-53 myth, 42,44,631113,183,200,289,291,371,403, 409-10,415,418,420,423,425,428,437; of Lucretia, 41-42,59,6307,63ni2 mythology, 43,301,409 na'arak,3611114 Nachträglichkeit, 257 nakedness, 319-20,328. See also nude naming, 59 narcissism, 2 43-44,307,371-74 narrated, 4,5,7-8,10,12-17,23,27,37024, 38039; imperceptible, 28,30; perceptible, 30 narratee, 20,25,29-30,36m6,37025,64029; intradiegetic, 28,448 narration, 3-5,11,13,15,19,28,30,3403,36mg, 37nn3i-32,88,101,103,112,117,128-29, I40ni7,4i3n9 narrative, xv-xvii, xix-xx, xxiv, 4-38,64029, 69-71,77,80,82,90,9207,96-98,101,103, 105,107,109,112,115-16,120-26,129-31, !33-34,136-37,1411138,152,154,156-59,185, 190,197,200,204n2,2o6n2g, 22 7,246,248, 254,256-59,269-73,281-85,290-91,304, 313,315-16,318,320,326,329,331,339,341, 343,346,349-51,354,359,36mi2,362029, 365-66,374,382,387-88014,394,404,406, 408,422,429,444,447,449; anti-narrative, 283,399; dimension of art, 215; drift, I3gn7; embedded, 5,8,25,35010,36017,374; first-person, 5-6,11-12,15,20,104, m, 201,257- 59,272,296; framing, 5,8,25,35mo, 36M7, 436; function, 13,78,324,382; interpolated, 5,11-12; level, 3,5-8,11-12,15-16,19-20,23, 25-26,28-30,35nl4,35ni6; metadiegetic, 6, 12,36mg; metalepsis, 6,454; non-narrative, 320; painter,365; painting, 120; representa­tion, 123,422; rules, 27-34,38033,38035, 38037,38039; second-person, 15,105,227, 259-60,263025,401,449; structure, 16,29, 32-33,77,297,328,341,41319; theory (see narratology); third-person, 6,11-12,15,62, 84,104,139n8,175,183-84,192,198,227-28, 257-59,296-97,308,344,378,383,396, 400-401 narrativi ty, xvii, 46,48,96,99-100,106,109-10, 120-22,124-26,136,237-38,246,254,256, 258,260,291,318,320,346,365,377,383 narratology, narrative theory, xvi, 3,7,13, 38n39,92n7,96,98,101,13904,140017, 1401130,141111141-42,156-57,28605,326, 333n2i,34i,447 narrator, xxiv, 3-8,10-20,23,361116,361123, 37126,37031,52,68,71-72,75,76-78,80- 84,86,92,113-16,118-19,121,133,138,154, 156-57,190,256-59,270,272,281-82,310, 325,343,360,362n26,41309,449; absent, 6, 11-12,15-16,37n26; autodiegetic, 7; exter­nal, 445; extradiegetic, 7,15-16,20,37n25, 37026; heterodiegetic, 6-7,11-12,15; hetero-extradiegedc, 20,37026; homodiegetic, 6-7, 11-12,15,25-26,37n26; intradiegetic, 7,16; invisible, 6,12,15,18,371131; metadiegetic, 7; narrator-focalizer, 20-22,25,30,33; omni­scient, 9,448; present, 6,15-16,25; second-degree 15,25-27; unreliable, 250; visible, 12,15 nation, 173-74,189,192,2o6n26,353,433,443- 56,456ml nationalism, 218,232025,246,249-51,445-46, 448-49,456nn native, 203-61116; Native American, 170 nativity, 422 naturalization, 43,83,103,105,135,137,179, 204,204n2,3i7 431,453 naturalness, 118 nature, 43,153"54,169-71,173"75,177,180,182, 186,201,255; natural, 419; naturalism, 43- 44,48,51,118,128,133,172,206-7029; Byzantine anti-naturalism, 206n2g; Greek, 2o6n29; illiterate, 43,60 navel, 231 Nazism, 434 neck,221,396,400 484 Index of Terms and Concepts needle, 44,46-47 negation, 48,2051112,304 neurosis, 62n4 New Criticism, 446 New Novel. See under novel New World, 190 nightmare, 114 nostalgia, 386n7,445 nothingness, 277 novel, xvi, xx, 12,70,96-98,102-3,109,116, 121,128-29,444; ancient Greek, 102; apode-ictic function, 97; classical, 12; experimen­tal, n,38n37; epistolary, 11; Gothic, 132; his­tory of {see under history); late modern, ill; modernist novel {see modernism); New {nouveau roman), 6,11-12,105-6,110; proto-novel, 141037; psychological, xx; real­ist {see realism); Romantic, 132 nude, 41,43-44,121,313,315-16,318,322,325, 329,331114,332nii, 334025,394-95 nymph, 410 obedience, 372,377,387-88ni4,388ni8 obelisk, 100 object, xvii, xxii-xxiii, 11-23,4°-4h 45, 5°"5i, 58,64ni8,69-71,76-78,81-83,85,87,90- 91,96,100,104-12,115,118-19,125-26,129, 135.158,162,165,171,174,175,179,186,192, 202,204,205-6ni6,2o6n20,212-15,218, 222-23,227-28,230,245-46,251-54,259- 60,262n8,270-72,274,276,282-83,295, 409; of desire, 50,69,71,77; immutable, 254; of love {see love object) objecthood, 270,278,282-83 objectification, 60,104,115,120,126,280,291, 316,344,382 objectivism, 216,222 objectivity, 165,259,270-71; object-ivity, 280 object-relations theory, 274 obsession, 71,86-87,138 Oedipal, 80,86,123,141031 oeuvre, 317 Old Master painting, 238,240,412 ontology, 70-76,125,182,209-15,218-19,222, 230,252,402,455 opera, 121,270 oppression, 53,154-55,368,416,430 orality, 386n7,449; oral history {see under his­tory); orality-literacy, 377,386n7; oral speech {see under speech); secondary, 449 order, 3,103-4,106,108,120,126,159,184-85, 189,192,206029,273,283,339,348-49 organs, 91 orgasm, 87,93025 Orient, 94026 orientalism, 100 origin, 60,212,231,249,276,280,286ml, 310, 384 ornamentation, 42,49,63n8,281 other, othering, otherness, 58,64030,68-69, 71,76-78,81,83,85-87,90,115,119-20, I4°n23,149,179-80,184,195,202,2o6n27, 218,276,279,285,290,303,311ml, 372,385, 393,403,416,423,433,450 overdetermination, 403 pain, 44,46-47,62,82,124,300,426-31 painter, painting, 44,47"48,51-52,55,57,59, 70-71, loo-ioi, 103,106,122-24,126,175, 215-16,222,244,246,263025,299,398; his­tory, 270,301,313,315-16,329; repainting, 310. See aiso narrative painting paradigm, xxiv, 275,278,309,449 paradox, 71,296,345,371-72,387012,387014, 422,430,434 paralepsis, 103 para-narrative, 258-59 parergon, 404,4*3n7 parody, 108,114,136,377 parontocentrism, 388n20 pars pro toto, 46 past, 58,61,68,84,90,107,154,170,172,188- 90,195,198,215,218,224-25,230-31,237, 247-48,256,259,271,309-10,347,362028, 375,381,391-96,399,402,407,412,435,447 paternity, 54-55,64030,358 pathos, 429. See also syin-pathos patriarchy, 641117,327-29,351,375,388n22 patrilocy, patrilocal, 340-41,351-52,356 patron, 248,262nl6,395 penetration, 46-48,68,91 penis, 47,243-44,277-78,359 people(s), 175,356 Index of Terms and Concepts 485 perception, 22,31,100-106,113,261m, 297,436 perfection, 284 performance, 247,252,342-43,35b 402, 4131116,436 performativi ty, 119-20,125,247,252,28604, 296,351,396,399,402-3,432-33,435-36, 447 perfume, 99 perlocutionary effect, 50 perspective^, 641117,108,213,216,222-23, 232ni6,254,296,304; linear, 70,83,99,216, 296 persuasion, 42,173,201,204 perversion, perversity, 278,280,342,353,375 petit pan de mur jaune, 11g phallus, 243-44,380 phantom, 83 phatic function, 352,368 phenomenology, 103,274,438n6 philosophy, 209,371,374,386-87ng, 387012, 424,431-32,445,452; baroque, 212-13; Ger­man critical, 276; of language, 159, i66ng, 432 photo album, 70-71,75-76,78,88,90 photograph, photography, 71-91,117,241,408 pictorial, 130,139113,252,254-57,321,325 picture, 35ni6,72,85,97,119; plane, 399-401 picturesque poverty, 110 piety, 400 pin,124 place, 19,131-32,154,1661110 platitude, 70,91 play, 33,75,399,4°2 pleasure, 86,90-92,102,210-13,232nio, 239, 248-49,2 59-60,303-4,400 plot, 35ni6,40,80,92,105,109-10,121,272-73, 280-85,292,332n9,346,365-66,368,375- 77,379-84,386n7,386-8709,436,444-45, 448; counterplot, 376,382; (p)lot,378,382. See also masterplot pluralism, 211-12,222,391 poetics, 69,71,72,75,77-78,84-85,92m, 106, 160,445 pogrom, 380 point of view,3-5,9-10,17,18,23,30-31,3508, 371130,92117,219,222-23,256,270,3331121, 401,448. See also perspective Pokot women, 203 politically correct, 152,156,164-65,16603 politics, 68,78,149,209,236,248,255-56,275, 291,339,353,357,369,377,391-93,415-16, 419-22,424,427,430-31,434-35,443-56. See also academic politics polytheism, 179 pornography,59,62,127,210,403 porno-graphy, 59 portrait, 43-45,72,77,85,295,298,315,406-7, 410-11 pose, posing, 76,81,301,320,330 positivism, 296 possession, 201,357,362028,400 post-, 172,204 postcard, 294 postcolonialism, 69-70,170,172,177,184,204, 205ni2,255-56,391,445; and feminist theory, g2n6,413M6 post hoc, ergo contra hoc fallacy, 224 post hoc, ergo propter hoc fallacy, 224 postmodernism, 68,71-72,75,97-98,104-6, 122,137,139ng, l66ni2,172,201,309,370, 372,387010,387-88014,391-412,413M6; proto-postmodernism, 93ni6,97,119,122; theology, xix, 391-412 posts tructuralism, 141041,269,446 poverty in Asia, 158 power, xxi, 41,50,80,86,201,203,214,244, 320,324,328,331,342-46,350-53,355-56, 360-6019,361M4,369,371-72,375-80, 382-85,388022,403,408,410-11,416,418, 422,430,443,448,453; power/knowledge, 201 powerlessness,377,429 pre-description. See under description préfiguration, 249 pregnancy, 361014 prehistory, 185-86,189,195, '97,273 premodern artifact, 26209 preposterous, 641124,631131,108,121,436; his­tory, xx-xxi, 107,121,435 presence, 83,278,282; degree of, 7,15 present, 61,68,90,107,109,170,172-73,188, 190,195,215,218,225,229,237,247-48, 255-56,259,283,309-10,347,391-96,402, 407,412,435,447; present tense,309,347 486 Index of Terms and Concepts pre-text, 41,44,60,290-91,304,315,317-25, 330 primal scene, 80,84 primitive, 182,195,200,2o6n28 private, 58,60,225-26,285,377,422-29 privilege, 201,412,452 profile, 72,118 progress, 224,230 projection, 274,316,395 prolepsis, 103,365 promise, 343-44,347~49,358-59 propaganda, 432 property, 285,354 prepositional content, 246,252-54,304 prostitute, 292,360m prostitution, 438n7 proverb, 444-45,451,452 Providence, 368,378,381 psychic: causality, 241-42; existence, 285; fetishism (see under fetishism); life, 274 psychoanalysis, 151,242-45,255,2Ö2n9,274- 75,277,286ml, 286n22,31016,332ml, 346- 47,371 psychology, 80,285,321,324,370,424 psychoses, 436 public, xx, 58,60,237,285,377,403-4,422, 424,428,433 pun, 321,324 punctuation marks, 21 pur,3 73 Purim, 367-68,370,379,381-82,384,386m, 38603; purim, 384-85 queer, 71,91,84,416,456114 quotation, 190,326 race, 189,195,211,423 racism, 195,421,425 randomness, 367-68,375-76,379,381 rape, xvi, xx, 40-50,56,59-62,63n7,63nng- 10,64nm6-i7,65034,121-24,155-57,159- 60,162-63,210-11,214,307-8,315-16,31g, 322,325-29,339-60,409-n, 420; allegoriz­ing, 41-43; experience of, 44-45,48; hetero­sexual, 355; homosexual, 353-55,362n24; metaphorical figurations of, 44; mytho­logical interpretation of, 43; non-representability of, 45; representations of, 44-45,47-48,56 rapist, 41,45-46,59,121,123,156-57,325,342, 354-56,359; insecurity of, 49 readability, 129,137,141042,250,313 reader, xv, 13-14,16,20-21,23-24,26,28-30, 36ni6,36n22,38032,38037,45-46,53,60- 61,93ni6,98,100,102,104-6,110-11,127, 129,132,135,14in42,155,159,175,241-42, 270,290,308,314,319,332ni3,371,375-76, 378,383,387014,425,444,448-50,453,455 reading, xx, 40-41,45,47,54,56,60,97-98, 101-2,113-14,127,130,132-34,137,165,246, 248,253,255,294,313,318-21,323-26,329, 331,371-85,386n4,387014,388m6,402, 407,410,4i3m6,415,430,436,455 "reading for the text" 318,321 real, 41,45,171,328,347-48,400 realism, realist, xxiii, 43,50,70,100-103,115, 118-19,126,130,138,175,179,186,188-89, 195,198,200-201,216,295-96,313,315-18, 321,322,323-24,329-31,33in2,33in4,370, 372,378,381,386-8709,387-88014,398- 99,424,426,437n4,448; anti-realism, 86, 318,455; literature (see under literature) reality, 8,41-42,49,220,225,243,280,310,322, 350,370,373-74,383,424,455; claim, 106; effect, I39n3; everyday, 323; lived, 41,219, 395,399; representability of, 107; social, xvi, 203,280,435; unreality, 33 reason, 358 receiver, 14,36m6,38039,108-9 reception, 108,185,247,270,297-98,394,420; aesthetics, 205n8,253; reception-oriented theory, 402 récit, 35ni6 recognition, 56,320,419 redemption, 229 reductionism, 108-10 reference, 137,436; network of, 98 referentiality, g7~ioi, 446 reflection theory, 446 reifica tion, 420 reiteration, 406,451 relationality, 395-96,399-400,402-3,405 relativism, 155,157,449 religion, religious, xx-xxi, 158,177,179,193, Index ofTerms and Concepts 487 206n27,369,386n7,391-412,415-37, 438ni2; canon, xxi, 415-37 remembering, remembrance, 70,225,227,229, 23b 407,432 Renaissance, 42,46,38,63117,121,124,172, 2o6n2g,2i3,2i6,222 repetition, 229,356,379,408,416,433 repli cability, 447,452,45604 representamen, 108,262n8 representation, xxii, 41-43,46-47,53,57, 641124,70-71,78,100,102,109,116,119,123- 26,129,170,180,184,186,188,200-201,203, 205M4,207030-31,214,216,218,223,225- 28,230-31,232ni6,243,246,248,253,296, 301,306,325,329,332M3,370,373-74,381, 394,396-70,408,41309,417-18,422,426, 43°, 433,435,446,448; discursive, 41, 207031; verbal, 42,45,174,180; visual, 42, 44-45,56,58,78,140024,174,207031,365, 418 repression, 354,395,425,43706 research, 153,172,402,446-52; community, 446; ethics, 447; imagination, xxiv, 447,449, 451-52; protocol, 447,452 resemblance, 48 resistance, 44,317,329-30,413010 response, 257,320,372,409 responsibility, 371132,328,347,355,409 retrospective, 273,281-83,330,350 return of the repressed, 298 reversal, 49-50,54,108,329,376 revisionism, 404,415-16,419,430,435 rhetorics, rhetorical, 40-42,45-49,56,58,61, 6308,641121,77,98-103,105-6,114,119-21, 128,141042,151,153,161,186,189,200,203- 4,20402,278-80,282,290,304,310,326, 329,372,435,448 rhizome, 212 rhythm, 47,215,222,224,275 riddle, 342-50,357-60,36on8 right-to-choice, 121 right-to-life, 121 risk, 166,274 rite of passage, 197 rivalry: intermale, 51-52; women's, 209 rococo principles, 254 role, 13,298; role-playing, 76,403 rosary, 149,152,157-58,160,162,193 rosh, 356 sacrifice, 360,362033,399,422,426,443 sameness, 275 scandal of speaking body, 342,355 science, 152-53,162-64,166,170,183,190,201- 2,232ml scream, 306-7 scroll, 377-78,385 sculpture, 219,225,238,244-45,247,253, 259 second-person. See under narrative secret, 153-54,157, *59:162,166114,343,345-46 seduction, 50,135,213,341-42,344,349-50, 423,416 seeing, 10,13,30,37032,44,46,57,85,87,110, 113,120,126,130,137,193,215,218,223,227, 230,277,294,297,311119,375,386n5, 387nii,392,396,402 self, 57-58,184,276,296,298,37h 373-74,38i; and other, 110,361-62019 self-absorption, 386n2 self-alienation, 373 self-critique, 190,193,203,373 self-definition, 48,205ni2 self-determination, 46,127 self-discovery, 81,86 self-exposure, I40ni8,141032 self-image, 44,46 self-portrait, 290,295,298,311116,331112,408 self-reflection, xxi, 179,184-85,202,296,300, 307,365,370-85,388ni5 self-reflexivity (self-reflexive), 311010,322,324, 331,366,371,375,377-78,381,387010,387- 88ni4 self-representation, 172,184 semantics,309,3i9,345,421,444,448 semblance, 48,54-61,63111133-34 semiosis, 56,62,200,294,360116 semiotics, 43,45,47,5°-53,56-61,63nio, 641140,70,72,151,183,189,195,204-505, 205ni5,247,261m, 270,272,277-80,282, 291-92,294-95,298-300,303-4,306,309- io,3tin6,321-23,33ml, 342,351-52,377, 379-82,396,436 semi-transfiguration, 219 488 Index of Terms and Concepts sense, 70,100,103,213,280; perception, gl, 103,105,129 sensuality, 394-96,399-401,402,406 sentence, 45,56,171 sentential, 56 sequence, sequentiality, 103,108,110,323-25, 230,272,326,321,330-31,346-48,351,356, 378 seriality, 70,72,76-78 servant, 30-31,33,292,298,319-20,323,329- 30,423 sex, vix, 121,157,230-31,290,292,304,31M5, 423 sexism, 44,3881122 sexuality, sexual, vix, 30,381132,381136,51,68, 72,93024,112-13,127,275,307,316,339, 340,342,347,349,354,3611115,362n28,403, 408-9; ambiguity, 75,434; appeal, 403,409; arousal, 127; experience, 362024; exploita­tion, 134; inequality, 64017; orientation, 72; repressed, 3611115; reproduction, 153; vio­lence, 40,341,409 shadow, 160,250-51,331 shame, 53,327 s/tihfcofef/t, 357,359,362033. See also sibboleth showing, 3,44,48,56,123-24,140ni8,173,175, 200-201,204,204m; showing off, 204 sibboleth, 357. See also shibboleth sickness, 50-51,57 sick speech. See logorrhea sight, 11,50,101,366,368,374,401; line of, 323- 24 sign, 16,20-21,28-32,34,35-36ni6,38nn39- 40,44-45,55,57,60-62,631110,78,80,82, 108-9,125,1401119,169,173-74,186,189, 200,20404,222,243,262n8,272,282-83, 290-91,294-95,298,303-4,306-7,309, 314,318-24,326,328-31,332M3,3331118, 351,360116,379; for the real, 318,323-24, 328,330-31,3341124 signature, 382-83 signified, 31,36m6,371124 signifier, 108,36016,421 silence, 62,420 similarity, 41-42,47,61,158, i66nio, 278,375, 385,433; dissimilarity, 450 simile, 387ml similitude, 45 simplification, 163,165,451 simultaneity, 5,443,448; nonsimultaneity, 331 sin, 41; cardinal, 65033 sisterhood, 209,212,223 skaz, 449 skin, 92,222,225,401; of the other, 225 slave narrative, 132-34 slavery, 133-34,154,202,304 smell, 100-101,103,240,258-59 smile, 75-77,89 snapshot, 69,70-78,80,85,89-90,92,105, 115,117-19,303 society, 152,190,202,417 sociology, 151 solidarity, 2o6n20,423,425,428 Solomonid dynasty, 197 sound, 100-101 source(s), 47,248,252,262-63m6,392 sovereignty, 456ml space, spatial, xvi, 72,112-14,116-17,133,180, 182-83,185,188,190,203,2o6n22,213,218, 325-26,400-402 speaker, 159,190,198,202,261,296-97,326, 342,350,355,456n8 speaking, 114,174,291,297,31019,351,355, 358,367; speaking about, 214,226,230; speaking back, 179; speaking for, 214,226, 230; speaking through, 214,229; speaking with, 214 spectacle, 58,65036,83,90,100,110,114,123, 129-31,137 spectator, 14,17-22,45,83,130,141039,290 specter, 83 specularity, 64030,295,372 speech, 4-5,8,11,20,30,371132,42-43,48,51, 56,58-59,62,294,350-52,355-56,358, 366-68,376,383; oral, 431; recounted, 4,17; reported, 4,8,16-17,35014; speechlessness, 365 speech act, 50,62,171,175,180,247,270, 286114,295-97,341-44,346-48,350-52, 354-56,354,358-60,375,384,432-33 speed, 78,109 spirit, 395,418,422-23,426-27,432,435; em­bodiment of (see under embodiment); hid­den, 174 Index of Terms and Concepts 489 spirituality, 396,416 stake, 344-46,348-49,351,355-56,399 staring, 323-24,397 state, 96,101, 111, 173,195,369,377,385,386n7 statement, 16,37n26,270,304 stereotype, 201,303,311ml, 436-37 still life, 70,407 stitching, 104 story, xx-xxii, 5-9,11-15,25,35"36m6,37026, 38040,42,44,46,65n34,102,156,197,271- 74,277,304 storytelling, xvii, 185,188-89,201,257,274, 326,396,456ns straightness, 112-13 strangeness, 82-84,326,329,444,449"50 structuralism, 62n4,129,14in4i, 151,247,269, 284,446 structure, structural, 69,159,212,285,303-4, 318-19,326,328-29,383,401,436-37,448, 455 struggle for life, 153 studio, 100,103; artist, 317; portrait, 77-78,82, 85,88 subject, xxiii, 7,10-11,14-19,34113,40,45,57, 62,69,71,77-78,81-83,85,90-91,92n7, 100,115-16,119-20,126,129,154,156,159, 171,174-75,184,212-13,215,218-19,222-23, 227,231,246,255,269,276,278,280,284, 290,346,370; subject-object opposition, 99,214,226,276 subjectivism, 97,100,259,270,309; hypersub-jectivism, 104 subjectivist relativism, 222 subjectivity, xx, 36,44,46,47,55,59, 62,100- 101,104,107,114-15,121,124,137,156,165, 184,212-13,218,223,231,241-43,245,250- 56,259,269-70,274,276-77,290,352,381- 84,436,448-49; anti-subjectivity, 212; effect, 62,14M37; of rape victim, 43,46; of rapist, 43,46 sublimation, 174,417 sublime, 132 submission, 377-78,385 subordination, 3-6,31,6 41130,89,276 substitution, 157 substitute mother, 89 subversion, 421,432 suffering, 58,418,422,426 suffrage movement, 65036 suicide, 42-48,54,58-60,63n7,63010,64ni6, 121,123-24,409 superstition, 280 supplement, 96,13902,277,320,376,404,425 surface, 78,82,90,213,216,219,222,225,227, 229-30,318,324 surrealism, 219 survival of the fittest, 153 survivor, 435 suspense, 100,112,121,195 suspension of disbelief, xvi, 175,186,289,455 sword, 49,356-57,359,36ini7 symbol, symbolic, 186,188,205n8,277-78, 344,354,359,430,435 symmetry, 50,250,36ong, 376,377 sym-pathos, 429 sympathy, 424-25 sym-pathy, 426,437 symptom, 204114,298,325-26,331,373,446 synaesthetics,455 synchronicity, 283 synecdoche, 46,61,115,138,205015,227,278, 282,304 syntagm, syntagma, 282-83,332013 syntax, 120,189,290,296,298,303-4,306, 329,387ml tableau vivants, 399 taboo, 412,417,424; alimentary, 179; incest, 77; sexual, 179 taxonomy, 10,114-15,183-85 teaching, 163-64,260-61,262M2 telling, 3,58,200,201,204 temporality, temporal, xxi, xxiv, 5,11,97,108, 113-14,117,133 ; 137,214-15,222,226, 232022,239,255,257,396,400,402,448; atemporality, 402. See also time tenor, 41-42,45 terrorist, 165 testimony, 435 text, textual, textuality, xvii, 9,36nt6,47,59,61, 63n7,69,112,131,141035,171,174,298,303, 317-26,328-31,351,402; after-text, 131: equals theory, 374; non-narrative, 381139 theater, 59,121,123,129-30,402 490 Index of Terms and Concepts theatricality, 44,130,135,386112,398-400,402, 409,41311!° "them" 179,183-84,195,198,200 theme, thematic, 316,327,345,369,383,405-6, 408,418,451 theology, xx-xxi, 391-412,4381113 theory, xvii, xix, xxiii, 41,101, ill, 150-53,157- 59,161-65,373. See also narratology theo-theorist, 164 "they" 173,179,198,200 thinking, 252,297,3iing, 373,388ni5 third-person. See under narrative thought, 27-30,32,83,218,252-53,255,257,259 threat, 349,354 time, xvi, 3,11,20,55,57,72,83,96-97,101,112, 114,116-17,131-33,138,154,1661110,171,180, 182-83,185-86,188,205n6,205M5, 2o6n22,213,215,218,222,224,229-30,237, 239,241,244-46,248,251,254-55,257,259, 262ml, 284,310,330,385,396,407. See also temporality tolerance, 155 tongue, 53,55-56,58,65n33 torture, 210,341,355 touch, 55,61,213,231,240,380,401 tourism, 104,169,291,393,396 trace, 59-60,105,132,182,185-86,188,342, 346 tradition, 202,236,292,307,392,317,393-95 tragedy, 44,122,221 transcendence, 220,281 transgression, 343,377,424,452 translation, 149,332-33013,380,38606,456115 transposed: focalizing, 21; speech, 4-5,8,21; view, 21 transsexuality, 291 trauma, traumatic, 233030,280,308,436 Treppenhaus, 257 trisexual, 401,403,4131113 trope, 45-46,63n8,64030,120-21,138,278, 427,436-37 truth, 23-24,55-56,64ni7,81,125,175,188, 190,200,210,260,310,328,348,350,356, 366,395,432,455; speak, xvi, 175,179,189- 90,200-201; untruth, 56 two-dimensionality, 70 unbearable lightness of being, 78 uncanniness, 84 unconscious, 277,318,373,385 undecidability, 112,318,333014 United Nations, 155 unity, 250,317-19,317-18,332nn6-8,371,384, 447; lack of, 326 universal, 195,276-77,419 unmarked, 419,422,433,436 unvvriting, 62,98,104,106,125-26 urine, 240 "us" 183-84,195,198,2o6n27 Utopian, 275 utterance, 124,270,286114,297,309,342,351,432 value, 173,282,313,455 value-free, 447 vanity, 307 vegetarianism, 177,179-80 verbal, 56,173-74,177,189,201,207032,324, 368,392; art, 42,200,330,332m3 verbocentrism, 332-331113 verisimilitude, 321 victim, victimization, xx, 44-46,49,51,59,62, 121,137,157,210,212,223,226-27,327-28, 339,342,344,35t, 354-55,36imo, 361019, 410 Victorian, 395; era, 172 viewer, xix, 46,71,130,135,141039,173,175,179, 185-86,193,195,197,202,214-16,218,222, 227-29,231,237-38,241,243,246,250,252, 254,256-57,259,277,290,297,299,302-3, 309,313,315,317,319-20,324,330-31,333" 34n23,3341125,365,371-72,3§6n2,399-400, 402-3,406,408-9,411; absence of, 296 viewing, 188,238,248,251-52,257-58,313,319, 405; conditions, 255,396 violence, 40-43,47-49,57-58,62n3,192,202, 211,213,224-29,246,278-80,282-83,307, 322,326,328,339-41,346-47,349-52,360, 361M6,437,437m, 452-53. See also sexual violence virgin, virginity, 216,230,423,427 virilocy, virilocal, 341,351-53 virtue, 43-44,51,408-9 visibility, 70,78,124,13gn3,162 Index of Terms and Concepts 491 vision, 9,18,35n8,37n30,37032,48,52-53,56- 60,65n33,70-71,85-87,100-102,117,124, 197,213,224,231,250,277,280,294,296- 97,300, 329, 437n4; double, 281; enfolded, 229; inverted, 90; mis-vision, 280 visual, xviii-xix, 46-48,55,58,64n29,68-70, 72,78,82-84,86-87,90-91,106,110,117, '731185-86,188-89, 193,197, 200-201,203, 207032,213,238,252,254,258-59,278-79, 286,296,303,316,319,321,324,326,366, 368,393,401-2,407,410; culture, 63n7, 289,392-93,417; discourse, xix, 174,387ml; display, 180,192,200,202; erotics, 402-3; fold, 213,225; image, xxiv, 40,50,52,54,56- 57,201,215,256,410 (see also images); imag­ination, xx, 96,321; juxtaposition, 174,410; media, 52,56 visual art, xix, 42,124,13903,200,213,224, 232ni2,253,259,263M1, 297,330,332013, 370,392-93; reading, xix, 290-92,294-99, 304-7,309-10,313,316 visuali ty, xviii-xix, 40,45,6307,70-71,82,90, 123,132,139113,1411144,185,227,248,252- 53,258,262-63016,277,279-80,286n22, 290,294-96,3im8,32i, 327,352,366, 387011,403,411 voice, xvi, 3,5,7,9,11-12,19,34115,371132,41, 49,53,139118,159-61,164,222,444,449 vow, 342,344,346-51,356-57,36on8 voyeur, voyeurism, 50,71,75,83,86-87,90,92, 100,119,127-28,228-29,294,315,320,328- 30,352 wall, caption. See untkr museum war, 51,94n2Ö, 174,197,339,351,357,3621121, 379; holy, 154;just, 154-55; between sexes, 49; Trojan, 50,52,121; and women, 154,174 water, 244 wax, 57,59,60,62,380 "we" 17g, 200,232nni-2 West, Western, 155,160,203,272,276,279,283, 328,370,448; culture, xx, 42,179,183-84, 188,202,318,391,418,428; non-Western, 450; tradition, 180,319; Westerner, 193 "what does he say" 16 whiteness, 195,209,211,303,418,422,435-36 white page, 105 "who is"i3,36n2i "who is he" 13 "who is speaking" 174 "who sees" 5,7,10 "who speaks"3,5,7,13,16,159 "who writes" 13 wholeness, whole, 244,278,318,320,323,328, 341,349,354,371,410. See also unity whoring, 421,429,438n7 wilderness, 99 will, 59-61,241 wise men, 377,382,385 witness, 7,59,83,123,130,132,179 woman, women, 47,50,59,62,65036,71-72, 77,109-10,117,126,153,174,180,209-33, 318; bashing, 418; hatred of, 62; as other, 72, 87; as possession, 47,50,60,62; women's rights, 422; women's studies, 209,211 word, xv-xvi, xxii-xxiii, 4-9,14,16,27,29-30, 34115,35"36ni6,48,50-52,56-58,61, 64025,81-82,112,119,123-25,14in32,152, 154-56,180,184,193,200-201,203,272, 279,291,319,332-33U13,342,355-56,359- 60,366,368,386n5,387ml, 455 word-image-studies, 141044,279,319 wordiness, 48,59,102 world-making, xvi, 135,138 wound, 239,247 writer, 13906,270,378,381 writerliness, 141042 writing, xxi, 5,53,59-62,78,91,93123,98,104, 106,159,195,2o6n22,270,310 320,367-85, 386n7; mystic writing pad (Freud), 53 X-ray, 334025 "you" 173,183-84,186,193,195,2 59,290-91, 298 youth,173-74 zanah, 421 zonah, 421 zoo, 175 zoom effect, 117 zooming, 103
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